And Low-Trophic-Level (LTL) Species/Taxa Represented in the Ecosystem Models
Appendix A. Supplementary data Table A1. High-trophic-level (HTL) and low-trophic-level (LTL) species/taxa represented in the ecosystem models. Ecosystem Modelled HLT group species/taxa Modelled LTL group species/taxa Ecosystem model Atlantic bonito, Bluefish, Atlantic Horse mackerel, Shad, Sprat, Black Sea mackerel, Whiting, Turbot, Red Ecopath with Ecosim Anchovy mullet, Spiny dogfish Mustelus mustelus, Merluccius Sardina pilchardus, Sardinella merlucciu, Octopus vulgaris, aurita, Engraulis encrasicolus, Gulf of Gabes OSMOSE Melicertus kerathurus, Metapenaeus Diplodus annularisPagellus monoceros, Trachurus trachurus, erythrinus Dab, Whiting, Sole, Gurnard, Plaice, Sprat, Sandeel, Norway Pout, North Sea Size Spectrum Haddock, Cod, Saithe Herring Shrimps, Crabs, Norway lobster, Benthic invertebrates, Benthic Benthopelagic cephalopods, Conger cephalopods, Mullets, Flatfishes, eel, Anglerfish, Demersal fishes (3), Poor cod, Juvenile hake, Blue Adult hake, Demersal sharks, South Catalan Sea whiting, Demersal fishes (1), Ecopath with Ecosim Atlantic bonito, Swordfish and Tuna, Demersal fishes (2), Benthopelagic Loggerhead turtles, Audouin's gull, fishes, European anchovy, Sardine Other sea birds, Dolphins adults, Other small pelagic fishes, Horse mackerel, Mackerel Shallow Demersals, Flathead, Pink Ling, Trevalla, Gummy Shark, Small Mackerel, Myctophids, Red Bait, Southeastern Australian Pelagic Tuna, Demersal Shark, Atlantis Squid, Krill Dogfish, Grenadier, Pelagic Shark, Gulper Shark, Shallow Piscivores Chub mackerel, Adult Horse mackerel,
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