V" Cruiser's Only Means of Self-Defens- E Will V4 Be Found in a Doaen Three-Inc- H Rapid-Fi- T Pi Guns
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c ' ' - ! H 'ft-- I A! 'J rapid as that of the armored crslseri above nientlMied. but they displace only 9,700 tons, and carry none of the eight-Inc- h I guns, such as constitute the mala battery of iach armored cruiser. ? r-- shin-yard- s, tfr fcp"sW On the stocks In New England but less than half finished, are 5 three thoroughly unique ships that are to be christened, respectively, Chester, Bir- mingham and r?alem. Thene are to be known as "scout cruisers," from whlch -- 3 v name their function In naval warfare ma; readily be guessed, and the Idea of having-suc- h ships In the fleet bufl been borrowed by Uncle Sam from Great Britain, where several such craft have recently been con- structed for the purpose of keeping tab on an enemy's fleet. Since a scout cruiser upon discovering the approach of a hos- tile squadron must not ouly be agile enough to evade capture, but must also be qualified to race home and give warn- SsW ing. It goes without saying that speed Is a prime requisite In such a vessel, and accordingly the trio of new Tankee scouts will each be fitted with engines of 16.000-horsepowe- r, capable of dr!vlng her through the water at a clip of 28 mile per hour, or better. The new scout cruisers wl!l be doubly Interesting, from the fact that the Ntvy ikJttiiL,,..jr Department will try an innovation la the meaner of obtaining speed. One of the ships the Birmingham will be J3Z772?G-jBUTZ.Tj- T 3 4 with triple-expansio- n 5 equipped ordinary engines of the same general pattern as those Installed In all our warships for 0 years past, but the other two scouts will be fitted with steam turbines, the newest wrinkle In power producing machinery and apparatus, such as has gained credit for tbe exceptional speed of the new trans-Atlanti- c passenger steamers of the Cunard Line. Two different styles of tur- bines will be tested In order to determine ..4.' their comparative merits.. The scout cruisers will have a uniform length of 420 feet, but their light construction can be from the fact that each k & fV' .VIA appreciated r- - will have a displacement of only S.750 W I' tons. Such a is to ma 5 fl (I ship expected away rather than fight, and this type of V" cruiser's only means of self-defens- e will V4 be found In a doaen three-Inc- h rapid-fi- t pi guns. Inasmuch as the cruisers will draw only about 16 feet of water, tbey will be able to navigate In shallower water than other warships of large sire. Yet another tendency lately manlfer In the new policy for the developmetwf of the United States Navy Is found In the. Increasing attention Jtieiug paid ta "A H Lf' t!le cadIntf nat!on3 of tbe svor!l submarine torpedo-boats- . Yankee In to seized 8$ l! njjpoar have been during . MP ventors, with tbe proverbial Ingenuity y B recent years, with a perfect mania of the race, have produced decidedly tbe lor adding to their fleets of fighting ships. best under water fighters that have been Nor has national patriotic ambition In evolved anywhere in the world, but Unci ny case been satisfied by mere Increase Bam, for one reason or another, has net In the number of floating fortresses. paid as much attention to these new ter- Larger, more powerful and more heavily-arme- d rors as have European nations that barn warships have been demanded. un- not nad available anything like each good til the tam. expended upon new naval examples. Latterly, however, there baa craft are such as would have appeared been an awakening. Four submarines nnbelievable a few years ago. are well on the way to completion at tba The United States has not been one big shipyard at Qulncy Point, Mass., whit behind her sister nations In pursu- and It Is now proposed to devote fully ing this policy for the upbuilding of a $1,000,000 to further construction In thla powerful naTy. If anything, she has been same as men- line as soon as our naval can de- where- er the latter a first cousin of the battle- the length the ships Just experts ahead of her European rivals, for. ' ' Wash- termine Just which one of tbe several Old World ship and pretty nearly as capable of. W' tioned, though the Tennessee and as some of the powers hare In a Inventors In tbe field Is offering tbe best navlea than the one to be found taking care of herself prolonged, ington each displace 14,500 tons of water, larger close-rang- e of craft for work nnder the waves. under the Stars and there Is no contest of arms. To pursue or as much as any but the largest battle- type Stripes, the further it may be added that The autumn of 1906 sees the The recent tremendous Increase In tbe the Atlantic that Is snbject ships. of- government beyond of the 28 at this at News, Va., of two United States Navy has caused tbe now to Its steel-cla- d warriors of warships uncompleted launching Newport adding 17 are or armored more of this class, the ficials at Washington to be sorely put tn the sea so as Is Uncle Sam. writing battleships 1 huge protectors ' rapidly Is to submit and Montana. also It to provide officers and men for alt Hum was, and not so many cruisers, whereas It proposed North Carolina These very years n these fortresses. It Is not mere- when the United States was at the next session of Congress the plans are 14,500-to- ships. Each will cost when floating ago,' either, new to the much as a battle- that there has been a heavy Increase near the foot of the list of prin- for a battleship Intended be completed almost as ly pretty most machine ever de- in case of new In tbe number of ships, but almost every naval powers, but the phenomenal powrful fighting ship, and as the of all tbe cipal ' will one of these newcomers' almost of the American dur- vised and that will outdo John Bull's - 1A : ' ' "1 armored cruisers, rival battleships requires development Nary master of the seas, the tar " In the number of men carried, the ship's twice as many bluejackets v were need- ing the past decade has enabled the re- lately completed In Dreadnought. company comprising 40 officers and up- ed on the biggest battleship we had public to advance beyotid Japan. Italy, Spanish-America- n Building battleships to keep the peace ward of 800 men. As may be Imagined, service at the time of the Russia and Austria, and stand In fourth, To matters In contest. Is, however, rather an expensive luxury. the engines are a most Important consid- Wsr. remedy the Navy place this International Great Is every means with a to the com- The general public appears to have an eration In vessels so speedy as are these Department nsing possible Britain, navy equal the to encourage enlistment In tbe Navy, and bined fleets of any three other nations, impression, probably dating from the days new armored cruisers, and. Indeed, before the that a first-clas- s machinery Installed In these the enlarged Academy at Annapolis la would to be secure first Spanish War, propelling I appear la place horse- new officers ahead of time. Is for a long time to come; Franc la Bceond battleship costs, complete and flyers ranges from 23,000 to 28,600 graduating ' to with the demand. Al- - and Germany third. ready for service, about $3,000,000. power in the various ships. order keep pace In Howerer, the of battleships, like Tbe powers that be In Congress and the most equally serious Is the need for flag But making this comparison the price command the statistics take account of the war- almost every other" commodity, has Navy Department at Washington have officers ef experience to only fleets and Into which our grow- ships that are completed, ready for use, advanced during recent .years. To be not been giving much attention of late squadrons reason be , or In commission. If all the vessels build- sure, the hull of such a ship the years to the construction of the lighter ing Navy must, by of Its slse, cruis- divided. One result of the for mors ing for the various navies could be com- framework, without armor or armament class of ships known as protected cry and a new census costs less In proportion than formerly, ers, although two such vessels the St. officers will be that In future, promotion pleted simultaneously re- will be more and officers of fighting, the status of being available In most Instances at less Louis and Milwaukee have lately rapid younger strength taken, are will be the of responsibil- things would be changed, for the United than $4,000,000. but more guns are carrld ceived their finishing touches. They given positions te WALDON FAWCETT. States would, then be In third place and on the battleship than were capable of maintaining a gait quite as ity. not so very far behind France whereas provided In days gone by, and this In- Germany would drop back to fourth place. crease, together with the other added The secret of this Is found, of course. In frills that are considered essential, runs the number of new warships Miss Co- the cost up to $8,noo.OOO or thereabouts.