The Belfast Gazette, September 30, 1932. 483
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THE BELFAST GAZETTE, SEPTEMBER 30, 1932. 483 27th day of April, 1932, by his Will, dated the The sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds 20th day of July, 1926, left the following to the Irish Mission. Charitable Bequests: The sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds To the Treasurer for the time being of Broad- to the Temperance Fund. way Presbyterian Church such sum, not exceeding The sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds One Hundred Pounds, as will be necessary to to the Evangelistic Work. erect a Memorial Tablet in the said Church to The sum of One Hundred Pounds to the the memory of his wife. Session and Committee of Ebrington Presbyterian To the Trustees of the General Assembly of Church, Waterside, Londonderry, in trust, to the Presbyterian Church in Ireland £800 upon invest the same and apply the annual income trust, to pay the income thereof to the Treasurer therefrom in augmenting the stipend or salary for the time being of Broadway Presbyterian of the Assistant Minister for the time being to Church, as follows: The income cf £500 to the assist the Minister of said Church, so long as General Funds of the said Church; the income there is an Assistant Minister of said Church, of £200 for the benefit of the Sabbath Schools and from and after the date there is only one of the said Church, and the income of £100 to minister of said Church, then in trust fcr such be distributed annually for the benefit of the purposes and objects as the Session acd Com- Poor's fund of the said Church. mittee of the said Ebrington Pres'jyteriaii Church, To the Aged and Infirm Ministers Fund, One Waterside, Londonderry, may in their discretion Hundred Pounds. think right. To the War Memorial Hostel in connection The said Deceased also bequeathed one rcciety with the General Assembly, One Hundred Pounds. of the Residue of his Real and Personal Estate To the Royal Victoria Hospital, One Hundred to the said Church, the said Session and Com- Pounds. mittees of the said Oavanaleck Presbyterian Probate of said Will was, on the 26th day of Church and Ebrington Presbyterian Church, the August, 1932, granted forth of the Principal said McCrea-Magee College and the various Registry of the High Court of Justice in Northern Missions, Agencies and Objects of said i'liurch Ireland, King's Bench Division (Probate), to therein and hereinbefore named in proportion to Robert Watts, of 13 Donegall Square North, the sums of money hereinbefore set foith, and Solicitor, and the Reverend John Huey Morton, directed that in the event of his Heal s::r! Per- D.D., of -15 Cliitonville Road, Presbyterian Minis- sonal Estate baing insufficient to pay til his tei, both in the City of Belfast, the Executors Legacies and Charitable Bequests in full, the named in the said Will. Legacies bequeathed to certain parties therein Dated this 22nd day of September, 1932. named should be paid in full, and the other Charitable and other Bequests should abate C. & J. BLACK, Solicitors for the Execu- ratoably. tors, 13 Donegall Square North, Belfast. Probate of said Wi" was, on the lo'ch day of To the Commissioners of Charitable Donations and August, 1932, granted at Londonderry Registry, Bequests in Northern Ireland, and all others King's Bench Division (Probate) of the High concerned. Court of Justice in Northern Irelanc, to Thomas A. McCully, Esq., of Victoria lioad, Waterside, Londonderry, Merchant: Robert J. R. Edwards, NOTICE Or CHARITABLE DONATIONS Esq., of East Wall, Londonderry, House and La;id AND BEQUESTS. Agent, and John Martin Mark. Esq., 31.P., of In tlie Goods of REVEREXD THOMAS EDWARDS, late Shipquay Street, Londonderry, Solicitor, the Exe- of Beechgrove, 39 Limavady Road, Waterside, cutors named in the said Will. Londonderry, Retired Presbyterian Minister, Dated this 23rd day of September, 1932. deceased. TODD & ?JL^*T, Solicitors tr> t'.ie *>*.:d NOTICE is hei e'oy given, pursuant to the Statute Executors, 6 Suip^uay Street. Londonderry. 30 i'.nci 31 Vic., c. 54, that the above-named Deceased, who died on the 10th day of May, 1932, by his Will, dated the 5th day of February, 1932, NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. bequeathed the following Charitable Legacies, each i In the Goods of JAMES &KAZCAH, U.D., tlerer-bed. to je known as the " Reverend and Mrs. Thomas Edwards Bequest ": i NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute The sum of Five Hundred Pounds to the ' 30 and 31 Vic., cap. 54, that James Graham, Hats Session and Committee of Cavanaleck Presby- of 30 University Road, Belfast, and of '' Eenowin," terian Church, County Fermanagh, in trust, to Helen's Bay, County Down, Medical Doctor and invest the same and apply the annual income City Coroner for I-jelfast, who died on the loth therefrom in augmenting the stipend to the , day of June. 1932, by his Will, dated the 21s'; day Minister for the time being of said Church. ; of January, 1B32, bequeathed the following The sum of Five Hundred Pounds to the Charitable Legacies, that is to say: Trustees of McCrea-Magee College, Londonderry, £1CO to the Treasurer for the time be!i:£ of in trust, to invest the same end apply the annual Second 3cardmiiis Presbyterian Church, to be income therefrom towards payment or the College applied by him for the benefit of the Sunday fees of two young men attending the said College I School in connection with said Church: and and studying foi- the Ministry of the Presby- £-50 to -;he Treasurer for the time being or the terian Ciiurch in Ireland, who each year, in the Society fcr Providing Nurses for the Sick JPcor, discretion of the Trustees of said College, require i 74 Botanic Avenue, Belfast. monetary help in their preparatory studies, and And said Will was duly proved and registered should be nominated by the Trustees for the 1 in the Principal Registry of the King's Bench time being of said College to have such income Division (Probate) of the High Court of Justice applied towards payment of their fees in said in Northern Ireland, on tho 5-7tb clay of Sectem- - College. : ber, 3832, by Sir Thomas Houston, 6.B.E., of 26 The following sums of money to the following College Gardens, Belfast: Robert J. .1 oar^one, agencies and objects in connection with the 1 of II University Sauare, Belfast, and David Presbyterian Church in Ireland, namely: Gordon Dickson, cf 16 Hi>h Street, Belfast, the The sum of One Thousand Pounds to the I Executors named in said Will. Augmentation Fund. The sum of One Thousand Pounds to the Sus- Dated this 28th day of September, 1832. tentation Fund in trust, to invest the same and SHE AN & DICKSON. Solicitors for the apply the annual income therefrom in augmenting : Executors, 16 High Street, Belfast. the annual Sustentation Fund for distribution. The sum of One Thousand Pounds to the To the Ministry of Finance, Northern Ireland, Aged and Infirm Ministers Fund. i and to all others whom it mav concern. The sum of One Thousand Pounds to the Home Mission. NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. The sum of One Thousand Pounds to the Foreign Mission. In the Goods of ROBERT CCBRIE, late of Craig, in The Hum of Five Hundred Pounds to the the County of Antrim, Retired Farmer, Trustees of the Jungle Tribes Mission. deceased. The sum of Five Hundred Pounds to the NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Statute Jewish Mission. 30 and 31 Vic., cap 54, that the said Robert.