Dreadnought Florida Beats World's Navies
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THE SUN, SUNDAY, MARCH 31, 1912. DREADNOUGHT FLORIDA BEATS WORLD'S NAVIES nbout 27.000 tons which will lo christened the cost of her construction and her arma- 14,405 Ions and 17.11 knots; tho Missouri, tho New York, and which with her ment will finally total close to $8,ooo,om, 13,5'rl tons and 18.15 knots; tho Nebraska, Uncle Sam Demonstrates That He skier ship, lho Toxns, will bo required Her four propollors aro run by turblnn 10,001 totmnnd lO.oflknoU; tho New Hamp- Speed of 22.54 Knots Over a Measured to make Iwepty-on- o knots, and tho naval engines of tho Parsons type, which develop shire, 17,781 tons and 18,10 knot3J tho Now officers who are petnonally concerned a horso-powe- r of about 28.000. Sho will Jersey, 10,014, tons and 10.18 knots; the iMile Course Attained, Surpassing Can Build Warships as Well as bollevn that sho also will lo n record carry 2,500 tons of coal and 400 tons of oil. North Dukotn, sister of tho Delaware, breaker. They aro oven prophesying that Her complement Is 051 men and sixty 22.000 tons and 21.01 knots; tho Ohio, Fight Hard in Them After they m.iy bn able to bring her speed up officers. Sho Is 521 feet 8 Inches long and 13,500 tons and 17.81 knots; tho Oregon, AU Previous Records of Any pretty cloe In twenty-thre- e knolH. The her greatest beam at tho water line is 83 now No. 3 on the list, 11,088 tons and 10.70 They Are Launched first hittleahlp built at tho Brooklyn navy feet 2).j inches, and her main draught knots; the Rhode Island, 10,001 tons and Sea Fighting Power yard, the Maine, blown up In Havana 28 feet 8 Inches. 10.01 knots; tho South Carolina, sister harbor, only 17.15 knots. Her Tho Florida's armor Is 11 Inches thick, of lho Michigan, 17,017 tons und 18.80 fipeed record for dreadnoughts or destroyers. America's fastest armored nude The Oklahoma and Nevada which were as to bo completed with a displacement Texas, along the water line, and is 8 feet knots; IIih Vermont. I7,0?0 tons and 18,33 navies go Into the second rato cruiser, tho North Carolina, built by the sister ship, tho old nuthorizod running authorized by tho last Congress, nre between 20,000 and 30,000 tons, foreign contemporaneously wth Maine, in width. Above this heavy protecting knots; tho Virginia, ltl.oui ton And 10.01 since the performance of Unclo Nowport News Shipbuilding and Drydock the and to be practically sister ships of tho New Between tho scout cruiser and battle about tho same displacement and speed, belt there Is 9 Inch armor. Twelve Inches knots; tho Wisconsin, 12,150 tons and fiim' greatest and latest dreadnnught Company, achieved a speed on trial of York and Texas, each to carry ten' 14 ship classes America's fastest ship U dis- - was stricken from tho naval list and sunk of stool protect tho live turrets In which 17.17 knots. i Florida over a measured mile course last' 22.48 knots. Tho Florida, with her tho armored cruiser North Carolina, Mondav No battleship of tho American built by tho Newport News Shipbuilding Jtavy Itself over attained tho Florida's and Dry Dock Company. The Nortlt trinl speed of 22.51 knots. Hut moro Carolina's best speed on trial was 22.48. noteworthy still, tho Vanguard, one of Tho speod of the nine other nrmored the latest of tho F.ngllsh dreadnoughts, cruisers on trial was as follows: The hi n record of hut 22.S0 knots. California, 22.20; tho Colorado, 22.24; And to make tho superiority more Maryland, 22.41; Montana, 22.20; Penn- remirkable tho Florida Is n product of sylvania, 22,44; South Dakota, 22.24; foiled States naval officer plan and Tennessee, 22.10; Washington, 22.27; West cintructlon. No outside battleship Virginia, 22.15. Tho North Carolina and bulkier now has any sneer on tho folly Montana wore tho last of tho armored of a rSovcmment building Its own vessels cruisers built, they being first commis- In flr sm fighting. From the time her sioned 1003. They were tho .fastest ijrl w.i bid until sho slid down tho ways ships In tho American navy, above the the Florida was an American triumph. destroyer class, at the time they went The speed trial was mado near Rock-'im- l. into commission. Me . and was a tryotit under trying Tho official battery description of the i.a and wind conditions. Tho record Florida and Utah is as follows: Ten 12 niide was place! In comparison Immedl-'nH- y inch guns, two In each of flvo turrets, with that recently checked against all 'on tho centre line, giving a full 12 the dreadnought Utah, built by the New gun broadside These turrets are located ork Shipbuilding Company at Camden. three forward and two aft, ono forward American Th" Utah was the fastest ' lljjjj and ono aft being superimposed. The Kittlehip until the Florida had her trials. guns are .45 calibrt. There aro also The men of the navy and tho Rrooklyn sixteen 5 inch '.51 calibre rifles, four 3 .ivv vnrd. where the Florida was built. pound saluting guns and two 21 inch tvik more time in fashioning her than torpedo tubes. wis expended on the Utah, which broke Tho batteries of tho Arkansas differ records ly being launcncn from tho Florida In thero are twelve layirg that nine months and ton days after the 12 inch guns of 50 calibre and twenty-on- o keel, but naval officers liellovo that ' of her o-- s & :' 5 Inch 51 calibro guns. The New York the nddltlon.il time and expense put on flopida - r ' ; .:..;..,.;';'?--,, y Vyik, and Texas aro to liavo ten 14 inch 45 the Florida has been justified, mo nnai calibre guns, their disposition in turrets rcct of the newest.shlp will be much moro to bo the same as those on the Florida, tho Utah, but tho exact i iimmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmiimmmmmamamsaamammmtmmm m than that of I in Jin iMMMMiaiMiMMMMMw ii Uiah, North Dakota and Delaware, Thoy which make comparisons figures from to will havo twunty-on- o 5 Inch 51 calibro was when not yet available. It said guns and four 21 Inch submerged torpedo the Florida was under construction that tubes. Tho batteries of tho Oklahoma the would cost about $1,500,000. which is and Novada, the plans for which aro not placement of 21,825 ago by the big Delaware aro mounted ten 12 inch 50 cnllbro Tho following comparisons aro given inch guns. Their required spo3d is 20.50 J?,500,noo more than the contract prico of tons, therefore has a year battleship her yet completed, will be practically tho beaten of tho In ordnance tost. Florid is guns, each of which Is 50 feet In length of ships now under construction knots and their, dlsplaoament will be the Utah. the best armored cruiser Tho i the the samo. The information concerning tho meas- class, displacing about 14,000 heaviest warship ever launch"! in the from the point of tho shell chnmW. or authorized: The Arkansas, No. 33, approximately 28,500 tons. They are The Florida In her runs over the tins. armament of those latter bhips is still Me., nver-'aite- d There Is construction now at tho United She is 1,000 tons Sho has n secondary luittcry of sixteen 27,243 tons nnd 20.50 knots; tho Wyoming, tho biggest warships yet authorized ured mile course off Rockland. under States. about being held as confidential. 21.97 1 knots In five top speed runs. navy yard In Brooklyn u Uittlcshlp of larger than tho Utah. It Is lclloved that rapid fire 5 inch guns. 27,213 tons and 20.50 knots; the Now York, b any nation, although it is understood When tho Secretary of the Navy decided Theee figures are not ofTlclal, but they Kach of the big guns weighs 133,000 No 34, 28,307 tons nnd 21 knots; the Texas, that the battleships now being built probably almost exact. Tho sea was enough to build No. 35, 28,307 tons and 21 knots. in England by Brazil will bo changed, to that the machinery of the Florida should re pounds and costs 05,noo, bo tho rough and tho wind blowing half a gale. warship the period steam of Parsons turblno tyixj, ho wrota a little of leforo to tho of etcam engineer- The officers aboard of her were Rear F.ach great gun can throw thus bureau supplanted sail. ing: Admiral Aaron Ward, commander of the a half ton projectllo twelve miles, liarh third division of the Atlantic fleet; Capt. shell costs $500 and a broadside from tho "The recommendation of tho bureau Harry S. Knapp, In command of tho ship, mighty ship means tho shooting away contained In tho preceding indorsement and the trial board, mado up of Capt. of $:o,ix)0. She can throw about 25 per Is approvod, for tho reasons stated therein reason Navy A. F. Fechteler. president; Commander cent more destructive foroo than any .7 'II and for the further that the T. J. Senn, the recorder; Capt. W. C. other ship In commission. It was predicted Department already has under contract Braith, Capt. C. 8. Williams and O. H. of her that her engines would develop 172,000 horse-pow- of Parsons turbines, Rock, naval constructor.