Dynamic Adaptation Techniques and Opportunities to Improve HPC Runtimes Mohammad Alaul Haque Monil, Email:
[email protected], University of Oregon. Abstract—Exascale, a new era of computing, is knocking at subsystem, later generations of integrated heterogeneous sys- the door. Leaving behind the days of high frequency, single- tems such as NVIDIA’s Tegra Xavier have taken heterogeneity core processors, the new paradigm of multicore/manycore pro- within the same chip to the extreme. Processing units with cessors in complex heterogeneous systems dominates today’s HPC landscape. With the advent of accelerators and special-purpose diverse instruction set architectures (ISAs) are present in nodes processors alongside general processors, the role of high perfor- in supercomputers such as Summit, where IBM Power9 CPUs mance computing (HPC) runtime systems has become crucial are connected to 6 NVIDIA V100 GPUs. Similarly in inte- to support different computing paradigms under one umbrella. grated systems such as NVIDIA Xavier, processing units with On one hand, modern HPC runtime systems have introduced diverse instruction set architectures work together to accelerate a rich set of abstractions for supporting different technologies and hiding details from the HPC application developers. On the kernels belonging to emerging application domains. Moreover, other hand, the underlying runtime layer has been equipped large-scale distributed memory systems with complex network with techniques to efficiently synchronize, communicate, and map structures and modern network interface cards adds to this work to compute resources. Modern runtime layers can also complexity. To efficiently manage these systems, efficient dynamically adapt to achieve better performance and reduce runtime systems are needed.