Annual Report on Compliance with the Positive Programme Requirement

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Annual Report on Compliance with the Positive Programme Requirement Annual Report on Compliance with the Positive Programme Requirement INDEX Jade ChanneL( Year 2016) (A) Children's Programmes (a) station-produced programmes ( 1 page & Annex A, B, C) (b) acquired programmes ( 6 pages ) (B) Programmes For Young Persons ( 2 pages & Annex D) (C) Programmes For Senior Citizens ( 1 page & Annex E, F) (D) Arts and Culture Programmes ( 3 pages & Annex G, H ) (E) Documentary Programmes ( 5 pages ) (F) Current Affairs Programmes ( 1 page ) Pearl Channel (Year 2016) (A) Children's Programmes ( 9 pages ) (B) Children's Programmes With Educational Values Targeting Teenagers ( 3 pages ) (A) Children's Programmes- Jade Channel (Year 2016) Page 1/1 (a) station-produced programmes : Production Age Format/ Programme Title Channel Content I Objective Broadcast Schedule Source Target Nature Kids, Think Big Jade station-produced 4-12 educational/ It is an educational program covers different aspects Jan- Dec Think Big 7(Jili I entertainment such as english, sciences, global education, Think Big ��� creative arts, games or family activitie. Through accessing a wide variety of knowledge in an interative way, children's horizon can be broadened and so do their creativity can be inspired. Gorilla Study Group Jade station-produced 6-12 educational/ It is an educational programme which children could Jan - Dec 5�5�1!fl1§11JI entertainment learn how to cook in a fun and relax way. Through intergrating the food culture with daily life, children's learning motivation in cooking can be enouraged. Annex A Think Big ?(tit XM�P § 1Think Big 7(tiliJ �xJIJJ!J\13JJ:;5["THINK BIG" ' �U�JT�2 ' �Jttbfl!fl! ' 'f�� �1iJo 1 ) f}j!fo/.J�::f76 83'ffi �s1 t�� 7\:¥U� �s1 1 J \Jf\7Jc11 , �t� � rPJ!J \ �JJ :tz 1'1�?1 �fu 1r� s1 t�tifo��31 J\ �o �, �OJ:tt�rs� , 1fJ�1J\gJJ:tz��JJtmza�, �m�� 7���0Jtt!JJtm�-�s171( Mi, ::f��f�����J\!JJtm 0 2) ���-N 83 Debbie �grp,& Think Big 8'g�t�t)J!fl�UIDrt;f)(�lj\�Jj:;5[-®f3�*'ffi�8'g3tX:� �,M��*�::f�ffl$,���,ID��,����m��,83�A�,MM lj\�jj:tztJf%Jf!IZ&�3���8117U-TT���§Ei o 3 ) � 8 Wtllf-+ 83�t�miiem��5�J�8JR81 crazy, 5fDcrx*�81W���ti#±�A-!EE /f\i'B-r£9 1§Jf!fl��, E3';% ��15��t��li¥U81f4�1l , 17U:5<Dfflt83��:§:-T�t�1EW��*, 1:£rm wu )%!uJ \ JJJJ:tzf-Jf4�&J8J !11 $tm s1�f� J �, 0 4) {llJ-T-�J{:f� tm{�lj\�jj:tz, =A-�JI., ���,-g1J�t��JJl�J1llJ-T81�, 5EJ5X�if}:}M�, §J3 JJl�;tg�� , J1l�;t��Jifi�&4)(:��*��;JW4�, PJ:JJo5�1J\�JJ:tz-=f.§�tiih§J51 , *IJ\�n �s1-§}�, rixJinlii��E'ff*�tEf3 , lif§3ZJ�7trx1£r% 0 5) lj\�-�]�� 83����1Jl1;ftfgrp1j\j!f5fD�t�ft::A���l&�Jv�, W��1r�}lfR2�l*m�fmJJl1;ftf, �� E3��y��t��liJJl1;ftf811J\�JJ:tz* fffl§�Jf.o lj\j!f��§Pfrt�§����!MJtcp, Mzfjz:�lj\�Jj:l[f3�*��8'gJJl1;ftf�JJXi��fJ��§ptJ)J�:EJ!!JX* ' '��'ti&�;t* fm , fJflJJ t�s�� J \ J3JJ:tz E3 1§ &-§}t flli�� �5 ° 1 I 3 6) STEM tf:!EU� STEM=f4�, f4:t1, IfE&I5t� o Think Big@c&��}Bj}L(if*1Jm:1�8'9 1STEM �� Jfffi�fFIf:tf�ffij o .±t�{F5:fJOJ:�)J§ffiSTEM Sir'1£ EJ'ffi �)§tpf)GtefM\Itffjf_i STEM 8'Jn:�, ¥J1JotJ����o ��f�[!Jcp�U�J�\�t53!}J, I§I!EBfOJ�.=t!JJ��s'9�� , gJ roJ��:%3Il:EJ.��trn�s'9f4�fJ.Z:, }¥¥U5�1c1t�, �% , tt5�U , }l'&tt:EJ., m:A­ �m �fi1f5���5�=:ffOJFp��8'9�51J o 7) l/!fl/!f ART LIKE )��5frt�f�1*, f�1*�o/J7f4@iiltr*�§ffif���J\�Jjbz:fUffl-��A§�cps'9Jn�o/J, �1'FOJ� Jfffl8'9;J\-f-I;j\ff5§9: ' m:1�5�fifi)�)g ' �gjt�f3}( ' �2J1J[Oj�"Think Big" ' ��rJn *4��JT�$ 0 s) �±tl���z:l* 12Ilfrr;J\�Jjbz:5:1JJJG1A0i� , tjt,�ffi.=tt� Dickson �ffi5�8'9�.±, tJrt:JfJF;:rtE:f§w�!i., -1�JJl5�JfE, 1;fffiJ:lltA�1k��t�5�'� o }@lfEcp�I§�;j\�Jjbz:�� , §�Jf, �� , '= ifit:l E8 [;$;�t:� .?>.t: --f--r ""D. !EmIt' , ![!.=E.' f_fr $ 0 �-'j!:Ef;e,\,,,1± ' /}��Fjb.JJ/ .X..I:ffiiJ�.h.. 0 fkt-'l'�t 9) THINK BIG 0�}]� /,:;:::; * 'a!:r_,_.=t:.-rs=f="�.f.t liE .::±::. rrjc' ti:: �R �::3=£ IZSI >-n=t=rt:t�� .g;c.131=1 .rtb::f:ffi11�.:Q: 10 si!'f Bt:7R�§�-'I'IPJ��)<. o �A' IJ..:±:./oB :Y-:::1 '?(� ;l2J\' *�J7!:-=q--=q- ' 5){ iPJ- -=:::..�[:±: if8' ��Think Big .=tt�, �*=:fz�U� o ��1r5.W.=tt�1r51f!h:B*��, w�;J\�Jjbz: :trmm���§1Jcp����,��¥�00J§o 10) PATRICK SIR :timff��m�-@ltff EB Patrick Sir &.±t� J;Jii*�li�UJF;s:t�11J��w���{�§�8'9�x ' 19Ufr-D r �wll}@liiJ ' 1fZ BUY ffj\J, r;*�7j(J o f�ffijtp�ffl_li{�f9U{D§JtBJJ 'm:raJfJ\JjJjbz:8'9�§��1'F:t1 J7&��1ii'.1r58'9�§�§\�JI; 0 11) f\GWm�¥U rn�U�w* Eric sir ����J\�Jjbz:fflrJJ¥BJJ't�8'9�l11�wteOJ�8'9�w, il211JfOJ�ffJt tHtl!tl¥, 5�l§���EfPJ�5 o 2 I 3 12) BEN SIR �rlffJ\ E8A.�cf=lx**�� Ben sir ��!Jt§R8' , �temmffl�M!8'9tili1J , 3i:g, ?!J\ -���;J\J3JllLLE+�IEut¥JU , §lrnJ*ftcp)Z:�J!)5itA.8'9fJ.�� o 13) ��retJJ 3:.1�����trfr���r�}l!n, MzJGiliiEut!JJ1'F, w�!J\J3fJN�**iiftrZ�, J.Fm 1�}1!n3}� , &N�*5�1�e�� 0 14) ��ifli� 4ij�tftJ,�fif535j�s'9-=F-5t& /frnJ3:.� , :ttofr'���wa tEJrnms'9�w§3, no5�;J\J3J3N s'9§c'ti , 1ifi}J1fufr553*53ffl 0 3 I 3 Annex B Think Big W�ll , �� 'Jfjttf:11$�5E�*�J 't���>&J :EJ.2 , ±:t�tfff;J\�fJ:tzJilf�w;�/F ���,����&m�m�����w�,�>&,�®����, W���AW$�����A�7Mo 1 I 1 Annex C {j�j�oo>&JJI� 83ftJMtEf3¥��*M C Denice) �W�, 1§� {�{�;J\JMt$� ij}tf¥�ffijt:B8'9�W::t3 ' 1eJJt5t±5rfJ� (Hayden) , �ts&!f (Bryan) , 1?1f� (Summer) &��B�$ (Janice) �;j\JMt$1± 1 j�j�JMJJ}J _t�r�t$im, �§��mmW-�*8'9{�a� o ffO;J\JMt$JJ\�1f��fi@lfE cp�§Jt1JDAEU�JTn � , stt�i@l1i�;j/FfPJ8'9tt;t,t&��ftxrS, flii>�Jlt�§�W , �#43KJJJG� JM��Af'FtB�fffi o ��IttZJ� , Denice JJ\mfPJ;J\JMtEf35ttBJJtm, ¥U§JJ/FfPJ8'9�Btt�f , gf6 �i�)�B'9�ttx1c&��f3J1*8'9tt�m�fF 0 ffij r Denice f)(�J � ;j\�)3bz:fl�f1�J�!M��f*F�ms'91{ffl�D� , Il}J{tr\��_t 1 ;j\JMt$J Z�� o 1 I 1 (A) Children's Programmes - Jade Channel (Year 2016) Page 1/6 (b) acquired programmes : Production Format I Programme Title Channel Age Target Content I Objective Broadcast Schedule Source Nature Tamagotchi (II) Jade overseas 4-12 animation 1\ Jan- Feb R!Jo/J&4£ I Chibimaruko Chan (II) Jade overseas 4-12 animation Jan- Feb, Jul - Dec lffjE;J\/tT- These are essentially entertainment lnazuma Eleven Go Chrono Stones Jade overseas 4-15 animation programmes for children. Not only do Jan- Jun FA5�+-A GO��ZE they provide relaxation to kids after a long day at school but they can also New Ninja Hattori Jade overseas 4-12 animation stimulate visual imagination in the Jan- Feb (2,::f{j!J\�frl young mind. The stories are often packed with edifying qualities which help reinforce the positive values of life. Driland (II) Jade overseas 4-12 animation Jan- Jun :*:M0±�1'F� Ninja Boy Rantaro (XIX) Jade overseas 4-12 animation Jan- Feb (2,ff�Lj(�� v Zoo Clues (II) Jade overseas 4-12 children live In this programme, each episode tackles a Jan- Jun !JJ!Jo/J:*:�1!:(11) dozen or more amazing questions regarding animals. The investigation of the answers takes children on a fast-paced and entertaining tour of the entire animal kingdom. Cardfightll Vanguard G Jade overseas 4-12 animation These are essentially entertainment Jan- Feb -FJ=l F"l*"ll ?t:�ff G programmes for children. Not only do they provide relaxation to kids after 4-12 a long day at school but they can also Jan- Dec Peanuts Jade overseas animation > ::{��!}]- stimulate visual imagination in the young mind. The stories are often packed with edifying qualities which help reinforce the positive values of life. (A) Children's Programmes - Jade Channel (Year 2016) Page 2/6 (b) acquired programmes : Production Format I Programme Title Channel Age Target Content I Objective Broadcast Schedule Source Nature \ Pripara Jade overseas 4-12 animation Jan-Feb £:l'C�� Kyoryuger Jade overseas 6-15 animation Jan- Feb iiX��� Yokai Watch/Yokai Watch (II) Jade overseas 4-15 animation Jan -Jun. Sep -Dec �'ti-f.i� Henry Hugglemonster Jade overseas 4-12 animation Jan- Jun 1J=fU1J\'tl� Pokemon the Movie: Jade overseas 4-12 feature Feb Genesect and the Legend Awakened These are essentially entertainment t!fl��m-=£� ����:� programmes for children. Not only do they provide relaxation to kids after Jewelpet (V) Jade overseas 4-12 animation a long day at school but they can also Feb- Mar WEft!fo/JV stimulate visual imagination in the young mind. The stories are often packed with edifying qualities which Alien Monkey Jade overseas 4-12 animation help reinforce the positive values of life. Feb ���!�fU� Dragons Riders of Berk Jade overseas 6-15 animation Feb-Apr �JHm:faJ± Pokemon XY (II) Jade overseas 4-12 animation Feb- Jul ft!fo/J!j\*1i�XY Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf- Jade overseas 4-12 animation Feb Dear LittleWish g::f:::f:fMJ3<j(1�Z::f:::f:!j \ {,,00! Pororo The Little Penguin IV Jade overseas 4-12 animation Mar-Aug, Dec J ;l}c�l:&�fr (A) Children's Programmes -Jade Channel (Year 2016) Page 3/6 (b) acquired programmes: Production Format I Programme Title Channel Age Target Content I Objective Broadcast Schedule Source Nature '\ ToQger Jade overseas 6-15 Action Live Mar- Dec J'U!ff��� The Garfield Show (IV) Jade overseas 4-12 animation Mar- Jun, Aug- Dec *�M:JJo��� Little Battlers Experience W Jade overseas 4-12 animation Apr-Jun �[\;ffi�tJW Yes! Pretty Cure 5 Gogo! Jade overseas 4-12 feature May the Movie: AHappy Birthday These are essentially entertainment in theSweet World programmes for children.
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