AHIS373/AHPG875 Egypt in the New Kingdom/New Kingdom Egypt 3/4 Credit points Unit Guide Semester 1, 2011 Department of Ancient History 1 Undergraduate Unit Guide Department of Ancient History AHIS 373 Egypt in the New Kingdom/ AHPG 875 New Kingdom Egypt Semester 1, 2011 Credit Point Value: AHIS 373: 3, AHPG 875: 4 Students in this unit should read this unit guide carefully at the start of semester. It contains important information about the unit. If anything in it is unclear, please consult one of the teaching staff in the unit. TEACHING STAFF Unit Convenor Name: A/Professor Boyo Ockinga Phone: 98508852 Email:
[email protected] Office: W6A533 Consultation by appointment hours: General enquiries Name: Raina Kim Phone: 9850 8833 Email:
[email protected] Office: W6A 540 1 CLASSES Classes will be held in W5C 301 14.00‐17.00 and W5A 201 18.00‐22.00 MQ Timetable website: http://www.timetables.mq.edu.au. This website will display up-to-date information on your classes and classroom locations. ABOUT THIS UNIT The unit will deal with aspects of the history of the early 18th Dynasty, down to the reign of Thutmosis III. The texts to be read will be selected primarily from the reigns of Hatshepsut and Thutmosis III. LEARNING OUTCOMES All academic programmes at Macquarie seek to develop graduate capabilities. These are: 1. Discipline‐specific knowledge and skills; 2. Critical, analytical and integrative thinking; 3. Problem‐solving and research capability 4. Creative and innovative ; 5. Effective communication ; 6. Engaged and ethical local and global citizens; 7.