Radioimmunoassay 2310302 RAD TRACER

Lerson Tanasugarn, Ph.D. Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University Klum 515, Phone 662-218-5424, Departmental FAX 662-218-5418 Email: [email protected] Handout: [email protected]/public/biochemistry/2010 2310302 RIA.pdf

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 1 Contents

• History of radioimmunoassay • Principles of radioimmunoassay • Non-isotope immunoassay • Methods • Applications

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 2 History Rall, J. E. 1990. Solomon A. _DZH2cmCoois/SLFpb8J_GPI/ apsnews/199810/images/ Berson 1918-1972. National images/Rosalyn_Yalow2.jpg AAAAAAAAFvc/4fpGNpLZ6YE/s400/ rosalyn_sussman_yalow.jpg Academy of Sciences. Nobel_Laureate_1977_Rosalyn_Yalow .bmp 1921- Solomon Berson 1918 - 1972 • City College of NY - BS and MSc • Born in NYC (NY+German) • Anatomy instructorship NYU • Hunter College BS • MD (NYU 1945) • PhD in physics (U. Illinois 1945) • Intern ( City Hospital 1945-46) • Joined the Bronx V.A. Hospital to set up • US Army (1946-48) its radioisotope service • Recruited by Yalow to work in the Radioisotope • Recruit Berson to form a research team Service of the Bronx V.A. Hospital (to support her work) • Chief of Radioisotope Service (forerunner of the Nuclear Medicine Service) 1954

• Rall, J. E. 1990. Solomon A. Berson 1918-1972 A Biographical Memoir. National Academy of Sciences Washington, D.C. • Yalow, R. 1977. Autobiography, • Yalow, Rosalyn S. 1999. Development and proliferation of radioimmunoassay technology. J. Chem. Edu. 76(6):767-768. Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 3 1951 - isotope & blood volume

from Biography of Sol Berson

His initial publicationsSOLOMO (1951-1960)N A. BERSON are listed below63 SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1951 With R. S. Yalow. The use of K42-tagged erythrocytes in blood vol- ume determinations. Science, 114:14-15. • isotope dilution technique1952 used for blood volume determinationWith R. S. Yalow. The effect of cortisone on the iodine accumulat- ing function of the gland in euthyroid subjects. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., 12:407-22. With R. S. Yalow, J. Sorrentino, and B. Roswit. The determination 1S1 of thyroidal and renal plasma I clearancCopyright © e2010 rate by Lersons a Tanasugarn.s a routin All rights ereserved. 4 diagnostic test of thyroid dysfunction. J. Clin. Invest., 31:141— 58. With R. S. Yalow. The use of K42 or P32 labeled erythrocytes and I131 tagged human serum albumin in simultaneous blood vol- ume determinations. J. Clin. Invest., 31:572-80. With R. S. Yalow, A. Azulay, S. Schreiber, and B. Roswit. The bio- logical decay curve of P32-tagged erythrocytes. Application to the study of acute changes in blood volume. J. Clin. Invest., 31:581-91.

1953 With R. S. Yalow, J. Post, L. H. Wisham, K. N. Newerly, M. J. Vil- lazon, and O. N. Vazquez. Distribution and fate of intravenously administered modified human globin and its effect on blood volume. Studies utilizing I131-tagged globin. J. Clin. Invest., 32:22-32. With R. S. Yalow, S. S. Schreiber, and J. Post. Tracer experiments with I131-labeled human serum albumin: Distribution and deg- radation studies. J. Clin. Invest., 32:746-68.

1954 With R. S. Yalow. The distribution of I131-labeled human serum albumin introduced into ascitic fluid: Analysis of the kinetics of a three compartment catenary transfer system in man and spec- ulations on possible sites of degradation. J. Clin. Invest., 33:377-87. With S. S. Schreiber, A. Bauman, and R. S. Yalow. Blood volume SOLOMON A. BERSON 63 SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1951 With R. S. Yalow. The use of K42-tagged erythrocytes in blood vol- 1952ume determinations - radioisotope. Science, 114:14-15 iodine. exchange

1952 With R. S. Yalow. The effect of cortisone on the iodine accumulat- ing function of the thyroid gland in euthyroid subjects. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., 12:407-22. With R. S. Yalow, J. Sorrentino, and B. Roswit. The determination of thyroidal and renal plasma I1S1 clearance rates as a routine diagnostic test of thyroid dysfunction. J. Clin. Invest., 31:141— 58. With R. S. Yalow. The use of K42 or P32 labeled erythrocytes and I131 tagged human serum albumin in simultaneous blood vol- ume determinations. J. Clin. Invest., 31:572-80. With R. S. Yalow, A. Azulay, S. Schreiber, and B. Roswit. The bio- logical decay curve of P32-tagged erythrocytes. Application to the study of acute changes in blood volume. J. Clin. Invest., 31:581-91. • uptake of radioactive 195iodine3 by thyroid With R. S. Yalow, J. Post, L. H. Wisham, K. N. Newerly, M. J. Vil- lazon, and O. N. Vazquez. Distribution and fate of intravenously administered modified human globin and its effect on blood volume. Studies utilizing I131-tagged globin. J. Clin. Invest., 32:22-32. Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 5 With R. S. Yalow, S. S. Schreiber, and J. Post. Tracer experiments with I131-labeled human serum albumin: Distribution and deg- radation studies. J. Clin. Invest., 32:746-68.

1954 With R. S. Yalow. The distribution of I131-labeled human serum albumin introduced into ascitic fluid: Analysis of the kinetics of a three compartment catenary transfer system in man and spec- ulations on possible sites of degradation. J. Clin. Invest., 33:377-87. With S. S. Schreiber, A. Bauman, and R. S. Yalow. Blood volume SOLOMON A. BERSON 63 SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1951 With R. S. Yalow. The use of K42-tagged erythrocytes in blood vol- ume determinations. Science, 114:14-15.

1952 With R. S. Yalow. The effect of cortisone on the iodine accumulat- ing function of the thyroid gland in euthyroid subjects. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., 12:407-22. With R. S. Yalow, J. Sorrentino, and B. Roswit. The determination of thyroidal and renal plasma I1S1 clearance rates as a routine diagnostic test of thyroid dysfunction. J. Clin. Invest., 31:141— 58. With R. S. Yalow. The use of K42 or P32 labeled erythrocytes and I131 tagged human serum albumin in simultaneous blood vol- ume determinations. J. Clin. Invest., 31:572-80. With R. S. Yalow, A. Azulay, S. Schreiber, and B. Roswit. The bio- logical decay curve of P32-tagged erythrocytes. Application to 1953 th-e studradioiodiney of acute changes in bloo labelingd volume. J. Clin .of Invest. proteins, 31:581-91.

1953 With R. S. Yalow, J. Post, L. H. Wisham, K. N. Newerly, M. J. Vil- lazon, and O. N. Vazquez. Distribution and fate of intravenously administered modified human globin and its effect on blood volume. Studies utilizing I131-tagged globin. J. Clin. Invest., 32:22-32. With R. S. Yalow, S. S. Schreiber, and J. Post. Tracer experiments with I131-labeled human serum albumin: Distribution and deg- radation studies. J. Clin. Invest., 32:746-68.

1954 With R. S. Yalow. The distribution of I131-labeled human serum albumin introduced into ascitic fluid: Analysis of the kinetics of a three compartment catenary transfer system in man and spec- ulations on possible sites of degradation. J. Clin. Invest., 33:377-87. With S. S. Schreiber, A. Bauman, and R. S. Yalow. Blood volume • plasma protein labeled with radioactive iodine for studying the metabolism of these proteins

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 6 64 BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRS alterations in congestive heart failure. J. Clin. Invest., 33:578- 86. With R. S. Yalow. Quantitative aspects of iodine metabolism. The exchangeable organic iodine pool, and the rates of thyroidal secretion, peripheral degradation and fecal excretion of endog- enously synthesized organically bound iodine. J. Clin. Invest., 33:1533-52. 1955 With R. S. Yalow. Critique of extracellular space measurements with small ions: Na24 and Br82 spaces. Science, 121:34-36. With R. S. Yalow. The iodide trapping and binding functions of the thyroid. J. Clin. Invest., 34:186-204. With M. A. Rothschild, A. Bauman, and R. S. Yalow. Tissue distri- bution of I131-labeled human serum albumin following intra- venous administration. J. Clin. Invest., 34:1354-58. With A. Bauman, M. A. Rothschild, and R. S. Yalow. Distribution and metabolism of I131-labeled human serum albumin in congestive heart failure with and without proteinuria. J. Clin. Invest., 34:1359-68. 1956 With R. S. Yalow, A. Bauman, M. A. Rothschild, and K. Newerly. -I131 metabolism in human subjects: demonstration of 1953-59 insulin binding globulin in the circulation of insulin-treated subjects. J. Clin. Invest., 35:170-90. •retarded production of insulin? 1957 excessively rapid degradation of normally secreted insulin? • With R. S. Yalow. Chemical and biologicalmaturity-onset alterations induced by •too few or defective insulin receptors?irradiatio n of I131-labeled human serum albumin. J. Clin. In- •abnormality in the insulin responsevest. pathway, 36:44-50 inside. the cells? With M. A. Rothschild, A. Bauman, and R. S. Yalow. The effect of used synthesized labeledlarge doses o finsulin desiccated thyroito followd on the distributio degradationn and me- tabolism of albumin-I1M in euthyroid subjects. J. Clin. Invest., 131 36:422-28Insulin-I. Insulin-I131 slowly disappears due to Normal SubjectWith R. S. Yalow. Serum protein turnovenormalr in multipl degradatione myeloma. J. Lab. Clin. Med., 49:386-94. Subject who has 131 With R. SInsulin-I. Yalow. Ethanol fractionatioInsulin-In of plasm131 disappearsa and electropho even- been treated with retic identification of insulin-binding antibody. J. Clin. Invest., slower than before insulin (diabetic, shock therapy)36:642-47.

serum analyzed by paper electrophoresis found radioactivity associated with the beta and gamma regions of serum proteins Their study of reversible equilibrium --> formation of soluble Ag-Ab complex that between a ligand and a binding protein were metabolized more slowly than free insulin led to an idea that a method can be developed to measure a very small

amount of material Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 7 General Theory of Radioimmunoassay • R = receptor or antibody or any substance (almost always a protein) that binds L L = ligand or antigen or any substance (almost always a small molecule) that binds R • IF R + L RL R + L* RL* and if there is a way to separate bound ligand (PL + PL*) from free ligand (L + L*) • Then a standard curve can be constructed to map the ratio of free and bound to the concentration of free unlabeled ligand.

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 8 L L*

Insulin Labeled Receptor or Antibody Competition Insulin against insulin

Standard Curves

• Construct the standard curve where unlabeled and labeled ligands compete for the same binding site on the same receptor • Plot bound vs free or bound vs total --> the more unlabeled ligand the less radioactivity in the bound form • Redo the experiment with sample insulin & read from Standard Curve

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 9 SOLOMON A. BERSON 65 With R. S. Yalow. Apparent inhibition of liver insulinase activity by serum and serum fractions containing insulin-binding antibody. J. Clin. Invest., 36:648-55. With R. S. Yalow, S. Weisenfeld, M. G. Goldner, and B. W. Volk. The effect of sulfonylureas on the rates of metabolic degrada- tion of insulin-I131 and glucagon-I131 in vivo and in vitro. Dia- betes, 6:54-60. With A. Bauman, M. A. Rothschild, and R. S. Yalow. Pulmonary circulation and transcapillary exchange of electrolytes. J. Appl. Physiol., 11:353-61. With R. S. Yalow. Studies with insulin-binding antibody. Diabetes, 6:402-7. 1958 With R. S. Yalow. Insulin antagonists, insulin antibodies and insulin resistance. Am. J. Med., 25:155-59. With A. B. Gutman, T. F. Yu, H. Black, and R. S. Yalow. Incorpo- ration of glycine-1-C1959-196014, glycine-1-C14 and glycine-N15 into uric acid in normal and gouty subjects. Am. J. Med., 25:917-32. 1959 With S. Weisenfeld and M. Pascullo. Utilization of glucose in nor- • Showed that insulin mal and diabetic rabbits. Effects of insulin, glucagon and glu- cose. Diabetes, 8:116-27. is immunogenic With R. S. Yalow. Quantitative aspects of reaction between insulin and insulin-binding antibody.}. Clin. Invest., 38:1996-2016. With R. S. Yalow. Species-specificity of human anti-beef, pork in- • Showed no sulin serum. J. Clin. Invest., 38:2017-25. With R. S. Yalow. Assay of plasma insulin in human subjects by immunological methods. Nature, 184:1648-49. degradation product With R. S. Yalow. Recent studies on insulin-binding antibodies. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 82:338-44. from insulin labeling 1960 With R. S. Yalow. Immunoassay of endogenous plasma insulin in • Separated clean man. J. Clin. Invest., 39:1157-75. With R. S. Yalow. Plasma insulin in man (Editorial). Am. J. Med., labeled insulin after 29:1-8. With R. S. Yalow. Plasma insulin concentrations in nondiabetic and early diabetic subjects. Diabetes, 9:254-60. the labeling step • Demonstrated that juvenile-onset diabetics are insulin deficient • Many older diabetics have normal or even elevated blood insulin • Patients treated with (animal) developed antibodies to it Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 10 Awards Sources have been identified in earlier slides. • Nobel Prize in Chemistry or Medicine 1977 awarded to Rosalyn Yalow. (Sol Berson died in 1972) • Many other awards. • Postage stamps set of Sierra Leone in Africa.

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 11 Bonus: The Sierra Leone Postage Stamps featuring Female Nobel Laureates

Maria Goeppert-Mayer Irène Joliot Curie Mother theresa Discovery of nuclear shell French chemist, radium nucleus, Catholic nun with Indian structure created artificial radioactivities, citizenship - looks after the poor 1963 Nobel Prize in Physics 1935 Nobel Prize in Chemistry - 1979 Nobel Peace Prize

Rosalyn Yalow Selma Lagerlöf Co-developer of RIA Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin, Swedish author 1977 Nobel Prize in Physiology Protein crystallographer 1909 Nobel Prize in Literature or Medicine 1964 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Rita Levi-Montalcini Italian neurologist Mairead Corrigan Betty Williams co-discoverer NGF (with Cohen) Founder of the Northern Ireland Founder of Northern Ireland 1986 Nobel Prize in Physiology Peace Movement - 1976 Nobel Peace Movement - 1976 Nobel or Medicine Peace Prize Laureate Peace Prize Laureate

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 12 Ligand Competition

• Assume Ag and Ag* have identical binding constants and the number of binding sites (Ab) is limited

Ag + Ag* + Ab --> Ag-Ab + Ag*-Ab

initial concentration [Ag]i [Ag*]i [Ab]i 0 0

final concentration [Ag]i-X [Ag*]i-Y X Y

• If the Ab binding sites are saturated, • X+Y = [Ab]i • X/Y = [Ag]i/[Ag*]i

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 13 Equilibrium RIA Assumptions

• Ab is present only in one chemical form. Other antibodies may be present but Ab is the only protein that binds Ag or Ag* • Ab has a high specificity for Ag and Ag* and does not bind other antigens. • The binding characteristics of Ag and Ag* are not significantly different. • Sufficient time is allowed for each chemical organization. • The bound and free forms of the labeled antigen can be separated without disturbing the equilibrium • There are no co-operative or allosteric effects in the binding reaction. • Radioactive measurements are proportional to the concentration of Ag* present regardless of its chemical form.

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 14 Equilibrium RIA Experiment

• Do a series of experiment, varying the concentration of unlabeled Ag and keeping constant

• the concentration of labeled antigen [Ag*]i

• total antibody [Ab]i • When unlabeled Ag is absent, about 50% of the Ag* is bound. Nonzero Ag will cause the bound Ag* to decrease. This is how the standard curve is constructed.

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 15 Equilibrium RIA Calculations

• Let B0 = radioactivity of Ag*-Ab when [Ag]i=0 B = radioactivity of Ag*-Ab when [Ag]i>0 F = radioactivity of Ag* when [Ag]i>0 T = total radioactivity of all antigens, Ag* and Ag*-Ab = B+F

• Measurable quantities: B0, T and (B or F) • Unknown quantities: actual [Ag*], [Ag*-Ab], [Ab]

• Hold [Ag*]i and [Ab]i constant for a given assay series only ratios such as B/B0, B/F and B/T are required

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 16 Equilibrium RIA Standard Curve

• Plot B/B0 or B/F or B/T against [Ag]

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 17

Non-Isotope Immunoassays • Convenience of not having to use radioactive facilities • Several techniques exist, for example: • ELISA • EMIT Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 18 Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)

• AKA Enzyme-Linked Immunoadsorbent Assay • Combine the sensitivity of a spectrophotometric assay of an enzyme (amplification factor) with the specificity of antibodies • Several techniques • Competitive ELISA • Direct ELISA • Double Antibody ELISA • Sandwich ELISA • Spot ELISA (ELISPOT)

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 19 Microtiter Plate (Microtitre Plate)

Wikipedia Encyclopedia polystyrene

Wikipedia Encyclopedia

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 20 Competitive ELISA

• The process • Specific Ab’s are adsorbed onto a solid phase • Incubate with a mixture of a fixed amount of Ag- Enz and a varying amount of pure, unlabeled Ag • Wash off unbound Ag & Ag-Enz • Add substrate and allow color to develop • Disadvantages • Difficulties in preparing enzyme-linked Ag • Having to prepare enzyme-linked Ag for each Ag

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 21 Direct ELISA

• The process • Adsorb Ag on surface • Block nonspecific adsorption e.g. with BSA • Add Ab-Enz Direct Detection Antibody • Wash excess Ab-Enz • Add substrate • Disadvantages

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 22 Indirect ELISA (no capture Ab, for detecting Ab) • The steps • Ag adsorbed, e.g. 30-60 min. at high pH • cover nonspecific binding sites with powdered milk or BSA • Add Ab or serum sample to be tested for specific Ab • Wash off unbound Ab • Add anti-Ig that binds the Fc region of the Ab This second Ab is linked to a chromogenic enzyme • Add the substrate and observe the color • Advantages • No need to prepare a second Ab for each

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 23 Double Antibody ELISA (Direct Sandwich ELISA)

• The steps • Capture Ab adsorbed on the surface of a microtiter well • Non specific binding blocked with BSA or powdered milk • Incubate with pure Ag or serum sample and wash • Incubate with enzyme-labeled second Ab and wash • Add substrate and measure the enzymatic activity • Advantages • Not having to prepare Ag-Enz conjugate

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 24 Indirect Sandwich ELISA

Indirect detection Ab

Capture Ab

Comparing with competitive ELISA

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 25 Spot ELISA (ELISPOT) Visualization of the secretory product of individual activated or responding cells • The steps • Monoclonal Ab captured on polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) substrate and blocked with BSA • Cells grown and washed away • Add biotinylated polyclonal Ab against the antigen and wash • Add Avidin-HRP • Add substrate

250,000 each human PBMC cells on PVDF membrane Incubate 40 h with human interleukin-4 Left: unstimulated, Right: stimulated with nickel Animation => oligos/elispot-assay-procedure.Par.0001.Image.573.gif english/elispot-animation.html Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 26 Practical Aspects of ELISA

• Enzyme • stable, easy to assay, high turnover number, products have high molar absorptivity • Examples: dehydrogenases (G6PD, ADH, etc.) alkaline phosphatase + p-nitrophenylphosphate --> p-nitrophenol (aborb at 495 nm) • Solid surface • Cross-linked dextrans, polyacrylamide, filter paper, nitrocellulose paper, polypropylene, polystyrene microtiter plates

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 27 Enzyme Multiplied Immunoassay Technique (EMIT)

• Binding of Ab to Ag-Enz reversibly inhibits enzymatic activity • Free Ag competes with bound Ag, resulting in some Ag-Enz not bound by Ab and can exhibit enzymatic activity Biotol (1993) Technological Applications of Biocatalysts • Use for low mw Ag’s

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 28 Practical Aspects of RIA and ELISA

• Preparation of Antigens • Preparation of Antibodies • Labeling • Separation of bound and free forms

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 29 The Immunoglobulin-G (IgG)

• MW 150 KD • IgG valency = 2 10 • Kass ~ 10 • No cooperativity

Sarma et al (1971) J Biol Chem 246:3753.

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 30 Immunization

• Immunogen vs antigen • IgG from antiserum • Immunogenicity • Polyclonal vs monoclonal antibody • Adjuvant • Hapten Eisen (1974) Immunology

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 31 Vaccine Adjuvants



Complete and incomplete

Relationship to biosignaling pathways Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 32 Preparation of Antibody

• Immunization of laboratory animals (usually with adjuvants, e.g. Complete Freund’s Adjuvant) • Poorly immunogenic proteins may need to be partially denatured • Low mw substances may need to be covalently linked (as haptens) to high mw immunogenic carrier proteins • Booster shot (with incomplete Freund’s Adjuvant)

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 33 General Nature of Binding

[AbL] Total binding • Specific binding

Specific binding • Nonspecific binding • Rule of thumb Nonspecific binding for telling what

Total ligand added = [L] + [AbL] kind of binding

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 34 General Binding Equation

Ab + Ag ⇌ AbAg r If then = K(n − r) R + L ⇌ RL c c = concentration of free ligand concentration of bound ligand AbL r = = [ ] total antibody concentration [Ab]initially added K = association constant n = number of identical, independent binding sites

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 35 Scatchard Plot Plot of r/c vs r [bound/free vs bound] r • vertical axis = r/c = K(n − r) horizontal axis = r c • slope = -K • If ligand is added in excess, the concentration of free ligand becomes large, and r/c approaches 0 -K(n-r)=0; therefore n=r • The number of ligand bound per Ab molecule approaches the number of ligand binding sites, or the valency of Ab Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 36 Equilibrium Dialysis and Scatchard Plot

• Separation of free and bound species • Equilibrium dialysis • Attachment to a surface • Use your own immagination • Experimental data: free and bound concentrations • Output: association constant (~105 to 1010 litre/mole) and valency • Note the structures of the immunogen and the antigen Eisen & Karush (1949) J Am Chem Soc 71:363.

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 37 Uniformity of Binding Sips Plot

r log = alog K + alogc n − r

• Based on Sips Distribution a = index of dispersion of K

about K0 • Plot log[r/(n-r)] vs log c • Slope = a (a positive value) • Here, valency n = 2 if r=1, log[r/(2-r)]=0, so K0 is the reciprocal of the value of c

where log[r/(n-r)]=0

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 38 Labeling [Labelling]

• Intrinsic labeling • Preferentially iodination with 125I • Substitution of H on a phenyl ring of tyrosine (at positions 2 and 6) • Extrinsic labeling • Used when the antigen cannot be labeled directly with iodine • Radioactively label a molecule that can be covalently attached to the target antigen

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 39 Iodination

• 125I, a γ emitter, has a half life of 60 days • The specific activity of a 125I-protein having 1 atom of iodine per molecule is about 100 μCi/μg at mw = 20 Kd (or 1,000 μCi/μg at mw = 2 Kd) • Techniques • Iodine monochloride method - too harsh • Chloramine-T method - harsh but useful for some • Electrolytic method (large scale manufacturing) • Lactoperoxidase method - gentle method for enzymes

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 40 Chloramine-T Method

• Chloramine-T

[H3C-Φ-SO2-N-Cl]-[Na]+ • Reaction initiated by chloramine-T, stopped by sodium metabisulfite and diluted by cold KI • Gel filtration by Sephadex G-50 in a pasteur pipette column

• First peak is labeled protein Hunter (1973) Radioimmunoassay. In Weir (ed) Handbook of Experimental Immunology

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 41 Consideration for Chloramine-T Method

• Alteration due to substitution of iodine for hydrogen in the structure of protein • Radiation damage • Chemical damage due to reagent used • Chemical damage due to noxious substance in the radioactive reagent

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 42 Extrinsic Labeling - Conjugation

Hunter (1973) Radioimmunoassay. In Weir (ed) Handbook of Experimental Immunology

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 43 Separation of Bound and Free Forms

• Double antibody method • Conventional methods • Precipitation by solvents, salts, etc. • Centrifugation • Chromatography • Adsorption • Ion exchange • Electrophoresis • Gel filtration

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 44 Advantages Over Conventional Techniques

• Sensitivity - because of radioactivity • Specificity - because of antibody

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 45 Applications

• Endocrine physiology • Clinical endocrinology • Drug abuse • Forensic medicine • Whenever you want to quantify minute amounts of a (biochemical) substance in a mixture of other chemicals (like blood serum)

Copyright © 2010 by Lerson Tanasugarn. All rights reserved. 46