Hughes and Wilson Strength
- I T- !! I! ; I. THE WASHINGTON TIMES? SATURDAY' --NOVEMBER: gMOtt.'- -' and their big black Velvet hats were playedt before a Washington audlenee, America of lecture br wwrlflrijr i trimmed each With one. groat silver rose. '"! Klve the program. , perti, faculty members and tuWnUr MONTGOMERY All the attendants wore silver slippers BABY CHRISTENED The proceeds of the entertainment wilt MISS RUTH HULL TO ITEMS OF INTEREST to be given. Trip to nearbr n(1neiv MISS and hosiery. go to swell the Washington Scholarship Ins plant will bemad. man bridegroom's Fund. Mrs. Nponan Is chairman The best was the John arrange- brother, Lieut. John MacDonald of the commute In charge of Paper PMIeepliy. ) Thompson, and the ushers were. Lieut. ments. , oh . "Phlloeophr a Chapman C. "Todd, Lieut. H. J. Wil- MBASSY v - - IN Related to Boctoioi PEC0IV1ES THE BRIDE son, Lieut. A. von 8. PI6kard, station- AT GERMAN E An Interesting audience witnessed tne WED BALDWIN SMITH AND ABOUT TOWN will be the subject of a paper to be) ed on the U. 8. 8. New York, and performance of the Washington Square read br Prof. William M. Coleman kt Lieut, l. n Ard. v. S'W.. oil cIum-mat- Players last night at the Bniasco" Thea- a meeting; of the Society for FhlloaopM of the brldcgroiTm at Annapolis, ter, Including Victor Kauffmnnn, Mr. oai inquiry, at the rumio MDrary traa class of 1)13: Richard Dnna Skinner, and Mrs, Beale R. Howard, Miss Na- afternoon at 4:46 'o'clock. Montgomery talie Magruder.'Rear and Mrs. Warwick and Outerbitdga God- Admiral ft, Montgomery, brothers of the bride, and Countess Von Bernstorff Richardson Clover nnd Miss Eudora Engagement of Army Officer's News and Gossip of Washing- Pcnnsylranlans to Meat.
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