"ONCE ARIZ , . . .

From C. D. Wagoner. WHITE E NEWS GUNNERY DOPE General Electric Company, The inertia of two years eltlcient We are now starting a new gunnery Schenectady, N. Y. operation, combined with the interes- year which is going to be a corker. THE FOURTH LEXINGTON ted cooperation of all hamds and the After we come back from Puget IN U. 8. NAVY maintainanee of the same high etand- Sound to Pedro, the old grind starte The U. 8. 8. Lexington, aircraft ards, enabled the ARIZONA to turn and ~ITLcticeScome on top of each carrier, is the fourth vessel so called. in a score at the end of the month other. The practices are a0 f0Ib~S: she was originally dosigned for a of July of 112.37. It is a good fndica- PRACTICE WEEK DE43lNNINQ battre but work was ordered tion that there is no slackness below Short Range Battle.----3 October. suspended, February 8, 1922, upon the dacks. and that our future Prospects Battle Torpedo Practice.-7 November. signing of the treaty limiting naval are roRY. Night Battle "B" 6 DecearBer. armament. The white E score for 1926 - 27 Anti Aircraft "B"---.---12 Deoeanber hi^ vessel was authorized to be was 112.639. Although our allowances Night Battle "A" (Misa.&Arfa.)--2 Jan. converted to an by have been cut at low and high speeds, Long Range Battle.(Colo. & Aria.)-12 act of congressdated ~~l~ 1, 1922, we are given a little more at cruising Force Battle-- March. In accordance with th terms of the speed. this Year. There is no reason All these we must shoot b&re go- &@f?: aboye treaty, and on ~~l~ 13, 1922, to anticipate a lower final merit for ing into the navy yard som€+time in AX iwaanption of work was anthorized 27 - 28 than we laat year. January with perhaps a spottirg prac- -. mh g&8 of the vessel se were However, there \'a no doubt that the tice or two for good measure. That wonto the plans of t~ battle race will be much closer this year. means lots of work and lots of observ- wrand the progosed pla~sfor the The New Mex., Colorado, and MisSi- ing. ccqe~~ionto an aircraft earrier. ssippi are all flghting hard to climb We did not do so hot last year but first veseel named ~~~i~~t~~back on top of the pile. No has it8 our time t0 hit 'em now. With purchased and ever won three white E's, so t9y are good luck and hard work we shall under au- figuring on painting stacqia next ~uly. paint "E's" all over the guns and have of ad act of the contkental The hardest part of th6,bght for all some extra cash besides. There'r s dated October a 1775. uhips will be the Full Power, Smoke gadgetp oa the bulletib board that sb named in comm61bemtion of Prevention, and Endurance Runs, to shows $ow much each practice'counts.. the &st battle in the Revolutionary be held September 2-39 on our way "Lets buck 'em for a loop." Sari to Sari War and 13 said to have been the flmt construction of four more. In this Continental veml ready for sea. When the smoke it Won't be hard to see who8 who- The country, two new cmieen an However, she was prevented by ice completion, while eontracts have been Engineers say it be the from leaving the river until March, At-em let for six. 1776. On April 6. 1776, commanded ship, and they Ought The names aseigned to our new by Captain John Barry, she captured __o__ are the Pensacola and Salt Lake the armed. sloop Edward, tender to OUR AND city. ~h~ contract vessels are The general trend Of in the R. B. M. S. Liverpool, and in August known as N~.26 and 31. These will of the asme yey uptured several recent Geneva Arms was to- mount nine eight inch guns, a other British vemels. Of cruiser stre- sped of 32.6 knots. It will probably But at the same time each Of three While in command of Capt. Wm. be 1930 before any of the ships are Hallock, returning from the Weat Participanb was going ahead with a put in commission. No. 29, 30 and 31 Indies the LEXINGTON was captured definite pmgram. At be fitted aB ~~gshi~~of by %I.B. M. S. PEARL; her crew was the present (Ireat Bdtian has under construction eleven ten-thous- divisionr and mwequarons. not removed and thw recaptured the The contr~.&mebeen awarded vessel, carrying her into Baltimore, and "glorified ." AD- as follows:- +. Bfd., where she was refltted. Under have 4' more, the keels of whichpassed will forbe laidtwo scout cruiser*. 26 ~~thl~h~~ command of apt. Lamb& wickes Shipbuilding Corporation, Quincy, in 1777, she sailed for European this year- Jamis four with M~~~.scout cmiser N~. 27 to the (Contind on page three) ~11preparations completed for ae (Continwd on page three) 'EM AJkTZONA i LET 'ER GO; ENNIEI

' AT 'EM ARIZONA ' (Associatad $TesS) Lieutenant Co-er Roy C. Smith, Jr., of Newport, Rhode Island, stood on the bdge of the United States Nga, anchored in the Yangtze river off Nanking and watched for signals flom tjocony Hill, EDITORIAL STAFF where a large group pf A-ericsn re- 8apewhry 05- .. Ghplaln B.B. Drw The proper ending for.8. checkered =tm D. W. tygees had been by &, Can- ...... heim Alexander career is a striped suit. I Dirtribution .. . R. F. Sdd.n* $0 tonese. With him ,on the bridge . . - ---- stood Lieutenant "Bennie" Staub, U. A good many girls who paint draw PIUNTEBB S. N.. . of. Pittaburah.-. executive ofecer I E. 8c I men. C. Wagner, Prtr on the Noa. J. C. Thomp.an. Bu la --- J. A. moral, 0- 20 A flash of white appeared on So- Most enthusiasm is possessed by -muIu-em- cony Hill. The Ameccan bluejackets those who wish to boss the job. DEAD MAN'S ISLAND GOING were wigwagging for shellflre. The --- Dead Man's Island, haven and ref- Noa's guns were trained around the There's a pleasure in being cranky base of the hill. Lieutenant Com- that oniy a craak can know. uge of the sharpshooting Sea Gulls, ---- coxswains' bane in foggy weather, and rpander Smith knew that to open flre might mean lots of things in the A kiss in time saves nine miles historic spot, is due to go and may be walk. only a memory when the Fleet steams world of international affairs. Some- times it means long-standing con- ---- into the harbor next week, Home is a place where you have troversies. Sometimes it means war. U. 5. Army Engineers have accep- your mail sent. But, on thin particular occasion, the ted bids for the removal of rock and --A- dirt, which will be used to flll the 62 Skipper also knew that it meant life In these days the amount of mater- acres in the outer harbor district. for the Americans imprisoned on So- ial a girl requires for a dress is im- The caet of removing the Island will cony Hill and that failure to flre materlal. be approximately one million dollars, might mean death for the entire party. ----- but rumors that the cost will be met A signalman repeated the request. Still water runs deep, but thoie who by raising the price of hot dogs on The Skipper made up his mind. To flsh for compliments always prefer his executive orllcer he said with a shallow water. the dock are unfounded. --- The new channel will be about 1000 sailorman'n characteristic humor: The trouble seeks to be that there feet wide when that ie accomplished "Well, I'll either get a court-martial isn't room in a, driver for both horse and will certainly be an aid to ship- or s medal for this. Let 'er go, Ben- sense and white mule. ping and a boost to local real estate nio!" . Whether Commander Smfth gets a --- values. When a man is' ashamed to show -Pennay Keystone. medal or not probably does not worry hid mu*. He ought to be sure by his colors, it's a pretty good sign he - this time, however, that there isn't is yellow. '39: What's a burlesque, Daddy? going to be any court-martial. -f- '16:. A take-OK, son.. Some people's prospects aie,.so fino '39: Take OK what Daddy? Florida Gator. __0__ that it is almost impossible to flne '16: *On 'hadn't better read Cop: "He9 stop kfcking that lamp them, your. geography again? post! What's the big idia?" -j- -Oregon Oranbe Ow'. Stew: (kicking po~tagain): dg~ It is-usually the girl who never had ___0__ know ahe's home, 'cause there's a a proposal who boast of having jilted Fair maid: "Oh, dr, what kind of (hit) light a number of men. an oflicer are you?" ---- Oflicer: "I'm a naval surgeon." -The Leatherneck. - __0__ Another of life's' tragedies is a girl Fair Maid: "Goodness! Horn You THOSE HARD-mESTED MARINES whose legs are as thin as the hoisery doctors do apecialite!"-The Fixit. A girl who likes the uniform she buys. ___0__ Is Sarah Jane McPleckin; ---- "A mawho can't express himaelf But she says buttons .hurt her chest It's getting harder to tell the boys so that people understand him is an When she goea leatherneckin'. and girls apart and sometimes you idiot. Do you understand me?" -Training Statlon News. can't when they're together. "NO !" -Stockholm. __0__ --7- __0__ NOTICE NOTICE It may be more blessed to give than' Tom: '!The world is round, is'nt it?" All men wishing to contribute to- to receive, but the average man is Bob: "Yea" ward the.construction ot a home for satisfied to hold his own. Tom: "Then if I wanted tct go eaut. retired working girls, map do so thru -- +- I could eventuallyt get there by go- the below named men: Gambling is not as dangerous as ing west." Phm l/c Green, is used to be. When a girl sits in a Bob: :'What are you, a taxi driver?" Phm S/c O'neil. game of strip-poker nowadays she -Exchange. R. W. G. L. Representatives. can't lose very much. AT 'EM ARIZONA ,THE FOURTH LEXINGTON TOTAL QUOTA OF ENLISTED THE HORSE IN U. 8. NAVY MEN PAS8 EXAM. FOR Qh horse, you are a wonderful thing. (Continued from page one) ACADEMY No clatch to slip, no gears to strip. waters, where, from April to June, No license buying every year, with she harassed British commerce in the One hundred and plates to screw on front and rear. No English Channel and on the coast of passed the regular gas bills climbing every day, stealing France. In September, 1777, under ibtion appointment the joy of life away. No speed cope the command of Capt. H. Johnson, the flrst time since the authorization chugging in your rear, yelling sum- she was cgptured OK Ushant, France, of the service appointments thaj the mons in your ear. Your inner tubes ag by H. B. M. S. ALBERT after an en- quota has been exceeded. But two are all 0. K. and thank the Lord they of the candidates have been iven gagement of a % hours. stay that way. Your spark plugs The second vessel named LEX- Congressional appointments, a Jwho never miss and fuss, your motor never INGTON was a sloop of war, 691 tons, pass the physical examination +ill be makes us cuss. Your frame is good carrying 18 guns, built at the navy assured of appointment. The candi- for many a mile, body never changes yard, New York, in 1825. She cruised dates have all passed a preliminary style. Your wants are very easily on special service from Labrador to physical examination, but it is not met: you've got eomething on the Trinidad in 1827, and was converted probable that all will be successful auto yet. into a store ship in 1844. In the Mex- in the final test. ican War, 1846 to 1848, she was used There is at the present an opening for transporting troops and on block- on the ARIZONA for men desiring to Luke had it before, Paul had it behind, ading duty. From 1863 to 1855 she try for next year's class. Previo* Mathew never had it at all .was used as a store ship of Commo- schooling should go as far as third A11 girls have it once dore Perry' expedition to Japan and year High School. Men who meet t@ Boys can not have it, requirements will be sent to the Be- 1855 was sold. Old Mrs. Mulligan had-% twice in suc- , The third vessel named LEXING- paratory School, San Diego. Ensign '.' cessjpn TON was a sidewheel iron-clad steam- Rowe, Junior Ofacer of the Third Dr. Low-ell had it I$ and behind er of 500 tons, carrying 7 guns, Division, has been assigned as one of and he had it twtoxkd behind built at Pittsburgh. P., in 1860. She the instructors there. School will as before. was purchased by the Army and trans- etart about the flrst of October, and Answer--The letter "L" the exams will be held in April. ferred to the Navy in June 1861. __0__ She rendered valuable service in the - THE SAILOR'S SWEETHEART Civil War, 1861-1863, on western OUR AND OTHERS BY H. C. Keller (Continued from page one) Do not believe him when he says rivers and took prominent part in en- American Brown Boveri Co. (Former- gagements of western Flotilla under Har&m %at YOU ly the New York Shipbuilding Corpor- flag oficers, A. H. Foote and C. H. +d atwbea he's away the days ation) Camden, N. J. Scout' Cruiseh Davis. She was sold on August 17, Are lrlrag and blue. No. 28 to Navy Yard Puget Sound, 1868. No. He ie the Bee's and she is his Scout Crufser to Navy Yard, Now and alway. Mare Bmut a0 SEA FEVER Island, Cdmr No. Her call and not your own it is ta John .Masefleld and 81 the Ne-rt News Bhfpl He will obey. I must go down to the aeas again, to building and drydock Co., Newport He'll think of nights when warm she News, Va. the lonely sea and the sky, lay And all I ask is a tall ship and a star - Beneath the moon to steer her by; 0. 0. D.: Tie up ta the starboard Or cuddled in a quiet bay yard arm, Cor'n. And the wheel's kick and the wind's She sighed a croon. Cox'n.: Aye, Aye, song and the white sail's shaking, sir. He'll see her wake with lazy eyes And the grey mist on the sea's face 0. 6.D. (After boat has circled At burst of dawn, and a grey dawn breaking. ship four times): Hey, what are you And turnble idly where she lies I must go down to the seas again, for doing now? Till sleep were gone. the call of the running tide. Cox'n.: Getting up speed enough IIe'll feel the kisses of her mouth Is a wild call and a clear call that to take off, sir. Upon his lips, may not be denied; -New Mex. Salvo. And memories will call him.South And all I ask is a windy day with the __b_ What's In a Name? Again, in ships. white clouds flying; Motor Cop (producing notebook)- It's you not her, that he betrays, And the flung spray and the blown "What is yaur name?" Be warned by men: spume, and the sea-gulls crying. Speeder - "Aloysius Alastair Chol- Do not beleive the things he says. I must go down to the seas again, to mondeley Crypian." He loves the sea! the vagrant gigsy life, Motor Cop (putting his book away) ---Our Navy. To the gull's way and the whale's "Well, don't let me catch you again!" ___(t_ way where the wind's like a whet- -Training Station News. Daughter: Mother, that coxswain ted knife ; from the AFtIZONA thinks I'm the ___0__ And all I ask is rr merry yarn from a Rastus says the only song his nicest girl in town; shall I ask him to laughing f ellow-rover, sweetie knows is "Buy, Buy, Black- call? And quite sleep and a sweet dream bird." Mother: No, Let him keep on when the long trick's over. -Training Station News. thinking so. 7~.->%-p*=* 2 - *- . ;+:zz*:-. . .;**. - f:' 4 AT 'EM ARIZONA U. 5. S. Arizona-8-13-27-2M.

"~06~BALL.": SEATTLE TIMES CUP RACE The football team is now underway ~ak'; Washin- Thurnday was the scene of one of the best to what promises to be a very good Seattle Times Cup races ever held. One of the editors of the Times and succesful season. A complete at the dinner at the Yacht Club for the crews after the races, said coaching staff-someth4.g we Uve that it was the prettiest race ever held on Lake Washington. And never had before is wwLing with the he has seen dm& all of them. men daily. To date the members of It probably eain be considered a just reward for the rigid schedule last year's team tkat played and de- of training all the ship's raceboat crewe have held themselves feated a team of ex-college players in the past two months. in a late season last year have The time for the two miles was 17 min. 17 sec. The laat boat t reported, and irt-* to this group cross the line was only 80 m.behln BOXING BOUTS FEATURE we are very fortun& LD +wing play- the winner. FLEET WEEK ers that @ave come to US from Other The New Mexico pulled a long. Of 'leet rhipa. &Ywfd,men who sgelled de- One Of the rythmic steady stroke juet about s Week will be the bouts to be held at boat length behind the Colo~,, X& --ear are now with us. ''W- ,tbt wne means. the University of Washio%on Btadium down to a hundred yarde of k;cwt 'mere asked to come Saturday nkZht' the finish line. There, much to the be represented by ant uw6BerU th* mr we qtrgerald s~rpdeof all hands, she made a sud- Of the "B" di*sion. Ipitg hm bs adb den spurt and slid acrotts the line top and ana- been training hard ehr since we ar- fitteen feet oi the Color- rived at San Francisco, and is in it means is ado,s bow. shape to put his usual clean, hard. OUr own crew under the able lead- this: la Oq u-de with *' fight. This ship is certainly back of ershlp of promised .*lsuad jqt*' over the crest and - MUIman BronQ we are goirtg,sttrong. The fru9,is in him. qa- didn't %pulla flrst .or gebond place out The edtrieu are:-% '