Annual Report on Compliance with the Positive Programme Requirement

Annual Report on Compliance with the Positive Programme Requirement

Annual Report on Compliance with the Positive Programme Requirement INDEX Jade ChanneL( Year 2016) (A) Children's Programmes (a) station-produced programmes ( 1 page & Annex A, B, C) (b) acquired programmes ( 6 pages ) (B) Programmes For Young Persons ( 2 pages & Annex D) (C) Programmes For Senior Citizens ( 1 page & Annex E, F) (D) Arts and Culture Programmes ( 3 pages & Annex G, H ) (E) Documentary Programmes ( 5 pages ) (F) Current Affairs Programmes ( 1 page ) Pearl Channel (Year 2016) (A) Children's Programmes ( 9 pages ) (B) Children's Programmes With Educational Values Targeting Teenagers ( 3 pages ) (A) Children's Programmes- Jade Channel (Year 2016) Page 1/1 (a) station-produced programmes : Production Age Format/ Programme Title Channel Content I Objective Broadcast Schedule Source Target Nature Kids, Think Big Jade station-produced 4-12 educational/ It is an educational program covers different aspects Jan- Dec Think Big 7(Jili I entertainment such as english, sciences, global education, Think Big ��� creative arts, games or family activitie. Through accessing a wide variety of knowledge in an interative way, children's horizon can be broadened and so do their creativity can be inspired. Gorilla Study Group Jade station-produced 6-12 educational/ It is an educational programme which children could Jan - Dec 5�5�1!fl1§11JI entertainment learn how to cook in a fun and relax way. Through intergrating the food culture with daily life, children's learning motivation in cooking can be enouraged. Annex A Think Big ?(tit XM�P § 1Think Big 7(tiliJ �xJIJJ!J\13JJ:;5["THINK BIG" ' �U�JT�2 ' �Jttbfl!fl! ' 'f�� �1iJo 1 ) f}j!fo/.J�::f76 83'ffi �s1 t�� 7\:¥U� �s1 1 J \Jf\7Jc11 , �t� � rPJ!J \ �JJ :tz 1'1�?1 �fu 1r� s1 t�tifo��31 J\ �o �, �OJ:tt�rs� , 1fJ�1J\gJJ:tz��JJtmza�, �m�� 7���0Jtt!JJtm�-�s171( Mi, ::f��f�����J\!JJtm 0 2) ���-N 83 Debbie �grp,& Think Big 8'g�t�t)J!fl�UIDrt;f)(�lj\�Jj:;5[-®f3�*'ffi�8'g3tX:� �,M��*�::f�ffl$,���,ID��,����m��,83�A�,MM lj\�jj:tztJf%Jf!IZ&�3���8117U-TT���§Ei o 3 ) � 8 Wtllf-+ 83�t�miiem��5�J�8JR81 crazy, 5fDcrx*�81W���ti#±�A-!EE /f\i'B-r£9 1§Jf!fl��, E3';% ��15��t��li¥U81f4�1l , 17U:5<Dfflt83��:§:-T�t�1EW��*, 1:£rm wu )%!uJ \ JJJJ:tzf-Jf4�&J8J !11 $tm s1�f� J �, 0 4) {llJ-T-�J{:f� tm{�lj\�jj:tz, =A-�JI., ���,-g1J�t��JJl�J1llJ-T81�, 5EJ5X�if}:}M�, §J3 JJl�;tg�� , J1l�;t��Jifi�&4)(:��*��;JW4�, PJ:JJo5�1J\�JJ:tz-=f.§�tiih§J51 , *IJ\�n �s1-§}�, rixJinlii��E'ff*�tEf3 , lif§3ZJ�7trx1£r% 0 5) lj\�-�]�� 83����1Jl1;ftfgrp1j\j!f5fD�t�ft::A���l&�Jv�, W��1r�}lfR2�l*m�fmJJl1;ftf, �� E3��y��t��liJJl1;ftf811J\�JJ:tz* fffl§�Jf.o lj\j!f��§Pfrt�§����!MJtcp, Mzfjz:�lj\�Jj:l[f3�*��8'gJJl1;ftf�JJXi��fJ��§ptJ)J�:EJ!!JX* ' '��'ti&�;t* fm , fJflJJ t�s�� J \ J3JJ:tz E3 1§ &-§}t flli�� �5 ° 1 I 3 6) STEM tf:!EU� STEM=f4�, f4:t1, IfE&I5t� o Think Big@c&��}Bj}L(if*1Jm:1�8'9 1STEM �� Jfffi�fFIf:tf�ffij o .±t�{F5:fJOJ:�)J§ffiSTEM Sir'1£ EJ'ffi �)§tpf)GtefM\Itffjf_i STEM 8'Jn:�, ¥J1JotJ����o ��f�[!Jcp�U�J�\�t53!}J, I§I!EBfOJ�.=t!JJ��s'9�� , gJ roJ��:%3Il:EJ.��trn�s'9f4�fJ.Z:, }¥¥U5�1c1t�, �% , tt5�U , }l'&tt:EJ., m:A­ �m �fi1f5���5�=:ffOJFp��8'9�51J o 7) l/!fl/!f ART LIKE )��5frt�f�1*, f�1*�o/J7f4@iiltr*�§ffif���J\�Jjbz:fUffl-��A§�cps'9Jn�o/J, �1'FOJ� Jfffl8'9;J\-f-I;j\ff5§9: ' m:1�5�fifi)�)g ' �gjt�f3}( ' �2J1J[Oj�"Think Big" ' ��rJn *4��JT�$ 0 s) �±tl���z:l* 12Ilfrr;J\�Jjbz:5:1JJJG1A0i� , tjt,�ffi.=tt� Dickson �ffi5�8'9�.±, tJrt:JfJF;:rtE:f§w�!i., -1�JJl5�JfE, 1;fffiJ:lltA�1k��t�5�'� o }@lfEcp�I§�;j\�Jjbz:�� , §�Jf, �� , '= ifit:l E8 [;$;�t:� .?>.t: --f--r ""D. !EmIt' , ![!.=E.' f_fr $ 0 �-'j!:Ef;e,\,,,1± ' /}��Fjb.JJ/ .X..I:ffiiJ�.h.. 0 fkt-'l'�t 9) THINK BIG 0�}]� /,:;:::; * 'a!:r_,_.=t:.-rs=f="�.f.t liE .::±::. rrjc' ti:: �R �::3=£ IZSI >-n=t=rt:t�� .g;c.131=1 .rtb::f:ffi11�.:Q: 10 si!'f Bt:7R�§�-'I'IPJ��)<. o �A' IJ..:±:./oB :Y-:::1 '?(� ;l2J\' *�J7!:-=q--=q- ' 5){ iPJ- -=:::..�[:±: if8' ��Think Big .=tt�, �*=:fz�U� o ��1r5.W.=tt�1r51f!h:B*��, w�;J\�Jjbz: :trmm���§1Jcp����,��¥�00J§o 10) PATRICK SIR :timff��m�-@ltff EB Patrick Sir &.±t� J;Jii*�li�UJF;s:t�11J��w���{�§�8'9�x ' 19Ufr-D r �wll}@liiJ ' 1fZ BUY ffj\J, r;*�7j(J o f�ffijtp�ffl_li{�f9U{D§JtBJJ 'm:raJfJ\JjJjbz:8'9�§��1'F:t1 J7&��1ii'.1r58'9�§�§\�JI; 0 11) f\GWm�¥U rn�U�w* Eric sir ����J\�Jjbz:fflrJJ¥BJJ't�8'9�l11�wteOJ�8'9�w, il211JfOJ�ffJt tHtl!tl¥, 5�l§���EfPJ�5 o 2 I 3 12) BEN SIR �rlffJ\ E8A.�cf=lx**�� Ben sir ��!Jt§R8' , �temmffl�M!8'9tili1J , 3i:g, ?!J\ -���;J\J3JllLLE+�IEut¥JU , §lrnJ*ftcp)Z:�J!)5itA.8'9fJ.�� o 13) ��retJJ 3:.1�����trfr���r�}l!n, MzJGiliiEut!JJ1'F, w�!J\J3fJN�**iiftrZ�, J.Fm 1�}1!n3}� , &N�*5�1�e�� 0 14) ��ifli� 4ij�tftJ,�fif535j�s'9-=F-5t& /frnJ3:.� , :ttofr'���wa tEJrnms'9�w§3, no5�;J\J3J3N s'9§c'ti , 1ifi}J1fufr553*53ffl 0 3 I 3 Annex B Think Big W�ll , �� 'Jfjttf:11$�5E�*�J 't���>&J :EJ.2 , ±:t�tfff;J\�fJ:tzJilf�w;�/F ���,����&m�m�����w�,�>&,�®����, W���AW$�����A�7Mo 1 I 1 Annex C {j�j�oo>&JJI� 83ftJMtEf3¥��*M C Denice) �W�, 1§� {�{�;J\JMt$� ij}tf¥�ffijt:B8'9�W::t3 ' 1eJJt5t±5rfJ� (Hayden) , �ts&!f (Bryan) , 1?1f� (Summer) &��B�$ (Janice) �;j\JMt$1± 1 j�j�JMJJ}J _t�r�t$im, �§��mmW-�*8'9{�a� o ffO;J\JMt$JJ\�1f��fi@lfE cp�§Jt1JDAEU�JTn � , stt�i@l1i�;j/FfPJ8'9tt;t,t&��ftxrS, flii>�Jlt�§�W , �#43KJJJG� JM��Af'FtB�fffi o ��IttZJ� , Denice JJ\mfPJ;J\JMtEf35ttBJJtm, ¥U§JJ/FfPJ8'9�Btt�f , gf6 �i�)�B'9�ttx1c&��f3J1*8'9tt�m�fF 0 ffij r Denice f)(�J � ;j\�)3bz:fl�f1�J�!M��f*F�ms'91{ffl�D� , Il}J{tr\��_t 1 ;j\JMt$J Z�� o 1 I 1 (A) Children's Programmes - Jade Channel (Year 2016) Page 1/6 (b) acquired programmes : Production Format I Programme Title Channel Age Target Content I Objective Broadcast Schedule Source Nature Tamagotchi (II) Jade overseas 4-12 animation 1\ Jan- Feb R!Jo/J&4£ I Chibimaruko Chan (II) Jade overseas 4-12 animation Jan- Feb, Jul - Dec lffjE;J\/tT- These are essentially entertainment lnazuma Eleven Go Chrono Stones Jade overseas 4-15 animation programmes for children. Not only do Jan- Jun FA5�+-A GO��ZE they provide relaxation to kids after a long day at school but they can also New Ninja Hattori Jade overseas 4-12 animation stimulate visual imagination in the Jan- Feb (2,::f{j!J\�frl young mind. The stories are often packed with edifying qualities which help reinforce the positive values of life. Driland (II) Jade overseas 4-12 animation Jan- Jun :*:M0±�1'F� Ninja Boy Rantaro (XIX) Jade overseas 4-12 animation Jan- Feb (2,ff�Lj(�� v Zoo Clues (II) Jade overseas 4-12 children live In this programme, each episode tackles a Jan- Jun !JJ!Jo/J:*:�1!:(11) dozen or more amazing questions regarding animals. The investigation of the answers takes children on a fast-paced and entertaining tour of the entire animal kingdom. Cardfightll Vanguard G Jade overseas 4-12 animation These are essentially entertainment Jan- Feb -FJ=l F"l*"ll ?t:�ff G programmes for children. Not only do they provide relaxation to kids after 4-12 a long day at school but they can also Jan- Dec Peanuts Jade overseas animation > ::{��!}]- stimulate visual imagination in the young mind. The stories are often packed with edifying qualities which help reinforce the positive values of life. (A) Children's Programmes - Jade Channel (Year 2016) Page 2/6 (b) acquired programmes : Production Format I Programme Title Channel Age Target Content I Objective Broadcast Schedule Source Nature \ Pripara Jade overseas 4-12 animation Jan-Feb £:l'C�� Kyoryuger Jade overseas 6-15 animation Jan- Feb iiX��� Yokai Watch/Yokai Watch (II) Jade overseas 4-15 animation Jan -Jun. Sep -Dec �'ti-f.i� Henry Hugglemonster Jade overseas 4-12 animation Jan- Jun 1J=fU1J\'tl� Pokemon the Movie: Jade overseas 4-12 feature Feb Genesect and the Legend Awakened These are essentially entertainment t!fl��m-=£� ����:� programmes for children. Not only do they provide relaxation to kids after Jewelpet (V) Jade overseas 4-12 animation a long day at school but they can also Feb- Mar WEft!fo/JV stimulate visual imagination in the young mind. The stories are often packed with edifying qualities which Alien Monkey Jade overseas 4-12 animation help reinforce the positive values of life. Feb ���!�fU� Dragons Riders of Berk Jade overseas 6-15 animation Feb-Apr �JHm:faJ± Pokemon XY (II) Jade overseas 4-12 animation Feb- Jul ft!fo/J!j\*1i�XY Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf- Jade overseas 4-12 animation Feb Dear LittleWish g::f:::f:fMJ3<j(1�Z::f:::f:!j \ {,,00! Pororo The Little Penguin IV Jade overseas 4-12 animation Mar-Aug, Dec J ;l}c�l:&�fr (A) Children's Programmes -Jade Channel (Year 2016) Page 3/6 (b) acquired programmes: Production Format I Programme Title Channel Age Target Content I Objective Broadcast Schedule Source Nature '\ ToQger Jade overseas 6-15 Action Live Mar- Dec J'U!ff��� The Garfield Show (IV) Jade overseas 4-12 animation Mar- Jun, Aug- Dec *�M:JJo��� Little Battlers Experience W Jade overseas 4-12 animation Apr-Jun �[\;ffi�tJW Yes! Pretty Cure 5 Gogo! Jade overseas 4-12 feature May the Movie: AHappy Birthday These are essentially entertainment in theSweet World programmes for children.

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