Doppler Radar Analysis of the Rapid Intensification of Typhoon Goni
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JANUARY 2018 S H I M A D A E T A L . 143 Doppler Radar Analysis of the Rapid Intensification of Typhoon Goni (2015) after Eyewall Replacement UDAI SHIMADA AND MASAHIRO SAWADA Meteorological Research Institute, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan HIROYUKI YAMADA University of the Ryukyus, Nishihara, Okinawa, Japan (Manuscript received 10 February 2017, in final form 13 October 2017) ABSTRACT A ground-based Doppler radar observed the rapid intensification (RI) of Typhoon Goni (2015) for 24 h immediately after it completed an eyewall replacement cycle. Goni’s RI processes were examined by using radar reflectivity and wind fields retrieved by the ground-based velocity track display (GBVTD) technique. 2 The maximum wind at 2-km altitude increased by 30 m s 1 during the first 6 h of RI, and it further increased by 2 2 20 m s 1 during the subsequent 12 h. Around the onset of RI, relatively strong outflow (.2ms 1) was present both inside and outside the radius of maximum wind (RMW) above the boundary layer (BL), suggesting the existence of supergradient flow in and just above the BL. Despite this outflow, angular momentum increased inside the RMW. The low-level RMW contracted rapidly from 50 to 33 km, causing the RMW to slope greatly outward with height. The radius of maximum reflectivity was a few kilometers inside the RMW. A budget analysis of absolute angular momentum showed that the outflow contributed to the contraction of the tan- gential wind field. During RI, eyewall convection was enhanced, and a well-defined eye appeared. The low- level outflow changed into inflow immediately outside the RMW. Then the tangential wind field and high inertial stability region expanded radially outward, followed by the formation of an outer reflectivity maxi- mum at twice the RMW. The contraction speed of the low-level RMW slowed down. 1. Introduction reaching peak intensity. The ground-based velocity track display (GBVTD) technique (Lee et al. 1999) can re- To elucidate dynamic and thermodynamic processes trieve TC wind fields from single ground-based Doppler of rapid intensification (RI) and eyewall replacement radar data. We successfully used the GBVTD technique cycles (ERCs) of tropical cyclones (TCs), temporally to retrieve wind data for Goni at 5-min intervals with a and spatially dense observations are indispensable, be- high spatial resolution of less than 1 km in horizontal grid cause both RI and eyewall replacement cause drastic spacing (see section 2). These data provided us an in- changes in the intensity and structure of TCs. Although valuable opportunity to examine Goni’s RI processes observations by aircraft have provided invaluable clues in detail. to RI and ERC processes (e.g., Montgomery et al. 2006; Hendricks et al. (2010) have suggested that whether Houze et al. 2007; Montgomery et al. 2014; Abarca et al. a TC experiences RI or not is controlled mostly by 2016; Guimond et al. 2016), we have yet to obtain ob- internal dynamical processes, provided that relatively servations that are sufficiently dense both temporally favorable environmental conditions exist. Moreover, and spatially. This lack of dense observations has pre- numerical simulation studies have examined the evolu- vented our full understanding of RI and ERCs. tion of inner-core structures up to the onset of RI on this The Ishigaki C-band Doppler radar (Fig. 1a) operated basis (Miyamoto and Takemi 2013, 2015; Kieu et al. by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) observed 2014). Conventionally, the mechanism of vortex spinup Typhoon Goni (2015) at 5-min intervals for 24 h while it has been considered in a balanced vortex framework was undergoing RI, just after completing an ERC, and (e.g., Nolan et al. 2007; Pendergrass and Willoughby 2009; Vigh and Schubert 2009), but recent theoretical Corresponding author: Udai Shimada, [email protected] studies have emphasized the role of the boundary layer DOI: 10.1175/JAS-D-17-0042.1 Ó 2018 American Meteorological Society. For information regarding reuse of this content and general copyright information, consult the AMS Copyright Policy ( Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/23/21 12:44 PM UTC 144 JOURNAL OF THE ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES VOLUME 75 FIG. 1. (a) Ocean temperatures at 50-m depth on 22 Aug 2015 and Goni’s track; small blue-colored circles show the track at 6-h intervals, and black circles show the track at 1-day intervals. The large white circle centered at Ishigaki Island denotes the range of the Ishigaki Doppler radar, ;200 km. The ocean temperature data were provided by the JMA. (b) Time evolution of Goni’s intensity (green line: maximum wind; blue line: central pressure). RSMC Tokyo’s best-track data do not include maximum wind speeds for a TC categorized as a tropical depression. The vertical orange bar indicates the period focused on in this study. (BL) in vortex spinup (Smith et al. 2009; Montgomery hurricanes that were observed by aircraft and examined and Smith 2014; Frisius and Lee 2016). the climatological characteristics of changes in intensity Observational studies have examined inner-core struc- and structure associated with the ERCs. Their study re- tures favorable for intensification of TCs, such as the vealed that after ordinary intensification, an outer wind distribution of inertial stability, axial symmetry, vortex tilt, maximum is observed in the incipient secondary eyewall and the radial location of deep convection and diabatic on average 9 h prior to a suspension of intensification. heating (e.g., Rogers et al. 2013, 2015, 2016; Jiang and Then, during the period from the local intensity maxi- Ramirez 2013; Zagrodnik and Jiang 2014; Stevenson et al. mum to the local intensity minimum, wind speed around 2 2014; Susca-Lopata et al. 2015; Tao and Jiang 2015; the inner eyewall decreases by 10 m s 1 on average, Zawislak et al. 2016; Shimada et al. 2017). Rogers et al. whereas wind speed around the outer eyewall increases. (2015) examined structural differences between Hurri- A reintensification period follows, during which the wind cane Earl (2010), a rapidly intensifying TC, and Hurricane speed in the outer eyewall becomes greater than that in Gustav (2008), a steady-state TC, and showed that inertial the inner eyewall and the wind peak around the inner stability was higher inside and lower outside the radius of eyewall gradually disappears, signaling the completion of maximumwind(RMW)andthatinflowintheBLwas the ERC. This reintensification takes 11 h on average. deeper and stronger in Earl than in Gustav, leading to a The RMW associated with the secondary eyewall rapidly preference for deep vigorous convection inside the RMW contracts during the ERC. After the completion of the in Earl. However, this result was based on a snapshot ERC, the TC often continues to intensify, and in some observation during RI; thus, what processes are involved cases, RI occurs. Whether RI processes after an ERC in the formation of an inner-core structure favorable for differ from those not associated with an ERC has not yet RI remains an open question. High-temporal-resolution been investigated. observations are needed to address this question. The purpose of this study was to conduct an in-depth Some TCs experience RI after eyewall replacement. examination of processes occurring in Goni during RI just Sitkowski et al. (2011) extracted 24 ERC events of 14 after the eyewall replacement using radar reflectivity and Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/23/21 12:44 PM UTC JANUARY 2018 S H I M A D A E T A L . 145 retrieved wind data with the aim of contributing to our the 0.28-elevation PPI scan, whose height was between 1 understanding of the dynamical processes of RI. In par- and 4 km, was projected onto the 1-km CAPPI. Because ticular, we focused on drastic structural changes around vertical profiles of wind speed in TCs generally increase the onset of and during RI from an axisymmetric per- downward from 3 km to below 1 km (e.g., Franklin et al. spective and compared the kinematic structures of Goni 2003), there is a possibility that this CAPPI method with those that have been shown in observations and contributes to a negatively biased wavenumber-0 tan- simulations for TCs that undergo RI without an ERC. gential wind y when the TC center is far from the radar To our knowledge, no case of RI just after an ERC has location. Similarly, the retrieved wavenumber-0 radial been examined by using both high-resolution temporal wind u at 1-km altitude can be regarded as representing u and high-resolution spatial observations obtained over a above 1-km altitude. In this study, we defined a strong 24-h period. inflow layer as the BL, which is generally seen below This paper consists of six sections. We describe the 1-km altitude. Thus, we regarded the wind field at 1-km wind dataset used and its limitations, data quality, and altitude as virtually above the BL. the method of TC intensity estimation in section 2, and The GBVTD technique has some intrinsic limitations we present an overview of Goni’s evolution and the with respect to retrieval accuracy because it retrieves associated environmental conditions in section 3.In two-dimensional winds from only one component of the section 4, we present RI processes of Goni. We discuss near-horizontal wind (i.e., VD). The accuracy of the the results in section 5, and section 6 is a summary. GBVTD-retrieved y and u is affected by the aliasing of the wavenumber-2 radial wind into y and u (Lee et al. 2. Data and methodology 1999, 2006; Murillo et al. 2011; Bell and Lee 2012).