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Condor 2 Airports CONDOR 2 AIRPORTS - CONSTRUCTION GUIDE using Wings 3D Xavier Delaborde, © 2019 Version 1.0 en - 2019-09-16 Page 2/132 Avertissement/Warning: Ce document électronique est soumis aux droits d'auteur et aux droits de la propriété intellectuelle, sous les conditions particulières suivantes : - La reproduction de ce document est libre, sans aucune modification ni altération du texte, qui ne serait pas préalablement soumis et accepté par l'auteur. La gratuité de la reproduction et de la distribution est intangible. - Il est interdit de publier ou distribuer ce document sous une forme différente. Seule la forme électronique est autorisée. - L'impression papier à titre privé est autorisée. - La traduction de ce document est autorisée, pour toutes les langues, sous les mêmes conditions, et sous la réserve de communiquer un exemplaire de la traduction à l'auteur. - Le nom de l'auteur doit être cité même pour un court extrait, quelle que soit la langue utilisée. - Ce document ne peut faire l'objet d'aucune transaction commerciale ni d'inclusion partielle dans un autre document qui ne suivrait pas les mêmes conditions particulières, et qui n'aurait pas l'approbation de l'auteur. - Ces conditions particulières doivent être reproduites in extenso en tête du document, sous la rubrique "Avertissement" en français et dans la langue où ce document est traduit. - Seul le texte français fait foi. - L'auteur, les correcteurs, les traducteurs, ne sauraient être liés aux dommages directs et indirects que pourrait, pour quelques raisons que ce soit, entraîner l'utilisation de ce Guide. L'utilisation de ce Guide se fait toujours aux risques et périls de celui qui suit les procédés décrits dans ce Guide. Warning: This electronic document is subject to copyright and intellectual property rights, under the special following conditions: - The reproduction of this document is free, without any modification or alteration of the text which would not be previously submitted and accepted by the author. The free reproduction and distribution conditions cannot be changed. - It is forbidden to publish or distribute this document in a different form. Only the electronic form is allowed. - Private paper printing is allowed. - The translation of this document is allowed for all languages, under the same special conditions, and subject to providing a copy to the author. - The name of the author must be quoted even for a short extract, whatever the language used. - This document may not be subject to any commercial transaction or partial inclusion in another document that does not follow the same special conditions, and which does not have the approval of the author. - These special conditions must be reproduced completely at the top of the document, under the heading "Warning" in French and in the language in which this document is translated. - Only the French text is authentic. - The author, the proofreaders, the translators, cannot be related to direct and indirect damages that could, for any reasons, result of the use of this Guide. The use of this Guide is always at the risk of the person following the processes described in this Guide. Condor 2 Airports - Construction Guide Version 1.0 en - 2019-09-16 Xavier Delaborde, © 2019 Acknowledgments: Michel Bernard, Marc Till. Condor 2 Airports - Construction Guide Xavier Delaborde © 2019 Version 1.0 en - 2019-09-16 Page 3/132 Table of Contents Avertissement/Warning: ...................................................................................................... 2 Table of Contents................................................................................................................................ 3 Foreword ............................................................................................................................................ 6 Tools ................................................................................................................................................... 6 Goals and Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 7 Condor 2 and scenery folders .......................................................................................................... 8 Condor 2 Objects .......................................................................................................................... 13 Airport operation with Condor 2 ................................................................................................... 16 Main Advices:............................................................................................................................ 17 The Tow planes ballet ............................................................................................................... 18 Tow planes take-off towing a glider, in Condor 2: ............................................................... 18 Tow plane landing and taxiing on the airport towards its parking place. ............................. 19 Wings 3D : ........................................................................................................................................ 22 Basic operations............................................................................................................................ 22 Conventions of the information line extended to the whole document: ........................................ 23 Primitives adapted to airports modeling ....................................................................................... 25 Creating the "EPiste" primitive .................................................................................................. 25 1 - Geometry cleaning: ....................................................................................................... 27 2 - Edges must be "Hard": .................................................................................................. 27 3 - Eliminate the bottom face ............................................................................................. 27 4 - Change Name ................................................................................................................ 27 5 - Standard "UV Mapping" ................................................................................................ 27 6 - Creating a primitives folder for airports and Saving the primitive Episte. ....................... 29 Creating the Hangar primitive ................................................................................................... 29 Shortcuts adapted to the creation of airports................................................................................ 30 Creating the H Hotkey ............................................................................................................... 31 Creating the N Hotkey ............................................................................................................... 32 Creating the K Hotkey ............................................................................................................... 32 Creating the J Hotkey ................................................................................................................ 32 Last Resort: ............................................................................................................................... 33 List of defined Hotkeys .............................................................................................................. 34 Modeling LOKL Lienz-Nikolsdorf Airport ............................................................................................ 35 Condor 2 Airports - Construction Guide Xavier Delaborde © 2019 Version 1.0 en - 2019-09-16 Page 4/132 1 / Gather strong documentation with UTM projection plans........................................................ 35 Photos....................................................................................................................................... 35 Maps and Drawings ................................................................................................................... 38 A Google Earth satellite photo ................................................................................................... 39 Qgis 2.18 Las Palmas ................................................................................................................. 41 QGIS 3.6 .................................................................................................................................... 44 Runway Official Data ................................................................................................................. 45 2/ Creating Airports in Landscape Editor. ...................................................................................... 46 How Landscape Editor works for airports .................................................................................. 46 Creating a new airport in Landscape Editor ............................................................................... 47 3/ Load, Scale and Place Maps and Drawings in Wings 3D. ............................................................ 49 Creating the Standard Reference for Scaling .............................................................................. 50 Inserting the Google Earth Map "LienzGEMax" .......................................................................... 52 Scaling and Orienting ...............................................................................................................
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