Life IN THE WILDERNESS Issue Number 9 17 September, 2010 DADS & DAUGHTERS BRAIN GYM Junior School Dads and Daughters Evening On Monday 6 August Wilderness dads and their daughters packed the “Brain Gym” to parti cipate in the annual “Dads and Daughters” evening. The evening, for Year 3 to Year 6 girls, was organised by the Junior School staff to celebrate the magic of games and the criti cal and creati ve thinking skills and habits of mind that are developed when playing higher order thinking games. Girls also enjoyed spending some special ti me working interdependently with their dads to tackle the array of challenging games, including bee bots, French puzzles, dominoes, Abalone, Cartagena and Goblet. The Junior School was proud to showcase the new Years 3 and 4 Mind Lab curriculum, sponsored by our Parents and Friends, following the successful implementati on of this program in Years 5 and 6 in 2009, which has resulted in girls applying specifi c problem solving strategies across the curriculum. Andrew Mair, who is the founder of our WD-30 Wilderness dads’ group, which organises social acti viti es for Wilderness dads and their daughters, commented that “It is great to see so many dads being involved and having fun with their daughters.” To fi nd out more about WD-30 events or to make suggesti ons for future events please contact Andrew through the Parents and Friends secti on of the Wilderness website or by email at
[email protected]. Katherine Zollo Head of Junior School “My Dad really loved the present I made for him.” Alice Elfenbein “I liked having Dad at the breakfast because I got longer with him in the morning.” Tori Paddon- Jones “I had lots of fun and I did an acti vity with my Daddy watching.” Suneli Athukorala “I loved eati ng the chocolate balls we made for Dad.