Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections
SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOLUME 104, NUMBER 2 CROSS SECTIONS OF NEW WORLD PREHISTORY A BRIEF REPORT ON THE WORK OF THE INSTITUTE OF ANDEAN RESEARCH, 1941-1942 (With 33 Plates) BY WM. DUNCAN STRONG Professor of Anthropology, Columbia University fcffi!B0«£ j*?* |PER\ )/ (Publication 3739) CITY OF WASHINGTON PUBLISHED BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION DECEMBER 21, 1943 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOLUME 104, NUMBER 2 CROSS SECTIONS OF NEW WORLD PREHISTORY A BRIEF REPORT ON THE WORK OF THE INSTITUTE OF ANDEAN RESEARCH, 1941-1942 (With 33 Plates) BY WM. DUNCAN STRONG Professor of Anthropology, Columbia University (Publication 3739) CITY OF WASHINGTON PUBLISHED BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION DECEMBER 21, 1943 Z$t Bovb (gatiimovt (pnee BALTIMORE, MD., U. S. A. CONTENTS Page Scientific and historic background I The nature and organization of the Institute of Andean Research 2 The organization and personnel of the 1941-1942 program 4 The field work, archeological survey and excavation 8 Mexico 8 Eastern Mexico 10 Western Mexico n El Salvador 13 Venezuela and the West Indies 14 Colombia 16 Ecuador 18 Peru 19 Northern highlands 20 Southern highlands 22 Central coast 24 Northern coast of Chile 28 Preview of results 30 Future vistas 39 Note on relative chronological chart 42 Relative chronological chart 42 Literature cited 43 Publications resulting from the 1941-1942 program of the Institute of Andean Research 45 ILLUSTRATIONS PLATES Page Upper, Shore line eastward of Taltal, Chile 1 Lower, Expedition camp near Midden I, Taltal 1 Upper, Mound at Las Flores, Tampico, Mexico, at beginning of excava- tion 8 Lower, Same mound after repair work had been completed 8 Upper, Six large superimposed stairways belonging to the latest outer structures, Las Flores, Tampico, Mexico 8 Lower, Two stairways belonging to earlier structure 8 Upper, Stratigraphic cut at Panuco, Mexico 8 Lower, Architectural remains and refuse deposits, Panuco excavation.
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