Djud^Ment Twenty-First Year

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Djud^Ment Twenty-First Year W »b4 Qnnt Mitcnnsiui. mill* wn January 1. lfM iauNitM l* VVarrva A «¦><] hc«irtrr M M v«dl«i>< BIG CUT IN PRINT PAPER SM.Mk tuns, nhrini lh> atocka on HoUdi. and Hiniir Ulnm ##aa »*4 trmmm » >* . tarci 3£i.JtMt Ioii^ Births, fRarrtagrs, Walter mil Mftri* t'alllct tniiED UPON PUBLISHERS < 'l»udv K »oy A X I YACHT PARTY GOES DRY Draths MARRIAGE LICENSES (ol»n Kayn \ oluntar) Reduction H> A/t>1 tee* Mag tft t hontd UmtH >r»ak Uiuiitt |], .1..1 Hath < Branch $. Mark. II. kotk uf ikia cttf Tha Larir (wnunrri la Krraedy AS "MACHINERY" LEAKS g P. M.. Mam 4**0, J. D Kovler *.» U Iwidd, II. an* Mmaia *. Mptr f«i Shortage. i .tad. II, wI kia uM*. Tka Kav. U I I'urdam BUY 1 oluutary reduction of iif»« print Conkigiiiiittiii for Kloridi SporUaira <.»«¦«I K bayllaa. I«. and Nancy M Af »«>f U, both of thu rii> Tkc K<> «< ii <uuipttou by pulillthtr* la the pri- Sfjud b) Prohibition Officers THOMAS M. GALE, REAL J. 8. Bhna. iiwry of (he poprr ihorU|t in Atlanta. Kr«d«mk O Han.mar II aud Hulk W remedy Kobarta. II, both af tfcla city. Tha Itav. Cl'Hli ruin C'olver. o( the Federal ESTATE BROKER DIES O. ii Jaknawo Tude Comnilaalon said jwlerdav be- ATLANTA. (>.., 4a n. 3V..Stonic- | Joaai.h l^aarla. I*, and Joaaplilna M llrn- Me»ni wliare along the Florida roaat. aooth naaaay. II. of F*terabur( Va Tha Hav. MONROE fort the Houae Ways and ing dream* of a "party to be pitched" Mlowiii Attack of C & Wkaalar I 'oHirnlttee. of papera, Succumb* Uacnard P. Kakain. 11, and Janiua Hurvlta. Fubllahera bis have |i«ri' awa> to fervent denuncl both of Tka Hav. O . piti among them- Pneumonia At the Age of 13, Baltimore Aid Hgreoiiienta uf all pciaoua » eeono- aiuiy prulnbmonall> Hllvaratona. De i Iv«-a. iwvo not practiced the 'inclined: «uRirw|itr< in that same vl Sev*nt>-one War*. u altar Tkoinaa Hadinao. SI. .of Haadrraon. Luxe Clothes i > that Is necessary, he added. Md and A llabal Voahill. II. of Kelloii. (inlly tliiialy jwliltnirii are welling Dal. Tba Hav. A. T J'orkiiia The publli liers must recognize parched palate* with (itpe Juice that M. Gale, prominent Haiti- " llml lltr> an- i onsuining more than hax no aumewhere anxious Thomas l» Mr. "kick;" real eatate broker, died at hla and can be produced," aald .-.portsnien are acannlng the heavy lngton DEATHS «'ol\er. realdence, 2100 8 street northwest, '45-'50 wavea for a aight of the "machinery" II lltO N st '40, John P. Clements, Cap "The ultr of paper* ia hardly a sub- thai failed to arrive. this morning at S o'clock, following yri, he continued. n w Jfct of legislation," "Somewhere" in the Federal build- an attack of pneumonia. liymM ¥ Haksr. SO yrt., *411 R at nw. nrKiuii amaller Sunday cditlona and the of¬ Mr Uate was aeventy-one yeara old, Charles Williams TO >r*. 11 It vth .( aw. equal "Special Values" Ing, In the apart- occupied by Ho* tli- elimination of extra editions. fice uf the chief prohibition officer, and was born In Brooklyn, N. V, .^mh M (!olllna yrs Pro* K' peal of the excess profits tax and where he received hla (-duration. In i.«itMr Kawlrr. 67 yrn.. Prov. Hon elsewhere. the box that would have brought Andrew 8Ita I 11.-. 14 > rr ruberculoaia lluc r<nio\al of all tariff on ncwa print 11(0 lie runic lo Washington and be- l(wt« Hovmti, HO yra., 192b I'ol. ni Hla-' « ere suggested l>y Mr. i'ol\jer as rcpoxe tu the aoulu of the sea ridera came connected with the real eatate Thomu Soill. !. >r».. If! M fl Mil »vr |N hi' Adl. lie said the shortage i* repo«lng. labeled tu "machinery Thomas J. Klaher & 731 Jennie M. J one*. 4b yr/L, 10 U It iih tlrni of Co., LI £»00 I> m »r. trouble with tlie excess parta." and billed to a Mi mil. l''la noon after Florence 1». McAuliffe, yrm, bcian profit*, Fifteenth street northwest. .sumin H. Holand, 77 yra., lib L «. ( nw t.'.s unusually large ex- yacht captain, tlie heavy hex arrived waa encouraging which he married to Mr. Fiaher'a KUaabeth C. 1 'iss* .« yrm , tit 26th mi. nw pcinlilurea for advertising a a a in Atlanta and had already atarted daughter, Philip Haquet, j$ yrm., 81 KUaabeth Ho* means of evading the tax. to ita final destination when sudden At the tline of hia death Mr. Oale Bertha V. lleffner, 42 yrm 37th at and are moat hurt," a atream.remlnlacent of Tunlaw rd Smaller publishers ly golden waa vice preaident of Thomaa J. 1th st. e< the ma¬ I'lirn U Hnwlinpa, 72 yra, {»0t» a* i-lttrcU Mr. Colver, "becauae the "good old daya" rather than Flatter & Co., and treaaurer of the Charlea K. tfchillsr, t7 yrm, V. * ftoldtara' lsegcr publlaherii are keeping paper chinery grease.trickled from the Willard Hotel Company, He waa alao Home on con- 66 Tuberealosla lioa. from them by taking paper box. a stockholder of the Capital Traction Henry Kober, yra.. tract." A prohibition enforcement offlcer Ruth tC. Robert* 77 yrm, 1406 Qirard at and Company. nw. The contract price, he declared, uat called Into conaultatlon Funeral arrangements have not Walter P Oora, 17 yra., Oarfleld Hoa averages 4'i cents, and the current here's what waa found: Three canes been completed, but It la u/ideratood John W. Hoiirback, 13 yra.. 1220 1 st. nw market ia about 9 cents. The of Scotch, age unknown, and one caae trurll Lowe, tb yra., tlS Va. *ve. «w. price the body will be buried In Rock Creek Waah. cost of paper on April I, of Italian wine. The "Joy Juice" wad Thomaa Doran, -6 yra.. Ueo Ualv. producing Cemetery. IIoa. II,'IS, wax -.8 pent* a pound but has turned over to the base hospital at la one 70 1&00 Maai ' Mr. Oale aurvlved by daugh¬ Jeanie Ixxkwuod Jonaa. yra.. ili -rcaxed materially" since then, Mr. Fort Mcpherson for medicinal uae. ter, Mra. Ridley McLean. BVt IV f'olver said. No increase in produc-- (Aortftt Kobinaon. 79 yra.. 1161 BUtmore at. tlon. new mills, to the n w. through equal REGULATION 0. K.'D. W. Uleaaon. 34 yra., 2btl R. I. are. Increased consumption was in sight, PACKER GEN. J. E. Ralph McMAtyON. ne. h continued. SPOKANE. Waah. Jan. (0..(Jovern- Funeral service* for MaJ. Oen. John Margaret C. Montgomery, 76 yra., lttl tth of of the meat nw "The production of all grades ment regulation packing U. 8. will be at. i "Ns print for 1010 was greater than industry waa Indorsed in a resolution E. McMahon, A.. retired, Henrietta (Joodman, 33 yra 1332 Harvard nw. at the session here of conducted from Gawler's undertaking Ht. , any preceding y«ar. The Increase passed closing Kila I,. MrDarniott. 66 yra.. 46 i: at nw. oxer 1018 was almost 10 per cent. the American National Live Stock As¬ establishment tomorrow morning at Thoma* llrady, 62 yra., V. 8. Holdlera' *1 In- stocks of news print on hand at sociation's annual convention. United 11 o'clock. Burial will be In the Ar¬ HoftM tli» paper mills decreased materially States Senator John B. Kendrick was lington CemeU-fy. Harry P. Garratt. 47 yrm.. Prov. Iloa from to of the associa¬ (ieorge W KIlla. 40 yra, 332t 10th at. ne f!;e beginning of 1017 the re-elected president General McMahon died at Kloira M 2t yra. 606 7th «t. «*. ? i"' and El Paso, Tex,, was chosen a» Princeton, Rearny. of 1010. The stocks of total tion. N. J., Wednesday, an attack T.ulgie Flaw, 6 mo., 1113 6th at. ae n s following Pa. ave. nw. print paper reported in the next year's meeting place. of He waa born in John W. K»i*t*-r, 6 ino., 2106 pneumonia. Buf¬ lufant of Frank and Bertha ldarcozzl. 1 falo. N. V., in lstfO. and attended thfc day. Garfleld llot United States Military Academy at Infant of John and Margaret Kenoe. 2 daya. West Point, from which he Providence Hoa. graduated Joaeph Robaon. 4 houra, Geo. Univ. Hoa and received a second lieutenant's Infant of Robert B. and Lydla tiwopr, Geo. commission in IN86. He served dur¬ I'nlv. Hoa. ing the Spanish-American war a» William H. Anderaon. 60 yrm., 1164 21at nw captain, an assistant adjutant Heaate Dillard. 33 yra, 422 1* at. nw general I^ena Rogers. 26 yra., 702 Waah ct. nw. and major. After the war he was Grant Holme*, 46 >ra., 1931 tth at. nw transferred to Cuba and the Philip¬ Frank Nickena, 4t yra., Kreedinena' Hoe pines In 1890 he married Misa Caro¬ John K. Mil If, 00 yra., 14 It N at. nw line of Col. Uallas Matilda Hprigga, 31 yra., 664 Callan at ne. Bache. daughter Antl«* Thornioo. 4& yra.. 1413 17th «t. nw. Bache, of the army medical corps. Harah Heall, 67 yra., 497 '* f, at. «w Mra. McMahon died here in 1915. I«ottie Brooka. 21 yra 1216 Half at. iw was to Martha Thornton, 37 yra.. 41b -th at He promoted brigadier gen¬ Hoa. eral when the war out In Robert Hcytt, 76 yra., Garfield broke 1917, George McGowan, 66 yra., en route to Cas¬ and placed In command of a brigade ualty Hoa. of Held artillery at Camp t>Ix.
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