News and Notes
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NEWS AND NOTES ACTIVITIES PAUL C. BARTHOLOMEW, University of Notre Dame, will be on leave in the spring semester Princeton University faculty members on to complete a study of the Irish judicial sys- leave during 1968-69 are: William M. Beaney tem and to serve as lecturer at the National and Robert Tucker, each of whom has received University, Dublin. a McCosh faculty fellowship; Richard A. Falk, W. Duane Lockard, Michael N. Danielson and FRANCIS BEER, University of Texas, Austin, Henry Biesen. Robert G. Gilpin and Charles F. attended the summer training institute at the Hermann will be on leave during the second Inter-University Consortium at the University term, 1968-69. of Michigan during the summer of 1968. ROBERT BERDAHL, San Francisco State Col- HENRY J. ABRAHAM, University of Pennsyl- vania, addressed the 61st Annual Meeting of lege, will do research in England during 1968- the Organization of American Historians in 69 under a Guggenheim grant. Dallas, Texas, on April 19, 1968. THOMAS P. BERNSTEIN, Indiana University, served as a research associate at the East BENSON D. ADAMS, has accepted a position Asian Research Center, Harvard University, of senior scientist at Booz-Allen Applied Re- search, Inc. spring term, 1967-68. GEORGE A. BRINKLEY, University of Notre LATHEEF N. AHMED, University of Missouri, Dame, has received an International Affairs Kansas City, presented a paper "The Multiple Fellowship and will spend the year 1968-69 at Loyalties Hypothesis and the International the Council of Foreign Affairs, New York. Civil Servant", at the annual conference of American Society for Public Administration, DAVID S. BROWN, George Washington at Boston, March 27-30. University, was presented the Washington Chapter of the Society for Advancement of CARL AKINS, University of Houston, is on Management's Distinguished Management leave for 1968-69 and will serve as a research Achievement award for contributions to man- associate in the Governmental Studies section agement theory on June 10 at the society's an- at the Brookings Institution. nual conference in Washington. RICAHRD V. ALLEN, Hoover Institution on FLORENCE CASEY, SUNY, at Buffalo, is on War, Revolution, and Peace at Stanford Uni- leave of absence during 1968-69. She is the versity, has been named Foreign Policy Re- recipient of a Ford Foundation faculty re- search Coordinator for Republican Presidential search fellowship. candidate Richard M. Nixon. THOMAS CRONIN, University of North MARVIN ALISKY, Arizona State University, Carolina, has been appointed to President has received a faculty research grant for work Johnson's advisory committee on the Teacher in Mexico during the summer and fall terms of Corps which will advise the U. S. Education 1968. He has also been appointed by the Gov- Commissioner on ways of corrdinating Teach- ernor of Arizona to the Arizona-Mexico Trade er Corps activities among universities, schools, Commission. state education agencies, and residents of pov- JEAN DOUGLAS ANDREW, University of erty areas. Maine, Augusta, has been appointed to the newly established Task Force on Human Rela- MILTON CUMMINGS, Johns Hopkins Univer- tions by the Governor of Maine. sity, has received an NSF fellowship for the 1968-69 academic year. MICHAEL H. ARMACOST, Pomona College, will HARRY R. DAVIS, Beloit College, is on sabbat- be on leave during 1968-69 and has accepted a ical leave, 1968-69, to do research in the U.S. part-time teaching position at the International and in Geneva, Switzerland. Christian University in Tokoyo. JOHN A. DAVIS, City College, CUNY, will DAVID N. ATKINSON, University of Missouri, be on sabbatical leave, fall term, 1968. Kansas City, has been awarded a grant from the Harry S. Truman Library Institute for JOHN DONNELL, Temple University, is on National and International Affairs. leave during the 1968 Fall semester to com- Summer 1968 107 plete his project, "Politics in North and South SHELDON GELLAR and ILIYA HARIK, Indiana Vietnam", under a grant from the ACLS/ University, have received a grant from the SSRC Joint Committee on Asia. During the University's International Development Re- 1969 Spring semester he will teach a graduate search Center for research in Senegal and seminar, "Politics and Insurance in Vietnam" Egypt during 1968-69. in the School of International Affairs, Col- umbia University. EDWARD BERNARD GLICK, Temple University, spent the summer in Israel, under a grant MARION E. DORO, Connecticut College, has from Temple University, studying the social been appointed as a scholar at the Radcliffe and economic impact of the Israeli Army on Institute at Harvard University. And will be Israeli institutions by invitation of Israel's on leave during the first semester, 1968-69. Chief Education Officer. DANIEL J. ELAZAR, Temple University, is on FRANK R. GOLINO has been appointed chair- leave during 1968-69 to teach at Hebrew Uni- man of Near East and North Africa Studies versity in Jerusalem under a Fulbright Fel- at the Foreign Service Institute of the Depart- lowship. He holds a joint appointment as ment of State. visiting professor of Political Science and American Studies. LAWRENCE GRAHAM, University of Texas, Austin, returns to duty in September, 1968, af- ROBERT H. EVANS, University of Note Dame, ter a year and a half of consulting and is on leave for the fall semester to complete research in Peru. research projects in Italy. DARYL R. FAIR, Rider College, conducted a ANDREW GYORGY, Institute for Sino-Soviet workshop in Teaching Civil Liberties at Le- Studies, George Washington University, was a high University during July. resident consultant for a one-week summer in- stitute on communism at West Virginia Insti- KUANG-HXJAN FAN, University of Idaho, tute of Technology. He also participated in a spent the summer of 1968 attending the Sum- summer worshop for secondary school teach- mer Seminar on Southeast Asia, held in Singa- ers at Tufts University during July and pore under a Fulbright grant. August. WERNER J. FELD, Louisiana State Universi- SAMUEL HALPERIN, Deputy Assistant Secre- ty, New Orleans, will be on leave during tary for Legislation, HEW, has been awarded 1968-69 and will occupy the George C. Mar- Harvard University's first Alfred N. White- shall chair at the College of Europe as a Ful- head Fellowship for Advanced Studies in Edu- bright lecturer. cation. He also has been appointed Adjunct professor at Teachers College, Columbia Uni- WEBB FISER, SUNY at Albany, will be on versity on a part-time basis. sabbatical leave during the 1968 fall term upon conclusion of three years as vice president for MARVIN A. HARDER, Wichita State Universi- Academic Affairs. ty, served as special assistant to the Governor MICHAEL J. FLACK, University of Pitts- of Kansas, spring term, 1968. burgh, was elected a full member of the Inter- national Institute of Differing Civilizations at SAMUEL HENDEL, City College, CUNY, will Brussels. The Institute meets bi-annually for be on leave during the 1968 fall term. international study sessions and publishes the multilingual review "Civilizations". Of its C. LEONARD HOAG, Middlebury College, spent world-wide membership of 296, about 20 are 1967-68 on a sabbatical leave with a grant American scholars. from the American Philosophical Society and an appointment as associate in Military Histo- G. JAMES FLEMING, Morgan State College, ry, OCMH, Department of the Army. He was was named chairman of the Public Issue Com- also elected president of the Vermont Council mittee of the American Society for Public Ad- on World Affairs and re-elected for a third ministration at the recent annual meeting in term as Town Moderator. Boston. ABRAHAM HOLTZMAN, North Carolina State LEWIS A. FROMAN, JR., University of Cali- University, has been awarded a Fulbright lec- fornia, Irvine, will spend 1968-69 in London on tureship at the Bologna Center of Johns Hop- a Ford Foundation faculty research grant. kins University in Italy for 1968-69. 108 P. S. JACK W. HOPKINS, Emory University, is on STUART A. MACCORKLE, formerly Professor leave during the summer and fall terms to of Government and Director of the Institute of serve as Fulbright lecturer at the Universidad Public Affairs at the University of Texas gave National de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina. a series of lectures during the summer of 1968 on "Public Administration" at the National GARY HOSKINS, SUNY at Buffalo, will con- University of Mexico in Mexico City. duct research in Colombia during 1968-69. He will also be a visiting professor at Los Andes GERHARD MALLY, formerly of PMC Colleges, University in Bogota. His work is supported studied international education problems in by grants from SUNY's Research Foundation Mexico City and in Puerto Rico as a member and the Rockefeller Foundation. of the Washington Internships in Education J. WOODFORD HOWARD, JR., has a Ford Foun- program, a Ford Foundation sponsored organi- dation fellowship and will be on leave from zation. Johns Hopkins University, second semester, LEE C. MCDONALD, Pomona College, was 1968-69. awarded one of its Wig Distinguished Service JAMES L. JAMES, formerly of Rutgers Uni- awards. versity, was a guest scholar at the Brookings Institution during the summer of 1968. DOUGLAS MENDEL, JR., University of Wiscon-. sin, Milwaukee, spent the summer of 1968 in CHARLES A. JOINER, Temple University, is Japan on grants from the American Philoso- on leave during 1968-70 with the Ford Foun- phical Society and the Roper Public Opinion dation in Beirut, Lebanon, as Public Center. Administration Advisor to Lebanon Universi- ty, the Civil Service Commission, and the Min- FRANK JAY MORENO, New York University, istry of Education. received a Lindback Foundation Award for ex- cellence in teaching. RAY C. JOLLY, College of Idaho, will be on leave during the academic year 1968-69. FRANK MUNK, Portland State College, has returned from Zagreb, Yugoslavia, where he TETSUYA KATAOKA, SUNY at Buffalo, has an served for a year as director of the Zagreb In- SSRC grant for research on contemporary stitute for Central European Studies.