Received: 3 February 2017 | Accepted: 20 September 2017 DOI: 10.1111/zsc.12262


Cophylogenetic analysis of lice in the Colpocephalum complex (Phthiraptera: )

Therese A. Catanach1 | Michel P. Valim1,2,3 | Jason D. Weckstein1,4 | Kevin P. Johnson5

1 Department of Ornithology, Academy Colpocephalum of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, The chewing parasitizes nearly a dozen distantly related Philadelphia, PA, USA orders of . Such a broad host distribution is relatively unusual in lice. However, 2Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de the monophyly of the genus Colpocephalum has never been tested using molecular São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil characters. Using one nuclear and one mitochondrial gene, we inferred a phylogeny 3 Biotério da Universidade Iguaçu, Nova for 54 lice from the genus Colpocephalum and other morphologically similar genera. Iguaçu, RJ, Brazil The resulting phylogeny demonstrates that Colpocephalum itself is not monophyletic. 4Department of , Earth, and Environmental Sciences, Drexel University, However, these data support the existence of a Colpocephalum complex within which Philadelphia, PA, USA several lineages are restricted to particular host orders. These lineages corresponded to 5 Illinois Natural History Survey, Prairie previously described genera, some of which are morphologically distinct and cur- Research Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL, USA rently considered subgenera. Maddison–Slatkin tests were performed on the resulting phylogeny and showed that host , host family and biogeographic region had sig- Correspondence nificant phylogenetic signal when mapped onto the Colpocephalum complex phylog- Therese A. Catanach, Department of Ornithology, Academy of Natural Sciences eny. A PARAFIT analysis comparing the overall Colpocephalum complex phylogeny of Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA. to a host phylogeny revealed significant congruence between host and parasite trees. Email: [email protected] We also compared the cophylogenetic history of Colpocephalum and their hosts to Funding information that of a second distantly related feather louse genus, Degeeriella, which also infests Division of Environmental Biology, Grant/ Award Number: 1050706, 1239788, diurnal birds of prey. Using PARAFIT to identify individual host–parasite links that 1342604 and 1503804; Fundação de contributed to overall congruence, there was no evidence of correlated cophylogenetic Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, patterns between these two louse groups, suggesting that their host distribution pat- Grant/Award Number: 2011/11420-5 terns have been shaped by different evolutionary processes.

KEYWORDS avian chewing lice, phylogenetics, systematics

1 | INTRODUCTION (), gamebirds (), flamingos and relatives (Ciconiiformes), and pigeons (Columbiformes) Chewing louse genera are typically restricted to a sin- (Price et al., 2003). placed within Colpocephalum gle avian host family or order. However, the louse genus are united by a comb of ctenidia on the sternites and fem- Colpocephalum Nitzsch, 1818 (Phthiraptera: Amblycera: ora and the presence of black occipital and pre-­ocular nodi ), as currently defined (Price, Hellenthal, (connected by a diffuse band-like­ thickening of the dor- Palma, Johnson, & Clayton, 2003), is found on 11 dis- sal head roof). A diversity of other menoponid genera also tantly related avian host orders. The type species of fall within the Colpocephalum complex based on shared this genus is a parasite of White (Ciconia ciconia morphological features, and these other genera are each re- (Linnaeus)), and other Colpocephalum species have been stricted to specific avian host orders (e.g., Psittacobrosus described from a variety of different avian host orders in- Carriker, 1954 on Psittaciformes and Ciconiphilus Bedford, cluding falcons (), pelicans and relatives 1939 on Ciconiiformes). Some of these genera were

72 | © 2017 Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Zoologica Scripta. 2018;47:72–83. CATANACH et al. | 73 morphologically well described or were adequately rede- only included single representatives of these genera in scribed as part of a taxonomic revision, whereas others were their phylogeny, and therefore, monophyly of the genera not. Many of these poorly described genera were erected and subgenera within the Colpocephalum complex could based on host associations or because of the presence of a not be assessed. single highly derived character. Thus, taxonomic revisions Here we reconstruct a phylogeny for Colpocephalum and and checklists (Hopkins & Clay, 1952; Price & Emerson, Kurodaia to: (i) test the monophyly of Colpocephalum (in- 1966; Price et al., 2003) synonymized these 24 poorly de- cluding previously recognized subgenera and synonymized scribed genera in the complex, placing them within the genera, (ii) test the validity of Kurodaia and included subge- genus Colpocephalum and only those genera with detailed nera and (iii) directly compare the phylogeny of these lice to descriptions identifying significant morphological differ- that for Degeeriella (Catanach & Johnson, 2015), which is ences were retained. As a result, in both past and present distributed on some of the same groups of birds. The goal of taxonomic classifications, the genus Colpocephalum is this comparison is to evaluate whether codistributed parasites a dumping ground and the Colpocephalum complex as a exhibit correlated divergence events as a result of concordant whole has poorly defined generic limits. evolutionary events such as shared vicariance. The monophyly of Colpocephalum has never been tested in a modern phylogenetic framework. If Colpocephalum is monophyletic, then interordinal and interfamilial host switch- 2 | MATERIAL AND METHODS ing is likely rampant because the host orders and families of this louse genus are not closely related and instead are scat- 2.1 | Specimen acquisition tered across the avian tree of life (Hackett et al., 2008; Jarvis Lice were collected from avian hosts in various ways, in- et al., 2014; Prum et al., 2015). Furthermore, many of the host cluding ethyl acetate fumigation of freshly collected host orders do not come into direct or indirect contact, and thus, it specimens or dust ruffling and manual searches of hosts that is unlikely that they share closely related parasites. Recently, were banded and released (Clayton, Gregory, & Price, 1992; molecular phylogenetic data have called into question the va- Walther & Clayton, 1997). In total, 39 Colpocephalum and lidity of many louse genera that parasitize distantly related 11 Kurodaia were included (Table 1). To test the monophyly hosts. For example, the ischnoceran louse genus Degeeriella of Colpocephalum and Kurodaia, we also included repre- Neumann, 1906, which parasitizes hawks () sentatives of eight additional genera considered members of and falcons (Falconiformes), consists of two distinct, dis- the Colpocephalum complex by Clay (1969). When possible, tantly related non-sister lineages, one specific to each host we included DNA sequences from multiple host individuals order (Catanach & Johnson, 2015). (up to four specimens per host species), particularly from Clay (1969) placed a number of additional genera into the geographically widespread host species. Colpocephalum complex based on morphological characters of the head and legs. Interestingly, these genera have not been synonymized with Colpocephalum and many are codistrib- 2.2 | DNA sequencing uted on the same groups as Colpocephalum sensu stricto For each specimen, we made two small incisions, one be- (sensu Hopkins & Clay, 1952; Price & Beer, 1963a,b). The tween the head and thorax as described by Valim and majority of these other genera in the Colpocephalum com- Weckstein (2011) and a second between two abdominal plex have not been included in a molecular phylogeny, and sclerites. We then placed the specimen in digestion buffer. therefore, the relationships and monophyly of these genera We used the QIAamp DNA Micro Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, with respect to Colpocephalum are unclear. CA) for DNA extraction following a modified version of the One of these morphologically similar genera is Kurodaia protocol for total genomic DNA from tissues. Modifications Uchida, 1926, which is differentiated from Colpocephalum include lengthening the incubation period in step 4 to 36 hr, sensu stricto by the lack of strongly defined occipital nodi incubating the sample for 10 min at 70°C in step 6, and de- on the head and differences in the female genitalia (Price & creasing the amount of Buffer AE in elution step (step 12) to Beer, 1963c,d). Furthermore, within Kurodaia, Price and 50 μl (which was repeated twice in different 1.5-­ml collection Beer (1963b) recognized two subgenera, one parasitizing tubes). During step 12, once pipetted to the filter, the Buffer diurnal birds of prey (Kurodaia) and the other parasitiz- AE was incubated for 5 min at 70°C prior to centrifugation ing (Conciella Eichler, 1949). No species of Kurodaia rather than performing step 13. Specimen exoskeletons were was included in Marshall’s (2003) morphological phylo- retained, cleared and mounted on a microslide in balsam as genetic analysis of Amblycera, but a molecular phylogeny vouchers, following the general protocols of Palma (1978). with limited taxonomic sampling and sequences from two All slides were permanently deposited in the collec- genes (Johnson et al., 2003) recovered Colpocephalum and tions at either the Illinois Natural History Survey or the Field Kurodaia as sister taxa. However, Johnson et al. (2003) Museum of Natural History. 74 | CATANACH et al. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x EF- ­ 1α (Continues) x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x COIL x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x COI Accipitridae Accipitridae Accipitridae Accipitridae Falconidae Falconidae Falconidae Threskiornithidae Falconidae Accipitridae Falconidae Accipitridae Accipitridae Accipitridae Accipitridae Accipitridae Cathartidae Cathartidae Accipitridae Falconidae Phoenicopteridae Phoenicopteridae Corvidae Corvidae Sagittariidae Cariamidae Strigidae Megapodiidae Anatidae Ardeidae Host family Accipitriformes Accipitriformes Accipitriformes Accipitriformes Accipitriformes Falconiformes Falconiformes Falconiformes Pelecaniformes Falconiformes Accipitriformes Falconiformes Accipitriformes Accipitriformes Accipitriformes Accipitriformes Accipitriformes Accipitriformes Accipitriformes Accipitriformes Falconiformes Phoenicopteriformes Passeriformes Passeriformes Accipitriformes Strigiformes Galliformes Anseriformes Pelecaniformes Host order Haliastur sphenurus Haliaeetus leucocephalus Haliaeetus leucocephalus Circus approximans Buteo galapagoensis Falco columbarius Falco columbarius Falco berigora Threskiornis spinicollis Falco amurensis Leptodon cayanensis Caracara cheriway Buteo lagopus Buteo lagopus Buteo jamaicensis Buteo jamaicensis cooperii Cathartes aura Cathartes aura Ictinia mississippiensis Ibycter americanus Phoenicopterus chilensis Phoenicoparrus andinus Corvus albicollis Corvus albus Sagittarius serpentarius Chunga burmeisteri Bubo lacteus Alectura lathami Cygnus olor Butorides striata Host species Canada USA New Zealand Ecuador Canada Canada Australia Australia Kenya Peru USA Canada USA Canada Canada Canada Canada USA USA Peru Argentina Argentina Malawi Malawi Kenya Bolivia Malawi Australia Brazil Locality Cwsp.Hasph.5.24.2013.2 Cwsp.Haleu.8.2.2013.4 Cwsp.Haleu.2.1.2013.9 Cwsp.Ciapp.2.1.2013.6 Cwsp.Bugal.5.24.2013.1 Kufas.Facol.8.19.2013.4 Cwsp.Facol.8.19.2013.6 Cwsp.Faber.2.21.2013.7 Cwsp.Thsp.2.21.2013.10 Cwsp.Faamu.5.21.2014.4 Cwsp.Lecay.7.18.2014.5 Cwsp.Cache.5.24.2013.7 Cwsp.Bulag.10.31.2014.9 Cwsp.Bulag.1.31.2014.5 Cwsp.Bujam.8.2.2013.7 Cwsp.Bujam.8.2.2013.13 Cwsp.Accoo.10.31.2014.6 Cwsp.Caaur.8.2.2013.14 Cwsp.Caaur.2.21.2013.2 Cwsp.Icmis.2.21.2013.9 Cwsp.Ibame.7.18.2014.6 Cwsp.Phchi.5.24.2013.3 Cwsp.Phand.5.24.2013.4 Cwsp.Coalc.1.31.2014.9 Cwsp.Coalb.1.31.2014.8 Cwsp.Saser.5.21.2014.2 Cwsp.Cabur.2.21.2013.4 Kusp.Bulac.1.31.2014.6 Cwsp.Allat.8.19.2013.7 Ciconiphilus sp RF 49 Cisp.Bustr.7.18.2014.13 Voucher code Included samples Colpocephalum turbinatum Colpocephalum turbinatum Colpocephalum turbinatum Colpocephalum turbinatum Colpocephalum turbinatum Colpocephalum subzerafae Colpocephalum subzerafae Colpocephalum subzerafae Colpocephalum spinicollis Colpocephalum sp. Colpocephalum sp. Colpocephalum polybori Colpocephalum napiforme Colpocephalum nanum Colpocephalum nanum Colpocephalum nanum Colpocephalum nanum Colpocephalum kelloggi Colpocephalum kelloggi Colpocephalum indi Colpocephalum ibicter Colpocephalum heterosoma Colpocephalum heterosoma Colpocephalum fregili Colpocephalum fregili Colpocephalum cucullare Colpocephalum cristatae Colpocephalum cf . turbinatum Colpocephalum alecturae Anseriphilus sp. Ciconiphilus decimfasciatus Louse species TABLE 1 CATANACH et al. | 75 x x x x x x x x x x x x x EF- ­ 1α (Continues) x x x x x x x x x x x x x COIL x x x x x x x x x x x x x x COI Pandionidae Pandionidae Pandionidae Accipitridae Accipitridae Accipitridae Accipitridae Accipitridae Accipitridae Strigidae Strigidae Cuculidae Cathartidae Cuculidae Pelecanidae Pelecanidae Strigidae Accipitridae Host family Accipitriformes Accipitriformes Accipitriformes Accipitriformes Accipitriformes Accipitriformes Accipitriformes Accipitriformes Accipitriformes Strigiformes Strigiformes Cuculiformes Accipitriformes Cuculiformes Pelecaniformes Pelecaniformes Strigiformes Accipitriformes Host order Pandion haliaetus Pandion haliaetus Pandion haliaetus Ictinia plumbea Buteo magnirostris Buteo jamaicensis Buteo jamaicensis Accipiter rufitorques Accipiter poliocephalus Strix nebulosa Bubo africanus Chrysococcyx klaas Coragyps atratus Piaya melanogaster Pelecanus erythrorhynchus Pelecanus erythrorhynchus Bubo lacteus Henicopernis longicauda Host species Guinea Guinea USA Australia USA Peru Peru USA Canada Papua New Canada Malawi Ghana USA Brazil Canada USA Malawi Papua New Locality Cwsp.Pahal.5.24.2013.8 Cwsp.Pahal.2.21.2013.8 Cwsp.Pahal.1.31.2014.14 Kusp.Icplu.1.31.2014.10 Kusp.Bumag.1.31.2014.12 Kusp.Bujam.1.31.2014.4 Kuful.Bujam.8.19.2013.2 Cwsp.Acruf.2.1.2013.2 Kusp.Acpol.2.1.2013.3 Kumag.Stneb.10.31.2014.7 Kusp.Buafr.1.31.2014.15 Cqsp.Chkla.4.3.2000.2 Cwsp.Coatr.2.1.2013.10 Cqsp.Pimel.7.18.2014.12 Cwsp.Peery.8.2.2013.9 Cwsp.Peery.2.21.2013.1 Cwsp.Bulac.1.31.2014.7 Cwsp.Helon.2.1.2013.4 Extraction code (Continued) haliaeeti haliaeeti haliaeeti fulvofasciata fulvofasciata fulvofasciata fulvofasciata fulvofasciata fulvofasciata longipes sp. alternatus fasciativentris Kurodaia ( ) Kurodaia ( ) Kurodaia ( ) Kurodaia ( ) Kurodaia ( ) Kurodaia ( ) Kurodaia ( ) Kurodaia ( ) Kurodaia ( ) Kurodaia ( Conciella ) sp. Kurodaia ( Conciella ) Cuculiphilus ( ) Cuculiphilus ( Falcophilus ) Cuculiphilus ( ) Colpocephalum unciferum Colpocephalum unciferum Colpocephalum turbinatum Colpocephalum turbinatum Louse species TABLE 1 76 | CATANACH et al. After extraction, PCR (25 μl reactions) was performed to amplify three fragments of two genes, including two frag- x x x x EF- ­ 1α ments of the mitochondrial protein coding gene: cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and the nuclear protein coding gene: elonga- tion factor-­1α (EF-­1α). For COI amplification, we used prim- ers L6625 and H7005 (Hafner et al., 1994) and LCO1490 and x x x x x COIL HCO2198 (Folmer, Black, Hoeh, Lutz, & Vrijenhoek, 1994), and for EF-1α,­ we used EF1-For3­ and EF1-Cho10­ (Danforth & Ji, 1998). PCR conditions follow those for Smith, Page, x x x x x x x x x COI and Johnson (2004) except that an annealing temperature of 50°C was used for EF-­1α. Cycle sequencing reactions were performed using 1 μl of BigDye, 2 μl of sequencing buffer, 5.2 μl of 12.5% glycerol and 2 μl of 1 μm primer. The re- sulting product was submitted for automated sequencing on an ABI 3730xl automated capillary sequencing machine at Anatidae Psittacidae Psittacidae Psittacidae Psittacidae Psittacidae Pelecanidae Tinamidae Pandionidae Host family the University of Illinois Keck Center for Comparative and Functional Genomics. Raw forward and reverse strands for each fragment were assembled in geneious 8.0.4 (Biomatters Ltd.) and manually reconciled. Resulting consensus se- quences were aligned in Geneious using the MUSCLE plugin and exported to seaview 4.3.0 where they were checked and Anseriformes Psittaciformes Psittaciformes Psittaciformes Psittaciformes Psittaciformes Pelecaniformes Tinamiformes Accipitriformes Host order adjusted by eye (Edgar, 2004; Gouy, Guindon, & Gascuel, 2010). All novel sequences were deposited in GenBank ­(accession numbers MF443916–MF444025). In addition to our sampling, the following sequences were downloaded from genbank: AF494292.1, AF494293.1, AF545751.1, AF545756.1, AF545757.1, AF545771.1, AF545781.1, AF545797.1, AF545800.1, AF545801.1, and AF545807.1. Anas platyrhynchos Poicephalus meyeri Poicephalus cryptoxanthus Pyrrhura melanura Eupsittula nana astec Amazona albifrons Pelecanus occidentalis Tinamus major Pandion haliaetus Host species 2.3 | Phylogenetic analysis The three gene regions were first analysed separately to en- sure that gene trees were not in conflict (posterior probabil- ity [PP] greater than .95). Gene trees were inferred using a USA Malawi Malawi Brazil Mexico Mexico USA Brazil Canada Locality 40 million generation beast 2.3.1 (Drummond & Rambaut, 2007) run under the model selected by partitionfinder 1.1.1 (Lanfear, Calcott, Ho, & Guindon, 2012) with branch- lengths = linked; model_selection = AIC; search = greedy). No major conflicts were found between ingroup taxa, and therefore, we concatenated the gene sequences. In the combined analysis of the concatenated data set, different models were applied to each partition. Phylogenies based on the combined analysis were inferred using Bayesian Amsp.Anpla.4.19.1999.3 Qmsp.Pomey.7.18.2014.8 Qmsp.Pocry.7.18.2014.16 Hmsp.Pymel.7.18.2014.14 Psand.3.29.1999.3 Pssp.Amalb.5.4.1999.10 Qibur.5.1.2000.3 Mtsp.Timaj.7.18.2014.15 Kuhal.Pahal.8.2.2013.2 Extraction code Inference (BI) as implemented in beast 2.3.1 (Drummond & Rambaut, 2007; 40 million generations, sampled every 1,000 generations, burnin = 10,000), Maximum Likelihood (ML) as implemented in Garli version 2.01. (Zwickl, 2006): 10 independent runs, default settings, automated stop cri- (Continued) terion = 50,000) and Maximum Parsimony (MP) as imple- mented in paup* (Swofford, 2003; 1,000 random addition sequences with TBR branch swapping). Bayesian PP and

haliaeeti both MP (1,000 replicates of 100 random addition sequences Trinoton querquedulae Psittacomenopon impar Psittacomenopon impar Psittacobrosus molinae Psittacobrosus anduzei Psittacobrosus sp. Piagetiella bursaepelecani Microctenia major Kurodaia ( ) Louse species

TABLE 1 with maxtrees set at 1,000 due to computational constraints) CATANACH et al. | 77 and ML bootstrap values (500 bootstrap replicates on default R to remove outgroups and duplicates (where a single louse settings with automated stop criterion = 50,000) were used species was sampled multiple times, based on sequence di- to evaluate branch support. In BI analyses, PartitionFinder vergence and tree topology). We used an R script (available at favoured an eight partition model (each gene/codon position to run separate with the exception of the 2nd codon position for PARAFIT for 999 permutations to compare the host tree to both regions of COI) with GTR + I + G selected for all COI the Colpocephalum tree and the host tree to Degeeriella tree. partitions except the 3rd positions in the fragment amplified To determine whether cophylogenetic patterns are by L6625 and H7005 for which HKY + I + G was favoured. correlated between Colpocephalum and Degeeriella, we PartitionFinder favoured a different model for each EF-­1α analysed a 2 × 2 contingency table of significant and non-­ codon position, selecting TrN + I, HKY + I and GTR + G significant links for each genus. In instances where two links for codon positions 1, 2 and 3, respectively. During phyloge- existed for a single host species from one of these genera netic analyses, each partition was treated as unlinked. (i.e., a host species infested with two Colpocephalum, sub- order Amblycera), the louse from the other suborder (e.g., ) was counted twice. For example, two different 2.4 | Cophylogenetic analysis species of lice from the Colpocephalum complex occur on Phylogenetic signal for host (order and family) Red-­tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis (Gmelin)), whereas and host geography was tested using a Maddison and Slatkin only a single Degeeriella taxon occurs. The Degeeriella (1991) test as implemented with R code (available at www. link is therefore counted twice to fill the contingency table., see Bush et al., 2016). Host We performed a Fisher’s exact test (in R) to determine taxonomy was based on the eBird-Clements­ checklist (eBird-­ whether patterns between Colpocephalum and Degeeriella Clements-­v2015-­integrated-­checklist-­August-­2015 available were correlated. A significant test would indicate that these through Cornell University: two genera had similar cophylogenetic patterns. mentschecklist/download/). Geography was coded based upon where the host was acquired—Nearctic, Neotropics, Ethiopian, Australasian, Palearctic and Oriental regions. In cases where 2.5 | Louse identification we sampled multiple host individuals from the same species After extraction, all louse specimens were mounted perma- and geographic region, we pruned tips to limit the tree to a nently on slides and identified using available parasite litera- single representative to prevent duplicate samples of the same ture. Many of taxa within Colpocephalum and related genera louse from influencing the results (and biasing results towards are poorly described and have never been redescribed using finding evidence of significant phylogenetic­ signal). modern standards. In our study, we morphologically compared Twelve host species of Colpocephalum included in this our specimens to those described from the same host (sensu phylogenetic study also harbour Degeeriella, a second louse Price et al., 2003). We then compared our specimens with genus parasitizing diurnal birds of prey. These Degeeriella those described or redescribed in taxonomic revisions for lice species were previously included in a phylogenetic study of parasitizing each host group as listed here: Accipitriformes the genus (Catanach & Johnson, 2015). Following the meth- (Price & Beer, 1963b,c), Anseriformes (Clay & Hopkins, ods outlined in Sweet, Boyd, and Johnson (2016), we used the 1960; Price & Beer, 1965b), Cariamiformes (Price, 1968), R implementation of PARAFIT (in package “ape”; Legendre, Cathartiformes (Price & Beer, 1963b; Scharf & Price, 1965), Desdevises, & Bazin, 2002; Paradis, Claude, & Strimmer, Cuculiformes (Scharf & Price, 1965), Falconiformes (Price 2004) to evaluate whether cophylogenetic patterns were cor- & Beer, 1963b,c), Galliformes (Mey, 1999; Price & Beer, related between the two codistributed louse genera. PARAFIT 1964), Passeriformes (Price & Beer, 1965b), Pelecaniformes tests for evidence of congruence between host and parasite (Price, 1970; Price & Beer, 1965a,c), Psittaciformes (Price trees by randomizing the association matrix. In addition to cal- & Beer, 1966, 1968), Strigiformes (Price & Beer, 1963a,d) culating a global measure of congruence, individual links are and Tinamiformes (Guimarães, 1947). Specimens used in our also evaluated to determine how much each contributes to the data set that could not be positively identified to species based global test statistic. This process results in an F1 (more conser- on available literature and reference specimens are labelled as vative) and F2 (in some instances has greater power) statistic, “sp.,” regardless of their host association. No identification both of which were retained in our analysis (Legendre et al., was made based exclusively on host–parasite relationship. 2002). The host trees were created by selecting the relevant species using the Phylogeny Subsets tool from (Jetz, Thomas, Joy, Hartmann, & Mooers, 2012). A random 3 | RESULTS sampling of 1,000 Ericson All Species trees was downloaded and then summarize into a single tree using treeannotator The tree resulting from Bayesian analysis of COI and EF-­ (Drummond & Rambaut, 2007). Parasite trees were pruned in 1α sequences for the Colpocephalum complex (Figure 1) 78 | CATANACH et al.

- / 58 / - Colpocephalum (Aquiligogus) nanum ex Buteo lagopus 59 / - / 0.87 Colpocephalum (Aquiligogus) nanum ex Buteo jamaicensis 88 / 99 / 0.96 86 / 85 / 1 Colpocephalum (Aquiligogus) nanum ex Buteo jamaicensis A 73 / 70 / 1 Colpocephalum (Aquiligogus) nanum ex Accipiter cooperii 74 / 73 / 1 Colpocephalum (Aquiligogus) subzerafae ex Falco columbarius - / 73 / 0.99 Colpocephalum (Aquiligogus) subzerafae ex Falco columbarius Colpocephalum (Aquiligogus) subzerafae ex Falco berigora B - / - / - Colpocephalum (Aquiligogus) subzerafae ex Falco amurensis 89 / 63 / 1 Colpocephalum (Aquiligogus) indi ex Ictinia mississippiennsis - / 56 / 0.88 - / - / 0.88 Colpocephalum (Aquiligogus) napiforme ex Buteo lagopus - / - / 0.88 Colpocephalum (Aquiligogus) sp. ex Haliaeetus leucocephalus C Colpocephalum (Aquiligogus) ibicter ex Ibycter americanus - / - / 0.89 Colpocephalum (Aquiligogus) sp. ex Leptodon cayanensis 51 / - / 0.99 Colpocephalum (Neocolpocephalum) turbinatum ex Bubo lacteus Colpocephalum (Neocolpocephalum) turbinatum ex Bubo lacteus 58 / - / 0.99 Colpocephalum (Neocolpocephalum) turbinatum ex Haliastur sphenurus Colpocephalum (Neocolpocephalum) turbinatum ex Henicopernis longicauda D - / - / 1 Colpocephalum (Neocolpocephalum) turbinatum ex Circus approximans 94 / 99 / 1 Colpocephalum (Neocolpocephalum) turbinatum ex Buteo galapagoensis - / - / - Colpocephalum (Neocolpocephalum) turbinatum ex Haliaeetus leucocephalus Colpocephalum (Neocolpocephalum) cucullare ex Sagittarius serpentarius 64 / - / 0.89 97 / 100 / 1 Colpocephalum (Allocolpocephalum) fregili ex Corvus albus 90 / 78 / 0.94 Colpocephalum (Allocolpocephalum) fregili ex Corvus albicollis E Colpocephalum (Aquiligogus) polybori ex Caracara cheriway F Colpocephalum cristatae ex Chunga burmeisteri G - / - / - 100 / 100 / 1 Colpocephalum (Vulturigogus) kelloggi ex Cathartes aura - / - / 0.88 Colpocephalum (Vulturigogus) kelloggi ex Cathartes aura H - / - / 0.85 100 / 100 / 1 Colpocephalum (Galligogus) alecturae ex Alectura lathami Colpocephalum (Galligogus) alecturae ex Alectura lathami I - / - / - Psittacobrosus molinae ex Pyrrhura melanura - / - / - 51 / 90 / 1 Psittacobrosus sp. ex Amazona albifrons J Psittacobrosus anduzei ex Eupsittula nana astec 100 / 96 / 1 Colpocephalum (Tendeiroella) heterosoma ex Phoenicoparrus andinus - / - / - - / - / - Colpocephalum (Tendeiroella) heterosoma ex Phoenicopterus chilensis K Colpocephalum spinicollis ex Threskiornis spinicollis L - / 56 / - 96 / 97 / 1 Psittacomenopon impar ex Poicephalus cryptoxanthus Psittacomenopon impar ex Poicephalus meyeri M - / - / - 100 / 97 / 1 Colpocephalum (Pelecanigogus) unciferum ex Pelecanus erythrorhynchos Colpocephalum (Pelecanigogus) unciferum ex Pelecanus erythrorhynchos N 100 / 90 / 1 Kurodaia (Kurodaia) fulvofasciata ex Buteo jamaicensis 100 / 94 / 1 - / - / 0.98 Kurodaia (Kurodaia) fulvofasciata ex Buteo jamaicensis Kurodaia (Kurodaia) fulvofasciata ex Rupornis magnirostris 100 / 99 / 1 Kurodaia (Kurodaia) fulvofasciata ex Ictinia plumbea 100 / 94 / 1 Kurodaia (Kurodaia) fulvofasciata ex Accipiter ru torques O - / - / 1 - / - / - Kurodaia (Kurodaia) fulvofasciata ex Accipiter poliocephalus 100 / 80 / 1 Kurodaia (Kurodaia) haliaeti ex Pandion haliaetus Kurodaia (Kurodaia) haliaeti ex Pandion haliaetus - / 66 / 0.99 - / - / 0.95 100 / 78 / 1 Kurodaia (Kurodaia) haliaeti ex Pandion haliaetus - / - / - Kurodaia (Kurodaia) haliaeti ex Pandion haliaetus Kurodaia (Conciella) sp. ex Strix nebulosa Kurodaia (Conciella) longipes ex Bubo africanus P Ciconiphilus decimfasciatus ex Butorides striata - / - / - Piagetiella bursaepelecani ex Pelecanus occidentalis Anseriphilus sp. ex Cygnus olor Outgroups 0.5

FIGURE 1 Phylogeny of the Colpocephalum complex (with outgroups removed). Numbers on branches are Maximum Parsimony bootstrap values (≥50), Maximum Likelihood bootstrap values (≥50) and Bayesian Inference posterior probability values (≥.85). Letters next to clades identify monophyletic groups discussed in the text indicated that members of Colpocephalum were placed in clades O and P) monophyletic group. Whereas support for several distinct lineages, most of which parasitize a single some Colpocephalum and Kurodaia lineages was high, sup- host order or clade. Although many of these lineages were port for the relationships among lineages along the backbone strongly supported as monophyletic PP ≥ .95), some lacked of the tree was very low. Furthermore, the tree suggests that statistical support. Kurodaia from diurnal and nocturnal Colpocephalum is not monophyletic. However, there was not birds of prey form a strongly supported (PP = .95; Figure 1, significant support for this result. CATANACH et al. | 79 Within Kurodaia, there are three well-­supported (PP > .99) F) and Black-legged­ (Cariamiformes: Chunga lineages. One includes lice from owls (Strigiformes), from ­burmeisteri (Hartlaub); Figure 1, lineage G), but has weak the subgenus Conciella (Figure 1, clade P), and this clade is statistical support (PP = .89, MP = 64). sister to lice from hawks (Accipitriformes) in the subgenus This clade includes two taxa in the subgenus Kurodaia (Figure 1, clade O). Although the louse clade Allocolpocephalum Qadri, 1939 from corvids and a louse was well supported in BI, it was not strongly supported in from seriema. The other clade (Figure 1, clade A–D) MP or ML (PP = .99, ML = 66). A well-­supported clade (PP = .89) contains lice from only birds of prey, including (PP = 1.0, MP = 100, ML = 78) contained all Kurodaia owls, hawks and falcons. Within this clade, lice placed in (Kurodaia) haliaeti (Denny, 1842) sampled from the Osprey the subgenera Neocolpocephalum Ewing, 1933 from Hawks (Pandion haliaetus Linnaeus) from North America and (Accipitriformes) and Owls (Strigiformes) (Figure 1, clade Australia. The remaining lineage of Kurodaia, also from the D) and Aquiligogus Eichler & Złotorzycka, 1971 from hawks nominotypical subgenus, was comprised of lice from hawks (Accipitriformes) and falcons (Falconiformes) (Figure 1 (Accipitriformes) including Red-­tailed Hawk (Buteo jamai­ clades A, B and C) fall into two distinct groups, although censis), Roadside Hawk (Rupornis magnirostris Gmelin), monophyly of Aquiligogus is not well supported and the Plumbeous (Ictinia plumbea (Gmelin)), Fiji Goshawk monophyly of Neocolpocephalum is only strongly ­supported (Accipiter rufitorques (Peale)) and Grey-­headed Goshawk in BI. (Accipiter poliocephalus (Grey)) (PP = 1.0, MP = 100, All three Maddison and Slatkin (1991) tests (for host ML = 98). Within this clade, there are three well-­supported order, host family and host geography) revealed significant lineages: the Red-tailed­ Hawk lice, Pacific Island Accipiter evidence of phylogenetic signal (p < .05 in all cases) in lice (Fiji Goshawk and Grey-­headed Goshawk) and a South these characters on the tree. PARAFIT indicated congru- American lineage (Roadside Hawk and Plumbeous Kite). ence between host and parasite trees for both Degeeriella and Each of these lineages has a posterior probability of 1.0 and Colpocephalum (global test p-value­ = .001 for both genera). bootstrap values over 90 in both MP and ML. Although the Although five links within Degeeriella were significant (F1 currently recognized subgenera Kurodaia (Kurodaia) from and F2 statistics were identical for each pair), and three links diurnal birds of prey and Kurodaia (Conciella) from owls in Colpocephalum were significant, no links were shared form reciprocally monophyletic groups in the tree, this node between the two genera. Furthermore, a Fisher’s exact test lacked strong statistical support. among the congruent host–parasite links of Degeeriella and Within Colpocephalum, one major clade consists of the host–parasite links of Colpocephalum indicates that they lice primarily found on diurnal and nocturnal birds of were not significantly associated with each other (p = .27). prey (Figure 1, clade A–F), whereas a second includes Colpocephalum from a variety of other birds, along with two genera of lice, Psittacomenopon Bedford, 1930 and 4 | DISCUSSION Psittacobrosus (Figure 1, clade H–N). There are six main lin- eages within this second major clade (Figure 1, clade H–N), Phylogenetic analyses of one mitochondrial and one nuclear all of them restricted to distinct host groups; however, the gene from a diversity of Colpocephalum complex members relationships among them were not well resolved. The re- produced the first molecular phylogeny for this complex of maining lineages of Colpocephalum correspond to groups avian lice. Although Colpocephalum is not monophyletic in that some authors have considered as genera or subgenera of our analysis, its monophyly cannot be ruled out completely be- Colpocephalum (Eichler & Złotorzycka, 1971; Zlotorzycka, cause of a number of weakly supported nodes along the back- 1976; Zlotorzycka, Eichler, & Ludwig, 1974): Vulturigogus bone of the tree. However, we did find a number of strongly Eichler & Złotorzycka, 1963 (on New World Vultures; supported clades within the complex, most which correspond Figure 1, clade H), Pelecanigogus Eichler, 1949 (on pelicans to existing genera or subgenera (Figure 2). Our work sug- and ; Figure 1, clade N), Tendeiroella Eichler, gests that either Psittacomenopon and Psittacobrosus should 1982 (on flamingos; Figure 1, clade K) and Galligogus be treated as subgenera of Colpocephalum or many subgen- Eichler, 1947 on Australian Brushturkey (Galliformes: era within Colpocephalum should be returned to full generic Alectura lathami; Figure 1, clade I). status. However, without a detailed morphological study of Clade A–G contains exclusively Colpocephalum from the group, taxonomic recommendations would be premature. diurnal birds of prey, nocturnal birds of prey, corvids and Further analyses, including more nuclear gene sequences, are . Although this clade was well supported in BI required to determine whether the genus Colpocephalum is (PP = 1.0), it was not supported in MP or ML. This clade monophyletic and additional morphological analysis is needed is divided into two lineages. One is comprised of lice from to define generic limits within the complex. Broader taxon two African corvids (Figure 1, clade E), Crested Caracara sampling, including several genera missing from our study (Falconidae: Caracara cheriway (Jacquin); Figure 1, lineage that Clay (1969) placed in the Colpocephalum complex, will 80 | CATANACH et al.

Colpocephalum (Aquiligogus)


Colpocephalum (Neocolpocephalum) 1 1

1 0.94 Colpocephalum (Allocolpocephalum) 0.89 Colpocephalum (Aquiligogus) Colpocephalum (ex Cariamidae) 1 Colpocephalum (Vulturigogus) 0.88 1 Colpocephalum (Galligogus) 0.85

1 Psittacobrosus

1 Colpocephalum (Tendeiroella) Colpocephalum “ajajae-group” (ex Ciconiiformes) 1 Psittacomenopon

1 Colpocephalum (Pelecanigogus)

Kurodaia (Kurodaia) 1


0.99 Kurodaia (Conciella)

Ciconiphilus Piagetiella Anseriphilus Outgroups 0.5

FIGURE 2 Phylogeny of the Colpocephalum complex (with outgroups removed) showing subgenera of Colpocephalum and Kurodaia. Silhouettes represent host orders for louse terminal taxa. Numbers on branches are Bayesian Inference posterior probability values (≥.85) help clarify taxonomic limits of this group. Furthermore, the Several genera have been synonymized with Colpoce­ addition of data from Colpocephalum zebra Burmeister, 1838, phalum (Hopkins & Clay, 1952; Price & Emerson, 1966; the type species of the genus, would be critical for determin- Price et al., 2003) and are herein treated as subgenera. ing which lineages belong in Colpocephalum sensu stricto. These include Vulturigogus (from New World Vultures), CATANACH et al. | 81 Pelecanigogus (from pelicans), Tendeiroella (from flamin- and Strigidae (comprising two subgenera, Aquiligogus and gos), Allocolpocephalum (from crows) and Galligogus (from Neocolpocephalum) and Colpocephalum (Vulturigogus) from Australian Brushturkey). Given that we have not conducted a New World Vultures (Cathartidae). detailed morphological revision of the complex, we believe In this study, all the Colpocephalum complex lice that treating these taxa as subgenera is the most conservative sampled from the Falconidae (falcons and caraca- approach to indicate that these clades are good candidates for ras) were embedded within the Colpocephalum louse elevation to full genera once they have been studied in the con- clade, confirming this louse group broadly parasitizes text of a more detailed molecular and morphological study. Falconiformes and Accipitriformes, rather than a single We sampled both Tendeiroella and Allocopocephalum from host order. Lice collected from falcons (genus Falco) were multiple host species. For both of these subgenera, we found all placed in a single clade (Figure 1, clade B) suggesting that multiple host species share the same morphologically and a single colonization and subsequent radiation of lice oc- genetically identical louse species. Other louse taxa are also curred on this host genus. Conversely, lice from Crested known to infect multiple host species. For example, based Caracara (Caracara cheriway) and Red-­throated Caracara on morphological and genetic data Bueter et al., Weckstein, (Ibycter americanus (Boddaert) were not closely related Johnson, Bates, and Gordon (2009) found that Neotropical to each other or to lice collected from falcons. Further migrant thrushes (genus Catharus) are parasitized by a single sampling of lice from other species within the Falconidae, species of Brueelia. Escalante et al. (2016) also found clades particularly outside of Falco, are needed to further un- of closely related (and morphologically similar) lice occur- derstand the non-­monophyly of lice parasitizing caraca- ring on distantly related duck hosts. We also sampled other ras (Polyborinae) and falcons (Falconinae). A molecular Colpocephalum complex subgenera from geographically wide- phylogeny of Falconidae (Fuchs, Johnson, & Mindell, spread localities (e.g., lice from Buteo jamaicensis), and these 2015) showed that Falco is a recent (7.5 mya) radiation, were morphologically and genetically identical. Similarly, in whereas many of the caracara genera, including Caracara a recent study of duck lice by Escalante et al. (2016) clades of and Ibycter, diverged significantly earlier (10 mya). This lice with virtually no COI genetic divergence were found on could provide a potential calibration point for future di- host taxa across a wide geographic distribution. vergence time estimation of Colpocephalum complex There are two lineages widely distributed on diurnal and members. nocturnal birds of prey and these are currently treated as subge- Lice from owls fell into two different clades in the tree. nera of Colpocephalum: Aquiligogus and Neocolpocephalum. Colpocephalum turbinatum Denny, 1842, from Verreaux’s With the exception of the specimen Colpocephalum Eagle-­Owl (Bubo lacteus (Temminck)) was deeply embed- (Aquiligogus) polybori, each of these subgenera forms a ded within the Colpocephalum (Neocolpocephalum) clade, monophyletic clade. Furthermore, the branch lengths on which included a number of C. turbinatum specimens from these lineages are similar to those seen in the lineages cur- diurnal birds of prey. Within Kurodaia, a pair of lice in the rently treated as genera within the Colpocephalum complex. subgenus Conciella from two owls (Great Grey Owl, Strix Although monophyly of Neocolpocephalum is well supported nebulosa Forster, and Spotted Eagle-Owl, Bubo africanus (PP = 1.0, MP = 94), support is weak for monophyly of the (Temminck)) are each other’s closest relatives and are sister Aquiligogus clade, excluding Colpocephalum (Aquiligogus) to the nominotypical subgenus Kurodaia. polybori. Morphological data were not directly incorporated A louse from Secretary Bird (Sagittarius serpentarius into this phylogeny, yet the presence of several well-supported­ (Miller)), morphologically identified as Colpocephalum cu­ clades (Figure 1, clade A–D) suggests that these lineages are cullare, was embedded within the clade of lice identified as distinct evolutionary units and further research may warrant C. turbinatum. These species are morphologically similar their return to generic status. Some of these lineages do not (Price & Beer, 1963b), and the status of the members of this currently have a name and thus may require the description of group will require further investigation. new genera/subgenera. For example, the subgenus Aquiligogus Overall, host taxonomy at both the host order and host (Eichler & Złotorzycka, 1971) includes both the polybori family level is highly correlated with louse phylogeny. Host group (sensu Price & Beer, 1963b) found on caracaras and geography also explains louse phylogeny, although with the flavescens-group,­ and in our phylogenetic reconstructions, less statistical support. A cophylogenetic analysis using these groups are not closely related and therefore may warrant PARAFIT indicated significant congruence between the creation of a new subgenus for the polybori group. Colpocephalum complex phylogeny and host phylogeny Our data suggests that there are at least three dis- (p = .001). Comparing significant links between the two tinct lineages of Colpocephalum complex lice on raptors: louse genera (Colpocephalum and Degeeriella) on the same Kurodaia (comprised of two subgenera: Kurodaia and group of hosts did not reveal any correlation between the Conciella which parasitize diurnal birds of prey and noctur- two. Degeeriella complex members are thought to disperse nal owls, respectively), Colpocephalum from Accipitridae via phoresy, hitchhiking on hippoboscid flies (Bartlow, Villa, 82 | CATANACH et al. Thompson, & Bush, 2016; Keirans, 1975; J. Weckstein and genus Brueelia. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 94, M. Valim personal observation), whereas Colpocephalum 737–751. is not known to engage in this behaviour. Phoresis by Catanach, T. A., & Johnson, K. P. (2015). Independent origins of the feather lice (Insecta: Degeeriella) of raptors. Biological Journal Degeeriella has the potential to result in populations of lice of the Linnean Society, 114, 837–847. Retrieved from https://doi. that freely move between different host species within a geo- org/10.1111/bij.12453 graphic region (Weckstein, 2004). This difference in phoretic Clay, T. (1969). A key to the genera of the Menoponidae (Amblycera: behaviour could explain the lack of correlation in cophyloge- : Insecta). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural netic patterns between these two genera of lice. History) Entomology, 24, 3–26. The Colpocephalum complex includes lice parasitizing a Clay, T., & Hopkins, G. H. E. (1960). The early literature on Mallophaga. wide array of host species. Here we identified monophyletic Part IV, 1787-­1818. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Entomology 9 lineages within this complex that parasitize individual host , , 1–61. Clayton, D. H., Gregory, R. D., & Price, R. D. (1992). Comparative orders. These lineages could potentially be treated as either ecology of neotropical bird lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera). 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