A Trotskyist Critique of Germany 1923 and the Comintern PAGE 4
NUMBER 56 ENGLISH EDITION SPRING 2001 I i . i;r~:"';RiarmlnJtlins~evrsmlrf~~ A Trotskyist Critique of Germany 1923 and the Comintern PAGE 4 i~:\\~\4:t:3iriW? f;~:{'t:?/:: =i :\A:: it' '; ............ h···J··'i··:·C·'·ii1;·c·if'li;····Bala'Ii'c'i'j+S·he:it'.::i,:·;};!!·· •• :::;·1·:'11: .,.d.. ". ....,:,. Trotsky and the I .I I Russian Left Opposition i I PAGE 26 , :1 , 'Susan Adams, 1948-2001 .......... '................... ' ........ 2 " I. ) ICL Statement for Prague Protest Against IMF, World Bank ' I , Smash Imperialist Exploitation Through ,:.' I '. " ' i " World Socialist Revolution! ................. ~ ...............46 ' " ", I :···Womenand the French Revolution PAGE 64 - ,AUSTRALIA.!,.,A$2 BRI!AIN ... £1: ,'imCANADA ... CDN$2, ,,:I l IRELAND.. .IR£1 SOUTH,AFRICA.,.. R3 , " : USA ... US$1.50 ·2 SPARTACIST Our comrade Susan Adams organization, the Spartacus Youth died at home on the morning of League. As always, she took on February 6 after a two-year strug Susan Adams this task with energy and political gle with cancer. In her 30 years as determination, frequently touring a communist cadre, Susan served the locals, initiating or directing on many of the battle fronts of our 1948-2001 local and national SYL cam international party. .. .There. is paigns, overseeing the publication hardly a section of the Interna- of a high-level monthly press, tional Communist League or an Young Spartacus, with an empha area of our work which did not sis on Marxist education and benefit directly from her political polemics. counsel and from her exceptional In 1976, as the Spartacist ten talents as a teacher and trainer of dency began to gain small foot a new generation of proletarian holds in Europe, Susan took on leaders.
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