(A) Station-Produced Programmes ( I Page & Annex A, B, C

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(A) Station-Produced Programmes ( I Page & Annex A, B, C (3 ) Annual Report on Compliance with the Positive Programme Requirement INDEX Jade Channel (Year 2017 ) (A) Children's Programmes (a) station-produced programmes ( I page & Annex A, B, C, D ) (b) acquired programmes ( 7 pages) (B) Programmes For Young Persons (2 pages & Annex E) (C) Programmes For Senior Citizens ( 1 page & Annex F, G) (D) Arts and Culture Programmes ( 4 pages & Annex H, I) (E) Documentary Programmes ( 6 pages) (F) Current Affairs Programmes ( 1 page ) Pearl Channel ( Year 2017 ) (A) Children's Programmes ( 10 pages) (B) Children's Programmes With Educational Values Targeting Teenagers (2 pages) (A) Children's Programmes - Jade Channel (Year 2017) Page 1/1 (a) station-produced programmes: Production Age Format I Broadcast Programme Title Channel Content I Objective Source Target Nature Schedule Kids, Think Big Jade station-produced 4-12 educational / It is an educational program covers different aspects Jan - Dec Think Big ;R:i:tt / entertainment such as english, sciences, global education, Think Big }!Jf¥1II / creative arts, games or family activitie. Through Big Big IJ\EJ!3£ accessing a wide variety of knowledge in an interative way, children's horizon can be broadened and so do their creativity can be inspired. Gorilla Study Group Jade station-produced 6-12 educational / It is an educational programme which children could Jan - Dec 1~Bi1m1§'lJf entertainment learn English and cooking in a funny way. Children's learning motivation can be thus enouraged. '\ Chef Minor (Sr.3) Jade Station-produced 6-15 reality This children cooking show broke the traditional Sep - Nov flt{~vNlH$3 taboos of "child exemption" from kitchen, allowing a group of lively children to play their own talents and cook up an unexpected taste. The children's food knowledge, cooking skills and Chef Minor-Singapore Jade Station-produced 6-15 reality team spirit were tested through different Dec flt~/NtH$-~j]Di:El$ challenges. After a series of knockout rounds, the most promising young star of the food 1/ industry is selected. AnnexA Think Big *- ttt 1) M{±I1I~iM.ttW Ef3-=tJ~A*¥U~~~ttfD~±j~1=ricl~1§jf!fJ8'gW~t~~tt.'~~7PJJ;)J~:bO~D~ j~ , #~roJ~&~&ir{'F*~H$ , lID~t~jHI~~1J~*~ 0 2) ~rm•• ll Ef3 Debbie ~gffi& Think Big 8'g.:tt~ J;Jjf!fJ~UM:rtf)(~/J\~J3lZ -l.i:9rJ1¥'ffi ~8'g5tx:±. *'~.±'*~~roJm$'~~~·M~~·~~~~~~~'Ef3~A~'MM IJ\~J3lZJ;)1§jf!fJ&)3)~~8'g1JU-T 7~~8g 0 3) 3 1f. 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' W1~rl5~.E}iA~1&~~t~5~'~ , ii£fffiffJi:ilil::t.lf 0 ~ T~ CP~,~/J\~)j:6z:~~ , H&Jf. ' ~~ , }I'~J~\~t ' J)!~ti5}] &~~~1S-1'F*~t$ 0 9) Think Big Dif}]~ ~._~/f[OJR.~~.~'~~~'¥~~'~Rm'_~~~,~~-®~ t¥ IQ m 13 ,~~ Think Big .:rt~ , ~~1it1r~ij~iE~DfiJJ~,'~ , ~~~g~iliA~*' ilU~+ JE 0 R.1r~~.:rt~1r~8'9lilfJ?J']\~F1ft;g~ . ;ffr~/J\~)j:6z:1±~£8'9:rjJ~*~}] cp ti5~~~ , ,~,~,~,~* :¥l:~p 13 0 10) Patrick Sir jiM~~tH~OOtfE EE Patrick Sir &.:rt~ tJ1I~~R~U~~~fl}~~W~ff~{~§R8'99tx: ' {9U~D r !lW11~jj J ' rfJt BUY 1tr\J' r;*~7j(J 0 f~Wcpttm1i@{9u{tJg)t~ , ~r.~fJlJ\~)j:6z:8'99t§R~1'F:DZ: J"5&ft~1it1r~B'99t§Rg5J~ 0 11) ~~Ii~JU EEilU~tt* Eric Sir ~~/J\~)j:6z:mM~~t~8'9~JJHI*'ttiliOJ~B'9li1tt ' I1~Rh[OJ~ffjE ilitlHl! ' 5!t~i~~&OJti5 0 2/3 12) BEN SIR ~~f1r< EEA~r:px:*~~~ Ben Sir ~~fflG§gBkJm)t ' ~tB'ffi''ffi' m~~BkJ:tfu}] , ~5ftf ' V)\ .~~~~~~*W~~.~'.~~Wr:pX:~~~A~~Mo 13) Think Big z~~~111 jAjAj~JlIJ \ ~)j~1£f***JIl~HJ r:p tl~ EE ±t~ JB{~{~f7j)WBkJ§ -&5* tB ~{~ }Qt~tJ~"j{ , ~7t -f.H~t;%W5J ' */J\ijJl~~5f~ , $5.t}]&:£-N{*~~ , 1;£ffiHI1~ Think big :f=*~*BkJ~ ~ 0 Jl:t~[Pm~~/J\)j)j~~~~mIG\ B ~IHEBkJ5'5~&~{I~rp5m 0 3/3 Annex B Think Big m&elll jt~ 'Jfjtt±Ht~5E~5!t¥:J' ''tR~~~ J f~~' ±t~w/J\Jj)llz~~~~::f ~~n,m~~~&~.,~@m~~.,~.~a'&~~.~A fD$:f§]!~)~AB~T~ 0 1 / 1 Annex C Big Big /J\IY:J!I! W§ID:ct.:t~j;)J~1~-AVJ\ijJt6z:¥U~*~~}fJ(.~RJ=l a 9&J=l.:t~1j£~~~~3:fZ-aB"1~JFf $~cp:fjt~ , ~cp{Qt3-JE!;~~Ug '~~*raJ~~}fJ(.f.fHB"1~RJ=l a IJ\ijJt~Z:m1~ ~ , :illL~tpq~§!Pt~~}*g~ , ~l~ CP~5~21~jJ!J\ij)jtztiMI}§7JC~Ug , Ez.~Ef)(rmft~l ~*~§2° W§?J)\~~§~::f[PJB"1~:m:~Rtf:Hft*)~ , ~D]fjt~' ¥fRff*' -f-~' ~~IHgr!i' o~~x, 0f1l0f1l~~ , I!lfittj~~ , J%*~I/J\ij)jtztiMI}§7fi::f[PJB"1*)~ , 1j£ffij7~~~CPB"1~~@Ez. wm§2~R~o9&J=lpq~*~{Qg~T.m: 1) 1j\l1~Jli: EtF$:-aW § r Big Big IJ\BJJ£ 2017 J ~teB"1-JJf/J\BJJ£~W ' g~OZ:::f[PJ~*B"1 *:ct ' ~fJU~:m:JrpJ~-rm ' ~Fm;g~ a 2) IJ\lJ\f-J.~* El3/J\BJJ£ffi)~/J\f4**:fjt!j!~::f[PJ/J\.,~ , ~5~:ttt~~~f4*Jlf1JI a 3) ~E551j\ • .f. 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BB ' 7fW{~PmPmB'g~Jtlfz&5t~fJ?~{A~ 0 10) j(~£/j\~{~ ~-~UA5t~~e/J\B~B'g~~&;J\$ , *ilNhIJ\~J3R 0 l1)/j\~~ ~/J\~JiiBt§ff1!J~Jj , ~3mJ~~/J\~J3R~~JtlfzB'g~3m ' "5<DJ~4)(¥U{tM~gi~l~ , ;,&:fl't3R}£7'GfflGm~*~~ 0 12) Ijvj\j(rd.1m ~UAWM$Ilr~'±'t~ , ~~~fPJ$f4U±'~¥iJ~~-@/J\~J3Rm ~B'gmJ ' f~:f;151F1t~JAIAi {:tr/J\~J3Rrp5-@~JtlfzB'grp5m ' :illZ~U±.~~:g: 0 13)~T/j\-f.I ~J~{~Ufiltj*& Think Big .±.t~ A -!llilltl~/J\~J3bZJgJ~{~to/]7f4{tx-f-I 0 15) ~:f5t/j\::fi~ ~::ffPJ~ftB'g/J\~±'1r~t?~ e~;;tgl~ftB'gt~'ESfD3zf~B'gtttn 0 2/2 Annex 0 *B"J{:t~~ 0 IJ\jJt$Jj\~tE~~f~fE CP~~~1JDA~UjfJTTC~ , :illz~~t~fIj ~fOJB"Jit;ft&~~ft~J"5 ' tJW8jIM~§~W ' ~H(f*p)G~IM~}iA{'FtB$ 1/1 (A) Children's Programmes - Jade Channel (Year 2017) Page 1/7 (b) acquired programmes: Production Format I Broadcast Programme Title Channel Age Target Content I Objective Source Nature Schedule Pororo The Little Penguin IVI Jade overseas 4-12 animation Jan - May, Jul, Pororo The Little Penguin V Oct - Dec Pororo The Little Penguin VI ;7j(~:JtMM-f ToQger Jade overseas 6-15 children live Jan - Mar r.!{1/[~~~ Yokai Watch (II)/Yokai Watch (III) Jade overseas 6-15 animation Jan - May, Oct - Dec ~'~-f-~ The Garfield Show (111)1 Jade overseas 4-12 animation Jan, Jun - Jul The Garfield Show (IV) These are essentially entertainment programmes for children. Not only do *~truJa~~~ they provide relaxation to kids after Little Battlers Experience Wars Jade overseas 4-12 animation a long day at school but they can also Jan W;m~~Wars stimulate visual imagination in the young mind. The stories are often Aikatsu! (1II)/Aikatsu! (II) Jade overseas 4-12 animation packed with edifying qualities which Jan, Aug - Nov £~*~IIII£~*~II help reinforce the positive values of life.
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