1933-11-16 [P A-4]
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__ Union Is not only willing but anxious to Washington to represent the hos- to spend in the United States, if proper pitals and already has been in confer- credit arrangements can be made. Ac- ence with the Consumers' Advisory McLean have Funeral Riles for Admiral RUSSIA 10 SPEND cording to reliable estimates, which HOSPITAL MILK Board over the possibility of obtaining LUMBER CODE WINS come to the attention of the Moscow relief for the hospitals through the WHICH HE DIED. l?SHr .'V £/ SERVICES HELD ABOARD SHIP ON there is In the United | amendment of the milk codes government, already States a surplus of nearly 40,000,000 adopted. He hopes also to have clauses pounds of butter and an equally large inserted In pending marketing agree- surplus of lard. American farm and ments excluding hospitals and other meat Interest, it is said, would part I charitable organizations from the effect with these products at an exceedingly of the codes. moderate price. Possibility that many free wards for Those Af- Litvinoff Consults Farm The critical shortage of fats In the j Protests Are Taken Up With babies and charity maternity hospitals Even Adversely Soviet Union is rivaled by an equal; might be forced to close was foreseen if not greater shortage in textiles. by the N. R. A. Consumers’ Board. It Leaders on Prices and While are conducted Consumers’ Council of was fected by Program See Need negotiations being explained that such Institutions for 1.000,000 bales of cotton. It is esti- operate under extremely close budgets Needs in Homeland. mated that twice the amount Is what the A. A. A. and that they could not remain open for Its Reform Effect. the Russians need In order to keep their if forced to buy milk at market prices textile machinery active. If they failed to adhere to the milk It is further stated that the Soviet marketing agreements, it was pointed BY ELIAS TOBENKIN. Union Is In need of 100.- Milk prices to charity hospitals virtu- Ralph W. Page, son of the Am- today badly out. they would be liable to prosecution 000,000 of unbleached linen, or ally have been doubled under milk mar-' bassador to Great Britain during The needs of Russia's and yards under the A. A. A. act pinched keting agreements bv the the World war, Is touring the coun- gray cloth, monthly. The Soviet textile aporoved ragged masses of peasants and work- Other Institutions on List. try Investigating the attitude of peo- industry has more stamping and finish- Agricultural Adjustment Administration, the ple toward changing conditions men have entered the Washington ne- ing than spinning and weaving ma- N. R. A. Consumers’ Advisory Board i In addition to hospitals, schools, jails, chines. cloth disclosed today. relief are and the workings of N. R. A. In gotiations for Soviet recognition In the They put this gray organizations also ailected by Confronted with from hos- milk the following article he describes through these machines and give it protests the code. last day or two. in conditions to Oregon. popular colors and designs of the coun- pitals cities in which milk cedes have; In the event the N. R. A. Consumers' Between his conferences at the State try. been placed in effect, the Consumers’ Board and Dr. Howe cannot relieve the Department and in the White House, In line with the clothing shortage in Board has taken up the matter with situation, the hospitals Intend to take BY RALPH W. PAGE. Dr. Soviet Foreign Commissar, Maxim Lit- Russia is the shortage In shoes. Only Frederick C. Howe, consumers coun- the matter direct to Secretary of Agri- — sel PORTLAND, Oreg. November 16 vinofl. has held several informal meet- In the cities do people wear shoes day of the A. A1 A. Dr. Howe was in culture Wallace, it was said. The President's order to purchase gold ings with American farm leaders with in ar.J day out. In the villages peasants Chicago today and could not be reached whom he discussed the price of lard wear their shoes on Sunday only. Mil- for a statement as to what he intended be- lions of to do to alleviate the situation. at a rising price caused the greatest and butter, of meat cn the hoof and peasants have no shoes what- Explorer's Father Is Stylist. wilderment in financial circles. ever. The shoe factories Hospitals, before the promulgation of Oregon meat in the ice house. It is confidently throughout Arraying ballets In splendor U the oc- (In other circles caused no the United States, it is have been milk agreements, have been it comment asserted, in both Russian and American said, marketing cupation of the father of Nicholas Po- that as a result of these meet- studied keenly by Soviet agents in this buying milk at much less than market at all, except the usual delight in a circles, j lunin. the young giant who returned to ings agricultural products, as distinct country against the day when proper prices under contracts, the N. R. A. j "He's that England recently from exploring the novelty, smart, fellow/’) from agricultural implements, will fig- trade arrangements can be made with Consumers’ Board explained. Under the A. A. A. wilds of Labrador. Bankers failed utterly to satisfy the ure much more importantly in Soviet- them. agreements, however, such in- stitutions are not American trade relations in the future Live Stock in Great Need. permitted to call for queries. The richest man bids on newspaper than such products have figured in the milk and must buy the neces- in town was on the telephone to New Vast amounts of live food at past. stock are needed sary market prices. to leant where to George Collins of come York, endeavoring While the last harvest has assured i In the Soviet Union today. The coun- Baltimore has DEAFENED HEAR his The combined wisdom of his bread ration ~■- ■ put money. the Soviet worker try has not recovered from the slaugh- --- of all authorities could arrive at no for the next 10 or 11 months, the ter of these animals by the peasantry the better answer than "short-term Gov- shortage in fats from which Russia has adopted American pattern and must In retaliation for the government’s col- have ernments.” suffered in the last 20 years shows no American goods. WITH NEW SUPER-AID lectivization It must The industries of Portland, Boston sign of abatement. In 1928 the Soviet policy. buy In It has been the aim of Litvinoff the near future mUlions of heads of of the Pacific, are Just settling down Union produced 25,000,000 hogs, while throughout his career as trade emis- cattle, large and small. It is anxious and to the study and operation of the lum- in 1930 the production of hogs fell to sary diplomat to turn such huge j to buy them from the United States. orders over ber code, which covers the loggers and only 13,000,000. TTie Soviet govern- to the United States as THRU BONES OF HEAD The Soviet Union has trade relations sawmills. Lumber and allied industries ment has lately found this acute Short- soon as diplomatic and credit facili- * and trade agreements with most coun- ties should make aggregate 65 per cent of all Oregon age of fat a distinct handicap in its this possible. As he tries In Europe and with many coun- has First Portable Bone Conduction Aid business. This code was worked out by service* for the late Rear Admiral commander of Division No. who plans. The Soviet worker may frequently explained, the Soviet Ridley McLean, Battleship 3, collapsed building tries in Asia. It must from those in New the largest operators and the best show plenty of willingness to support buy Union has been paying heavily in in- Perfected Super-Powered and died aboard his the In San were countries If it wishes to sell them. Ger- terest and commissions to minds, in a drastic attempt to help a flagship, Nevada, Francisco Bay, November 12. The services conducted by the government program, but has not to Berlin, Model with Listening Unit of is a of raw very sick business. Anticipating a Jubi- stamina for it. Hence M. Lit- many heavy importer Soviet London and to other capitals in Eu- Chaplain Frank W. Lash aboard the Nevada. —A. P. Photo. physical materials. less Less Than One Ounce dealers over FUNERAL England so. but still an rope for American articles in lee, all the country stocked vinoff’s interest in the price and quality bought importer. The same is true of Italy. those cities. The Union * up on lumber lest Spring and started a ! A- of American farm products. Soviet It Is not the Intention of the Soviet now hectic on the Columbia River wants to deal with the United FREE AND activity $35,000,000 To Be BOOKLET TEST that is fast fizzling out. Not only does Spent. government to strain the business re- States direct. It will be a saving, ★ the code raise wages and cut hours, but The Soviet commissar has recently lations with its immediate neighbors both in money and in dignity. in the committee In charge cut produc- Survivor Tells of Cruel indicated that his government intends Europe. M. Litvinoff will go a long way to to in the near future But Russia is attain this aim. tion. and each territory is allotted a Trip spend $35,000,000 developing industrially Edwin H. Etz, Inc. for the of American lines. It is a country limited amount.