kl/ro • 1


dw;;DaGwL] vf; } zfw] gePsf ] aemfO' cfd ¿kdf :jLsfo { blvG5] . ;f] aemfOdf' cflzs+ ;Totf 5 . lsgls ;du | gkfnL] ;dfhsf ] cWoog– cg;GwfgnfO' { lnP/ ;dt] p:t } cleJolQm cfpg ] u5 { . To:tf ] cleJolQm unt g } xf ] eGg ] cfwf/ xfdf| ] 1fg¿kL e08f/n ] lbPsf ] 5g} . sxL] /fd}}| cWoogx¿ klg ePsf 5g \ h;n ] ljleGg bli6sf[ 0faf6] xfdf| ] ;dfhnfO { a‰g' ;3fp5gF \ . oBlk zfw] / ;dfhlj1fgsf ] bxf| ] k/Dk/f gePsf ] gkfnL] ;dfhdf, sxL] ckjfbnfO { 5f8] /,] clwsfz+ ljifodf kofKt{ 1fg pTkfbg gxg' ' gfnf} ] xfOg] . clg uxlsnf ] zfwx¿] guGo xg' ' cfZro{ xfOg] . To;n} ] dw;] xf;] \ jf cGo ljifo oL aemfOdf' ;Tosf ] cz+ 7nf" ] 5, ;fy } ljifo / ;Gbecg{ ;f/' sxL] cfux| / kfyldstf| lglxt 5 . t/ cWoog–k/Dk/fsf ] hu sdhf/] xg' ' Pp6f kIf xf,] clg sg' } 7fp F /÷jf ;dbfo' ljzifdfly] cfd ¿kdf Psksf/sf| ] b/fu' xk| 0f" { bli6sf[ 0f] xfaL /xg ' cs {} kIf xf ] . gkfnL] ;dfhdf cfd ¿kdf xfaL t/fOjf;L{ / dw;Lk] ltsf| ] wf/0ff To:tdWo} ] Pp6f ;zQm cfofd xf ] h;n] cjxngfnfO] { axcfoflds' cfslt[ lbof ] . ;fy } cfd aemfOnfO' { ;j:jLsfo{ { agfof ] .

! 2 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

t/fO–dw{ ;] ;Gbe { uGy| gfdn ] g } hgfp5F of ] k:ts' xfn;Dd o; ljifodf ePsf sfdx¿sf ] ;rLa4" uGy| xf ] . Pp6f ljifodf ePsf ] ;Dk0f" { cWoognfO { k:tsfsf/' lbg ' cfkmdf}F hl6n sfd xf ] . o; sfodf{ ljljw ljwfsf cWoogx¿nfO { ;d6] g\ kg' {] ePsfn] ] o;sf ] Ifq] axt[ \ / Jofks xG5' . To;n} ] o:tf kof;x¿n| ] ;DejtM ljBdfg cWoognfO { ;rLs" t[ ug {] sfodf{ Gofo ug { klg ;Sbgg} \ . cem xfdf| ] h:tf ] b;Lkdf0fnfO| { ;d6] /] /fVg] Jojl:yt ;:sf/+ gePsf ] ;dfhdf o:tf ] sfo { sltko cj:yfdf bMvbfoL' kof;| aGg hfG5 . cGttM hz ;dt] gkfpg ] cfofhgf] . o:tf ;Ldfx¿sf] xSsf] dw;;DaGwL] cWoognfO { ;rLs" t[ ug {' kj" { xfdLnfO { gePsf ] xfOg] . tyflk oL ;Ldfx¿eGbf a9L o:tf ] k:tssf' ] cfjZostf dx;;' ePsfn] ] of] tkfOsf+{ ] xftdf 5 . o;eGbf klxnf klg t/fO;DaGwL{ ljleGg k:ts,' kltj| bg,] sfokq,{ zfwkq] / OG6/g6] Pj + kqklqsfdf 5l/Psf ;fduLnfO| { ;rLs" t[ ug {] kof;| ePsf ] xf ] . ;g \ @))) df :6l8h Og gkfnL] lx:6L« P08 ;f;fO6L] hgndf{ ;hf+ u] ¿kfvtLåf/f] ;rLs" t[ %) ki7sf[ ] …t/fOM{ ;Gbe { ;rLÚ" ksfzg| ePsf] lyof ] . To:t } dfl6g{ rftf/Laf6} ksflzt| dw;] ljbf| xsf] ] gfnLanL] -@)^$_ df lr/g dfgGw/ / tLy { lji6åf/f dntM' @)^# df3sf ] cfGbfng;DaGwL] cWoognfO { ;d6] g\ ] p2Zon] ] ;fduL| ;rLs" t[ ul/Psf ] lyof ] . t/ ljut ^÷& jifotf{ / dntM' @)^# df3df dw;df] cleJoQm /fhgLlts–;f:s+ lts[ hfu/0f o; ljifodf rf;f ] hufpg ] pTsif { laGb ' aGof ] . ;f ] jf:tljstfsf] b;Lkdf0f| t/fO–dw{ ;] ;Gbe{ uGy| df kz:t| } kfOG5 h;df cl3Nnf bj' } ;rLnfO" { PsLst;d[ t] ul/Psf ] 5 . of ] ;Gbe { ;rLn" ] ;Sbf ] Ifq] / bfo/fnfO{ ;d6] g\ ] kof;| u/sf] ] xfdLnfO { ljZjf; 5 . of ] ;ªu\ x| ;ft v08df ljeflht 5 – k:ts÷k' sflzt| ;fduLÙ| cksflzt| kltj| bg] / sfokqÙ{ lstfasf ] nvÙ] hgnsf{ ] nvÙ] zfwkqÙ] kqklqsfsf ] ;fduL| — nv÷l/kf] 6] ,{ ;DkfbsLo, cGtjftf{ Ù{ / OG6/g6df] pknAw ;fduL| — nv÷k] ltj| bg,] cGtjftf{ { . kqklqsf / OG6/g6df] pknAw ;fduL| ;d;fdlos / /fhgLlts ljifodf a9L slGb] t| 5g \ . kfoM| k:tsx¿' klg To:t } 5g \ . t/ /fhgLltsf ] cnfjf cflys{ / ;f:slts+ Ifq,] ;fy } kfs| lts[ ;f| t] ;fwg, jftfj/0f / cGo ;fdflhs kIf;uF } kfljlws| ljifosf k:tsx¿' klg blvG5g] \ . o;sf ] cnfjf efiff÷jfªdonfO\ { kltlglwTj| ug {] sxL] k:ts' klg ;rLs" t[ 5g\ . lqe'jg ljZjljBfnonufot k"jf{~rn ljZjljBfno, sf7df8f}F kl/ro • 3 ljZjljBfno / kfv/f] ljZjljBfnodf pkflwsf ] nflu tof/ ul/Psf cg;Gwfg' / zfwkq] ;dflji6 5g \ . ;fy } sxL] zfwkqx¿] ljbzL] ljZjljBfnox¿sf klg o;df ;dl6Psf] 5g \ . k:ts,' kltj| bg,] zfwkq] cflbnfO { lglZrt ;do ;Ldfleq gafwLF e6] ;Dd] ;dfjz] ul/Psf ] 5 . To:t } ljleGg hgn{ / k:tsleq' k/sf] nvx¿] klg xfdLn ] kfP;Dd ;d6] sf] 5f F} . sfokqsf{ ] ;rL" eg ] ckIff] u/eGbf] ;fgf ] 5 . sxL] xfdf| ] ;dfofhgdf] ePsf sdhf/Lsf] sf/0f / sxL] sfoqmd{ cfofhs] /÷jf sfokq{ k:tf| tf;] uF } Jojl:yt nut gePsfn] ] sfoqmdx¿af/{ ] hfgsf/L eP klg yk' }| sfokq{ o;df ;dfjz] gePsfdf] xfdLnfO { vb] 5 . kqklqsfsf ] v08df dVotof' sf7df8faf6F} ksflzt| kqklqsfsf ;fduL| 5g \ . gkfnsf] kd| v' blgs} / ;fKtflxs Pj + kd| v' Dofulhgsf] nvx¿] o; v08df ;dflji6 5g \ . dntM' ljrf/ kwfg| Pj + ljZnif0ffTds] nv,] l/kf6f] h{ / vfhd] ns" nvx¿] k/sf] 5g \ . o; v08df /fhgLlts ljifo a9L xfaL ePsf ] :ki6 } blvP] klg ;fdflhs, ;f:s+ lts,[ eflifs ljifosf ;fduL| ;dt] /flvPsf 5g \ . dw;;DaGwL] ;DkfbsLo / cGtjftf{ { klg /flvPsf ] 5 . t/fOsf{ dxŒjk0f" { ;x/x¿af6 ksflzt| kqklqsfsf ;fduL| /fVg ] xfdf| ] kof;| ckIffs] t[ ;kmn ePg . To;n} ] ljbf| xsf] ] ;/f] k] m/f] df] ;Íng ul/Psf kqklqsfsf n]vx¿ o;df k/] klg To;eGbf cl3 / kl5sf k'm6s/ nv÷/rgf] ckjfbafxs] ;dflji6 5gg} \ . oxf F ;dflji6 ePs } cjlwdf klg ;Dk0f" { ;fduL| oxf F k/sf] ] 5g} . ;f| t] / ;fwgsf ] ;Ldf g } cGttM o; sdhf/Lsf] ] sf/s aGg kUof' ] . OG6/g6df] klg dw;;DaGwL] kz:t| } ;fduL| kfOG5 . vf; u/L @)^# df3sf ] ljbf| x] / To;kl5 of ] nx/ rnsf] ] xf ] . …dw;Lj8] k{ ;]| 86sdÚ h:tf Anux¿ klg 5g \ h;df dw;af/] ] dfq nv÷/rgf] kfOG5 . To;n} ] o; v08df OG6/g6df] pknAw ;fduLsf| ] 7nf" ] vftaf6 xfdLnfO { dxŒjk0f" { nfusf] ] ;fduLnfO| { dfq ;rLs" t[ u/sf] 5f F} . ;fy } t/fO–dw{ ;sf] ] ljifodf dfq ;fduL| kfOg ] jf a9L ;fduL| kfOg ] sxL] …;fO6Ú ;rLa4" ul/Psfn] ] dxŒjk0f" { xg;Sg' ] yk' }| ;fduL| ;rLs" t[ 5g} . o; v08df cfNofOPsfF} lglZrt ;fO6df hfg ] ljlQs } clwsfz+ ;fduL| ;lhn } kfpg ] ePsfn] ] oxfF 5f6F /] dfq /flvPsf ] xf ] . sxL] lxGbL / dlynL} efiffsf nv] / k:tsnfO' { 5f8] /] o;sf clwsfz+ ;fdu|L g]kfnL tyf cª\u|]hL efiffsf 5g\ . lxGbL / d}lynL efiffdf 4 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy ksflzt| ;fduL| yf/] } ePsfn] ] tL aUn] } v08df ;rLs" t[ 5gg} ,\ gkfnL] v08d} /flvPsf 5g \ . …t/fOÚ,{ …dw;Ú] zAbs } kof| u;DaGwdf] aUnfa] Un] } /fhgLlts bfaL kfOG5 . xfdLn ] ;fduL| ;dl6/x] sf] ] ;dodf / cBflk oL bfaL /fhgLlts bli6af6[ hNbfaNbf] ] ljifo alg/xsf] 5g \ . log } bfaLsf ] sf/0f w/] } ljifoj:t,' ltgn] kfpg ] kfyldstf| / /fhgLlts aemfO' klg km/s 5 . of ] ;rL" tof/ ug{] qmddf ljifout kfyldstfsf| ] lx;fan ] jf efuf} lns] bli6n[ ] s ] /fVg,] s] g/fVg ] cndn klg eO/Xof ] . efuf} lns] bli6n[ ] xfdLn ] ;Dk0f" { t/fOnfO{ { ;d6] of\ F} . To;n} ] o; ;Íngdf ;Dk0f" { euf" nnfO] { ;d6] sf] yk' }| kfljlws| cWoogx¿ ;rLs" t[ ePsf 5g \ . t/ euf" n] p:t } eP klg ljifout lx;fan] aUn] } dxŒj afs] sf] / kys[ \ cl:tTj ePsf sdof,} afbL cflb ljifosf ] nut o; uGysf| ] kqklqsf v08df k/sf] 5gg} \ . klxnf ] awjf' dhb/' / bf;] f| ] blnt;DaGwL ;fduL| xg' \ eGg ] nfusf] n] ] oxf F ;dfjz] ul/Pg . c¿ v08df klg oL ljifosf ;fduLx¿| sd } 5g \ . of ] k:tsdf' ePsf ;fduL| ] dw;;DaGwL] cg;Gwftf,' cWotfsf] nflu dxŒjk0f" { xg' 5] eGg ] ljZjf; ul/Psf ] 5 . cGo Ifqdf] h:t,} kfl1s| hutdf klg dw;L] ;dfhnfO { ljleGg sf0faf6] a‰g' ] / 1fg pTkfbgdf dxŒjk0f" { of]ubfg ug]{ r'gf}tL a9]sf] 5 . t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gyn] xfn;Ddsf] sfdnfO { dNofÍg" ug {] cj;/ t lbg ] g } 5, ;fy } dw;;DaGwL] 1fg pTkfbgsf] bfo/fnfO { 7DofpbF } ;fys{ Pj + uxlsnf ] sfd ug { ;xfos /xg ] ljZjf; xfdLn ] lnPsf 5f F} . ;fy,} o;df 56' g\ uPsf ;fduLnfO| { cfNofpg}F ] sfodf{ o; ljifo;uF rf;f ] /fVg ] ;aaf6} ;xofu] xg' ] ckIff] klg 5 . k|sflzt ;fdu|L -k':ts tyf k|ltj]bg_ • 5

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k|sflzt ;fdu|L -k':ts tyf k|ltj]bg_ Published Materials (Books and Reports)

cS;kmfd–gkfn] / /fli6o« >d klti7fg–g| kfn] . @)^! . lhNnfsf uflj; :t/Lo tYofÍ / gS;fx¿ -;a } lhNnfsf_] . sf7df8f F} M cS;kmfd–gkfn] / /fli6o« >d klti7fg–g| kfn] . chLt, cgej,' ;=+ . @)^% . ;dfjzLs/0f] M /fhgLlts bn, /fHo / ldl8of . sf7df8f F} M dfl6g{ rftf/L} . clwsf/L, /3gfy,' ;=+ . @)%$ . df/ª] Ps kl/ro . sf7df8f F} M df/ª] sf7df8f F} ;Dks { d~r . clwsf/L, /fdk;fb| . @)%( . l;d/f M Ps kl/ro . af/f M lkk/f l;d/f uflj; . cWoog sfobnsf{ ] kltj| bg] . @)%& . gful/stf ljwos] @)%& sf ;DaGwdf gskf] -dfn_] sf ] bli6sf[ 0f] . sf7df8f F} M gkfn] sDolgi6' kf6L { -dfS;jfb—{ n]lggjfb_ . cdfTo, ;fkmNo . @)#^ . gkfndf] k/ft' Œj . sf7df8f F} M ;femf ksfzg| . cjNn' ;,} clgnsdf/' emf / an/fd sfk/, ;=+ . @)%& . khftGqsf| ] bz jifdf{ dwzL] ;dbfo' M /fli6o« ufi7Lsf] ] kltj| bg] . sf7df8f F}+}F} M gkfn] afl4s} d~r .

% 6 • t/fO–dw{ ;] ;Gbe { uGy| cfOo";LPg . ;g\ !((^ . kf}/vL s[ifs tyf pBdLx¿sf] ;kmntfsf] syf . sf7df8f F} M cfOo;LPg," gkfn] . cfO;LhL . ;g \ @))& . lx;fsf+ ] tfkdf t/fO{ . Pl;of l/kf6] { g=+ !#^ . nlntk/' M cfO;LhL . cfrfo,{ ds' Gb' . @)%# . efhk] /L' pvfg 6Ssf' . sf7df8f F} M gkfn] /fhsLo k1f–k| lti7fg| . cfhfb, cf/=8L= . ldlt pNnv] gePsf ] . t/fO { hn /xL x } . 7fp F pNnv] gePsf ] M cf/=8L= cfhfb . cf/=8L= tyf Pn=Pn= . @)## . gkfnsf] ljleGg hflt / nfs] uLt M Ps kl/ro . sf7df8f F} M hubDaf ksfzg| . pkfWofo, bf| 0fs] df/' . @)%% . /fhjzL+ hflt M Ps kl/ro . emfkf M ksfzs| pNnv] gePsf ] . pkfWofo, bf| 0fs] df/' . @)%% . /fhjzL+ kl/ro -efiff, lnlk / Jofs/0f v08_ . emfkf M /fhjzL+ efiff krf/| ;ldlt . cfPr;LPrcf/,] gkfn] . @)^$ . uf/} / cf;kf;sf ufpdfF rt} & ut] ePsf] xTofsf08af/] pRrfo'Qmsf] sfof{no–g]kfnåf/f ul/Psf] cg;Gwfgsf' lgisif { -jzfv} @)^$_ . sf7df8f F} M cfPr;LPrcf/] . cfemf,] bjLk] ;fb| . @)^) . ;b' /klZrdsf" ] kqsfl/tf . sf7df8f F} M dfl6g{ rftf/L} . s6jfn,\ ;~h ' / c¿ . ;g \ @))^ . cGt/blnt ebefj,] t/fOsf{ blntx¿sf] cj:yf M Ps cWoog kltj| bg] -åeflifs–cª} u\ hL_]| . sf7df8f F} M Nofgsfp g]kfn . sfkl8, /fde/f;] . ;g \ !(() . cKkg cglrGxf/ . hgsk/' M ;/h" ksfzg| . sfkl8, /fde/f;] . @)%^ . hgsk/wfd' / o; Ifqsf] ;f:s+ lts[ ;Dkbfx¿ . hgsk/' M ;/h" ksfzg| . sfsL,{ nfs] Gb] | / aL/Gb] axfb| /' a:gt] . @)^! . e–:jfldTj" / hLljsfkfh] g{ -8fluxf6F uflj;, df/ªsf] ] cWoog kltj| bg_] . sf7df8f F} M a4' Po/ kf=ln=| . sf]O/fnf, dft[sfk|;fb . @)$^ . sf]zLsf] syf . lj/f6gu/ M k|ltef k/:sf/' klti7fg| . vgfn, lbn/fh . @)%& . t/fOdf{ ;fdbflos' jg M l;4fGt / Jojxf/ -cWoog kltj| bg_] . sf7df8f F} M ;fdbflos' jg pkefQmf] dxf;‹, gkfn] . vgfn, dfxgk] ;fb| . @)%^ . l;d/fgu9sf} ] Oltxf; . sf7df8f F} M gkfn] / Pl;ofnL cg;Gwfg' sGb] ,| lqlj . k|sflzt ;fdu|L -k':ts tyf k|ltj]bg_ • 7 vgfn, dfxgk] ;fb| . @)^! . ;g/fHosf] ] /fhglts} Oltxf; . sf7df8f F} M gkfn] / Pl;ofnL cg;Gwfg' sGb] ,| lqlj . lu/L, lut ' . @)$( . nlDagLsf' ] ;f:s+ lts[ emns . ?kGbxL] M j;Gw/f' lu/L . uKtf,' hoksfz| . @)^! . dw;] M ;fdflhs ;/rgf+ / ljeb] -hgu0fgf @))!_ . sf7df8f F} M dw;L] dfgjclwsf/ ;/If0f+ sGb] | . uKtf,' hoksfz,| pkGb] | ofbj, xl/jz+ emf / cd/z] gf/fo0f emf . @)^) . gkfnL] dw;Lsf] ;d:of M rf/ ljrf/ . sf7df8f F} M dw;L] dfgjclwsf/ ;/If0f+ sGb] | . u?ª,' xs { . ;g \ @))# . lqzn' / bfh] {] M gkfnL] /fhgLltdf ;fdflhs kl/jz] . nlntk/' M ;f;n] ;fOG; axfM . uftd,} 6sgfy] . @)$$ . yf¿ hfltsf ] Oltxf; tyf ;:s+ lt[ of -yf¿ k/f0f_' . bfª M ;zLns' df/' uftd} . uftd,} ef:s/, ;=+ . @)^$ . dw;] ljbf| xsf] ] gfnLanL] . sf7df8f F} M dfl6g{ rf}tf/L . l3ld/,] bj] Gb] | . @)%@ . yf¿ M cflbjf;L gkfnL] . a6jn' M bj] Gb] | l3ld/ ] . l3ld/,] lji0fk' ;fb| . @)^$ . lrtjgsf cflbjf;L hghfltsf ] ;fdflhs / ;f:s+ lts[ cWoog . lrtjg M lhlj;, lrtjg . rfw/L,} bLks . @)^% . gkfnsf] ] dwzL] ;dfh . sf7df8f F} M /Tg k:ts' e08f/ . rfw/L,} dxz] . @)^$ . gkfnsf] ] t/fO { tyf o;sf eldk" qx¿' . gkfn] M zflGt rfw/L} . rfw/L,} dxZj/k] ;fb| . ldlt pNnv] gePsf] . >L ;o" { jzLo+ ;ªlIfKt\ yf¿ Oltxf; . e/xjf} M ;fljqLbjL] yf¿ . rfw/L,} /fd;fu/ . @)$( . cgdfn] ljxfn . df/ª] M xfnL} kl/jf/ . rfw/L,} /fd;fu/, ;=+ . @)%# . yf¿ ;dfhdf kfKt| Pltxfl;s] b:tfjhx¿sf] ] ;ªu\ x| M ;g \ !@)$ blv] lj= ;=+ !*($ . ;g;/L' M kmn' Zj/L] y¿gL . rfw/L,} zflGt . @)%! . cflbjf;L -t/fOsf{ hgtf, cflbjf;L / dlxnfklt| ePsf ] ebefjsf] ] kltj| bg_] sf7df8f F} M olg;' km,] gkfn] . rf}w/L, zflGt . @)%# . g]kfndf zf]lift t/fO{sf dw]zLd"n dlxnfsf] ;d:of / ;dfwfg . sf7df8f F} M >hgf[ ljsf; sGb] | . rfw/L,} zflGt . @)%$ . t/fO { s ] r§fg cf/} dwzL] klxrfg M >L uhGb] | gf/fo0f l;x+ . sf7df8f F} M >hgf[ ljsf; sGb] | . 8 • t/fO–dw{ ;] ;Gbe { uGy| rfw/L} yf¿, nvgfy] . @)%% . yf¿ tYofÍ . bfª M ;l/tf :jR5f] ksfzg| \ . hgtflGqs t/fO { dlQm' dfrf] { -Hjfnfl;x_+ . @)^% . hgtflGqs t/fO { dlQm' dfrf] sf{ ] gLlt tyf sfoqmd{ . gkfn] M hgtflGqs t/fO { dlQm' dfrf] . lhlj;, emfkf . @)%( . lhNnf ljsf; ;ldlt ebk| /' emfkf M Ps emns . emfkf M lhlj;, emfkf . emf, chosdf/' / ;lht' l;x+ . @)%& . t/fO { hfu/0f . sf7df8f F} M gkfn] t/fO { ljBfyL { kl/ifb \ . emf, u0fz] . @)$) . emfkf lhNnfsf Pltxfl;s] :ynx¿ . sf7df8f F} M dfgljsL tyf ;fdflhs zf:q cWoog ;:yfg,+ lqlj . emf, ufljGb] . ;g \ !(*& . dlylns} pbud\ cf ] ljsf; . k6gf M dlynL} csfbdL . emf, r08Zj/] . ;g \ !(^# . ldlynfs ;uLt+ k/Dk/f . k6gf M dlynL} csfbdL . emf, lbgzs] df/' . ;g \ !(*( . dlynL} ;flxTos cfnfrgfTds] Oltxf; . k6gf M dlynL} csfbdL . emf, buf' gfy{ . ;g \ !((! . dlynL} ;flxTos Oltxf; . b/euf+ M ef/tL k:ts' sGb] | . emf, /dfgGb . ;g \ !(($ . dlynL} ;flxTo cf ] /fhgLlt . ef/t M clvof;n k|sfzg . emf, /fdbj] . ;g \ !(&( . dlynL} zj} ;flxTo . k6gf M dlynL} csfbdL . emf, /fdbj] . ;g \ !(*) . pdfklt . k6gf M dlynL} csfbdL . emf, lzjzÍ/ . ;g \ !(&* . dlynL} dxfsfJos pbej\ cf ] ljsf; . k6gf M dlynL} csfbdL . emf, zfefsfGt] . @)^$ . dwz] cf/} dwzL] . ;nfxL{ M zfefsfGt] emf . emf, xl/jz,+ ;=+ . ;g \ @))) . gkfndf] blnt pTyfgsf /0fgLlt . sf7df8f F} M ;LO6LP;{ / km| 8l/s] Oa6 { l:6km6ª' \ . emf, xl/jz,+ ;=+ . ;g \ @))# . t/fOsf{ blnt Pj + blnt dlxnf . sf7df8f F} M ;LO6LP;{ / km| 8l/s] Oa6 { l:6km6ª' \ . 7fs/,' dxfgGb . @)%@ . cd/ zxLb /3gfy' 7fs/' ædwzLÆ] sf hLjg–jQ[ cf/} pgsL sltof[ F . /fhlj/fh M dxfgGb 7fs/' . 7fs/,' /3gfy' . @)!% . k/tq+ dwz] cf/} p;sL ;:s+ lt[ . enfengL] M /3gfy' 7fs/' . 7fs/,' lzjgGbg . ;g \ !(&( . dxfslj ljBfklt . k6gf M dlynL} csfbdL . k|sflzt ;fdu|L -k':ts tyf k|ltj]bg_ • 9

8s] G;,] hnL' . ;g \ @))& . ;k { / gbL ;Lwf bfl8} bF gg} \ M gkfnsf] ] kjL" { t/fOdf{ ljBdfg ksf| k;DaGwL] tof/Lsf ] :yfgLo 1fg . sf7df8f F} M Ol;df]8 . ltjf/L, ljsf;sdf/' . @)^@ . uhGb] | bzg{ efu–! . sf7df8f F} M uhGb] | gf/fo0f l;x+ :dlt[ klti7fg| . ltjf/L, ljsf;sdf/' . @)^$ . uhGb] | bzg{ efu–@ . sf7df8f F} M uhGb] | gf/fo0f l;x+ lrGtg ;dfh . …tliftÚ,[ sfnLsfGt . @)^! . dlynL} ;:sf/+ uLt ;ªu\ x| . sf7df8f F} M gkfn] /fhsLo k1f–k| lti7fg| . yfkf, j;Gt / dfxg] dgfnL,} ;=+ . ;g \ @))^ . dw;] M ;d:of / ;Defjgf . nlntk/' M ;f;n] ;fOG; axfM . bfxfn, l8NnL/fd, ;=+ . @)%^ . gkfnsf] sxL] lk5l8Psf hfltx¿sf ] ;fdflhs cflys{ cWoog . sf7df8f F} M gkfn] / Pl;ofnL cg;Gwfg' sGb] ,| lqlj . bfxfn, l8NnL/fd . @)^# . lwdfn nfs–hLjg] cWoog . sf7df8f F} M gkfn] /fhsLo k1f–k| lti7fg| . bfxfn, b'uf{k|;fb . @)^! . bgjf/L' efiff M Ps cWoog . sf7df8f}F M ;gsf' ;L] ksfzg| . lbj;, tn;L' . @)#% . gkfnL] nfs] ;:s+ lt[ ;uf+ i7L] . sf7df8f F} M gkfn] /fhsLo k1f–k| lti7fg| . lbj;, tn;L' . @)#% . kbz| gsf/L{ lwdfn nfs;] :s+ lt[ . sf7df8f F} M gkfn] /fhsLo k1f–k| lti7fg| . lbj;, tn;L' . @)#( . lwdfn nfswd] { / ;:s+ lt[ . sf7df8f F} M gkfn] /fhsLo k1f–k| lti7fg| . bjL,] sfdZj/L] . ;g \ !(*( . ldlynf–;:sf/–uLt+ . k6gf M dlynL} csfbdL . gf/L ;jf] ;dGjo ;ldlt . @)$! . s~rgk/' lhNnfdf dlxnfx¿sf ] slif[ Joj;fodf ;nUgtf;DaGwL+ cg;Gwfgsf' ] ;ªlIfKt\ ljj/0f . sf7df8f F} M gf/L ;jf] ;dGjog ;ldlt . gf/L ;]jf ;dGjo ;ldlt . @)$! . u/fdgLsf /fhj+zL / bdssf lwdfn;usfF ] 5f6f] ] lrgf/L -khgg| \ tyf dlxnf /fhuf/;DaGwL] cfwf/ /vf] ;jIf0f_{] . sf7df8f F} M k~rfot ljsf; klzIf0f| sGb] | . gkfn] cfjf; tyf eflts} kl/ofhgf] ljefu . @)@* . nlDagL,' eujfg a4sf' ] hGd:yn . gkfn] M cfjf; tyf eflts} kl/ofhgf] ljefu, nlDagL' ;ldlt . 10 • t/fO–dw{ ;] ;Gbe { uGy| gkfn] vfB tyf slif[ ahf/ ;jf] ljefu . @)## . slknj:t ' xf6 ahf/ cWoog kltj| bg] . sf7df8f F} M gkfn] vfB tyf slif[ ahf/ ;jf] ljefu . gkfn] kqsf/ dxf;‹ . @)^$ . dwz] cfGbfngdf] k;]| . sf7df8f F} M gkfn] kqsf/ dxf;‹ . g]kfn, k"0f{k|sfz …ofqLÚ . @)## . dxfsfnL c~rn–lbUbz{g -cWoog– cg;Gwfg' ;DaGwL_ . lj/f6gu/ M lxdfnL ;fuft} ksfzg| . gkfn,] k0f" k{ sfz| …ofqLÚ . @)#$ . ;tL] sL gfnL anL] . lj/f6gu/ M lxdfnL ;fuft} ksfzg| . gkfn,] k0f" k{ sfz| …ofqLÚ . @)#% . ;tL] c~rn lbUbzg{ . lj/f6gu/ M lxdfnL ;fuft} ksfzg| . gkfn,] km0fLGb | / /tg e08f/L, ;=+ . @)^@ . ;:tfdf' ef/tLo cltqmd0fsf] jf:tljstf . sf7df8f F} M ;Ldf ;/fsf/] gful/s ;ldlt tyf /fli6o« ;/fsf/] ;dfh . gkfn] /fhsLo k1f–k| lti7fg| . @)#) . lwdfn nfs] hLjg cWoog . sf7df8f F} M gkfn] /fhsLo k1f–k| lti7fg| . gkfn] /fi6 « as+} . @)#! . ufdL0f| Ifqdf] pTkfbg tyf /fhuf/L] jl4sf[ ] ;DefJotf ;jIf0f{] kltj| bg] ?kGbxL] lhNnf . sf7df8f F} M gkfn] /fi6 « as+} . g;kf] -cf_ . ldlt pNnv] gePsf ] . dwzLof] +] sL bb' zf{ k/ ef/t lrlGtt . sf7df8f F} M g;kf] -cf_ . kGt, zf:qbQ . @)$! . emfkfsf cflbjf;L . sf7df8f F} M ;femf ksfzg| . kGyL, bjL,] ;=+ . @)%% . drLbk] 0f{ M ;flxTo, ;:s+ lt,[ snf kqsfl/tf / sfggsf" ] clenv] . emfkf M lji0faxfb' /' l;x+ . k//fi6 « dfldnf cWoog klti7fg| . @)%( . ægkfn–ef/t] vnf' ;Ldfgf, ;sf/fTds tyf gsf/fTds kIfx¿Æ ljifos ufi7Lx¿sf] ] kltj| bg] @)%*÷@)%( . sf7df8f F} M k//fi6 « dfldnf cWoog klti7fg| . kf7s, ljZjgfy . @)%& . n3 ' cjwL zAbsfif] . sf7df8f F} M gkfn] /fhsLo k1f–k| lti7fg| . kf08,] >L/fd . ldlt pNnv] gePsf ] . lghu9 . af/f M lghu9 uflj; . kf08o,] dw;' bg" . @)^@ . gkfnsf] blntx¿ . sf7df8f F} M k/jL} ksfzg| . kf08o,] dw;' bg" . @)^% . gkfnsf] lk58f jux¿{ . sf7df8f F} M k/jL} ksfzg| . kf08o,] dw;' bg" . @)^% . gkfnsf] hghfltx¿ . sf7df8f F} M k/jL} ksfzg| . k|sflzt ;fdu|L -k':ts tyf k|ltj]bg_ • 11 kfv/] n,] u0fz] / /fsz] jZofn . @)%% . /fKtL klZrdsf ] khftflGqs| cfGbfng] . albof{ M ;efif' kfv/] n] . kfv/] n,] ufs] n,' tf/fgfy bfxfn / ;Gtfif] l;Ubn,] ;=+ . @)^$ . dw;] cfGbfngdf] ldl8of . sf7df8f F} M lkm8d| kmf/d] . kf8} n,] clgn . @)%$ . ;Gb/k' /sf' ] lrgf/L . ;g;/L' M ;Gb/k' /' uflj; . kf8} n,] gf/fo0fk;fb| . @)^# . o:tf ] 5 slknj:t ' . slknj:t ' M ;/:jtL cfrfo { -kf8} n_] . kf8} n,] gf/fo0fk;fb,| ;=+ . @)^# . ljZj l;d;f/ Ifq] M hubLzk/' tfn . slknj:t ' M nlDagL–slknj:t' ' arfcf F} cleofg . kf8} n,] z/b . @)^$ . t/fO { dw;] kxrfg s ] ;‹if {{ d +] . sf7df8f F} M dfgj ljsf; tyf zflGt cleofg, dfgjclwsf/ ;/If0f+ d~r, dfgjclwsf/ ;o+ Qm' d~r . k|wfg, k|df]b . @)^! . df]/ªdf kqsfl/tfsf] cw{ztfAbL . sf7df8f}F M dfl6g{ rftf/L} . k;fb,| cjw lszf/] . @)%# . bv] dwzL] td' sxf F < hgsk/' M >LdtL ls/0f lszf/] k;fb| . a;fO–;/fOF cWoog sfo { ;dx," /fli6o« hg;ªVof\ cfofu] . @)%! . gkfndf] cfGtl/s tyf cGt/fli6{ o« a;fO–;/fOF -dn" kltj| bg–@)$)_] . sf7df8f F} M cGt/fli6{ o« dfgjclwsf/, jftfj/0f tyf ljsf; klti7fg| . af:tfF nf,] g/Gb] gfy| . @)%# . kjf" ~rndf{ ;ft ;fnsf ] qmflGt . emfkf M zv/] / ;lGbk . a9fIf' qL,] lzjgf/fo0f . @)%) . Pltxfl;s] vfhLdf] ;v' tsf{] yf¿x¿ . lj/Gb] gu/| M ksfzs| pNnv] gePsf ] . e§/fO,{ 3gZofd . @)%$ . jL/u~hsf ] Pltxfl;s] cWoog . sf7df8f F} M lzIffWoIfsf ] sfofno,{ cg;Gwfg' dxfzfvf . e§/fO,{ afa/fd' . @)^$ . dw;L] dlQmsf' ] kZg| . sf7df8f F} M hgWjgL ksfzg| . e08f/L, ;fWoaxfb/,' ;=+ . @)^$ . gful/stfdf /fi63ft« . sf7df8f F} M gful/stf b?kof' u] klt/f| w] sGb] Lo| ;ldlt . dhkmf ] . @)%% . gkfnsf] ] dw;L] ;dbfosf' ] ;d:of / ;dfwfgsf ] af6f ] . lj/f6gu/ M ldlynf 6fOD; ksfzg| . dhkmf ] . @)^! . gkfnL] dw;Lsf] ;d:of M ;ljwfg;efsf+ ] cflrTo} . sf7df8f F} M dhkmf ] gkfn] . 12 • t/fO–dw{ ;] ;Gbe { uGy| dhkmf ] . ;g \ @))% . dwz] cf/} dwzL] M ;d:of cf/} ;dfwfg . sf7df8f F} M dhkmf ] gkfn] . dw;L] Pstf sfobn{ . @)^) . gkfnsf] dw;L] ;dbfosf' ] /fli6o« cjwf/0ff– kq . :yfg / ksfzs| pNnv] gePsf ] . dw;L] /fli6o« dlQm' dfrf] { gkfn] . @)^$ . dw;L] /fli6o« dlQm' dfrf] { gkfnsf] ] bf;] f| ] /fli6o« ;Ddngåf/f] kfl/t /fhglts} kltj| bg] tyf ljwfg . sf7df8f F} M dw;L] /fli6o« dlQm' dfrf] { gkfn,] sGb] Lo| ;ldlt . dnlËof, dxGb] | . ;g \ !(*# . 66n" tfut Pstf cf/] . hgsk/' M >L hfgsL k:ts' e08f/ . dnlËof, dxGb] | . @)$( . ljbxs] gu/L; + . hgsk/' M ldgfk ksfzg| . dxtf,] /fhGb] | . @)^$ . hfuf ] dwzL] hfuf] . sf7df8f F} M uhGb] | gf/fo0f l;x+ :dlt[ klti7fg| . dxhg,{ a;Gt . ;g \ @))% . nlDagL' Pltxfl;s] tyf k/ftfl' Œjs cWoog . sf7df8f F} M a;fld 86 sd . dxf/fh, >L kdlglwhL]| . @)#! . hgsk/sL' emfsLF . hgsk/' M >L/fdfgGb cf>d . ld>, si0frGb[ | . ;g \ !((% . gkfnd] ] lxGbL M ;Gbe { cf/} ;fIo . gO { lbNnL M ljBf ljxf/ . ld>, rGbgfy| . ;g \ !(*( . dlynL} kqsfl/tfs Oltxf; . k6gf M dlynL} csfbdL . d]xtf, ;Gtf]ifs'df/ . @)^$ . dw]zsf] /fhg}lts k|:tfj M ;d:of / ;dfwfgsf ] j1flgs} ljZnif0f] . ;g;/L' M ;Gtfif] sdf/' dxtf] . ofbj, pkGb] | . @)%$ . gkfnsf] ] dw;L] ;dbfo' M Ps ljjrgf] . lj/f6gu/ M cflbjf;L hghflt ljsf; tyf cg;Gwfg' sGb] | . ofbj, pkGb] | . ;g \ @))# . gkfnL] hg cfGbfng] cf/} dw;L] dlQmsf' ;jfn . sf7df8f F} M dw;L] lkkN;' /fO6 kmf/d] . ofbj, pkGb] ,| ;=+ . @)^) . dw;L] jf0fL . sf7df8f F} M dhkmf,] sGb] Lo| ;ldlt . ofbj, lbnLksdf/' . @)^$ . /Qmdo dwz] . sf7df8f F} M lbnLksdf/' ofbj . ofbj, ofu] Gb] k| ;fb| / j/fuL} sfOnf,+{ ;=+ . @)%% . ;okqL -jif { $, dlynL} ljziffª] s_\ . sf7df8f F} M gkfn] /fhsLo k1f–k| lti7fg| . ofbj, /fdr/0f, ;=+ . @)$* . dwlzof] ;dfh cf/} p;sL pTklt . sf7df8f F} M gkfn] t/fO { ljBfyL { efiff Pj + ;:s+ lt[ ;dGjo ;ldlt . k|sflzt ;fdu|L -k':ts tyf k|ltj]bg_ • 13 ofbj, >Lsi0f[ . ldlt pNnv] gePsf ] . gkfnsf] ] ;‹Lo ;/rgf+ tyf ;ljwfg;ef+ ;DaGwL cjwf/0ff -gj ;do ;fKtflxs …ljziffÍÚ_] . sf7df8f F} M gj ;do . /fsz,] /fdOsafn l;x+ . @)!@ . dlynL} nfsuLt] . kofu| M lxGbL ;flxTo ;Ddng] . /fsz,] /fdbofn . @)%^ . dlynL} ;:s+ lt[ . sf7df8f F} M gkfn] /fhsLo k1f–k| lti7fg| . /fsz,] /fdbofn . @)^! . dlynL} nfs] ;:s+ lt[ . sf7df8f F} M Pstf aS;' . /fhe08f/L, szj/fh] . @)$$ . lghu9sf j5fl8of hflt M Ps cWoog . jL/u~h M ;ifdf' /fhe08f/L . /fhjzL,+ eldnfn" . @)%( . /fhjzL+ hfltsf khf" kjx¿{ M wd { ;:s+ lt[ . emfkf M lgofqf ksfzg| . /fhjzL+ -sfr_,] buf' rGb{ | l;x+ . @)%& . /fhjzL+ -sfr_] hfltsf ] wd { / ;:s+ lt[ . emfkf M l6sfbjL] /fhjzL+ . /fli6o« hg;ªVof\ cfofu] . @)$) . a;fO–;/fOF cWoogsf ] dVo' abfF' . sf7df8f F} M a;fO–;/fOF cWoog sfo–;d{ x," /fli6o« hg;ªVof\ cfofu] . l/hfn, gj/fh . @)%( . 8d/jfgfsf' ] ;/f] k] m/f] ] M cg;GwfgfTds' k:ts' . af/f M 8d/jfgf' uflj; . ?kGbxL] pBfu] ;‹ . @)$! . 3/n] ' pBfu] Ps emns, ?kGbxL] lhNnf . a6jn' M ?kGbxL] pBfu] ;‹ . /UdL,] Clifszj] . @)#% . Ps ;f| t] M tLg wf/f, tLg ;dbfosf' ] dfgj;DaGwL cWoog . sf7df8f F} M ;femf ksfzg| . /UdL,] ;gt / /fdrGb | 608g . @)#@ . gkfnu~h] kl/ro . gkfnu~h] M gkfnu~h] gu/ k~rfot . nfe, ;/' Gb] | . @)$^ . gkfnLo] dlynLs} uNk . hgsk/' M dlynL} ;flxTo ksfzg| klti7fg| . nfn, jif[ zrGb] | . @)^$ . ;‹Lo :jzf;glt/=== . hgsk/' M ;bfdf' ksfzg| . jGt, kTo| if," ;=+ . @)%* . IfqLo] ldl8of M ljut / jtdfg{ . sf7df8f F} M dfl6g{ rftf/L} . ljdn, /fhGb] k| ;fb| . @)^@ . ldlynfsf ] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ / snf–k/Dk/f . sf7df8f F} M lxdfno as' :6n . ljZjsdf,{ kßnfn / dNn s=] ;Gb/,' ;=+ . ;g \ @))^ . /fHo kg;' /rgf;DaGwL+{ cjwf/0ff M blnt / dwzLsf] ] ;jfn . sf7df8f F} M hftLo ebefj] lj?4 /fli6o« d~r . 14 • t/fO–dw{ ;] ;Gbe { uGy| lji6, 8f/axfb] /' . @)%@ . ;a } hftsf ] kmnaf/L" . sf7df8f F} M ;femf ksfzg| . zdf,{ hgsnfn . @)!$ . /fKtL pkTosf . sf7df8f F} M gkfn] ef/t dqL} ;‹ . zdf,{ 6Lsf/fd . @)%$ . gkfnsf] ;tf/x¿ . sf7df8f F} M dxGb] nIdL| zdf { . zdf,{ guGb] | . @)#& . gkfnL] hghLjg . sf7df8f F} M ;femf ksfzg| . zdf,{ ds' Gb' . ldlynf efiffdo Oltxf; . agf/; M hosi0f[ bf; uKtf' . zdf,{ dflbgLk] ;fb| . @)$$ . yf¿ hflt M Ps cWoog . lj/f6gu/ M kjf" ~rn{ ;flxTo klti7fg| . zdf,{ lzj . ;g \ !((( . gkfndf] sdofk} yf| . gof F lbNnL M OG6/gzgn] na/] cugfOh{ ;g,] ;fpy Plzof dlN6l8l;lKng/L P8\efOh/L l6d -;f6_ . zdf { kf8} n,] hgfbg{ . @)^) . gkfnL] gful/stf / o;;DaGwL Pg–sfg] g' . sf7df8f F} M tf/fbjL] kf8} n] . zfx, hogf/fo0f . @)^$ . hgtf p7kl5] M afsF ] / albofsf{ ] hgcfGbfng] 8fo/L . gkfnu~h] M cGt/fn . >L % sf ] ;/sf/ . @)!@ . dwz] lhNnf lhNnfsf ] lhldbf/ k6jf/Lsf gfpsf ] ;jfn . sf7df8f F} M sfgg" dGqfno . >L % sf ] ;/sf/ . @)!* . hgtfsf ] cfvfdfF hgsk/' sf08 . sf7df8f F} M krf/| tyf k;f/| ljefu . >L % sf ] ;/sf/ . @)#) . kgjf' ;{ / cJojl:yt a;fjf;] lgoGq0f;DaGwL ofhgf] / sfoqmd{ . sf7df8f F} M vfB, slif[ tyf l;rfOF { dGqfno, kgjf' ;{ ljefu . >L % sf ] ;/sf/ . @)#! . drLb] lv] dxfsfnL -efu !, @, #, $ / %_ . sf7df8f F} M ;~rf/ dGqfno, ;rgf" ljefu . >L % sf ] ;/sf/ . @)%$ . >d ahf/;DaGwL ;rgf" -emfkf, ;g;/L,' af/f, k;f,{ gjnk/f;L, sf:sL / afsF ] lhNnfx¿df ;~rflnt pBfux¿df] ;nUg+ hgzlQm / ;Lk ;DaGwdf ul/Psf ] cWoog kltj| bg_] . sf7df8f F} M >d dGqfno, >d ljefu, /fhuf/] ljlgdo ;jf] cfofhgf] . >L % sf ] ;/sf/ . @)%^ . sdofsf} ] ;fdflhs–cflys{ l:yltsf ] kltj| bg] . sf7df8f F} M eld" ;wf/' tyf Joj:yf dGqfno, eld" ;wf/' ljefu . >L % sf] ;/sf/ . @)^) . sd}of d'lQm tyf k'g/:yfkgf sfo{qmd -kltj| bg_] . sf7df8f F} M eld;" wf/' tyf Joj:yf dGqfno . >i7,] 6saxfb] /,' ;=+ . @)%* . gkfnsf] /fhfx¿ tyf t/fOsf{ yf¿ . sf7df8f F} M gkfn] / Pl;ofnL cg;Gwfg' sGb] ,| lqlj . k|sflzt ;fdu|L -k':ts tyf k|ltj]bg_ • 15

>i7,] al4gf/fo0f' . @)%( . /fli6o« ;/Iff' ;Gbedf{ ;Ldf Joj:yfkg . sf7df8f F} M eldlrq" sDkgL kf=ln=| . >i7,] :joDenfn" . @)@* . xfdL gkfnL] . nlntk/' M >i7] ksfzg| . >i7] ædNnÆ, lzj/fh . ;g \ @))$ . ldlynfsf sgf6{ jzLx¿+ / gkfnd08ndf] pgLx¿sf ] kefj| -efu !_ . nlntk/' M zn} z/fh] >i7] . ;fuf5F ,]F j;Gtsdf/L' . @)$% . nlDagL—' lxhf,] cfh, efln] . sf7df8f F} M ksfzs| pNnv] gePsf ] . ;fbfdfr', POOrL . @)^# . ;fdflhs cleofg of ljsf; ;xfotf M u;;sf} ] eldsfdfly" kZg| . sf7df8f F} M dfl6g{ rftf/L} . ;fksf6f,] lji0f ' . @)^) . gkfnsf] ] rf8kjdf{ 57 kj { . sf7df8f F} M gkfn] /fhsLo k1f–k| lti7fg| . ;fx, ke| ' . @)^# . hgo4' / dwzL] dlQmsf' ] sfolbzf{ . sf7df8f F} M dwzL] /fli6o« dlQm' dfrf] { . ;fx, k|e' / czf]s ho;jfn . @)^% . dw]zL ;d:of / ;dfwfgsf cfwf/x¿ . sf7df8f F} M dwzL] /fli6o« dlQm' dfrf] { . l;x,+ kdzÍ/]| . ;g \ !(&* . dlynL} gf6s cf ] /Ëd~r . k6gf M dlynL} csfbdL . ;j' bL,] blw/fh . @)%$ . lj/f6gu/sf ] ;ªlIfKt\ Oltxf; . lj/f6gu/ M lj/f6gu/ pk–dxfgu/kflnsf . ;g,] ;q" . @)$$ . yf¿sf ] vfhL,] snfnLsf} ] af; a6fnL} . :yfg pNnv] gePsf ] M hLjgZj/L] ;g] . ;f;n] ;fOG; axfM . ;g \ @))& . nfsdtsf] ] vfhL] M ;fjhlgs{ ;jfb+ . sf7df8f F} M ;f;n] ;fOG; axfM, lxdfn lstfa .

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csnf,] uËfk;fb| . @)%$ . dlynL} efiffsf, :ki6 ;DaGw kl/rfos zAbx¿ . k1f| *$ M ($–(( . csnf,] uËfk;fb| . @)%$ . ldlynf dWo kl/qmdfsf ] :ynut ;f:s+ lts[ dxŒj . k1f| *& M &)–*) . csnf,] uËfk;fb| . @)%^ . ldlynf~rnsf ] nfs] ;:s+ lt[ ljnKtfj:yfsf' ] nfs–gf6] o\ …;f/Ëf–;bfjIfÚ[ . k1f| () M *)–(% . csnf,] uËfk;fb| . @)%& . jiffofddf{ ;ËLtdo ldlynf~rn . k1f| (@ M !!@–!!^ . cdfTo, ;fkmNo . @)@& . hgsk/dxfTDo' . xfdf| ] ;:s+ lt[ %-@_ M ^^–&) . cdfTo, ;fkmNo . @)#^ . ;Kt/Lsf] rGb|efuf / sfG5f vf]/Lofsf] eUgfjzifx¿] . kfrLg| gkfn] $(–%@ M !%–@) . cfrfo,{ afa/fd' . @)@( . yf¿ hfltsf ] dn" 3/ sxfF < kfrLg| gkfn] @! M ##–#& .

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/fsz,] /fdbofn . @)@$ . ldlynfsf ] nfsuLt] . xfdf| ] ;:s+ lt[ @-!_ M %(–^# . /fsz,] /fdbofn . @)@$ . dlynL} ;:s+ lt[ . xfdf| ] ;:s+ lt[ @-@_ M ^!–^# . /fsz,] /fdbofn . @)@% . ldlynfsf sxL] kj { pT;jx¿ . xfdf| ] ;:s+ lt[ @-#_ M #&–#( . /fsz,] /fdbofn . @)@% . ldlynfsf sxL] kj { pT;jx¿ . xfdf| ] ;:s+ lt[ #-@_ M $$–$& . /fsz,] /fdbofn . @)@^ . dlynL} nfsuLtdf] lj/fxfge' lt" . xfdf| ] ;:s+ lt[ $-@_ M @*–## . /fsz,] /fdbofn . @)@& . ldlynf, d/f] ] ldlynf . xfdf| ] ;:s+ lt[ $-#_ M !!%–!!& . /fsz,] /fdbofn . @)#$ . gkfnsf] ljleGg c~rnsf sxL] nfslk] o| nfsuLt] . k1f| &-!_ M *%–(! . /fsz,] /fdbofn . @)#( . dNnsfnLg /fhfx¿sf ] dlynL} ;flxTosf ] bg] . k1f| !!-#_ M &^–*( . /fsz,] /fdbofn . @)$$ . dlynL} nfs;flxTo] . k1f| %* M $!–%( . /fsz,] /fdbofn . @)$( . dlynL} gf6s M pbej\ / ljsf; . k1f| &^ M ^@–^* . /fsz,] /fdbofn . @)%& . sxL] dlynL} nfsufyfx¿] . k1f| (@ M *#–** . /fsz,] /fdbofn . @)%( . ldlynfsf ] df;d} ;:s+ lt[ . k1f| (& M !@@–!#) . /fhj+zL, zÍ/dfg . @)@* . n'lDagL c~rndf s]xL P]ltxfl;s kq . kfrLg| gkfn] !* M $!–$^ . /fodfemL, hLtaxfb/' . @)%# . ldlynf nfslrqsnfdf] cl/kgsf ] dxŒj . k1f| *@ M #%–$@ . /fjt, e/t/fh . @)$@ . pbok/' / o;sf ] Pltxfl;s] kl/ro . kfrLg| gkfn] () M !(–@& . l/hfn, afas' i0f[ . @)#^ . nlDagL' c~rn t/fO { Ifqsf] sxL] dxŒjk0f" { k/fjz' ifx¿] . k1f| *-#_ M !–!! . /UdL,] Clifszj/fh] . @)@* . kjL" { gkfnsf] lwdfn . kfrLg| gkfn] !& M !(–%) . /UdL,] Clifszj/fh] . @)#) . sfzLsf] yf¿ ;dbfo' / ltgsf kl/jtgzLn{ ;:s+ lt[ . kfrLg| gkfn] @# M !#–%( . /UdL,] hubLz . @)#^ . hgsk/sf' ] kf/lDes| Oltxf; . k1f| *-!_ M @#–@( . hg{nsf] n]v • 69 nD;fn, b]jLk|;fb tyf /fw]Zofd e§/fO{ . @)#) . hgsk'/ c~rnsf] k/ftfl' Œjs ;jIf0f{] . kfrLg| gkfn] @^ M @#–#% . ljdn, /fhGb] k| ;fb| . @)$( . ldlynfsf ] ;f:s+ lts[ ;Dkbf Ps ljZnif0f] . k1f| &% M ^#–&% . ljdn, /fhGb] k| ;fb| . @)$( . dlynL} nfsufyf] Pj + nfsgf6] o\ . k1f| &^ M !!$–!@# . lji6, bfntljqmd} . @)@$ . ;tf/ hfltsf ] gTo[ . xfdf| ] ;:s+ lt[ !-#_ M &*–*) . lji6, bfntljqmd} . @)@$ . ;tf/x¿sf ] /Lltlylt . xfdf| ] ;:s+ lt[ @-!_ M #!–#% . zdf,{ P;=Pn= . @)%! . dr] ] hfltsf ] ;:sf/+ kl/ro efuf} lns] tyf Pltxfl;s] ljjrgf] . k1f| *@s M !–@$ . zdf,{ hgsnfn . @)!( . hgsk/wfd' / sxL] cGo :yn . gkfnL] !@ M #–@% . zdf,{ hgsnfn . @)!( . nlDagL' / slknj:t ' . gkfnL] !$ M !%–@# . zdf,{ hgsnfn . @)@$ . lrtjgblv] hgsk/;Ddsf' sxL] k/ftfl' Œjs :yn . kfrLg| gkfn] @ M !–!) . zfx, rGbZj/] . @)%! . dNnsflns dlynL} gf6ssf ] /rgf–lzNk ljwfg . k1f| *!v M !))–!)^ . zfx, rGbZj/] . @)%% . dlynL} gf6ssf ] lzNk–ljwfgsf ] qmlds ljsf; . k1f| *( M &%–*^ . zfx, ke| ' . @)^% . dwzL] ;d:of / cfGbfngsf] ] kZg| . kfl1s| ;;f/+ (-!_ M ^)–^% . >Ljf:tj, ljgfbs] df/' . @)@( . t/fOdf{ krlnt| sxL] dlxnf ¿ks . k1f| @-#_ M ^*–&( . >i7,] al4gf/fo0f' . @)^@ . gkfndf] 8afg' ;d:of / lg/fs/0fsf pkfo . kofj/0f{ !#-%#_ M !(!–!(* . ;ªu\ f| nf,} vuGb] | . @)^# . dw;] ofqfsf /frs] kfqx¿ . ¿kfGt/0f M ;dfh cWoog $ M !!(–!#@ . ;jxf/L,{ si0f/fh[ . @)^$ . yf¿ kqklqsfsf ] ljut / jtdfg{ . ldl8of cWoog @ M !–## . l;x,+ kk| mns' df/' . @)@( . ;g;/Lsf' ] dlynL} nfs] sfJo . k1f| @-#_ M #!–#* . l;Dv8f, wj'| . @)^# . dw;L] cfGbfng] / d;ndfg' ;dbfo' . axfM hgn{ #-#_ M @(–$$ . 70 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

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:gftsf]Q/]] tx÷Master's Degree cofn,{ ufljGb] . @)%( . s~rgk/' lhNnfdf dlxnf /fhgLlts ;xeflutf . /fhgLltzf:q, lqlj . cofn,{ bLkf . @)^) . tnL] hfltsf ] ;fdflhs tyf cflys{ cj:yf dxfQ/L] lhNnf nfxf/klt] uflj;sf ] Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . cofn,{ kbdk;fb| . @)%& . bgjf/L' gkfnL] efiffsf zAbjusf{ ] tngf' . gkfnL,] lqlj . cofn,{ al4;fu/' . @)^) . yf¿ hfltsf ;fdflhs ;f:s+ lts[ tyf cflys{ cj:yf M gjnk/f;L lhNnf k;f| gL} uflj;sf yf¿ hfltsf ] Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . cof{n, e/tsfGt . @)%$ . l;/xf lhNnf /fdgu/ ld/r}ofsf d';x/ hfltsf ] ;fdflhs tyf cflys{ cj:yf M Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . cfrfo,{ 6Í/fh . @)%% . gkfnL] / ;tf/ efiffsf kb;Ëltsf ] tngfTds' cWoog . gkfnL,] lqlj . cfrfo,{ tf/f . @)%% . df/ªsf] yf¿ hflt M Ps cWoog . gkfnL,] lqlj . zfwkq] • 89 cfrfo,{ zÍ//fh . @)%$ . emf/fxf6] uflj;sf df/ËLof] yf¿sf ] ;fdflhs / ;f:s+ lts[ cj:yfsf ] Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . pkfWofo, /~hgf . @)%& . hgsk/' gu/kflnsfsf rdf/x¿sf ] ;fdflhs cflys{ cj:yf;DaGwL Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . pktL,]| wd/fh{ . @)%& . s~rgk/' lhNnf /sjf/} uflj;sf /fgf yf¿sf] ;fdflhs, ;f:s+ lts[ Pj + cflys{ cj:yf Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . pktL,]| klbkgfy| . @)$$ . a6jnsf' ] Pltxfl;s] cWoog . Oltxf;, lqlj . pktL,]| d0ffn[ . @)%! . gkfnsf] ] emfu8+ ;dfh . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . pktL,]| ljhosdf/' . @)%% . chgwf/f{' uflj;sf /fhjzL+ hflt M Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . cfemf,] bLkHoflt] . @)%( . s~rgk/' lhNnfsf dQm' sdofsf} ] ;fdflhs, cflys{ cj:yf;DaGwL cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . s8F n,] lgdnf{ . @)%% . lrtjg e08f/fsf yf¿ hfltsf ] ;fdflhs tyf cflys{ cj:yf M Ps cWoog . lqlj . s;fsf/,+ clgtf . @)%* . lqejggu/' gu/kflnsfsf yf¿x¿sf ] ;fdflhs tyf ;f:s+ lts[ cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . s§n,] dbgk;fb| . @)$$ . bezf{] ufksf+ ;tf/x¿sf ] ;fdflhs ;f:s+ lts[ ;jIf0f{] . Oltxf;, lqlj . s0f,{ clgnsdf/' nfn . @)^! . d;ndfg' hfltsf ] ;fdflhs, ;f:s+ lts[ tyf cflys{ cj:yfsf ] cWoog M wgiff' lhNnf a;lxof uflj;sf d;ndfgx¿sf' ] Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . sfsL,{ snaxfb' /' . @)#* . jfO { ufkdf+ skf; vtL] Ps cWoog . cyzf:q,{ lqlj . sfsL,{ ;lgtf' . @)%% . nKrf] hfltsf ] ;:s+ ltdf[ cfPsf kl/jtgx¿{ Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . sj/+' -s=;L=_,] zf/bf . @)%$ . ;fdbflos' jg ljsf; sfoqmddf{ ufdL0f| dlxnfsf] e"ldsf, dlxnf pksf/ ;fd'bflos jg ljsf; sfo{qmd afsF sf] ] Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . s=;L=,] u0fzaxfb] /' . @)^! . ul/aL lgjf/0fdf ;fgf ls;fg ;:yfut+ ljsf; sfoqmdsf{ ] eldsf" M albof{ lhNnf dgfkf} v/L] uflj;sf ] Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . 90 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy s=;L=] -sfˆn_,] ;hg' . @)%& . /fhjzL+ dlxnfx¿sf ] ;fdflhs, cflys{ Pj + ;f:s+ lts[ cj:yf M Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog, emfkf lhNnf xNbLaf/L uflj; . ;÷df, lqlj . sfO/fnf,] /fhGb] k| ;fb| . @)^) . ;Kt/L lhNnf j;ljl6of uflj;sf rdf/ hfltsf ] ;fdflhs tyf cflys{ cj:yf Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . IfqL,] xl/axfb/' . @)%@ . bgjf/' hfltsf ] hGdblv] dTo[ ;Ddsf' ] ;:sf/x¿+ Ps cWoog . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . v8uf,\ pdf . @)^) . bËf/f} yf¿x¿sf ] ;fdflhs, ;f:s+ lts[ Pj + cflys{ cj:yf, bfª, 8¿jf' uflj; j8f g=+ & / ( sf bËf/f} yf¿x¿sf ] Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . vltj8f, lx/f/fh . @)%& . d;x/' hfltsf ] ;fdflhs Pj + cflys{ cj:yf M ;'g;/L lhNnf /fdu~h j]nul5of uflj;sf d';x/ hfltsf] Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . vgfn, sNkgf . @)^! . kjf" ~rn{ IfqLo] ;~rf/ dfWod / pnfaf/LaLr{ ;x–;aGw . kqsfl/tf, kjf" ~rn{ ljZjljBfno . vgfn, /dz] . @)%( . lwdfn ;dbfosf' ] ;fdflhs, ;f:s+ lts[ tyf cflys{ cj:yf M emfkf ;lgZr/ ] uflj;sf ] ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . v/n,] buf' { . @)$( . jfnjf' ufp F ljsf; ;ldltsf bgjf/' hfltsf ;fdflhs / cflys{ hLjg . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . vftL, bLks . @)## . ¿kGbxL] lhNnf cGtut{ kg {] k8;/L ufksf+ ] pTkfbg k0ffnLdf| j1flgs} pks/0fx¿sf ] Ps cWoog . ufDo| lrq0f1, dfgljsL / ;fdflhs zf:q, lqlj . ufxf, /Tgaxfb/' . @)^) . ;fdbflos' ljsf;df klqmofd| vL' sfoqmdsf{ ] kefj| M afsF ] / ;v' t]{ lhNnfdf ;~rflnt klqmofd| vL" sfoqmd{ cGtut{ ul7t ;dxx¿sf" ] Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj .

1 /fli6o« ljsf; ;jfcGtu] t{ :gftsfQ/] txsf ljBfyLn{ ] ug {] ;fw] sfonfO{ { ufDo| lrq0f elgGYof ] . ;g \ !(&$ df ;?' ePsf ] /fli6o« ljsf; ;jf] sfoqmdcGtu{ t{ lqejg' ljZjljBfnodf :gftsfQ/] ug {] ;Dk0f" { ljBfyLn{ ] clgjfo { ¿kdf b; dlxgf ufpdfF a;/] Toxf F xg' ] lzIff, :jf:Yo, slif,[ lgdf0f,{ cflb ljsf; sfodf{ ;nUg+ eP/ sfd ug {' kYof {] . ;g \ !(&( kl5 o;nfO { 36fP/ tLg dlxg ] ljzif] sfoqmd{ / To;kl5 Ps dlxgf ufpdfF a;/] ufDo| lrq0f (Village Profile) dfq u/ ] kUg' ] eof ] . ljBfyLx¿n{ ] ufpnF nfO] { k~rfotsf ] lj/fw] / axbnsf' ] kIfdf nfUg kl/t]| ug { yfn] eg/] k~rfotL ;/sf/n ] of ] sfoqmdnfO{ { aGb u/sf] ] xf ] eGg ] cf/fk] nufOG5 . zfwkq] • 91 u'Ktf, o1gf/fo0f . @)## . sf]Tdf jf/fxrf}/ ufpF k~rfotsf] cfly{s cj:yf . ufDo| lrq0f, jfl0fHo, lqlj . uKtf,' /~hgf . @)^! . uKtf' kl/jf/sf dlxnfx¿sf ] ;fdflhs / cflys{ cj:yf M ;g;/L' lhNnf /fdgu/ e6fxf–" ^, uflj;sf ] Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . u?ª,' kdf| bs] df/' . @)^) . d;x/' hfltsf ] ;fdflhs, ;f:s+ lts[ / cflys{ cj:yf, ;g;/L' cd8jf' uflj;sf ] Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . u?ª,' ;fg ' . @)%^ . emfkf lhNnf awaf/' ] uflj;sf lwdfn hfltsf ] ;fdflhs tyf cflys{ kIf M Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . uftd,} vdnfn] . @)%* . yf¿ hfltsf ] ;fdflhs tyf ;f:s+ lts[ l:ylt M lrtjg lhNnf kl6xfgL uflj;sf ] Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . uftd,} kis//fh' . @)^) . yf¿ hfltsf ] ;fdflhs, cflys{ cj:yf …albofÚ{ lhNnf 7fs/åf/' uflj;sf ] Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . uftd,} eld/fh" . @)$$ . bfª rf3} /fl:yt] l;4 /tggfy d7sf ] ;f:s+ lts[ cWoog . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . uftd,} ;Gb/' . @)%$ . bfª lhNnfsf kd| v' wflds{ :ynx¿sf ] Ps ;f:s+ lts[ cWoog . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . l3ld/,] szj] . @)#( . wgiff' lhNnfsf ] dlynL} afXd0fx¿| Ps cWoog . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . l3ld/,] ufljGbk] ;fb| . @)## . ¿kGbxLdf] yf¿ ;dfhsf ] /xg ;xg . ufDo| lrq0f, lqlj . l3ld/,] emfnfgfy] . @)%! . @)$^ ;fnsf ] hgcfGbfngdf] df/ª] / sf7df8fF} tngfTds' cWoog . /fhgLltzf:q, lqlj . l3ld/,] tËf' . @)%% . dxGb] gu/| uflj;sf emfu/F hflt M Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . l3ld/,] åfl/sfk;fb| . @)%* . yf¿ hfltsf ] ;fdflhs, cflys{ / ;f:s+ lts[ cj:yf M Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . l3ld/,] gj/fh . @)$) . emfkfdf /fli6o« k~rfot ;b:osf ] lgjfrg–{ @)#* M Ps cWoog . /fhgLltzf:q, lqlj . l3ld/,] lji0fk' ;fb| . @)#* . emfkfsf /fhjzL+ hflt Ps cWoog . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . 92 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy rfkfufO,+{ lszf/] . @)$( . emfkfdf cfdlgjfrg{ M Ps cWoog . Oltxf;, lqlj . rfkfufO,+{ /df . @)^$ . snfnL} lhNnfsf sIff ^ df cWoog/t yf¿ dftefifL[ ljBfyLx¿n{ ] gkfnL] efiffx¿sf ] pRrf/0f ubf { ug ]{ q6Lsf' ] cWoog . lzIff, lqlj . rfw/L,} cRotfgGb' . @)#* . dlynL} zfj} ;flxTo k/Dk/fd ] huHofltdNns] x/uf/L} ljjfx gf6s cWoog . dlynL,} lqlj . rfw/L,} cfef . @)%^ . bj] hfltdf bfOhf ] kyfsf| ] l:ylt M ;Kt/L lhNnfcGtut{ la;xl/of uflj;sf ] Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . rfw/L,} nng . @)%$ . ;Kt/Lsf yf¿ ;dbfosf' ] ;fdflhs tyf ;f:s+ lts[ cj:yf . ;÷df, lqlj . rf}w/L, ;Togf/fo0f . @)$( . tgd'gf uflj;sf] ;fdflhs / cfly{s cj:yfsf ] Ps cWoog -yf¿ hfltsf_] . ;÷df, lqlj . rfw/L,} xl/bQ . @)^! . yf¿x¿sf ] ;fdflhs, ;f:s+ lts[ tyf cflys{ cj:yfdf cfPsf ] kl/jtg{ M Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . rf}w/L, lx/fnfn . @)^@ . bfª lhNnf uf]j/l8of uflj; If]qsf yf¿ sdfnx¿sf' ] ;fdflhs hLjg M Ps cWoog . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . hfzL,] sdf/nfn' . @)$! . lj/f6gu/sf ofbj hflt–Ps cWoog . gkfnL] Oltxf; ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . hfzL,] ZofdeQm . @)$% . kjL" { gkfndf] /fhjzL+ hfltsf ] nfs] hLjg . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . 1jfnL, oUo/fh . @)^$ . snfnL} l6sfk/sf' dQm' yf¿ sdofx¿sf} ] lzIff kxrF' sd xg' df' ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . emf, ctn' Zj/] . @)^@ . ;dsfnLg gkfnL] dlynL} ;flxTo . dlynL,} lqlj . emf, kzkltgfy' . @)$) . gkfns] dlynL} gf6ssf/ pdfklt pkfWofos …kfl/hftx/0fÚ gf6ss cWoog . dlynL,} lqlj . emf, ?bgf/fo0f| . @)$) . dlynL} ;flxTod ] /fdsfJo k/Dk/fs cWoog . dlynL,} lqlj . 7fs/,' lbuDa/ . @)%( . /ftx6} lhNnfsf ] 8d' hfltsf ] ;fdflhs, ;f:s+ lts[ tyf cflys{ cj:yfsf ] Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . 7fs/,' gdfgf/fo0f] . @)$) . kf=] xl/dfxg] emfs JoªUo–;flxTos\ cWoog . dlynL,} lqlj . zfwkq] • 93

7fs/,' ladnZj/] . @)%& . df/ª] lhNnf algufdf uflj; j8f g=+ ( sf yf¿x¿sf ] ;fdflhs cflys{ hLjgM Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . 7fs/,' al4/fd' . @)$) . dlynL} PsfÍLs lzNk ljwfgs cWoog . dlynL,} lqlj . 8Ëfn,] laGb ' . @)%@ . df/ª] lhNnf ;vjf8' sf] emfu8F hfltsf ] Ps cWoog . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . 9Ëfgf,' c?0fsdf/' . @)%) . /Tggu/ uflj; yf¿ hfltsf ] ;f:s+ lts[ kIf . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . ltlD;gf, ;fdgfy] . @)%% . l;hjf' uflj;sf /fhjzL+ hflt Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . tnfw/,' xl//Tg . @)$% . af/f lhNnfsf ] yf¿ hfltsf khf' Pj + rf8 kjx¿{ M Ps cWoog . Oltxf;, lqlj . lqkf7L, buf' gfy{ . @)^$ . åGåaf6 cfGtl/s ¿kdf lj:yflktx¿sf ] Ps cWoog, gkfnu~h] gu/kflnsf afsF ] . euf" n,] lqlj . yfkf, u0fzaxfb] /' . @)%# . vgf/ uflj;sf df/ËLof] yf¿sf ] ;fdflhs cj:yf M Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . bjf8L, lul//fh . @)%! . d;x/' hfltsf ] ;fdflhs tyf cflys{ cj:yf M ;g;/L' lhNnf jSnf/L] uflj;sf ] cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . bfxfn, buf' k{ ;fb| . @)%$ . bgjf/L' efiff M Ps cWoog . gkfnL,] lqlj . bfxfn, ejfgLk;fb| . @)^# . emfkf lhNnfsf sIff ( df cWoog/t ljBfyLx¿sf{ ] gkfnL] zAb pRrf/0f ug ]{ q6Lx¿sf' ] cWoog . lzIff, lqlj . bfxfn, ;Demgf . @)%& . lwdfnx¿sf ] ;fdflhs hghLjg M Ps cWoog . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . bfxfn, xL/fdl0f . @)%@ . @)$^ ;fnsf ] hg cfGbfngdf] emfkf lhNnfsf] eldsf" . /fhgLltzf:q, lqlj . bnfn,' /Ltf . @)%* . bnf/L' uflj;sf emfu8F hfltsf ;fdflhs cflys{ kIfsf ] Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . bnfn,' nfsgfy] . @)%* . d;x/' hflt Ps cWoog, 8fuLxf6F uflj; df/ª] . ;÷df, lqlj . bjsf] 6f,] jf;b' j] . @)%$ . /fdk/' uflj; M cfGtl/s a;fO F ;/fOsf ] sf/0f tyf kefj| Ps cWoog . euf" n,] lqlj . 94 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy lwtfn, gljGb | . @)%* . lrtjg lhNnfsf ] aSofnL} uflj;sf yf¿x¿sf] ;fdflhs, cflys{ cj:yf M Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . lwtfn, /Def . @)^! . snfnL} lhNnf wgu9L lzlj/sf dQm' sdofx¿sf} ] ;fdflhs, cflys{ cj:yf M Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . lg/fnf,} uLtfbjL] . @)%& . ;tf/ efiffsf ] j0fgfTds{ cWoog . gkfnL,] lqlj . lg/fnf,} ths] df/' . @)^) . /fhjzL+ dlxnfx¿sf ] ;fdflhs tyf cflys{ cj:yf / eldsf" M /fhu9 uflj;sf ] Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . gkfn,] pkGb] k| ;fb| . @)%* . ;g;/L' lhNnfdf dtbfg Jojxf/sf ] cWoog M @)$*–@)%^ . euf" n,] lqlj . Gofkfg} ,] kltdf| . @)%* . ¿kGbxL] lhNnf l6snLu9' uflj;sf yf¿ hfltsf] ;fdflhs tyf cflys{ cj:yf / kl/jtgx¿{ M Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . kGt, OGbs| df/L' . @)%^ . emf/fxf6sf] emfu8x¿sfF ] ;f:s+ lts[ kIf M Ps cWoog . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . kGt, rfnfs] df/L' . @)%% . yf¿ hfltsf ] ;fdflhs Pj + ;f:s+ lts[ cj:yf M lrtjg lhNnf uLtfgu/ uflj;sf ] Ps gdgf" cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . k/fhnL,' dLgf . @)%@ . rGbu9L| emfkfsf ;tf/ hflt / ltgLx¿sf ] hLjg Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . kf08,] ofbj ljnf; . @)## . un/Lof' ufk + slif[ pTkfbgdf tnxg] afnLsf] eldsf" . ufDo| lrq0f, jfl0fHo, lqlj . kf08,] ;zLnf' . @)$^ . df5f kfng Joj;fosf ] ;fdflhs Pj + cflys{ kIf, /Tggu/ ufksf+ ] Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . khfnL,F' nId0f . @)^$ . ;fdflhs ;f:s+ lts[ lg/Gt/tf / kl/jtg{ M nlntk/' lhNnf 9s' 5fk' uflj;sf bgjf/x¿sf' ] Ps cWoog . ;÷df, kjf" ~rn{ ljZjljBfno . knfdL,' kdaxfb]| /' . @)%* . df/ªsf] lwdfn hfltsf ] ;f:s+ lts[ hLjg Ps cWoog . Oltxf;, lqlj . kfv/] n,] hLjg . @)$& . emfkf lhNnfsf ] lhldGbf/L kyf| Ps cWoog . Oltxf;, lqlj . kfv/] n,] kfi6/fh] . @)%& . /ftx6sf} dfemL hfltsf ;fdflhs / cflys{ hLjg . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . zfwkq] • 95 kfv/] n,] Zofd/fh . @)%* . bgjf/' hfltsf ] ;fdflhs, cflys{ tyf ;f:s+ lts[ cj:yf M l;GwnL' lhNnf kLkndf9L uflj;l:yt bgjf/' hfltsf ] Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . kfv] n,]| czfss] df/' . @)$( . ljhf/Lsf} yf¿ ;dbfosf' ] ljjfx k/Dk/f Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . kf8} n,] u0fz] . @)^$ . af/f lhNnf sIff !) df k9g\ ] yf¿ efifL ljBfyLx¿n{ ] gkfnL] efiffdf ug ]{ q6Lx¿sf' ] ljZnif0ffTds] cWoog . lzIff, lqlj . kf8Øfn,} lzjk;fb| . @)%! . nlDagL' Ifqdf] krlnt| gkfnL] pvfgsf] cWoog . gkfnL,] lqlj . kf8Øfn,} xl//fh . @)$* . xNrfs] / kmnaf/Lsf" kt' jf/' hfltsf ] ;fdflhs cflys{ cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . kwfg,| czfss] df/' . @)%) . gkfndf] h6v' tLsf] ] ;d:of -pTkfbg tyf lgoftsf{ ] ljzif] ;Gbe_{ . cyzf:q,{ lqlj . k;fO| ,+{ clgnsi0f[ . @)%* . sfxj/f] uflj;sf ] ;tf/ hflt M Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . k|;fO{+, of]udfof . @)%* . df]/ª lhNnfsf] pnf{af/L uflj;sf lwdfn hfltsf ] ;f:s+ lts[ cWoog . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . Kofs'¥ofn, /fhs'df/ . @)^$ . df]/ª lhNnf l;h'jf uflj;sf ;tf/ hfltsf ] ;fdflhs, ;f:s+ lts[ tyf cflys{ l:ylt Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . ;÷df, kjf" ~rn{ ljZjljBfno . a/fn, gj/fh . @)^! . /fO { bgjf/' hfltsf ] ;fdflhs ;f:s+ lts[ Pj+ cflys{ kIf M gfla;} ] uflj; wflbªsf ] Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . a/fn, ljdnk;fb| . @)%# . l;GwnL' lhNnf xTkt ] uflj;sf bgjf/' hfltsf] ;fdflhs tyf ;f:s+ lts[ kIf M Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . a:gt,] lbkssdf/' . @)%* . yf¿ ;dbfodf' zx/Ls/0f tyf cfwlgsLs/0fsf' ] kefj,| bfª lhNnfsf ] lqejg' gu/kflnsfsf yf¿x¿sf ] ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . a9f,' eLpl;x+ . @)%( . dQm' sdofx¿sf} ] ;fdflhs tyf cflys{ cj:yf M albof{ lhNnf u0fzk] /' ufpsfF ] Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . 96 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy a9fyf' sL,] 3gZofd . @)^! . bËfnL yf¿x¿sf ] k/Dk/fut eife] iff,' cfeif0f" / ljjfx ;:sf/,+ Ps cWoog . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . e§/fO,{ crgf{ . @)%* . afofUof;] kof| un] ] df/ª] lhNnfsf pkefQmfx¿df] k/sf] ] kefj| M Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . e§/fO,{ gf/fo0f . @)$( . emfkfdf gkfn] lrof ljsf; lgud cGtutsf{ aufgx¿sf ] cj:yf . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . e§/fO,{ zlz . @)$% . hnZj/] dxfbj] dlGb/ M Ps ;f:s+ lts[ cWoog . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . e§/fO,{ ;lgtf' . @)^! . df/ª] lhNnfdf krlnt| nfs] uLtsf ] ;Íng, jlus/0f{ / ljZnif0f] . gkfnL,] lqlj . e08f/L, chg{' . @)%$ . uf/vf] lhNnfdf d;ndfg' ;dbfo' . Oltxf;, lqlj . e08f/L, ufljGbk] ;fb| . @)$% . ed/;' jf' ufp F k~rfotsf bgjf/' hg hLjgsf ] ;f:s+ lts[ kIf Ps cWoog . Oltxf;, lqlj . e08f/L, lnnaxfb/' . @)%* . yf¿ hfltsf ] ;fdflhs tyf cflys{ cj:yf M Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . e08f/L, lzjnfn . @)^) . yf¿ hghfltsf ] ;fdflhs ;f:s+ lts[ Pj+ cflys{ cj:yf M cfgGb uflj; ¿kGbxLsf] ] Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . e;fn,' zflGt . @)$% . kfv/f] s08x/sf' d;ndfgx¿sf' ] ;fdflhs tyf wflds{ hLjg M Ps cWoog . :;÷df, lqlj . dlNns, zn} Gb] gf/fo0f| . @)$^ . wgiff' lhNnfsf ] sfo:y hfltdf, krlnt| khf" Pj + rf8 kjx¿{ M Ps cWoog . Oltxf;, lqlj . dxtf], /fdgf/fo0f . @)%* . ;nf{xL lhNnfsf] dn+ujf gu/kflnsf / xhl/of uflj;df /xsf] ckfËx¿sf ] Ps cWoog . euf" n,] lqlj . df:s,] /0f] ' . @)^! . ljhok/' l:yt bGtsfnL dlGb/sf ] wflds{ Pj + k/ftfl' Œjs cWoog . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . ld>, buf' { . @)%& . df/ª] lhNnf cd/bx uflj;sf ] ;tf/ hfltsf ] ;fdflhs hghLjg . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . ld>, lgdn{ . @)%* . PsDjf uflj;sf yf¿x¿sf ] ;fdflhs, ;f:s+ lts[ tyf cflys{ cj:yfsf ] Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . zfwkq] • 97 dgfnL,} sbf/] . @)$! . gLhu9 cfbz { ufksf+ ] kl/ro / /zd] vtLsf] ] ;DefJotf . ufDo| lrq0f, dfgljsL tyf ;fdflhszf:q, lqlj . d}gfnL …l3ld/]Ú, ;lrqf . @)%^ . cdf]xL j]nfxf uflj;sf /hwl/of yf¿hfltsf ] ;fdflhs / ;f:s+ lts[ cj:yf M Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . ofbj, c?0fsdf/' . @)%* . aflx/L a;fO F ;/fO kj| lQsf[ ] cWoog M l;/xf lhNnf O6f6f/{ uflj;sf ] gdgf" cWoog . euf" n,] lqlj . ofbj, rGbZj/k] ;fb| . @)#( . gkfndf] bf;kyf;DaGwL| Ps emns . Oltxf;, lqlj . ofbj, /fhGb] k| ;fb| . @)$$ . l;df| gu9sf} ] Oltxf; . Oltxf;, lqlj . /f0ff, ;gLtf' . @)%^ . bfª bpv] /L' lhNnfsf ] ;fl8of/+} uflj;sf yf¿x¿sf] ;fdflhs tyf cflys{ cj:yf . :;÷df, lqlj . /fjt, cfk] Gb] | . @)^@ . yf¿ hfltsf ] ;fdflhs, ;f:s+ lts[ tyf cflys{ cj:yf . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . /fjt, e/t/fh . @)$@ . pbok/sf' ] Pltxfl;s] cWoog . Oltxf;, lqlj . l/hfn, gj/fh . @)%% . af/f lhNnfsf] ;flxlTos of]ubfg . g]kfnL, lqlj . l/dfn, dbgsdf/' . @)$$ . hgsk/wfdsf' ] k/ftfl' Œjs dxŒjsf :yn tyf j:tx¿' M Ps cWoog . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . l/hfn, j;Gtk;fb| . @)#% . snfnLsf} yf¿x¿ . Oltxf;, lqlj . /UdL,] aLhof . @)%$ . bfª pkTosfsf yf¿x¿sf ] ;fdflhs tyf ;f:s+ lts[ k/Dk/f / xfn blvPsf] kl/jtgx¿{ . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . /fsf,] bLks . @)%* . ;g;/L' lhNnfcGtut{ PsDaf uflj;sf yf¿x¿sf] ;fdflhs / cflys{ cj:yf Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . nfld5fg,] u0fzk] ;fb| . @)#( . af/f lhNnfsf ] d;ndfgaf/' ] Ps ;lIfKt+ cWoog . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . nfld5fg,] e/tk;fb| . @)%@ . kfrvfnF ufp F ljsf; ;ldltsf bgjf/' hfltsf ] ;fdflhs cj:yf . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . 98 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy nfld5fg,] xl/x/ . ldlt pNnv] gePsf ] . bgjf/' hfltsf ] ;fdflhs, ;f:s+ lts[ tyf cflys{ cj:yf M nlntk/' lhNnf 8s' 5fk' uflj;df a;faf;] u/sf] bgjf/' hfltsf ] Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . nfn, /jtL/d0f] . @)$) . dlynL} uNkd ] ;fdflhs ;d:ofs cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . nO' 6F n,] uLtfsdf/L' . @)%* . lwdfn hfltsf ] ;fdflhs, ;f:s+ lts[ tyf cflys{ cj:yf . :gftsfQ/] zfwkq,] ;÷df, lqlj . nO' 6F n,] ufljGb] . @)%^ . emf/fxf6] uflj;sf emfu8F M Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . jfOjf, nO' ;fª{ . @)^@ . ;g;/L' lhNnf cd8jf' uflj;sf ] d;x/x¿sf' ] ;fdflhs, ;f:s+ lts[ tyf cflys{ cj:yfsf ] Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . ljZjsdf,{ dfxg] . @)%% . ;g;/L' lhNnfsf ljZjsdf { hfltsf ] ;fdflhs, cflys{ tyf /fhglts} cj:yf M Ps cWoog . Oltxf;, lqlj . jw,} lgdnf{ . @)%# . gjnk/f;L lhNnfsf ] k/ftfl' Œjs dxŒjsf :ynx¿ tyf j:tx¿' M Ps cWoog . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . Jo~hgsf/, rGbs| df/L' . @)^! . nfnaGbL uflj;df ;~rflnt ufdL0f| dlxnfx¿sf ] nflu pTkfbg shf { (PCRW) sfoqmdsf{ ] kefjsfl/tf| Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . zdf,{ sNkgf . @)%^ . sf/fuf/ / aGbLx¿ gjnk/f;L lhNnf sf/fuf/ M Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . zdf,{ dfxg/fh] . @)%* . yf¿ hfltsf ] ;fdflhs, ;f:s+ lts[ / cflys{ cj:yf ¿kGbxL] lhNnf s/lxrf uflj;sf ] Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . zdf,{ /fdsfGt . @)%& . snfnL} lhNnfsf kfylds| txsf yf¿ ljBfyLx¿sf{ ] zlIfs} pknAwLsf ] cWoog . lzIff, lqlj . zdf,{ ;/:jtL . @)%) . ;fgdfO] { uflj;sf wfgs' hflt Ps cWoog . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . zfx, sljtf . @)%* . bfªsf ] 7s/Lx¿sf' ] ;fdflhs ;:sf/+ Ps cWoog . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . zfx, lszf/k] ;fb| . @)^) . wgiff' lhNnfdf krlnt| gkfnL] / dlynL} ;:sf/,+ kj { / >d nfsuLtx¿sf] ] ;Íng / kl/rofTds cWoog . gkfnL,] lqlj . zfwkq] • 99 zfx, ou' Zj/] . @)%) . bezf]{ uflj;sf /fhjzL+ hflt, Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . zfx, lji0faxfb' /' . @)%& . yf¿ ;dbfodf' j4j[ 4fx¿sf[ ] :yfg M 6Lsfk/' gu/kflnsfsf yf¿ j4j[ 4fx¿sf[ ] Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . lzjfsf6L,] /fwZofd] . @)%* . af/fsf yf¿x¿ M Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . zkf] ,{ OGbaxfb| /' . @)^! . bgjf/hfltsf' ] ;fdflhs, ;f:s+ lts[ tyf cflys{ cj:yf M 8s' 5fk' uflj;sf bgjf/' hfltsf ] Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . >i7,] cd/gfy . @)$$ . af/f lhNnfsf ] yf¿ ;dfhdf krlnt| ljjfx k4lt Ps cWoog . Oltxf;, lqlj . >i7,] ksfz| . @)%^ . bfª lhNnf ;fl8of/} uflj;sf yf¿x¿sf ] ;fdflhs hLjgsf ] cWoog . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . >i7,] nfsaxfb] /' . @)%& . dr] ] -af8f] _] hfltsf ] ;fdflhs–cflys{ cj:yf M emfkf lhNnf hnyn uflj; Ps gdgf' cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . >i7,] ;ldqf' . @)$% . bxjL' cfbz { ufksf+ yf¿ hfltsf ] ;:s+ lt[ . Oltxf;, lqlj . ;ªu\ f| nf,} sj' /gfy] . @)%* . emfkf lhNnf z/0ffdlt uflj;sf uGufO{ ;dbfosf' ] ;fdflhs, ;f:s+ lts[ Pj + cflys{ kIfsf ] ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . ;ªu\ f| nf,} lghnf{ . @)%) . O6x/Lsf ;Ktx/Lof tyf df/ËLof] yf¿ M Ps cWoog . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . ;ªu\ f| nf,} eujtL . @)%! . df/ª] lhNnfsf ] ;tf/ hflt M Ps cWoog . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . ;ªu\ f| nf,} /fhGb] | . @)%& . df/ª] lhNnf anaf/L] uflj;sf lwdfn hfltsf] ;fdflhs, cflys{ / zlIfs} cj:yf M Ps dfgjzf:qLo cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . ;ªu\ f| nf,} /fdlnnf . @)%^ . df/ª] lhNnfdf bezf]{ uflj;sf /fhjzL+ hfltsf ] ;f:s+ lts[ kIfsf ] cWoog . gkfnL] Oltxf;, ;:s+ lt[ tyf k/ft' Œj, lqlj . ;fksf6f,] OGbgf/fo0f| . @)^# . emfkf lhNnfsf pRr dfljsf zlIfs} l:ylt Ps cWoog . lzIff, lqlj . 100 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

;fksf6f,] /fhZj/L] . @)%% . xfltd9f" uflj;sf aft/F hflt Ps cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . l;x,+ gfuZj/] . @)$@ . rGbf emfs lzj ljifos uLt . dlynL,} lqlj . l;6fnf,} hdgfb' jL] . @)%% . ;du~h anul5ofsf] emfu8F hfltsf ] ;fdflhs, cflys{ hLjg . ;÷df, lqlj . l;6fnf,} zf/bf . @)%# . df/ªsf] yf¿ dlxnfx¿sf ] jtdfg{ cj:yf . gkfnL,] lqlj . ;Aaf,' clDasf . @)^# . ;g;/L' l:yt /fdwgL' dlGb/ M Ps cWoog . gkfnL,] lqlj . ;j' bL,] sjL/fh . @)^# . af/f lhNnfdf krlnt| gkfnL] tyf efhk] /L' nfsuLtx¿sf] ] tngfTds' cWoog . gkfnL,] lqlj . ;j' bL,] nIdL . @)%% . lwdfn ;dbfodf' krlnt| nfssyfsf] ] ;Íng, juLs/0f{ / ljZnif0f] . gkfnL,] lqlj . ;j' bL,] ljdn . @)^! . d;x/' hfltsf ] ;fdflhs / cflys{ cj:yf M ;g;/L' lhNnf tgdgf' uflj;sf d;x/x¿sf' ] Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . ;÷df, lqlj . xdfn, lgZrn . ;g \ @))^ . bfª lhNnf gf/fo0fk/' uflj;sf yf¿ hfltsf] ;fdflhs cflys{ / ;f:s+ lts[ cj:yf M Ps ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog . ;÷df, kjf" ~rn{ ljZjljBfno .

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Banu, Quraisha. 1980. Introduction to Muslim in Nepal. History, TU. Bardewa, Roshan Kumar. 2001. Nature of Absolute and Relative Poverty in Morang District: A Case Study of Rani Mills Area Ward No. 19, Biratnagar Nepal. Economics, TU. Barik, Benudhar. 1999. Farm Management System among the Tharus: A Case Study of Ganglia VDC of Rupandehi District. S/A, TU. Baskota, Rajendra Prasad. 1997. Women in Community Forestry: Issues in Participation: A Case Study of Bakadhuwa VDC of Saptari District. S/A, TU. Basnet, Chiranjibi. 2001. Knowledge and Perception of Reproductive and Sexual Health among High School Girls: A Case Study of Morang District, Nepal. Population, TU. Basnet, Kanchan. 1992. Conjunctive Use of Ground and Surface Water for Irrigation: Case Study of an Irrigation System in the Terai of Nepal. Cornell University. Basnet, Nagendra. 1997. An Ethno-ecological Perspective on Cultural System and Resource Utilization: A Case Study on the Dhimals of Jhapa District. S/A, TU. Basnet, Narayan. 1978. Access to Education of the Tharu Children in Haridwar Village Panchayat of Dang District. Education, TU. Bastakoti, Tirth. 1999. Sex Preference and Fertility in Rural Nepal: A Study of Kumal Community- Nawalparasi. Population, TU. Bastola, Ganga Prasad. 2005. A Study on Economic Condition and Employment Opportunities for Dhimal Community: A Case Study of Urlabari VDC, Morang. Economics, TU. Bastola, Megha. 2001. Study of Knowledge about Contraceptive Divices in Secondary School Level Students of Siraha District. Education, TU. Bhagat, Rakesh Prasad. 1985. Study on the Fish and Fishery Resources of Morang District, Koshi Zone Nepal. Zoology, TU. 106 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

Bhandari, Balram. 2001. The Rural Poverty in Nepal: A Case Study of Pipladi VDC of Kanchanpur District, Nepal. Economics, TU. Bhandari, Bhabendra. 2001. An Analysis of Verbal Morphology in Danwar Language. Linguistics, TU. Bhandari, Bhim Bahadur. 2001. Population Composition and Fertility: A Case Study of Madhumalla Village Morang Nepal. Economics, TU. Bhandari, Dewaraj. 1999. A Study of Land Use Change in Ramgram Municipality, Nawalparasi District. Geography, TU. Bhandari, Kavita Kumari. 2000. Adolescents Contraceptive Knowledge, Use and Sexual Behaviour in Tharu Community: A Study of Dhangadi Municipality, Kailali, Nepal. Population, TU. Bhandari, Krishna Prasad. 2000. Fertility Behaviour of Dhimal: A Study of Damak Municipality, Jhapa. Population, TU. Bhandari, Pharindra Kumar. 2002. Problems and Prospect of Paddy Production of Belbari VDC Morang District. Economics, TU. Bhandari, Rajendra Prasad. 1993. Hydrological Studies in Parts of Mahottari District Central Nepal. Geology, TU. Bhandari, Ritu Raj. 2003. International Labour Migration as Livelihood Strategy: A Case Study of VDC of Jhapa District, Nepal. Geography, TU. Bhandari, Robin. 1996. The Impact of Kankai Irrigation Project on Paddy Production in Pachgachhi VDC, Jhapa, District Nepal. Economics, TU. Bhatta, Laxmi Raj. 2063 v.s. Consumption Function for Nepal: A Case Study of Shreepur VDC, Kailali District. Economics, TU. Bhatta, Promod P. 2000. Community Mobilization in Primary Education: A Sociological Study of Community Mobilization in Basic and Primary Education Program in Dhanusha District. S/A, TU. zfwkq] • 107

Bhatta, Rajendra Prakash. 2005. Post-Project Impact Study of Jugeda Tub Well Irrigation Project in Jugeda Area of Kailali District Dhangadhi, Far-Western Nepal. Geology, TU. Bhatta, Thakur Prasad. 1996. Landlessness in Socio-economic Perspective of the Tharu Community in Nepal: A Case of Patihani VDC of Chitwan District in the Central Region. Economics, TU. Bhattarai, Ambika. 2001. Assessment of Adoption Problems of Family Planning Means: A Case Study of Jhojhikataiya VDC of Dhanusha District. S/A, TU. Bhattarai, Bhaskar. 2002. Effect of Age at Marriage on Number of Children in Tharu Community: A Case Study of Singhpur Village, Kanchanpur. Population, TU. Bhattarai, Bishnu Prasad. 1997. Phenology of Trees Regeneration Status of Forest in the Royal Bardia National Park. Botany, TU. Bhattarai, Ganesh Prasad. 2002. Diversity and Indigenous Use of Flowering Plant Resources in the Churiya Forests of Parsa Wildlife Reserve and Adjoining Areas. Botany, TU. Bhattarai, Ganesh Prasad. 2005. Impact of Small Farmers Co-operative Limited: A Case Study of VDC of Jhapa. S/A, TU. Bhattarai, Hari Prasad. 1994. Cultural Strategies of the Rajbanshis for Adaptation: A Cultural Ecological Case Study of Rajgardh Village in Jhapa District. S/A, TU. Bhattarai, Jay Ram. 2004. Fertility Behaviour, Knowledge and Practice of Family Planing in Nepal: A Case Study of Tharu Community in Singiya VDC of Sunsari, District. Population, TU. Bhattarai, Krishna Prasad. 2001. Rickshaw Pulling as a Way of Earning Livelihood, Birtamod, Jhapa. Geography, TU. Bhattarai, Nagendra. 2001. Population Composition and Fertility: A Case Study of Belbasi VDC Morang. Economics, TU. 108 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

Bhattarai, Saroj Kumar.1999. Fertility Differential: A Case Study of Duwagadi VDC in Jhapa District. Population, TU. Bhattarai, Sita. 2006. Conflict Resolution of Women in Sunsari District Through the Paralegal Committee. RD, TU. Bhattarai, Suresh. 2000. Poverty in Rural Nepal: A Case Study of Madhumalla VDC in Morang District, Nepal. Economics, TU. Bhattarai, Tanka Prasad. 1993. Income Structure and Consumption Behaviour of Rajbansi in Jhapa: A Case Study of Chandragadhi Village. Economics, TU. Bhattarai, Tara Nidhi. 1988. Groundwater Studies of Morang District, Koshi Zone, Eastern Nepal. Geology, TU. Bhattarai, Udaya. 1999. The Role of Purwanchal Grameen Bikas Bank in Economic Development of Women: A Case Study of Jhorahat VDC of Morang District, Nepal. Economics, TU. Bhattarai, Uddhav. 1984. Effectiveness of Small Farmers Development Programme: A Case Study of Hariharpur Village Panchayat, Dhanusha District. Economics, TU. Bhetuwal, Khem Raj. 1999. Technical Efficiency of Fish Farmers in Nepal: A Case Study of Chakkar VDC of Dhanusha District. Economics, TU. Bhoosal, Radhika. 2003. Rural Poverty in Nepal: A Case Study of Salinadee VDC Rupandehee District. Economics, TU. Binam Kumari. 2002. Potato Production and its Productivity in Eastern Nepal: A Case Study of Madhuvan VDC, Sunsari District, Nepal. Economics, TU. Bista, Bikash. 1983. Paddy Production Function in Saptari District: A Case Study of Royapur Village Panchayat. Economics, TU. Bista, Madan Raj. 1998. An Evaluation Study of the Resource Management Practices of Churia Forest Development Project 'CHFDP' in Saptari District. S/A, TU. Bista, Sagun. 1997. Forest Flora of Royal Bardiya National Park: Herbs, Shrubs and Climbers. Botany, TU. zfwkq] • 109

Bista, Sunita. 1999. Brest Feeding Practices among Mothers of under Two Years Children: at Judibela VDC of Rautahat District. S/A, TU. Bista, Shyam. 2006. Impact of Small Farmer Development Programme on Tharu Community of Daiji Village of Kanchanpur District. S/A, PU. Budha, Dil Bahadur. 2002. Indigenous Management of Irrigation: Institutional Adaptation to Changing Technological Environment in Eastern Kailali: A Case Study of Rani, Jamara and Kulariya Kulo System. Geography, TU. Budhathoki, Indira. 2005. Role of Rural Reconstruction Nepal 'RRN' in Empowering Rural Women: A Study of Morang District in East Nepal. Population, TU. Budhathoki, Jeeva Raj. 2007. Socio-economic Condition of Musahar: A Case Study of Laukahi VDC of Sunsari District. S/A, PU. Budhathoki, Kajee Bahadur. 1997. Food Consumption Pattern of Nepal: A Case Study of Rural Morang District. Economics, TU. Budhathoki, Kushal. 2007. Impact of Internal Migration: A Case Study of Dhanaura Village of Dang District. S/A, PU. Chalise, Arun K. 1999. Impact of Farm Forestry Activities on Poverty Alleviation and Rural Development in Nepal: Case Study of Farm Forestry Adopting Villages of Syangja, Chitawan, Rauthat and Sarlahi Districts. Economics, TU. Chand, Rajendra Bir. 2001. The Role of Far Western Rural Development Bank in Economic Development of Women in Dhangadi Municipality Dhangadi, Kailali District. Economics, TU. Chapagain, Chandi Prasad. 1988. Populations, Education and Development: A Case Study of Ramgunj Belgachhiya Village in Sunsari, Nepal. S/A, TU. 110 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

Chapagain, Ishwar. 2004. Impact of Mass Media on Enhancing Konwledge of HIV/AIDS and other STDs among Industrial Workers: A Case Study of Virkuti Paper Mill in Nawalparasi. Population, TU. Chapagain, Pradeep Kumar. 1987. Population Compositions and Fertility: A Case Study of Bhadrapur Town Panchayat. Economics, TU. Chaudhari, Manoj Kumar. 2002. Contraceptive Knowledge, Attitude and Use in Tharu Community: A Case Study in Sisahaniya VDC, Ward No. 9, Dang, Nepal. Population, TU. Chaudhari, Rima Bahadur. 2001. The Ultahawas: An Ethnic Study of the Reverse Clan of Dangaura Tharus of Nepal. S/A, TU. Chaudhary, Akshey Kumar. 2005. Sociolinguistic Survey of Tharu Language: Central Nepal. English, TU. Chaudhary, Ashok Kumar. 2001. A Study of Financial Statement of Janakpur Cigarette Factory. Management, TU. Chaudhary, Bharat. 2005. A Sociolinguistic Study of the Tharu Language of Eastern Nawalparasi. English, TU. Chaudhary, Binod. 2005. Pronominal in the Tharu and English Language: A Comparative Study. Education, TU. Chaudhary, Deepak. 2000. A Socio-economic Condition of Dev People: A Case Study of Bisahariya VDC, Saptari District. S/A, TU. Chaudhary, Dhani Lal. 2005. The Problem of Immigration and its Impacts: A Case Study of Malangawa Municipality, Sarlahi, Nepal. Economics, TU. Chaudhary, Nil Kumar. 2001. Knowledge System on the Use of Indigenous Medicinal Plant in Tharu Community: Anthropological Case Study of Bachhauli VDC of Chitwan District, Narayani Zone. S/A, TU. Chaudhary, Ram Deo Prasad. 1989. A Study on Land Tax in Nepal: A Case Study of Kalyanpur Village Panchayat Saptari District. Economics, TU. zfwkq] • 111

Chaudhary, Ram Krishna. 2000. Urban Growth and Land Value Pattern: A Case Study of Tikapur Municipaliy, Kailali District. Geography, TU. Chaudhary, Sanjay Kumar. 2005. Knowledge, Attitude and Behaviour Towards Sexually Transmitted Diseases, HIV/AIDS and Use of Condom among Males Who Were Ever Emigrant Workers: A Case Study of Some VDC of Saptari District. Population, TU. Chaudhary, Sharvan Kumar. 1995. A Sociolinguistic Survey of the Eastern Tharu Languages. English, TU. Chaudhary, Suresh Kumar. 2007. Socio-economic Impact of Foreign Employment: Perspectives from Tharu Households of Khairahani VDC of Chitwan District, Nepal. Human and Natural Resource Studies, KU. Chaudhary (Tharu), Sher Bahadur. 2005. Small Farmer Development Program: A Case Study of Gangoliya VDC of Rupandehi District, Nepal. Economics, TU. Chhetri, Rita. 2002. Early/Child Marriage in Rural Nepal in Uttar Jhitkaiya VDC of Bara District. S/A, TU. Chipalu, Sarita. 1978. Regional Planning in Eastern Development Region with Special Reference to Morang District. Economics, TU. Dahal, Arjun Prasad. 1992. The Impact of Rampur Irrigation Project on Crop Production in Rampurtar Village Area. Economics, TU. Dahal, Bhagawati. 2001. The Contribution of Grameen Bikas Banks on Rural Poverty Reduction in Nepal: A Case Study of Dangihat VDC, Morang, Koshi, Nepal. Economics, TU. Dahal, Bhim Kumar. 2005. Adolescent Girl's Perspective on Reproduction Health: A Study of Selected Secondary Schools in Jhapa District. Population, TU. 112 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

Dahal, Birendra Bahadur. 1996. Socio-economic Aspects of Fertility: A Case Study of Madhuwa VDC in Dhanusha District. S/A, TU. Dahal, Deepa. 1988. Role of Purwanchal Grameen Vikash Bank in Changing Socio-economic Status of Women in Banigama VDC Morang District, Nepal. Economics, TU. Dahal, Devendra. 2001. Himalayan Tea Estate: Its Laboures and Relationship with the Neighbouring Villagers, Damak Jhapa. Master's Degree, Diss., Geography, TU. Dahal, Ghanshyam. 2000. The Extent and Nature of Poverty in Rural Nepal: A Case Study of Singiya VDC, Sunsari District. Economics, TU. Dahal, Keerti Vikram. 1998. Deposit Mobilizations of Commercial Banks in Nepal: A Case Study of RBB Janakpur Branch. Economics, TU. Dahal, Khila Nath. 1995. Hydrogeological Studies in Parts of Siraha District, Eastern Nepal. Geology, TU. Dahal, Lok Nath. 2000. Community-Managed Irrigation System: A Case Study of Buddhabare (Hoxey) VDC in Jhapa District. S/A, TU. Dahal, Prabin Kumar. 1998. Impact of Grameen Bikas Bank on Income Generation of Rural Women: A Case Study of Aurawani VDC. Economics, TU. Dahal, Ramesh Kumar. 2002. Identification of Root Cause of Girl Trafficking: A Case Study of Mechi Nagar Municipality in Jhapa District. S/A, TU. Dahal, Rameshwar. 1996. Freshwater Ostracodes from the Siwalik Beds of Butwal Area Western Nepal. Geology, TU. Dahal, Sandip. 2005. An Economic Analysis of Wheat Production: A Case Study of Balwa VDC of Mahottari District. Economics, TU. zfwkq] • 113

Dahal, Shiba Prasad. 2001. In-migration Situation in Nepal: A Case Study of Pathari VDC Morang Nepal. Economics, TU. Dahal, Tej Raj. 1991. Population Growth, Land Use and Cultural Practices: A Case Study of Dhaijan Village in Jhapa District, East Nepal. S/A, TU. Dangol, Dil Nath. 2001. Poverty in Rural Nepal: A Case Study of Urlabari VDC, Morang District, Nepal. Economics, TU. Dangol, Hom Nath. 2002. Study of Market Center and Hinterland Linkage in Damak Municipality, Jhapa District Eastern Nepal. Geography, TU. Dawadi, Kedar Nath. 2002. A Study on SFDP and SFCL as a Poverty Alleviation Program of Nepal: With Reference to Case Studies of SFCL at Juropani and VDC of Jhapa District. Economics, TU. Deo, Balendra Prasad. 1998. Study on Ground Water Condition and its Utilization in Eastern Terai of Nepal: A Case of Saptari District. Geography, TU. Deo, Madan Prasad. 2002. Effect of Infant and Child Mortality on Fertility: A Case Study of Sakarpur VDC, Saptari. Population, TU. Dev, Jay Prakash. 1982. Income Distribution and Pattern of Consumption Expenditure in Saptari District: A Case Study of Sakarpur Village Panchayat. Economics, TU. Devkota, Ananta Kumar. 2005. Domestic Child Labours in Nepal: A Case Study of Nepalgunj Municipality, Banke, Nepal. Economics, TU. Devkota, Hari Prasad. 1996. Effect of In-migration on the Social Economic Life of the Tharu. S/A, TU. Devkota, Hem Dutta. 2007. Role of Tharu Women in Household Activities: A Study of Tharu Women in Padanaha VDC of Bardia District. S/A, PU. 114 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

Dhakal, Kamal. 1996. Contribution of "SAJHA" to Wheat Production: A Case Study of Budhabare, Jhapa. Economics, TU. Dhakal, Kedar Nath. 2001. Socio-economic and Demographic Determinants of Maternal Health Care Utilization in Nepal: A Case Study of Dhimal Community of Belbari VDC Morang. Population, TU. Dhakal, Krishna Prasad. 1996. A Study of Knowledge and Practices on Nutrition of the People of Adarsha Dulari VDC Morang. Education, TU. Dhakal, Kumar. 1995. Fertility and Status of Women: A Study of Jhapa Baijhnathpur VDC in Morang. S/A, TU. Dhakal, Pitambar. 2005. Visceral Leishmaniasis (Kala-azar): Situation Analysis, KAP (Knowledge, Attitude and Practices) and Risk Factors in Rural Areas of Siraha District. Zoology, TU. Dhakal, Ram Babu. 1990. Kamala Irrigation and Socio-economic Condition of Target People: A Study on Barmajhia Village. Public Administration, TU. Dhakal, Ram Prasad. 1999. An Evaluation of Depoprovera Acceptors: A Case Study of Topgachhi VDC Jhapa. Population, TU. Dhakal, Sita Ram. 2000. An Economic Analysis of Paddy Production: A Case Study of Singiya VDC, Sunsari District, Nepal. Economics, TU. Dhakal, Yagya Raj. 2003. Drug Users' Life Style: An Anthropological Study of Urlabari VDC Morang, Nepal. S/A, PU. Dhami, Kalyan Singh. 2003. A Socio-cultural and Economic Status of Danuwar ( A Case Study of Mahadevsthan VDC, Kavre). S/A, TU. Dhaubhadel, Shovana. 2001. Socio-economic Dimensions and Fertility Behaviour of Women of Bhudaha VDC of Morang District Nepal: A Case Study of Bather Women. S/A, TU. zfwkq] • 115

Dhungana, Dibash. 2005. Strengthening Socio-economic Status of Women through Micro Credit Programme: A Case Study of Micro Credit Programme in Urlabari VDC of Morang District, Nepal. Economics, TU. Dhungana, Radha. 1997. A Dissertation on Socio-Economic Study of the Tharu Community of Chakhaura Village of Dang District. S/A, TU. Dhungana, Yub Raj. 1994. A Comparative Evaluation of Capital Structure Between Butwal Spinning Mills Ltd and Jyoti Spinning Mills Ltd. Business Administration, TU. Dhungel, Bashu Dev. 1998. Impact of Grameen Bikas Bank on Income Generation of Rural Women: A Case Study of Budhabare VDC, Jhapa, Nepal. Economics, TU. Dhungel, Mina. 2002. Urban Poverty: A Case Study of Selected Occupational Group of Dharan Municipality, Sunsari, Nepal. Economics, TU. Dotel, Devi Prasad. 1996. In-Migration Causes and Consequences: A Case Study of Gauriganj VDC Jhapa. Geography, TU. Gajurel, Megh Raj. 1996. SFDP- A Poverty Alleviation Programme in Rural Development: A Study of SFDP Parwanipur, Sarlahi District. Public Administration, TU. Gartoulla, Ritu Prasad. n.d. People, Land and Migration: A Case Study of Shantinagar Village Panchayat, Jhapa. S/A, TU. Gautam, Bijay. 1989. Fertility Study of Tharu Community: A Case Study of Chailahi and Sunpur Village Panchayats, Dang District. Economics, TU. Gautam, Bimala. 2005. Knowledge and Attitude on STDs and HIV/AIDS among Secondary School Adolescent: A Case Study of Topgachhi VDC, Jhapa District. Population, TU. Gautam, Giri Raj. 1990. Socio- Cultural Study of Satar Community in Bayarbana VDC of Morang District. S/A, TU. 116 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

Gautam, Manoj Kumar. 2002. An Anthropological Ethnographic Study of Satar People: A Case Study of Saranamati VDC Jhapa District. S/A, TU. Gautam, Prem Bahadur. 2004. Effectiveness of Family Planning Methods in Sapahi VDC of Bara District. Education, TU. Gautam, Rajeeb. 1995. Hydro-geological Studies in Parts of Dhanusha District, Central Nepal. Geography, TU. Gautam, Rama Kanta. 2002. An Economic Impact Study of Babai Irrigation Project: A Case Study of Deudakala and Dhadhawar VDC, Bardiya. Geography, TU. Gautam, Suresh. 2002. A Study on Poverty in Rural Nepal: A Case Study of Panchakanya VDC of Sunsari. Economics, TU. Gewali, Govinda Prasad. 1996. Intensive Banking Program in Priority Sector: A Case Study of Commercial Bank Chaumala Kailali. Economics, TU. Ghimire, Bikas. 1994. Factors Determining the Contraceptive Use in Nepal: Case Study of Prithivinagar Village, Jhapa. Population, TU. Ghimire, Jiwnath. 2004. Awareness Status of Afforestation in Nepal: A Study of Gauriganj VDC, Jhapa District. RD, TU. Ghimire, Keshab Prasad. 1983. Tea Cultivation in Nepal: A Case Study of Jhapa District. Geography, TU. Ghimire, Lila Prasad. 2001. Migration in Nepal: A Case Study of Itahara VDC Morang Nepal. Economics, TU. Ghimire, Mahendra. 2004. Utilization of Health Services among Kamaiyas: A Case Study of Bardiya District. RD, TU. Ghimire, Mahendra P. 2003. Situation Analysis of Domestic Child Labour in Urban Areas of Nepal: A Case Study of Biratnagar Sub-Metropolitan City, Morang District. Population, TU. Ghimire, Mantu. 1996. Spotted Deer 'Axis axis' Habitat with Reference to Floristic Composition in Charali Forest of Jhapa District, Nepal. Zoology, TU. zfwkq] • 117

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Jha, Mahanand. 1998. Sexual Behaviour and Perception of STDs/AIDS among Rural Married Male: A Case Study of Madhawapur VDC, Saptari. Population, TU. Jha, Nawa Nath. 1983. Employment Pattern in Saptari District: A Case Study of Bashitti Village Panchayat. Economics, TU. Jha, Praveen Kumar. 2003. A Study on Abiotic and Biotic Components of the Pound 'Argaza' Janakpurdham. Zoology, TU. Jnawali, Bam Dev. 2001. The Migration of Black Smith and its Socio-economic Impact in Chisapani VDC Ward No. 5, Bardiya. S/A, TU. Jnawali, Sheela. 2003. An Economic Analysis of Gulariya Bardiya, Nepal. Economics, TU. Joshi, Ambikeshwor Prasad. 1995. Role of Gramin Bikas Bank in Alleviation of Rural Poverty: A Case Study, Fulwari VDC, Kailali, Far-Western Development Region. Economics, TU. Joshi, Anand Ballabh. 1992. Analysis of Kala-azar Situation and Studies on the Influential Factors of the Disease Occurrence in Morang District, Eastern Development Region of Nepal. Zoology, TU. Joshi, Bishnu. 1997. Female Workers and their Socio-economic Condition in Nepal: A Case Study of Butwal Spinning Mill. Economics, TU. Joshi, Deepak. 2004. An Epidemiological Study of Malaria in Kanchanpur District During 2003. Microbiology, TU. Joshi, Dipak Raj. 2001. Status of Poverty in the Rural Areas of Kanchanpur District of Nepal. Economics, TU. Joshi, Dipak Raj. 2004. The Rural Poverty in Nepal: A Case Study of Daijee VDC in Kanchanpur District. RD, TU. Joshi, Hem Raj. 2003. Rural Poverty in Nepal: A Case Study of Raikwar Bichwa VDC, Ward No. 8, Kanchanpur District. Economics, TU. 120 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

Joshi, Janak Raj. 2003. Rural Poverty in Nepal: A Case Study of Geta VDC, Kailali, District, Nepal. Economics, TU. Joshi, Kumar Prasad. 1985. Population Compositions and Fertility: A Case Study of Rajbiraj Town Panchayat Saptari District. Economics, TU. Joshi, Madan Raj. 2006. Socio-economic Status of the Tharu Kamaiyas: A Case Study of Dhangadi Municipality, Kailali District Nepal. Economics, TU. Joshi, Shiva Raj. 2003. A Study on Rural Poverty in Sahajpur VDC, Kailali District, Nepal. Economics, TU. Joshi, Suresh. 1992. Tenure Status of Rice Farmers in Parsa District. Economics, TU. Kadariya, Bhoj Raj. 1991. The Periodic Marketing System: A Case Study in Rupandehi: East of Tinau. Geography, TU. Kadayat, Giri Raj. 2003. The Role of Far Western Rural Development Bank in Uplifting Economic Status of Women at Geta VDC, Kailali District, Nepal. Economics, TU. Kadel, Heramba Raj. 2001. Vegetation Analysis of Forest Trees Surrounding Ghodaghodi and Nakhrodi Lake Area Kailali, Nepal. Botany, TU. Kafle, Kumud Raj. 1997. Hydrogeological Study in Mid-Northern Part of Jhapa District, Eastern Nepal. Geology, TU. Karki, Apsara. 1999. Gender Awareness Focusing on Participation of Women in Economic Activities: A Case Study of Gauradaha VDC, Jhapa District, Nepal. Economics, TU. Karki, Bimala. 2006. Socio-economic Condition of Musahar Community: A Case Study of Hattimuda VDC, Morang. RD, TU. Karki, Chandra Kumar. 2002. Fertility Behaviour of Women in Nepal: A Case Study of Indrapur VDC, Morang. Population, TU. Karki, Jivendra Bikram. 2001. The Role of Purvanchal Grameen Bikas Bank in Upliftment of Economic Status of Women: A zfwkq] • 121

Case Study of Katahari VDC of Morang District, Nepal. Economics, TU. Karki, Kharuba Raj. 2004. Role of NGOs for Promoting Good Governance: A Case Study of NGOs Working in Banke District, Nepal. S/A, TU. Karki, Lalit Bahadur. 2005. Knowledge, Attitude on STD's and HIV/AIDS among Rickshaw Pullers: A Case Study of Damak Municipality Jhapa. Population, TU. Karki, Lal Singh. 2003. A Study on Sanitary Management Practices in Public Primary Schools in Tikapur Municipality, Kailali District. Education, TU. Karki, Mukti Bahadur. 2001. Analysis of Rural Poverty of Rajghat VDC in Sarlahi District, Nepal. Economics, TU. Karki, Rukmini. 2002. Socio-economic Situation of Narali VDC of Bara District of Nepal. S/A, TU. Karki, Shekhar. 1978. A Brief Study of Co-operative Societies in Sunsari District. Economics, TU. Karki, Tara. 2002. Situation Analysis of Families Affected by HIV/AIDS of Men Who Migrate to India in Kanchanpur District. S/A, TU. Karn, Jitendra Kumar. 2005. Nutritional Status of the Primary School Children '6-8 Years' of Sarlahi District. Education, TU. Karn, Raghunath Lal. 2003. An Ecological Investigation of the Historical Pond Dhanusha Sagar in Relation to Zoobenthos in Janakpurdham, Nepal. Zoology, TU. Karna, Nagendrallabh. 1984. Migration in Janakpur Town Panchayat Dhanusha District. Geography, TU. Karna, Sujeet Kumar Lal. 2002. Age at Marriage and Fertility: Case of Dusadh Community from Netraganj Sarlahi. Population, TU. Kashyap, Urmila Kumari. 2002. A Study on Health Beliefs and Health Care Practices of Tharu Community of Hathausa VDC Kapilvastu, Nepal. S/A, TU. 122 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

Kasu, Bishal Bhakta. 1996. Studies on the Park-People Conflict in the Parsa Wildlife Reserve. Zoology, TU. Kattel, Shambhu Prasad. 2050 v.s. Agro-forestry as an Option for Forest Management: A Study of Lantang VDC in Morang District. S/A, TU. Katuwal, Gajendra. 1996. "Role of Grameen Bikas Bank in Alleviation of Rural Poverty": A Case Study of Dhulabari VDC of Jhapa District. S/A, TU. Katuwal, Mahabir. 2006. Status of Elderly Population in Nepal: A Case Study of Elderly People Living in Elderly Homes in Dhankuta, Morang, Sunsari. Population, TU. K.C., Rashmi. 2002. An Ethnographic Study of Musahar People of Balkawa VDC of Siraha District: A Sociological Study. S/A, TU. K.C., Shital. 1998. A Socio-economic Study of Satar Community in Lakhanpur VDC of Jhapa. S/A, TU. Khadka, Bhupendra Kumar. 2004. Women's Participation in Community Forest Management: A Case Study of Janachahana Community Forest, Chandranigahapur, Rautahat. S/A, TU. Khadka, Hari Bahadur. 2005. Determinants of Contraceptive Use among Nepalese Women: A Case Study of Gauribas VDC, Mahottari. Population, TU. Khadka, Mahendra. 2001. Some Determinants of Fertility in Nepal: A Case Study of Itahari VDC Morang. Economics, TU. Khanal, Bal Krishna. 1999. Educational Condition of Tharu in Nepal. S/A, TU. Khanal, Bhakti Prasad. 2001. Financial Condition of Primary Education and its Impacts: A Case Study of Lakhanpur VDC, Jhapa District Nepal. Economics, TU. Khanal, Binod Raj. 2001. Impact of Micro-finance on Rural People: A Case Study of Self Help Development (CSD) in Lahan Municipality Siraha District. Management, TU. zfwkq] • 123

Khanal, Kabiraj. 2045 v.s. A Study on Dharan Industrial Estate. Economics, TU. Khanal, Keshab Prasad. 2006. The Economic Impact of Betel Nut: A Case Study of Budhabare VDC of Jhapa District. Economics, TU. Khanal, Rajesh Kesher. 1999. Co-operative Societies and Agricultural Finance in Banke District: A Case Study of Co-operative Society Ltd. Kohalpur. Economics, TU. Khanal, Shrijana. 2002. A Study on Socio-economic Causes of Girl and Women Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation in Jhapa District. S/A, TU. Khanal, Sushil Kumar. 2001. Change in Energy Use Pattern and Livelihoods: A Case Study of Biogas Adoption in Arjundhara of Jhapa District. S/A, TU. Kharel, Aerika. 2008. Contribution of Tharu Women in Household Economy: A Case Study of Sarlahi District. Economics, TU. Kharel, Chinta Devi. 1995. Small Farmers Development Programme in Jhapa District: A Case Study of Ghailadubba VDC Area. Economics, TU. Kharel, Dhanapati. 2005. Irrigation Management Activities of Water Users Association: A Case Study of Patabhar Irrigation System, Rajapur, Bardiya. S/A, TU. Kharel, Narayan Prasad. 1998. Impact of Socio-economic and Demographic Variables on Age at Marriage and Fertility: A Study of Rajbansi Community of Lakhupur VDC Jhapa. Population, TU. Kharel, Rewat Prasad. 2001. Socio-cultural Change among the Rajbanshi: A Case Study of VDC of Jhapa District. S/A, TU. Kharel, Suman. 2006. Participation of Women in Governance: A Case Study of Jhapa District. RD, TU. 124 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

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A Case Study of the Terai Belt (Janakpur) of Nepal. Economics, Thammasat University. Mahatara, Pusparaj. 2006. Socio-economic Condition of Chamar Community: A Case Study of Madhesa VDC in Sunsari District. RD, TU. Mahato, Bharat Prasad. 2005. Effect of Age at Marriage on Number of Children Ever Born: A Case Study of Kalaiya Municipality. Population, TU Mahato, Pradeep Kumar. 1993. Fertility Behaviour of Chamar Caste: A Case Study of Chamar Caste of Sonigama Village Development Area, Dhanusha. Population, TU. Mahato, Ram Bilash. 2002. Sugarcane Cultivation: A Case Study of Sasapur VDC in Sarlahi District. Geography, TU. Mahato, Ram Kailash, 2003. Profit Planning: A Case Study of Janakpur Cigarette Factory. Management, TU. Mahato, Shailendra Prasad. 2005. Municipality Finance in Nepal: A Case Study of Gaur Municipality of Rautahat District, Nepal. Economics, TU. Mahato Tharu, Rajendra Pd. 2001. A Comparative Study of Subject-verb Agreement in English and Tharu Language. Education, TU. Mainali, Dhanapati. 2002. Poverty among the Meche Community: A Case Study of VDC of Jhapa District. Economics, TU. Mallick, Gynendra Kumar. 1999. Income Distribution in Nepal: A Case Study of Ghoraghas VDC of Dhanusha District. Economics, TU. Manandhar, Lalit Narayan. 1992. Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medical Practice in Saptari District of Nepal. Botany, TU. Manandhar, Laxmi. 1993. Sustainable Forest Management in Nepal. Environmental Studies, University of Adelaide. 128 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

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Mishra, Narendra. 2000. Female Goods Carries of Eastern Boarderside of Nepal: A Sociological Study in the Mechinagar Municipality of Jhapa. S/A, TU. Mishra, Shree Ram. 2000. Relation Between the Child Worker and Child Education, Enrollment and Drop Out from School of the Children: A Study of Kusha Laxminiya VDC Siraha District. Population, TU. Mishra, Surendra. 1987. Fertility Behaviour and Effectiveness of Family Planning Services in Bhalohiya Village Panchayat, A Case Study in a Village Community in Rautahat District. S/A, TU. Mishra, Yubaraj. 2004. Situation Analysis of Domestic Child Labour in Urban Area: A Case Study of Damak Municipality of Jhapa. S/A, TU. Moktan, Dhana Bahadur. 1997. Socio-economic Factors Effecting the Health Status of Musahar Women: A Case Study of Badahara Maal VDC of Siraha District. S/A, TU. Moktan, Hira Lal. 1995. Electrical Resistivity Survey for Ground Water Exploration in Western Part of Dhanusha District, Central Nepal. Geology, TU. Nepal, Ganga Datta. 2004. Study of Socio-economic Impact of Arsenic Contaminated Groundwater in Rural Areas of Siraha District: Using GIS as Tool. RD, TU. Nepal, Pallab Raj. 2006. Economic Impact and Sustainability of Water and Environmental Sanitation Program: A Study of Banke District. Economics, TU. Nepal, Pramshu. 2000. Rural Poverty in Nepal: A Case Study of Semlar VDC, Rupandehi District. S/A, TU. Nepal, Purushotam. 1998. The Economic Impact of Betel-Nut Plantation in Budhabarey, Sanischarey and Santinagar VDC of Jhapa District. Economics, TU. 130 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

Nepal, Ratna Mani. 2004. Local Self-governance and Disadvantaged Groups: A Case Study of Chandragadi VDC of Jhapa District. RD, TU. Neupane, Bhim Prasad. 1982. Composition of Population and Fertility: A Case Study of Mirgauliya Village Panchayat, Morang. Economics, TU. Neupane, Dipak Raj. 2001. Analysis of Maize Production Function an Econometric Approach: A Case Study of Sapahi VDC, Bara, Nepal. Economics, TU. Neupane, Drona. 2005. Income Inequality in Rural Nepal: A Case Study of Hapur VDC, Dang. Economics, TU. Neupane, Drona Raj. 2005. The Status of Paddy Production in Arnamarampur VDC of Siraha District, Nepal. Economics, TU. Neupane, Ganga. 2004. Sexual Attitude and Behaviour among Young and Late Adolescent Students: A Case Study in Gauradaha VDC of Jhapa District. Population, TU. Neupane, Janardan. 1978. Institutionalization of Rice and Paddy Marketing in Jhapa with Special Reference to Mechi Paddy Rice Export Company. Economics, TU. Neupane, Jotsana. 2002. A Study on Social and Economic Condition of Dalit: A Case Study of Chinnamasta VDC, Saptari District. S/A, TU. Neupane, Surendra. 2006. A Study of Integrated Education Programme for Mentally Retarded Children of Morang District. RD, TU. Neupane, Tirtha Raj. 1997. Determinants of Fertility among Tharu Community in Saudiyar of Dang District. Population, TU. Neupane, Umapati. 1998. Reading Proficiency of the SLC Level Students in the Rupandehi District: A Comparative Study of Urban and Rural Students. Economics, TU. zfwkq] • 131

Neupane, Yagya Prakash. 1998. A Study on Employment Generation in the Agriculture Sector of Inner Terai: A Case Study of Bela and Dharna VDC Dang, Nepal. Economics, TU. Neupane Chhetri, Sarita. 1998. Comparative Study of Socio- economic Status of Musahar and other Ethnic and Cast Groups of Jhapa Baijanathapur VDC. S/A, TU. Neupane Sharma, Manoj. 2004. Role of Traditional Skill in Income Generation among Satar Community: A Case Study of Jhapa and Morang District. Economics, TU. Niraula, Bandhu. 2006. Poverty in Satar Community: A Case Study of Topgachhi VDC Jhapa District Nepal. RD, TU. Niraula, Indra. 2004. Loan Management System and Socio- economic Impact of Small Farmers: A Case Study of Prithivinagar VDC of Jhapa, Nepal. Management, TU. Niroula, Chandra Kala. 2003. Socio-economic Status and Impact of Dairy Farming among Dairy Farming in Budhabare Area, Jhapa. Geography, TU. Niroula, Som Prasad. 2004. Human Rights and its Implications in the Development: An Anthropological Study of Jhangar Community of Prakashapur VDC of Sunsari District. S/A, TU. Ojha, Kamal. 2002. Socio-economic Condition of Musahar: A Case Study of Morang, Nepal. S/A, TU. Ojha, Ram Chandra. 2002. Rural Poverty in Nepal: A Case Study of Malakheti VDC, Kailali District, Nepal. Economics, TU. Ojha, Satish Raj. 2005. Change and Development in Rural-Urban Linkage in Kailali District, Nepal. Geography, TU. Ojha Koirala, Romila. 2001. Sugarcane Farming Practice: A Case Study of Nocha VDC of Morang District, Nepal. Economics, TU. Olee, Seeta. 1985. Socio-economic Profile of Danuwars in Jhapa District of Nepal. S/A, TU. 132 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

Oli, Chandrakala. 2001. Empowerment of Women through Micro- credit Programme: A Case Study of Grameen Bikas Bank (GBB) Programme of Buddhabare VDC of Jhapa District. S/A, TU. Oli, Girish. 2003. Employment in Tea Plantation in Haldibari, Jhapa. Economics, TU. Oli, Jagadish. 2001. The Socio-economic and Environment Impact of Bhutanese Refugee of Beldangi Camps in Damak Municipality of Jhapa District. S/A, TU. Onta, Pratap Raj. 1997. An Evaluation Performance of Ponds: A Case Study of Siraha District. S/A, TU. Pahadi, Bishnu Hari. 1997. Municipal Finance in Nepal: A Case Study of Janakpur Municipality. Economics, TU. Pal, Damber Bahadur. 2002. Paddy Farming: A Case Study of Malakheti VDC of Kailali District Nepal. Geography, TU. Pandey, Prakash. 2005. A Study on Knowledge and Practices of Immunization at Masuria VDC of Kailali District. Education, TU. Pandit, Badri. 2003. Impact of Park People Programme on Resource Mobilization System: A Case Study of Handikhola VDC in Proposed Buffer Zone of Parsa Wildlife Reserve. S/A, TU. Pandit, Prabhakar. 2000. Socio-cultural Change of Tharu Community: A Case Study of Bechhauli VDC of Chitwan S/A, TU. Pandit, Rajendra Kumar. 1995. Indigenous Management System of Natural Resources: A Case Study of Jeetpur VDC of Parsa District. S/A, TU. Pandit, Shashi Chandra. 1998. Socio-economic Aspects of Migration: A Case Study of In-migrants in Bharatpur Municipality, Chitwan. S/A, TU. zfwkq] • 133

Paneru, Krishna Hari. 2000. Women's Participation in Local Governance: A Case Study of Sekhauna VDC of Sarlahi District. S/A, TU. Pant, Khagendra Raj. 2004. Knowledge, Attitude and Behaviour on Sexual and Reproductive Health of School Adolescents: A Case Study in Geta and Shreepur VDC of Kailali District. Population, TU. Pant, Narayan Dev. 1978. A Review of Lentil Marketing the Export System with Special Reference to Bara Parsa and Rautahat District. Economics, TU. Panta, Sewan. 1997. A Socio-economic Study of the Bote People: A Case Study of Adarsha VDC, Gaidakot, Nawalparasi. S/A, TU. Panthi, Giri Prasad. 1998. The Socio-economic Condition of the Tharus of Bangai, Kapilvastu: A Sociological Study. S/A, TU. Parajuli, Chandika. 2006. Income and Expenditure Patterns in Rural Area: A Case Study of Bayarbana VDC, Morang, Nepal. RD, TU. Parajuli, Chetnath. 2001. Some Determinants of Firtility: A Case Study of Lakhanpur VDC Jhapa. Economics, TU. Parajuli, Ganesh Kumar. 1999. Incomes and Expenditure Patterns in Rural Area: A Case Study of Bayarban VDC, Morang, Nepal. Economics, TU. Parajuli, Sabitri. 1995. The Utilization of Credit Provided by the Agricultural Development Bank of Nepal in Saptari District. Economics, TU. Parajuli, Sukallyan. 1999. Financial Performance of Lumbini Sugar Mills Ltd. Sunawal, Nawalparasi. Management, TU. Pathak, Dinesh. 2045 v.s. Hydrogeological Study in Parts of Nawalparasi District Western Nepal. Geology, TU. Pathak, Ishwar Kumar. 2000. Poverty in Jhapa District: A Case Study of Shivgunj VDC ward No. 1. Economics, TU. 134 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

Paudel, Badri Prasad. 2004. Child Labourers Engaged in Hotels and Restaurants: A Case Study of Damak and of Jhapa District. Population, TU. Paudel, Benu Kumar. 1995. Perception of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice in Family Planning: A Case Study, Dhulabari VDC, Jhapa District. S/A, TU. Paudel, Dilli Ram. 1995. Some Determinants of Desired Family Size: A Study of Dangraha Village Morang. Population, TU. Paudel, Keshav Prasad. 2002. An Assessment of the Resettelement and Rehabilitation Process of Freed-Kamaiya in Kailali District. Geography, TU. Paudel, Krishna Prasad. 2008. Tharu Culture: An Ethno- mathematical Perspective. Education, KU. Paudel, Radhika. 2003. The Nature of Poverty in Nepal: A Case Study of Ward No. 9 of Siddhartha Nagar Municipality, Rupandehi District. Economics, TU. Paudel, S.K. 2000. Implementing Community Forestry in the Terai Region of Nepal; How, Where with Whom? ITC, Netherlands. Paudel, Tribhuvan. 1995. Resource Management Practices among the Danuwars of Judi Village. S/A, TU. Paudyal, Bishwa Nath. n.d. The Social Value System and the Use of Family Planing in Madar Siraha: A Medical Sociological Perspective. S/A, TU. Paudyal, Sushil Kumar. 2000. Ethnobotanical Study of the Tharu Living in Central Part of Dang Mid-Western Nepal. Botany, TU. Phuyal, Khem Prasad. 2002. The Status and Adoptation of Bhutanese Refugees in Nepal: A Case of Beldangi Camp, Jhapa. Geography, TU. Pokharel, Bhabani. 1997. An Ethnographic Study of the Musahar of Kharji Kovara of Morang District, Biratnagar Municipality, Ward No. 5. S/A, TU. zfwkq] • 135

Pokharel, Maharudra Prasad. 1999. Perceived Value of Children in Nepal: A Case Study of Brahmins and Muslims Communities at Sunsari Districts. Population, TU. Pokharel, Manisha. 1998. The Mushar: An Agricultural Labour Community of Paklihawa VDC Nawalparasi. S/A, TU. Pokharel, Shailendra Kumar. 1993. Floristic Composition Biomass Production and Biomass Harvest in the Grassland of the Royal Bardiya National Park, Bardiya, Nepal. Natural Resource Management, Agricultural University of Norway. Pokharel, Trilochan. 2003. Male Involvement in Reproductive Health Urban-Rural Differential: A Case Study of Morang District. Population, TU. Pokhrel, Kiran Kumar. 1999. An Analysis of Paddy Production: A Case Study of Chandbella VDC, Sunsari District, Nepal. Economics, TU. Pokhrel, Krishna Prasad. 2006. Biodiversity Value of Community Development: A Case Study of and Onulachull Community Forest User Group, Jhapa. Economics, TU. Pokhrel, Niraj. 1996. Socio-cultural Change among Rajbanshi of Chandragadi: A Case Study of Chandragadi VDC of Jhapa District. S/A, TU. Pokhrel, Pradeep. 2006. The Flow of Cost and Benefits in the Community Forestry Programme: A Case Study on Sishwar Community Forest User Group Nawalparasi. S/A, PU. Pokhrel, Prem Prasad. 2005. Fertility Behaviour in Rural Areas: A Case Study of Budhabare VDC of Jhapa District. Economics, TU. Pokhrel Sharma, Basu Dev. 2003. An Assessment of Women's Participation in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for Sustainable Agriculture Development: A Case Study of Sorahaw VDC of Bardiya District. S/A, TU. Poudel, Arjun. 1973. Rice Marketing in Jhapa District. Economics, TU. 136 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

Poudel, Basu Dev. 2000. Participation of Tharu Community in Agriculture: A Case Study of Kalika Namuna VDC Bardiya District, Nepal. Economics, TU. Poudel, Mahesh Prasad. 1995. A Study on Socio-economic Aspect of Tea Workers in Nepal: A Case Study of Budhakaran Tea Estate, Jhapa. S/A, TU. Poudyal, Binuja. 2006. Role of Women in Houselold Decision Making: A Case Study of Danuwar Women of Dukuchhap VDC Lalitpur District, Nepal. S/A, PU. Poudyal, Purna Maya. 1998. Prevalence of Taenia Solium in Pigs and its Public Health Importance in Kathmandu Metropolitan City and Dharan Municipality, Sunsari District of Nepal. Zoology, TU. Prasai, Kul Raj. 1996. A Neo-humanistic Approach to Environment Management: A Case Study of Icchhapur Unit, Dhanusha. Management, TU. Prasai, Taranidhi. 1999. Sugar Industry in Nepal: A Case Study of Morang Sugar Mills Ltd. Biratnagar. Economics, TU. Prasai, Yuba Raj. 1998. Socio-cultural Change among Satar Communities of East Nepal. S/A, TU. Prasain, Jiba Nath. 1985. An Ethnographic Study of Satar People: A Cultural, Anthropological Case Study of Tri-V Cluster. S/A, TU. Pudasaini, Som P. 1976. Resource Productivity, Income and Employment in Traditional and Mechanized Farming of Bara District Nepal. Agriculture, The Graduate School University of Philippines. Pun, Rommet Jit. 2006. Formal Education and Foreign Employment: A Perspective from Returnee Migrants of Mangalpur VDC, Chitwan. Human and Natural Resource Studies, KU. Puri, Mahesh Chandra. 1994. Determinants of Contraceptive Use: A Case Study of Tharu Community in Sunsari District. Population, TU. zfwkq] • 137

Rai, Amita. 2003. Participation of Rai Community in Higher Education: A Case Study from Dharan Municipality, Sunsari District. S/A, TU. Rai, Jayanti Kala. 2005. Role of SFDP and SFCL in Rural Development of Nepal: A Case Study of SFCL in Juropani and Panchgachi of Jhapa District. Economics, TU. Rai, Kal Bhan. 2004. The Socio-cultural and Economic Status of Tharu: A Case Study of Rajhena VDC, Banke District, Nepal. S/A, TU. Rai, Lagan. 2002. Indigenous Knowledge on Conservation of Local Land Races: Case Studies from Bela VDC of Dang and Motipur VDC of Bardiya District. S/A, TU. Rai, Min Prasad. 1996. Comparative Study of Self-Help Welfare Activities in Lahuray Community: A Case Study from Dharan Municipality. S/A, TU. Rai, Prakash. 2008. Natural Resources Management; A Participatory Prospective: A Case Study of Singiya VDC, Sunsari. Geography, TU. Rai, Rajan. 1996. An Economic Analysis of Mustard Oil Seed Production Function: A Case Study of Hoklanari Village Development Committee Morang. Economics, TU. Rai, Sailesh. 2064 v.s. Study on Impact of Irrigation Dam on Fish and Fishery of Kesali River Morang Nepal. Zoology, TU. Rai, Saindra. 1998. The Impact of Bhutanese Refugees in Nepal: A Case Study of Beldangi Camps, Damak Municipality in Jhapa District. S/A, TU. Rai, Santa Man. 1988. Groundwater Studies in Parts of Morang District, Koshi Zone, Eastern Nepal. Geology, TU. Rana, T.B. 2006. Nature and Impact of Conflict Induced Internal Displacement in Dharan Sunsari. Population, TU. Rathour, Mohan Singh. 1978. An Evaluation of Land Reform Programme in Nepal with Special Reference to Kailali District. Economics, TU. 138 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

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Raymajhi, Om Bahadur. 1996. A Comparative Study on Child Feeding Practice in Different Ethnic Groups of Topgachhi Village of Jhapa District. Education, TU. Rayamajhi, Sher Bahadur. 2000. A Case Study on AIDS Awareness of Badi Commercial Sex Workers at Chandani Chowk Community in Bardiya District. S/A, TU. Ray Yadav, Dev Narayan. 1988. Compound Verbs in Maithili. English, TU. Regmi, Babu Ram. 2001. Effectiveness of Grameen Bikas Bank of Poverty Alleviation: A Case Study of Jhumka Branch, Sunsari, Nepal. Economics, TU. Regmi, Dilip Raj. 2051 v.s. A Study on Financial Performance of Janakpur Cigarette Factory Ltd. Business Administration, TU. Regmi, Kiran Raj. 2000. Park and People Conflict in the Royal Bardiya National Park: A Case Study of Thakurdwara VDC. Geography, TU. Regmi, Rajendra Kumar. 2001. Safe Motherhood Practice among Chidimar Community: A Case Study from Nepalgunj Municipality Nepalgunj, Banke. Population, TU. Regmi, Sandeep Raj. 2003. A Study on Socio-economic Condition of Tharu of Lahan Municipality of Siraha District. S/A, TU. Rijal, Bharat Mani. 1997. Weaning and Breast Feeding Practices in Kapilvastu District: A Case Study of Tharu Community. S/A, TU. Rijal, Nina. 1998. Biogas Plant in Nepal: A Sociological Study of Biogas Users in Chitwan and Morang Nepal. S/A, TU. Rijal, Pankaj. 2002. Income and Consumption Pattern: A Case Study of Khujuri VDC in Dhanusha District, Nepal. Economics, TU. Rijal, Subash Kumar. 2002. Rural Poverty in Nepal: A Case Study of Belladevipur VDC of Kailali District Nepal. Economics, TU. 140 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

Rijal, Subhash. 2004. Fertility Behaviour in Rural Areas: A Case Study of Jyamirgadi VDC of Jhapa District. Economics, TU. Rijal, Tulsi Prasad. 2059 v.s. A Study on the Park-People Conflict in the Parsa Wildlife Reserve. S/A, TU. Rout, Bhola Prasad. 1988. Population Growth, Fertility & Effectiveness of Family Planning Services in Pharsaith Village Panchayat: A Case Study in a Village Community in Saptari District. S/A, TU. Sah, Badri Narayan. 1988. An Econometric Analysis of Wheat Production: A Case Study of Chhinamasta Village Panchayat of Saptari District. Economics, TU. Sah, Birendra Kumar. n.d. Female Age at Marriage Age at Cohabitations and Fertility in Kanu Community: A Study from Nautan Villages Bara District. Population, TU. Sah, Devidatta. 1985. Wheat Production in Dhanusha District: A Case Study of Dhanusha Dham Village Panchayat. Geography, TU. Sah, Dharmendra Prasad. 2005. Effectiveness of Bhojpuri Language in Teaching Primary Mathematics. Education, TU. Sah, Mithilesh Prasad. 2000. A Study on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Contraceptive Use in Muslim Community: A Case Study in Belhi VDC, Saptari, Nepal. Population, TU. Sah, Mohan Prasad. 2004. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Contraception in Teli Community: A Case Study of Jhatiyahi VDC of Dhanusha District. Population, TU. Sah, Pavan Kumar. 2004. A Comparative Study of the Simple Present Tense and the Simple Past Tense of English and Maithili. Education, TU. Sah, Ram Babu Prasad. 1987. A Case Study of Sugarcane Production in Pirari Village Panchayat of Sarlahi District. Economics, TU. Sah, Ramendra. 2002. Rural Poverty in Nepal: A Case Study of Bara Udhoran of Sarlahi District, Nepal. S/A, TU. zfwkq] • 141

Sah, Renu Kumari. 2004. Domestic Violence against Women of Tarai Community: A Situation Analysis of Lahan Municipality. Psychology, TU. Sah, Sunita Kumari. 2001. Socio-economic and Epidemiological Status of Visceral Leishmaniasis (Kala-azar) in Siraha District of Nepal. Zoology, TU. Sangraula, Surya Prasad. 1981. Population Compositions and Migration: A Case Study of Sijuwa Village Panchayat, Morang. Economics, TU. Sapkota, Krishna Prasad. 1999. Impact of Small Farmer Co-operative Limited on Small Farmers of Nepal: A Case Study of Prithivinagar VDC of Jhapa District, Nepal. Economics, TU. Sapkota, Kumar. 1992. A Study of the Fishery Ecology of the Swamplands of Koshi River. Zoology, TU. Sapkota, Pashupati. 1992. Deforestation in Jhapa: A Case Study of Dhaija VDC. S/A, TU. Shah, Asha Kumari. 2001. Income Distribution in Rural Nepal: A Case Study of Kurtha VDC, Dhanusha District, Nepal. Economics, TU. Shah, Jung Bahadur. 2004. Affecting Factors of Girls' Education in Rural Nepal: A Case Study of Chishapani VDC Ward No. 9 Gaver Village Banke. S/A, TU. Shah, Nirmala. 2004. Teenage Marriage and its Effects on Maternal and Child Health Care of Kurmy Community in Udayapur VDC, Banke District. Education, TU. Shah, Noor Jung. 2003. Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on HIV/AIDS/STIs among Female Sex Workers Working in Makwanpur, Bara and Parsa Highway Routes. S/A, TU. Shah, Ram Babu. 2003. Effects of Socio-economic Condition on Fertility in Badaharmal VDC Ward No. 9, Siraha District. Population, TU. 142 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

Shah, Ramesh Kumar. 2001. Sex Preference and Fertility: A Case Study of the Kanu Community of Bindhi VDC, Dhanusha. Population, TU. Shah, Yuga Kishor. 1982. Population Composition and Migration: A Case Study of Banieeya Village Panchyat, Dhanusha. Economics, TU. Shaha, Subarna Bahadur. 1962. Railways in Nepal. Management, TU. Shahu, Ram Prasad. 2006. Epidemiological Study of Malaria in Mahendranagar VDC of Sunsari District. Zoology, TU. Shakya, Darshana. 2003. Floristic Study of the Terai and Siwaliks of Western Nepal Dang, Kanchanpur. Botany, TU. Shakya, Deepak Bahadur. 1986.Trade Unionism in Nepal: With Reference to Selected Industrial Units of Parsa District. Business Administration, TU. Shakya, Sanjeev Kumar. 1995. Hydrogeological Studies in Parts of Bara District Central Nepal. Geology, TU. Sharma, Balkrishna. 2004. Conflict Related Challenges in Local Governance: Search for an Appropriate Alternative: Case Studies of Kailali DDC and Godawari VDC. RD, TU. Sharma, Bhim Prakash. 2003. Land Use Change and its Impact: A GIS and RS Based Study of Anarmani VDC of Jhapa District. Geography, TU. Sharma, Binod. 1999. A Study on Sales of School Level Text Books in Dharan. Business Administration, TU.

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Sharma, Jhanka Prasad. 1981. Economic Development through Sajha: A Case Study of the Haraicha Sajha Sanstha Ltd. Morang. Economics, TU. Sharma, Kamlesh. 1995. A Study on the Problems of Labour Turnover in the Butwal Dhago Karkhana Ltd. Business Administration, TU. Sharma, Khagraj. 1998. Rural Income Inequality in Nepal: A Case Study of Gajehada VDC Kapilvastu. Economics, TU. Sharma, Kishor Kumar. 2002. Study of Park People Conflict in Parsa Wildlife Reserve. S/A, TU. Sharma, Krishna Prasad. 1999. In-Migration to Kailali District: A Case Study of Tikapur Municipality. Geography, TU. Sharma, Lila Mani. 1999. Social Determinants of Fertility amongst Rural Women: A Case Study of Musahar Community of Bhawanipur VDC Siraha. S/A, TU. Sharma, Madhav Prasad. 2005. Knowledge and Fertility Behaviour of Muslim Community of Tribhuvan Nagar Municipality of Dang District. Education, TU. Sharma, Manju. 1998. Community Managed Irrigation System: A Case Study of Chattis Mauja Irrigation System in Rupandehi District. S/A, TU. Sharma, Navin Raj. 1996. Role of Industrial Estates in the Industrialization of Nepal: A Case Study of Butwal Industrial District. Economics, TU. Sharma, Rudra Prasad. 2045 v.s. An Evaluation of Land Reform Programme in Nepal: With a Special Reference to Banke District. Economics, TU. Sharma, Shankar Prasad. 2004. Existing Status of Alcohol Practitioner Women of Kathariya Tharu Community of Munuw VDC-6, Kailali. Education, TU. Sharma, Sridhar. 1986. An Assessment of Major Factors Underlying the Growth of Cereal Production: A Comparative Study of a Nepal-India Border Area. Cornell University. 144 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

Sharma, Sushil Kumar. n.d. The Impact of Chiregad Irrigation Project on Paddy Production: A Case Study of Shrigaun VDC of Dang District. Economics, TU. Sharma, Tulsa D.N. 2004. The Socio-economic Impact of the Bhutanees Refugees: A Case Study of Pathri Camp of Sanischare of Morang. S/A, TU. Shivakoti, Ambika. 1997. Status of Women in Nepal: A Case Study from Dhaijan VDC in Jhapa District. S/A, TU. Shivakoti, Bed Nath. 2006. Fertility Behaviour of Majhi Community: A Case Study of Karmaiya VDC Sarlahi. Population, TU. Shiwakoti, Himalaya Prasad. 1986. An Econometric Analysis of Jute Production in Nepal: A Case Study of Arjundhara Village Panchayat of Jhapa District. Economics, TU. Shiwakoty, Khyam Prasad. 2006. Participation of Disadvantaged Groups in Rural Development: A Case Study of Satar Community in Surunga VDC Jhapa. RD, TU. Shrestha, Anil Kumar. 1997. Documentation of Indigenous Knowledge on the Utilization of Plant Resources by the Tharu Community around Royal Bardiya National Park West Nepal. Botany, TU. Shrestha, Anil Kumar. 2004. Status of the Laborers and Impact of the Tea Estate: A Case Study of Liknath and Sons Tea Estate on VDC, Jhapa. S/A, TU. Shrestha, Badri Kumar. 2002. Present Reality and Prospects of Housing Program Intervention in Morang District. S/A, TU. Shrestha, Biman. 2008. Foreign Employment Remittances and Pattern of Consumption: A Case Study of Jhapa District. Economics, TU. Shrestha, Deepak Lal. 2036 v.s. A Study on the Factors Affecting the Production of Wheat and Maize in Chitwan and Rautahat District. Statistics, TU. zfwkq] • 145

Shrestha, Ghanashyam Sundar. 2000. Sex Preference and Desired Family Size: A Study of the Muslim Community, Basbitty Jingadiya VDC, Rautahat. Population, TU. Shrestha, Hem Laxmi. 1998. Socio-economic Dimensions and Fertility Behavior of the Women in Biratnagar Sub-Metropolitan City: A Case Study of Dum Women. S/A, TU. Shrestha, Mahendra Prasad. 1994. Impact of Female Education on Contraceptive Prevalence: A Case Study of Tribhuvanbasti VDC of Kanchanpur District. S/A, TU. Shrestha, Mangila. 1997. Participation of Tharu Women in Agriculture: A Case Study of Tharus of Anandaban Village, Rupandehi District, Nepal. S/A, TU. Shrestha, Manohari.1999. The Assessment of the Participatory Village Development Program in Rupandehi District. S/A, TU. Shrestha, Moti Kumar. 2000. Users of Bio-Slurry in Nepal: A Case from Kapilbastu District. S/A, TU. Shrestha, Nirmala. 1978. Family Planning Program in Rural Areas of Nepal: Case Study of Two Districts in Central Terai with Reference to Attitude and Practice of Women. Economics, TU. Shrestha, Ramesh Krishna. 1993. A Study of Rural and Urban Poverty in Nepal: A Case Study of Sunsari District. Economics, TU. Shrestha, Ramesh Lal. 1983. A Study on Dharan Industrial Estate. Economics, TU. Shrestha, Ram Krishna. 1992. Studies on the Ecology of the Fishes in the Flood Plain of the Koshi River. Zoology, TU. Shrestha, Sahanshila. ????. Marketing of instant noodles in Narayangardh, Pokhara University. Shrestha, Sangita. 1998. Irrigation Management Activities in Government Rehabilitated Farmer Managed Irrigation System: A Case Study of Tellekulo Irrigation System of Dang District. S/A, TU. 146 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

Shrestha, Shashi Prabha. 1997. Impact of Small Farmer Development Programme on Tharu Community in Makar VDC of Nawalparasi District. S/A, TU. Shrestha, Shiva Hari. 1987. Present Status and Future Prospect of Butwal Plywood Factory. Economics, TU. Shrestha, Umesh Kumar. 2002. Organization Pattern and Resource Mobilization in Farmer Managed Irrigation System: A Case Study of Budhikulo Irrigation System, Rajpur, Bardiya. S/A, TU. Shrestha (Sundas), Indira. 2001. A Study on Contributing Factors of Low Birth Weight Babies among Teenage Mother in Koshi Zonal Hospital, Morang. S/A, TU. Shyam Krishna. 1985. Analysis of Complementarily and Substitutability Tests of Oil seeds Production: A Case Study of Sarlahi District. Economics, TU. Siddika, Shamima. 1992. Sociological Study of Muslims: A Case of Nepal. S/A, TU. Sigdel, Ashok. 2061 v.s. Hydrological Study in South-Eastern Part of the Jhapa District, Eastern Nepal. Geography, TU. Sigdel, Ramesh. 1995. A Study on the Role of Aruwa Irrigation Project in Irrigation Implementation: A Case From Laxminiya VDC, Rautahat. S/A, TU. Sigdel, Uddhav. 2002. Safe Motherhood and Child Care Practices among Teen Age Mothers in Nepal: A Case Study of Tharu Community in Bardiya District. Population, TU. Silwal, Keshab Prasad. 2005. Socio-economic Impact Assessment of Decentralized Local Governance Support Program in the Area of Human Resource Development: A Case Study of Pahalmanpur VDC of Kailali District, Nepal. Management, TU. Singh, Arbind Kumar. 2002. Impact Study of Sugarcane Cultivation in Sudama VDC of Sarlahi District. Economics, TU. zfwkq] • 147

Singh, Birendra Bahadur. 2002. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Family Planning: A Case Study of women of Reproductive Age in Manikpur VDC Banke District. S/A, TU. Singh, Jeena. 2005. Urban Poverty in Nepal: A Case Study of Janakpur Municipality, Ward No. 12 in Dhanusha District. Economics, TU. Singh, Jitendra Kumar. 2000. Banana Plantation in Rautahat District: A Case Study of Fatuwa Maheshpur VDC. Geography, TU. Singh, Rupendra Kumar. 2005. Effectiveness of Family Planning Programme: A Case Study of Bhaktipur VDC of Sarlahi District, Nepal. Economics, TU. Singh, Shakila. 2043 v.s. The Agro Forestry Practice in Nepal with Special Reference to Sagarmatha Project Janakpur. Economics, TU. Sitaula, Sushmita. 2000. Contraception and Maternal Health Care in Reproduction Health: A Case Study of Tharu Community, Itahari Municipality, Sunsari District, Nepal. Population, TU. Sitoula, Kamal Prasad. 2001. Extent to Nature of Poverty: A Case Study of Panchgachhi VDC of Jhapa District, Nepal. Economics, TU. Sitoula, Mahendra Prasad. 1996. Deforestation in Jhapa District: A Case Study of Jalthal VDC. Management, TU. Sivakoti, Om Nath. 2003. Analysis of Prevalence of Malarial Parasites among the Bhutanese Refugees of Sanischare Refugee Camp of Morang District. Zoology, TU. Siwakoti, Himalaya Prasad. 1986. An Econometric Analysis of Jute Production in Nepal: A Case Study of Arjundhara Village Panchayat of Jhapa District. Economics, TU. Siwakoti, Kumari. 2004. Status of Women and Fertility: A Case Study of Garamani VDC of Jhapa. Population, TU. Sonar, Chandra Kala. 1996. Farm Mechanization in Rupandehi: A Case Study in Shanker Nagar VDC. Economics, TU. 148 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

Stevens, Daniel A. 1991. The Performance of a Large Farmer Managed Irrigation Systems in the Terai of Nepal. Civil Engineering, TU. Subba, Gyan Bahadur. 2002. Gender Inequality and Property Right of Nepalese Women: A Case Study of Banjaghara-15, Dharan Municipality Sunsari District. Population, TU. Subba, Khusiyali. 2001. Indigenous Knowledge on Conservation of Local Land Races: Case Studies from Khotang and Saptari District. S/A, TU. Subedi, Bhakti Prasad. 1995. Sex Preference and Desired Family Size: A Case Study of the Satar Community of Surunga VDC Jhapa. Population, TU. Subedi, Dharma Raj. 1998. Sugarcane Cultivation: A Case Study of Dhungre Khola VDC of Sarlahi District. Geography, TU. Subedi, Govinda Prasad. 2003. Role of Irrigation on Socio-economic Change: A Comparative Study of River and Tubewell Irrigation System at Shreepur VDC, Kanchanpur District. Geography, TU. Subedi, Nava Raj. 1998. Socio-economic Status of the Chamars: A Socio-anthropological Case Study in Dang District. S/A, TU. Subedi, Sarala. 2001. Socio-economic Aspects of Access to School Education: A Case Study of Arjundhara VDC in Jhapa District. S/A, TU. Subedi, Satyendra Raj. 2002. Estimation of Production Function of Indu-Sankar Sugar Mills Ltd. Hariwan, Sarlahi. Economics, TU. Subedi, Tej Prasad. 1999. Bonded Labour in Nepal: A Sociological Study of Kamaiya System in Khairi Chandanpur VDC of Bardiya District. S/A, TU. Subedi, Yagya Prasad. 1993. An Impact Study of Small Credit for Income Generation Programme: A Case Study of Community Development Project 'Lamjung and Mahottari District' Nepal Red Cross Society. Business Administration, TU. zfwkq] • 149

Subedi, Yubaraj. 1997. Impact of Small Farmers Development Programme (SFDP) on Small Farmers of Nepal: A Case Study of Pakali VDC of Sunsari District in Eastern Terai. Economics, TU. Subhash Prasad. 2001. Safe Motherhood Practice of Musahar Community of Bara District. Education, TU. Sunam, Ramesh Kumar. 2002. Social Deprivation: A Dimension of Poverty: A Case Study of Disadvantaged Group Chidimar Community of Nepalgunj, Banke. S/A, TU. Sunar, Om Bahadur. 1999. Maternal Health Care Practices in Rural Area of Far Western Tarai of Nepal: A Case Study of Chandani VDC of Kanchanpur District. Population, TU. Sunuar, D.B. 1998. An Identification of the Potential Means of Benefits within Plan Family Settings. S/A, TU. Suresh Prasad. 2001. An Economic Analysis of Potato Production in Gologunj VDC Bara District. Economics, TU. Sutihar, Deo Narayan. 1981. An Econometric Analysis of Wheat Production: A Case Study of Saptari District. Economics, TU. Tamang, Gyan Bahadur. 1999. Migration to Urban Areas: A Case Study of Butwal Municipality Rupandehi. Geography, TU. Thakulla, Hem Bahadur. 1999. Survey of the Herpetofauna and their Local Uses in the Ghodaghodi Tal Area of Shukhad, Kailali District. Zoology, TU. Thakur, Geevan Kumar. 2001. Evaluation of Community Forest Management Practice in Terai Region of Nepal: A Case Study of Rautahat and Dhanusha District. Natural Resource Management, Asian Insitute of Management. Thakur, Kailash. 1990. Mahakali Irrigation Project, Stage 1: A Study on the Level of Economic and Social Condition of Target People. Public Administration, TU. Thakur, Lal Mohan. 1997. Population Composition: A Case Study of Soravag VDC Morang. Economics, TU. 150 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

Thakur, Rajendra. 1983. Migrations and Population Change: A Case Study of Dhalkebar Village Panchayat of Dhanusha District. Geography, TU. Thakur, Shoharat Prasad. 2001. Comparative Study of Community Forestry in the Hill and Terai Region of Nepal: A Case Study from Palpa and Rautahat District. Forestry, Asian Institute of Technology. Thapa, Amir Bar Singh. 1978. Credit Needs in Nepalese Agriculture: With Special Reference to the Terai Region. Economics, TU. Thapa, Dhani Ram. 2006. Situation Analysis of Commercial Sex Workers in Banke District: A Case Study of Nepalgunj Municipality, Banke. RD, TU. Thapa, Kaji Ram. 2002. Socio-economic Factors Effecting the Educational Status of Musahar Community: A Case Study of Darbesha VDC Morang District of Nepal. Geography, TU. Thapa, Narayan. 2005. Income Distribution in Nepal: A Case Study of Ghorghas VDC, Dhanusha District Nepal. Economics, TU. Thapa, Niranjan. 2060 v.s. Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior about STDs and HIV/AIDS of Far Western Male Returnee Workers of Seasonal Emigrants of Kanchanpur and Kailali Boarder. Population, TU. Thapa, Ram Bahadur. 1988. Organization Pattern and Resource Mobilization in Farmer-Managed Irrigation System: A Case Study of Jagatpur Branch, Jamara Kula, Kailali District. S/A, TU. Thapa, Sheela. 2001. Documentation of Traditional Use of Plants by Tharu Community around Royal Shuklaphanta Wildlife Reserve, Far Western Nepal. Botany, TU. Thapa, Shobha. 2004. A Sociological Study form Barahachhetra VDC of Sunsari District. S/A, TU. zfwkq] • 151

Tharu, Lok Bahadur. 2001. Educational Status of Tharu Community: A Case Study of Patabhar and Gola VDC of Bardiya District. Geography, TU. Thebe, Nanita. 2006. Women's Participation in Community Forestry Management: A Case Study of Patrangbari Community Forestry User Group Sunsari District. RD, TU. Timalsina, Naba Raj. 2000. Extent and Nature of Rural Poverty: A Case Study of Patharkot VDC, Sarlahi District. Economics, TU. Timalsina, Umesh. 2004. Maternal and Child Health Care Practices in Majhi Community: A Study of Majhi Community Pattharkot VDC, Sarlahi District. Population, TU. Timilsina, Nilesh. 1999. Present Status and Conservation of Gangetic Dolphin Lplatanista Gangetica in the Karnali River, Western Lowland of Nepal. Zoology, TU. Timilsina, Uddhab Prasad. 1995. Community-Management Irrigation System: A Case of Kolbuwa Bagaiya VDC of Mahottary District. S/A, TU. Tiwari, Badri Prasad. 2003. Factors Affecting Family Planning Practices: A Case Study of Tharu Community of New Padampur Village Chitwan. S/A, PU. Tiwari, Ram Prasad. 2063 v.s. Socio-cultural, Economic Status of Tharu Women in Kailali District Sandepani-9. S/A, TU. Tiwari, Sudeep. 2002. A Sociological Study on the Marriage System among the Tharus of Jitpur Bhawanipur VDC, Bara District. S/A, TU. Tiwari, Sushma. 2002. Situation Analysis of Domestic Child Labour in Nepal: A Case Study in Birganj Sub-Metropolitan City, Parsa District. Population, TU. Torgersen, Anneli. 1994. The Face of the Bride: Wedding Songs and Rituals among Low Caste Maithils in the Nepal Terai. Political Science, University of Oslo. 152 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

Tsering, Kalsang. 1999. Mammals and its Economic Importance of Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve: A Case Study of Paschim Kushaha VDC. Zoology, TU. Tumbahangphe, Kirti Man. 1997. Irrigation System Activities and their Impact on the Socio-economic Conditions of the Farmers: A Case Study of Tekraha Irrigation Systems in Morang District. S/A, TU. Upadhyay, Hari Prasad. 2003. Women's Participation in Decision Making for Sustainable Drinking Water and Sanitation: A Case Study of Ward No. 1, 2 and 3 Basbitti Jigariya VDC Rautahat District. S/A, TU. Upadhyay, Kamal Raj. 1983. Population Compositions and Migration: A Case Study of In-Migration Pattern in Janakpur Town Panchayat. Economics, TU. Upadhyay, Krishna Kumar. 1992. A Study on the Performances of Two Forest Users Groups in Sunsari District. Public Administration, TU. Upadhyaya, Damodar Prasad. 1983. Demographic Case Study of Lahan Town Panchayat: Population Composition and Fertility Siraha District. Economics, TU. Upadhyaya, Deepak Kumar. 1984. Development of Sugar Industries in Nepal: A Case Study of Mahendra Sugar and General Industries (P) Ltd., Biratnagar. Economics, TU. Upadhyaya, Mukunda Chandra. 1998. Community Participation in Development: A Case Study of the SFCL at Sundarpur VDC of Morang District. S/A, TU. Upadhyaya, Rajya Laxmi. 1989. A Sociological Study of Tharu Kamaiyas of Urma Urmi in Kailali District. S/A, TU. Upreti, Bed Prasad. 2000. Socio-economic Aspects of Kamaiya System: A Case Study of the Tharu Kamaiyas of Bashkheda Shreepur of Kailali District. S/A, TU. Upreti, Umesh. 2005. A Study of Tea Leaves Marketing on the Basis of Jhapa District. Management, TU. zfwkq] • 153

Uprety, Mohan Kumar. 2001. Prevalence of Malarial Parasites in Bhutanese Refugees of Jhapa District. Zoology, TU. Uprety, Nirjala. 2003. Socio-economic Impact of Sugarcane Cultivation in Ishworpur VDC of Sarlahi District Nepal. Economics, TU. Uprety, Sirjana. 2006. Socio-cultural Change among Tharu Community of Morang District: A Case Study of Mrigaulia. RD, TU. Uprety, Urmila. 2003. Status of Women and Fertility: A Case Study of Mirggauliya VDC, Ward No. 9 Morang. Population, TU. Verma, Bidya Sagar. 1994. Situation Analysis of Malaria in Mahottari District of Central Development Region of Nepal. Zoology, TU. Yadav, Amiri. 2004. Gender Inequality and Property Rights Caste/Ethnicity Based Dimension: A Case Study of Siraha Municipality, Siraha. Population, TU. Yadav, Babu Sahev. 2001. Socio-economic and Demographic Impact on Fertility: A Case Study of Chamar Community in Gopolpur VDC, Dhanusha District. Population, TU. Yadav, Baikuntha. 1988. Community Managed Irrigation System: A Case Study of Ratauli Village Panchayat on Mahottari District. S/A, TU. Yadav, Bijaya Kumar. 2001. Knowledge and Use of Contraception in Yadav Community: A Case Study of Maina Kareri VDC of Saptari District. Population, TU. Yadav, Birendra. 1996. A Study of the Developmental Potentialities of Rural Roads in Greater Janakpur Area. Public Administration, TU. Yadav, Dipendra. 2007. A Study on My Journey of Learning English as a Maithili Speaker. Education, KU. Yadav, Dukeshwar. 2005. A Comparative Study on the Achievement in Mathematics of the Student of Grade X of Dhanusa and Dhading District of Nepal. Education, TU. 154 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

Yadav, Kameshwar. 2003. Groundwater Resource Evaluation in Parts of Siraha District, with Special Reference to Irrigation. Geology, TU. Yadav, Kapil Deo. 1983. Spheres of Influence of Janakpur Town. Geography, TU. Yadav, Keshab Ram. 2005. Determinates of Fertility among Yadav Community in Gadhawa VDC of Dang District. Population, TU. Yadav, Keshav Kumar. 1996. Effect of Age at Marriage on Number of Children ever Born: A Study of Birganj Municipality. Population, TU. Yadav, Lachhan. 1988. Farm Size and Land Productivity of Paddy Production: A Case Study of Bisahariya Village Panchayat of Saptari District. Economics, TU. Yadav, Madhusudhan. 1987. Reflexivization in English and Maithali. English, TU. Yadav, Maheshwar Prasad. 1984. An Economic Analysis of Paddy Production: A Case Study of Saptari District. Economics, TU. Yadav, Manoj Kumar. 2005. A Study on the Problems of Pregnant Mother in Backward Community in Chanara Ayodhyapur VDC of Siraha District. Education, TU. Yadav, Om Prakash Prasad. 2058 v.s. A Study on Financial Performance of Birgunj Sugar Factory Limited. Management, TU. Yadav, Punam Kumari. 2001. A Study on the Effectiveness of the Primary School Teachers of the District of Siraha. Education, TU. Yadav, Rajeshwar Prasad. 1998. People's Awareness of the Environmental Issues Regarding Agriculture and Water Resources in Siraha District. Education, TU. Yadav, Raj Kumar. 1986. An Economic Analysis of Fish Production in Nepal: A Case Study of Krishnapur Village Panchayat of Siraha District. Economics, TU. zfwkq] • 155

Yadav, Raj Kumar. 2000. Factors Affecting on Child's Physical Well Being of Nepalese Children: A Case Study of Bhutahi VDC, Saptari. Population, TU. Yadav, Ramawatar. 1983. Sugarcane Cultivation: A Case Study of Dhalkebar Village Panchayat of Dhanusha District. Geography, TU. Yadav, Ram Binaya Prasad. 2003. A Study on Health Care Practice of Musahar Community of Rautahat District Ilaka No. 8. Education, TU. Yadav, Ram Biswas. 2005. Safe Motherhood Practice among Tharu Community: A Case Study of Hempur VDC of Sarlahi District. Population, TU. Yadav, Ram Chandra. 2002. A Study on the Use of Smoking in Two Ethnic Groups in Krishnapur VDC of Siraha District. Health Education, TU. Yadav, Ram Dayal. 2005. Financial Position of Janakpur Cigarette Factory. Management, TU. Yadav, Ram Dayal. 2037 v.s. Population Composition and Migration: A Case Study of Mithileshwar Village Panchayat. Economics, TU. Yadav, Ram Kumar. 1996. Biological Investigation of a Historical Pond, Dhanus Sagar Janakpurdham, Nepal. Zoology, TU. Yadav, Ram Sharan. 2000. Knowledge on Reproductive Health and Sexual Behaviour of High School Girls: A Case Study of Siraha District Nepal. Population, TU. Yadav, Surendra Prasad. 1999. Inventory Management of Manufacturing Public Enterprises: A Case Study of Janakpur Cigarette Factory Ltd. Business Administration, TU. Yadav, Tapeshwar Bhurer. 1999. The Dhangar Language Spoken in Siraha District: A Socio-linguistic Profile. English, TU. Yadav, Tej Narayan. 2002. Paddy Production: A Case Study of Nargho VDC in Saptari District. Geography, TU. 156 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

Yadav, Uday Narayan. 2000. A Study on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Contraceptive Use among Musahar Community: A Case of Arnama VDC Siraha, Nepal. Population, TU. Yakthumba, Bhawani. 1983. Population Compositions and Fertility: A Case Study of Satasi Dham and Shivaganja Village Panchayats, Jhapa. Economics, TU. Yogi, Pabitra. 2001. An Economic Analysis of Tribhuwan Nagar Municipality Finance, Ghorahi Dang District, Nepal. Economics, TU. Yogi, Sharda. 2003. Use of Contraceptive Devices of Tharu Community: At Hapur VDC in Dang District. Health Education, TU. Yonzon, Damberi. 1987. In-migration in Itahari Village Panchayat, Sunsari District. Geography, TU. kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 157

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nv]]]]] ÷Articles csnf,] uËfk;fb| . @)%* . t/fO { Ifqsf] ] cg;Gwfg' kltj| bg] M /fli6o« PsLs/0f ls ljv08gsf nflu < gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, * kmfug,' k=[ $ . csnf,] uËfk;fb| . @)%( . dlyn} ;:s+ ltdf[ bz +} . uf/vfkq] , @# c;fh,] k=[ $ . csnf,] uËfk;fb| . @)^) . dwzL] ;dbfosf' ] b/fj:yfsf' ] lhDdbf/] :jo+ dwzL] . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, @# jzfv,} k=[ $ . csnf,] uËfk;fb| . @)^# . dlyn} ;:s+ ltsf[ ] kj { …lhltcfÚ . uf/vfkq] , @! c;fh,] k=[ $ . csnf,] uËfk;fb| . @)^@ . dlyn} ;:s+ ltdf[ buf' { khf" . uf/vfkq] -zlgaf/_, @@ c;fh,] k=[ v . csnf,] uËfk;fb| . @)^# . ;f:s+ lts[ / ;fdflhs kj { 57 . uf/vfkq] , !@ sflQs, k=[ $ . cujfn,| ;Ltf/fd . @)^# . ;d:of rsfpg{ ] gful/stf ljwos] . sflGtk/' , # c;fh,] k=[ & .

!%& 158 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy cuxl/,| ;Ltf/fd . @)^$ . kxf8L—dw;Lsf] ] ldng ;Dej 5g} < uf/vfkq] , !* ;fpg, k=[ & . cuxl/,| ;Ltf/fd . @)^$ . gkfnL] /fhgLltsf ] rgf' tL} / dw;] . uf/vfkq] , @^ df3, k=[ & . cuxl/,| ;Ltf/fd . @)^$ . bz] ljv08gsf ] vt/f jf ;fdYoxLg{ ;f/ly Û uf/vfkq] , !! kmfug,' k=[ & . cuxl/,| ;Ltf/fd . @)^% . s;n ] eG5 gkfndf] dw;] 5g} < uf/vfkq] , @* c;f/, k=[ ^ . clwsf/L, sljtf . @)^# . k|wfgdGqLsf] ;Daf]wg / t/fO{ cfGbf]ng . /fhwfgL, @@ df3, k=[ # . clwsf/L, rtg] . @)^@ . kltsf/sf| ] l/; ufpnF dfly] . gkfn] , !* jzfv,} k=[ !@–!% . clwsf/L, rtg] . @)^@ . k;f} c;Nb' } kltsf/| ;ldlt . gkfn] , !) k;,' k=[ #)–#! . clwsf/L, rtg] . @)^@ . kml/] qf;aLr ufpFn ] . gkfn] , !# rt,} k=[ !*–!( . clwsf/L, rtg] . @)^# . 8Ëf' 7Nb] } ;:tf' . sflGtk/' , !^ c;f/, k=[ & . clwsf/L, bLks . @)^$ . t/fO{Dff cf]Ol/of] ef/tLo ;xof]u . g]kfn, @) ;fpg, k=[ $@–$# . clwsf/L, bLks . @)^$ . dw;L–kxf8L] dfoflk/tL . gkfn] , @) ;fpg, k=[ $^–$* . clwsf/L, bLks . @)^$ . cltqmd0f lj?4 cfqmfz] . gkfn] , @@ k;,' k=[ #$–#^ . clwsf/L, lgdif] . @)%& . lk5l8Psf ] hflt d;x/' . sflGtk/' -sf;] nL_,] @& sflQs, k=[ u . clwsf/L, /jLGb| . @)^% . /fi6«3ftL / ljv08gsf/L ;f]r . a'waf/, !* c;f/, k=[ !÷* . clwsf/L, /fdsi0f[ . @)^! . dfcfjfbLnfO] { em6sf\ . ;do, @! df3, k=[ ## . clwsf/L, /fdrGb | . @)^# . cfGbfng,] ;/sf/ / jftfj/0f . bzg{ , !$ df3, k=[ @ . clwsf/L, z/b . @)^! . lg/Lx ;/IffJoj:yf' . ;do, #! ebf,} k=[ @*–@( . clwsf/L, zlzsfGt . @)^$ . Oltxf;sf ] b08 . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , @# kmfug,' k[= * . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 159 clwsf/L, lzj . @)^$ . dw;] cfGbfngsf] ] ;/lIft' cjt/0f . dwzjf0fL] , ! c;fh,] k=[ & . clwsf/L, ;/fh/fh] . @)^! . dfnfgfx¿sf} ] /x:odo lu/ˆtf/L . gkfn] , !& c;fh,] k=[ !$–!% . clwsf/L, ;/fh/fh] . @)^$ . 5f/L] / ef6] cfˆg } hftnfO { . gkfn] , @$ rt,} k=[ ##–#% . clwsf/L, ;/f]h/fh . @)^% . /fi6«jfbsf] /ª -zky–ljjfb_ . g]kfn, @^ ;fpg, k=[ @!–@# . clwsf/L, ;/f]h/fh . @)^% . /fhgLlts cfj/0fdf ck/fw . g]kfn, !) sflQs, k=[ !*–@) . clwsf/L, ;/fh/fh] / cdg sfO/fnf] . @)^$ . ;Í6df ;xsfo { . gkfn] , @$ rt,} k=[ #^–#& . clwsf/L, ;/fh/fh,] eLd l3ld/,] lrqfË yfkf, dfwj 9Ë' n] / cdg sfO/fnf] . @)^# . kg' M :yflkt gxbF' } lj:yflkt . gkfn] , $ rt,} k=[ !#–!% . clwsf/L, ;/fh/fh] / /jLGb | pktL]| . @)^! . tnfs Û tnfs ÛÛ tnfs ÛÛÛ gkfn] , !* k;,' k=[ #@–## . clwsf/L, ;/fh/fh] / ;hLt' dxt . @)^$ . czflGtdfem hxf F rgfj' xbF' 5} . gkfn] , !& rt,} k=[ @^–@& . clwsf/L, ;/f]h/fh, ;'hLt dxt / lzj k'/L . @)^$ . ;Gqf;aLr ;ljwfg;ef+ . gkfn] , !& rt,} k=[ @@–@% . clwsf/L, xl/ . @)^$ . czfGt dwz] / ;ljwfg;efsf+ ] lgjfrg{ . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, !^ df3, k=[ $ . clwsf/L, xl/ . @)^$ . kml/] t/fOs{ } s/f' . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, @# df3, k=[ $ . clwsf/L, xl/ . @)^% . cfgGbLb]jL l;+xdfly ePsf] cGofo . g]kfn ;dfrf/kq, @% jzfv,} k=[ $ . clwsf/L, xl/ . @)^% . emf k|s/0fsf] zL3| cGTo cfjZos . g]kfn ;dfrf/kq, !% ;fpg, k=[ $ . clwsf/L, xl/ljgfb] . @)^# . cv08 gkfnsf] ] ckl/xfotf{ . uf/vfkq] , !* df3, k=[ ^ . clwsf/L, xl/ljgfb] . @)^# . dn' s' st } kltqmflGtsf| ] bnbndf ghflsof;] \ . uf/vfkq] , @& df3, k=[ ^ . 160 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

…cgk9Ú, cko| t' . @)%@ . ;tf/ hfltx¿ qmdzM lj:yflkt xb'F 5g} \ . ljZjldq kflIfs, !^ h7,] k=[ %! . cgdfn,] cdtf[ . @)^$ . ;asf} ] ckgTj h¿/L . sflGtk/' , ^ kmfug,' k=[ & . cdfTo, k0f" xl/{ . @)%# . ldlynf lrqsnf M h;n ] t/fOnfO{ { lrgfp5F . lxdfn, c;f/–c;fh,] k=[ %)–%@ . cof{n, s'nrGb| . @)^$ . ;+ljwfg;ef / dw]z . g]kfn ;dfrf/kq, @* df3, k=[ $ . cof{n, 8L= . @)%& . ldlynf k|b]zdf k|rlnt snf k/Dk/f sf]xa/ . ljdfrg,] h7,] k=[ !( . cofn,{ bj] Gb] | …cf;F Ú' . @)%$ . ;tf/ hfltdf krlnt| ljjfx kyf| . ljdfrg,] jzfv,} k=[ @* . cofn,{ bj] Gb] | …cf;F Ú' . @)%& . hgsk/df' ljjfx k~rdL dnf] . ljdfrg,] dªl;/,\ k=[ #( . cof{n, gjLg . @)^# . ;fDk|bflostfsf] l;sf/ . ;do, @^ c;f]h, k=[ !% . cofn,{ gjLg / dfwj clwsf/L . @)^# . cGofndf] lj/f6gu/ . ;do, !) kmfug,' k=[ !^–!& . czfs] . @)^# . dwzsf] ] ;d:of / ;dfwfgsf ] kZg| . hgfbz] , @# df3, k=[ # . cfrfo,{ cfgGb/fd . @)^) . hgsk/sf' ] afl4stf} / hd' /fPsf{' ] kqsfl/tf . uf/vfkq] , !# kmfug,' k=[ % . cfrfo{, ho/fh . @)^% . g]kfn–ef/t ;DaGw laufg{] sfd . g]kfn, @^ ;fpg, k=[ @) . cfrfo,{ g/xl/ . @)%% . t/fOsf{ ] bMv–ckx/0f,' bfOhf ] / anfTsf/ . cfhsf] ;dfrf/kq, !% k;' . cfrfo{, g/xl/ . @)^# . dw]; cfGbf]ngn] l;sfPsf kf7 . sflGtk'/, !( df3, k=[ & . cfrfo,{ g/xl/ . @)^$ . ;ljwfg;efsf+ gof F rgf' tL} . lxdfn, !^ k;,' k=[ #$–#% . cfrfo,{ lgdns{ df/' . @)^! . gf/f dfq } p/fNgnfO] { u9LdfOsf{ ] emfk8 . uf/vfkq] , ^ k;,' k=[ % . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 161 cfrfo{, g]q . @)^$ . hgcf:yf u'dfpFb} ;/sf/ . d"NofÍg, sflQs, k=[ !&–!* . cfrfo,{ k/~hg' . @)^% . kxf8L ;dbfo' M ;befjsf\ ] xft a9fpm . lxdfn, !^ dªl;/,\ k=[ #)–#! . cfrfo,{ kzn] . @)^% . hg;ªVofeGbf\ lj:yflkt a9L -sf;L_] . gkfn] , !) sflQs, k=[ #@–## . cfrfo,{ eLdfhg{' . @)^# . bef' Uok{ 0f" { lg0fo{ . sflGtk/' , !@ dªl;/,\ k=[ & . cfrfo,{ eLdfhg{' . @)^# . lj/fwfefifk] 0f" { dfu . sflGtk/' , !( df3, k=[ & . cfrfo,{ dfwj . @)^$ . ;Ldfkfl/af6 ePsf ] ;lgof' lht] 36gf . gkfn] , @) c;fh,] k=[ ## . cfrfo,{ dfwj . @)^$ . lsg km:6fpbF } 5 cltjfb < ;do, @# kmfug,' k=[ !( . cfrfo,{ /lj/fh . @)^$ . dw;L] gtfaf6] g } dw;L] hgtfnfO { wfvf] . 36gf / ljrf/, * kmfug,' k=[ @ . cfrfo,{ /fdk;fb| . @)^$ . t/fO { cfGbfng] / ;ljwfg;ef+ . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, !$ ;fpg, k=[ $ . cfrfo,{ l;hgf{ . @)^$ . ko6gdf{ yf¿ . sflGtk/' , & df3, k=[ & . cfrfo{, l;h{gf . @)^$ . …bx]hÚ lj¿4 d'l:nd cleofg . sflGtk'/, @# df3, k=[ & . cfrfo,{ ;/' z] . @)^! . zLtnx/sf ] kL8f . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , !% k;,' k=[ * . cfrfo,{ ;/' z] . @)^$ . gof F dfu, k/fgf' cgxf/' . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , ( kmfug,' k[= * . cfn]du/, ;'/]z . @)^% . zky u|x0fn] hGdfPsf k|Zg . uf]/vfkq, !* ;fpg, k=[ & . pkrf/s, /fhGb] | . @)^# . t/fO { M slt~hn] /fVg ] ;d:of . ljdz,{ !@ df3, k=[ !÷^ . pkrf/s, /fhGb] | . @)^# . t/fO { xTofsf08sf bO' { vngfos . ljdz,{ @^ df3, k=[ !÷^ . pkrf/s, /fhGb] | . @)^$ . dw;sf] ] ;d:of / ;dfwfg . ljdz,{ @% ;fpg, k=[ !÷& . pkrf/s, /fh]Gb| . @)^% . dw];L hgtfdfly csf{] if8\oGq Û ljdz{, @& c;f/, k=[ !÷& . 162 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy pkfWofo, ksfz| . @)^# . t/fOdf{ aNg nfusf] ] ljåifsf] ] cfuf ] . uf/vfkq] , @( dªl;/,\ k=[ ^ . pkfWofo, ksfzk| ;fb| . @)^$ . ;ljwfg;ef+ / t/fO { cfGbfngsf] ] sfnf] 5fof . /fhwfgL, !% h7,] k=[ ^ . pkfWofo, ef/tL . @)%$ . yf¿ ;:s+ lt[ / 5f/L] lbP/ 5f/L] g } lng ] rng . ljdfrg,] kmfug,' k=[ #@ . pkfWofo, ljgfb] . @)^$ . dw;sf] ] ;‹ifzLn{{ Oltxf; / dw;Lx¿] . hglbzf, !$ dªl;/,\ k=[ $ . pktL,]| lqnfrg] . @)^# . gkfnL] gful/stfsf ] ljifo . sflGtk/' , #) ;fpg, k=[ & . pktL,]| /jLGb | . @)^) . sfnfHj/sf ] df/ . gkfn] , ! h7,] k=[ $! . pk|]tL, /jLGb| . @)^# . ckdfgsf] Hjfnfdf b]j;'Gb/Lb]jL . sflGtk'/, #@ c;f/, k=[ & . pktL,]| /jLGb | . @)^% . /fi6klt–ufp« sfF ] ofqf . gkfn] , ! ebf,} k=[ #& . pktL,]| lji0f/fh' . @)^# . t/fO { dlQm' dfrf] ;{ uF jftf { . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, @# k;,' k=[ $ . p/fj, uDeL/nfn . @)^% . kl/jtglt/{ yf¿ ;dbfo' . /fHosf] ¿kfGt/0f, c;f/–;fpg, k=[ $)–$! . P8D;, af/a/f . @)^# . clg lsg g;Nsf;] \ t cfuf ] Û hgcf:yf, !& df3, k=[ # . cfemf,] xdGt/fh] . @)^@ . t/fOsf{ ] jg M v/uO/x] sf] ] /fli6o« ;f| t] . lxdfn, ! ebf,} k=[ $)–$! . cfnL,] k0o' . @)^@ . ;:tf' / aemfOdf' ;d:of . sflGtk/' , @& ebf,} k=[ & . s0f{, dgf]hs'df/ . @)^$ . dw];L cfGbf]ngsf nflu rflxg] Pstf . dwzjf0fL] , !% c;fh,] k=[ # . s0f{, nId0fnfn . @)^# . ;b\efjgfsf] k|:tfj . sflGtk'/, #) c;f/, k=[ & . s0f,{ jL/Gb] | . @)%( . cefj / kL8fdf /ldPsf dlyn} ;flxTosf/ rGbz| v/] . :k;6fOd] , ^ c;f/, k=[ & . sfkl8, /fde/f]; …e|d/Ú . @)^# . t/fO{df dw];L cfGbf]ngsf] ;To . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , @) c;f/, k=[ * . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 163 sfkl8, /fde/f]; …e|d/Ú . @)^% . kqsf/ ;'/Iffsf] k|Zg / t/fO{ . uf/vfkq] , @( ;fpg, k=[ ^ . sfkl8, /fde/f;] …ed/Ú| . @)^% . ljIfAw' sf;L] M pTkLl8t gful/s / /ldtf . uf/vfkq] , !& ebf,} k=[ & . sfˆn,] slkn . @)^% . …dwz] Ps kb| zÚnfO] { k/0ff]| . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, #) c;f/, k=[ $ . sfˆn], slkn . @)^% . lxGbLdf zky 7"nf kf6L{sf sdhf]/L . g]kfn ;dfrf/kq, !# ;fpg, k=[ $ . sfˆn,] slkn . @)^% . t/fOd{ n" ef/tk/:t blvPg] . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, @# ebf,} k=[ $ . sfˆn,] leiff . @)^# . t/fOdf{ e8lsPsf\ ] lx;f+ cxdtf\ / cb/blz" tfsf{ ] pkh . bzg,{ !% df3, k=[ @ . sfˆn,] zÍ/gfy . @)^# . s;nfO { ;3fO/x5] dw;L] gt] Tj[ < 36gf / ljrf/, @$ df3, k=[ $ . sfsL,{ cgf/l;x+ . @)%* . uhGb] | gf/fo0f / ;fDkbflos| /fhgLlt . lxdfn, ! kmfug,' k=[ !$–!% . sfsL,{ 5q / pdfsfGt vgfn . @)^% . pT;fxsf ] nx/ -lgjfrg_{ . ;do, % jzfv,} k=[ #$ . sfsL,{ ;~ho . @)^% . ck/fw lgoGq0fdf kx/Lsf| ] ;lqmotf . b l/klAns, sflQs, k=[ #&–#* . sfsL,{ ;zLnf' . @)^# . dw;] cfGbfngsf] ] kefj| lj/f6gu/df . sflGtk/' , * kmfug,' k=[ & . ls/ftL, /fhGb] | . @)^$ . ;:tf,' t/fO { / /fli6otf« . uf/vfkq] , !# rt,} k=[ ^ . ls;fg, ofdaxfb'/ . @)^$ . c;dfj]zL dw];L ;Demf}tf . ;do, @# kmfug,' k=[ @)–@! . szjfx,' pdzs] df/' . @)^% . dw;L] dlxnf dlQmsf' ] cfwf/ . hglbzf, !( c;f/, k=[ % . szjfxf,' ah/fh[ . @)^! . dNo" ljjfb M pv ' ef/tlt/ . lxdfn, !^ df3, k=[ ^@ . s=;L=,] chgg/l;{' x+ . @)^$ . tLg …;Ú vfHb] } dw;] . ;do, !@ k;,' k=[ @^–@& . s=;L=,] chgg/l;{' x+ . @)^$ . /fi6sf« ] ;d:of t/fO { . ;do, # df3, k=[ @$–@% . 164 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy s]=;L=, lrqaxfb'/ . @)^$ . dw];sf k[ystfjfbLx¿ sf] x'g\ < ;fF3', @ k;,' k=[ @ . s]=;L=, lrqaxfb'/ . @)^$ . /fli6«o cv08tf / dw];sf] cfGbf]ngsf] cGt/;DaGw . xfsF , $ k;,' k=[ @ . s=;L=,] albg/l;| x+ . @)^# . dw;df] nfusf] ] 89nf] ] / Pstfsf ] vfrfF ] . kghf' u/0f{ , !^ df3, k=[ # . s=;L=,] albg/l;| x+ . @)^# . t/fO–ljb{ f| x] M ;d:ofsf ] r/f' ] / ;dfwfgsf] h/f ] . kghf' u/0f{ , @# df3, k=[ $ . s=;L=,] albg/l;| x+ . @)^$ . ;/sf/—dw;L] kmf/d] ;Demftf} M /fli6o« ;xdlt ls dfcfjfbLsf] ] ;vL] emfg {] cEof; < kghf' u/0f{ , !* ebf,} k=[ # . s=;L=,] z/b . @)^) . asf' { leqsf ] ljbf| x] . lxdfn, !^ h7,] k=[ &^–&& . s=;L=,] z/b . @)^# . clwsf/sf ] vfhL] . lxdfn, !^ df3, k=[ #)–#$ . s=;L=,] z/b . @)^# . ;lsof ] d2f' . lxdfn, !^ rt,} k=[ !*–@) . s=;L=,] ;/' Gb] | . @)%* . gkfnsf] bO' { uf/j} M nlDagL' / /fdufd| . gkfn] , ! dªl;/,\ k=[ $$–$% . s]=;L=, ;'/]Gb| . @)^@ . ;':tfdf ;/sf/sf] a]jf:tf ;d:ofsf] sf/0f . /fhwfgL, & c;fh,] k=[ $ . s=;L=,] ;/' Gb] | . @)^# . dwz] / gful/stf ;d:of . uf/vfkq] , ( ;fpg, k=[ $ . s=;L=,] ;/' Gb] | . @)^# . gful/stf ljwosdflysf] ] va/bf/L . uf/vfkq] , !@ c;fh,] k=[ $ . s=;L=,] ;/' Gb] | . @)^# . /fHosf ] kgM' ;/rgf+ . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , ( df3, k=[ * . s=;L=,] ;/' Gb] | . @)^$ . dw;df] d7e' 8sf] ] /fhgLlt M sf/0f, kl/0ffd Pj+ ;dfwfgsf ] af6f ] . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , @% df3, k=[ * . s=;L=,] x:taxfb/' . @)^$ . ;:tf' cltqmd0f / o;leqsf ] p2Zo] . /fhwfgL, ! df3, k=[ & . sf]O/fnf, uf]ljGbk|;fb . @)%( . ldlynf kl/qmdfsf] dlxdf . g]kfn ;dfrf/kq, #) kmfug,' k=[ % . sfO/fnf,] /fhGb] k| ;fb| . @)^# . s ] ;ljwfg;efsf+ ] ofqf ;/n 5 < ktLs| , ( df3, k=[ @ . v8\sf, sx/l;+x . @)^$ . t/fO{ ;d:ofsf] Kofs]h ;Daf]wg . g]kfn ;dfrf/kq, @@ ;fpg, k=[ $ . v8sf,\ ?b | . @)^! . km6' ] vt] kxlnPF] wfg . ;do, @$ ebf,} k=[ $@–$$ . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 165 v8sf,\ ?b | . @)^! . a9of\ ] t:s/L . ;do, !( sflQs, k=[ $^ . v8sf,\ ?b | . @)^! . klZrddf dw;L] dfcfjfbLnfO] { Iflt . ;do, @( k;,' k=[ !^ . v8sf,\ ?b | . @)^! . kL8f /fKtL kfl/sf ] . ;do, $ rt,} k=[ @@–@# . v8sf,\ ?b | . @)^! . s;/L k9\g ] dflyNnf ] sIffdf < ;do, @% rt,} k=[ @@–@# . v8sf,\ ?b | . @)^@ . dw;L] ;dx" ckxlnt] . ;do, @^ h7,] k=[ !# . v8sf,\ ?b | . @)^@ . ad k8lsof\ ] < dtnj 5g} . ;do, !# ;fpg, k=[ @)–@! . v8sf,\ ?b | . @)^@ . cfxt dWoklZrd . ;do, @ ebf,} k=[ #%–#^ . v8sf,\ ?b | . @)^@ . ;fdfGo dflgG5 dTo[ ' . ;do, #) ebf,} k=[ @)–@! . v8sf,\ ?b | . @)^@ . dfu/] } 3/af/ . ;do, @! k;,' k=[ @*–@( . v8sf,\ ?b | . @)^@ . asf' { xfOg,] cs {} klx/g . ;do, @% kmfug,' k=[ $)–$! . v8sf,\ ?b | . @)^# . axkIfLo' ldndtf] ] . ;do, * c;f/, k=[ $! . v8sf,\ ?b | . @)^# . Gofosf ] ktLIffdf| . ;do, @( c;f/, k=[ !^–!& . v8sf,\ ?b | . @)^# . laulauL 8fsfx¿sfF ] . ;do, $ ;fpg, k=[ !* . v8sf,\ ?b | . @)^# . 5g} dfGotf . ;do, @% ;fpg, k=[ !$ . v8sf,\ ?b | . @)^# . s/f' a9L sfd sd . ;do, @( ebf,} k=[ @)–@@ . v8sf,\ ?b | . @)^# . tnfssf ] afem] . ;do, @ sflQs, k=[ $@–$# . v8sf,\ ?b | . @)^# . 56kl6Psf zlQmx¿ . ;do, @) k;,' k=[ #)–#@ . v8sf,\ ?b | . @)^# . pbf;Lg ;/sf/ . ;do, @& k;,' k=[ #( . v8sf,\ ?b | . @)^# . cem } 5g \ bf;Lx¿ . ;do, !! df3, k=[ $)–$! . v8sf,\ ?b | . @)^# . /S;L 5g} ufpdfF . ;do, !* df3, k=[ $)–$! . v8sf,\ ?b | . @)^# . cfzf t knfof ] t/=== . ;do, # kmfug,' k=[ $! . v8sf,\ ?b | . @)^# . 5g} 5fglag ;oGq+ . ;do, * rt,} k=[ !^–!& . v8sf,\ ?b | . @)^# . lsg eO/xG5 bËf . ;do, * rt,} k=[ @# . v8sf,\ ?b | . @)^$ . 8Ag' ] eof ] eld" . ;do, @! c;f/, k=[ !*–!( . v8sf,\ ?b | . @)^$ . hndUg t/fO { . ;do, @$ ;fpg, k=[ !*–!( . v8sf,\ ?b | . @)^$ . ckTofl/nf ] ;To . ;do, @& ebf,} k=[ #$ . v8sf,\ ?b | . @)^$ . hfbF g} wfg, hfG5 sf7 . ;do, @! rt,} k=[ $)–$! . v8sf,\ ?b | . @)^% . Oltxf; /Rof ] -lgjfrg_{ . ;do, % jzfv,} k=[ #)–#! . v8sf,\ ?b | / Zofd e§ . @)^$ . Ps } 7fpdfF yf¿ . ;do, !@ k;,' k=[ @)–@! . v8uf,\ lhtGb] | . @)^@ . bn aGg ] tof/Ldf dw;L] kmf/d] . gkfn] , @# ;fpg, k=[ #$ . 166 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy v8uf,\ lhtGb] | . @)^@ . Ps } /ft klRr;sf ] anfTsf/ . gkfn] , !( ebf,} k=[ @! . v8uf,\ lhtGb] | . @)^@ . hgu0fgf kltj| bgdf] ljjfb . gkfn] , # k;,' k=[ #* . v8uf,\ lhtGb] | . @)^@ . qf;n ] knfogsf ] nx/ . gkfn] , !$ kmfug,' k=[ $@–$# . v8uf,\ lhtGb] | . @)^# . dw;df] df/fdf/ . gkfn] , @* ;fpg, k=[ !^–!& . v8uf,\ lhtGb] | . @)^# . dw;sf] ] /fhgLlt . sflGtk/' , !! rt,} k=[ & . v8uf,\ lhtGb] | . @)^$ . km6sf' ] ;3f/dfF kmf/d] . gkfn] , ( jzfv,} k=[ & . v8uf,\ lhtGb] | . @)^$ . k6gf a7ssf} ] cGt/syf . gkfn] , @$ c;f/, k=[ @@–@% . v8uf,\ lhtGb] | . @)^$ . ck/fwLnfO { pGdlQm' . gkfn] , !^ dªl;/,\ k=[ !^–!& . v8uf,\ lhtGb] | . @)^$ . dw;sf] ] cfGbfngsf] ;t { . sflGtk/' , @ kmfug,' k=[ & . v8uf,\ lhtGb] | . @)^$ . rgfjlt/' Wofg . gkfn] , @^ kmfug,' k=[ @^–@& . v8uf,\ lhtGb] | . @)^% . lj:yfkgsf ] csf ]{ kf6f ] -sf;L] 8afg_' . gkfn] , @( ebf,} k=[ !*–!( . v8uf,\ lhtGb] | . @)^% . sl6xf/ a7sdf} s ] eof ] < -;z:q ;dx_" . gkfn] , !) sflQs, k=[ @!–@# . v8uf,\ lhtGb] | . @)^% . jftfsf{ ] Jofkf/ . gkfn] , * dªl;/,\ k=[ !$–!% . v8uf,\ lhtGb] ,| cdg sfO/fnf] / zÍ/ v/n] . @)^$ . qf;–qf;} . gkfn] , @) ;fpg, k=[ !$–!& . v8uf,\ lhtGb] ,| eLd l3ld/ ] / ljgfb] e08f/L . @)^$ . kx/L| kmGbfdf df:6] jfG68] . gkfn] , % kmfug,' k=[ @@–@# . v8uf,\ ;L=Pg= . @)^# . dw;LnfO] { /fHo;Qfdf ;dfg :yfg . kghf' u/0f{ , !% kmfug,' k=[ % . vltj8f, l8NnL/fd . @)^! . bfOhf ] cftÍ . sflGtk/' , !^ rt,} k=[ & . vgfn, choeb | . @)^# . dfcfjfb,] dw;L] cfGbfng] / /fli6otfsf« df8] n] . sflGtk/' , @@ kmfug,' k=[ & . vgfn, choeb | . @)^$ . ;d:of dw;sf] ] xg,} nfstflGqs] rl/qsf ] . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , @@ df3, k=[ * . vgfn, choeb| . @)^% . lxGbL, g]kfnL / dw];L . cGgk"0f{ kf]i6, !$ ;fpg, k=[ * . vgfn, 6Í . @)^# . dw;] dfUgx¿sf] nflu . bzg{ , !) df3, k=[ $ . vgfn, g/Gb] /fh| . @)%* . o;/L elTsbF 5} r/' ] . lxdfn, !^ h7,] k=[ @$–@& . vgfn, dlQm' . @)^% . s ] xf ] of ] dw;jfb] < hgfbz] , @$ c;f/, k=[ ^ . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 167 vgfn, ddf/fd' . @)^$ . dw;L] dxfef/tdf gf/f / gt] Tj[ . gkfn] , # rt,} k=[ #$–#% . vgfn, zÍ/ . @)^# . /emgf] ufpsfF yf¿ . gkfn] , !) dªl;/,\ k=[ $^ . vgfn, zÍ/ . @)^# . …dfnÚ d } d:t xl8of . gkfn] , !& dªl;/,\ k=[ %) . vgfn, zÍ/ . @)^# . gof F ufpdfF gof F cfzf . gkfn] , #) k;,' k=[ $* . vgfn, zÍ/ . @)^# . ablnbfF ] a9fnk/' . gkfn] , @! df3, k=[ $* . vgfn, zÍ/ . @)^$ . jftfaf6{ } ;dfwfg . /fHosf ] ¿kfGt/0f, ebf–c;f} h,] k=[ @@–@% . v/n,] zÍ/ . @)^% . sf;Lsf] ] pTkft . gkfn] , !% ebf,} k=[ #$–#% . vfsL, rGb | . @)^#–^$ . lx;fsf+ ] tf08j . dNofÍg" , rt–j} zfv,} k=[ !*–@# . vfg, l;/fh . @)^% . gkfnL] db/;fx¿ aGb xg' ] cj:yfdf . /fHosf] ¿kfGt/0f, h7–c;f/,] k=[ !(–@) . vfg, ;Ldf . @)^$ . rf/ kvfn{ leqsf dlxnf . /fHosf] ¿kfGt/0f, k;,' k=[ @!–@^ . vfg, ;Ldf . @)^$ . Pstfsf ] vfhL] . sflGtk/' , ! df3, k=[ & . vfg, ;Ldf . @)^% . ;ljwfg+ / dl:nd' dlxnf . uf/vfkq] , !! sflQs, k=[ & . ufpnF ,] lzj . @)%$ . gkfnu~h] M wflds{ slrËnsf ] lj:kmf6s] ynf ] . lxdfn, c;f/–;fpg, k=[ *–!^ . ufpnF ,] lzj . @)^) . kynof} sgS;g] . lxdfn, !^ sflQs, k=[ !^–!* . ufpFn], lzj . @)^@ . ;Dkltsf] vf]hLdf M jL/u~hdf zfxL cfof]u . lxdfn, !^ c;f/, k=[ @@–@% . ufpnF ,] lzj . @)^# . …dwzÚ] sf gfpdfF ;fDkbflos| lx;f+ . lxdfn, ! h7,] k=[ !@–!$ . ufpnF ,] lzj . @)^# . ufp–ufpF dfF gful/stf . lxdfn, ! ebf,} k=[ @*–## . lu/L, lu/Lz . @)%( . ;befjgf,\ lxGbL efiff / Dofb uh' sf]| ] /fi6jfbL« ;fr+] . sflGtk/' , % h7,] k=[ & . lu/L, rGbnfn| . @)^% . rlrt{ u0ftGqjfbL gtf] /fd/fhfk;fb| l;x+ . dNofÍg" , c;f/, k=[ ^–&÷%^ . lu/L, kbLk| . @)^$ . dw;] / dfcfjfbsf] ] åGå . sflGtk/' , @$ jzfv,} k=[ & . lu/L, kbLk| . @)^$ . gkfnL] sfuF ;]| / czfGt dw;] . sflGtk/' , !$ df3, k=[ & . 168 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy lu/L, kbLk| . @)^$ . dw;] cfGbfng] / cfufdL rgfj' . sflGtk/' , @% df3, k=[ & . lu/L, kbLk| . @)^$ . /fli6otf« / cl:dtf . sflGtk/' , % kmfug,' k=[ & . lu/L, kbLk| . @)^$ . sfuF ;,]| dw;] / aLkL . sflGtk/' , @) kmfug,' k=[ & . lu/L, d~hnf' . @)^$ . dw;L] dlxnfsf ] oyfy { / cfhsf ] ;afn . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , !@ ebf,} k=[ * . lu/L, /ljg . @)^% . hflvd] 36g] -sfnHj/_ . lxdfn, ! c;f/, k=[ $$–$% . lu/L, /ljg / >j0f bj] . @)^$ . ;z:q cfGbfngdf] ef/tLo ck/fwL . lxdfn, ! kmfug,' k=[ !( . lu/L, ;l/tf . @)^# . czfGt dw;,] gof F gkfn] . sflGtk/' , !^ df3, k=[ & . lu/L, ;l/tf . @)^# . dw;L] cfGbfng] / kwfgdGqLsf| ] ;Dafwg] . sflGtk/' , !) kmfug,' k=[ & . lu/L, ;l/tf . @)^% . dw;] :jfoQtfsf ] ;Gbe { . sflGtk/' , @( c;f/, k=[ & . uKtf,' hoksfz| . @)^! . dw;Lsf] ] sf0faf6] /fHosf ] kg;' /rgfsf+{ ] ;jfn . dNofÍg" , ;fpg, k=[ @$–@% . uKtf,' hoksfz| . @)^! . ;dfg ;xeflutfsf ] vfhL] . gkfn] , ^ ebf,} k=[ @& . uKtf,' hoksfz| . @)^# . yftLF /xsf] dw;L] ;d:of . sflGtk/' , !( df3, k=[ & . uKtf,' hoksfz| . @)^# . dw;] ljbf| xsf] ] cfwf/ . sflGtk/' , @* df3, k=[ & . uKtf,' hoksfz| . @)^$ . dw;] cfGbfngsf] cfux| . sflGtk/' , !) ebf,} k=[ & . uKtf,' hoksfz| . @)^$ . gof F ;xdlt / dwzsf] d2f' . lxdfn, !^ k;,' k=[ $@ . uKtf,' hoksfz| . @)^% . …;du | dw;] M Ps yf¿ kb| zÚ] . sflGtk/' , @# c;f/, k=[ & . uKtf,' hoksfz| . @)^% . of ] k:tfj| Nofpg ] ;asf} ] lgwf/df dn' s' ljefhgsf] bfif] nfUg] 5] -Joj:yflksf ;;bsf+ ¿kdf a;sf] ] ;ljwfg;efsf+ ] a7sdf} JoQm dGtJo_ . awaf/' , ! ;fpg, k=[ % . uKtf,' hoksfz| . @)^% . dw;] kb| z] clgjfo { . sflGtk/' , !@ ;fpg, k=[ & . uKtf,' /fdfgGb . @)^$ . d2fsf' ] yftL . /fHosf ] ¿kfGt/0f, c;f/–;fpg, k=[ !*–@) . u/fufO' ,+{ ;ljb' . @)^$ . sfuF ;nfO]| { la/f;t arfpg xDd ] . ;do, @* rt,} k=[ #% . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 169 u?ª,' x:t . @)%* . clGtd 3gf jgsf ] cGToli6 . lxdfn, !^ c;fh,] k=[ !)–!@ . uf}td, ho/fd . @)%( . pk]lIft rfO{ hflt . g]kfn ;dfrf/kq, @& dªl;/,\ k=[ % . uf}td, t'n;L . @)^) . wfgsf] efp;Fu} 36\bf] ls;fgsf] hLjg:t/ . lxdfn, ! k;,' k=[ %@–%# . uftd,} tn;L' . @)^) . ulnof' ] pv ' M tLtf ] åGå . lxdfn, !^ df3, k=[ %)–%! . uftd,} tn;L' . @)^! . rGbf 7nf" Jofkf/Lsf,] bfif] ls;fgdfly . lxdfn, ! k;,' k=[ ^)–^! . uftd,} tn;L' . @)^! . ljZjd } w/] } aln r9g\ ] zlQmkL7 . uf/vfkq] , @ k;,' k=[ $ . uftd,} kbd . @)^$ . dw;;] uF g8/fpg ] xf ] eg ] sxL] u/f F} . /fhwfgL, !$ h7,] k=[ ^ . uftd,} ef:s/ . @)^# . gkfnu~h] sf08sf dxŒjk0f" { kf6f . sflGtk/' , @! k;,' k=[ & . uftd,} ef:s/ . @)^# . hgljbf| x,] nfstGq] / dw;] . sflGtk/' , @^ df3, k=[ & . uftd,} ef:s/ . @)^$ . dw;L] gt] Tjn[ ] udfp' bF 5} cj;/ . gkfn] , @$ c;f/, k=[ @*–@( . uftd,} ef:s/ . @)^$ . ;z:q kl/rfngsf ] unt tof/L . gof F klqsf, @^ c;f/, k=[ & . uftd,} ef:s/ . @)^$ . vfhL] ;fdlxs" gt] Tjsf[ ] . gkfn] , @& df3, k=[ #@–## . uftd,} dgLif . @)^! . ljsNk klg 5g} . ;do, !& jzfv,} k=[ #(–$! . uftd,} dgLif . @)^@ . l;sf/ ul/aLsf ] . ;do, * jzfv,} k=[ #*–$) . uftd,} dgLif / cfdcf:yf] /fO { . @)^@ . ;Ldfkf/L gzf . ;do, !& rt,} k=[ $)–$@ . uftd,} /fhf/fd . @)%& . ;fDkbflos| /fhgLlt . gkfn] , ! rt,} k=[ !^–!& . uftd,} /fhf/fd . @)%& . ef/tLo 8fsfx¿sfF ] …;N6/Ú] ufa/uf9f] . gkfn] , ! rt,} k=[ @@–@$ . uftd,} /fhf/fd . @)^@ . dw;L] /fhgLltdf gof F wf/ . gkfn] , #) ;fpg, k=[ @&–@( . 170 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy uftd,} /fhf/fd / ltns kf7s . @)^! . c/fhstfsf ] cfuf ] . gkfn] , @& ebf,} k=[ @@–@& . uf}td, /fdrGb| . @)%! . hgsk'/wfdsf] dlxdf . ljZjldq kflIfs, !^ ;fpg, k=[ %&–%* . l3ld/], b]jL . @)^# . ltnnfO{ kxf8 agfpg' /fd|f] xf]Og . bz{g, !@ df3, k=[ @ . l3ld/,] k/z/fd' . @)^$ . dw;sf] ] cfGbfng] / ;ljwfg;ef+ lgjfrgsf{ ] kZg| . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , !! df3, k=[ * . l3ld/,] eLd . @)%* . dflns} ;:s+ lt[ hfufO/fv] sf] ] rfO { hflt . sflGtk/' , !& kmfug,' k=[ & . l3ld/,] eLd . @)^$ . cem} ;Gqf;d } 5 kjL" { t/fO { . gkfn] , @@ k;,' k=[ !*–@) . l3ld/,] eLd . @)^$ . tfndndf] cGofn] . gkfn] , @^ kmfug,' k=[ @*–@( . l3ld/,] eLd . @)^% . wdfwd hnlt/] . gkfn] , ! ebf,} k=[ #* . l3ld/,] eLd . @)^% . c:tJo:t pBfuwGbf] -df/ª–;] G;/L' sl/8f/_] . gkfn] , @( ebf,} k=[ $)–$! . l3ld/,] dfwj / ljgfb] e08f/L . @)^! . ;tfP ef/tLo 8fsfx¿nF ] . gkfn] , @) ebf,} k=[ #^ . l3ld/,] oj/fh' . @)^! . O:nflds cftÍjfbLn ] l;sfPsf ] kf7 . ;do, @$ ebf,} k=[ %* . l3ld/,] oj/fh' . @)^! . cltjfbsf ] vn] dbfg} < ;do, #! ebf,} k=[ @@–@& . l3ld/,] oj/fh' . @)^! . rgf' tL} ;Dkbfojfb| / wflds{ s§/kGynfO { . ;do, !$ c;fh,] k=[ %* . l3ld/], o'j/fh . @)^@ . rfl/lqs ljrngsf] csf]{ gd'gf . ;do, !% jzfv,} k=[ %* . l3ld/,] oj/fh' . @)^# . kx/L| lgsfo, ljrlnt Jojxf/ / /fhgLlts hjfkmbxLtf] . ;do, @% df3, k=[ %* . l3ld/,] oj/fh' . @)^$ . dw;] jftf { M ;/sf/sf ] lg/Lxtf ls if8oGqk\ 0f" { pbf;Lgtf < ;do, #! ;fpg, k=[ %* . l3ld/,] oj/fh' . @)^$ . t/fO { cfGbfng] / ;/sf/sf ] c:ki6tf . ;do, @$ df3, k=[ %* . l3ld/,] oj/fh' . @)^$ . dgx¿ hf8] b\ } . ;do, !^ kmfug,' k=[ %^ . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 171 l3ld/,] oj/fh' . @)^$ . dw;] M ;f:s+ lts[ hfu/0fsf ] vfrfF ] . dNofÍg" , kmfug,' k=[ @@–@$ . l3ld/,] /d0f . @)^% . ldlynfsf ;rts] . gkfn] , # sflQs, k=[ %$ . l3ld/,] /fhz] . @)^! . alnsf ] af9L dflg;sf ] dxf;fu/ . ;do, !% k;,' k=[ !&–!( . l3ld/,] ljgo . @)^$ . dw;L] cfGbfng] / dfcfjfbL] /fhgLlt . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, # jzfv,} k=[ $ . l3ld/,] Zofd . @)^# . dw;sf] ] dd { . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , @@ df3, k=[ * . l3ld/,] ;k' ef| . @)^# . t/fOsf{ ] tgfj, jftf { / ;ljwfg;ef+ . /fhwfgL, !% df3, k=[ # . l3ld/], ;f]dt . @)^# . klxn] gful/stf clg ;+ljwfg;ef . ;do, !! ;fpg, k=[ @* . l3ld/,] ;fdt] . @)^$ . bfifL] gh/ . ;do, !) h7,] k=[ $$ . 3f]/;fOg], uf]s'n . @)%( . slxNo} gvf]lhPsf] l;d|f}gu9sf] Oltxf; . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, % h7,] k=[ % . 3f/;fOg] ,] ufs] n' . @)^# . cfGbfngsf] ] dfu M Gofo ls ljv08g Û bli6[ , !^ df3, k=[ % . 3f/;fOg] ,] ufs] n' . @)^$ . t/fO { eofgs le8Gtlt/ . bli6[ , * df3, k=[ ( . r6ft,} cf/tL . @)^! . phf8 dgdf 5g} Obsf ] pT;fx . ;do, # dªl;/,\ k=[ !#–!$ . rGb, lqnfsaxfb] /' . @)^# . gof F gkfn] / dw;L] cfGbfng] . gkfnLkq] , @^ df3, k=[ @ . rGblszf| /] . @)%^ . t/fOsf{ nfx/' ] kGhfasf eof} dhb/' . xfsf–xfsL #-&_ M !*–@@ . rGblszf| /] . @)%& . k;fsf{ ] ljiffn ' gbL . xfsf–xfsL $-#_ M &–!) . rGblszf| /] . @)%& . ;befjgfsf\ ] gkfnL] xg} dwzL] Pstf . lxdfn, ! rt,} k=[ @! . rGblszf| /] . @)%& . sxf F aGws 5 dwzLx¿sf] ] eljio < lxdfn, !^ rt,} k=[ !)–!! . rGblszf| /] . @)%& . k;f { M ufhfkl5F gful/stfsf ] vtL] . lxdfn, !^ rt,} k=[ !& . rGblszf| /] . @)^! . gfsfdf dfcfjfbL] cfvfF . lxdfn, ! ;fpg, k=[ @)–@! . 172 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy rGblszf| /] . @)^! . dwzs] } …ckdfgÚ . lxdfn, ! ;fpg, k=[ #& . rGblszf| /] . @)^! . dwzL] /fhgLltdf gof F xnrn . lxdfn, !^ ebf,} k=[ $!–$@ . rGblszf| /] . @)^! . k6gf kblIf0fflt/| dwzL] gtfx¿] . lxdfn, !^ c;fh,] k=[ #)–#! . rGblszf| /] . @)^# . dw;L] dnfsf] ] ldhf; . sflGtk/' -sf;] nL_] , @* c;fh,] k=[ s . rGblszf| /] . @)^# . dwzL] kj { 57 . uf/vfkq] , !! sflQs, k=[ $ . rGblszf| /] . @)^# . /fhgLlts hfddf dw;] . dNofÍg" , df3, k=[ &–* . rGblszf| /] . @)^# . dwzsf] ] k:k| m6g' . lxdfn, !^ df3, k=[ $@–$# . rGblszf| /] . @)^# . /fHosf ] c;j+ bgzLntf] . ;do, @% df3, k=[ #* . rGblszf| /] . @)^# . clwsf/sf gfddf ck/fw . lxdfn, !^ rt,} k=[ $)–$! . rGblszf| /] . @)^$ . dw;,] lx;f+ / sf7df8f F} . gof F klqsf, @( c;f/, k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^$ . dw;] M a‰g' l9nf ] gu/f F} . gof F klqsf, !$ ;fpg, k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^$ . ;jfb+ ls ;‹if { < gkfn] , @) ;fpg, k=[ #$–#% . rGblszf| /] . @)^$ . dw;L] /fhgLltsf ] /;fog . gof F klqsf, @& ;fpg, k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^$ . dw;L] hgtfn ] vfh] sf] ] ;gf] . gof F klqsf, ( ebf,} k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^$ . ;Qf—/fhgLltsf ] aN5L xfOg] dw;] . gof F klqsf, !) sflQs, k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^$ . dw;] M s:tf ] lvr8L kfSb5} < dNofÍg" , dªl;/,\ k=[ !*–!( . rGblszf| /] . @)^$ . ;o+ Qm' dfrf] sf{ ] cEof; . gof F klqsf, ( dªl;/,\ k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^$ . ljbzL] cfvfdfF dw;] . dNofÍg" , k;,' k=[ !^–!* . rGblszf| /] . @)^$ . kxf8L dw;Lsf] rgf' tL} . dNofÍg" , df3, k=[ $# . rGblszf| /] . @)^$ . s ] dwzn] ] rgfj' ug { bnf] < lxdfn, ! df3, k=[ !^ . rGblszf| /] . @)^$ . dw;] ljbf| xkl5] dlxnf . gof F klqsf, ^ df3, k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^$ . ca s ] u5 { dw;] < gof F klqsf, !# df3, k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^$ . rftkmL} { ;d/eld" agsf] ] dw;] . gof F klqsf, @) df3, k=[ ^ . rGblszf| /] . @)^$ . dw;Lsf] ] dw;] dfq ls bz] < gof F klqsf, @& df3, k=[ & . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 173 rGblszf| /] . @)^$ . dw;] stf hfbF 5} < dNofÍg" , kmfug,' k=[ !$–!^ . rGblszf| /] . @)^$ . cfzfsf ] TofGbf| ] . gof F klqsf, % kmfug,' k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^$ . cUnf d2f' / xfrf] gtf] . gof F klqsf, !@ kmfug,' k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^$ . bxftL] blgof' F . gof F klqsf, @^ kmfug,' k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^$ . cndndf dw;] . gof F klqsf, !) rt,} k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^$ . rtdf;} hfjgf] kmnfon' xf ] /fdf Û gof F klqsf, @% rt,} k=[ ^ . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . dw;sf] ] ;DefJo /fhgLlts–OGbwg| ifx¿' . /fHosf] ¿kfGt/0f, jzfv–h} 7,] k=[ (–!! . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . rgfjkl5sf' ] dwz] . dNofÍg" , jzfv–h} 7,] k=[ %) . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . dlt" d~hs{ dw;] . gof F klqsf, !) jzfv,} k=[ ^ . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . dfcfjfbL–kmf] /d] ;xofqf . gof F klqsf, !% jzfv,} k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . laxf/L afl56f . gof F klqsf, @$ jzfv,} k=[ ^ . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . eldsf" vfhL] . gof F klqsf, @( jzfv,} k=[ ^ . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . dwzL] /fhgLltsf ] ef/ttŒj . /fHosf] ¿kfGt/0f, h7–c;f/,] k=[ !^–!* . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . dw;] / kqsfl/tf . gof F klqsf, % h7,] k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . dw;df] u0ftGqsf ] cy { . gof F klqsf, !@ h7,] k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . lhTg } kg ]{ Pp6f n8fO F . gof F klqsf, !( h7,] k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . dw;sf] ] zlIfs} ljsf;df /fdnfnx¿ . gof F klqsf, @^ h7,] k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . dw;df] eld;" uF hfl8Psf] kZg| . gof F klqsf, * c;f/, k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . gt] Tj[ k/LIffsf ] 38L . gof F klqsf, !% c;f/, k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . OdfGbf/ /fhgLltsf ] kZg| . gof F klqsf, @@ c;f/, k=[ ^ . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . …/fd/fHoÚsf ] vfhLdf] dw;] . gof F klqsf, % ;fpg, k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . s;sf /fi6klt« < gof F klqsf, !@ ;fpg, k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . sxf F bV5' /fli6otf« < gof F klqsf, !( ;fpg, k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . ;Qfsf ] …Sof6jfsÚdf ks6| …;S;] clknÚ . gof F klqsf, @^ ;fpg, k=[ & . 174 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy rGblszf| /] . @)^% . yftL /flvPsf ] dw;] . gof F klqsf, ! ebf,} k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . d2O' { ;:t,' ujfx r:t' . gof F klqsf, ( ebf,} k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . sl;bfF ] ;DaGwsf ;qx¿' . gof F klqsf, !% ebf,} k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . sf7df8fdfF} dw;] . gof F klqsf, @@ ebf,} k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . k/j" of} jof/ p8fjt x } . gof F klqsf, @( ebf,} k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . kxf8lt/ 8fl/Psf] ] dw;] . gof F klqsf, % c;fh,] k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . dw;df] gful/s ;/Iff' . gof F klqsf, !@ c;fh,] k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . jftfsf{ rgf' tL} . gof F klqsf, @^ c;fh,] k=[ % . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . t/fO;{ uF jftfsf{ ] jftfj/0f . gof F klqsf, # sflQs, k=[ & . rGb|lszf]/ . @)^% . t/fO{df /fhgLlt, ck/fw / lx+;f . uf]/vfkq, ^ sflQs, k=[ ^ . rGb|lszf]/ . @)^% . …Hof]ltkj{Ú bLkfjnLsf] cfnf]s . gofF klqsf, !) sflQs, k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . 5fofdfF 57sf ] cGt/;Gbz] . gof F klqsf, !& sflQs, k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . klxrfgdf r/dkGy . gkfn] , @$ sflQs, k=[ !@ . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . eª' u\ f| df] dw;L] klxrfg . gof F klqsf, ! dªl;/,\ k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . ;z:q ;dx;" uF jftf { . uf/vfkq] , @ dªl;/,\ k=[ ^ . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . pkGb] hL| M h/f ar s ] . gof F klqsf, * dªl;/,\ k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . ho dw;] M bf ] Sof; . gof F klqsf, !% dªl;/,\ k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . ;?h' pun;] F sL, lrgjf/ cl5 cGxf/ . gof F klqsf, @@ dªl;/,\ k=[ & . rGblszf| /] . @)^% . kmf/ds] ] lk5 ] Sof x } < gof F klqsf, @( dªl;/,\ k=[ & . rfln;,] ds' zs] df/' . @)^! . hg;dIf t/fO { ekl/lw" /0fgLlt . :k;6fOd] , !) ebf,} k=[ & . rfln;,] ljho . @)^$ . dw;] ;d:of k/fgf' ] 3fp . uf/vfkq] , !% df3, k=[ ^ . rfln;], ljho . @)^$ . dw]; cfGbf]ng / ;+ljwfg;ef . uf]/vfkq, !$ kmfug,' k=[ ^ . lrqsf/, k"0f{zf]ef . @)^# . t/fO{sf] cfuf] lgefpg] s;/L < a'wjf/, @$ df3, k=[ % . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 175 lrqsf/, /ljg . @)^# . t/fOsf{ ] hUuf xbaGbLaf/ ] . uf/vfkq] , ! sflQs, k=[ $ . rDhf] ª] ,\ sfzn} . @)^$ . t/fOdf{ a9bf\ ] kmf6f ] . gkfn] , @) ;fpg, k=[ #^ . rfw/L,} pdfsfGt . @)^# . /fhgLlts Ifqdf] Pltxfl;s] kl/jtg{ . uf/vfkq] , & h7,] k=[ $ . rfw/L,} pdfsfGt . @)^# . ;d:of gful/stfsf ] . uf/vfkq] , !( ;fpg, k=[ $ . rfw/L,} pdfsfGt . @)^# . gful/stf ;d:of / edsf| ] vtL] . uf/vfkq] , @@ dªl;/,\ k=[ ^ . rf}w/L, pdfsfGt . @)^# . dw]z cfGbf]ngsf] pknlAw . uf]/vfkq, ! kmfug,' k=[ ^ . Rffw/L,} pdfsfGt . @)^$ . rqmJoxdf" dw;] . uf/vfkq] , !* k;,' k=[ & . rfw/L,} Ps/fh . @)%* . yf¿x¿sf ] rf8 df3 ] ;qmflGt+ . sflGtk/' , ! df3, k=[ & . rfw/L,} sdn . @)%& . yf¿ ;:s+ lt[ M ;/If0f+ tyf ljsf;sf ] kZg| . hghflt cfjfh $ M @)–@# . rfw/L,} sdn . @)^$ . t/fO { cfGbfng;] uF hfl8Psf] sxL] kZgx¿| . ksfz,| @$ jzfv,} k=[ % . rfw/L,} si0f/fh[ . @)^@ . kmlsP{ k/fg' } oult/' . ;do, #) dªl;/,\ k=[ $@–$# . rfw/L,} si0f/fh[ . @)^% . ;Í6df y¿x6 . ;do, @^ jzfv,} k=[ #^–#& . rfw/L,} si0f/fh[ . @)^% . a/3/dflysf ] kL8f . gof F klqsf, !@ dªl;/,\ k=[ & . rfw/L,} bLks . @)^$ . kfb| lzs] clwsf/ dxŒjk0f" { . ;do, @# kmfug,' k=[ !^–!& . rfw/L,} bLks . @)^% . ca ug {' kg ]{ sfdx¿ . ;do, !% jzfv,} k=[ !* . rfw/L,} bLks . @)^% . rs' sf] dw;jfbL] bn . gof F klqsf, $ c;f/, k=[ & . rf}w/L, bLks . @)^% . dw];;Fusf ;xdlt / cGof]n . gofF klqsf, !* c;f/, k=[ & . rf}w/L, bLks . @)^% . yf¿ g} x'g\ zfSoj+zL a'4 klg . uf]/vfkq, ( sflQs, k=[ & . rfw/L,} bLks . @)^% . df/ª] sf\ ;/el/of / ;Kt/Lsf aft/F . uf/vfkq] , !# dªl;/,\ k=[ ^ . 176 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy rfw/L,} lw/Gb] s| df/' . @)%( . lj:yflkt xbF' 5g} d;x/x¿' . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, @& dªl;/,\ k=[ % . rfw/L,} enfO' { . @)^# . y¿x6 t/fO { ls dwz] < uf/vfkq] , @# sflQs, k=[ ^ . rf}w/L, dgf]hs'df/ . @)^! . xf]nLsf] /Ëdf ldlynf~rn . sflGtk'/, !@ rt,} k=[ & . rfw/L,} dxz] . @)^# . dw;L] xfOgg] \ yf¿x¿ . ;do, !^ sflQs, k=[ #* . rfw/L,} dxz] . @)^$ . yf¿ clwsf/sf ] d2f' . ;do, @$ ;fpg, k=[ $! . rfw/L,} dxz] . @)^$ . y¿x6df cyxLg{ cle¿lr . lxdfn, ! c;fh,] k=[ !) . rfw/L,} dxz] . @)^$ . dw;L] aGg ] /x/ . ;do, !) c;fh,] k=[ $) . rfw/L,} dxz] . @)^% . t/fOdf{ kfrF kb| z] . sflGtk/' , @) c;f/, k=[ & . rfw/L,} dxz] . @)^% . ;du | t/fO { yf¿jfg kb| z] . sflGtk/' , @^ c;f/, k=[ ^ . rfw/L,} dxz] . @)^% . xfdf| nflu bj' } a/fa/ . hgcf:yf, !% ;fpg, k=[ @ . rfw/L,} dxz] . @)^% . ldlynf ;Eotf M km/s–km/s bli6sf[ 0f] . uf/vfkq] , ! sflQs, k=[ ^ . rfw/L,} lzjrGb | . ;g \ @))& . c/fhs gkfn] Û lxdflngL, l;tDa/, k=[ !!–!@ . rfw/L,} >LzflGt . @)%* . yf¿ ;dbfok' lt| /fhfsf ] lgufx . :k;6fOd] , @! kmfug,' k=[ % . rfw/L,} ;Gtfif] . @)^$ . dw;] Pstfsf ;qx¿" . dwzjf0fL] , !% dªl;/,\ k=[ @ . rfw/L,} ;zLn' . @)%( . yf¿ hfltsf ] ctjf/L kj { . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, @* ebf,} k=[ % . rfw/L,} ;zLn' . @)%( . yf¿sf ] b; +} . :k;6fOd] , @^ c;fh,] k=[ @ . rfw/L,} lxdfz+ ' . @)^! . uxsnfsf[ ¿kdf nfslk] o| xbF' 5} ldlynfIfqsf] ] nf]ssnf . uf/vfkq] , @$ df3, k=[ !@ . ho;jfn, czfs] . @)^$ . dw;L] /fi6eQm« Psh6' xfcf] F} . uf/vfkq] , !) df3, k=[ & . lh;L, lhtGb] | . @)^) . lrgL ldn M sxf F nfG5g \ k;f} . lxdfn, !^ df3, k=[ %@ . hfzL,] ufljGb/fh] . @)%% . l;df| gu9} M /fdf~rs] lsjbGtLx¿+ . Pe/i6] ld// @-@_ M &–( . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 177 hf]zL, rGb|b]j . @)^% . Ps dw];–Ps k|b]zsf] gf/f . gofF klqsf, @! c;f/, k=[ & . 1jfnL, sndl0f' . @)^$ . Gofosf ] kvfOdf{ . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq -;fuft_} , @ rt,} k=[ v . 1jfnL, u'?bQ . @)^# . lsg cfGbf]lnt 5 nfxfg < gf/fo0fL, !% df3, k=[ @ . 1jfnL, rGb|sfGt . @)^$ . aGb;"rL / dw];sf] k|ltlglwTj . ;do, @# kmfug,' k=[ !* . 1jfnL, bfdfb/] . @)%& . yf¿ ;dbfodf' :jf:Yo;DaGwL cj:yf unl/of' Ifqsf] ] cWoog . ;dk0f{ !@-!_ M ( . 1jfnL, bLks . @)^! . ;fdbfoLs/0fsf' nflu ;‹if { . ;do, !) c;f/, k=[ !^ . 1jfnL, bLks . @)^! . eTSof ] k/fgf' ] afwF . ;do, & ;fpg, k=[ @# . 1jfnL, bLks . @)^! . hËn df;/] wfgvtL] . ;do, @! ;fpg, k=[ !# . 1jfnL, bLks . @)^! . vfof ] v8/Ln] ] . ;do, @$ ebf,} k=[ $@–$# . 1jfnL, bLks . @)^! . ljiffn ' kfgL lkpg ] afWotf . ;do, @& kmfug,' k=[ $@–$# . 1jfnL, bLks . @)^! . eofjx slknj:t ' . ;do, $ rt,} k=[ @)–@! . 1jfnL, bLks . @)^! . hLjg cem } c;xh . ;do, !* rt,} k=[ #$ . 1jfnL, bLks . @)^@ . lbglbg } qf;bL . ;do, ! jzfv,} k=[ @)–@! . 1jfnL, bLks . @)^@ . aubxjf{ g/;xf/+ . ;do, !% jzfv,} k=[ @%–@( . 1jfnL, bLks . @)^@ . ;o lbgleq ;o dfl/P . ;do, !@ h7,] k=[ @^–@& . 1jfnL, bLks . @)^@ . a:tLx¿ g } ef/t ;/ ] . ;do, @# c;f/, k=[ @(–#@ . 1jfnL, bLks . @)^@ . v/fgLdfly ;Gb/' a:tL . ;do, !# ;fpg, k=[ $)–$! . 1jfnL, bLks . @)^@ . au ] nf; ef/tlt/ . ;do, @& ;fpg, k=[ !* . 1jfnL, bLks . @)^@ . c:ktfnx¿s } ?jfjf;L, ;LdfIfqdf] a9bf\ ] dxfdf/L . ;do, #) ebf,} k=[ !( . 1jfnL, bLks . @)^@ . Hofg hfG5, dtna 5g} . ;do, #) ebf,} k=[ @@ . 1jfnL, bLks . @)^# . cem} ;lqmo . ;do, @@ c;f/, k=[ @)–@! . 1jfnL, bLks . @)^# . wfg vtdf] wfhfF . ;do, !% ebf,} k=[ #* . 1jfnL, bLks . @)^# . v } t afsLF xltof/ . ;do, @! dªl;/,\ k=[ $)–$! . 178 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

1jfnL, bLks . @)^$ . kmf]/dsf] g]tf ef/tdf kqmfp, l/xf . ;do, #! ;fpg, k=[ !@ . 1jfnL, bLks . @)^$ . xfdf| ] lrGtf s;nfO} { 5g} . ;do, @& ebf,} k=[ @$–@% . 1jfnL, bLks . @)^$ . sflk/xF sf] ] slknj:t ' . ;do, !& c;fh,] k=[ !^–!( . 1jfnL, bLks . @)^$ . ;lsb } ;:tf' . ;do, @) dªl;/,\ k=[ #@–## . 1jfnL, bLks . @)^$ . ef/tLo bfbflu/Lsf ] syf . ;do, @& dªl;/,\ k=[ #)–#! . 1jfnL, bLks . @)^% . dflsgsf] ] d/sf] ] dg . ;do, !@ ebf,} k=[ $$–$% . 1jfnL, bLks . @)^% . ;fjhlgs{ ePg kltj| bg] -slknj:t ' lx;fsf+ ] Ps jif_{ . ;do, !^ c;fh,] k=[ $@ . 1jfnL, bLks . @)^% . ;/Iffdf' rgf' tL} -a4' elddf" >vnfa4+[ xTof_ . ;do, @! sflQs, k=[ !$–!% . 1jfnL, k|bLk . @)^% . :jfoQtf, dw]; / lal;{Psf d'2f . sflGtk'/, @) c;f/, k=[ & . 1jfnL, d]3/fh . @)^% . g]kfndf t/fO{ 5, dw]; 5}g . hglbzf, @$ c;f/, k=[ $ . 1jfnL, d3/fh] . @)^% . s ] ;Dk0f" { dw;] Ps kb| zsf] ] gf/f ljv08gsf/L xfOg] < hgfbz] , @$ c;f/, k=[ @ . 1jfnL, oj/fh' . @)^# . lx;fTds+ ;‹if {{ / tfgfzfxL zf;g . awaf/' , @$ df3, k=[ @ . emf, clgnsdf/' . @)^% . ;gf] ;dfofhgsf] ] kZg| . uf/vfkq] , $ dªl;/,\ k=[ ^ . emf, clgnsdf/' . @)^% . ;z:q ;dx;" usfF ] jftf { . uf/vfkq] , @# dªl;/,\ k=[ ^ . emf, pdfsfGt . @)^! . gkfndf] 8afg' ;d:of . sflGtk/' , @% h7,] k=[ ^ . emf, bLkGb] | . @)^# . clwsf/ / cfGbfng] . sflGtk/' , @! df3, k=[ & . emf, bLkGb] | . @)^# . dw;sf] ] cfux| . sflGtk/' , ! kmfug,' k=[ & . emf, bLkGb] | . @)^$ . dwz] M d2f,' ;/Iff' / ck/fw . lxdfn, ! k;,' k=[ @) . emf, bLkGb] | . @)^$ . nfstGqsf] ] hudf dw;] . gof F klqsf, & df3, k=[ & . emf, bLkGb] | . @)^$ . !! abF' ] dfu ;Dafwgsf] nflu k:tfj| . sflGtk/' , !$ df3, k=[ & . emf, bLkGb] | . @)^$ . cf7abF' ] ;Demftfsf} rgf' tL} . sflGtk/' , @) kmfug,' k=[ & . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 179 emf, bLkGb] | . @)^% . casf ] dw;] /fhgLlt . sflGtk/,' % jzfv,} k=[ & . emf, gjLgsdf/' . @)^% . kmf/dsf] ofbjhLx¿ . lxdfn, ! h7,] k=[ $@–$# . emf, k/dfgGb . @)^% . …;asf} ] efjgfnfO { d ;Ddfg u5Ú'{ -bzjf;Lsf] ] gfddf hf/L clkn_ . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , !% ;fpg, k=[ * . emf, kzfGt| . @)^$ . b/L" a9b\ 5} . lxdfn, ! df3, k=[ !@–!$ . emf, k|zfGt . @)^% . dw]zL g]t[Tj M lx+;fsf] v08g u/ . lxdfn, !^ dªl;/,\ k=@*–@([ . emf, d~rnf . @)^$ . dw;L] Pstf . sflGtk/' , @! c;fh,] k=[ & . emf, d~rnf . @)^$ . dw]; cfGbf]ng / ;+ljwfg;ef . uf]/vfkq, !! kmfug,' k=[ ^ . emf, d~rnf . @)^$ . cGofnsf] ] e'd/Ldf dw;] . uf/vfkq] , !@ kmfug,' k=[ & . emf, d~rnf . @)^$ . dw;df] xfnL] . sflGtk/' , ( rt,} k=[ & . emf, d~rnf . @)^$ . hfut[ xbF' 5g} \ –dw;L] dlxnf . uf/vfkq] , @! rt,} k=[ & . emf, d~rnf . @)^% . u6aGbLdf' cfgGbLbjL] . sflGtk/,' !) h7,] k=[ ^ . emf, d~rnf . @)^% . j/0fnfO { awfO { . sflGtk/' , * ;fpg, k=[ ^ . emf, d~rnf . @)^% . jftfsf{ ] 9fsf] / dw;sf] ] cfzf . sflGtk/' , !* sflQs, k=[ & . emf, /tg . @)^# . dw;L] ljbf| x] M rgf' tL} / cj;/ . sflGtk/' , !& kmfug,' k=[ & . emf, /fhz] . @)^! . dwzL] ;dbfosf' ] ;d:of / ;~rf/ . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , !) dªl;/,\ k=[ * . emf, /fdrGb| . @)^$ . t/fO{ cfGbf]ng;Fu} p7]sf d'2fx¿ . a'wjf/, !@ dªl;/,\ k=[ @ . emf, /fdrGb | . @)^$ . t/fO,{ ;‹Lotf / u0ftGq . sflGtk/' , !* df3, k=[ & . emf, /fdrGb | . @)^$ . …Ps dwz] Ps kb| zÚ] xbF' g} . lxdfn, !^ kmfug,' k=[ !^ . emf, /fdrGb | . @)^$ . /fhtGqklt| t/fOsf{ ] bli6sf[ 0f] . sflGtk/' , $ rt,} k=[ & . emf, /fdrGb | . @)^$ . t/fOdf{ gof F zlQm pbo . gof F klqsf, @$ rt,} k=[ & . emf, /fdrGb | . @)^% . kefs/0f| / lhGxf aGg ] ;kgf . gkfn] , % ;fpg, k=[ #$–#^ . 180 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy emf, zDe' . @)^# . dw]zsf gfpFdf cfGbf]ng M dw]zLs} lxtlj?4 . uf/vfkq] , !^ df3, k=[ ^ . emf, ;hLts' df/' . @)%$ . bfOhfsf] ] cfufdf] hNb5g} \ dlynfgL} dlxnfx¿ . dNofÍg" , df3, k=[ @$ . emf, ;hLts' df/' . @)%* . hgsk/wfdsf' ] dxŒj / ljjfxk~rdL dnf] . :k;6fOd] , @$ dªl;/,\ k=[ & . emf, ;hLts' df/' . @)^) . t/fOaf;Lsf{ ;Demgfsf kfq :j= lglw . :k;6fOd] , ^ h7,] k=[ & . emf, ;'hLts'df/ . @)^) . d}lynL ;flxTodf 8f= wL/]Gb|sf] of]ubfg . :k;6fOd] , @( df3, k=[ & . emf, ;Gb/sfGt' . @)%( . ca gkfnsf] dl:hb / db;fdf{ klg …af?bL uGwÚ

9sfn, ;'/]z . @)^$ . t/fO{sf] /fhgLlts eljio . d"NofÍg, ;fpg, k=[ @@–@$ . 9Ëfgf,' ejg' . @)^# . dw;sf] ] dfx] . gkfn] , @* df3, k=[ !! . 9Ëfgf,' zfef] . @)^# . laxdf] 5f/LnfO] { ljifsf ] Kofnf Û uf/vfkq] -zlgaf/_, !) c;f/, k=[ # . 9Ë' n,] dfwj . @)%* . ef/tLo rkfOdf] vfnfkfl/sf] ] 7f/L] . gkfn] , ! h7,] k=[ #$–#^ . 9Ë' n,] dfwj . @)%* . sgf' k;sf] ] jL/u~hsf ] tfKs ] . gkfn] , !^ h7,] k=[ #) . 9Ë' n,] dfwj . @)^) . ca 8fsfF cftÍ . gkfn] , !^ jzfv,} k=[ @% . 9Ë' n,] dfwj . @)^) . lememfnL+ 8fsfsfF ] xfnva/ . gkfn] , !^ jzfv,} k=[ @*–@( . 9Ë' n,] dfwj . @)^! . 6fpsf ] p7fpbF } wflds{ cltjfb . gkfn] , !) c;fh,] k=[ @^–## . 9Ë' n,] dfwj . @)^! . e8LsfF' nflu eld" . gkfn] , !& c;fh,] k=[ #$–#^ . 9Ë' n,] dfwj . @)^! . wg / tgsf ] 8stL} . gkfn] , @$ c;fh,] k=[ @$–@( . 9Ë' n,] dfwj . @)^@ . gkfnsf] ] ;:tfdf' ef/tsf ] bfaL . gkfn] , !( ebf,} k=[ @@–@# . 9Ë' n,] dfwj . @)^# . ;~rf ] ePg 3fp ;:tfsf' ] . gkfn] , ( k;,' k=[ !*–@) . 9Ë' n,] dfwj . @)^# . s:tf ] ;‹Lo zf;g < gkfn] , @* df3, k=[ #)–#! . 9Ë' n,] dfwj . @)^# . z?d' } ;;f+ wg] . gkfn] , @) kmfug,' k=[ #@–## . 9'Ë]n, dfwj . @)^$ . lgjf{rg If]qsf] tfgftfg . g]kfn, @# j}zfv, k=[ @*–#! . 9Ë' n,] dfwj . @)^$ . slknj:t ' g/;xf/+ M s;/L eof ] < s;n ] u/fof ] < gkfn] , !# c;fh,] k=[ @@–@^ . 9Ë' n,] dfwj . @)^$ . ;a } yfs] nl6of' ] . gkfn] , @) c;fh,] k=[ @&–#@ . 9Ë' n,] dfwj . @)^$ . t/fOdf{ >dzfif0f] . gkfn] , @ dªl;/,\ k=[ #*–#( . t/fO { ;d:of cWoog sfobn{ . @)^$ . s ] t/fOsf{ dfu ;Dafwg] ePsf 5gg} \ < -gskf] -Pdfn_] åf/f ul7t t/fO { ;d:of cWoog sfobnn{ ] s]Gb|Lo sld6Lsf] ;qf}F a}7sdf k|:t't u/]sf] k|ltj]bg_ . a'waf/, * kmfug,' k=[ @ . tfdfª, /l;nf . @)%& . dxfQ/Lsf] ] cf:yfsf ] sGb] | M hnZj/] dxfbj] . ljdfrg,] c;fh,] k=[ #( . 182 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy tfdfª, l;tf/fd . @)%$ . t/fOsf{ ] hghflt / gful/stfsf ] kZg| . hghflt d~r !-!_ M #(–$) . ltldlN;gf, PsLGb | . @)^# . cnlUugsf' ] kL8f . gkfn] , @% rt,} k=[ $% . ltlD;gf, ek" Gb] /fh| . @)%( . ;tf/ ;:s+ ltnfO[ { ul/aLsf ] rgf' tL} . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, @@ sflQs, k=[ % . ltjf/L, clht . @)^$ . 5gg} \ sfofno{ kd| v' . lxdfn, !^ jzfv,} k=[ #^–$) . ltjf/L, clht . @)^$ . cfGbfngsf] ] cf8df ck/fw . lxdfn, !^ h7,] k=[ @^–@( . ltjf/L, clht . @)^% . dw]zdf xltof/ M d]8 Og laxf/ . lxdfn, !^ jzfv,} k=[ !( . lqkf7L, bjk] sfz| . @)^% . pk/fi6klt« ls …pk/fi6Úsf« klt . 36gf / ljrf/, !% ;fpg, k=[ !* . lqkf7L, zfef] . @)^# . hnsf] ] dw;n] ] lbPsf ] ;Gbz] . 36gf / ljrf/, @$ df3, k=[ # . lqkf7L, xbo[ z] . @)^! . ;txL /fi6jfbn« ] hGdfPsf ] ljWj;+ . sflGtk/' , #! ebf,} k=[ ^ . lqkf7L, xbo[ z] . @)^@ . dw;L] ;d:of / /fHosf ] kg;' /rgf{+ . sflGtk/' , ( kmfug,' k=[ ^ . lqkf7L, xbo[ z] . @)^# . dw;L] ljbf| x] / d/f] ] /flhgfdf . sflGtk/' , @( rt,} k=[ & . lqkf7L, xbo[ z] . @)^$ . dw;L] Pstf h?/L 5 . ljdz,{ & jzfv,} k=[ @ . lqkf7L, xbo[ z] . @)^$ . rqmJoxdf" dw;] . sflGtk/' , @ dªl;/,\ k=[ & . lqkf7L, xbo[ z] . @)^% . zlQm wjLs/0f|' / dw;] . gof F klqsf, !$ h7,] k=[ & . yklnof, chg{' . @)^$ . dw;sf] bO' { d2f' . gkfn] , @) df3, k=[ !# . yklnof, chg{' . @)^% . t/fOn{ ] 5fPg] sf7df8fnfOF} { . sflGtk/' , !) sflQs, k=[ & . yklnof, chg{' . @)^% . dw;] M d2f' / /0fgLlt . sflGtk/' , @* sflQs, k=[ & . yklnof, ch'{g . @)^% . df/df blnt -e"ldxLg_ . g]kfn, ! dª\l;/, k=[ !$–!& . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 183 yfkf, si0f[ . @)^) . t/fOdf{ cf;lgssf{] ] dxfdf/L . :k;6fOd] , @! kmfug,' k=[ & . yfkf, uug . @)^! . ebf } !^ kl5 dn' sn' ] vfh] sf] pQ/ . sflGtk'/, ! c;fh,] k=[ ^ . Yffkf, uug . @)^# . t/fOsf{ ] tgfjnfO { cj;/df abNgk5' { . sflGtk/' , !$ df3, k=[ & . Yffkf, ufljGbaxfb] /' . @)^# . dw;sf] ] cfGbfng] / ;ljwfg;efsf+ ] lgjfrg{ . awjf/' , @$ df3, k=[ % . yfkf, bLkf / Ozf l3ld/ ] . @)^! . k/fO { 7fG5 cfˆg } /fhwfgLn ] . ;do, ^ kmfug,' k=[ $)–$! . yfkf, ksfz| . @)^$ . dw;] ;d:ofsf hl6n kIf . uf/vfkq] , $ kmfug,' k=[ ^ . yfkf, eQmaxfb'/ . @)^# . dxfdf/L leqsf] syf–Joyf . uf]/vfkq -zlgaf/_, @% sflQs, k=[ ! . yfkf, d~h ' . @)%( . d/gLbjL,] ;~rf/ dfWod / nlËs} ;j+ bgzLntf] . sflGtk/' , @) ;fpg, k=[ & . Yffkf, dl0f . @)^# . dw;sf] ] cfGbfng] / dfcfjfbL] gt] Tjsf[ ] pN6f ] lbzf . ;f3F ', @@ df3, k=[ @ . yfkf, ljsf; . @)^) . dxnL;fu/ afwF M 8afg' gkfnnfO] { l;rfOF { ef/tnfO { . sflGtk/' , % rt,} k=[ & . Yffkf, ;o" { . @)^# . dw;sf] ] kL8f / nxfgsf ] 3fp . awjf/' , !) df3, k=[ !÷* . yfkf, ;o" { . @)^% . lxGbLdf zkyaf6 pTkGg efiffljjfb . uf/vfkq] , !% ;fpg, k=[ ^ . Yffkfdu/, ksfz| . @)^# . dw;L] cfGbfng] k5fl8sf sxL] sf/0f . xfsF , @$ df3, k=[ $÷& . yfkfdu/, ksfz| . @)^$ . dw;sf] ] jtdfg{ cj:yf / ;ljwfg;efsf+ ] rgfj' . xfsF , ! kmfug,' k=[ # . bgjf/,' Hoflt] . @)^% . dw;jfbsf] ] ;f:s+ lts[ aN8f' h/] . gkfn] , % ;fpg, k=[ ## . bgjf/,' gygLl;' x+ . @)^) . ldlynf kb| z] / bgjf/' hflt . uf/vfkq] , !$ df3, k=[ % . 184 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy blxt, ufkfn] . @)^! . df3Lkj { / yf¿ hflt . uf/vfkq] , ! df3, k=[ $ . bfxfn, Clifsz] . @)^# . bnx¿ /ldt ] . gkfn] , @! Dff3, k=[ @^–@& . bfxfn, Clifsz] . @)^# . cem} ae' mg] lrQ . gkfn] , @* Dff3, k=[ @#–@^ . bfxfn, Clifsz] / eLd l3ld/ ] . @)^# . Iflt dfq } . gkfn] , ^ kmfug,' k=[ #$–#% . bfxfn, Clifsz] / eLd l3ld/ ] . @)^# . gsf/fTds c;/ . gkfn] , !! rt,} k=[ #$–#% . bfxfn, v6/fh] . @)^! . hgsk/–ljhnk' /f' aGb /nj] sf] ] leqL syf . dNofÍg" , ebf,} k=[ @^–@& . bfxfn, v6/fh] . @)^! . ;fdbflos' jg e–dflkmofsf" ] sAhfdf . dNofÍg" , df3, k=[ @(–#) . bfxfn, ªdLGb | . @)%( . kxf8eGbf t/fO { lsg lr;f ] < gkfn] , !^ df3, k=[ #) . bfxfn, lrGtfdl0f . @)^# . sflrnf] kb| zsf] ] k:tfj| . gkfn] , * c;fh,] k=[ #*–#( . bfxfn, l8NnL/fd . @)%) . t/fOsf{ ] ljeflht klxrfg . lxdfn #-$_ M !#–!^ . bfxfn, l8NnL/fd . @)%# . dwlzof–kxfl8of] cGt/;DaGw M ;fd~h:osf] vfrfF ] . lxdfn, c;f/–c;fh,] k=[ @$–@& . bfxfn, l8NnL/fd . @)^! . dw;L] s;nfO { eGg ] < gkfn] , ^ ebf,} k=[ @^ . bfxfn, l8NnL/fd . @)^! . vfrfF ] hftLo ;befjsf\ ] < gkfn] , @& ebf,} k=[ #^ . bfxfn, k?iff' Qd] . @)^# . t/fO { cfGbfngsf] ] ;fªn\ ] kltlqmof| . lxdfn, ! kmfug,' k=[ $$–$% . bfxfn, k?iff' Qd] . @)^# . 30ffsf[ ] aLhf/fk0f] . lxdfn, !^ rt,} k=[ $@–$# . bfxfn, k?iff' Qd] . @)^$ . …t/fO { sf8Úsf{ ] kof| u] . lxdfn, ! jzfv,} k=[ @^–@* . bfxfn, k'?iff]Qd . @)^% . ;d:of rsf{pg] efiff–o'4 . gofF klqsf, !$ ;fpg, k=[ & . bfxfn, abL| . @)^# . PsLst[ gkfnsf] ] cv08 cË t/fO { . uf/vfkq] , !% kmfug,' k=[ & . bfxfn, e/t . @)^$ . cgldgnfO { pl5Gb } ef/t . gkfn] , !( kmfug,' k=[ @^–@& . bfxfn, e/t . @)^$ . ljjfbf:kb ;Demftfk} lt| lj/fwfef;] . gkfn] , # rt,} k=[ #@–## . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 185 bfxfn, e/t . @)^% . dw;] d2fsf' ] e/fhgLlts" kf6f ] . gkfn] , @( c;f/, k=[ @^–@& . bfxfn, /lj . @)^@ . ;/lIft' cf>o:yn . ;do, @& ;fpg, k=[ !( . bfxfn, /lj / /fd ;/fkm{ . @)^$ . dfnfp} bF } . ;do, @) jzfv,} k=[ !^–!* . bfxfn, /lj / /fd ;/fkm{ . @)^$ . dw;] 5f8g\ ] pbL { . ;do, @& jzfv,} k=[ #! . bfxfn, /lj / /fd ;/fkm{ . @)^$ . t:s/sf ] /hfO +{ . ;do, @$ h7,] k=[ @)–@! . bfxfn, /fhGb] | . @)%^ . t/fOnfO{ { xg] {] cfvfF . lxdfn, !^ c;f/, k=[ @*–## . lbn,' ;/fh] . @)^# . zfGt dw;df] ljrng . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, !$ rt,} k=[ $ . lbn,' ;/fh] . @)^$ . dw;L] hgtfsf ] cfjfh / /fHosf ] bfloTj . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , !# c;f/, k=[ * . lbzfafw] l6d . @)^# . dw;Lsf] ] wSsf Û dfcfjfbLsf] ] kltwSsf| ÛÛ lbzfafw] , kmfug,' k=[ !)–!# . bLlIft, sgs . @)^$ . dwz] / /fHo, dfcfjfbL] / /fHo . lxdfn, !^ ebf,} k=[ #@–## . bLlIft, sgs . @)^$ . slknj:tsf' ] ;j+ bgzLn] ;Gbz] . lxdfn, !^ c;fh,] k=[ @)–@! . bLlIft, sgs . @)^$ . …t/fO{dw]zLÚ Pstf / ;+ljwfg;ef . lxdfn, ! df3, k=[ @( . bLlIft, sgs . @)^% . lxGbL gkfnL] xfOg] < lxdfn, !^ ;fpg, k=[ #*–#( . bLlIft, dbgdl0f . @)^% . sfNklgs gf/f . sflGtk/' , @# c;f/, k=[ & . bLlIft, ;Gb/dl0f' . @)^# . dn' ssf' ] Pstf / cv08tf lgljsNk{ 5 . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, @% df3, k=[ $ . bnfn,' tn;f' . @)^$ . df/df d;x/' . sflGtk/' , @) kmfug,' k=[ & . bphf,] /fwfsi0f[ . @)^# . /fhgLlts c/fhstf / kfv08nfO { lgifw] ugk5{' { . gf/fo0fL, !) df3, k=[ @ . b]j, lht]Gb| . @)^! . dw]zL df]rf{df ljb|f]x / lj/f]wfefif . sflGtk'/, @) ;fpg, k=[ ^ . bj,] lhtGb] | . @)^# . ;ljwfg;efdf+ dw;sf] ] PhG8f] . sflGtk/' , & ebf,} k=[ & . 186 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy bj,] lhtGb] | . @)^# . dw;df] cg/f:jljo] sf' rgf' tL} . sflGtk/' , @* ebf,} k=[ & . b]j, lht]Gb| . @)^# . dw];L cfGbf]ngsf cfwf/e"t d'2f . sflGtk'/, ! kmfug,' k=[ & . bj,] lhtGb] | . @)^$ . ;ljwfg;efsf+ rgf' tL} . uf/vfkq] , !^ ;fpg, k=[ ^ . bj,] lhtGb] | . @)^$ . klxrfgsf kfrF kZg| . gkfn] , @) ;fpg, k=[ #@ . bj,] lhtGb] | . @)^$ . dw;] /fhgLltdf ck/fwL tŒjsf ] ˆohg' . sflGtk/' , @) dªl;/,\ k=[ & . bj,] lhtGb] | . @)^% . dw;jfbL] bnsf ] xËfdf . sflGtk/,' !* c;f/, k=[ & . b]j, lht]Gb| . @)^% . dw];jfbL bn ;/sf/df hfg'x'G5 < uf]/vfkq, * c;fh,] k=[ ^ . bj,] /fdgf/fo0f . @)%( . gkfn] kjf;| / ljBfkltsf ] ;flxTo–;fwgf . sflGtk/' , ! dªl;/,\ k=[ & . bj,] /fdgf/fo0f . @)^! . dlynL} ;flxToklt| ;/sf/L pkIff] . sflGtk/' , ! dªl;/,\ k=[ & . bj,] /fdgf/fo0f . @)^! . dlynL} ;flxTo / dxfslj ljBfklt . uf/vfkq] , ( dªl;/,\ k=[ $ . bj,] /fdgf/fo0f . @)^! . dxfslj ljBfkltsf ] ;fwgf . sflGtk/' , ( dªl;/,\ k=[ & . bj,] /fdgf/fo0f . @)^@ . ;o" { pkf;gf / cl/kg . sflGtk/' , @@ sflQs, k=[ & . bj,] /fdgf/fo0f . @)^@ . dlynL} ;flxTosf dxfslj . sflGtk/' , !! dªl;/,\ k=[ & . bj,] /fdgf/fo0f . @)^# . ;o" { pkf;gf / 57kj { . uf/vfkq] , !) sflQs, k=[ $ . bj,] /fdgf/fo0f . @)^# . dxfslj ljBfklt / dlynLsf} ] l:ylt . sflGtk/' , !& sflQs, k=[ & . bj,] /fdgf/fo0f . @)^# . dw;jfbL] cfGbfng,] dfcfjfbL] wDsL . sflGtk/' , !@ df3, k=[ & . b]j, /fdgf/fo0f . @)^$ . t/fO{ cfGbf]ngkl5 lgjf{rg . sflGtk'/, @* kmfug,' k=[ & . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 187 bj,] /fdgf/fo0f . @)^% . ;ljwfg;efsf+ ] rgfjkl5' t/fOdf{ gof F zlQmsf] pbo . /fHosf] ¿kfGt/0f, jzfv–h} 7,] k=[ !^–!& . bj,] /fdgf/fo0f . @)^% . t/fOjf;L{ dwzLsf] ] /fli6otf« . /fHosf ] ¿kfGt/0f, h7–c;f/,] k=[ @! . bj,] /fdgf/fo0f . @)^% . yf¿ cuflwsf/| / dw;] . sflGtk/' , @^ c;f/, k=[ ^ . bj,] /fdgf/fo0f . @)^% . jLkL, sfuF ;]| / t/fO–dw{ ;] . sflGtk/,' ^ ;fpg, k=[ & . bj,] >j0fsdf/' . @)^$ . ck/fwnfO { /fhgLltsf ] cfj/0f . lxdfn, !^ h7,] k=[ @*–@( . bj,] >j0fsdf/' . @)^$ . ylk' bF| 5} xltof/ . lxdfn, !^ c;fh,] k=[ !)–!! . bj,] >j0fsdf/' . @)^$ . sk' yf| bfOhfsf] ] . lxdfn, !^ df3, k=[ $* . bj,] >j0fsdf/' . @)^% . dwzsf] ;z:q ;dxaLr" df/sf6 . lxdfn, ! h7,] k=[ #@–## . b]jsf]6f, s]zj/fh . @)^$ . dw]; cfGbf]ngsf] oyfy{ . uf]/vfkq, !% kmfug,' k=[ & . bjsf] 6f,] si0fHjfnf[ . @)^! . ca ldNsfpgk5} { lxGb " r:df . sflGtk/' , % c;fh,] k=[ & . bjsf] 6f,] kaf| w] . @)^# . 7nf" ] b3' 6gfsf{ ] ;fgf ] ;Ít] . ;do, !@ c;fh,] k=[ #^ . bjsf] 6f,] kaf| w] . @)^$ . jslNks} /fhgLlt / kml/] t/fO { . ;do, !( k;,' k=[ !^–!& . bjsf] 6f,] kef;| . @)^@ . ;fdbflos' ag / t/fOsf{ ] ax; . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , ^ k;,' k=[ * . bjsf] 6f,] kef;| . @)^$ . dw;L] cfGbfng] / kxf8L dfgl;stf . /fhwfgL, !) c;f/, k=[ ^ . bjsf] 6f,] kef;| . @)^$ . dw;] cfGbfng] / åGåsf ] k6fIfk] . gkfnLkq] , !* ;fpg, k=[ @ . bjsf] 6f,] ;efif' . @)%# . sxf F 5 ;:tf' < lxdfn, c;f/–c;fh,] k=[ !*–!( . bjsf] 6f,] ;/' Gb] /fh| . @)^# . kjL" { t/fO { M cfnfrgfTds] bli6[ . sflGtk/' , @^ df3, k=[ & . bjsf] 6f,] ;jf;' . @)^# . yfldof ] cfGbfng] . ;do, # kmfug,' k=[ @^–@( . 188 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy wgsfn,} efnf] . @)^! . ah6df] klg t/fO { pklIft] . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, @* ;fpg, k=[ $ . lwdfn, ;fdaxfb] /' . @)^% . ;do kl/jtg;{ uF } lwdfn ;:s+ ltsf[ ] hugf] { . uf/vfkq] , @) dªl;/,\ k=[ ^ . gfujzL,+ pkGb] eut| . @)^! . dlynL} efiffsf ] lnlk sDKo6/df' . ;do, & c;fh,] k=[ !& . gfd pNn]v gePsf] . @)^# . gful/stf ljt/0fdf laofFnf] . ;do, !^ sflQs, k=[ #@ . gf/fo0f, >Ldg . @)^% . dw;jfbdf] g;dl6Psf] dw;Lx¿] . cGgk"0f{ kfi6] , @^ dªl;/,\ k=[ * . lg/fnf,} zDe ' . @)%( . clzIff / ul/aLsf ] rk6fdf] ;tf/ hflt . ljdfrg,] @( k;,' k=[ @&–@* . lg/fnf,} zDe ' . @)^) . ;tf/ hflt / ;Gyfn gTo[ . uf/vfkq] , #! jzfv,} k=[ $ . gpkfg] ,] bLkg] . @)^# . cfem] ndf] dfgjclwsf/ M o4ck/fwdf' b08xLgtf . bzg{ , ( df3, k=[ @ . gkfn,] ls/0f . @)^# . c;/Iff,' ck/fw / c/fhstf . lxdfn, ! c;fh,] k=[ !)–!# . gkfn,] ls/0f . @)^# . cfuf ] lgefpg ] pkfo . lxdfn, !^ df3, k=[ #*–#( . g]kfn, ls/0f . @)^# . ;‹Lo / ;fd]nL casf] /fHok|0ffnL . lxdfn, ! kmfug,' k=[ #@–#^ . gkfn,] ls/0f . @)^# . ;Ldfblv] /fhwfgL;Dd . lxdfn, ! rt,} k=[ !$–!% . gkfn,] ls/0f . @)^$ . sf7df8f F} adsf08sf ] leqL kf6f ] . lxdfn, ! c;fh,] k=[ #*–$! . gkfn,] ls/0f . @)^$ . gof F åGåsf ] df8df] . lxdfn, !^ dªl;/,\ k=[ !)–!@ . gkfn,] ls/0f . @)^$ . rkrfk' lj:yfkg . lxdfn, ! k;,' k=[ !@–!& . gkfn,] ls/0f . @)^$ . lj/u~h l56f ] ;T5,' l9nf ] p75\ . lxdfn, !^ df3, k=[ !^ . gkfn,] ls/0f / wj'| l;Dv8f . @)^! . !^ ebfsf} ] /fli6o« Iflt M kml/] klg bfifL] bl08t gxg' ] ;Ít] . lxdfn, ! c;fh,] k=[ !*–@# . gkfn,] lszf/] . @)^! . kL8f afxs] ;a } s/f' :ylut 5g \ . lxdfn, !^ rt,} k=[ @( . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 189 gkfn,] lszf/] . @)^@ . ;Ldf, gbL / cf/Ifsf ] lhNnf . lxdfn, ! ebf,} k=[ ## . gkfn,] lszf/] . @)^@ . p:t } 5 hgsk/' . lxdfn, ! dªl;/,\ k=[ $* . gkfn,] lszf/] . @)^# . dw;L] cfGbfng] / oyfy { . gkfn] , @! Dff3, k=[ ^ . gkfn,] lszf/] . @)^# . ;Gbzdf] cGt/lglxt ;To . gkfn] , @* df3, k=[ ^ . gkfn,] lszf/] . @)^$ . dw;] / nufdxLg aa/fx6{ . gof F klqsf, !* df3, k=[ ^ . g]kfn, lszf]/ . @)^$ . blIf0f kmls{g nfu]sf dw];sf PG6]gf . gofF klqsf, # kmfug,' k=[ ^ . gkfn,] lszf/] . @)^$ . dw;] cfGbfngsf] ] ;To . gof F klqsf, @$ kmfug,' k=[ & . g]kfn, hgs . @)^@ . ef/tLo cbfntdf g]kfnL r]nLx¿ . g]kfn, $ jzfv,} k=[ $@ . gkfn,] hgs . @)^@ . asf' { p3f//] ;dfh;jf] . gkfn] , * h7,] k=[ !@ . gkfn,] hgs . @)^# . yf¿n ] dfu ] hftLo :jfoQtf . gkfn] , & ;fpg, k=[ @! . gkfn,] hgs . @)^# . kefjxLg| kof;| . gkfn] , @& sflQs, k=[ @! . gkfn,] hgs . @)^# . Pp6 } 5fgf ] Pp6 } efG;f . gkfn] , @! df3, k=[ #*–$! . gkfn,] hgs . @)^$ . lg/LIf0f ed0fsf| ] /fhgLlt . gkfn] , @ ebf,} k=[ !*–!( . gkfn,] hgs . @)^$ . lhpbF } hnfpgnfO] { kf| T;fxg] . gkfn] , ( dªl;/,\ k=[ !*–!( . gkfn,] hgs / sdn kGyL . @)^# . s;/L ;lsP albofsf{ u8fF} < gkfn] , !# kmfug,' k=[ !$–!^ . gkfn,] hgs / sdn kGyL . @)^% . ;Ldfdf cftÍ . gkfn] , !( c;fh,] k=[ !^–!& . gkfn,] hgs, sdn kGyL, lhtGb] | v8uf,\ lzj k/L' / Zofd;Gb/' zlz . @)^$ . af9Lsf ] ljklQ . gkfn] , @& ;fpg, k=[ !$–!^ . gkfn,] kbLk| . @)^# . cfGbfngsf] ] gt] Tj[ / bfloTj . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, !( df3, k=[ $ . gkfn,] kbLk| . @)^$ . l;4fGtxLgtfsf ] lgolt . gof F klqsf, ! rt,} k=[ & . gkfn,] kbLk| . @)^% . pk/fi6kltsf« ] zkysf ] ;f/ . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, !@ ;fpg, k=[ $ . 190 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy gkfn,] kml0f/fh . @)^# . gful/stf M dw;L] dlQmsf' ] cfwf/ . uf/vfkq] , # c;fh,] k=[ $ . gkfn,] kml0f/fh . @)^# . dw;] cfGbfngn] ] p7fPsf ;jfn . uf/vfkq] , #) kmfug,' k=[ ^ . gkfn,] kml0f/fh . @)^% . t/fO { ls dw;] . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , ! c;fh,] k=[ * . gkfn,] ddtf zdf { . @)^$ . ;ljwfg;efsf+ ] rgfj' / dw;] cfGbfngsf] ] uGtJo . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , & kmfug,' k=[ * . gkfn,] ljgfb] . @)^# . t/fOsf{ ] cfuf ] / l;Sgkg' {] kf7 . 36gf / ljrf/, !) df3, k=[ @ . gkfn,] zq3g' . @)%& . jL/u~h, jL/u~h g } /lx/xf;] \ . klts,| !@ dªl;/,\ k=[ !@ . gkfn,] ;Gtfifdl0f] . @)^% . 9Ëf–lu§L' M ckf/bzL { wGbf -r/' –efj/–t/fO] _{ . lxdfn, ! ebf,} k=[ #$–#% . gkfnL,] sdn . @)^% . pkIffdf] dw;L] blnt . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , !# sflQs, k[= * . gkfnL,] sdn . @)^% . bfxf] /f] ] bdgdf dw;L] blnt . uf/vfkq] , @* sflQs, k=[ & . gkfnL,] enaxfb/' . @)^# . kxf8L dw;L] efO efO, ;a sx] ' ldns ] gkfn] agfO . gf/fo0fL, !! df3, k=[ @ . g]kfnL, /fh]Zj/ . @)%( . hgsk'/wfdsf] ;+/If0f h?/L . uf]/vfkq, #) c;f/, k=[ $ . g]kfnL, /fh]Zj/ . @)%( . hgsk'/wfdsf] ul/df ;+/If0f cfjZos . :k;6fOd] , !) sflQs, k=[ & . gkfnL,] /fhZj/] . @)^$ . dw;sf] ] ;d:of . uf/vfkq] , @$ dªl;/,\ k=[ & . gkfnL,] /fhZj/] . @)^% . dw;] / dw;Lsf] ] lxt . uf/vfkq] , @! dªl;/,\ k=[ ^ . gjf/,] rGbsnf| . @)^% . /fi6efiffsf« ] kZg| . sflGtk/' , #@ ;fpg, k=[ & . Gofkfg} ,] cgGt/fh . @)^# . kmf/dsf] ] cfGbfng] / sxL] kZgx¿| . bzg{ , * df3, k=[ $ . Gofkfg} ,] cgGt/fh . @)^# . ;w' g| k5' { cfGbfngsf] ] :j?k . bzg{ , !^ df3, k=[ $ . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 191 kl~hof/, thgf/fo0f] . @)%) . Oltxf;af6 7luPsf ] hflt . lxdfn #-$_ M %@–%% . kg¿,] nfs] Gb] | . @)^$ . ;:tfsf' ] lrTsf/, ;Gb' g} ;/sf/ . gj ojf' , df3, k=[ %)–%! . kGt, /3 ' . @)^# . t/fOsf{ ] cfGbfng] / nf;] ] ;/sf/ . awjf/' , @$ df3, k=[ !÷* . kGt, ;l/tf . @)^) . d;x/' hfltsf ] ljjfx k4lt . :k;6fOd] , !! ;fpg, k=[ & . k/fhnL,' efg ' . @)^% . efsf] ] rf8 / af9LkLl8t . uf/vfkq] , @! c;fh,] k=[ ^ . k/fhnL,' zfefs/] . @)^# . hln/xsf] ] dw;] / ;dfwfgsf ] af6f ] . bzfGt/] , @! Dff3, k=[ @ . k/fhnL,' zfefs/] . @)^$ . t/fO { cfGbfngdf] …tnÚ] gykf F} . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, @^ k;,' k=[ $ . k/fhnL,' zfefs/] . @)^$ . dxGy 7fs/sf' ] alxudg{ . gof F klqsf, ! df3, k=[ ^ . kl/of/, ufljGb] . @)^# . bf;] f| ] bhfsf{ gful/s . ;do, @( ebf,} k=[ !* . kl/of/, ufljGb] . @)^# . ;dfrf/dfly cTofrf/ . ;do, @% df3, k=[ #& . kl/of/, ufljGb] . @)^$ . dfcfjfbL] l;sf/ . ;do, @@ sflQs, k=[ @#–@% . kl/of/, ufljGb] . @)^$ . kqsf/ dfg {] dfcfjfbL] . ;do, @( sflQs, k=[ #$–#% . kxf8L, pHHjn . @)^% . dw;] / dlxnfsf ] lhDdjf/L] . awaf/' , ! h7,] k=[ % . kxf8L, pHHjn . @)^% . cflbjf;L yf¿nfO{ dw];L agfpg kfOFb}g . awaf/' , @% c;f/, k=[ % . kf7s, ltns . @)%( . afwF ef/tsf ] c;/ gkfndf] . gkfn] , !^ rt,} k=[ $^–$& . kf7s, ltns . @)^# . tgfjdf t/fO { . gkfn] , !$ df3, k=[ @(–#! . kf7s, ltns . @)^# . c:ki6 cf7 bn . gkfn] , @* df3, k=[ @!–@@ . kf7s, ltns . @)^# . /flsof] ] tgfj . gkfn] , ^ kmfug,' k=[ #)–#! . kf7s, ltns . @)^# . ;Í6df zflGt klqmof| . gkfn] , !* rt,} k=[ #)–#! . kf7s, ltns . @)^$ . k6gf a7ssf} ] cGt/syf . gkfn] , @$ c;f/, k=[ @@–@% . 192 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy kf7s, ltns . @)^$ . IfqLo] /fhgLltsf ] af6f ] . gkfn] , @) ;fpg, k=[ @!–@$ . kf7s, ltns . @)^$ . åGåsf ] gof F 9fsf] . gkfn] , @# ebf,} k=[ @*–#! . kf7s, ltns . @)^$ . dfrf] aGbLsf{ ] df;d} . gkfn] , !^ dªl;/,\ k=[ #)–#! . kf7s, ltns . @)^$ . dw;sf] gfddf gof F /fhgLlt . gkfn] , * k;,' k=[ @$–@& . kf7s, ltns . @)^$ . ePg sfxL] ;femf gtf] . gkfn] , @& df3, k=[ @*–#! . kf7s, ltns . @)^$ . ;o+ Qm' dfrf] { clg ;xsfo { . gkfn] , % kmfug,' k=[ #$–#% . kf7s, ltns . @)^$ . jftfsf{ ] 6a] ndf' dfrf] { . gkfn] , !@ kmfug,' k=[ @@–@# . kf7s, ltns . @)^$ . rgfjsf' ] af6fdf] . gkfn] , @^ kmfug,' k=[ @!–@$ . kf7s, ltns . @)^$ . ;/sf/L ;Demftfk} lt| ;gfsf] ] ;zo+ . gkfn] , # rt,} k=[ @# . kf7s, ltns . @)^% . r'gf}tLsf] bf];fFwdf -dw];L kmf]/d_ . g]kfn, % h7,] k=[ !^–!* . kf7s, ltns . @)^% . sGb] df| dw;] d2f' . gkfn] , @( c;f/, k=[ @@–@$ . kf7s, ltns . @)^% . dw;L] e;h]{ yf¿ . gkfn] , % ;fpg, k=[ #)–#@ . kf7s, ltns . @)^% . /fdjf0f -/fd/fhfk;fb| l;x_+ . gkfn] , !@ ;fpg, k=[ @@–@% . kf7s, ltns . @)^% . w/fkdf dfrf] { < -dw;L] bn_ . gkfn] , !( ;fpg, k=[ @)–@! . kf7s, ltns . @)^% . dw;] ld;g -hkL] uKtf_' . gkfn] , @^ ;fpg, k=[ !$–!^ . kf7s, ltns / lhtGb] | v8uf\ . @)^$ . ef/tLo btfjf;df" gkfnL] /fhgLlt . gkfn] , !( kmfug,' k=[ @@–@% . kf7s, ltns, lhtGb] | v8uf,\ ;lht' dxt / lzj k/L' . @)^# . c;Gti6' dwz] . gkfn] , @! Dff3, k=[ @!–@% . kf7s, ltns, bLkGb] | a8jfn,' dfwj 9Ëfgf' / dfxg] a9fP' /] . @)^@ . /fusf] ] dxfdf/L ;/sf/L nfk/afxL . gkfn] , ( c;fh,] k=[ #)–## . kf7s, ou' . @)^% . l;hflk] mlgofu| :t| dw;jfbLx¿] . gof F klqsf, @! c;f/, k[= & . kf7s, ljZjgfy . @)^$ . dw;sf] ] ;d:of . uf/vfkq] , !) ;fpg, k=[ ^ . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 193 kf08,] h=] . @)^! . cltjfbsf ] lj/fwdf] gkfnL] d;ndfg' . gkfn] , @& ebf,} k=[ #$ . kf08,] h=] . @)^! . /fd–/lxd Ps;fy . sflGtk/' , !) sflQs, k=[ & . kf08,] h=] . @)^@ . l;dfgfdf yk s8fO . gkfn] , !@ dªl;/,\ k=[ @@ . kf08,] h=] . @)^@ . cftlÍt gkfnu~h] . sflGtk/' , !! rt,} k=[ & . kf08,] h=] . @)^# . ;/sf/eGbf jg dflkmof anjfg . sflGtk/' , % c;f/, k=[ & . kf08,] h=] . @)^# . jg dflkmofsf ] hfn . sflGtk/' , @^ c;f/, k=[ & . kf08,] h]= . @)^$ . ;gf] lgMz:q, t:s/ ;z:q . gkfn] , !% k;,' k=[ $^–$& . kf08,] h=] . @)^$ . ef/tLo 8fsfnfOF { gkfnL] gful/stf . gkfn] , ^ df3, k=[ #* . kf08,] h=] . @)^% . ck/fwLnfO { cfddfkmL . gkfn] , ^ k;,' k=[ !$–!% . kf08], bLks . @)^# . t/fO{ cfGbf]ngn] pAhfPsf ;d:ofx¿ . xfFs, @$ df3, k=[ % . kf;jfg, /fhs'df/ . @)^% . dfemLx¿ ;Í6df . /fHosf] ¿kfGt/0f, c;f/–;fpg, k=[ $@ . kf;jfg, /fdkLt| . @)^# . eld" / gful/stfsf ] kL8f . lxdfn, ! sflQs, k=[ @) . lk6/, g/]Gb|hË . @)^$ . yf¿ / y¿x6af/] s]xL s'/f . uf]/vfkq, !@ kmfug,' k=[ ^ . k8f;' gL,} /fdk;fb| . @)^# . ;~rf/sdL { dflysf ] cfqmd0f lj?4df . uf/vfkq] , @% df3, k=[ ^ . kg,' ;Gtaxfb/' . @)^! . dxnL;fu/;uF } 8Abf' ] xfdf| ] ;fjef{ d;Qf} . ;do, @! h7,] k=[ @& . kgdu/,' h=aL=] . @)^! . dfcfjfbL] lj?4 8fsfF ;dx" . lxdfn, ! c;f/, k=[ #)–#! . kgdu/,' h=aL=] . @)^! . vfg 5g} s;/L lbg ' rGbf . lxdfn, !^ df3, k=[ !^–!* . k'gdu/, h]=aL= . @)^@ . dfcf]jfbL / lelhnfGt] b'j} p:t} . lxdfn, !^ jzfv,} k=[ !^–!* . kgdu/,' h=aL=] . @)^@ . knfog Û knfog ÛÛ lxdfn, ! c;f/, k=[ %(–^) . 194 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy kgdu/,' h=aL=] . @)^$ . dwzdf] ;z:q kx/L| M unt lg0fo{ . lxdfn, ! h7,] k=[ !)–!! . kgdu/,' h=aL=] . @)^$ . ablnbfF ] ;Gtng' . lxdfn, !^ ebf,} k=[ !@–!% . kgdu/,' h=aL=] . @)^$ . zlQm pGdfb . lxdfn, !^ c;fh,] k=[ !^–!( . kgdu/,' h=aL=] . @)^$ . eo x6fpm . lxdfn, ! rt,} k=[ #)–## . kgdu/,' h=aL=] . @)^% . efu ] ls eufOP -sbL} km/f/_ . lxdfn, ! ebf,} k=[ @^–@& . kgdu/,' h=aL=] . @)^% . o4;/bf/s' } huhuL -rgfjkl5sf' ] dwz_] . lxdfn, ! c;fh,] k=[ !$–!& . k/L,' lzj . @)^% . 8gsf ] cj;fg -ld:6/ hfg_] . gkfn] , @( ebf,} k=[ #( . k'is/, s[i0fxl/ . @)^$ . ;+ljwfg;efsf jfbL–k|ltjfbL . sflGtk'/, @$ df3, k=[ & . kj" { . @)^# . nxfg 36gf M dw;] cfGbfng] . !( df3, k=[ !÷% . kj" { . @)^# . dw;] cfGbfngsf] ] Pltxfl;stf] . @^ df3, k=[ # . kf]v/]n, pk]Gb| . @)^% . dxflwj]zgcl3sf] xnrn -kmf]/d_ . g]kfn, @( dªl;/,\ k=[ !$–!% . kfv/] n,] si0f[ . @)^# . dw;nfO] { Gofo rflxPsf ] 5, nf~5gf xfOg] . bli6[ , !^ df3, k=[ $ . kfv/] n,] si0f[ . @)^$ . /fHosf ] ajf:tfsf] ] kl/0flt < ;do, !@ k;,' k=[ !^–!& . kfv/] n,] si0f[ . @)^$ . t/fO–dw{ ;sf] ] kfyldstf| . gof F klqsf, !) df3, k=[ & . kf]v/]n, s[i0f . @)^$ . dw]; rflxg] dw];L grflxg] < gofF klqsf, @ kmfug,' k=[ & . kf]v/]n, s[i0f . @)^% . dw]; d'2fdflysf] zAbhfn . gofF klqsf, !( c;f/, k=[ & . kf]v/]n, s[i0f . @)^% . pk/fi6«kltsf cwL/ cleJolQm . uf]/vfkq, @^ sflQs, k=[ ^ . kfv/] n,] ufljGb] . @)^# . gkfnu~h] 36gf M ;Ít] / ;Gbz] . uf/vfkq] , @) k;,' k=[ ^ . kfv/] n,] gj/fh . @)%( . ;tf/ hfltsf ] bz F} / ;Gyfn gTo[ . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, !* c;fh,] k=[ % . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 195 kf]v/]n, an/fd . @)^# . dw]; xfd|f] xf], xfdL dw];sf xf}F . bz{g, !^ df3, k=[ @ . kfv/] n,] efh/fh] . @)^# . clxn ] cj;/ xf ] . ;do, !! ;fpg, k=[ @^ . kfv/] n,] dfwjk;fb| . @)%( . hgsk/df' hnko6g{ M ;Defjgf / rgf' tL} . uf/vfkq] , $ rt,} k=[ $ . kfv/] n,] ds' z] . @)^! . ef/t :jLsfbg{} t/ ufp F 8a' s] } 5g \ . lxdfn, ! c;f/, k=[ !*–!( . kf]v/]n, d's]z . @)^# . jfl/ ck/fw kfl/ cf>o . lxdfn, ! r}t, k=[ @)–@! . kfv/] n,] ds' z] . @)^$ . kmsgg{] \ lj:yflkt . lxdfn, ! k;,' k=[ !*–!( . kfv/] n,] ds' z] . @)^$ . lj:yflktsf ] cfqmfz] . lxdfn, ! kmfug,' k=[ !^–!& . kf]v/]n, d's]z . @)^$ . ;LdfIf]qdf k|x/Lsf] bfbflu/L . gofF klqsf, @( kmfug,' k=[ & . kfv/] n,] ds' z] . @)^$ . dWo t/fO { M kltsf/| ;dxsf" ] eo . lxdfn, ! rt,} k=[ #$ . kfv/] n,] ds' z] . @)^% . slknj:t ' g/;xf/sf+ ] Ps jifM{ wGg bfxf] l/Pg] . lxdfn, ! c;fh,] k=[ @)–@@ . kfv/] n,] ds' z] / clht ltjf/L . @)^% . kx/L| s6' g\ ] rSsfhfd ug ]{ t:s/ kf:g] ] . lxdfn, ! dªl;/,\ k=[ @$–@% . kfv/] n,] ds' z,] /fdZj/] afxf] /f,] cj0fbj] / jL/Gb] | ;fx . @)^# . ebuf| n] klg clgoldttf klg . lxdfn, ! kmfug,' k=[ !@–!$ . kfv/] n,] /fhsdf/' . @)^$ . t/fOsf{ ] tgfp / gt] Tj[ Ifdtf . uf/vfkq] , & kmfug,' k=[ & . kfv/] n,] /fhsdf/' . @)^$ . ljbf| xsf] ] ;Gbz] . gof F klqsf, !% kmfug,' k=[ & . kfv/] n,] /fkp| . @)^% . t/fO,{ yf¿ / y¿x6 . sflGtk/' , @! ;fpg, k=[ & . kfv/] n,] /fdrGb | . @)^# . t/fOdf{ p7sf] ] c;Gtli6' . ;do, !& kmfug,' k=[ #&–#* . kf]v/]n, n]vgfy . @)^) . zLtnx/n] lgDTofPsf] k|sf]k . uf]/vfkq, @% k;,' k=[ % . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^! . kfgLn ] 8afp' bF 5} ldqtf . ;do, @! h7,] k=[ @*–#) . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^! . ef/t sxL] nlrnf ] . ;do, !& c;f/, k=[ !( . 196 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^! . dbzL] dGyg . ;do, @$ c;f/, k=[ #)–#! . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^! . kj" df{ af9L klZrddf v8/L] . ;do, & ;fpg, k=[ @*–@( . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^! . sd/8x¿sf] ] cflys{ 5nfª \ . ;do, @@ k;,' k=[ !*–!( . kf]v/]n, ljZjdl0f . @)^@ . l9nf] cfP d]3, ;'Sg yfn] v]t . ;do, ^ ;fpg, k=[ #@–#% . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^@ . kf6L { aGof ] hgflwsf/ kmf/d] . ;do, @& ;fpg, k=[ #& . kf]v/]n, ljZjdl0f . @)^@ . cfw'lgstfsf] af6f]df . ;do, @$ r}t, k=[ $^–%) . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^# . nfnWjh / /ftf8f8fF . ;do, $ h7,] k=[ !^–!& . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^# . ;Nemfpg' ] t/, s;/L < ;do, !! ;fpg, k=[ @#–@& . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^# . kd| vtf' kfpbF } . ;do, !* ;fpg, k=[ #)–#! . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^# . ;j+ wflgs} vt/f . ;do, !@ c;fh,] k=[ #$–#% . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^# . 36b\ } :jLsfotf{ . ;do, @% df3, k=[ #!–#@ . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^# . t/fOsf{ ] tftf ] . ;do, !& kmfug,' k=[ @*–@( . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^# . kmf/d] ca lzlyn . ;do, @@ rt,} k=[ @^ . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^# . lzlyn cfGbfng] . ;do, @( rt,} k=[ #% . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^$ . klrnf] ] aGb } 5 d2f' . ;do, # h7,] k=[ #@–## . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^$ . ;dfwfglt/ . ;do, !& ;fpg, k=[ #)–#! . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^$ . ufOtnfO] { /ftf ] sfk6{] . ;do, !# ebf,} k=[ #$–#% . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^$ . ;Qf /fhgLltsf ] kefj| . ;do, !) c;fh,] k=[ @^–@( . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^$ . hl6n aGb } dwz] cfGbfng] . ;do, @$ c;fh,] k=[ #( . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^$ . IfqLo] bnsf ] wSsf . ;do, % k;,' k=[ #)–#% . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^$ . dw;L] d2fsf' ] /Gsf ] . ;do, !@ k;,' k=[ @$–@% . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^$ . t/fOdf{ bnx¿sf ] cfvfF . ;do, !( k;,' k=[ #@–## . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 197 kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^$ . dfrf] aGbLkl5sf{ ] ;Defjgf . ;do, !& df3, k=[ #@–## . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^$ . cem } dw;] dVo' rgf' tL} . ;do, ( kmfug,' k=[ #)–#@ . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^$ . dw;df] ljefhg . ;do, @# kmfug,' k=[ @#–@& . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^$ . rf/lt/ dw;Lx¿] . ;do, #) kmfug,' k=[ #$–#% . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^$ . k;f,} an / afx ' . ;do, & rt,} k=[ @*–@( . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^$ . st } tfndn,] st } le8Gt . ;do, @! rt,} k=[ @*–@( . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^% . rgf' tLk} 0f" { /fhgLlt . ;do, !( jzfv,} k=[ @@ . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^% . …u0ftGqsf ] uËf:gfgÚ -/fd/fhfk;fb| l;x_+ . ;do, @# h7,] k=[ @& . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f . @)^% . ;jfRr]{ cf/fx0f] -/fi6klt« kf| kmfOn_] . ;do, !^ ;fpg, k=[ @*–@( . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f / czfs] kxf8L . @)^# . dfcfjfbL] ;xf/+ . ;do, !% rt,} k=[ @$–@& . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f / ?b | v8sf\ . @)^@ . nfrf/ gkfn] . ;do, # rt,} k=[ !*–!( . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f / ?b | v8sf\ . @)^@ . 6x' /f' /fhfk/jf;Lx¿' . ;do, #! rt,} k=[ #*–$) . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f / ljhok;fb| ld> . @)^# . q:t t/fO { . ;do, @& k;,' k=[ #)–## . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f / Zofd;Gb/' ofbj . @)^# . a9b\ } 5 cfuf ] . ;do, !* df3, k=[ #@–#^ . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f / ;~ho ld> . @)^! . dfcfjfbLlj¿4] ;z:q ljbf| x] . ;do, !% k;,' k=[ @$–@^ . kfv/] n,] ljZjdl0f / ;~ho ld> . @)^! . xltof/ leœofpg rSsfhfd . ;do, & df3, k=[ #* . kf]v/]n, lji0f' . @)^% . l/S;f–rfnsb]lv ;ef;b;Dd . gofF klqsf, ^ h7,] k=[ *–( . kfv/] n,] zÍ/ . @)^# . uf/} g/;xf/+ / a9b\ } uPsf rgf' tLx¿} . awjf/,' !$ rt,} k=[ !÷* . 198 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy kfv/] n,] zÍ/ . @)^$ . dw;] cfGbfng] / ;ljwfg;ef+ . gof F klqsf, ( c;fh,] k=[ & . kf]v/]n, zÍ/ . @)^$ . ;+ljwfg;efdf dw];L ;xeflutf . a'waf/, !% kmfug,' k=[ @ . kfv/] n,] ;~hLj . @)^$ . hftLo ljbf| x] xfOg] . gkfn,] @) ;fpg, k=[ #)–#! . kf8} n,] cgdfndl0f] / aL=cf/= k/fhnL' . @)^% . efiff ljjfbn ] lbPsf] ;Gbz] -pk/fi6klt« ;ky_ . ;do, @# ;fpg, k=[ #$ . kf8} n,] cg/fwf' . @)^) . axfn] hgsk/' c:ktfn . :k;6fOd] , @* c;f/, k=[ @ . kf8} n,] cfd/fh] . @)^% . lxGbL efiffsf ] kof| u] / /fli6otf« . 36gf / ljrf/, ! c;fh,] k=[ $ . kf8} n,] si0f[ . @)^# . dw;df] nfusf] ] cfuf ] / lgefpg ] bfloTj . ktLs,| !# df3, k=[ @ . kf8} n,] si0f[ . @)^# . dw;sf] ] ;d:of . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , !^ df3, k=[ * . kf8} n,] si0f[ . @)^# . dw;] cfGbfngsf] ] ;Gbz] . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , # kmfug,' k[= * . kf8} n,] si0f[ . @)^$ . t/fO { cfGbfngnfO] { glhsaf6 lgofNbf . awjf/' , !^ h7,] k=[ ^ . kf8} n,] si0f[ . @)^$ . /QmfDo t/fO { . dNofÍg" , c;f/, k=[ #)–#! . kf}8]n, s[i0f . @)^$ . /fHo ;~rfnsx¿sf] u}/lhDd]jf/Ln] clglZrt cuudg| . /fhwfgL, #! ;fpg, k=[ ^ . kf8} n,] si0f[ . @)^$ . unt df8df] dw;sf] ] /fhgLlt . uf/vfkq] , ! ebf,} k=[ & . kf8} n,] si0f[ . @)^$ . dw;] gof F cGt/lj/fwdf] . /fhwfgL, @) ebf,} k=[ ^ . kf8} n,] si0f[ . @)^$ . jL/Gb] | ;fx M ckx/0f / xTof . dNofÍg" , dªl;/,\ k=[ #% . kf}8]n, s[i0f . @)^$ . dw];df a9\bf] ;d:of / k|efj . /fhwfgL, !$ dªl;/,\ k=[ ^ . kf8} n,] si0f[ . @)^$ . dw;sf] ;d:of / ;dfwfgsf pkfo . uf/vfkq] , !% dªl;/,\ k=[ ^ . kf8} n,] si0f[ . @)^$ . dw;] cfGbfng] M gof F wjLs/0f'| . uf/vfkq] , !@ k;,' k=[ & . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 199 kf}8]n, s[i0f . @)^$ . gofF k[i7e"lddf dw]; cfGbf]ng . uf]/vfkq, !@ df3, k=[ & . kf8} n,] si0f[ . @)^$ . lx;fu+ :t| dw;] / ;ljwfg;ef+ . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , @! df3, k=[ * . kf8} n,] si0f[ . @)^$ . dw;] cfGbfng] . /fhwfgL, @$ df3, k=[ ^ . kf8} n,] si0f[ . @)^$ . dw;] ;Demftf} / ;ljwfg;ef+ . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , @& kmfug,' k=[ * . kf8} n,] si0f[ . @)^% . t/fOjf;Lsf{ ] dxfg kj { 57 / o;sf ] dxŒj . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, !& sflQs, k=[ $ . kf8} n,] si0f[ . @)^% . dw;] jftfsf{ ] cndn . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , @& dªl;/,\ k[= * . kf}8]n, lr/~hLjL . @)^% . dw];jfbL bnsf] c3{]nf] . gofF klqsf, @$ c;f/, k=[ & . kf}8]n, lr/~hLjL . @)^% . pk/fi6«klt ls laxf/sf d'VodGqL < gofF klqsf, !) ;fpg, k=[ & . kf8} n,] bj]] Gb] | . @)^$ . dw;L] cfGbfng] / ;ljwfg;ef+ . /fhwfgL, !$ df3, k=[ & . kf8} n,] gf/fo0fk;fb| . @)%( . slknj:tnfO' { ;asf} ] d2t rflxPsf ] 5 . :k;6fOd] , @ rt,} k=[ & . kf8} n,] abL| . @)^) . dxfdf/Ldf t/fO { . lxdfn, ! df3, k=[ %! . kf8} n,] afwgfy] . @)^) . dw;df] kmfu ' . uf/vfkq] , @$ kmfug,' k=[ $ . kf8} n,] ekxl/" . @)%* . ldlynfsf ] ljjfxk~rdL dnf] . gkfn] , ! k;,' k=[ #( . kf8} n,] dw;' wg" . @)^# . xl/t v;L' . ;do, !$ dªl;/,\ k=[ $%–$& . kf8} n,] dw;' wg" . @)^# . 5g} pkefUo] ;fduL| . ;do, # kmfug,' k=[ $@–$# . kf8} n,] dw;' wg" . @)^# . ;jq{ ;Í6 . ;do, ! rt,} k=[ #!–## . kf8} n,] dw;' wg" . @)^$ . ljzif] /0fgLltsf ] tof/L . ;do, !& h7,] k=[ ## . kf}8]n, /d]zs'df/ . @)^! . zlQmsf] k'hf / k'vf{sf] :d/0f . ;do, @^ sflQs, k=[ #* . kf8} n,] /dzs] df/' . @)^# . d;x/nfO' { dl:sn' . ;do, # kmfug,' k=[ @# . kf}8]n, ljho . @)^$ . sf7df8f}FnfO{ slknj:t' lsg b'Vb}g < g]kfn, @) c;fh,] k=[ @&–#@ . 200 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy kf8} n,] ljhosdf/' . @)^# . t/fO { cfGbfngsf] ] :yfoL ;dfwfg . 5nkmn, @* df3, k=[ $ . kf8} n,] ljhosdf/' . @)^# . t/fO { M ;d:of / ;dfwfg . awjf/' , @ kmfug,' k=[ ^ . kf}8]n, ljhos'df/ . @)^# . kxf8sf] ;L6 36fpg] c8fg . g]kfn, !# kmfug,' k=[ !^ . kf8} n,] ljhosdf/' . @)^$ . t/fOjf;Lsf{ ] lxt ljk/Lt 5– t/fOdf{ hf/L lx;f+ . awjf/' , !# c;f/, k=[ ^ . kf8} ofn,\ guGb] k| ;fb| . @)%( . hgsk/df' agsf] ] M ldlynf ofqf . :k;6fOd] , @* jzfv,} k=[ & . ksfz| P /fh . @)^! . slt xlkPsf] 5g \ dw;L] < gkfn] , !# ebf,} k=[ !) . ksfz| P /fh . @)^% . gkfndf] lxGbL / pk/fi6kltsf« ] zky ux0f| d2f' . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, @% ;fpg, k=[ $ . kl>t,| dfbgfy] . @)^! . dfcfjfbLkl5] dw;L] 6fOu/ . sflGtk/' , @ df3, k=[ ^ . kl>t,| dfbgfy] . @)^@ . hgsk/sf' ] Pltxfl;s] hgqmflGt . sflGtk'/, @@ kmfug,' k=[ & . kl>t,| dfbgfy] . @)^# . ufuL,{ dfwj gkfn] / ldlynfsf …afS;LÚ] . sflGtk/' , ! k;,' k=[ ^ . kl>t,| dfbgfy] . @)^# . cfuf ] nfukl5] sjf' vGg ] ba' l4{' Û awjf/' , !& df3, k=[ @ . k|l>t, df]bgfy . @)^# . t/fO{ ;d:ofdf g]tfx¿sf] b[li6 . sflGtk'/, @) df3, k=[ ^ . k|l>t, df]bgfy . @)^$ . …Ps dw]; Ps k|b]zÚ ;Demf}tf . sflGtk'/, !( kmfug,' k=[ & . kl>t,| dfbgfy] . @)^% . ldlynfdf /lrPsf CUjbsf] Crf . sflGtk/' , $ ;fpg, k=[ ^ . k|l>t, df]bgfy . @)^% . efiff, /fhgLlt / ;fk]Ifjfb . sflGtk'/, !* ;fpg, k=[ ^ . kl>t,| dfbgfy] . @)^% . ;femf ;:s+ ltdf[ hf8] . sflGtk/' , & ebf,} k=[ ^ . kl>t,| dfbgfy] . @)^% . gkfn] eldsf" uf/j} dxfslj ljBfklt . uf/vfkq] , @^ sflQs, k=[ & . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 201 k;fO| ,+{ bL3/fh{ . @)^% . /fi6efiffdf« lsg ljjfb < 36gf / ljrf/, $ ebf,} k=[ @ . kdlif]| ,{ wL/Gb] | . @)%& . /fi6jfbsf« ] dv08f' df] c/fhstf . lxdfn, !^ df3, k=[ @@–@# . kdlif]| ,{ wL/Gb] | . @)%* . hf/L 5 ldlynf kl/qmdf . lxdfn, ! rt,} k=[ !$–!% . kdlif]| ,{ wL/Gb] | . @)^) . dlynLsf} bwLlr 8f= wL/Gb] sf| ] cj;fg . sflGtk/' , & df3, k=[ & . kdlif]| ,{ wL/Gb] | . @)^@ . dw;df] nfstGqsf] ] /vflrq] . sflGtk/' , !( c;f/, k=[ & . kdlif]| ,{ wL/Gb] | . @)^@ . dw;Lsf] ] 3f6LF /6] g\ ] ;/sf/L pBfu] . sflGtk/' , !( sflQs, k=[ ^ . kdlif]| ,{ wL/Gb] | . @)^$ . kultzLntfsf| ] pbfx/0f . ;do, !% sflQs, k=[ () . kdlif]| ,{ wL/Gb] | . @)^% . efiffsf ] /fhgLlt . sflGtk/' , !# ;fpg, k=[ & . kdlif]| ,{ wL/Gb] | . @)^% . dlyn} ;dfhdf dxfslj ljBfklt . gof F klqsf, @^ sflQs, k=[ & . Kofs/' n,] ;zLn' / sgsdl0f bLlIft . @)^$ . rgfj,' rgf' tL} / t/fO–{ dw;] . sflGtk/' , # kmfug,' k=[ & . ag, Hofltnfn] . @)^% . t/fOsf{ ] lx;fTds+ ultljlw . uf/vfkq] , !^ ebf,} k=[ ^ . aonsf6L,] ;dg' . @)^# . wo} { u/f F} ;ljwfg;efsf+ ] lgjfrg;Dd{ . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, @$ df3, k=[ $ . a/fOnL, ;Gtfif] . @)^@ . hUuf kfP/ klg ;lw' Pgg| \ . lxdfn, !^ ebf,} k=[ @# . a/fOnL, ;Gtfif] . @)^@ . ;fdfGo lbgrofdf{ kj" 8f{ sfx¿F . gkfn] , @ df3, k=[ !# . a/fn, c?0f . @)^# . dw;sf] nflu bO' { dGq . hgcf:yf, !) df3, k=[ @ . a/fn, c?0f . @)^# . t/fOsf{ ] gfd ;Gbf' lsg qflxdfd < hgcf:yf, !& df3, k=[ # . a/fn, c?0f . @)^# . kr08df| blvPsf] ] kk| mNntf' . hgcf:yf, @$ df3, k=[ # . a/fn, c?0f . @)^% . kxf8 ] /fi6jfb« / lxGbL pk/fi6klt« . hgcf:yf, !% ;fpg, k=[ # . a/fn, sfdn] . @)^$ . slknj:t ' 36gfn ] pAhfPsf kZgx¿| . hglbzf, !@ c;fh,] k=[ $ . 202 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy a/fn, ejfgL . @)^% . dw;] Ps kb| z] M PsfTds ;fr] . ;do, @ ;fpg, k=[ ## . a/fn, /fdhL . @)%& . jL/u~h pkdxfgu/ / gUg lkmNdsf ] kf:6/] . ktLs,| & k;,' k=[ @ . a/fn, nfs/fh] . @)^% . dw;df] ;‹Lotfsf ] ax; . sflGtk/' , !& sflQs, k=[ & . a/fn, ;Ltf/fd . @)^! . dfcfjfbLaf6] 6fl9P dbzL] . ;do, @! ;fpg, k=[ #% . a/fn, ;Ltf/fd . @)^! . wldnf ] kfgLdf df5f dfgx¿]{ . ;do, @$ ebf,} k=[ #$ . a/fn, ;Ltf/fd . @)^@ . cho xTofsf] cGt/syf . g]kfn, @( h]7, k=[ #)–#! . adf{, cfgGb:j¿k . @)^% . dw];sf] ablnFbf] ;lds/0f . hgfb]z, @$ jzfv,} k=[ @÷& . a:gt,] ke| gf/fo0f' . @)^# . ljv08gjfbL kj| lQsf[ lj?4df . uf/vfkq] , !# df3, k=[ ^ . a:gt,] ke| gf/fo0f' . @)^# . dw;sf] ] cfGbfng] . uf/vfkq] , @% df3, k=[ ^ . a:gt,] alatf . @)^# . v/fgLsf nflu 3/df cfuf ] . 36gf / ljrf/, @$ df3, k=[ @ . a:gt,] alatf . @)^$ . ;fr] h:tf] ] 5g} t/fO { . 36gf / ljrf/, ! kmfug,' k=[ @ . a:gt,] dfwjsdf/' . @)^# . gful/stf ljwossf] ;d:of . sflGtk'/, #) sflQs, k=[ & . a:gt,] dfwjsdf/' . @)^% . pk/fi6kltsf« ] ;ky . sflGtk/' , !@ ;fpg, k=[ & . a:gt,] dfwjsdf/' . @)^% . ggr' s' nufpg ] clkn . sflGtk/' , !& ;fpg, k=[ & . afurGb, /Tgaxfb/' . @)%* . rdf/ cfGbfng] M l;gf ] gkmfNg ] cleofgblv] Gofofno;Dd . sflGtk/' , !% df3, k=[ ^ . aflgof,F an/fd . @)^# . ck0f" { ;Dafwg] . sflGtk/' , !* df3, k=[ ^ . afnsi0fk[ ;fb| . @)^! . axt[ ldlynf kl/qmdf . uf/vfkq] , * rt,} k=[ $ . afnsi0fk[ ;fb| . @)^@ . ;of" kf;gfsf{] ] j1flgs} cfwf/ M 57kj { . uf/vfkq] , @! sflQs, k=[ % . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 203 af:tfnf,] ;fdgfy] . @)^! . anfTsf/ / xTofkl5 a:tL g } phf8 . lxdfn, !^ h7,] k=[ @$ . af:tfnf,] ;fdgfy] . @)^# . 8stL} ug { gkfn] . lxdfn, ! rt,} k=[ !$–!% . af:tfnf,] ;fdgfy] . @)^$ . efjgfdfly s7f/f3ft' . /fHosf] ¿kfGt/0f, ebf–c;f} h,] k=[ @^–@( . af:tfnf,] ;fdgfy] . @)^% . /fxt klg nl6of' ] -;KtsfzL] 8afg_' . lxdfn, ! c;fh,] k=[ $)–$^ . lai6, lxSdtaxfb/' . @)%( . db/;fn ] cfwlgs' lzIff lbgk5' { . sflGtk/' , !) jzfv,} k=[ & . a9fyf' sL,] zfefs/] . @)^$ . dw;df] ;gf] kl/rfng . gof F klqsf, @% df3, k=[ ^ . afxf] /f,] /fdZj/] . @)^! . zx/slGb] t| ljbf| xsf] ] wDsL . lxdfn, ! ;fpg, k=[ !^–!( . af]xf]/f, /fd]Zj/ . @)^@ . t/fO{ e"–kl/lw / ;fd'bflos jg . lxdfn, ! ebf,} k=[ $@–$% . afxf] /f,] /fdZj/] . @)^@ . ;dfrf/ 5 pkrf/ 5g} . lxdfn, ! c;fh,] k=[ !)–!! . afxf] /f,] /fdZj/] . @)^# . v8/L] / af9L . lxdfn, !^ ebf,} k=[ !^–!& . afxf] /f,] /fdZj/] . @)^# . afsF ] M af9Lkl5 dxfdf/L ;/sf/ plQs } pbf;Lg . lxdfn, !^ sflQs, k=[ #)–#! . af]xf]/f, /fd]Zj/ . @)^# . ;'b"/klZrdsf] c;Gt'li6 . lxdfn, !^ k';, k=[ $@–$# . afxf] /f,] /fdZj/] . @)^# . ;/Iff' ;oGq+ ;dGjo 5g} . lxdfn, ! rt,} k=[ @@–@# . afxf] /f,] /fdZj/] . @)^$ . dwz] xfOg] t/fO { . lxdfn, ! h7,] k=[ @$–@% . afxf] /f,] /fdZj/] . @)^$ . vt/f oyfjt \ . lxdfn, ! df3, k=[ !% . afxf] /f,] /fdZj/] . @)^$ . /fhgLlts ;/If0fdf+ ck/fwL . lxdfn, !^ df3, k=[ !*–!( . afxf] /f,] /fdZj/] . @)^$ . hfUg yfn ] dl:nd' ;dbfo' . lxdfn, !^ df3, k=[ $^–$& . afxf] /f,] /fdZj/] . @)^$ . ;befj\ layfln] bF 5} . lxdfn, !^ kmfug,' k=[ !$–!% . afxf] /f,] /fdZj/] . @)^$ . …yf¿ lhtfpÚ cleofg . lxdfn, ! rt,} k=[ $$–$% . 204 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy afxf] /f,] /fdZj/] . @)^% . hf/] rng] -t/fOsf{ ;z:q ;dx_" . lxdfn, ! jzfv,} k=[ @)–@^ . afxf] /f,] /fdZj/] . @)^% . jgdf aXdn| 6' . lxdfn, ! c;f/, k=[ $)–$# . afxf] /f,] /fdZj/] . @)^% . vfksf] ] sdfn -OG;km] nfOl6;_\ . lxdfn, ! ebf,} k=[ !$–!% . afxf] /f,] /fdZj/] . @)^% . g/aln Û lxdfn, ! c;fh,] k=[ !@–!# . af]xf]/f, /fd]Zj/, clht ltjf/L, /lj bfxfn / dgf]h >]i7 . @)^$ . cfk/flws rnvn] . lxdfn, !^ rt,} k=[ !&–!* . e§, Zofd . @)^@ . dg;gsf' ] bMvb' labfO . ;do, @) c;fh,] k=[ @) . e§, Zofd . @)^@ . bfaf6f] df] l6sfk/' . ;do, @* k;,' k=[ !$ . e§, Zofd . @)^@ . s:tf ] ;dfgtf . ;do, ^ df3, k=[ @@–@# . e§, Zofd . @)^# . df3Ldf klg Joyf . ;do, !! df3, k=[ $)–$! . e§, Zofd . @)^$ . htftt } aGb } aGb . ;do, @) ebf,} k=[ $)–$! . e§, Zofd . @)^$ . ;Í6df ;fdbflos' ag . ;do, @^ k;,' k=[ $)–$! . e§, Zofd / ksfz| zfx . @)^@ . g/;xf/sf+ ] kg/fj' lQ[ . ;do, ( c;f/, k=[ @^–@& . e§/fO,{ Ps/fh . @)^# . hftLo ljebsf] ] /fhgLltn ] xfdf| ] kl/ro x/fp5F . bzg{ , !! df3, k=[ @ . e§/fO,{ s;' d' . @)^% . :JffwLgtfsf ] ;‹if {{ . hglbzf, !( c;f/, k=[ % . e§/fO,{ bj] Gb] | . @)^# . nId0fk/' afwsfF ] nLnf . gkfn] , @( c;fh,] k=[ $% . e§/fO,{ gj/fh . @)%( . ckdfg, ;Ddfg / C0fn ] lslrPsL d/gLbjL] . sflGtk/' , $ ebf,} k=[ & . e§/fO,{ kfydl0f{ . @)^$ . cfTd/Iffsf nflu . ;do, @$ h7,] k=[ #* . e§/fO,{ afa/fd' . @)^$ . dw;af/] ] ;j+ bgxLgtf] . gof F klqsf, $ ;fpg, k=[ & . e§/fO,{ dl0f/fh . @)^$ . buf' gGb{ emf . gj ojf' , rt,} k=[ @(–#! . e§/fO,{ ofu] z] . @)^$ . dw;sf] ] 3f;leqF ns' sf] ;kx¿{ . awaf/' , ( df3, k=[ @ . e§/fO,{ nfss] i0f[ . @)^# . ;dtfdns" cfGbfng,] /fli6otf« / t/fO { cfGbfng] . ;do, !@ k;,' k=[ #^ . e§/fO,{ lzjsdf/' . @)^# . ;fdflhs ;befjleqsf\ ] cflys{ kult| . uf/vfkq] , @) k;,' k=[ & . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 205 e§/fO,{ lzjsdf/' . @)^# . dw;sf] ] cfGbfng] / nufgLsf ] jftfj/0f . uf/vfkq] , !* df3, k=[ & . e§/fO,{ lzjsdf/' . @)^$ . cefj, dw;] / rgfj' . uf/vfkq] , @ kmfug,' k=[ & . e§/fO{, lzjs'df/ . @)^$ . ;+ljwfg;efdf ;du| dw]; . uf]/vfkq, !^ kmfug,' k=[ & . e§/fO,{ lzjk;fb| . @)^# . t/fOsf{ ] cfGbfng] / c/fhstf . uf/vfkq] , !$ df3, k=[ ^ . e§/fO,{ lzjk;fb| . @)^# . t/fOsf{ cfGbfngsf] sxL] tYo . uf/vfkq] , @* df3, k=[ & . e§/fO,{ ;zLn' . @)^$ . t/fOdf{ >lds cfGbfngsf] ] ljsNk 5g} . hgfbz] , @@ df3, k=[ # . e§/fO{, xl/k|;fb . @)^# . ;d:of dw]zsf] dfq xf]Og . uf]/vfkq, % kmfug,' k=[ & . e08f/L, ls/0f . @)^# . ylkg ] eof ] ;/Iff' an . ;do, @% df3, k=[ #@–## . e08f/L, ls/0f . @)^$ . jftfdf{ cfpm, gq s8fO . ;do, @* c;f/, k=[ #*–#( . e08f/L, ls/0f . @)^% . lrQ bVof' ] dl:ndx¿sf' ] -dl:hb cfqmd0f_ . ;do, ( h7,] k=[ !^–!& . e08f/L, 8L= . @)^# . c;xh pkrf/ . ;do, @# sflQs, k=[ #* . e08f/L, nvgfy] . @)%@ . dlxnfx¿dfly 3/fo;L lx;f+ a9b\ 5} . ljZjldq, !% ;fpg, k=[ %(–^)÷^& . e08f/L, ljgfb] . @)^$ . kzf;gaf6| } c;/lIft' . sflGtk/' , !) h7,] k=[ ^ . e08f/L, z/bl;+x . @)^# . dw]; ;d:ofaf/] s]xL s'/f . uf]/vfkq, ( kmfug,' k=[ ^ . e08f/L, ;fWoaxfb/' . @)^# . vfrfF ] s8f gLltsf ] . ;do, ! ebf,} k=[ @# . e08f/L, ;fWoaxfb/' . @)^$ . t/fO { 8afpg' ] ef/tLo vn] . xfsF , @# df3, k=[ % . e08f/L, ;fWoaxfb/' . @)^% . /fi6 « ljv08gsf ] lrGtf . bli6[ , #! c;f/, k=[ $ . ef6, efh/fh] . @)^$ . dfcfjfbLleq] dw;] ljjfb . gkfn] , @$ c;f/, k=[ #)–#! . 206 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy ef6, efh/fh] . @)^$ . dfcfjfbLleq] ;Nssf] ] cfuf ] . gkfn] , @) ;fpg, k=[ $)–$! . et' n,{] hun' . @)^# . d kxf8—dw] ;L—v;—g] kfnL] . sflGtk/' , @# df3, k=[ & . et' n,{] eLdk;fb| . @)^$ . dw;sf] ] cy/fhgLlt{ . sflGtk/' , !^ kmfug,' k=[ & . et' n,]{ eLdk;fb| . @)^% . dw;jfbL] bnsf ] lgot . sflGtk/,' !( c;f/, k=[ & . e;fn,' e/t . @)^% . PkmPdx¿df lxGbL uLt . sflGtk/' , @* ;fpg, k=[ ^ . d08n, dlQmgfy' . @)^) . t/fOaf;L{ bfOhf ] kyfaf6| kLl8t . :k;6fOd] , # jzfv,} k=[ & . d08n, dlQmgfy' . @)^) . dwzLnfO] { xg] {] /fhgLlts bli6sf[ 0fdf] kl/jtg{ cfjZos . :k;6fOd] , % ;fpg, k=[ & . d08n, dlQmgfy' . @)^) . dwzL] d2fnfO' { kG5fP/ ul/Psf ] jftf { ;fys{ xbF' g} . :k;6fOd] , @) ;fpg, k=[ ^ . d08n, d'lQmgfy . @)^) . hghflt, blnt / dw];L /fhgLltdf ;fdflhsLs/0f cfjZos . :k;6fOd] , !@ ebf,} k=[ ^ . d08n, dlQmgfy' . @)^! . t/fO { d2fsf' cys \ of4f] uhGb] gf/fo0f| l;x+ . /fhwfgL, !! df3, k=[ ^ . d08n, dlQmgfy' . @)^@ . ef/tLo afwF / t/fO { 8afg' ;d:of . uf/vfkq,] !( ;fpg, k=[ $ . d08n, dlQmgfy' . @)^% . t/fOdf{ jg ljgfz / d?eldsf" ] ;Defjgf . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , ! c;fh,] k=[ * . d08n, dlQmgfy' . @)^% . dw;sf] ;z:q ;dx;" uF jftf { . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , ^ dªl;/,\ k=[ * . dxt, ;hLt' . @)^! . 3fd8 eP 3d' jfx¿' . gkfn] , @) ebf,} k=[ #)–#! . dxt, ;hLt' . @)^@ . df/df ls;fg . gkfn] , !@ c;f/, k=[ $)–$! . dxt, ;hLt' . @)^@ . ;gfdf] dw;L] . gkfn] , ^ sflQs, k=[ @@–@# . dxt, ;hLt' . @)^# . gfdaf6 } tl;G5g{ \ jL/u~hsf Jofkf/L . sflGtk/' , @ ebf,} k=[ & . dxt, ;hLt' . @)^# . ckx/0fsf ] hfnf ] . sflGtk/' , * c;fh,] k=[ & . dxt, ;'hLt . @)^# . jL/u~hnfO{ ;tfpg] ef/tLo s}bL . sflGtk'/, % dªl;/,\ k=[ & . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 207 dxt, ;'hLt . @)^$ . ef/tLo ck/fwL, gful/stf g]kfnL . g]kfn, #) jzfv,} k=[ !$–!% . dxt, ;hLt' . @)^$ . ck/fwL ;xgLsf ]] xTofkl5=== . gkfn] , ^ h7,] k=[ @@ . dxt, ;'hLt . @)^$ . t/fO{sf] /fhwfgLdf lbNnLsf b"t . g]kfn, @) ;fpg, k=[ $$ . dxt, ;hLt' . @)^$ . ;befjgf\ kml/] bO' { lr/f . gkfn] , !# c;fh,] k=[ @! . dxt, ;hLt' . @)^$ . dw;] cfGbfngsf] ] lbzf . sflGtk/' , ^ df3, k=[ & . dxt, ;hLt' . @)^$ . jL/u~hdf emg \ a9L . gkfn] , @& df3, k=[ !*–!( . dxt, ;hLt' . @)^$ . lj:kmf6] dfem rgfjL' cleofg . gkfn] , @& df3, k=[ @^–@& . dxt, ;hLt' . @)^$ . cdgrgsf} ] cfzf . gkfn] , @^ kmfug,' k=[ @%–@^ . dxt, ;hLt' . @)^% . gof F zlQmsf ] pbo . gkfn] , !% jzfv,} k=[ #& . dxt, ;hLt' . @)^% . dw;df] dfcfjfbL] . gkfn] , @@ jzfv,} k=[ $# . dxt, ;hLt' . @)^% . ;Gq:t hghLjg . gkfn] , ! c;f/, k=[ !^–!& . dxt, ;hLt' . @)^% . csf ]{ eifdf] ck/fwL . gkfn] , @^ ;fpg, k=[ !& . dxt, ;'hLt . @)^% . d'l:nd ;d'bfodf gofF w|'jLs/0f . sflGtk'/, % dªl;/,\ k=[ & . dxtf], dgfO{ . @)^@ . duxLnfO{ d}lynL agfpg] k|of; . /fhwfgL, @( ebf,} k=[ $ . dxtf,] /fhGb] | . @)^# . gful/stf ljwos] vftNbf] . sflGtk/' , @( ebf,} k=[ & . dxtf,] /fdgGbg k= . @)^$ . dw;L] dlQm' cfGbfng] / if8oGqsf\ ] kZg| . nfn dwz] , h7,] k=[ $)–$! . dxtf,] zLtnk;fb| . @)^! . hgsk/' / ljjfx k~rdL dxfT;j] . uf/vfkq] , #) dªl;/,\ k=[ $ . dxtf], zLtnk|;fb . @)^% . 57kj{sf] ljz]ift} km/s . uf]/vfkq, !( sflQs, k=[ & . dxhg,{ /fhGb] | . @)^% . /fi6] ddf« sb} ;ljwfg;ef+ / dw;] . uf/vfkq] , !* c;f/, k=[ & . dfgGw/, dunl;l4+ . @)^% . Ps kb| z] c;Dej . sflGtk/' , !@ ;fpg, k=[ & . dfgGw/, lji0f'axfb'/ . @)^# . dw];n] vf]h]sf] ;hutf . sflGtk'/, @@ df3, k=[ & . 208 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy dfgGw/, ;ifdf' . @)^% . efiffsf ] ;Ddfg gful/ssf ] stJo{ . uf/vfkq] , & ebf,} k=[ & . lds/fgL, Ohxf?n xs . @)^# . /fHon ] cfTd;ft \ ug { ;Sgk5' { . ljdz{, !( df3, k=[ @ . ldof,F /xdtNnfx' . @)%* . db;fsf| ] btf { ks/0f| / ;/sf/sf ] /0fgLlt . sflGtk/' , !@ rt,} k=[ & / !# rt,} k=[ & . ldof,F /xdtNnfx' . @)^) . gkfnsf] db/;fx¿sf ] zlIfs} cj:yf . uf/vfkq] , @& rt,} k=[ $ . ldof,F /xdtNnfx' . @)^% . ;ljwfg;efdf+ dl:nd' kltlglwTj| . sflGtk/' , !) ebf,} k=[ & . ldof,F /xdtNnfx' . @)^% . lk5l8Psf 5g–\ d;ndfg' . uf/vfkq] , & c;fh,] k=[ ^ . ldof,F /xdtNnfx' . @)^% . /fli6o« dl:nd' cfofusf] ] cfjZostf . sflGtk/' , @( c;fh,] k=[ & . ldof,F /xdtNnfx' . @)^% . Ob{ o;/L dgfOG5 . uf/vfkq] , @$ dªl;/,\ k=[ & . ld>, tf/fgGb . ;g \ !(*@ . slknj:tsf' ] vfhL] . /f]nDaf @-#_ M ^–!@ . ld>, tf/fgGb . @)^% . t/fO{–dw]; / ToxfFsf lgjf;L . hglbzf, @& c;f/, k=[ % . ld>, dx]Gb|s'df/ . @)^# . bf]ifLdflysf] sf/afxL / /fHosf] bfloTj . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , @# df3, k=[ * . ld>, dxGb] s| df/' . @)^# . t/fO { cfGbfngn] ] l;hgf{ u/sf] ] kZg| . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , % rt,} k=[ ^ . ld>, dxGb] s| df/' . @)^% . ;‹Lotfsf ] d2f' M efiffnfO { ljjfbdf tfGg' lg/ys{ . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , !@ ebf,} k=[ * . ld>, /fhz] / /fh ' >i7] . @)^% . dwz] / d;n . lxdfn, !^ jzfv,} k=[ $$–$% . ld>, ljhok;fb| . @)^@ . dwz] M c;Gtli6sf' ] nx/ . ;do, $ kmfug,' k=[ @& . ld>, ljhok;fb| . @)^# . dwzdf] kmln} bfF ] . ;do, @^ c;fh,] k=[ #^–#& . ld>, ljhok;fb| . @)^# . t/fOdf{ hgtflGqssf ] qf; sfod } . bz{g, $ df3, k=[ $ . ld>, ljhok;fb| . @)^# . t/fOsf{ ] ;d:of / ;‹Lo cjwf/0ff . bzg{ , !! df3, k=[ $ . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 209 ld>, ljhok|;fb . @)^# . hgtflGqs jftf{sf nflu tof/ . ;do, !) kmfug,' k=[ @$–@% . ld>, ljhok;fb| . @)^$ . /fHo 5g} dwzdf] . lxdfn, !^ h7,] k=[ #)–#! . ld>, ljhok;fb| . @)^$ . jftfsf{ ] cw/f' ] kof;| . gkfn] , @) ;fpg, k=[ @% . ld>, ljhok;fb| . @)^$ . dw;L] gtfx¿] M jbfgGbb] lv] Hjfnf;Dd . gkfn] , @) ;fpg, k=[ @@–@$ . ld>, ljhok;fb| . @)^$ . dw;] la6 xg] x¿sf{] ] bfloTj . ;do, !& df3, k=[ #& . ld>, ljhok;fb| . @)^$ . dw;] ;Dafwgsf] tLg r/0f . gof F klqsf, !& df3, k=[ & . ld>, ljhok;fb| . @)^$ . t/fOsf{ ;z:q ;dx" / ;ljwfg;ef+ . gkfn] , # rt,} k=[ !$–!% . ld>, ljhok;fb| . @)^% . dw;] jftfsf{ cfGtl/s cfofd . sflGtk/' , @& c;fh,] k=[ & . ld>, ljhok;fb| / lzjxl/k;fb| e§/fO { . @)^# . l;/xf–;Kt/Lsf gx/df kfgL xg} k;f} aU5 . gkfn] , ! ebf,} k=[ %^–%& . ld>, ljhok;fb| / Zofd;Gb/' ofbj . @)^$ . ;fDkbflostflt/| . ;do, !) ;fpg, k=[ ## . ld>, ;~ho . @)^! . dw;L] 6fOu; { M plqof ] ;j;fwf/0f{ xTofdf . ;do, @( k;,' k=[ !% . ld>f, gjLg . ;g \ @))& . cl:tTj sL n8fO { . lxdflngL, dfr–ck{ Ln,| k=[ #–% . dlQmaGw' ' . @)^# . dwzL] cfGbfng] M JolQm / kj| lQ[ . lbzfafw,] kmfug,' k=[ $@ . do/,] st' { 8An ' . @)%@ . sf ] xg' \ / sxfaf6F cfP yf¿x¿ < lxdfn, df3–rt,} k=[ #!–## . dgfnL,} dfxg] . @)%* . r/' sf] ] ljgfz t/fOsf{ ] larNnL . lxdfn, !^ h7,] k=[ @!–@# . dgfnL,} dfxg] . @)^! . udL { 7fpsfF ] hf8f ] . sflGtk/' , !# dªl;/,\ k=[ & . dgfnL,} dfxg] / ls/0f gkfn] . @)%& . wfg w/] } kmNof ] laTof; k¥of ] . lxdfn, !^ dªl;/,\ k=[ #^–$) . dgfnL,} dfxg] / rGblszf| /] . @)%& . af/f–k;fsf{ ] pBfu–Jofkf/df] cfqmd0f M dfcfjfbLsf] ] gfpdfF kz] j/] 8fsfsfF ] bz F} . lxdfn, ! kmfug,' k=[ !&–@) . 210 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy dgfnL,} ;LkL . @)^# . Gofoflrt] cfjfh / ;ªsL0f\ { kj| lQ[ . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, @^ df3, k=[ $ . ofq', s'df/ . @)^! . d'l:nd ;d'bfo / g]kfnL /fi6«jfb . /fhwfgL, !( ebf,} k=[ ^ . ofqL, l6sf/fd . @)^% . pk/fi6klt,« efiff / /fli6otf« . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, @@ ;fpg, k=[ $ . ofbj, cho . @)^$ . dw;sf] ] Joyf / u/lhDd} jf/] ;/sf/ . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , !# kmfug,' k=[ !# . ofbj, cd/Gb] | . @)^% . eflifs / ;f:s+ lts[ ;dTjsf ] kZg| . gof F klqsf, @ ebf,} k=[ & . ofbj, pkGb] | . @)^# . dwz] :jfoQ u0f/fHo xg' k5' { . dNofÍg" , h7–c;f/,] k=[ @@ . ofbj, uof . @)^# . ;d:ofsf ] ;dfwfg o4' dbfg} xfOgÙ] ldq ' glrlgP wfsf] vfOg ] ;Defjgf 5 . gf/fo0fL, !# df3, k=[ ! . ofbj, rlGbsf| . @)^% . kf6L { Joj:yfkg d } r'gftL} . b l/klAns, sflQs, k=[ @!–@@ . ofbj, 8Da/gf/fo0f . @)^! . dw;] d2fdf' 8/nfUbf ] vt/f . /fhwfgL, !# df3, k=[ ^ . ofbj, lbgz] . @)^@ . dw;L] ;dbfosf' ] uf/j} . sflGtk/' , @# dªl;/,\ k=[ & . ofbj, gjnlszf/] / ljhtf] rfw/L} . @)^@ . 8stLn} ] cfqmfGt ;LdfjtL{ ufpx¿F . gkfn] , !& k;,' k=[ #*–#( . ofbj, atx ' /fo . @)^$ . gof gkfn] s ] ;Gbe { d +] :j–zf;g s ] clwsf/ . uf/vfkq] , !$ rt,} k=[ * . ofbj, eprk|;fb . @)^% . dw]; Ps– efiff cg]s . uf]/vfkq, @* c;fh,] k=[ & . ofbj, /fhlszf/] . @)^$ . nfstflGqs] klqmofdf| dw;] . gof F klqsf, !$ kmfug,' k=[ & . ofbj, /fdafa ' . @)^% . lkm/ftLsf} ] cy/fhgLlt{ . gkfn] , !% ebf,} k=[ !$–!& . ofbj, /fdafa' . @)^% . t/fO{sf g]tfx¿nfO{ v'nfkq . sflGtk'/, @^ sflQs, k=[ & . ofbj, /fdl/emg . @)^@ . dw];L d'lQm–cfGbf]ngsf sfF8f . g]kfn, !@ ebf,} k=[ !# . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 211 ofbj, /fdl/emg . @)^# . dw;df] nfusf] ] 89nf] ] . dNofÍg" , ;fpg–ebf,} k=[ ( . ofbj, /fdl/emg . @)^# . lsg hln/xsf] ] 5 t/fO { . bli6[ , !^ df3, k=[ % . ofbj, /fdl/emg . @)^# . kwfgdGqLsf| ] ;Dafwg] M sfunfO { an] kfSof ] xif{ g lj:dft . kj" {, !( df3, k=[ @ . ofbj, /fdl/emg . @)^# . hgcfGbfng] dfq xfOg,] dwzL] ljbf| x] xf ] . kj" {, !( df3, k=[ $ . ofbj, /fdl/emg . @)^# . cGtt M dw;n] ] cfˆgf ] xs lnP/ } 5f8of\ ] . kj" {, @^ df3, k=[ @ . ofbj, /fdl/emg . @)^# . dw;] cfGbfng] kdsf| ] ;Dafwg] / ;ljwfg+ ;ef . kj" {, $ kmfug,' k=[ @ . ofbj, /fdl/emg . @)^# . dw]; cfGbf]ngsf clgl0f{t ;jfn . k"j{, !* kmfug,' k=[ @ . ofbj, /fdl/emg . @)^# . dw;L] dlQm' cfGbfng] kdsf| ] ;Dafwg] / casf] sfolbzf{ . kj" {, !* kmfug,' k=[ # . ofbj, /fdl/emg . @)^$ . kmf/dsf] ] ;/lIft' cjt/0f / dw;] cfGbfng] . kj" {, & jzfv,} k=[ @ . ofbj, /fdl/emg . @)^$ . ef/tn ] lsg dnhn ub5{} ljv08gnfO { < gkfn,] @) ;fpg, k=[ !*–!( . ofbj, /fdl/emg . @)^$ . dw;] ljbf| xsf] ] cjdNog" . dNofÍg" , ebf–c;f} h,] k=[ @(–#! . ofbj, /fdl/emg . @)^$ . dfcfjfbLsf] ] dw;L] ;fr] / ;z:q ljbf| x] . uf/vfkq] , # ebf,} k=[ ^ . ofbj, /fdl/emg . @)^$ . t/fO{df ;'/Iffsf] vf]hL . g]kfn, ( ebf}, k=[ #*–#( . ofbj, /fdl/emg . @)^$ . dw;L] kmf/dsf] ] c;/lIft' cjt/0f . uf/vfkq] , @! ebf,} k=[ ^ . ofbj, /fdl/emg . @)^$ . dw;] cfGbfng] . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , ! c;fh,] k=[ * . ofbj, /fdl/emg . @)^$ . dwz] c;Gtli6sf' ] e¥ofª \ . lxdfn, !^ c;fh,] k=[ !@ . ofbj, /fdl/emg . @)^$ . kzfGt| qmhn] ] pAhfPsf ] kZg| . gkfn] , @& c;fh,] k=[ !$–!% . 212 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy ofbj, /fdl/emg . @)^$ . dw;] e¥ofª \ gagf;] \ . bli6[ , * df3, k=[ $ . ofbj, /fdl/emg . @)^$ . ad–wdfsfaLr ;ljwfg;ef+ < dNofÍg" , kmfug,' k=[ !& . ofbj, /fdl/emg . @)^$ . /fhgLltdf ck/fwLs/0f . ;do, @ kmfug,' k=[ ## . ofbj, /fdl/emg . @)^% . dw];n] k]m/]sf] sf]N6f] . ;do, !( j}zfv, k=[ @$–@% . ofbj, /fdj/0f . @)^$ . gq bz] /xbF g} . gkfn] , @) ;fpg, k=[ ##–#$ . ofbj, nfnafa ' . @)^# . /fHosf ] ;‹fTdstf / dw;sf] ] jf:tljstf . lbzfafw,] kmfug,' k=[ !$–!& . ofbj, nfnafa ' . @)^$ . dwzL] emg\ rgfj' rfxG5g \ . lxdfn, ! df3, k=[ !& . ofbj, nfnafa ' . @)^% . ;‹Lo zf;gdf dw;] . gof F klqsf, $ jzfv,} k=[ ^ . ofbj, jL/Gb] k| ;fb| . @)^$ . t/fO { cfGbfng] / ;dfwfg . uf/vfkq] , ^ k;,' k=[ & . ofbj, jL/Gb] k| ;fb| . @)^$ . dwz] ;d:ofsf ] uf7fF ] . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, @( df3, k=[ $ . ofbj, jL/Gb] k| ;fb| . @)^$ . t/fOsf{ ] jftfj/0f / zflGt;/Iffsf' ] kZg| . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , @( df3, k=[ * . ofbj, jL/Gb] k| ;fb| . @)^% . dw;df] JofKt bfOhfk] yf| . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, !( c;f/, k=[ $ . ofbj, Zofd . @)^# . /fHo kg' M ;/rgfsf+ ] cfGbfng] . sflGtk/' , & kmfug,' k=[ & . ofbj, Zofd;Gb/' . @)^# . JolQm xTofsf ] /fhgLlt . ;do, $ c;f/, k=[ !^–!& . ofbj, Zofd;Gb/' . @)^# . l5GgleGg . ;do, @@ ebf,} k=[ @!–@@ . ofbj, Zofd;Gb/' . @)^# . ;Ldfdf cftÍ . ;do, @# sflQs, k=[ $@ . ofbj, Zofd;Gb/' . @)^# . jftfdf{ a:g tof/ . ;do, ^ k;,' k=[ @& . ofbj, Zofd;'Gb/ . ;g\ @))& . nxfg x'cf nx"n'xfg . lxdflngL, dfr–ck{ Ln,| k=[ @@–@# . ofbj, Zofd;Gb/' . @)^# . rlsPsf{ ] cfGbfng] . ;do, @% df3, k=[ ##–#% . ofbj, Zofd;Gb/' . @)^# . cfGbfngsf] ] gfddf ck/fw . ;do, @$ kmfug,' k=[ #*–#( . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 213 ofbj, Zofd;Gb/' . @)^# . e6fe6 ef/tLox¿nfO { . ;do, ! rt,} k=[ @^–@& . ofbj, Zofd;'Gb/ . @)^# . hgtflGqslj?4 k|bz{g . ;do, !% r}t, k=[ $)–$! . ofbj, Zofd;Gb/' . @)^$ . a9bf\ ] c/fhstf . ;do, ^ jzfv,} k=[ @$–@% . ofbj, Zofd;Gb/' . @)^$ . emg \ th] sf/afxL . ;do, #! h7,] k=[ #@ . ofbj, Zofd;Gb/' . @)^$ . rftkmL} { vt/f . ;do, !$ c;f/, k=[ @# . ofbj, Zofd;'Gb/ . @)^$ . ;/sf/L sd{rf/L cfGbf]ngdf . ;do, !& ;fpg, k=[ #$ . ofbj, Zofd;Gb/' . @)^$ . ;/sf/L pkl:ylt zGo" xbF' } . ;do, !# ebf,} k=[ #$–#% . ofbj, Zofd;Gb/' . @)^$ . ljBfyLx¿sf{ ] larNnL . ;do, @) ebf,} k=[ #* . ofbj, Zofd;Gb/' . @)^$ . xltof/ cftÍ . ;do, !) c;fh,] k=[ @$–@% . ofbj, Zofd;Gb/' . @)^$ . xTof / ckx/0fsf ] zÎnf[ . ;do, @@ sflQs, k=[ #@–#$ . ofbj, Zofd;Gb/' . @)^$ . ;Í6sf ] ed/Ldf' dw;] . ;do, !& df3, k=[ #^ . ofbj, Zofd;Gb/' . @)^$ . ef/tLo 8fsfx¿F ;dfltbF } . ;do, @ kmfug,' k=[ #@ . ofbj, Zofd;Gb/' . @)^$ . 3/ 5f8] b\ } ;j;fwf/0f{ . ;do, @ kmfug,' k=[ #$–#% . ofbj, Zofd;Gb/' . @)^$ . cfqmf;] / c:tJo:ttf . ;do, @# kmfug,' k=[ @*–@( . ofbj, Zofd;Gb/' . @)^$ . zfGt eO;ssf] ] 5g} . ;do, #) kmfug,' k=[ #$–#% . ofbj, Zofd;Gb/' . @)^$ . cem } 5g} dfxfn] . ;do, !$ rt,} k=[ @* . ofbj, Zofd;Gb/' . @)^$ . 7nf" bnnfO { kmfObf . ;do, @! rt,} k=[ $)–$! . ofbj, Zofd;'Gb/ . @)^% . r]tfjgL s;}n] 6]/]g -lgjf{rg_ . ;do, % jzfv,} k=[ ## . ofbj, Zofd;Gb/' . @)^% . ;Kt/Ldf kml/] lx;f+ . ;do, @ h7,] k=[ !% . ofbj, Zofd;Gb/' . @)^% . cftÍsf ] kltsf/| . ;do, @^ c;f/, k=[ ## . ofbj, >Lsi0f[ . @)^# . dw;L] cfGbfngdf] uf/} 36gf . sflGtk/' , @# rt,} k=[ & . 214 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy ofuL,] gf/fo0f . @)^% . :jfoQ dwz] kb| zsf] ] dfu / sflZd/df rln/xsf] ] åGå . xfsF , @) sflQs, k=[ # . of]~hg tfdfª, s'df/ . @)^% . dw];L d'2fsf] cfwf/e"dL . uf/vfkq] , @@ ;fpg, k=[ ^ . /l~ht, chgs{' df/' . @)^! . gkfn–ef/t] vnf' l;dfgfn ] l;lht{ ;d:of . :k;6fOd] , # h7,] k=[ & . /d0f, jL/]Gb|s'df/ . @)^$ . dw];df xltof/wf/Lsf] xf]8 . ;do, !$ c;f/, k=[ !& . /d0f, jL/Gb] s| df/' . @)^$ . dfcfjfbLsf] ] dw;] dfx] . ;do, !( k;,' k=[ !% . /d0f, jL/Gb] s| df/' . @)^% . lgoGq0fsf ] sfObf Û -ck/fw_ . ;do, !( ebf,} k=[ $) . /d0f, jL/Gb] s| df/' . @)^% . zÍfsf ] 3/fdf] jftf { M t/fOdf{ ck/fw p:t } . b l/klAns, dªl;/,\ k=[ #$–#% . /l;s, dgfh] . @)^@ . 8stL} / anfTsf/sf ] rk6fdf] t/fOsf{ ufp F . lxdfn, ! k;,' k=[ @)–@! . /fO,{ cfdcf:yf] . @)^! . anfTsf/ / xTofkl5 d;x/' a:tL lj:yflkt . ;do, @! h7,] k=[ !$ . /fO,{ cfdcf:yf] . @)^! . pgsf ] Hofgsf ] vflt/ rkrfk' OHht n6fO/x' F] . ;do, @$ ebf,} k=[ @@–@# . /fO,{ cfdcf:yf] . @)^! . gfl;bF 5g} \ ufdg] . ;do, #! ebf,} k=[ $! . /fO{, cf]dcf:yf . @)^! . e"ld / gful/stfsf nflu ;‹if{ . ;do, @! c;fh,] k=[ !$ . /fO,{ cfdcf:yf] . @)^! . 6/sf] ] 5g}| vt/f . ;do, @! c;fh,] k=[ !*–!( . /fO,{ cfdcf:yf] . @)^! . cjw} xltof/sf ] cfO/f] ] . ;do, @$ dªl;/,\ k=[ !*–!( . /fO,{ cfdcf:yf] . @)^! . dw;L] cfwf/ uDb' } . ;do, @* df3, k=[ @! . /fO,{ cfdcf:yf] . @)^@ . ce/df ufpnF ] . ;do, !@ h7,] k=[ @#–@% . /fO,{ cfdcf:yf] . @)^@ . Pp6f la/fpg ] ;a } lk/fpg ] . ;do, ^ c;fh,] k=[ #^ . /fO,{ cfdcf:yf] . @)^@ . t/fOdf{ axfn] . ;do, ^ df3, k=[ $& . /fO,{ cfdcf:yf] . @)^@ . t/fOdf{ ;lNsbF 5} hftLo lx;fsf+ ] cfuf ] . ;do, !! kmfug,' k=[ @)–@@ . /fO,{ cfdcf:yf] . @)^# . l5gfkmfgf] sf] ] tof/L . ;do, !! ;fpg, k=[ #@–## . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 215

/fO,{ cfdcf:yf] . @)^# . lbp F clwsf/ df5f dfg {] . ;do, !% ebf,} k=[ !^ . /fO,{ cfdcf:yf] . @)^# . stfsf{ ] ks8aflx/ . ;do, @% df3, k=[ #)–#! . /fO,{ cfdcf:yf] . @)^# . ;Í6df kqsfl/tf . ;do, # kmfug,' k=[ #$ . /fO{, cf]dcf:yf / Zofd;'Gb/ ofbj . @)^# . ldqtfsf] xft . ;do, @% h7,] k=[ @)–@! . /fO,{ cfdcf:yf] / Zofd;Gb/' ofbj . @)^# . dxfdf/Lsf ] vt/f . ;do, !% rt,} k=[ @# . /fO,{ cfdcf:yf] / Zofd;Gb/' ofbj . @)^$ . dwzdf] sf/afxL . ;do, !^ h7,] k=[ @# . /fO,{ cfdcf:yf] / Zofd;Gb/' ofbj . @)^% . ljR5b] kj" { -sf;Ldf] af9L_ . ;do, !( ebf,} k=[ @(–#! . /fO{, ljho;Gtf]ifL . @)^# . dw];L cfGbf]ngsf] gfnLj]nL . b]zfGt/, ^ kmfug,' k=[ ^ . /fsz,] /fdbofn . @)%( . efhk] /L' efiffsf eLid lktfdx levf/L 7fs/' . :k;6fOd] , @$ k;,' k=[ & . /fsz,] /fdbofn . @)^) . dlyn} ;dfhdf dlxnfsf ] l:ylt . :k;6fOd] , !& ebf,} k=[ & . /fsz,] /fdbofn . @)^) . t/fOaf;Lsf{ ] ljut / jtdfg{ . :k;6fOd] , !) kmfug,' k=[ & . /fsz,] /fdbofn . @)^! . ;f:s+ lts[ ljdz { . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , @) sflQs, k[= * . /fsz,] /fdbofn . @)^! . ;dfh / k/Dk/f . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , # kmfug,' k=[ ^ . /fsz,] /fdbofn . @)^@ . dlynL} ;dfhdf bfOhfk] yf| / o;sf ] kefj| . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , #) jzfv,} k=[ * . /fsz,] /fdbofn . @)^@ . >4fsf ] kj { 57 . sflGtk/' , @! sflQs, k=[ & . /fsz,] /fdbofn . @)^# . cfhsf ] hgsk/' . uf/vfkq] -zlgaf/_, @) h7,] k=[ # . /fsz,] /fdbofn . @)^# . dwzL] ;dbfo' / dfgjclwsf/ . uf/vfkq] , !( ebf,} k=[ $ . /fsz,] /fdbofn . @)^# . dw;df] dfgjclwsf/ . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , !( df3, k[= * . 216 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

/fs]z, /fdbofn . @)^$ . dw];L ;d:ofsf] ldof] . gofF klqsf, @^ jzfv,} k=[ % . /fsz,] /fdbofn . @)^% . dw;] ;d:ofsf ] dd { . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , ^ dªl;/,\ k[= * . /fsz,] /fdbofn . @)^% . dw;] åGåsf ] ;dfwfg . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , #) dªl;/,\ k[= * . /f7f/,} xl/x/l;x+ . @)^# . gful/stfklt| ajf:tf] . gkfn] , @% rt,} k=[ #* . /fd, u0fzk] ;fb| . @)^% . dw;df] eldqmflGt" . gof F klqsf, ( h7,] k=[ & . l/dfn, sdn . @)^! . wf} ef] r]nLa]6Lsf] OHht hf]ufpg . lxdfn, !^ c;f/, k=[ @^ . l/dfn, Zofd . @)^# . ;a } cfGbfng] ;ljwfg;efsf+ ] rgfjsf' nflu u/f F} . ktLs| , ( df3, k=[ $ . ¿kfGt/0f ;Djfbbftf . @)^$ . k/Dk/fut bli6sf[ 0f] . /fHosf] ¿kfGt/0f, c;f/–;fpg, k=[ @%–@& . /UdL,] sdf/' . @)^% . efiff–eifM] /fli6otfsf« ] ;j+ bgzLn] kIf . gkfn] , @^ ;fpg, k=[ !*–!( . /UdL,] dbg . @)^@ . ;:tfsf' ljifodf /x:odo dfgtf} . /fhwfgL, ! ebf,} k=[ $ . /UdL,] dbg . @)^# . bzeQm] / bzb] f| xL] 5l6' bF } 5g \ . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, @) k;,' k=[ $ . /UdL,] /fd/fh . @)^# . dw;df] ;Nssf] ] ;fDkbflostf| . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, !) df3, k=[ $ . /UdL,] /fd/fh . @)^# . vf8n cem} ulxl/g ;S5 . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, @# df3, k=[ $ . /UdL,] /fd/fh . @)^# . cfTdlg0fo{ / ljv08gsf ] vt/f . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, !& kmfug,' k=[ $ . /UdL,] /fd/fh . @)^$ . lgjfrgsf{ ] kd| v' rgf' tL} czfGt dwz] . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, # df3, k=[ $ . /fsf,] xl/ . @)^# . dw;L] cfGbfngnfO] { ;Dafwg] . sflGtk/' , @! df3, k=[ & . /fsf,] xl/ . @)^$ . ;du | ;dfwfgsf ] ;q" . gkfn] , @) ;fpg, k=[ @^–@& . /fsf,] xl/ . @)^$ . dw;L] gtfsf] ] ljbf| xkl5===] . gof F klqsf, @@ dªl;/,\ k=[ & . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 217

/f]sf, xl/ . @)^$ . ;Demf}tfsf t/Ë / cf;Gg r'gf}tL . g]kfn, @^ kmfug,' k=[ #)–#! . /flgof/,} rGbf . @)^$ . t/fO { cfGbfngsf] ] ;/f] k] m/f] ] . hgwf/0ff, !( k;,' k=[ # . /flgof/,} ?lj . @)^$ . t/fOsf{ 8d' . sflGtk/' , !# df3, k=[ & . /flgof/,} ?lj . @)^$ . t/fOdf{ tn] dfln; . sflGtk/' , @& df3, k=[ & . nD;fn, si0fljgf[ b] . @)%% . aft/F hflt M hftLo cl:tTjsf ] vfhLdf] . sf7df8f F} 68' ] @-!)_ M @*–@( . nD;fn, u0fz] . @)^$ . t/fOdf{ xltof/sf ] yk' f| ] . bli6[ , @@ df3, k=[ !) . nD;fn, u0fz] . @)^% . ;LdfIfqdf] ef/tLo ;/Iffansf' ] Hofblt . bli6[ , !& jzfv,} k=[ ( . nfdf, ;ËLtf . @)%# . /fhwfgLsf ] ;f3F /f' df] cfkjf;L| 3O' rfF ] . lxdfn, c;f/–c;fh,] k=[ #%–$! . nfdf, ;ËLtf . @)%^ . xhfdsf ] sfd . lxdfn, ! h7,] k=[ $*–$( . nfld5fg,] pkGb] | . @)^@ . ;fpg ] ;fw ' . sflGtk/' -sf;] nL_] , @@ ;fpg, k=[ 3 . nfld5fg,] szj] . @)^$ . lg/fz 5 dw;] . ;do, @ kmfug,' k=[ @$–@% . nfld5fg,] /3gfy' . @)^! . eldsf" nflu hd' /fP{' blnt . gkfn] , ! sflQs, k=[ $@ . nfld5fg,] /3gfy' . @)^! . t/fOsf{ ] c/a . sflGtk/' -sf;] nL_] , !$ sflQs, k=[ u . nfld5fg,] /3gfy' . @)^! . g6ª' UofOg\ ] eld" ;d:of . sflGtk/' , & dªl;/,\ k=[ & . nfld5fg], /3'gfy . @)^@ . a9\of] cfTdljZjf; blntsf] . sflGtk'/, !! kmfug,' k=[ & . nfld5fg,] /3gfy' . @)^# . dw;] cfGbfngsf] ] df/df k;]| . kqsfl/tf, rt,} k=[ !–# . nfld5fg,] ;fdgfy] . @)^# . /fHosf ] kgM;' /rgfsf+ ljifodf cWoog yfNg h¿/L . ktLs| , !@ df3, k=[ @ . nfld5fg,] ;fdgfy] . @)^# . dw;sf] dfusf ] Jofjxfl/s ;Dafwg] cfjZos . /fhwfgL, @$ df3, k=[ # . nfn, jif[ zrGb] | . @)^! . dlynL} ;flxTosf Hoflt] . sflGtk/' , ( dªl;/,\ k=[ & . 218 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy nfn, jif[ zrGb] | . @)^# . klxn ] dw;LnfO] { gful/stf . sflGtk/' , & ;fpg, k=[ & . nfn, jif[ zrGb] | . @)^# . vnf' l;dfgf / dw;] . sflGtk/' , #) ;fpg, k=[ & . nfn, jif[ zrGb] | . @)^# . /fi6,« /fli6otf« / gful/stf . sflGtk/' , @& c;fh,] k=[ & . nfn, jif[ zrGb] | . @)^# . s;n ] lnG5 lhDdjf/L] < sflGtk/' , !@ df3, k=[ & . nfn, jif[ zrGb] | . @)^# . dw;L] cfqmfzsf] ;qwf/x¿" . gkfn] , @! Dff3, k=[ @*–@( . nfn, jif[ zrGb] | . @)^# . ;Dafwgdf] 56' sf] ] d2f' . gkfn] , ^ kmfug,' k=[ #! . nfn, jif[ zrGb] | . @)^% . dw;k] ltsf| ] kjf" u{ x| . sflGtk/' , @% c;f/, k=[ & . nfn, ;Ls ] . @)%* . /fhgLlts eld;" wf/sf' ;fdflhs hl6ntf . lxdfn, !^ ebf,} k=[ #%–#& . nfn, ;Ls ] . @)^# . gkfnL] hflt / …gkfnLoÚ] gful/stf . lxdfn, ! ebf,} k=[ #*–#( . nfn, ;Ls ] . @)^# . g/fZosf} ] eª' u\ f| df] dw;] . lxdfn, !^ df3, k=[ $)–$! . nfn, ;Ls ] . @)^# . gof F gkfnsf] ] ;fdnL] kf¿k| . lxdfn, ! kmfug,' k=[ #*–#( . nfn, ;Ls ] . @)^# . c;xh cj:yfsf ] lrGtf . lxdfn, !^ rt,} k=[ #*–#( . nfn, ;Ls ] . @)^$ . ljbzLx¿sf] ] a9bf\ ] cle?lr . lxdfn, !^ ebf,} k=[ !^–!& . nfn, ;Ls ] . @)^$ . dxGy 7fs/sf' ] ljbf| x] M cy { / dxŒj . lxdfn, ! df3, k=[ !*–!( . nfn, ;Ls ] . @)^$ . dwz] åGåsf ] e–/fhgLlts" cfofd . lxdfn, !^ df3, k=[ #*–#( . nfjtL, wdrGb{ | . @)%# . kj" sf{ yf¿x¿ s;/L lhO/x5g] \ < dNofÍg" , c;f/, k=[ @*–@( . nO' 6F n,] u0f/fh' . @)^! . dw;nfO] { ;Dafwg] . sflGtk/' , @ rt,} k=[ & . nO' 6F n,] u0f/fh' . @)^# . csf {] tfn } tfnsf ] ;x/df Û sflGtk/' , @& ;fpg, k=[ & . nO' 6F n,] u0f/fh' . @)^# . dw;L] d2f' . sflGtk/' , ( df3, k=[ ^ . nO' 6F n,] u0f/fh' . @)^# . dw;nfO] { ;Dem/] . sflGtk/' , * kmfug,' k=[ ^ . n'OF6]n, u'0f/fh . @)^$ . afn'jf6f/df ldn]sf xftx¿ . sflGtk'/, !* kmfug,' k=[ & . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 219 nO' 6F n,] u0f/fh' . @)^% . ;qmd0fsfndf+ ;od+ . sflGtk/' , !$ ;fpg, k=[ & . nvL,] /fhsdf/' . @)^# . clwsf/sf ] vfhL] . ;do, !* df3, k=[ $# . nvL,] /fhsdf/' . @)^% . t/fOsf{ eldk" q' cflbjf;L . sflGtk/' , @^ c;f/, k=[ & . nvL,] /fhsdf/' . @)^% . yf¿ ;Ddngsf] ] ;Gbz] . sflGtk/' , !( sflQs, k=[ & . nfxgL,] ksfzrGb| | . @)^# . cGtl/d ;ljwfg+ cfqmflzt] dw;] . sflGtk/' , !@ df3, k=[ & . nfxgL,] ksfzrGb| | . @)^$ . dw;L] …;lG6d] G6Úsf] ] lglxtfy { . gof F klqsf, @% df3, k=[ & . nfxgL,] efnfk] ;fb| . @)^@ . gkfndf] dwzL] blntsf ] cj:yf . /fhwfgL, $ ;fpg, k=[ $ . jtdfg,{ ufljGb] . @)%* . /l;ofjn vb' { nf6g] afwF . dNofÍg" , ;fpg, k=[ $@–$# . jtdfg,{ ufljGb] . @)%(–^) . dxnL;fu/ afwF M ef/tsf ] csf {] anldrfO { . dNofÍg" , rt–j} zfv,} k=[ $)–$! . j:tL, z/RrGb | . @)^! . klxn ] gkfnL,] clg d;ndfg' . sflGtk/' , @^ ebf,} k=[ & . jfUn,] uhf] zdf { . @)^# . gkYosf] ] if8oGq\ / gkfnu~hsf] ] l/x;n{ . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, !( k;,' k=[ $ . jfUn,] uhf] zdf { . @)^# . ;Defljt kltqmflGt| / nfstGqsf] rgf' tL} . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, !& df3, k=[ $ . jfUn], r'8fdl0f . @)^! . …cnf}lss zlQmÚn] rDsfof] Jofkf/ . ;do, @! h7,] k=[ !% . jfUn,] lqejgrGb' | . @)^! . blnt cfGbfng] M l;/fxf / ;Kt/Laf6 sf7df8fF} 6f9f 5g} . uf/vfkq] , !@ sflQs, k=[ % . jfUn,] lqejgrGb' | . @)^# . dwz,] t/fO { / cflbjf;L yf¿ . uf/vfkq] , @# sflQs, k=[ & . jfUn,] lqejgrGb' | . @)^$ . dw;sf] ] cfGbfng] / j:tl:ylt' . uf/vfkq] , !& kmfug,' k=[ & . jfUn,] lqejgrGb' | . @)^% . efiff, eif] / pk/fi6kltsf« ] lxGbL zky . uf/vfkq] , !& ;fpg, k=[ ^ . 220 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy jfUn,] lbgz] . @)^! . af9Lsf ] aaG8/ . gkfn] , !) ;fpg, k=[ @!–@% . jfUn,] gf/fo0f . @)%# . ef/tl;tsf ] ;fwF M vnf' klg, lvrfnf] klg . lxdfn, c;f/–c;fh,] k=[ ^–!^ . ljsf; . @)$( . t/fOdf{ vfgkfgL] . !-!_ M $)–$# . ljKnj . @)^# . dwzsf] 36gfx¿af/ ] ;lIfKt+ ljZnif0f] . hgfbz] , !^ df3, k=[ !÷* . …ljef;Ú, gljg . @)^% . sl/dfsf ] sl/Zdf . gof F klqsf -emg \ gof_,F & jzfv,} k=[ s–v . ljZjsdf,{ afa/fd' . @)^# . pknlAwsf ] s;Ldf dw;L] cfGbfng] . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, !% kmfug,' k=[ $ . ljZjsdf,{ afa/fd' / /fdZj/] afx/f] . @)^% . db/;f, uDaf' / cf>d . lzIfs, c;f/, k=[ *–!) . ljZjsdf{, ld7f/fd . @)^# . ;Daf]wgkl5sf] zfGt t/fO{ . uf]/vfkq, @* df3, k=[ ^ . ljZjsdf,{ ld7f/fd . @)^$ . t/fO { lx;f+ / ;dfwfgsf pkfo . uf/vfkq] , !* ;fpg, k=[ ^ . ljZjsdf,{ ld7f/fd . @)^$ . ;ljwfg;ef+ / dw;] ljbf| x] . uf/vfkq] , @& df3, k=[ ^ . ljZjsdf{, ljgf]bs'df/ . @)^! . vTj] hfltsf] cj:yf . uf]/vfkq, @& c;fh,] k=[ % . ljZjsdf,{ xL/f . @)^! . t/fOsf{ blntsf ] ul/aLsf ] bZrqm' . sflGtk/' , ! c;f/, k=[ ^ . lji6, dxGb] | . @)^# . ;qmd0fsfndf+ ;nanfPsf b/afl/ofx¿ . bzg{ , ( df3, k=[ $ . lji6, lxSdtaxfb/' . @)%( . db/;fn ] cfwlgs' lzIff lbgk5' { . sflGtk/,' !) jzfv,} k=[ & . lji6du/, nfs] Gb] | . @)^# . t/fO { M ;d:of, rgf' tL} / ;Defjgf . hgfbz] , !^ df3, k=[ ^ . jL/Gb] ,| sPd] . @)^$ . dw;] Ps /fi6 « xg' sf' ] cfwf/ . 36gf / ljrf/, * kmfug,' k=[ $ . jB,} lzlz/ . @)^# . cfkmnfO" { ;Rofpg ] anf] . gkfn] , !# kmfug,' k=[ $% . zÍ/, 5q . @)^$ . lsg tfTof ] t/fO { . gof F klqsf, !* ;fpg, k=[ ^ . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 221 zdf,{ hgfbg{ . @)^# . dwz;lxt] l;Ëf ] /fi6 « gof F /fhglts} wf/df PsLst[ xg' k5' { . hgfbz] , !^ df3, k=[ @ . zdf,{ ltnsdf/L' . @)^# . vf/df] ylgPsf' ] af3 / dw;L] cfGbfng] . bzg{ , @^ df3, k=[ @ . zdf,{ bLgfgfy . @)^$ . ;ljwfg;ef,+ dw;L] cfGbfng] / /fli6o« cv08tfsf] kZg| . hgfbz] , !$ kmfug,' k=[ % . zdf,{ bLgfgfy . @)^$ . dw;L] cfGbfng,] /fli6otf« / hghLjg . uf/vfkq] , !& kmfug,' k=[ ^ . zdf{, eb| . @)^# . clwsf/ k|flKtsf] cfGbf]ngdf ;xfbt . a'waf/, @$ df3, k=[ % . zdf,{ eb | . @)^% . t/fOsf{ ;z:q ;dx;" uF Ph08fljxLg] jftf { . awaf/' , $ dªl;/,\ k=[ ^ . zdf,{ o1 . @)^# . ;befj\ ¥ofnLn ] dfq kUb' g} . bzg{ , ^ df3, k=[ $ . zdf,{ o1 . @)^# . rfn ' dw;L] cfGbfng] / cfzÍfx¿ . bzg{ , !# df3, k=[ $ . zdf,{ o1 . @)^# . :ylut cfGbfng,] sfO/fnf] lgjf; / lu/ˆtf/L . bzg{ , @& df3, k=[ $ . zdf{, ljho/fh . @)^# . :jfoQ hftLo—;‹Lo zf;g . sflGtk'/, !& df3, k=[ & . zdf,{ lj1fg/fh . @)^# . lh;sL nf7L p;sL e;+} sltGhn] < ;fF3,' @( df3, k=[ @ . zdf,{ ljZjksfz| . @)^$ . alnbfgL klv/x{ sf] ] abLwf/L{ . gof F klqsf, !^ kmfug,' k=[ ^ . zdf,{ >Leb | . @)^# . dw;sf] ] 89nf] ] M lgefpg ] s;n ] / s;/L < cGgk0f" { kfi6] , !& df3, k=[ * . zdf,{ >Leb | . @)^$ . dw;sf] ] cfuf ] lgefpg ] l;4fGt . sflGtk/' , @$ df3, k=[ & . zdf,{ >Leb | . @)^$ . ;ljwfg;ef+ M dw;] cfGbfngsf] ] ;dLIff . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , @@ kmfug,' k=[ * . zdf,{ ;wLGb' | . @)%# . eUg dfgl;stfdf 5g \ t/fOsf{ d;ndfg' . lxdfn, c;f/–c;fh,] k=[ $#–$( . 222 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy zdf,{ ;wL/' . @)%* . /fhgLlt / ck/fwsf ] hfnfdf] hlnPsf] ] c/akltsf] ckx/0f . lxdfn, !^ kmfug,' k=[ !*–@! . zdf,{ ;wL/' . @)^) . gkfn] 3¥of] ] ef/tLo kmfhn} ] . gkfn] , ! h7,] k=[ @)–@$ . zdf,{ ;wL/' . @)^) . dw;,] dfcfjfbL] / ef/t . sflGtk/' , * kmfug,' k=[ & . zdf,{ ;zLn' . @)^# . lsg ;xefuL xg' ] ;befj\ ¥ofnLdf . bzg{ , !% df3, k=[ @ . zdf,{ ;o" k{ ;fb| . @)^# . t/fOsf{ ] czflGtn ] u/sf] ;Ítx¿] . hgwf/0ff, !! df3, k=[ @ . zdf,{ ;o" k{ ;fb| . @)^# . t/fOsf{ ] ljbf| xnfO] { s;/L ;Dafwg] ug {] < hgwf/0ff, !* df3, k=[ @ . zlz, Zofd;Gb/' . @)%* . hgsk/sf' ] dWodf kl/qmdf M gkfn–ef/t] ;f:s+ lts[ ;t] ' . sflGtk/' , !$ rt,} k=[ & . zlz, Zofd;Gb/' . @)%( . dlynL} /Ëd~rnfO { hLljt /fVg ] cleofgdf 5 ldgfk . sflGtk/' , @% h7,] k=[ & . zlz, Zofd;Gb/' . @)^@ . uLtdo 57 . sflGtk/' -sf;] nL_] , !( sflQs, k=[ 3 . zfSo, szjdfg] . @)^# . hftLo /fhgLlts ;jfn . sflGtk/' , !% df3, k=[ & . zfx, sf;/} . @)^% . /fhgLltdf dl:nd' . sflGtk/' , @$ sflQs, k=[ ^ . zfx, ksfz| / /fd/fh kfv/] n] . @)^@ . 6ofS6/n\ ] agfpbF 5} ls;fgnfO{ sËfn . lxdfn, ! df3, k=[ ^@–^# . zfx, >LufljGb] . @)^$ . hftLo klxrfgsf ] /fhgLlt . /fHosf ] ¿kfGt/0f, ebf–c;f} h,] k=[ !*–@! . zfx, ;8f] ;lsgf . @)^% . dl:nd' ;dbfo' / dlxnf . /fHosf] ¿kfGt/0f, c;f/–;fpg, k=[ #@–## . zfx, ;fefUo} . @)^! . /fHo, /fhgLlt, ldl8of / ;dfh M sf ] sxf F rSof' F} < lxdfn, ! c;fh,] k=[ @$–@& . lzjfsf6L,] ufkfn] . @)^# . dw;sf] ] ;d:of ;dfwfg ug { ;ljwfg+ g} ;zf+ wg] u/ . 5nkmn, !$ df3, k=[ !÷* . lzjfsf6L,] ufkfn] . @)^# . t/fOsf{ ] cfGbfngsf] ] lbzfafw] M lul/hfsf] ;Gbz] . 5nkmn, @! df3, k=[ !÷% . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 223 lzjfsf6L,] ufkfn] . @)^# . dw;L] ljbf| xkl5] p7sf] kZgx¿| . 5nkmn, @* df3, k=[ % . lzjfsf6L,] ufkfn] . @)^$ . dw;sf] ] ljho dw;Ldf] rf] sf{ ] jf ljbzLsf] ] . 5nkmn, !( kmfug,' k=[ !–@ . lzjfsf6L,] ufkfn] . @)^% . pk/fi6kltsf« ] ;ky ux0f| / 9f8 ] la/fnf ] . 5nkmn, !@ ;fpg, k=[ !÷* . zkf] ,{ Zofd;Gb/' . @)^$ . zkf] { efiffdf hGdsf] ] dw;] . dNofÍg" , df3, k=[ @&–@* . >Ldggf/fo0f . @)^! . t/fOsf{ ] ;d:of / ;dfwfgsf pkfo . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , !) rt,} k=[ ^ . >Ldggf/fo0f . @)^@ . gful/stf ;d:of . /fhwfgL, !* c;fh,] k=[ $ . >Ldggf/fo0f . @)^@ . blIf0f t/fOsf{ ] ljsf;df xnfsL' ;8s . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , #) dªl;/,\ k=[ * . >Ldggf/fo0f . @)^# . xfdL ;ÍL0f { gagf F} . ktLs| , * df3, k=[ @ . >Ldggf/fo0f . @)^# . dw;L] cfGbfngsf] ] pknlAw . kghf' u/0f{ , ! kmfug,' k=[ @ . >Ldggf/fo0f . @)^# . dw;L] cfGbfngnfO] { abgfd ug {] if8oGq\ . kghf' u/0f{ , * kmfug,' k=[ @ . >Ldggf/fo0f . @)^# . dw;] cfGbfngsf] oyfy { . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , !$ kmfug,' k[= * . >Ldggf/fo0f . @)^# . dw;L] cfGbfng] / 3;k' 7sf} ] cf/fk] . kghf' u/0f{ , @( kmfug,' k=[ @ . >Ldggf/fo0f . @)^$ . dw]; cfGbf]ngsf] cf}lrTo . cGgk"0f{ kf]i6, @$ dªl;/,\ k=[ * . >i7,] 6Ígf/fo0f . @)^) . t/fOdf{ gof F ks| ltsf[ ] jg Joj:yfkg . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, # sflQs, k=[ $ . >i7,] 8Da/si0f[ . @)^! . kjL" { t/fOdf{ dfcfjfbLsf] ] u?of' hgf] . lxdfn, !^ c;f/, k=[ %^–%* . >i7,] 8Da/si0f[ . @)^! . dwzL–ls/f] tF M dfcfjfbL] ljebsf] ] lzsf/ . lxdfn, !^ ;fpg, k=[ !* . >i7,] 8Da/si0f[ . @)^! . wg–OHht M n6' cem} /flsPg] . lxdfn, !^ ebf,} k=[ #) . 224 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

>i7,] 8Da/si0f[ . @)^# . …e/k} 6] eftf ] gOÚ{ . lxdfn, ! sflQs, k=[ !^–!( . >i7,] 8Da/si0f[ . @)^% . cIfDo ck/fw -;KtsfzL] t6aGw_ . lxdfn, !^ ebf,} k=[ !@–!& . >i7,] 8Da/si0f[ . @)^% . ljBfyL { kxf8,] lzIfs dwzL] . lzIfs, c;fh,] k=[ !*–!( . >i7,] 8Da/si0f[ / sdn l/dfn . @)^$ . 8fsfx¿F kqmfp kb {} M 8/ p:t } . lxdfn, !^ k;,' k=[ $^–$* . >i7,] 8Da/ / /lj bfxfn . @)^$ . kmlnof} ] t:s/Lsf ] ;~hfn . lxdfn, ! kmfug,' k=[ !@–!% . >i7,] wL/sdf/' . @)^$ . dw;sf] ] oyfy { . gof F klqsf, # ebf,} k=[ ^ . >]i7, gf/fo0fsfhL . @)%# . af/f lhNnfsf] jg Joj:yfkg M /fli6«o cl:dtf / ufpnF sf] ] clwsf/sf ] xgg \ . ljsf; %-(_ M @%–@( . >i7,] al4gf/fo0f' . @)^! . afwF aG5 ef/tsf ] hldg 8A5' gkfnsf] ] . sflGtk/' , !( c;fh,] k=[ & . >i7,] al4gf/fo0f' . @)^! . gkfn–ef/t] vnf' ;Ldfsf cK7Øf/f . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, % rt,} k=[ $ . >i7,] al4gf/fo0f' . @)^@ . gkfn–ef/t] ;Ldfljjfb . uf/vfkq] , !( ebf,} k=[ $ . >i7,] al4gf/fo0f' . @)^# . rgf' tL} Joj:yfkgsf ] . ;do, !* df3, k=[ @@–@# . >i7,] al4gf/fo0f' . @)^$ . alNembfF ] 3fp M ;:tf' . dNofÍg" , k;,' k=[ ^–& . >i7,] al4gf/fo0f' . @)^% . lsg 5f8f 5f8g\ ] vnf' ;LdfnfO { < sflGtk/' , @& ebf,} k=[ & . >i7,] dgfh] . @)^$ . lkohg| g } bi6' ePkl5 . lxdfn, !^ jzfv,} k=[ @@–@# . >i7,] dgfh,] >j0fsdf/' bj,] clht ltjf/L, /lj bfxfn / ds' z] kfv/] n] . @)^$ . tf/f ] M eG;f/, :sn' / PDan' G;] . lxdfn, !^ kmfug,' k=[ !@–!$ . >i7,] dQmf' . @)%* . o;/L aflr/xF sf] ] 5 Ps qmflGtsf/L gtfsf] ] kl/jf/ . dNofÍg" , df3, k=[ #@–## . >i7,] /jLGb | . @)^# . dw;—dfS;] jfbL{ sf0faf6] xbf] { . ;do, @% df3, k=[ #( . >i7,] /jLGb | . @)^# . uf/} g/;xf/+ M ca s ] ug {] < bli6[ , !# rt,} k=[ $ . >]i7, zÍ/dfg . @)^# . of] g} Pp6f g]tfsf] cy{ x'G5 . k|tLs, !! df3, k=[ @ . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 225

>i7,] zfGtf . @)^% . Odfgsf /fd/fhf / aOdfgsf] lul/hf . hglbzf, ^ c;f/, k=[ ^ . >i7,] Zofd . @)^$ . dwz] M 5 zfGt kfg {] pkfo < dNofÍg" , kmfug,' k=[ !*–@! . >i7,] Zofd . @)^% . dw;L] ;ef;b \ pN6f ] af6flt/] . uf/vfkq] , @! c;f/, k=[ ^ . >i7,] >Lcfd] . @)^! . ljZjkl;4| alndnf–] u9LdfO { dnf] . uf/vfkq] , # k;,' k=[ $ . >i7,] ;bLk' . @)%& . cflys{ dxfgd' } rf6] . xfsf–xfsL $-%_ M !$–!* . >i7,] ;bLk' . @)^) . vnf' ;Ldf km/flsnf ] vf8n . sflGtk/' , @& kmfug,' k=[ & . >i7,] lx/0onfn . @)^) . ddtsf{ ] axfgfdf gof F / 7nf" ] dxnL;fu/ afwF . :k;6fOd] , ! rt,} k=[ ^ . >i7,] lx/0onfn . @)^) . ;Ldf Ifqdf] 8afg' /fSg] cGt/fli6{ o« cfrf/ kfngf cfjZos . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, ! ebf,} k=[ $ . >i7,] lx/0onfn . @)^! . tLgy/L aGbsaf6' cfqmfGt t/fO { . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, !* c;fh,] k=[ $ . >i7] dNn, lzj/fh . @)^% . yf¿ / t/fOsf{ cflbjf;L . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, # ebf,} k=[ $ . ;ªu\ f| nf,} vuGb] | . @)^! . /fusf] ls/f h/fdf, kxnf] kftx¿ vf/df] . sflGtk/' , #) ebf,} k=[ & . ;ªu\ f| nf,} vuGb] | . @)^# . >L /fdsf ] xfO { / gof F gkfn] . sflGtk/' , !) df3, k=[ & . ;ªu\ f| nf,} vuGb] | . @)^# . dw;,] cfuf ] / OG;fkm . sflGtk/' , @@ df3, k=[ & . ;ªu\ f| nf,} vuGb] | . @)^# . 9Nsj/sf] ] 9Ëf' ] / cGt/x¿] . sflGtk/' , @& df3, k=[ & . ;ª\u|f}nf, vu]Gb| . @)^$ . aGb's b]vfP/ jftf{sf] lgDtf . sflGtk'/, !^ df3, k=[ & . ;ªu\ f| nf,} vuGb] | . @)^$ . kxf8L r:df / dw;L] /fhgLlt . sflGtk/' , ( kmfug,' k=[ & . ;ªu\ f| nf,} vuGb] | . @)^% . lrofdf k/sf] ] lemªuf\ ] . sflGtk/' , !% ;fpg, k=[ & . 226 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

;ªu\ f| nf,} vuGb] | . @)^% . zky, lj/fw] / cfuf ] . gof F klqsf, !% ;fpg, k=[ & . ;ªu\ f| nf,} ufkfn] . @)%( . dªl;/df\ ljjfx gug {] ldlynfaf;Lsf ] rng . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, !# dªl;/,\ k=[ % . ;ª\u|f}nf, o'j/fh . @)^$ . t/fO{sf] cfGbf]ng– s]xL k|Zg . sflGtk'/, !% kmfug,' k=[ & . ;lRrbfgGb, s'df/ . ;g\ @))& . s'?If]q agf t/fO{ . lxdflngL, dfr–ck{ Ln,| k=[ ^–!! . ;lRrbfgGb, sdf/' . ;g \ @))& . s73/ ] d +] cGtl/d ;/sf/ . lxdflngL, dO–h{ g," k=[ (–!! . ;lRrbfgGb, s'df/ . ;g\ @))& . Sof vf]of Sof kfof . lxdflngL, hnfO' –cu:t,{ k=[ !!–!@ . ;do ;jfbbftf+ . @)^$ . s;/L xG5' lgikIf 5fgljg < ;do, @$ h7,] k=[ #^ . ;do ;+jfbbftf . @)^% . dw]; Ps k|b]z M PsfTds ;f]r . ;do, @ ;fpg, k=[ #)–#@ . ;bf, c;kmL { . @)^! . dlQmsf' ] vfhLdf] t/fOsf{ blnt . dNofÍg" , dªl;/,\ k=[ @)–@! . ;fksf6f,] hgs . @)^$ . stf hfbF 5} dwz] < /fHosf] ¿kfGt/0f, k;,' k=[ #*–$) . ;fksf6f,] yfgZj/] . @)^# . b/af/ g3g] sf{' ] kl/0ffd . gkfn] , ^ kmfug,' k=[ #@ . ;fksf6f,] yfgZj/] . @)^# . dwz] aNbf kflvPsf] ] cfzF ' . gkfn] , $ rt,} k=[ $( . ;fksf6f,] bLks . @)^$ . dw;] cfGbfngn] ] hghLjg si6s/ . bli6[ , & kmfug,' k=[ ( . ;fksf6f,] bLks . @)^$ . dw;n] ] efu] sf] ] lgolt . bli6[ , !$ kmfug,' k=[ ( . ;fksf6f,] wgklt . @)^% . ef/tLo ofhgfdf] dw;jfbL] cfGbfng] . xfsF , $ ebf,} k=[ % . ;fksf6f,] /fhxl/ . @)^# . nfstGqsf] ] ;fystf{ sxf F 5 < ktLs| , !@ df3, k=[ @ . ;fx, lhtGb] | . @)^% . lxGbL dfx] . sflGtk/' , !! ;fpg, k=[ ^ . ;fx, lhtGb] | . @)^% . lxGbL efiffsf ] pklgjzjfb] . gkfn] , ! ebf,} k=[ !)–!! . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 227

;fx, lhtGb] | . @)^% . dxfkj { …57Úsf ] a9bf\ ] pNnf; . sflGtk/' , !# sflQs, k=[ & . ;fx, tnfgf/fo0f' . @)^# . dw;sf] ] ;Gbz] . gkfn] , @* df3, k=[ @&–@* . ;fx, t'nfgf/fo0f . @)^# . ;+ljwfg;efcl3 dw]zsf r'gf}tL . g]kfn, !* rt,} k=[ #! . ;fx, tnfgf/fo0f' . @)^$ . dw;sf] ] /fhgLlt . sflGtk/' , @* c;f/, k=[ & . ;fx, tnfgf/fo0f' . @)^$ . ;d:ofsf tLg cfofd . gkfn] , @) ;fpg, k=[ @*–@( . ;fx, tnfgf/fo0f' . @)^$ . xtf; dw;] . gkfn] , @# ebf,} k=[ #@ . ;fx, tnfgf/fo0f' . @)^$ . dw;df] ljbzL] rf;f ] . gkfn,] @ dªl;/,\ k=[ #$–#% . ;fx, tnfgf/fo0f' . @)^$ . dw;] bfxf] /Lsf] ] ;Gbz] . gkfn,] @# dªl;/,\ k=[ #@ . ;fx, tnfgf/fo0f' . @)^$ . dw;L] dgdf /xsf] d2f' . gkfn,] % kmfug,' k=[ !)–!! . ;fx, t'nfgf/fo0f . @)^$ . nlrnf] dfu s8f sfo{qmd . sflGtk'/, & kmfug,' k=[ & . ;fx, t'nfgf/fo0f . @)^$ . dw]; ;Demf}tfkl5sf r'gf}tL . sflGtk'/, @@ kmfug,' k=[ & . ;fx, tnfgf/fo0f' . @)^$ . lgjfrgdf{ hftLotf . sflGtk/' , @$ rt,} k=[ & . ;fx, tnfgf/fo0f' . @)^$ . dw;sf] ] rgfjL' rrf { . gkfn] , @$ rt,} k=[ #!–#@ . ;fx, tnfgf/fo0f' . @)^% . dw;] ljbf| xsf] ] ljZnif0f] -k:ts' ;dLIffM dw;] ljbf| xsf] ] gfnLanL] , ef:s/ uftd,} ;=_+ . gkfn] , @( jzfv,} k=[ %$ . ;fx, tnfgf/fo0f' . @)^% . ;Qf–lrqdf dw;] . gkfn] , !@ h7,] k=[ !*–!( . ;fx, tnfgf/fo0f' . @)^% . dw;L] gtfx¿sf] ] ed| . gkfn] , @^ h7,] k=[ !) . ;fx, tnfgf/fo0f' . @)^% . /fi6] ddf« tftsf] ] dw;] . sflGtk/' , !& c;f/, k=[ & . ;fx, tnfgf/fo0f' . @)^% . lsg axnfof' ] sf;L] < gkfn] , @@ ebf,} k=[ #*–#( . ;fx, tnfgf/fo0f' . @)^% . dw;] åGåsf ] cGt/j:t ' . gkfn] , * dªl;/,\ k=[ !^–!& . ;fx, tnfgf/fo0f' . @)^% . h/Lh:t] } hln] bF } . gkfn] , @@ dªl;/,\ k=[ !*–!( . ;fx, ke| ' . @)^$ . dw;L] cfGbfng] / dfrf] sf{ ] /fli6o« ;Ddng] . nfn dwz] , h7,] k=[ ##–#% . 228 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

;fx, ke| ' . @)^$ . dw;L] dlQmsf' ] ed| . dNofÍg" , sflQs, k=[ $&–$( . ;fx, ke| ' . @)^$ . dw;L] ;d:of / cfGbfngsf] ] kZg| . ;f3F ,' !# kmfug,' k=[ @ . ;fx, ke| ' . @)^$ . dwz] cfGbfngM] n6' /fx¿sf] ] e08fkmf/] ub }{ cl3 a9f F} . ;f3F ,' @) kmfug,' k=[ @ . ;fx, ke| ' . @)^$ . æPs dw;] Ps kb| zÆ] ;dfwfg xfOg] . hgfbz] , @$ kmfug,' k=[ !÷* . ;fx, k|e' . @)^% . Ps dw]zsf] gf/f / dw]zL ;d:of . uf]/vfkq, !! c;fh,] k=[ ^ . ;fx, e/t . @)^$ . dw;L] hgcfGbfng] / gt] Tjsf[ ] kZg| . nfn dwz] , h7,] k=[ @#–@$ . ;fx, dgfh] . @)%@ . ddtsf{ ] kltIffdf| hgsk/–hogu/' /nj] ] . ljZjldq, c;fh–sflQs,] k=[ %* . ;fx, dgf]h . @)%( . hgsk'/df hLljt k|frLg ldlynfsf] Oltxf; . sflGtk/' , !( c;fh,] k=[ ^ . ;fx, nIdL . @)^# . km:6fpbfF ] ckx/0f Jofkf/ . ;do, @& k;,' k=[ #$–#% . ;fx, jL/Gb] | . @)^@ . kmfObfsf ] Jofkf/ . lxdfn, ! dªl;/,\ k=[ !@–!$ . ;fx, jL/Gb] | . @)^@ . >ª[ vnfa4\ 8stL,} n6kf6' / xTof . lxdfn, ! k;,' k=[ @@ . ;fx, jL/Gb] | . @)^# . kl;gf ;fl6of,] gkfnL] eOPg . lxdfn, ! ebf,} k=[ #$ . ;fx, jL/Gb] | . @)^# . ktfl8t| 5 jL/u~h . lxdfn, ! rt,} k=[ !^–!* . ;fx, >Lnfn . @)%# . t/fOsf{ b;fw' c5tsf" klg c5t" < xfsf–xfsL !-!_ M !!–!# . ;fx, ;~ho . @)^) . /IffaGwg M dw;L] ;:s+ ltsf[ ] cdNo" lglw . :k;6fOd] , @& ;fpg, k=[ & . ;fx, ;~hosdf/' . @)%* . efhk] /L' ;flxTodf gf/Lsf ] pkl:ylt . sflGtk/' , !& rt,} k=[ ^ . ;fx, ;'lgns'df/ . dw]zsf] cfGbf]ng jiff}{+b]lv blaP/ /x]sf] ljb|f]xsf] Hjfnf xf ] . kj" {, @^ df3, k=[ $ . ;fxgL, lbn . @)^# . uxdGqLsf[ ] /fhLgfdf . sflGtk/' , # kmfug,' k=[ ^ . ;fxgL, lbn . @)^$ . ;jfn ;ljwfg;ef+ / ;:tfsf' ] . hglbzf, ^ k;,' k=[ $ . ;fxgL, lbn . @)^% . ;;b+ df\ efiff kof| u] . uf/vfkq] , @( c;f/, k=[ ^ . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 229

;fx …xnjfO' Ú,{ ;ldqf' . @)^% . ldlynf~rnsf dlxnf / dxfkj { …57Ú . sflGtk/' , !& sflQs, k=[ & . l;6fnf,} /fddl0f . @)^# . cfGbfngsf/Ln] ] zflns tf8] 5\ < hgcf:yf, @$ df3, k=[ # . l;Gxf, jL0ff . @)^% . dw;L] dlxnfsf ;d:of . uf/vfkq] , @% ;fpg, k=[ & . l;Gxf, jL0ff . @)^% . t/fOdf{ 5f/LnfO] { ;fx }| ljeb] . sflGtk/' , @* ;fpg, k=[ & . l;Gxf, jL0ff . @)^% . dw;sf] 5f/L–a] xf/L' . sflGtk/' , @* ebf,} k=[ & . l;x,+ cd/;s] df/' . @)^! . aOdfg] gt] Tjsf[ ] kL8f . ;do, & ;fpg, k=[ #* . l;+x, c/ljGb . @)^# . dw];s} nflu n8\g] b[9tf xf] eg] . k|tLs, !$ df3, k=[ @ . l;x,+ si0fb[ j] . @)^$ . …ca dw;] rgfjdf' xlnof] Ú] . hgfbz] , @@ df3, k=[ # . l;x,+ kmtxaxfb] /' . ;g \ @))& . ;To sL ljho . lxdflngL, dO–h{ g," k=[ !$–!% . l;x,+ dxGb] | . @)^# . ;ljwfg;ef+ / t/fOsf{ ] ;d:of . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq, !^ df3, k=[ $ . l;x,+ dfxgljqmd] . @)^$ . dw;L] cfGbfng] / /fli6o« cv08tfsf ] kZg| . xfsF , @) c;f/, k=[ !÷* . l;x,+ dfxgljqmd] . @)^$ . dw;] cfGbfngsf] ] dddf{ ljif g3flnof] ;] \ . 36gf / ljrf/, @^ dªl;/,\ k=[ & . l;x,+ dfxgljqmd] . @)^$ . dw;] cfGbfng] / unt kj| lQ[ . bzfGt/] , * k;,' k=[ @ . l;x,+ dfxgljqmd] . @)^$ . ;ljwfg;ef+ rgfj' / dw;] . gof F klqsf, !! df3, k=[ & . l;x,+ dfxgljqmd] . @)^% . Ps dw;,] Ps kb| zsf] ] cfGbfng] tyf /fli6otfsf« ] kZg| . xfsF , @% c;f/, k=[ !÷* . l;x,+ dfxgljqmd] . @)^% . lxGbL efiff;DaGwL ljjfb . xfsF , !% ;fpg, k=[ !÷* . l;x,+ dfxgljqmd] . @)^% . efiff;DaGwL ljjfb . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , !^ ;fpg, k[= * . l;x,+ dfxgljqmd] . @)^% . lxGbL efiff;DaGwL ljjfb . 5nkmn, !( ;fpg, k=[ @ . 230 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy l;x,+ /fd/fhfk;fb| . @)^$ . dw;L] ljbf| x] / ef/t . dNofÍg" , k;,' k=[ $# . l;+x, x's'daxfb'/ . @)^% . …Ps dw];, Ps k|b]zÚsf] k|Zgaf/] . xfFs, !* c;f/, k=[ * . l;2LsL, df]xDdbL . @)^# . hf] c¿sf nflu afFlr/x]5g\ . lxdfn, !^ kmfug,' k=[ %@ . l;Dv8f, wj'| . @)^! . c;Gti6' 5g \ dw;L] . gkfn] , ^ ebf,} k=[ @@–@% . ;Aaf,' xif { . @)^# . gful/stf /fli6o« ;d:of . sflGtk/' , @* ebf,} k=[ ^ . ;dg,' dgLifsdf/' . @)^@ . dwzL] ;dbfonfO' { sg' } cfGbfngn] ] 5fPg] . /fhwfgL, @ h7,] k=[ $ . ;j' bL,] cle . @)^% . Oltxf;, efiff / hn' ;' . sflGtk/' , !* ;fpg, k=[ ^ . ;j' bL,] buf' { . @)^# . t/fOjf;Lsf{ ] c;xdlt . sflGtk/' , !) df3, k=[ & . ;j' bL,] zf/bfk;fb| . @)^$ . t/fO { cfGbfngsf] ] lgot / lgolt . gofF klqsf, !% kmfug,' k=[ ^ . ;8fO,] OZj/{ . @)^# . tf8kmf] 8] / aGb lgsf; xfOg] . bzg{ , & df3, k=[ $ . ;8fO,] OZj/{ . @)^# . gful/stf ljt/0fdf kefjsfl/tfsf| ] kZg| . bzg{ , !$ df3, k=[ $ . ;g,] kjgsdf/' . @)%& . af/f hËn ;fdbflos' jg aGgaf6 slt 6f9f slt glhs < :k;6fOd,] @# k;,' k=[ & . xs, vflnb x;' g} . @)^) . dl:nd' ;dbfosf' ] ljsf; Pj + lzIff . uf/vfkq] , !^ sflQs, k=[ $ . xdfn, p4j . @)^# . cfGbf]ng Jofks / ;Dk"0f{ agfpg' k5{ . k"j{, !( df3, k=[ !÷^ . lxdfn . @)$* . gkfnsf] ] t/fO { . @ M %&–^@ . lxdfn 6Ld . @)^% . d?eld" aGb5} -r/' –efj/–t/fO] _{ . lxdfn, ! ebf,} k=[ @*–## . lxdfn 8S;] . @)%& . cfwf/xLg cfqmfzsf] ] c/fhstf . lxdfn, !^ k;,' k=[ @^–@( . lxdflngL l6d . ;g \ @))& . l;km/ ; ] lzv/ k/ . lxdflngL, dfr–ck{ Ln,| k=[ @(–#) . x'dfufO+{, k|sfz . @)^# . t/fO{sf] cfuf] M s;n] yKof] l3p . ljdz{, @^ df3, k=[ # . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — n]v • 231 xdfufO' ,{+ ksfz| . @)^$ . a9b\ 5} b/L," aNb5} cfuf ] . ljdz,{ !! df3, k=[ # . xdfufO' ,{+ ds' n' . @)^$ . cytGqsf{ ] cfwf/ . gkfn] , @) ;fpg, k=[ #&–#( . xdfufO' ,+{ ds' n' . @)^$ . df/df df/jf8L . gkfn] , @) df3, k=[ !$–!% .

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( df3, k=[ ^ . sflGtk/' . @)^# . t/fOsf{ ] ;DAffwg] . !% df3, k=[ ^ . sflGtk/' . @)^# . kwfgdGqLsf| ] ;Dafwg] . !* df3, k=[ ^ . sflGtk/' . @)^# . u7aGwgsf ] rl/q . !( df3, k=[ ^ . sflGtk/' . @)^# . gful/s /fxt . @% df3, k=[ ^ . sflGtk/' . @)^# . ;dfjzL] ;Dafwg] . ! kmfug,' k=[ ^ . sflGtk/' . @)^$ . dw;] cfGbfng] lgjfrg{ klxnf ] ;t {{ . !% df3, k=[ ^ . sflGtk/' . @)^$ . dw;L] dfrf] { . @* df3, k=[ ^ . sflGtk/' . @)^$ . l;Ëf ] t/fO { kb| z] xg' g;Sg ] sf/0f . !# kmfug,' k=[ ^ . sflGtk'/ . @)^$ . ;/sf/–df]rf{ ;xdlt ;+ljwfg;ef ;'lglZrt . !& kmfug,' k=[ ^ . sflGtk/' . @)^% . cfgGbLbjL] l;xdfly+ cGofo . @$ jzfv,} k=[ ^ . sflGtk/' . @)^% . kf6L { gLlt / pk/fi6klt« . !@ ;fpg, k=[ ^ . sflGtk/' . @)^% . cfgGbLbjLsf] ] cj:yf . @^ ;fpg, k=[ ^ . sflGtk/' . @)^% . dw;] jftfsf{ d2f' . @* c;fh,] k=[ ^ . uf/vfkq] . @)^# . t/fOsf{ ultljlw . $ df3, k=[ ^ . uf/vfkq] . @)^# . lx;flj¿4+ PSoa4tf] cklIft] . & df3, k=[ ^ . uf/vfkq] . @)^# . zflGtsf nflu ze;Í' t] . !# df3, k=[ ^ . uf/vfkq] . @)^# . bzjf;Lsf] gfddf kwfgdGqLsf| ] ;Gbz] . !* df3, k=[ ^ . uf/vfkq] . @)^# . cyk{ 0f" { ;Dafwg] . @^ df3, k=[ ^ . uf/vfkq] . @)^$ . jftfaf6{ } ;dfwfg . ! kmfug,' k=[ ^ . uf/vfkq] . @)^$ . ;d:of ;dfwfgsf ] vfhL] . % kmfug,' k=[ ^ . uf/vfkq] . @)^$ . ljzif] ;/Iff' / cfklt" { . * kmfug,' k=[ ^ . 244 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy uf/vfkq] . @)^$ . /fhgLlt Ps kfOnf cufl8 . !) kmfug,' k=[ ^ . uf/vfkq] . @)^$ . ;ªqmd0f\ Joj:yfkg . !@ kmfug,' k=[ ^ . uf/vfkq] . @)^$ . dfgjclwsf/ ;/If0fsf+ ] lrGtf . !^ kmfug,' k=[ ^ . uf/vfkq] . @)^$ . gof F ljZjf;sf ] pbo . !& kmfug,' k=[ ^ . uf/vfkq] . @)^$ . cuudgsf| ] dxfcleofg . !* kmfug,' k=[ ^ . uf/vfkq] . @)^$ . nHhfsf ] ljifo . ! df3, k=[ ^ . uf/vfkq] . @)^$ . jftfsf{ ] cfux| . !& df3, k=[ ^ . uf/vfkq] . @)^% . gljyfnf] F} jftfsf{ ] jftfj/0f . #) sflQs, k=[ ^ . 36gf / ljrf/ . @)^# . lsg aNb5} dw;] < !) df3, k=[ @ . 5nkmn . @)^# . t/fOsf{ ] ;d:of ;Dafwg] u/ . !$ df3, k=[ @ . 5nkmn . @)^# . jftf { cfjZos . @! df3, k=[ @ . 5nkmn . @)^# . jftfdf{ ljnDa . @* df3, k=[ @ . 5nkmn . @)^$ . ;Demftfsf} ] ;Gbz] . !( kmfug,' k=[ @ . hgcf:yf . @)^# . lul/hfs } kfnfdf hgtfsf ] d/0f . !) df3, k=[ @ . hglbzf . @)^$ . dw;] c;/Iffsf' ] ;Ít] . !* sflQs, k=[ $ . hglbzf . @)^$ . dw;sf] ] czflGt / ef/tLo lgot . !( dªl;/,\ k=[ $ . hgfbz] . @)^# . dw;L] cfGbfngk] lt| dfcfjfbL] :ki6 . @# df3, k=[ @ . hgfbz] . @)^% . dwzL] cfGbfngsf] ] uGtJo stf Û @$ c;f/, k=[ @ . bzg{ . @)^# . gful/stfsf ] ljt/0fdf ;fjwfgL . $ df3, k=[ @ . bzg{ . @)^# . gful/stfdf ;/ntf . & df3, k=[ @ . bzg{ . @)^# . ;odtf+ ckgfcf F} . * df3, k=[ @ . bzg{ . @)^# . aGb vnfp' . ( df3, k=[ @ . bzg{ . @)^# . /fh:jdf kefj| . !) df3, k=[ @ . bzg{ . @)^# . ;d:ofsf ] lgsf; jftfaf6{ vfhf] +}F . !! df3, k=[ @ . bzg{ . @)^# . ;fDkbflos| ;befjdf\ Wofg k¥ofcf' F} . !@ df3, k=[ @ . bzg{ . @)^# . aGbaf6 ;j;fwf/0f{ kefljt| . !$ df3, k=[ @ . bzg{ . @)^# . gful/stfdf cgudgsf' ] vfrfF ] . !% df3, k=[ @ . bzg{ . @)^# . k;dflysf]| ] xdnf aGb u/f F} . !^ df3, k=[ @ . bzg{ . @)^# . ;DafwgnfO] { jwtfsf} ] vfrfF ] . @^ df3, k=[ @ . lbzfafw] . @)^# . dwzL] cfGbfngsf] ] cGtodf{ . kmfug,' k=[ * . bzfGt/] . @)^# . hfoh dfunfO { hfoh 9Ën ] p7fpm . !$ df3, k=[ @ . bzfGt/] . @)^# . jftf { g } ;dfwfg . @! df3, k=[ @ . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — ;DkfbsLo • 245 bzfGt/] . @)^# . tgfjn ] t/fOnfO{ { gfS;fg] . @* df3, k=[ @ . bzfGt/] . @)^$ . t/fO { cfGbfng] nfstGqsf] ] snÍ gagf;] \ . !# ;fpg, k=[ @ . bli6[ . @)^# . /fhgLltdf gltstfsf} ] kZg| . !^ df3, k=[ $ . bli6[ . @)^% . dw;] kb| z] xbF' g} . #! c;f/, k=[ $ . gof F klqsf . @)^$ . dw;L] kmf/dsf] ] ;t { . & h7,] k=[ $ . gof F klqsf . @)^$ . cj;/jfbsf ] qmL8f:yn . & df3, k=[ ^ . gof F klqsf . @)^$ . dw;df] a9bf\ ] c/fhstf . @# df3, k=[ ^ . gof F klqsf . @)^$ . s73/fdf ;/sf/ / dw;L] gt] Tj[ . @ kmfug,' k=[ ^ . gof F klqsf . @)^% . cjw} jgkm8fgLF . ( h7,] k=[ ^ . gof F klqsf . @)^% . ;ljwfg;ef+ / dw;sf] d2f' . @& c;f/, k=[ ^ . gof F klqsf . @)^% . dw;jfbL] cltjfbsf ] xf/ . * ;fpg, k=[ ^ . gf/fo0fL . @)^# . gful/stf ljt/0fdf /sdL v]nsf] ;Í]t . ^ df3, k=[ @ . gf/fo0fL . @)^# . nfxfg 36gfaf6 kf7 l;Sg cfjZos . !) df3, k=[ @ . gf/fo0fL . @)^# . ;d:ofsf ] ;dfwfg ug { cfjZos . !@ df3, k=[ @ . gf/fo0fL . @)^# . egfO { / u/fOdf{ Ps ¿ktfsf ] cfjZostf . !$ df3, k=[ @ . gf/fo0fL . @)^# . hftLo ;befj\ sfod ug { cfjZos . !% df3, k=[ @ . gkfn] . @)^$ . hl6n ;d:ofsf axd' vL' cfofd . @) ;fpg, k=[ !# . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq . @)^@ . t/fOsf{ ] bMv' . !@ ebf,} k=[ $ . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq . @)^# . lgGbgLo 36gf . !% k;,' k=[ $ . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq . @)^# . c;xh kl/l:ylt . * df3, k=[ $ . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq . @)^# . lx;f+ /fSg] ;o+ Qm' kof;| . !) df3, k=[ $ . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq . @)^# . cf7 bnsf ] …dfemL ;NnfxÚ . !$ df3, k=[ $ . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq . @)^# . tTsfn ;dfwfgsf ] vfrfF ] . !% df3, k=[ $ . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq . @)^# . ;j+ wflgs} lgsf; . !^ df3, k=[ $ . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq . @)^# . nlIft k;]| . !& df3, k=[ $ . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq . @)^# . ;/fxgLo ;Dafwg] . !* df3, k=[ $ . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq . @)^# . jftf { ;kmn kf/f F} . @) df3, k=[ $ . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq . @)^# . tgfjdf hgtf . @! df3, k=[ $ . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq . @)^# . tTsfn jftf { u/ . @@ df3, k=[ $ . 246 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy gkfn] ;dfrf/kq . @)^# . c/fhs l:ylt . @# df3, k=[ $ . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq . @)^# . u/lhDd} jf/] cleJolQm . @% df3, k=[ $ . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq . @)^# . kdsf| ] bf;] f| ] ;Dafwg] . @^ df3, k=[ $ . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq . @)^# . :jfutofUo] 3fif0ff] . @& df3, k=[ $ . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq . @)^# . jftf { g } pQd . @@ kmfug,' k=[ $ . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq . @)^# . lx;f+ /fs,] jftf { u/ . @* kmfug,' k=[ $ . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq . @)^# . dTy/ agsf] ] cfGbfng] . #) kmfug,' k=[ $ . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq . @)^% . v } ;/Iff' < @# jzfv,} k=[ $ . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq . @)^% . /fi6k« ltsf| ] bfloTj . @% c;f/, k=[ $ . gkfn] ;dfrf/kq . @)^% . ;fDkbflos| ;befj\ sfod /fv . !% ;fpg, k=[ $ . gkfnLkq] . @)^# . cem} klg xrjf' bli6sf[ 0f] . @^ df3, k=[ @ . kj" { . @)^# . nxfg 36gfsf ] Pltxfl;stf] . !( df3, k=[ @ . kj" { . @)^# . dw;] hgljbf| x] . @^ df3, k=[ @ . kj" { . @)^# . ;/sf/sf ] csd0otf{ . $ kmfug,' k=[ @ . kj" { . @)^# . nxfg ;efsf ] ;Gbz] . $ kmfug,' k=[ @ . kj" { . @)^$ . hgtfsf ] Oltxf; . !! df3, k=[ @ . ktLs| . @)^# . xf:6] df] x;+} ] ug {] anf] . # df3, k=[ @ . ktLs| . @)^# . aOdfgL] /fHo wd { xfOg] . * df3, k=[ @ . ktLs| . @)^# . nxfgn ] lbPsf ] ;Gbz] . ( df3, k=[ @ . ktLs| . @)^# . Ifltklt" sf{ ] ;:s+ lt[ . !) df3, k=[ @ . ktLs| . @)^# . bfloTjxLgtfsf ] /fHo . !! df3, k=[ @ . ktLs| . @)^# . hfzdf] xfz] TofUgx' Gg' . !@ df3, k=[ @ . ktLs| . @)^# . ;lxi0ftf' g } ;xsfo { . !# df3, k=[ @ . awjf/' . @)^# . ;Dafwgn] ] gyfldPsf ] dw;] . @$ df3, k=[ @ . awaf/' . @)^$ . t/fOnfO{ { l;/fgL gxfn . !^ df3, k=[ @ . /fhwfgL . @)^@ . ;:tf–ljjfb' / u/lhDd} jf/L] . @# ;fpg, k=[ $ . /fhwfgL . @)^@ . ;nfxLdf{ ;/Iff' ;jfn . @( sflQs, k=[ $ . /fhwfgL . @)^# . ;ljwfg;efn+ ] g } ;a } km;nf} u/f;] \ . !$ df3, k=[ # . /fhwfgL . @)^# . :jtGq k;dflysf]| ] cfqmd0f dbf' jfb{ . !& df3, k=[ # . /fhwfgL . @)^# . dw;Lsf] ] lht . @^ df3, k=[ # . /fhwfgL . @)^$ . dw;] a‰g' l9nfO . @^ dªl;/,\ k=[ ^ . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — ;DkfbsLo • 247

/fhwfgL . @)^$ . lj:kmf6] / cfuhgLsf ] ;Ít] . ^ df3, k=[ ^ . /fhwfgL . @)^$ . dw;] cfGbfng] . & df3, k=[ ^ . nfn dwz] . @)^$ . dw;L] dlQm' cfGbfngnfO] { k0f" tf{ lbcf F} . h7,] k=[ @–# . ;do . @)^! . /fli6o« zfs] nHhfdf gabnf F} . @$ ebf,} k=[ % . ;do . @)^# . t/fO { lx;f+ / rgf' tL} . $ df3, k=[ % . ;do . @)^# . dw;df] lx;f+ . !* df3, k=[ % . ;do . @)^$ . slknj:tsf' ck/fwLx¿ . !& c;fh,] k=[ % . ;do . @)^$ . t/fO { / /fhgLlt . % k;,' k=[ % .

Nepali Times. 2006. Plains Speking. 11 August, p. 2. Nepali Times. 2007. Search for Common Ground. 26 January, p. 2. Nepali Times. 2007. Keep Talking. 2 February, p. 2. Nepali Times. 2007. Walk the Talk. 9 February, p. 2. Nepali Times. 2008. Madhes Checklist. 18 January, p. 2. Nepali Times. 2008. Seeing the Forest and Trees. 11 July, p. 2. Newsfront. 2007. Costly Silence. 29 January, p. 4. Newsfront. 2007. Media's Agony. 5 February, p. 4. Newsfront. 2007. Fire Brigade Approach. 12 February, p. 4. The Himalayan Times. 2005. Respond Promptly. 5 January, p. 6. The Himalayan Times. 2006. Bruised Reputation. 28 December, p. 6. The Himalayan Times. 2007. No other Way. 24 January, p. 6. The Himalayan Times. 2007. Plains Song. 1 February, p. 6. The Himalayan Times. 2007. Out of the Dust. 5 February, p. 6. The Himalayan Times. 2007. With Greater Resolve. 26 February, p. 6. The Himalayan Times. 2008. Target: Election. 25 February, p. 6. The Kathmandu Post. 2005. A Shameful Bolt. 24 September, p. 4. The Kathmandu Post. 2007. Terai Calling. 18 January, p. 4. The Kathmandu Post. 2007. Pacify Lahan. 22 January, p. 4. The Kathmandu Post. 2007. Backing Madhesis. 29 January, p. 4. The Kathmandu Post. 2007. Preying on the Press. 31 January, p. 4. 248 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

The Kathmandu Post. 2007. Give Peace a Chance. 1 February, p. 4. The Kathmandu Post. 2007. Toward Settlement. 9 February, p. 4. The Kathmandu Post. 2007. Meaningful Talks. 13 April, p. 4. The Kathmandu Post. 2007. Bruised Madhes. 28 April, p. 4. The Kathmandu Post. 2007. Madhesi Deal. 1 September, p. 4. The Kathmandu Post. 2007. Turmoil in Tarai. 17 November, p. 4. The Kathmandu Post. 2008. Let's Talk to Find our Voice. 17 January, p. 4. The Kathmandu Post. 2008. Madhesi Front. 11 February, p. 4. The Kathmandu Post. 2008. Maintain the Pace. 22 February, p. 4. The Kathmandu Post. 2008. Historical Deal. 1 March, p. 4. The Kathmandu Post. 2008. Ugly Turn. 29 July, p. 4. The Kathmandu Post. 2008. Powwow. 6 October, p. 4. The Kathmandu Post. 2008. Engaging Rajan. 24 October, p. 4. The Kathmandu Post. 2008. Slow Burn. 12 November, p. 4. The Kathmandu Post. 2008. Ignored Madhesh. 21 November, p. 4. The Rising Nepal. 2007. Right Solution. 31 January, p. 4. The Rising Nepal. 2007. PM's Call for Talks. 2 February, p. 4. The Rising Nepal. 2007. Expedite Dialogue. 5 February, p. 4. The Rising Nepal. 2007. Message to Resolve Crisis. 9 February, p. 4. The Rising Nepal. 2007. Terai Unrest Suspended. 10 February, p. 4. The Rising Nepal. 2008. Message of the Rallies. 1 February, p. 4. kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — cGtjf{tf{ • 249 cGtjftf{{{{{ {÷{{{{ Interviews s0f,{ nId0fnfn . @)^# . dw;df] Hjfnf kml/] blGsof,] Ps dlxgf;Dd aGb u5f +{} -ejg' zdfn{ ] lnPsf_] . hgefjgf, & kmfug,' k=[ # . uR5bf/, ljhosdf/' . @)^# . dw;L] hgtfn ] 5§' } /fHo rfxsf] 5gg} \ -sdnbj] e§/fOn{ ] lnPsf_] . bzfGt/] , !# kmfug,' k=[ # . lu/L, ;l/tf . @)^$ . cfTdlg0fosf{ ] dfudf sg' } cflrTo} 5g} -ls/0f kfv] nn|] ] lnPsf_] . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , !) kmfug,' k=[ * . uKtf,' hoksfz| . @)^@ . dw;Lsf] ] cfjfh ;lgPg' -zlzsfGt clwsf/Ln] lnPsf_] . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , # sflQs, k=[ * . uKtf,' hoksfz| . @)^@ . Tof ] ;aeGbf} 7nf" ] u2f/ xf ] -ljZjdl0f ;j' bLn] ] lnPsf_] . hgcf:yf, !) kmfug,' k=[ % . uKtf,' hoksfz| . @)^# . xfdL dw;sf] dfG5;] uF u2f/L ubgf{} F} -ljZjdl0f ;j' bLn] ] lnPsf_] . hgcf:yf, !& df3, k=[ % . uKtf,' hoksfz| . @)^$ . lul/hfafan' ] dfq ug { ;Sgx' G5' -Clif wdnfn] lnPsf_] . ljdz{, @* jzfv,} k=[ !÷& . ufOt,] hosi0f[ . @)^# . t/fOsf{ d2f' ;Dafwg] gu/ ] jftf { xbF' g} -wL/Gb] | kdlif]| n{ ] lnPsf_] . lxdfn, !^ df3, k=[ #% . ufOt,] hosi0f[ . @)^% . …dftsf;[ uF s/fsfgL' eO/xsf] ] 5Ú -bjgf/fo0f] ofbjn ] lnPsf_] . sflGtk/,' !% c;fh,] k=[ & . rfw/L,} dxz] . @)^% . gkfndf] dw;] 5bF 5} g,} sxfaf6F lbg ] < -gfd pNnv] gePsf_] . awaf/,' !* c;f/, k=[ # . rfw/L,} nId0f -/fzg_] . @)^% . ;Dk0f" { t/fO { y¿x6 /fHo xf ] -gfd pNnv] gePsf_] . ;f3F ,' @) ;fpg, k=[ % . emf, szjs] df/' . @)^# . kmf/d] b/afl/ofåf/f ;~rflnt 5 -gfd pNnv] gePsf_] . ;f3F ,' !( rt,} k=[ % . emf, k/dfgGb . @)^% . cfˆgf ] afnL] afNbf] / cfˆgf ] nuf' nufpbfF s;n} ] ufnL u5 { eg ] tkfO +{ 5fl8lbgx' G5' < -si0fHjfnf[ bjsf] 6f] / dxz] rf/l;ofn} ] lnPsf_] . gof F klqsf, !% ;fpg, k=[ !% . emf, /fdrGb | . @)^# . cfGbfngnfO] { abgfd\ u/fpg /fhfjfbL ;lqmo 5g\ -lji0f ' l/hfnn ] lnPsf_] . awjf/' , @$ df3, k=[ # . emf, /fdrGb | . @)^% . dfte[ ld" / dftefiff[ cljlR5Gg -3gZofd v8sf\ / lhtGb] | ;fxn ] lnPsf_] . sflGtk/,' !^ ;fpg, k=[ & . 250 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

7fs/,' efu] Gb] | . @)^$ . ;befjgfn\ ] p7fPsf kfrj6fF dfusf ] ed/Ldf' kmf/d] 3ld/x' sf] ] 5 -eljGb | sfsLn{ ] lnPsf_] . hg;Qf, ! jzfv,} k=[ # . 7fs/,' dxGy . ;g \ @))& . d9s] ag s/ gxL + xfuL] n8fO { -kjLgs| df/' ld>n ] lnPsf_] . lxdflngL, dfr–ck{ Ln,| k=[ !% . 7fs/,' dxGy . @)^$ . dw;] :jfoQtf rfxG5 -ljZjdl0f kfv/] nn] ] lnPsf_] . ;do, !( k;,' k=[ #$–#^ . 7fs/,' dxGy . @)^$ . xfdL ;ljwfg;efsf+ lj/fwL] xfOgf] F} -gfd pNNfv] gePsf_] . gkfn] , @& df3, k=[ #) . 7fs/,' dxfgGb . @)^# . kxf8n ] dw;sf] ] ;d:of / dw;n] ] kxf8sf ] ;d:of a‰of' ] eg ] zf;sn ] efUg ] 7fp F kfpg ] 5g} -gfd pNnv] gePsf_] . ktLs| , ( df3, k=[ # . lqkf7L, xbo[ z] . @)^% . dfcfjfbL,] sfªu\ ;]| / Pdfn ] /x;Dd] kb vfnL /xbF g} -gfd pNnv] gePsf_] . 36gf / ljrf/, @@ h7,] k=[ # . bf;, ;lbi6nfn' . @)^$ . t/fOdf{ ePsf ] cfGbfng] xfOg,] ljbf| x] xf ] -gf/b zdfn{ ] lnPsf_] . hg;Qf, @( ebf,} k=[ # . bj,] lhtGb] gf/fo0f| . @)^# . hgclwsf/ kmf/d] / dlQm' dfrf] n{ ] of ] cfGbfng] u/sf] ] xfOg] -gf/fo0f rfnfufO} n+{ ] lnPsf_] . ;f3F ,' @( df3, k=[ % . kf08,] bjGb] /fh| . @)^# . ;QfkIf oyfl:yltjfbL ;frdf] 5 -o;fbf] ltlD;gfn] lnPsf_] . gkfn] , @* df3, k=[ !$–!^ . kf;jfg, dxGb] | . @)^# . ljv08gjfbLnfO { hgtfaf6 cnUofpgk5' { -gfd pNnv] gul/Psf_] . ;f3F ,' & kmfug,' k=[ % . kf;jfg, /fdkLt| . @)^# . t/fO { e8sfpg\ ] ljbzL] tŒjnfO { nv6] g\ k5' { -gfd pNnv] gul/Psf_] . ;f3F ,' @@ df3, k=[ % . kf;jfg, /fdkLt| . @)^$ . ;fdGt hldGbf/x¿ dwzsf] ] gtf] aGg vfHb] 5g} \ -gfd pNnv] gePsf_] . ;f3F ,' !$ df3, k=[ % . kg,' jifdfg{ . @)^# . dw;] cfGbfngdf] ljv08gsf/Lsf ] xft 5 -gfd pNnv] gePsf_] . ;f3F ', !$ kmfug,' k=[ % . kfv/] n,] si0f[ . @)^$ . dw;sf] ] cfGbfngdf] b/af/sf ] 3;k' 7} 5 -gfd pNnv] gePsf_] . awaf/,' !% kmfug,' k=[ # . kf8} n,] bj] Gb] | . @)^$ . t/fO–dw{ ;df] Tolt 7nf" ] ;d:of blv/x] sf] 5gf} F} ->Lw/ cfrfon{ ] lnPsf_] . uf/vfkq] , !$ df3, k=[ & . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — cGtjf{tf { • 251 ksfz| . @)^# . dfcfjfbLn] ] 7Ls 9Ën ] k:t| t' u/g] -;Ltf/fd / ljZjdl0fn] lnPsf_] . hgcf:yf, @ kmfug,' k=[ % . kr08| . @)^$ . dwzsf] ] ;d:of egsf] ] gkfnsf] ] Pp6f /0fglts} ;d:of xf ] -gfd pNnv] gePsf_] . nfn dwz] , h7,] k=[ $–& . lahS5' ,] gf/fo0fdfg . @)^$ . Ps dw;] ;fpy Anss } l8hfOg -5q sfsLn{ ] lnPsf_] . ;do, #) kmfug,' k=[ @*–@( . e08f/L, z/bl;x+ . @)^# . t/fO { ga‰g' x¿] ;fDkbflostfsf| ] xNnf rnfpbF 5g} \ -hkLn] ] lnPsf_] . 36gf / ljrf/, @$ df3, k=[ # . dxtf,] /fhGb] | . @)^# . gful/stfdf ;asf} ] xs 5 -zlzsfGt clwsf/Ln] lnPsf_] . cGgk0f" { kfi6] , ^ c;fh,] k=[ * . dxtf,] ljho . @)^# . cfGbfngdf] 3;k" 7} 5 -gfd pNnv] gul/Psf_] . awjf/' , !& df3, k=[ # . dx/f, si0faxfb[ /' . @)^# . /fhfn ] zf;g ubf { t/fOsf{ hgtf s ] x/] /] a;sf] lyP -z/f' hË] kf08n] ] lnPsf_] < 5nkmn, !$ df3, k=[ # . dxf;7,] /3jL/' . @)^# . dw;Lsf] dfuklt| xfdf| ] kf6L { dfq } ;j+ bgzLn] 5 -lji0f ' l/hfnn ] lnPsf_] . awjf/' , !& df3, k=[ # . dxf;7,] /3jL/' . @)^$ . ux[ kzf;gn| ] rfxg ] xf ] eg ] rfaL;} 306fdf dw;] zfGt xG5' -ljZjdl0f kfv/] nn] ] lnPsf_] . ;do, !& h7,] k=[ #!–#@ . ld>, jzLw/+ . @)^# . st' ŒjnfO { sf/afxL gu/L 5f8b\ gf} F} -z/f' hË] kf08n] ] lnPsf_] . 5nkmn, @* df3, k=[ # . dgfnL,} szjk] ;fb| . @)^$ . ca t/fOdf{ dw;Lx¿] / xfdL ;u;F uF } a:g;Sg] ;Defjgf 5g} -ejg' zdfn{ ] lnPsf_] . hgefjgf, @! h7,] k=[ # . dgfnL,} szjk] ;fb| . @)^$ . bz] 6lqmg' yfn ] xltof/ p7fp5fF F} -lhtGb] | v8ufn\ ] lnPsf_] . gkfn,] @) ;fpg, k=[ @) . ofbj, pkGb] | . @)^# . xfdL jftfåf/f{ ;d:of ;dfwfg ug { tof/ 5f F} -gfd pNnv] gePsf_] . bzg{ , !! df3, k=[ # . ofbj, pkGb] | . @)^# . dwzLnfO] { cnUu } /fHo rflxG5 -gfd pNnv] gePsf_] . sfe ]| 6fOD;, !^ df3, k=[ % . ofbj, pkGb] | . @)^# . uxdGqL[ x6fpg ] ;xdlt ePsf ] 5 -Clif wdnfn] lnPsf_] . ljdz,{ @^ df3, k=[ !÷^ . ofbj, pkGb] | . @)^# . uxdGqLn[ ] /fhLgfdf lbP/ dfq kUb' g,} pgnfO { sf/afxL klg ugk5{' { -ejg' zdfn{ ] lnPsf_] . hgefjgf, @( df3, k=[ # . 252 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy ofbj, pkGb] | . @)^# . ldl>t vfns } ;‹Lo /fHo xg' k5' { -h=aL=] ljZjsdfn{ ] lnPsf_] . dNofÍg" , kmfug,' k=[ !& . ofbj, pkGb] | . ;g \ @))& . hgtf xL xlyof/ x } -gfd pNnv] gePsf_] . lxdflngL, dfr–clk{ n,| k=[ #! . ofbj, pkGb] | . @)^$ . hgtflGqsaf6 dw;] cfGbfngsf] ] abgfdL -;Ltf/fd a/fnn ] lnPsf_] . gkfn] , ^ ;fpg, k=[ !$–!% . ofbj, pkGb] | . @)^$ . ;/sf/df ;sf/fTds /jof} 5g} -oj/fh' l3ld/n] ] lnPsf_] . ;do, #! ;fpg, k=[ @# . ofbj, pkGb] | . @)^$ . dfcfjfbL] 3ldlkm/L' …/fodfemLÚ nfOgdf cfOkUf' ] -gfd pNnv] gul/Psf_] . t?0f, # ebf,} k=[ # . ofbj, pkGb] | . @)^% . …/fhgLltdf :yfoL zq ' xbF' gÚ} -gfd pNnv] gePsf_] . gkfn,] % h7,] k=[ !& . ofbj, pkGb] | . @)^% . ef/tn ] alemlbPsf' ] eP dwz] plxNo } :jfoQ kb| z] alg;SYof ] -lbgz] sfsL { / kik/fh' cfrfon{ ] lnPsf_] . bzfGt/,] !( h7,] k=[ # . ofbj, pkGb] | . @)^% . dfcfjfbLn] ] lg0fo{ ubf { v;L' nfUg ' :jfefljs xf] -;Ltf/fd cuxl/n| ] lnPsf_] . uf/vfkq,] @& h7,] k=[ & . ofbj, pkGb] | . @)^% . …dw;] ;avfn} ] cltqmd0fsf lj¿4 5Ú -gfd pNnv] gePsf_] . gkfn,] @^ ;fpg, k=[ @$ . ofbj, lrqnvf] . @)^# . t/fOsf{ ] cfGbfng] /fhgLlts Gofosf nflu xf] -sdnbj] e§/fOn{ ] lnPsf_] . bzfGt/] , !$ df3, k=[ # . ofbj, e/tljdn . @)^# . dw;df] cfuf ] ;Nsgdf' uxdGqL[ lhDdjf/] 5g\ -ejg' zdfn{ ] lnPsf_] . hgefjgf, @@ df3, k=[ # . ofbj, e/tljdn . @)^# . dw;sf] ] cfGbfng] ca zfGt xG5' -sdnbj] e§/fOn{ ] lnPsf_] . bzfGt/] , @* df3, k=[ # . ofbj, dftsf[ . @)^# . cfOnfUgdfly] hfOhfU5f F} -cfdcf:yf] /fOn{ ] lnPsf_] . ;do, !* ;fpg, k=[ #)–#! . ofbj, dftsf[ . @)^# . hgtflGqs M ef/t / b/af/sf ] vn] -ljZjdl0f kfv/] nn] ] lnPsf_] . ;do, $ df3, k=[ #$ . ofbj, dftsf[ . @)^# . clwsf/ glbg ' ljv08gjfbL ;fr] xf ] -ozfbf] ltlD;gfn ] lnPsf_] . gkfn] , @! Dff3, k=[ !$–!% . kqklqsfdf k|sflzt ;fdu|L — cGtjf{tf{ • 253 ofbj, ofugf/fo0f] . @)^# . cfGbfngsf] dfux¿ hfoh 5g \ -gfd pNnv] gePsf_] . awjf/' , !& df3, k=[ # . ofbj, /fds'df/L . @)^$ . ===gq hgtf cl3 ;5{–;5{ -gfd pNn]v gePsf_] . hgfbz] , !@ c;f/, k=[ # . ofbj, /fdj/0f . ;g \ @))& . cfbf+ ng] d +] b/afl/of 3;k' 7} -gfd pNnv] gePsf_] . lxdflngL, dfr–ck{ Ln,| k=[ @& . ofbj, /fdj/0f . @)^# . kmf/dsf] ] dfu ;xL, tl/sf unt 5 -sfzn} e§/fOn{ ] lnPsf_] . ljdz,{ !^ rt,} k=[ @ . ofbj, /fdj/0f . @)^$ . cfTdlg0fosf{ ] clwsf/n ] dn' s' ljv08g xG5' -sdnbj] e§/fOn{ ] lnPsf_] . bzfGt/,] ^ df3, k=[ # . ofbj, /fdj/0f . @)^% . lxdfn, kxf8 / t/fO { afSg] ] sfªu\ ;s]| } eljio pHHjn 5 -gfd pNnv] gePsf_] . 36gf / ljrf/, @% c;f/, k=[ # . ofbj, /fdj/0f . @)^% . hftLo / IfqLotfeGbf] dfly p7g\ k5' { -;Gtfif] cfrfon{ ] lnPsf_] . gkfn,] !( ;fpg, k=[ @)–@! . /fo, ;LtfgGbg . @)^# . kmf/dnfO] { bndf kl/0ft u5f +{} -sfzn} e§/fOn{ ] lnPsf_] . ljdz,{ !* kmfug,' k=[ @ . /fo ofbj, /fdZj/] . @)^# . dw;sf] ] cfGbfng] cem e8lsg\ ;S5 -k0f" { sfsLn{ ] lnPsf_] . hgefjgf, !% df3, k=[ # . /fo ofbj, /fdZj/] . @)^$ . ef/tsf ] xfOg,] dw;L] hgtfsf ] cfzLjfb{ rflxof ] -gfd pNnv] gePsf_] . ;f3F ,' & df3, k=[ % . /]UdL, dbg . @)^# . t/fO{ cfGbf]ng ef/tLo 3';k}7sf] kl/0ffd xf] -rGbk| sfz| aflgofnF ] lnPsf_] . hgwf/0ff, # kmfug,' k=[ !÷& . nvL,] /fhsdf/' . @)^% . Ps dw;] kb| z] ;dfwfg xfOg,] yk ;d:of xf] -gfd pNnv] gePsf ] _ . 36gf / ljrf/, !* c;f/, k=[ # . nvL,] /fhsdf/' . @)^% . ;anfO} { dw;L] agfP/ vfg ] if8oGq\ ub {} 5g\ -;Ltf/fd a/fnn ] lnPsf_] . hgcf:yf, !* c;f/, k=[ % . zdf,{ /fdsdf/' . @)^% . dVodGqL' rflx F yf¿nfO { agfpg ] xf ] -;Ltf/fd a/fnn ] lnPsf_] . hgcf:yf, !* c;f/, k=[ % . ;fx, wdgfy{ . @)^# . dw;df] ;d:of l;hgf{ ugdf{ dfcfjfbLsf] ] xft 5 -lji0f ' l/hfnn ] lnPsf_] . awjf/' , !$ rt,} k=[ # . ;fx, ke| ' . @)^# . kltufdL| tŒjx¿ ;lqmo 5g \ -gfd pNnv] gePsf_] . hgfbz] , !^ df3, k=[ # . 254 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy

;fx, xl/r/0f . @)^# . dw;L] cfGbfngsf/Lsf] xTof/fx¿nfO { s73/fdf pEofpg } k5 { -k0f" { sfsLn{ ] lnPsf_] . hgefjgf, @* kmfug,' k=[ % . l;x,+ uhGb] gf/fo0f| . @)%& . ca dw;Lx¿] Pstfa4 xg' 5g] \ -/fhf/fd uftdn} ] lnPsf_] . gkfn] , ! rt,} k=[ !& . l;x,+ Hjfnf . @)^# . cGtl/d ;ljwfg+ vf/h] u/ ] jftf { xG5' ->j0fsdf/' bjn] ] lnPsf_] . lxdfn, !^ df3, k=[ #% . l;x,+ Hjfnf . @)^% . ;Ldf 5§Øfpg' dfq } kxf8 ] zf;s;uF jftf { ug ]{ 5fF} -/fdfgGb uKtfn' ] lnPsf_] . /fHosf ] ¿kfGt/0f, c;f/–;fpg, k=[ !*–!( . l;x,+ aag . @)^% . …t/fO { cfdL { rnfpg ] ke| ' ;fx xg' Ú\ -efh/fh] ef6n] lnPsf_] . gkfn,] !( ;fpg, k=[ ## . l;x,+ /fd/fhfk;fb| . @)^$ . clxnsf] ] /fHo ;/rgfn+ ] dw;sf] ]] ;d:of ;dfwfg ug { ;Sbg} -gfd pNnv] gePsf_] . nfn dwz] , h7,] k=[ !(–@) . l;x,+ /fd/fhfk;fb| . @)^$ . dw;L] ;dxx¿" dnwf/df" cfp5gF \ -gfd pNnv] gePsf_] . gkfn] , @$ c;f/, k=[ @$ . l;+x, /fd/fhfk|;fb . @)^$ . dw];df e]befj 5 elgG5, s] kxf8df ebefj] 5g} < -gfd pNnv] gePsf_] . /fHosf ] ¿kfGt/0f, c;f/– ;fpg, k=[ !$–!& . l;x,+ /fd/fhfk;fb| . @)^$ . of ] gof F ousf' ] k;j| jbgf] xf ] -ljZjdl0f kfv/] nn] ] lnPsf_] . ;do, !& ;fpg, k=[ #@–## . l;x,+ /fd/fhfk;fb| . @)^% . daf6 OlG8of cfZj:t xGg' -si0f[ / dxz] rf/l;ofn} ] lnPsf_] . gof F klqsf, @$ ;fpg, k=[ !% . ;fgn,] lhtGb] | . @)^# . ;/sf/ lh2L aGof ] eg ] dw;L] klg lh2L ag/] cfGbfng] nDAofpg ;S5g \ -gfd pNnv] gePsf_] . ktLs| , !) df3, k=[ # .

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Poudel, Ram Chandra. 2008. Almost Every Madhesi Demand has been Fulfilled (Interviewed by Yuvaraj Acharya and Kamal Raj Sigdel). The Kathmandu Post, 28 January, p. 5. Tripathi, Hirdayesh. 2008. 'Keep out of Tarai Affairs' (Interviewed by Purna P. Bista and Kamal Raj Sigdel). The Kathmandu Post, 9 June, p. 5. Yadav, Upendra. 2007. The Terai Movement is not Against Pahadis (Interviewed by Puran P. Bista and Kamal Raj Sigdel). The Kathmandu Po st, 29 January, p. 5. Yadav, Upendra. 2008 . 'If Madhes is Addressed, MPRF Cannot Join Coalition' (Interviewed by Kamal Raj Sigdel and Kosh Raj Koirala). The Kathmandu Post, 28 April, p. 5. Yadav, Upendra. 2008. "Koirala Must Resign"(Interviewed by Prashant Jha). Nepali Times, 23 May, p. 6. 256 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy OG6/g6df] pknAw ;fduL| • 257

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