Il Original: English ------ .
_.~ .. -----'-..---....-. '-"~._'- -...-.... ~. ~.:" _- .. .. , ..-.-..- ~~~:::~;~:.£~i UNITED NA TIONS GENBnAJ.... S/2725 .) ECUR ITY 29 July 1952 C: 0 lj 1'1 C: IL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH -------_._------- NOTE DNfED 28 JULy 1952 FROM· THE ACTmG REPRESENTATIVE OF THE UNITED STATES ADDRESSED TO THE ACTING SECRETARY-GENERAL TRANSMITTING T\iEINE COMMUNI~UES ISSUED BY TIre HEADQUARTERS OF THE UNITED NATIONS COMJ.vI!0iTI IN KOREA The Actin~ Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations presents his compliments to the Acting Secret.ary-General of the United Nations and has the honor to transmit herewith, for the information of the Security Council, the following communiques issued by the Headquarters of the United Nations Command, as indicated belm·,: United Nations Naval Forces summary of operations Thursday, July 24, 1952 EiGhth Army communique 1,049, for operations Thursday, July 24, 1952 Far East Air Forces operational summary fqr Friday, July 25, 1952 United Nations Naval Forces summary of operations Friday, July 25, 1952 EiGhth Army communique 1,050, for operations Friday, July 25, 1952 EiGhth Army tactical summary 129, .for Friday, .July 25, 1952 United Natior~ Command communiq~e 1,322, for the twenty~four hours to 6:00 A,M., Saturday, July 26, ~952(Korean time) Far East Air Forces summary of. operations Saturday, J\~ly 26, 1952 United Nations Naval Forces 8un~ary of operations Saturday, July 26, 1952 Ei[;;rrth Army communique 1,051, for operations Saturday, July 26, 1952 EiGhth Army tact_cal summary 130, for Sat'urday, July 26, 1952 Eighth Army tactical summary 131, for ~unday, July 27, 1952 /UNITED NATIONS S/2725 52..8599 S/2725 Page 2 UNITED NATIONS NAVAL FORCES SU1>1r·1ARY OF OPERATIOnS THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1952 Another full and destructive day of Qpe!'ations was reported by Seventh Fleet elE.ments off Korea during this period.
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