Names Mentioned More Than Once on a Page Are Indexed Only Once. Names of Places Are Printed in Italics. ABAS, Shah of Persia, 67
INDEX Names mentioned more than once on a page are indexed only once. Names of places are printed in italics. ABAS, Shah of Persia, 67 Barnard-Castle, 64 Abergavenny, Lord, 66 Barnston, Robert, 187 Accrington, 116, 123-28 Bateman, Messrs, 54 Acland-Hood, Alick, 136 Beardsall, Robert, 178 An Act for inclosing the Forest of Bell, John, 7 Delamere, 158 Berry Field, 122 Adam, James, 6, 10 Beverley, 64 Adam, William, 6 Birch, Douglas, 95 Adams, Roger, 62, 63, 65, 70 [Bird], John, Bishop of Chester, 176, Adam's weekly courant, 62 !?7 Africa, 187, 188 Birkenhead, St Anne's, 181 Aitken, Max, 143 Birkin, George, 51 Aldridge, Charles, 181 Birmingham, 54, 64, 134, 143, 144 Alexander, David, 37 Black, J., 'Manchester's first news Almond, Richard, 23, 27, 29 paper: The Manchester weekly Altham, 123 journal', 61-72 Ambrun, Archbishop, 69 Blackburn, 139, 188 America, 188 Blomfield, Charles James, Bishop Amery, Leo, 144, 145 of Chester, 150, 179 Anglesey, 54 Blue Robin, 65 Anne, Queen, 5, 151 Blundell, Nicholas, 3 Antwerp, 61 . ,-. Bolton, 135 Antwis, William, 159 Bonar Law, A., 133, 140-44, 146 Appleton, Edward, 12 Booth, John, 167 Ashton, Thomas, 116, 120-22 124, Borthwick Institute, [York], 149 126 Boscowen, G., 51 Ashton Green, 122 Bourbon Union, 68 Ashton-under-Lyne, 142, 143 Bowler, Peter, 51 Aspinwall, Thomas, 116, 117, 120 Bowler, William, 51 Aspinwall (Family) 16 Bowles, George Stewart, 139 Astbury, 174-77 Bracegirdle, William, 50 Augustinian Friary [parish of Bradford, 117 Warrington], 192 Bramhall, 48 Australia, 142 Brandeth, Thomas Share, 179 Austria, 68 Brereton, John, 176, 177 Automobile Association, 11 Brereton, 48 Brice, Andrew, 63 BACKUP, Tobias, 7, 9, 12 Bridgeman, [John], Bishop of Bagnall, John, 187, 188 Chester, 150, 151, 171 Bagnall, Samuel, 187 Bristol, 63, 64 Baldwin, J., 172 Britain, 61, 66, 69, 70 , Balfour, A.
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