Submitted as a Partial Requirement in Obtaining Degree in the English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts Sebelas Maret University

Wisnu Iskandar




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Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and

the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.

- Matthew 7:7-8 –

My salvation and my honor depend on God; He is my mighty rock,

my refuge.

-Psalm 62:7-

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The final project is dedicated to:

 My parents

 My Family

 All of my friends

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First of all, the writer would like to thank to Jesus Christ who has given

everything. Also, the writer would like to thank to all people for giving support,

guidance, and spirit in finishing this final project entitled “THE POTENCIES



In this final project report, the writer is interested in the potencies of Pura

Mangkunegaran as the culture tourist attraction. This final project also discusses

about the potencies of Pura Mangkunegaran as a culture tourist attraction in Solo.

Finally, the writer realized that this final project report is far from being

perfect. Therefore, the writer needs suggestion from many sides to improve this

report. The writer hopes this final project report will be beneficial for the readers.

Surakarta, August 2nd, 2011

Wisnu Iskandar

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In the name of Jesus Christ, Who is the Most Loving, and the Most

Merciful. All praise to Jesus, the Lord of the worlds. Peace and blessing of Jesus

Christ. First of all, I would like to express my highest gratitude to Jesus Christ,

who has given me strength and everything to finish this final project. Secondly, I

would like to express my gratitude to:

1. The Dean of Letters and Fine Arts Faculty, Sebelas Maret University, Drs.

Riyadi Santosa, M.Ed, Ph.D.

2. The Head of English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts,

Sebelas Maret University, Yusuf Kurniawan, S.S, M.A.

3. Karunia Purna K., S.S., M.Si., my supervisor, for guidance, advices and

time in writing this final project report.

4. Taufiq Al Ma’mun, S.S, my academic supervisor, for his guidance, help

and advices.

5. The local-tour guides in Pura Mangkunegaran, for giving me the

opportunity to do the job training in Pura Mangkunegaran.

6. All of lecturers of English Department, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts,

Sebelas Maret University, for the valuable knowledge and information.

7. My beloved parents and my beloved sisters and brothers, for endless

support, advices and pray.

8. My big family, for the endless support and pray. commit to user


9. The Iyyikz: Ndaru, Kholis, Nurul, Ika, for giving me a chance to know

people like you guys.

10. My beloved friends, Riris, Vera, Wiwik, Yesi, Sonia, Sari, and others, for

your support and the friendship until right now.

11. All of C class students of English Diploma, for the greatest moments that

all of you gave.

12. Mbak Heny, Mbak Susi and Mbak Devi for helping me during my study in

English Diploma.

Surakarta, August 2nd, 2011

Wisnu Iskandar

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APPROVAL OF CONSULTANT………………………………………………...ii







TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………....ix

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION………………………………………………....1

A. Background…………………………………………………....1

B. Objectives……………………………………………………..2

C. Benefits……………………………………………………..…2


A. Definition of Tourism...……………………………………….4

B. Definition of Culture Tourism..……………………………….6 commit to user C. Definition of Potency………………………………………….7


D. Scope of Report…………………….…………………………8

CHAPTER III: DISCUSSION……………………………………………..….....9

A. Pura Mangkunegaran……………………………………….....9

B. The Potencies Of Pura Mangkunegaran as a Cuture Tourist


C. The Infrastructure Of Pura



A. Conclusion...………………………………………………….22

B. Suggestion...………………………………………………….23



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MANGKUNEGARAN AS THE CULTURAL TOURIST ATTRACTION IN SOLO, English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University.

This final project is descriptive report. The writer only collected the information and drew some conclusions. The writer got the information by conducting observation, interviews, and library research (books, brochures and leaflets). The objectives of the final project report are describing the potencies of Pura Mangkunegaran as tourist attraction and the infrastructures of Pura Mangkunegaran. The final project is entitled The Potencies of Pura Mangkunegaran as The Cultural Tourist Attraction. This topic is chosen because it is considered as an interesting phenomenon. Pura Mangkunegaran is one of the interesting tourist sites to be visited in Solo. The writer gives and presents information about the cultural tourist attraction in Pura Mangkunegaran. The purposes of this Final Project are to find out and to describe the potencies of Pura Mangkunegaran as a Cultural Tourist Attraction in Solo, so the readers are hoped to have a clear description about the tourist attractions in Pura Mangkunegaran. Besides, this Final Project is to describe the infrastructures of the Pura Mangkunegaran. The result of this report shows that Pura Mangkunegaran has potencies as a culture tourist attraction in Solo. The potencies are historical attractions consisting of the Pura Mangkunegaran itself, the collection in the museum and the court library; cultural events, such as traditional dances performances, playing, shadow puppets show; and some traditional ceremonies, such as Prince Coronation Anniversary, The heirlooms procession at the same time with

Javanese New Year Celebration. Besides, the infrastructure of Pura Mangkunegaran is adequate and can help to fill the needs of the tourists.

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A. Background

Solo is a city which has many Javanese traditions. The traditions are still

kept and preserved by the local government and people. There are many heritages

which are inherited from ancestors since long time ago. Solo also has many tourist

attractions. They are Surakarta , Klewer Traditional Market, Pandawa

Waterboom, Galabo, etc. Solo also has many cultural legacies, such as traditional

dances, traditional food, , Gamelan, etc. Traditions and glorious values

which are preserved until the present time has made Solo become the city of

tradition and is called as “Spirit of Java”.

Pura Mangkunegaran is one of tourist attractions in Solo. It was built on

March 17, 1757 by Prince Sambernyawa. Pura Mangkunegaran is located at

Ronggowarsito Street, Surakarta. As historical place, Pura Mangkunegaran

becomes a tourist attraction which is visited by many tourists, both local and

foreign tourists. There are many interesting things which can be seen inside Pura

Mangkunegaran. It has beautiful structure building and many historical artifacts

which are collected by the royal family. The government still tries to promote

Pura Mangkunegaran by conducting events there which involve national and

international organizations. The events are participated by local and international

delegations. Some of the events are SIEM,SIPA,etc. commit to user


Pura Mangkunegaran is Javanese palace which has influenced the

civilization and development of the dynamics of Surakarta society until now. The

culture and historical value of Pura Mangkunegaran are factors which influence

the direction of development of Solo.

Pura Mangkunegaran has important position to determine rising

competitiveness of Indonesia which is based on local genius, which will promote

the image of Indonesia in the globalized world. It means Pura Mangkunegaran has

an important role in Indonesia to create a good image especially on tourism sector.

Based on the phenomenon above, the writer wants to describe the potencies of

Pura Mangkunegaran as tourist attraction, so the government can develop Pura

Mangkunegaran as a tourist destination as a must visited site.

B. Objectives

1. To describe the potencies of Pura Mangkunegaran as tourist attraction.

2. To describe the infrastructures of Pura Mangkunegaran as tourist attraction in


C. Benefits

This report is expected to give some benefits to:

1. Local Government:

a. Government knows the potencies of Pura Mangkunegaran as tourist

attraction, so they can participate in keeping and preserving Pura

Mangkunegaran as cultural and tourist attraction.

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b. Government knows the strength, the weakness, and the opportunities of Pura

Mangkunegaran as tourist attraction, so it can find the solutions of problems

which are faced by Pura Mangkunegaran.

2. Local Community:

From this report, the writer hopes that the local community will pay attention

to Pura Mangkunegaran as the artifact which has important values, so they

can participate in developing Pura Mangkunegaran indirectly.

3. Readers:

a. The reader can give more attention to the Solo tourism.

b. The reader can help the government to develop the tourism in Solo.

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A. Definition of Tourism

Since along time ago, human has moved from one place to other places. It

has been the characteristic of human that they are never satisfied, including with

the place where they live. The mobilization of human can be seen from the history

of the world. According to Prayogo, the adventure of Marcopolo, imperialism of

Roman Empire, the removal of Malay, the adventure of Colombus, the adventure

of human in other space are the examples of human mobilization (1976:21).

The mobilization were emerged, because of some motivations, they are:

1. Motivation of economic.

2. Motivation of politic.

3. Motivation of safety.

4. Motivation of health.

5. Motivation of resident.

6. Motivation of education.

7. Motivation of religious.

8. Motivation of culture interest.

9. Motivation of family relationship.

There are some kinds of tourism which are divided by the purpose of

doing the trip according to Nyoman S Pendit (1986: 17), they are: commit to user


1. Culture Tourism

2. Health Tourism

3. Sport Tourism

4. Industry Tourism

5. Politic Tourism

6. Convention Tourism

7. Social Tourism

8. Agriculture Tourism

9. Maritime Tourism

10. Sanctuary Tourism

11. Hunting Tourism

12. Pilgrim Tourism or Religion Tourism.

These motivations were triggered by the desires and needs that must be


There are some purposes of the tourist doing a trip. Some of them doing a

trip for studying the culture or system of government from other countries, but

some of them have purpose regarding with their religions or beliefs. Along time

ago, European did a trip to get some traditional medicines or traditional medicinal

treatments as alternative choices. It is called health tourism.

According to Oka A. Yoeti, tourism is a trip which is done from one place

to other place temporarily. The tourists do not have business or earn money at the

place which is visited by them, but to enjoy the trip for recreation or to fill their

various desires Oka A Yoeti (1985:109). commit to user


The purpose of doing the tours is same although the ways which they do

are different. It means tourism has some importance factors. They are:

1. The trip is done temporarily.

2. The trip is done from one place to other place.

3. The trip must relate to recreation.

4. People who do the trip do not work to earn money at the place which is

visited. They are just a consuming there.

It can be concluded that the tourists have some purposes to do the trips and

stay temporarily.

B. Definition of Culture Tourism

Culture tourism is a place which has culture aspect which can become a

tourist attraction. In culture tourism the tourists can enjoy human creation, life

system, and art, history of nation or place, and environment condition.

According to Oka A. Yoety (1985; 113), there are two kinds of culture

tourism, they are:

1. Culture tourism based on the Object:

It means, the tourists are motivated to do a trip because there are

culture from one place which attracts people to visit, the object visited

is heritage or ancient monument.

2. Culture tourism based on the purpose.

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It means, the tourists have purpose to get information and knowledge

about other countries. Besides, they also have purpose to get

entertainment satisfaction from culture of a country, such as traditional

dances and the way of life from local society.

In addition, culture is the result of human development either real or unreal

which has aesthetic sense.

It can be concluded that culture tourism is a place which has history value

and high culture, so tourists are interested in visiting it because of its aesthetic.

The tourists visit the culture tourist attraction, because they have some

motivations. The motivations of the trip which include some culture aspects, such


1. The tourists want to see nation mores in other countries.

2. The tourists want to see the custom, religious, and traditional rituals.

3. The tourists want to see some traditional performances and festival.

4. The tourists want to see traditional and primitive culture, such as

Asmat tribe, Dayak tribe, and Toraja tribe.

5. The tourists want to visit historical artifacts, monument, heritages,

temple, pyramid, etc.

Culture tourism has some positive impact. They preserve of traditional

culture and recover the culture which has traditional characteristic which is almost

forgotten, so the tourists will be more interested to visit the culture attraction.

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C. Definition of Potency

In the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Potency is “the power that

somebody or something has affect your body or mind: the potency of desire“

(2000:1332). Another definition comes from Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate

Dictionary, potency is “the quality or state of being potent; the ability or capacity

to achieve or bring about a particular result” (Merriam Webster’s, 2003:971). It

can be concluded that potency is the power or the quality of something which can

affect someone’s way of thinking.

D. Scope of Report

Pura Mangkunegaran, as a tourist destination, has history value which

cannot be neglected. Sartono Kartodirjo says that what we have in the present

time is a result of what we have been through in the past (1992:36). This report is

focused on potencies of Pura Mangkunegaran as a culture tourist attraction in

Solo. The culture tourist attractions in Pura Mangkunegaran comprise historical

attraction, culture attraction, and traditional ceremony. Therefore, this report does

not include the promotion and management of Pura Mangkunegaran Tourism


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A. Pura Mangkunegaran

In 1757, Raden Mas Said also known as Pengeran Samber Nyawa

established a dynasty of Mangkunegaran. It was based on the Treaty of Salatiga

on March 1757. It determined that Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat was divided

into two: Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat ruled by Paku Buwono III and

Mangkunegaran ruled by Raden Mas Said as Mangkunegara I. Raden Mas Said

was a prince of the Surakarta kingdom. He was born in Kartasura Palace on April

1725. He is one of the four Kanjeng Pangeran Arya sons, who revolted against the

king of Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat. The king later allowed Raden Mas Said

to set up his own court. He had a same position as all of kings in Java but he was

not permitted to:

Sit on the throne.

Establish “Balai Winata” (the royal meeting hall).

Have two alun-alun (big square)

Plant two Banyan trees.

The first castle of Mangkunegaran palace was built in 1757, two years

after the signing of the Giyanti Agreement in 1755 which divided the Mataram

kingdom into two: Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat ruled by Paku Buwana III

and Kasultanan Yogyakarta ruled by Mangkubumi as Hamengku Buwana II. Pura

Mangkunegaran construction was completed by Mangkunegaran IV in 1866. It is commit to user


located in the centre of Solo, on Rangga Warsita Street in Banjarsari district. Pura

Mangkunegaran is official resident of Mangkunegara which is functioned as

tourist attraction in Solo. The wide of Pura Mangkunegaran is 302.5 meters X

308.25 meters = 93,396 meters.

Pura Mangkunegaran consists of three main parts, they are:

1. Pendopo

Pendopo is used for arranging some ceremonies and royal events. It is

used for showing or practicing traditional Javanese dances. The style of Pendopo

is Joglo, traditional house style of Javanese, which is propped by four main pillars

in the centre of Pendopo. The pillars were made from a wood from Wonogiri

which was divided into four without nails. The wide of the Pendopo is 3.270

meters. It is the largest pendopo in Indonesia.

Some of material and furniture which is at Pendopo are imported from

other countries. In the front of Pendopo, there are four lions which were imported

from Berlin, Germany. The lions are the symbol of Pura Mangkunegara power.

The floor of Pendopo is made of ceramics which were imported from Carara, Italy

and the lamps were imported from Holland.

Besides, there are some sets of gamelan at Pendopo. At the west of

Pendopo, there are two sets of gamelan (traditional Javanese music orchestra).

They are Kyai Kanyut Mesem and Kyai Pelipur Lara. Gamelan Kyai Kanyut

Mesem is heritage of Pura Mangkunegara ancestors. It is often played and the

most complete gamelan in Pura Mangkunegaran. It is played every Wednesday

morning to practice traditional dance. It has been more than 200 years old. commit to user


At the east of Pendopo, there are some ; they are gamelan

“Upacara, Munggang, Corobalen, and Kodok Ngorek.” These gamelans are

played just for certain ceremonies, such as coronation, wedding, circumcision, and

receiving state guests. It is used to practice playing gamelan every Saturday


The roof was made of siraps (teak wood tiles). In 1925, it was covered

with copper. The decoration of the ceiling, in the middle of the Pendopo was

painted by Liem Tho Hien in 1937 and designed by Mr. Karsten from Holland. It

is called Kumudhowati. On the centre of the painting, there are eight mystical

colors symbolizing magical power

Painting which is on the centre of the ceiling

9 10 11 12

8 a b c d 1

7 e f g h 2

6 5 4 3

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a. Yellow resists sleepiness.

b. Blue resists disaster.

c. Black resists hunger.

d. Green resists stress.

e. White resists sexual desires.

f. Orange resists fear.

g. Red resists devil influence.

h. Purple resists evil mind.

Besides the colors, there are symbols of Hindu-Javanese astrology

surrounding it, they are:

a. Mina

b. Maenad

c. Banteng

d. Mimihamintuna

e. Kerkata

f. Kenya

g. Timbangan

h. Kalajengking

i. Gandewa

j. Makara

k. Kepiting

l. Kumba commit to user


2. Paringgitan

The second main building of Pura Mangkunegaran is Paringgitan.

Paringgitan is used for showing Wayang Kulit (shadow puppets show). Besides,

there are some pictures of Mangkunegaran Family which are hung on the wall.

They are painting of Mangkunegara VII, VIII, IX and their wives pictures.

Paringgitan is also used by Royal Family to receive their official guests. There

are three doors to enter the next room. The main door which is in the middle is

opened just for certain ceremonies.

3. Dalem Ageng

Dalem Ageng is the main room in Pura Mangkunegaran. It is the most

sacred place in Pura Mangkunegaran. It is used for some traditional ceremonies. It

is constructed in the limasan style with eight pillars. There is no ceiling there, so

the woods which prop the tiled roofs can be looked. It is a symbol of sun.

Now, Dalem Ageng is used as a museum which exhibits some antique

collections which have been collected since 1926. The museum exhibits

Mangkunegaran ornaments, weapons, medals, dance equipment, coins, pictures of

Mangkunegaran family members,etc. The collection was from Bali, Japan, Arab,

Mexico, Holland, and some other countries. Besides, there is “Krobongan”. It is a

place which is used by Mangkunegara to take meditation.

4. The Other Rooms of the Pura Mangkunegaran

Besides three main rooms mentioned above, there are still other rooms for

the royal necessities. On the northwest part there is Pracimayoso, a place for royal commit to user


family to receive their guest daily. On each side of the Dalem Ageng lies Bale

Peni, a private apartment for the princes, and Bale Warni, a private apartment for

the princesses. Moreover, there is Rekso Pustoko, the court library that was

established in 1897 by Prince Mangkunegara IV. It has a lot of collections of old

literary works.

B. The Potencies Of Pura Mangkunegaran as a Culture Tourist


A culture tourist attraction comprises historical attraction, culture events,

and traditional ceremonies. As a culture tourist attraction, Pura Mangkunegaran is

rich of historical and cultural values. Pura Mangkunegaran has three components

of culture tourist attraction.

a. Historical Attraction

Three main parts of Pura Mangkunegaran, the Pendopo, the Paringgitan,

the Dalem Ageng, and the court library Rekso Pustoko have historical values as a

historical attraction. The tourist can learn about their history, their function in the

past, and the events behind their constructions. Dalem Ageng also displays some

collections of ancient works from our ancestors that are neatly arranged in the

cupboard and glass showcases.

On the middle of the Dalem Ageng, there is a sacred place called

Krobongan. It is used to put offering to Dewi Sri (Goddes of Rice). There are commit to user


paintings of late Mangkunegaran princess hung on the wall. Most of collections in

the Dalem Ageng were from the late Prince Mangkunegara IV. These collections

have high cultural and archeological values. Therefore the tourists are interesting

to visit and enjoy those ancient collections to add their knowledge about Javanese

culture in the past. More over if the tourist are learning about history or making

historical researches, the museum in the Pura Mangkunegaran will be very


There are also collections of gamelan sets (Javanese traditional music

orchestra). Their names are Kyai Kanyut Mesem which was from Demak

Kingdom era, Kyai Pelipur Lara, and Kyai Udan Arum. Kyai Condrokunto, made

in Denhaag, Hermans Hage, in 1850-1860.

Besides, there are many antique collections which were from Hindus-

Buddhist era before Pura Mangkunegaran was built. They were the presents of the

citizenries. The royal family also collected them from other kingdoms, such as a

miniature from Queen Juliana, a set of beverage equipment from Belgium, a set of

crystal from Czechoslovakia, swords from the Middle East, samurai from Japan,


The purpose of the collection is to show inheritance of a nation which

has high culture value since long time ago. The collections of Pura

Mangkunegaran are:

1. Carriage

Pura Mangkunegaran also has cart gallery, there are five carts that were

used by Mangkunegaran princess: commit to user


a) Kyai Condroretno Carriage.

It was made in 1850-1860 by Hermans Hage in Den hag. It was just

used by the Prince in the traditional ceremonies and wedding party.

The carriage was pulled by eight horses.

b) Two kinds of Berlin Carriage.

They were made in London by Holmes Derby in 1880-1900. The

carriages were used by the relatives of the Prince. They were pulled by

four horses.

c) Glasslaundauer Carriage.

It was made in 1890-1900. The carriage was pulled by four horses and

used by the relatives of the Prince in traditional ceremonies and

wedding party.

d) Launduct Carriage.

It was made in 1980. It was pulled by four horses and used by the

relatives of the Prince.

e) Barrouchet Carriage.

It was made in 1860-1880. The carriage was pulled by four horses and

used by the Royal Family.

2. Metal Statues.

They are Lion statues which are in Pendopo. They were from Berlin.

3. Stone Statues.

They are Buddha statues, Siva statues, Lingga, and Yoni.

4. Metal Equipments. commit to user


The equipments are lamps, trays for monks, bells for monks, anglo (a

place which is used for burning charcoal or incense), pot for holy water,

water dipper, mirrors, rings, bracelets, anklets, coins, medals, etc.

5. Pieces or fragments of the temples.

6. Weapons

The weapons are spears, Keris, swords, cleavers.

7. Paintings of Basuki Abdullah and the Royal Family photos.

8. Masks from Bali, Madura, Cirebon, Solo, Yogyakarta, and Malang. The

most of the masks was made from wood which are carved.

9. Dance costumes.

10. Crystals.

11. Calligraphy.

Besides those collections above, there is a unique collection called

badong. Badong is cover of male and female genitals long time ago which was

used by the Prince and the Consort of the Prince if the Prince went for hunting or

warring. Badong was used for preventing the Prince and the Consort of the Prince

from doing coitus to other man or woman. The key of the male badong was

brought by the Consort of the Prince, whereas the key of the female badong was

brought by the Prince.

b. Cultural Event

Pura Mangkunegaran has some cultural events which can attract tourists to

visit and see the events. They are traditional dances, gamelan playing, and shadow

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puppets show. The traditional dances which are typical to Pura Mangkunegaran

are Bedhoyo Ketawang, Bedhoyo Anglir Mendung, and Srimpi Pandelori dances

Bedhoyo Ketawang dances considered as the most sacred dances in the

palace as a palace symbol and a sacred heirloom. This dance is danced by seven

virgin dancers who are still belonging to the royal family relatives. Before

dancing, the dancers must fast for seven days. When the dance is performed, it

must be followed by special offering. The dance tells about the meeting of Sultan

Agung, one of the most famous King, and Queen of South Javanese Sea. Now, the

dance is performed just for several events, such as the Prince coronation, the

banquet for the official guests from other kingdoms, and royal family wedding.

Srimpi Pandelori is a dance which was created by Prince Mangkunegara

VII. The dance is slow, controlled, elegant dance of graceful movements inspired

by the flow of peaceful water and performed by four dancers. The dance is not

considered as a sacred dance. It is performed in the ordinary ceremonies and

holydays. The tourists can see the dance with live Gamelan playing every

Wednesday in the Pendopo.

Shadow Puppets Show, the Javanese call it Wayang Kulit, is one of

cultural events in Pura Mangkunegaran. Performed in the Paringgitan, the Shadow

Puppets Show tells about the classical Hindu epics of the Mahabarata and

Ramayana. It contains the true essence of Javanese philosophy and metaphysic.

The puppeteer, called a Dalang, sits cross legged in front of the screen, holds and

moves the puppets. A lamp shinning above the Dalang’s head creates the shadow

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of the puppets that can be watched from the other side of the screen. This

performance is also followed by live Gamelan orchestra

c. Traditional Ceremony

Traditional ceremony is a part of cultural tourist attractions. Every year

Pura Mangkunegaran held several annual occasions. They are coronation

anniversary and heirlooms procession (kirab pusaka). Today, Pura

Mangkunegaran celebrates the coronation anniversary of the Mangkunegaran IX

on 13th days of the month of Besar in the Javanese Calendar every year. In the

Pura Mangkunegaran, a ritual ceremony is held to celebrate the Prince coronation

as well as to designate several people as attendants and members of the royal

court. In this occasion a sacred dance “Bedhoyo Anglir Mendung” is traditionally

performed and followed by live Gamelan orchestra.

On the eve of the Javanese New Year which falls on the first day in

the month of Suro of the Javanese calendar, heirlooms cleansing is held at the

Bangsal Tosan Aji in front of the Pendopo in Pura Mangkunegaran. Beginning at

6 p.m, the occasion is held until the middle of the night. After the palace sacred

heirlooms are cleaned and washed, they are paraded around the Pura

Mangkunegaran for seven times. After that, those sacred heirlooms are kept in the

Dalem Ageng until the next Javanese New Year Eve. In this occasion, the royal

family also celebrates the Javanese New Year Eve by making the Suro traditional

porridge (red porridge and white porridge) as an expression of gratitude to God

for the prosperities they have. The Prince Mangkunegara also held a banquet for

the royal court members and attendants, and also the invites guest. commit to user


C. The Infrastructure of Pura Mangkunegaran

Every tourist attraction must relate to the infrastructure which supports the

development of the tourist attraction. The infrastructure can help the tourist

attraction to fill the needs of tourists, because they need accommodation, foods

and beverages, and other facilities which can give satisfaction to the tourists.

The infrastructures which support Pura Mangkunegaran are adequate and

can fill the needs of the tourists. The main infrastructures are accommodations,

travel agents, tour operators, and restaurants. There are many things which are

supplied by the tour office of Pura Mangkunegaran especially and the local

government generally.

The facilities in Pura Mangkunegaran are used for balancing the potencies

of Pura Mangkunegaran, so that the tourists can be satisfied when they visit it.

Besides, Pura Mangkunegaran can be reached easily, because it is located in the

centre of Solo city and not too far from the main street, Slamet Riyadi Street.

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A. Conclusion

1. The potencies of Pura Mangkunegaran as tourist attraction.

Pura Mangkunegaran has some potencies which attract the tourists to visit

it. They are historical attractions, cultural events, and traditional ceremonies.

Pura Mangkunegaran has historical attractions which have historical and

cultural values. They are krobongan, gamelan, carriages, statues, crystals,

weapons, dance customs, calligraphy, etc. The tourist can learn about the history

and the function of the historical attractions in the past.

The cultural events in Pura Mangkunegaran can attract tourists to visit and

see the events. They are traditional dances, gamelan playing, shadow puppets

show, etc. The traditional dances which are typical to Pura Mangkunegaran are

Bedhoyo Ketawang, Bedhoyo Anglir Mendung, and Srimpi Pandelori dances

Besides, Pura Mangkunegaran has traditional ceremonies. The traditional

ceremony is a part of cultural tourist attractions in Pura Mangkunegaran which

can attract tourist to see and learn about the purposes of the events. They are

heirlooms procession, coronation anniversary, Javenese New Year Eve, etc.

2. The infrastructure of Pura Mangkunegaran as tourist attraction.

Pura Mangkunegaran is supported by some infrastructures which can fill

the needs of the tourists, so the tourists will be satisfied when they visit Pura

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Mangkunegaran. They are, accommodations, travel agents, tour operators, and


B. Suggestion

Pura Mangkunegaran is an interesting phenomenon to be analyzed and the

writer is sure there are still many things that can be analyzed from Pura


For the Pura Mangkunegaran Tourism Bureau, it will be much better if the

Pura Mangkunegaran Tourism Bureau manages routine cultural events, the

shadow puppets show as well as the dances and the gamelan playing.

To develop the infrastructure of Pura Mangkunegaran, Pura

Mangkunegaran Tourism Bureau needs to improve the tourism services and

facilities, such as:

- Clean toilets.

- Proper parking area for the tourist.

- Cafeterias, it is much better if Pura Mangkunegaran provided

cafeterias with typical Javanese cuisine.

Besides, Pura Mangkunegaran Management needs to make brochures and

leaflets about its cultural events and its traditional ceremonies to attract the


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