perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id THE POTENCIES OF PURA MANGKUNEGARAN AS THE CULTURAL TOURIST ATTRACTION IN SOLO FINAL PROJECT REPORT Submitted as a Partial Requirement in Obtaining Degree in the English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts Sebelas Maret University Wisnu Iskandar C9308123 ENGLISH DIPLOMA PROGRAM FACULTY OF LETTERS AND FINE ARTS SEBELAS MARET UNIVERSITY SURAKARTA 2011 commit to user i perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id commit to user ii perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id commit to user iii perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id MOTTO Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. - Matthew 7:7-8 – My salvation and my honor depend on God; He is my mighty rock, my refuge. -Psalm 62:7- commit to user iv perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id DEDICATION The final project is dedicated to: My parents My Family All of my friends commit to user v perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id PREFACE First of all, the writer would like to thank to Jesus Christ who has given everything. Also, the writer would like to thank to all people for giving support, guidance, and spirit in finishing this final project entitled “THE POTENCIES OF PURA MANGKUNEGARAN AS THE CULTURAL TOURIST ATTRACTION IN SOLO”. In this final project report, the writer is interested in the potencies of Pura Mangkunegaran as the culture tourist attraction. This final project also discusses about the potencies of Pura Mangkunegaran as a culture tourist attraction in Solo. Finally, the writer realized that this final project report is far from being perfect. Therefore, the writer needs suggestion from many sides to improve this report. The writer hopes this final project report will be beneficial for the readers. Surakarta, August 2nd, 2011 Wisnu Iskandar commit to user vi perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id ACKNOWLEDGMENT In the name of Jesus Christ, Who is the Most Loving, and the Most Merciful. All praise to Jesus, the Lord of the worlds. Peace and blessing of Jesus Christ. First of all, I would like to express my highest gratitude to Jesus Christ, who has given me strength and everything to finish this final project. Secondly, I would like to express my gratitude to: 1. The Dean of Letters and Fine Arts Faculty, Sebelas Maret University, Drs. Riyadi Santosa, M.Ed, Ph.D. 2. The Head of English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University, Yusuf Kurniawan, S.S, M.A. 3. Karunia Purna K., S.S., M.Si., my supervisor, for guidance, advices and time in writing this final project report. 4. Taufiq Al Ma’mun, S.S, my academic supervisor, for his guidance, help and advices. 5. The local-tour guides in Pura Mangkunegaran, for giving me the opportunity to do the job training in Pura Mangkunegaran. 6. All of lecturers of English Department, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University, for the valuable knowledge and information. 7. My beloved parents and my beloved sisters and brothers, for endless support, advices and pray. 8. My big family, for the endless support and pray. commit to user vii perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id 9. The Iyyikz: Ndaru, Kholis, Nurul, Ika, for giving me a chance to know people like you guys. 10. My beloved friends, Riris, Vera, Wiwik, Yesi, Sonia, Sari, and others, for your support and the friendship until right now. 11. All of C class students of English Diploma, for the greatest moments that all of you gave. 12. Mbak Heny, Mbak Susi and Mbak Devi for helping me during my study in English Diploma. Surakarta, August 2nd, 2011 Wisnu Iskandar commit to user viii perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE……………………………………………………………………………....i APPROVAL OF CONSULTANT………………………………………………...ii APPROVAL OF THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS…………………………….iii MOTTO…………………………………………………………………………..iv DEDICATION……………………………………………………………………v PREFACE………………………………………………………………………...vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT…………………………………………………………vii ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………..viii TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………....ix CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION………………………………………………....1 A. Background…………………………………………………....1 B. Objectives……………………………………………………..2 C. Benefits……………………………………………………..…2 CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW……………………………………..….4 A. Definition of Tourism...……………………………………….4 B. Definition of Culture Tourism..……………………………….6 commit to user C. Definition of Potency………………………………………….7 ix perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id D. Scope of Report…………………….…………………………8 CHAPTER III: DISCUSSION……………………………………………..….....9 A. Pura Mangkunegaran……………………………………….....9 B. The Potencies Of Pura Mangkunegaran as a Cuture Tourist Attraction……………….……………………………………14 C. The Infrastructure Of Pura Mangkunegaran…..…………………………………………..20 CHAPTER IV: CONCLUSION AND SUGESTION…………………………....22 A. Conclusion...………………………………………………….22 B. Suggestion...………………………………………………….23 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDICES commit to user x perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id ABSTRACT WISNU ISKANDAR, 2011, THE POTENCIES OF PURA MANGKUNEGARAN AS THE CULTURAL TOURIST ATTRACTION IN SOLO, English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University. This final project is descriptive report. The writer only collected the information and drew some conclusions. The writer got the information by conducting observation, interviews, and library research (books, brochures and leaflets). The objectives of the final project report are describing the potencies of Pura Mangkunegaran as tourist attraction and the infrastructures of Pura Mangkunegaran. The final project is entitled The Potencies of Pura Mangkunegaran as The Cultural Tourist Attraction. This topic is chosen because it is considered as an interesting phenomenon. Pura Mangkunegaran is one of the interesting tourist sites to be visited in Solo. The writer gives and presents information about the cultural tourist attraction in Pura Mangkunegaran. The purposes of this Final Project are to find out and to describe the potencies of Pura Mangkunegaran as a Cultural Tourist Attraction in Solo, so the readers are hoped to have a clear description about the tourist attractions in Pura Mangkunegaran. Besides, this Final Project is to describe the infrastructures of the Pura Mangkunegaran. The result of this report shows that Pura Mangkunegaran has potencies as a culture tourist attraction in Solo. The potencies are historical attractions consisting of the Pura Mangkunegaran itself, the collection in the museum and the court library; cultural events, such as traditional dances performances, gamelan playing, shadow puppets show; and some traditional ceremonies, such as Prince Coronation Anniversary, The heirlooms procession at the same time with Javanese New Year Celebration. Besides, the infrastructure of Pura Mangkunegaran is adequate and can help to fill the needs of the tourists. commit to user xi perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id commit to user 12 perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background Solo is a city which has many Javanese traditions. The traditions are still kept and preserved by the local government and people. There are many heritages which are inherited from ancestors since long time ago. Solo also has many tourist attractions. They are Surakarta Palace, Klewer Traditional Market, Pandawa Waterboom, Galabo, etc. Solo also has many cultural legacies, such as traditional dances, traditional food, Batik, Gamelan, etc. Traditions and glorious values which are preserved until the present time has made Solo become the city of tradition and is called as “Spirit of Java”. Pura Mangkunegaran is one of tourist attractions in Solo. It was built on March 17, 1757 by Prince Sambernyawa. Pura Mangkunegaran is located at Ronggowarsito Street, Surakarta. As historical place, Pura Mangkunegaran becomes a tourist attraction which is visited by many tourists, both local and foreign tourists. There are many interesting things which can be seen inside Pura Mangkunegaran. It has beautiful structure building and many historical artifacts which are collected by the royal family. The government still tries to promote Pura Mangkunegaran by conducting events there which involve national and international organizations. The events are participated by local and international delegations. Some of the events are SIEM,SIPA,etc. commit to user 1 perpustakaan.uns.ac.id digilib.uns.ac.id Pura Mangkunegaran is Javanese palace which has influenced the civilization and development of the dynamics of Surakarta society until now. The culture and historical value of Pura Mangkunegaran are factors which influence the direction of development of Solo. Pura Mangkunegaran has important position to determine rising competitiveness of Indonesia which is based on local genius, which will promote the image of Indonesia in the globalized world. It means Pura Mangkunegaran has an important role in Indonesia to create a good image especially on tourism sector. Based on the phenomenon above, the writer wants to describe the potencies of Pura Mangkunegaran as tourist attraction, so the government can develop Pura Mangkunegaran as a tourist destination as a must visited site. B. Objectives 1. To describe the potencies of Pura Mangkunegaran as tourist attraction. 2. To describe the infrastructures of Pura Mangkunegaran as tourist attraction in Solo. C. Benefits This report is expected to give some benefits to: 1. Local Government:
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