Northern Destinations Gihan Tubbeh Renzo Uccelli Renzo Heinz Plenge Bryce Alex

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Northern Destinations Gihan Tubbeh Renzo Uccelli Renzo Heinz Plenge Bryce Alex Mancora Beach Colca Valley Pimentel Beach resort Northern Destinations Gihan Tubbeh Renzo Uccelli Renzo Heinz Plenge Bryce Alex Tumbes: 1.50’ CHACHAPOYAS PIURA ACCESO VVÍAÍA AAÉREAÉREA Piura: 1.40’ Main Square Main Square Duración de vuelos (en horas) Chiclayo: 1.30’ alendar 590 Jr. Ortiz Arrieta Intersection of Jr. Ayacucho and Calle Libertad Trujillo: 1.10’ Phone: (041) 47-7292 Centro Cívico Serpost Building Cajamarca: 1.20’ of festivals and events [email protected] Phone: (073) 32-0249 Arequipa: 1.30’ Puerto Maldonado: 2.45’ [email protected] Lima CHICLAYO Pucallpa: 1.10’ Cap. FAP Guillermo Concha Iberico Airport Downtown Chiclayo Tarapoto: 1.25’ 579 Siete de Enero (Arrivals) Flight times Iquitos: 1.50’ JAN Marinera Fest. JULY Independence Day celebration. Phone: (074) 20-5703 [email protected] Tacna: 1.50’ FEB Trujillo, La Libertad. Countrywide. [email protected] Ayacucho: 50’ Juliaca: 1.40’ Date subject to change between these July 28 TRUJILLO ALTURA DE LAS PRINCIPALES CIUDADES Cusco: 1.15 months. CAJAMARCA Main Square m AUG Feast of the Virgin of the Snows 420 Jr. Diego de Almagro MARCH Porcón Crosses. and Yurimagua Tourist Week Main Square APRIl Cajamarca. San Martín, Tarapoto. 601 Jr. Cruz de Piedra Phone/fax: (044) 29-4561 Date subject to change between these Aug. 5 [email protected] [email protected] two months. ACCESO VÍA AÉREA SEPT International Spring Fest. IQUITOS Huaca de la Luna Archeological Complex Anniversary of the founding of the city Trujillo, La Libertad. (Tourist hostel) o Downtown Iquitos a ldonad o of Chiclayo. ca m a y Ma ayo avelic ca o az lo o a a 161 Napo quegua sc no mbes Lambayeque. Feast of the Señor Cauivo of equip OCT ujil a ajamar iur uert acn Tu P Chiclayo C Tr Huar Huanc Lima Ic Huanc Ayacuch Aban Ar Cu Pu P Mo T April 18 Ayabaca. Phone/fax: (065) 23-6144 Altitud / Tumbes 7 289 502 747 707 1267 1572 1267 1569 1627 1838 2164 2270 2356 2587 2886 2413 2559 Piura Piura 29 289 213 458 418 978 1283 978 1280 1338 1549 1875 1981 2067 2298 2597 2124 2270 [email protected] Chiclayo 29 502 213 245 205 765 1070 765 1067 1125 1336 1662 1768 1854 2085 2384 1911 2057 MAY Feast of Saints Phillip and James. 2nd fortnight in October. Cajamarca 2720 747 458 245 290 649 1155 862 1312 1222 1433 1759 1865 1951 2182 2481 2156 2302 Nauta, Loreto. Trujillo 34 707 418 205 290 359 865 560 862 920 1131 1457 1563 1649 1880 2179 1706 1852 Crl. FAP Francisco Secada V. Airport Huaraz 3091 1267 978 765 649 359 707 402 704 762 973 1299 1405 1491 1722 2021 1548 1694 May 1 and 2 NOV Máncora Tourist Week and Jubilee. Huancayo 3249 1572 1283 1070 1155 865 707 305 607 146 255 656 1308 1394 1625 1924 1451 1597 (Arrivals) Flight times Lima 154 1667 978 765 850 560 402 305 302 302 571 897 1003 1089 1320 1619 1146 1292 Piura. Ica 406 1569 1280 1067 1312 862 704 607 302 343 386 604 701 745 1119 1329 844 971 Phone: (065) 26-0251 Huancavelica 3676 1672 1338 1125 1210 920 762 146 36 343 265 666 1043 1088 1462 1618 1187 1333 Huanchaco Sea Fest. 1st week in November. Ayacucho 2761 1838 1549 1336 1421 1131 973 255 571 386 265 401 1087 596 970 1126 1577 1704 Trujillo, La Libertad. Abancay 2378 2164 1875 1662 1760 1457 1299 656 910 604 666 401 1023 195 569 725 1176 1303 Arequipa 2335 2270 1981 1768 1853 1563 1405 1308 1003 701 1044 1087 1023 484 412 1246 162 289 2nd fortnight in May DEC Christmas Cusco 3399 2356 2067 1854 1939 1649 1491 1394 1089 745 1088 596 195 484 374 530 624 751 Puno 3827 2587 2298 2085 2170 1880 1722 1625 1320 1119 1462 970 569 412 374 834 250 377 Cajamarca Puerto Maldonado 264 2886 2597 2384 2469 2179 2021 1924 1619 1329 1618 1126 725 1246 530 834 1084 1211 2 720 m Chachapoyas Moquegua 1410 2413 2124 1911 2156 1706 1548 1451 1146 844 1187 1577 1176 162 624 250 1084 127 JUNE Feast of Saint John. (8 924 ft) 2 334 m Tacna 562 2559 2270 2057 2302 1852 1694 1597 1273 990 1333 1704 1303 289 751 377 1211 127 Iquitos, Loreto. (7 658 ft) June 24 Yanayacu River Moyobamba Chachapoyas Raymillacta. Chiclayo 860 m Iquitos Chachapoyas, Amazonas. 46 m (2 822 ft) 104 m Piura (151 ft) (341 ft) 1st week in June Tumbes 29 m Trujillo Sea level (95 ft) 34 m (112ft) A publication by the Peru Export and Tourism Promotion Board Alex Bryce Alex City oon M the of amid r Py / Sun the of amid r Py Surfing Zone Surfing ean Oc Bird watching route watching Bird Archeological zone Archeological Chan Chan Chan acific acific P lo rujil T City l capita Department marca, enjoying its unique and lively parades. lively and unique its enjoying marca, RU PE ima L Department capital Department LO IL UJ TR ainbow R the of amid r Py Archeological Zone Archeological o Huanchac gend Le - 2=2 B8 4<GM G;6 <A 2EA<J2? B8 86FG<J<G<6F G;6 <A B<A<A9 Department capital Department egend L El Brujo El D TA LIBER LA gend Le émape Po o Ca de ena agdal M seum in Chachapoyas (Amazonas). Chachapoyas in seum o Huamachuc ma ca Chi CA CAJAMAR - Mu Leymebamba the and (Lambayeque) Chiclayo o asmay c Pa O AY CHICL CA CAJAMAR the Brüning Archeology and Ethnography Museum in in Museum Ethnography and Archeology Brüning the Ocean S YA CHAPO CHA a Chot Royal Tombs of Sipán, National Sicán Museum, and and Museum, Sicán National Sipán, of Tombs Royal acific acific P YO CHICLA Ocean $6EI <A @IF6I@F @B56EA @BFG G;6 B8 FB@6 -<F<G<A9 acific acific P rimaguas Yu Contemporary ca ajamar C A OBAMB Y MO a Bagu Jaén National Sicán Museum Sicán National PIURA CA CAJAMAR Chiclayo Sipán ra Nonu ambayeque L Gihan Tubbeh a abac Ay eum eum s Mu Sipan of ombs T al y Ro A IUR P e eñaf err F a Naut river in the world. the in river n ea Oc seo Brüning seo Mu (Loreto), the longest, widest, deepest, and mightiest mightiest and deepest, widest, longest, the (Loreto), cific cific Pa ex ompl C al ogic cheol Ar an Sic U PER (<J6E @2NBA G;6 A2J<92G<A9 F;<CF 4EI<F6 ILIEM a Lim El Golf El úcume T co Hue El TUMBES s to obi L the Baños del Inca (Cajamarca). Inca del Baños the S TO IQUI QUE YE LAMBA B8 FCE<A9F ;BG G;6 <A 36<A9 K6?? 2A5 E6?2L2G<BA (6FG Piscina o anc Bl abo C (San Martín). (San t in Po anic P TUMBES n ea Oc +2E2CBGB <A I@32N2 2G 3624; G;6 BA 52MF )IA œ??65 cific cific Pa Brüning Archeology and Ethnography Museum Ethnography and Archeology Brüning RU PE ganos Ór os L Wondrous Lima (Lady of Cao). of (Lady Royal Tombs of Sipán Museum Sipán of Tombs Royal a or ánc M Private Conservation Area. Conservation Private important female Moche ruler, the Señora de Cao Cao de Señora the ruler, Moche female important Lake Lindo, Tarapoto Lindo, Lake the Señor de Sipán (Lord of Sipán). of (Lord Sipán de Señor the the Condors, Lake Pomacocha, and Huiquilla Huiquilla and Pomacocha, Lake Condors, the Here, archeologists discovered the mommy of an an of mommy the discovered archeologists Here, enas Ball a nt Pu Tomb of an extremely important Moche ruler: ruler: Moche important extremely an of Tomb edonda R eña P Gocta Falls, third largest on the planet, Lake of of Lake planet, the on largest third Falls, Gocta the Porcón Farm (Cajamarca). Farm Porcón the El Brujo Archeological Complex Archeological Brujo El Huaca Rajada – Sipán – Rajada Huaca Loayza Wilfredo From Chachapoyas (Amazonas) Chachapoyas From Service of Protected Natural Areas – SERNANP). – Areas Natural Protected of Service Site in 1986. in Site communities of Sulluscocha and Chagmapampa and and Chagmapampa and Sulluscocha of communities de Sicán (Lord of Sicán) burial grounds. burial Sicán) of (Lord Sicán de (Entrance requires a permit from the National National the from permit a requires (Entrance UNESCO declared it a World Cultural Heritage Heritage Cultural World a it declared UNESCO G;6 <A GBIE<F@ EIE2? 32F65 4B@@IA<GM <A A929<A9 Group of adobe pyramids and site of the Señor Señor the of site and pyramids adobe of Group Historic Sanctuary of the Pómac Forest. Pómac the of Sanctuary Historic Pacaya Samiria National Reserve. Reserve. National Samiria Pacaya Capital of the Chimú domain. Chimú the of Capital quintessentially and traditionally Peruvian. traditionally and quintessentially Sicán Archeological Complex Archeological Sicán From Chiclayo (Lambayeque) Chiclayo From Allpahuayo Mishana National Reserve and and Reserve National Mishana Allpahuayo Chan Chan Chan Libertad). Both the dance and the breed of horse are are horse of breed the and dance the Both Libertad). From Iquitos (Loreto) Iquitos From A Chimu adobe pyramid. adobe Chimu A Blanco, with world-class surf. world-class with Blanco, National Park. National the Peruvian Paso Horse Show, both in Trujillo (La (La Trujillo in both Show, Horse Paso Peruvian the Gihan Tubbeh pyramids. of group impressive Pyramid of the Dragon or of the Rainbow the of or Dragon the of Pyramid National Reserve, and Cerros de Amotape Amotape de Cerros and Reserve, National visit beaches like Lobitos, Poémape, and Cabo Cabo and Poémape, Lobitos, like beaches visit Aguashiyacu Falls and Tununtunumba Falls.
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