and their big black Velvet hats were playedt before a Washington audlenee, America of lecture br wwrlflrijr i trimmed each With one. groat silver rose. '"! Klve the program. , perti, faculty members and tuWnUr MONTGOMERY All the attendants wore silver slippers BABY CHRISTENED The proceeds of the entertainment wilt MISS RUTH HULL TO ITEMS OF INTEREST to be given. Trip to nearbr n(1neiv MISS and hosiery. go to swell the Washington Scholarship Ins plant will bemad. man bridegroom's Fund. Mrs. Nponan Is chairman The best was the John arrange- brother, Lieut. John MacDonald of the commute In charge of Paper PMIeepliy. ) Thompson, and the ushers were. Lieut. ments. , oh . "Phlloeophr a Chapman C. "Todd, Lieut. H. J. Wil- MBASSY v - - IN Related to Boctoioi PEC0IV1ES THE BRIDE son, Lieut. A. von 8. PI6kard, station- AT GERMAN E An Interesting audience witnessed tne WED BALDWIN SMITH AND ABOUT TOWN will be the subject of a paper to be) ed on the U. 8. 8. New York, and performance of the Washington Square read br Prof. William M. Coleman kt Lieut, l. n Ard. v. S'W.. oil cIum-mat- Players last night at the Bniasco" Thea- a meeting; of the Society for FhlloaopM of the brldcgroiTm at Annapolis, ter, Including Victor Kauffmnnn, Mr. oai inquiry, at the rumio MDrary traa class of 1)13: Richard Dnna Skinner, and Mrs, Beale R. Howard, Miss Na- afternoon at 4:46 'o'clock. Montgomery talie Magruder.'Rear and Mrs. Warwick and Outerbitdga God- Admiral ft, Montgomery, brothers of the bride, and Countess Von Bernstorff Richardson Clover nnd Miss Eudora Engagement of Army Officer's News and Gossip of Washing- Pcnnsylranlans to Meat. iOFUEUT.TpPSQN Frederick A, Thompson, brother of the Clover, Mrs. Howard Nyraan, Mr. nnd bridegroom. mother for Little Countess Mrs. William A. Hill, Mr., and. Mrs. Sister to Princeton Profes- ton and, Washingtonians The Fenneytvanla Society of Wav The breakfast at the home of Mr. Reeve Lewis, Miss Yung Kwal, daugh-te- r Ington will bold a card party nyii le- tonight and Mrs. Montgomery In Rhode Island Hatzfeld-Trachenber- g. of the counselor of the Chinese dance at the Perpetual build' avenue, which followed the ceremony, gation, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore U. QUI, sor Is Announced. Tersely Told. Inr. Playlnc will begin at 8:15 o'cloc)c jMonsignor Leo .Officiates at was Informal, and attended only by 2d, Mr. Partis, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison td pe'followed at 11:48 o'clock by.dancing. members of families, the bridal Btldham and John Cunningham. Many frlendi of the society have beea the two' Invited to attend the i Ceremony at,' Noon Follow-!- ; party and a few guests from entertainment. An Interesting ceremony took place Mrs. Lyman Pratt, Mis Nell Rose Mrs. William Richardson Hall has an Metvln C. Hazen may he a good Dis- Htmuel R. 8t rat tan Is president of the Bnggett and Miss Jane Gregory head trict Surveyor and horseman, but listen I orcanltatlon and E. A. Nless Is sec- Out-of-tow- yesterday afternoon the residence nouncod the engagement of her daugh erj by Nuptial Mass. n Guests. at n, committee young In charge O. retary, . of the counselor of German em- of ladles ter. Miss Ruth Preble Hall, E. John Mcdrnth, president, of the Rear Admiral and Mrs. C. C. Todd. the of tho card party nnd tea dance to be and Park Vlow Cltlrenn' Association, re bassy, llntr.feld-Traclienber- g, given Wll-lar- d lisldwln Hmlth. Miss Hall Is a - Donald Harper, of Paris; Mrs. (.' Prince In tho red room at the New sister cently panea wnn CitlccnR to Plan- Work. J. llntsfeld-Trachenber- g, on 18. nf of (1. and Princess Saturday, November from Cpt. Charles J.ece Hull, Corps his moustache. A The Conduit Road Cltlsens' Associa- 1 Dowron and Miss Annie Teck, of Twenty-firs- 2:TO to 7 o'clock, by A. J. Wonelgnor Lee. a cousin of the bride, 1618 t street, when tholr the lwton Engineers, nnd Cadet Wlllard Merrill few days later he tion will meet Monday evening at 84. fyffiolated marriage lay of Greenwich. Conn.; Mrs. K. L. West and linby christened, Tho Chapter. I'. D. r. Hall. H. M. A. Mr. Smith Is a mem at the to daughter was . I' had occasion to call Uavld's Parish Hall. The meeting; is Mll Montgomery, daughter of Mrs. It. W. Von Huron, of Now girl was born October 18 In ber of the faculty of Princeton Univer- regarded as Important, as the new com- Lelta little Mr. nnd Mrs, Lithrop Brown, of In on Surveyor in Mont- - Lieutenant Kins. Colling-woo- d sity, the department of, art and arch the mittee chairmen will be presented tp 7ir. and Mrs. Warwick Emlle It. N.; Miss Knight nml Washington shortly nftcr the return this city, are stopping nt the cology. reference to plans ornery, Lieut. Terry Brew.iter 8. Knthorlno of Prince Hotel 1n New York. the members and work for the next year and Lieut. Richard II. Kn'Rht, or .New- anil Princess Hntzfold from Mrs. Hall and Miss Hall, who have for the Park View wilt be outlined. t hompson, U. S. N. Rye. N. Y; , It f port ere among those who came to Capt. , spent several winters hrre, are now at celebration of the J, the Ridley McLean, U. 8. N and their home In Cleveland opening of Its new The ceremony was' performed at town from other cities to attend The baby was christened lluberta lils fiancee. Mrs. Olive Gale Hill, were lane, Prince- alliens' Body to Meet. aoon In Bt. Matthuw's Churon and wedding. Miss Knight and ,Lleut. Maria Hedwig Alexandra, the guests in whose Capt. ton. A close Intimacy between the school. Knight arc visiting Mr. And Mrs. and takes honor Jesse F. daughters of the President and Miss As soon as he The November meeting; of the Connec- Jf'as followed by a nuptial maai at the rank of countess. The baptism Dyer. U. 8. M. C. and Mri. Dyer goes Charles T. Thompson", parents of the Inst evening. The Hall back to the Princeton days mentioned Park ticut Avenue Cltlicns' Association will which Father Uuckey was :elolira.nt. broak-fa- st ceremony wns performed by at dinner View, Mr. Ilaxen bridegroom. Othor guests at the Father guests e, of the former. be held Wednesday night, November I. ' The marriage was of uninual Inter- ontTMrs. White Anaelep other were Major Thotnus greeted him most Army Navy In Washington' as the Is were Chief Justice Cornellssen, of the St. Fran- Jr.. U. S. M. C, and Miss - - at the and Preparatory est brld: and Miss Elizabeth Chase. The com- Dern-storf- f, Mrs. Tennant Harrington, of San cordially, Hchool, Upton street, near Connecticut cis Monastery. Countess von .Beatrice Clover, who will be married Mc-Qra- a member of a family whlan hue been many dis- Francisco, Miss Marie Har- know Mr. th avenue. will be socially prominent In the t.'upttal for pany nt the church Included wife of the German ambassa- November 11. The other guests Included and loule "I There several matters tinguished officials, representatives of Mrs.. Mrs. Mur- rington have taken an apartment In out theie." of Importance before the Rstherins;. K Several generations. She Is thc'nlero so- dor, held the little girl' nnd served James J. Meade, Irn J. the Highlands the "Fine, es buffet lunch will be served the And namesake of Mrs. ridwnril Douu- - the diplomatic corps and resident phy, and Captain Dyer's p.irent, Mr. for winter months. he said. after ciety. rts gtdmother by proxy for Princess anij visiting Miss Hnrrlngton's engagement to I.teut. timable citizen. Incs a lot of good work meetlis;. las White, wife of the Chtuf JuBtlre Hntzfeld's mother, Mme. Tscchlrschkl, Mrs. F. W. Dyer, who are U. S. of supremo Lieutenant Thompson Is In command their son daughter-in-la- Commander David Worth negley. for the community. Particular friend oi me court. I.loutcmiH L-- of and N., of the submarine 9 with headquar- Vlennn. Count Hatzfeld, brother brother of Mrs. Josephus Daniels, mine." Baltimore Pastor to Speak. jpompson la the son or Air. and Mis'. upon of the prlnro, whu Is now In Germany, has been Mr. McQrath, do you?" Charles T, Thompson, Washington. ters at Now !,ondon, Conn., and Dr. Eugene 8. Jarboe and Miss Ida Just announced. "You know Dr. B. Bal- -- - of Is tho godfather. The entire embassy name. "Huch The Rev. Harris Kirk, of .J11 rrh Mia rnmntollnn nf their woddlmr triD visiting - - replied the owner of that tio QUHttHtjiiioiu vl inn uruiiici. staff witnessed tho ceremony, Jnrboe, of Maryland, have been why you timore, will speak at the Presbyterian Lieut. John McDonald Thompson, V. he will tnlte his bride to New Londqn. their brother, John A. Jsjboe, nt U)7 Will Winter Here. being the case, don't extend Ministers' Association Monday mornlnjr I. unaae, uaugn-j- r , ! the friendly hand of greetlrhtT" a.. io miss r:uzaDein d rnirieenin street nortnwest. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Psddock, who nt 10:30 o'clock. In New York Avenue of Capt. and Mrs. Volney Chase, Mrs. M. I)ckwood Dlshop entertain-o- Mrs. Brown Hostess. Mr. iiaxcn iook n more careiui sur I'renbytcrlau Church. a. (m.. nns oeen nt luncheon today In compliment to have lived for several years In Califor- vey. Followed apologies nnu explana jusi announced. Fair-liil- Mrs. Herbert II. Brown entertained Mr. her house guest Mrs. Kdwnrd d and Mrs. Barker to Receive. nia nnd In Kurope, have tensed the tion?. Church Decorations. .lonep. of Fairfield, llroilxvllle. Informally at luncheon at the Army and Mr." and Mrs. Walter Scott Penfleld, Display Men to Feast. Khode Island avenue residence of Mr. Re- Bt. Matthew's Church was charming-J- y Navy Club today for Mrs. Tom Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Iee Rust, Jr., Mr. nnd Mrs. Oeorge Decker for the sesson, Biological Discussion. Tlic display men's section of the of Atlanta, guests Including and Mrs. William M. Conrad, Mr. tail Merchants' Association will give a decorated for the ceremony. The her other and and will spend the winter In Washing- Five speeches on topics of Interest lo complimentary supper Its meeting; Mrs. 11. N. Cottlngham. whom Mrs. Ir- and Mrs. Graham Kemper will be the ton. Mr. and Mrs. lierker hsve tnken after sanctuary was screened, with ever- Will He Dinner Hosts. guests of a reeentlorv which the members of the Biological Society Monday. November . A possible In- greens win Is visiting, and Mrs. T. Patter- honor at an apartment In the Pransbornugh for Is and starred with great white Commander William Pitt Scott t 8. It. Mr. and Mrs. iBamuel Nelson Barker , of Washington will compose thev pro door contest to be discussed at this son. Miss Mildred Drown, who has give the winter. or meeting. : chrysanthemums. N.. who will act as best man nt the wilt on Saturday. November II, . - ' gram nt the meeting tne society ni spending months at 4 R , X 'Evergreens were used In the body of Wednesday of Capt. Ridley been the last four from to n'olnrk at tho Plievv Clin no Col. and Mrs. Robert M, Thompson, the Cosmos Club this nvenlng nt Uje church and Annunciation lilies wedding on New Yoik, returned to Washington last Seminary! Chevy Chnse, Md. o'clock. The spneakors will be It. II. altar vases, gealmlng among the McLean. IT. 8. N.. and Mrs. Olive 'Oalo evening. who have been at White Bulphur Hutchison, W. Dwlght Pierre, B. It. Westinghouse lightedJt tapers. A program of organ Hill, will entertain nt dinner tonight .J. Thomas F. Logan has gone to Now Springs, W Vn., have gone to New Kusscer, J, II. Paine, and. II. H. Parker. f Is entertaining Electric Irons. music was given during the seating of at the Chevy Chase Club In their honor. Miss onlf Noonan at York, where he Is stopping for several York, where they are stopping at the $3.50 the guests. The bridal party entered a bridge shower this afternoon at the (lays at the Rlts-Carlto- n Hotel. Ht. Regis Hotel. They will return to Dtwsestle Avpllaae Dcpt. the church to the On Monday evening Mr, and Mrs. U. Columbia Country Club In honor of their home In this city next week. Lecture on Alaska. Brldar Chorus from mar- on Is Lohengrin and as they left the sanc-pjar- y Thomas Dunlop will give a dinner In Miss Helen Ilolway Dodge, whose The list of patronesaes for the recital An Illustrated lecture Alaska CARROLL ELECTRIC CO., the organist broke Into the honor of Mrs. Hill and her fiance at riage to Sidney Harrison McVlcar will to be given by Ernest Schelllng, the Frederick Sterling, of this city, Is to be given by Dr. Frank Yelgh nt the 11. 12Uf fyJifng strains of Mendelssohn's their home, "Hayes," near Chevy take place November American pianist at the Belasco Theater visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joseph II. Clioitte American I'nlverslty this afternoon. 714 St. wedding March. Gounod's beautiful Miss Noonan will be one of Miss November 23, Includes Mme. Rlano, wife In Btockbrldge, Mass. This Is the second of a series of week- mass was played Chase. Md and on Tuesday evening Dodge's guests softly during the give attendants' nnd her this of the Spanish ambassador; Mrs. Pres- - ly lectures being given nt the univer- Captain McLean will his bachelor Mrs. Robert Weeks, Mr. Mrs. N. dollvei-e- d ThQ afternoon Includo ton Gibson, Mrs. F. A. Delano, Mrs. and Jerome Ronapnrte, sity. The third lecture is to be brfdA Wan ntl'n' In marrtn.a kw dinner at the Chevy Chase Club. who will be matron of honor at the A. who ore In New York, for Saturday. November 11, will Though to In Washing- Charles Munn. and Mrs. Charles hii extended and har father, and was attended by Mrs. due remain wedding; tho mold or honor. Miss Ruth Warren. stay, entertained at dinner there Inst I entitled, "Poor Mnn's Fuel -- Sugar. OHinner, or uoston, as ton another year, where he Is serving Dodge, and the other bridesmaids, Miss Mr. ssid Mrs. Schelllng spent the past night at the luumrutuani navy. "- matron of honor. Her two sisters. Miss ns Judge advocate general of the Margaret Dodge, Miss lsabelle Murphy, summer at Bar Harbor, where Mr. -- Anna Montgomery, a debutante of this Captain Mclean applied last July for and Mlsi Helen Netherland. Schelllng composed the concerto for Col. and Mrs. Oeorge Downer will Engineer.' Program. season, and Miss Mary Montgomery, sea duty, before he became engaged Miss Kllzaboth Mitchell, Miss Rdelln violin and orchestra which Krelslcr entertain n large company nt dinner A program for the yenr will bo out- to Mrs. IIIII. Ills request was granted, Wilson, and Miss Kathleen Anderson played hee with the Boston Symphon) tolilght at the Chevy Chnse dub before lined at n meeting of the engineering and ho will leavi Washington, Decem- are also among the guests. Orchestra lost week. The concerto was tho dance. In compliment to Mr. and Hoclets f Oeorge WnMlilnfctnn I'nlver- Gowned in Ivory Satin. ber 1, to take command of the U. K. 8. Bridge will be followed by lea. The most enthusiastically received. Both Airs, wiiiinm Allien rrnu, or .New slty nt the Art ami Hcloneos building '4(9ie wore a lovely gown of soft Ivory Columbia, and to servo as chief or decorations are In pink snd lavender, Mr. and Mrs. Schelllng have nianr York, who are spending the week- Monday evening atln trimmed with rare old family stnff to Roar Admlrnl Albeit W. Orant. with the gifts to be showered upon the frleods In Washington. end In Washington. Meetings are to bo held commanding the sttbmnrlne force of bride concealed among the flowers of lace, and made with a court train, very the Atlantic fleet. long and full. Her veil of tulle was -- the centerpiece ol tha lea table. arranged with clusters of orange blos- - soms, Robert tanslng. Secretary of State, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph lvy, of 1142 and she carried an armful of left Washington Thursday evening to Sixteenth street, have gone to New white roses. weeks. .Mm. Skinner's gown of shell pink Join Mrs. Lansing at thalr homo In York to remain for several radium velvet was made on very chic Watertown, N. T where ho will vote .$. A SEARCHLIGHT ON a Mme. Dlmont. who has Just returned model. The round length skirt wna on Tuesday. Mr. Lansing spent yes- to this country from France, has ar- shirred at 'the waist line and caught up terday York, stopped ranged n benefit concert In aid of the at In puff. lnNew where he the bottom a full The bodice the Hlltnioro Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. wounded of France to take place at f the lovely soft velvet had long sleeves at Itnusoher's on Monday, November 13, of silver cloth, topped by shorter sleeves Lansing will return to Washington Ht 4:30 p. m. Kdmond Varnler, a Par- of silver lace. The undersleeves were fin- on Thursday. isian violinist of note, and Mrs. Ethel ished by a cuff, cut In points at the top Iloltxclaw Qawler will be the artists. and wired. Her hat, a picture shape of The Right Rev. Otshop Harding, who The patronesses are Mrs. John Mc- - black beaver, was trlmmod by single went to Now York on Friday, returned uowmau Wilson a Mrs .Mccniia, '.Mrs. Hughes and Strength small black feather ornament. She car- to Washington last night. Il.aughllu. Mrs. Edward Doug- - ried a oolonlal bouquet of violets, pink las White. Mrs. T. L. Macdonnld, and rosebuds and forget-me-no- ts In a lace Eugene Alios left Washington this ! Mrs. O. nrown Miller. bolder. afternoon for Romney W. Vn., whore he will remain until after tho election. A recital will be given at Trinity Col-- i -I- N- r Bridesmaids' Dresses. Mrs. Alles, who has been with her par- lege Sunday afternoon, November 19. The bridesmaids woro dainty frocks of ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Cornwell, In Rom- ! nt 3:M o'clock, under the auspices of " tis- ney since early In the summer, will J the Trinity Board of Regents. The York--IHinois-Indiana--Ohio-- Robbla blue tulle over silver New DeJIa return to Washington with Mr, Alles talented vioiinm or reauody uonsery? -- sue, very soft and fluffy, trimmed with next week. Mr. Cornwell, Mrs. Alles' atory, Johann van Huylsteyn. who Is New Jersey sliver lace and garlands of wee rose- father, Is the Democratic candidate for well known throughout tho East as a buds. They carried sweetheart roafs, governor of West Virginia. violin virtuoso, but who has not yet If we can catch the voters in the glare of the searchlight as they are shifting from one ; political camp to another, and count them, we can tell which camp will be found to have the heaviest battalions next Tuesday. So we have shot a ray of light at five big "doubtful" States where the paths from camp to camp are crowded' with marchers, coming and going, and have 6XyRlbi fff flL 3&i la .ami 'ML.m-rr- . made a count of those caught by its momentary gleam. 191 In .tv IMt fw l&w jd9t Slip IHTmIv Tslr Hmoil Bam W SI aJ JBrzn kJ mi its km iMm -- ilitV Am Aw AH IV thf i ill fm ffmat 1k 09 EAldrtiM M urn m m The Editors of THE LITERARY DIGEST wrote to 50,000 "Digest" subscribers in the States of New York, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and New Jersey. They were asked to name the candidates they voted for in 1912 and for whom they would vote next Tuesday. More than . ' ' , 30,000 have responded. , In THE LITERARY DIGEST for November 4th the result of this canvass is shown. Sev- eral significant phases are apparent, and the article teems with interest. There are many other articles of importance in this nurnber, among which are: What the Somme Drive Is Driving At A Consideration of the Allied Offensive What It Has Accomplished and What Is Its Ultimate Objectiv Presenting the View-poin- ts of Swiss, German, and British Authorities Protestant Ireland's Opinion London's Campaign Against Vice German Exporters' Plans The Jew and the Election Bees as Fighters Modern Hospital Train for American Flying By Night Army A French Illustrator of Poe The Movies as a Sanitary Aid - F- Music's Debt to the Ballet Saving Wasted Machine-Energ- y Comfort! American Aviators Who Have Died Tlje Future of War-Book- s for France An Unintended Literary Hoax of New Much Sunday Paper There is comfort in the Detroit Electric. The Detroit Electric gives its owner What Germany Thinks the Too British War Tanks The Religious Order New Style There is comfort in the noiseless opera- Comfort in the satisfaction that his car tion of its powerful mechanism. will not stall on the road for mechanical Extensive Collection of Illustrations difficulties. The deep riding cushions, with their (i inner strength of yielding steel, are Comfort in the possession of a car The Digest" Is Preeminently a Home Magazine comfort. which he may drive a hundred miles and be as physically fresh as when he You will find It on the table of the living-roo- m it is without a rival and your boy or girl will find no text-boo- k acquiring a The powerful springs beneath the car started. in cultivated American homes throughout the length better for knowledge of the is in events are taking place all that absorb the shocks of the road and breadth of our land. It welcomed these great that over the world. they, too, are comfort. Comfort in the ownership of a car homes because it is clean, wholesome, and inspiring; Schools and colleges are everywhere recognizing this whose cost per mile is lower than any because it prints nothing that parents would not and THE LITERARY DIGEST is being regularly But! "Even greater than these ' automobile m the market. want their children to read, and because of its high studied in class. Read this splendid magazine for educative value. As a live record of 'current history yourself and you will see why.

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