Corporate Strategy 2021 – 2025
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Corporate Strategy 2021 – 2025 7 Peterborough City Council - Corporate Strategy 2021 - 2025 Contents: This Corporate Strategy sets out the key priorities, activities and campaigns that the Council will pursue over Page 2. Our Vision the next four years. Page 3. The Council’s Strategic Framework Its themes and design principles have been developed in consultation with Members, lead officers and our Page 4. Budget partners. Page 6. The Councils Priorities The strategy builds on good practice and strong Page 7. Strategic Priority 1: Pride in our leadership and is intended to foster an innovative culture communities, places and environment where continuous improvement is everyone’s Page 8. Priority Outcome 2: First rate futures for 8 responsibility. children & young people, quality support for our Our commitment and aspirations for the next four years adults and elderly will be communicated to the public through a variety of channels and conversations so they know what to expect Page 9. Priority Outcome 3: Better jobs, good homes from us and can hold us to account. and improved opportunities for all We hope the ambition and themes are inclusive and Page 10. Enablers, Themes, Design Principles engaging and this strategy encourages leaders, Page 11. Performance employees, partners, stakeholders, customers, businesses and residents across our City to participate in the design, development and delivery of public service. Page: 1 Peterborough City Council - Corporate Strategy 2021 - 2025 Our Vision: “To create together a Peterborough residents are proud to live, work and grow up in and where services deliver what local people need and give value for money” This strategy signals a strong commitment to: - Our communities, seeking engagement and contribution, ensuring everyone can play a part in improving their own lives and the lives of others living in Peterborough; and 9 - Our environment, which is central to how we think and act. Reversing the trend of increasing consumption and delivering on our commitments to becoming a truly sustainable city. Peterborough City Council has been developing an ambitious programme of change, with a determination to improve lives for local people despite an increasingly challenging financial context. This work has prepared the Council well for the next period of significant challenge and change when the demand for our services is expected to continue to grow, in line with the rapidly increasing Peterborough population, the urgent need to tackle the climate emergency, and the available funding for our services set to decrease. We recognise that we are one organisation in a hugely complicated system, where everyone has a role to play. Building a whole system approach around shared priorities, community outcomes and cost efficiencies is a crucial part of the Council’s response to this context and requires a greater degree of collaboration between local public services, voluntary, community and faith sectors, other providers, local businesses, partners and the public than has ever previously been experienced in Local Government. Page: 2 Peterborough City Council - Corporate Strategy 2021 - 2025 The Council’s Strategic Framework The Council’s current plans and strategies will be brought together into one framework to drive a shared vision for Peterborough. The strategic framework will focus on achieving positive outcomes for individuals and communities through the following elements: A Corporate Strategy, describing the vision for Peterborough, the outcomes we strive for and our priorities for change; A set of ambitious performance measures which will be used to hold us to account for improvement; The Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy, which describes how we will commission and deliver services to deliver outcomes within the resources we have; 10 A suite of key strategies describing the management of core activities e.g. finances, workforce, digital services and assets; A set of partnership agreements and action plans which describe multi-agency approaches to deliver improved outcomes across Peterborough; A Council wide ambitious programme of transformation to ensure that we are making the best use of the resources we have to deliver the best possible services at the right time and in the right place. A Strategic Performance Management and Improvement Framework which provides insight across a range of comparable Value for Money and Performance data for services within the main funding streams relating to Peterborough City Council Page: 3 Peterborough City Council - Corporate Strategy 2021 - 2025 Budget: The Council has been operating within a challenging financial environment following years of austerity measures, low funding, and rising demand for Council services. Despite all of this the Council has continued to perform well, providing vital services to its 202,000 residents, whilst at the same time managing demand and keeping expenditure low. The diagram on the right gives an overview of the Council’s income for the 2021/22 budget. 11 Funding from Central Government has significantly reduced over the years. The diagram to the right shows that the Revenue Support Grant only equates to 2.5% of the Council’s total funding. A significant reduction compared against previous years. Page: 4 Peterborough City Council - Corporate Strategy 2021 - 2025 Budget: The diagram below outlines the Council’s current expenditure and shows how spend is distributed and how we plan to spend our £423.4m across a range of council services. In Peterborough we have a robust approach to financial management, which includes monthly budget monitoring, expenditure controls and a rolling budget setting programme that allows us to identify where savings and investment need to be made. 12 Based on our current plans, we estimate that the Council will need to continue to make further savings over the next four years, where we are proactively planning to meet these financial pressures. Page: 5 Peterborough City Council - Corporate Strategy 2021 - 2025 Our Priorities: Priority Outcomes Pride in our communities, our places and First rate futures for our children & young Better jobs, good homes and improved our environment: people, quality support for our adults and opportunities for all: elderly: Peterborough is a clean, safe and Peterborough’s Children and Young Peterborough continues to sustainable city providing a welcoming People all have the best start in life to sustainably grow, is a thriving and environment, with a strong arts, culture enable them to realise their full connected city attracting 13 and leisure offer for its citizens and potential businesses, investment and tourism visitors Good quality education, skills and Job opportunities are available People are able to utilise spaces in training, which is accessible for all, enabling people to be economically Peterborough for walking, cycling, enabling children and young people independent recreation and their health and wellbeing the best opportunities All adults have access to skills Communities and neighbourhoods value People are safe and protected from training to increase their and respect each other and are involved risk or harm employment and volunteering in making choices that affect their people, opportunities places and environment People are able to support themselves and their communities, leading to The availability and choice of The city works together as one to address improved health and wellbeing and housing increases as Peterborough the climate emergency, getting us on the ability to retain their independence grows and becomes more path to net zero emissions by 2030 sustainable Page: 6 Peterborough City Council - Corporate Strategy 2021 - 2025 Priority Outcome 1: Pride in our communities, our places and our environment: Peterborough is a vibrant, diverse and exciting place to live, work and visit and we want everyone to feel welcome, and enjoy all that it has to offer. The council and its partners and communities remain committed to ensuring that our City is clean, safe and inviting whilst working collaboratively across the city to address the climate emergency. The impact of the recent pandemic has underlined the importance of accessible public spaces to support the health and wellbeing of our residents, be it for walking, cycling or recreation. We will continue to ensure that these are well maintained areas which are clean, safe and accessible and continue to embrace our arts and culture offer to ensure there are ‘places to go and things to do’ for all residents and visitors. 14 Our voluntary, community and faith sector has been at forefront of the COVID-19 response providing a range of support including food delivery, information and advice, befriending support and reaching out to vulnerable and hard to reach communities. We will continue to engage, support and work with them to ensure we not only maintain a thriving voluntary, community and faith sector across the city, but also to ensure our Communities and neighbourhoods are cohesive and involved in making choices that affect their people, places and environment. We will work together as a community to support greater integration, helping to build bridges between different parts of the community, tackling social isolation and contributing to making Peterborough a safe, friendly place. "We want safe, friendly and healthy neighbourhoods with open spaces, roads, pavements and cycle paths that are well maintained and free from litter and mess" Page: 7 Peterborough City Council