Zf]W Gepsf] A'emfo

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Zf]W Gepsf] A'emfo kl/ro • 1 kl/ro dw;;DaGwL] vf; } zfw] gePsf ] aemfO' cfd ¿kdf :jLsfo { blvG5] . ;f] aemfOdf' cflzs+ ;Totf 5 . lsgls ;du | gkfnL] ;dfhsf ] cWoog– cg;GwfgnfO' { lnP/ ;dt] p:t } cleJolQm cfpg ] u5 { . To:tf ] cleJolQm unt g } xf ] eGg ] cfwf/ xfdf| ] 1fg¿kL e08f/n ] lbPsf ] 5g} . sxL] /fd}}| cWoogx¿ klg ePsf 5g \ h;n ] ljleGg bli6sf[ 0faf6] xfdf| ] ;dfhnfO { a‰g' ;3fp5gF \ . oBlk zfw] / ;dfhlj1fgsf ] bxf| ] k/Dk/f gePsf ] gkfnL] ;dfhdf, sxL] ckjfbnfO { 5f8] /,] clwsfz+ ljifodf kofKt{ 1fg pTkfbg gxg' ' gfnf} ] xfOg] . clg uxlsnf ] zfwx¿] guGo xg' ' cfZro{ xfOg] . To;n} ] dw;] xf;] \ jf cGo ljifo oL aemfOdf' ;Tosf ] cz+ 7nf" ] 5, ;fy } ljifo / ;Gbecg{ ;f/' sxL] cfux| / kfyldstf| lglxt 5 . t/ cWoog–k/Dk/fsf ] hu sdhf/] xg' ' Pp6f kIf xf,] clg sg' } 7fp F /÷jf ;dbfo' ljzifdfly] cfd ¿kdf Psksf/sf| ] b/fu' xk| 0f" { bli6sf[ 0f] xfaL /xg ' cs {} kIf xf ] . gkfnL] ;dfhdf cfd ¿kdf xfaL t/fOjf;L{ / dw;Lk] ltsf| ] wf/0ff To:tdWo} ] Pp6f ;zQm cfofd xf ] h;n] cjxngfnfO] { axcfoflds' cfslt[ lbof ] . ;fy } cfd aemfOnfO' { ;j:jLsfo{ { agfof] . ! 2 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy t/fO–dw{ ;] ;Gbe { uGy| gfdn ] g } hgfp5F of ] k:ts' xfn;Dd o; ljifodf ePsf sfdx¿sf ] ;rLa4" uGy| xf ] . Pp6f ljifodf ePsf ] ;Dk0f" { cWoognfO { k:tsfsf/' lbg ' cfkmdf}F hl6n sfd xf ] . o; sfodf{ ljljw ljwfsf cWoogx¿nfO { ;d6] g\ kg' {] ePsfn] ] o;sf ] Ifq] axt[ \ / Jofks xG5' . To;n} ] o:tf kof;x¿n| ] ;DejtM ljBdfg cWoognfO { ;rLs" t[ ug {] sfodf{ Gofo ug { klg ;Sbgg} \ . cem xfdf| ] h:tf] b;Lkdf0fnfO| { ;d6] /] /fVg] Jojl:yt ;:sf/+ gePsf ] ;dfhdf o:tf ] sfo { sltko cj:yfdf bMvbfoL' kof;| aGg hfG5 . cGttM hz ;dt] gkfpg ] cfofhgf] . o:tf ;Ldfx¿sf] xSsf] dw;;DaGwL] cWoognfO { ;rLs" t[ ug {' kj" { xfdLnfO { gePsf ] xfOg] . tyflk oL ;Ldfx¿eGbf a9L o:tf ] k:tssf' ] cfjZostf dx;;' ePsfn] ] of] tkfOsf+{ ] xftdf 5 . o;eGbf klxnf klg t/fO;DaGwL{ ljleGg k:ts,' kltj| bg,] sfokq,{ zfwkq] / OG6/g6] Pj + kqklqsfdf 5l/Psf ;fduLnfO| { ;rLs" t[ ug {] kof;| ePsf ] xf ] . ;g \ @))) df :6l8h Og gkfnL] lx:6L« P08 ;f;fO6L] hgndf{ ;hf+ u] ¿kfvtLåf/f] ;rLs" t[ %) ki7sf[ ] …t/fOM{ ;Gbe { ;rLÚ" ksfzg| ePsf] lyof ] . To:t } dfl6g{ rftf/Laf6} ksflzt| dw;] ljbf| xsf] ] gfnLanL] -@)^$_ df lr/g dfgGw/ / tLy { lji6åf/f dntM' @)^# df3sf ] cfGbfng;DaGwL] cWoognfO { ;d6] g\ ] p2Zon] ] ;fduL| ;rLs" t[ ul/Psf ] lyof ] . t/ ljut ^÷& jifotf{ / dntM' @)^# df3df dw;df] cleJoQm /fhgLlts–;f:s+ lts[ hfu/0f o; ljifodf rf;f ] hufpg ] pTsif { laGb ' aGof ] . ;f ] jf:tljstfsf] b;Lkdf0f| t/fO–dw{ ;] ;Gbe{ uGy| df kz:t| } kfOG5 h;df cl3Nnf bj' } ;rLnfO" { PsLst;d[ t] ul/Psf ] 5 . of ] ;Gbe { ;rLn" ] ;Sbf ] Ifq] / bfo/fnfO{ ;d6] g\ ] kof;| u/sf] ] xfdLnfO { ljZjf; 5 . of ] ;ªu\ x| ;ft v08df ljeflht 5 – k:ts÷k' sflzt| ;fduLÙ| cksflzt| kltj| bg] / sfokqÙ{ lstfasf ] nvÙ] hgnsf{ ] nvÙ] zfwkqÙ] kqklqsfsf ] ;fduL| — nv÷l/kf] 6] ,{ ;DkfbsLo, cGtjftf{ Ù{ / OG6/g6df] pknAw ;fduL| — nv÷k] ltj| bg,] cGtjftf{ { . kqklqsf / OG6/g6df] pknAw ;fduL| ;d;fdlos / /fhgLlts ljifodf a9L slGb] t| 5g \ . kfoM| k:tsx¿' klg To:t } 5g \ . t/ /fhgLltsf ] cnfjf cflys{ / ;f:slts+ Ifq,] ;fy } kfs| lts[ ;f| t] ;fwg, jftfj/0f / cGo ;fdflhs kIf;uF } kfljlws| ljifosf k:tsx¿' klg blvG5g] \ . o;sf ] cnfjf efiff÷jfªdonfO\ { kltlglwTj| ug {] sxL] k:ts' klg ;rLs" t[ 5g\ . lqe'jg ljZjljBfnonufot k"jf{~rn ljZjljBfno, sf7df8f}F kl/ro • 3 ljZjljBfno / kfv/f] ljZjljBfnodf pkflwsf ] nflu tof/ ul/Psf cg;Gwfg' / zfwkq] ;dflji6 5g \ . ;fy } sxL] zfwkqx¿] ljbzL] ljZjljBfnox¿sf klg o;df ;dl6Psf] 5g \ . k:ts,' kltj| bg,] zfwkq] cflbnfO { lglZrt ;do ;Ldfleq gafwLF e6] ;Dd] ;dfjz] ul/Psf ] 5 . To:t } ljleGg hgn{ / k:tsleq' k/sf] nvx¿] klg xfdLn ] kfP;Dd ;d6] sf] 5f F} . sfokqsf{ ] ;rL" eg ] ckIff] u/eGbf] ;fgf ] 5 . sxL] xfdf| ] ;dfofhgdf] ePsf sdhf/Lsf] sf/0f / sxL] sfoqmd{ cfofhs] /÷jf sfokq{ k:tf| tf;] uF } Jojl:yt nut gePsfn] ] sfoqmdx¿af/{ ] hfgsf/L eP klg yk' }| sfokq{ o;df ;dfjz] gePsfdf] xfdLnfO { vb] 5 . kqklqsfsf ] v08df dVotof' sf7df8faf6F} ksflzt| kqklqsfsf ;fduL| 5g \ . gkfnsf] kd| v' blgs} / ;fKtflxs Pj + kd| v' Dofulhgsf] nvx¿] o; v08df ;dflji6 5g \ . dntM' ljrf/ kwfg| Pj + ljZnif0ffTds] nv,] l/kf6f] h{ / vfhd] ns" nvx¿] k/sf] 5g \ . o; v08df /fhgLlts ljifo a9L xfaL ePsf ] :ki6 } blvP] klg ;fdflhs, ;f:s+ lts,[ eflifs ljifosf ;fduL| ;dt] /flvPsf 5g \ . dw;;DaGwL] ;DkfbsLo / cGtjftf{ { klg /flvPsf ] 5 . t/fOsf{ dxŒjk0f" { ;x/x¿af6 ksflzt| kqklqsfsf ;fduL| /fVg ] xfdf| ] kof;| ckIffs] t[ ;kmn ePg . To;n} ] ljbf| xsf] ] ;/f] k] m/f] df] ;Íng ul/Psf kqklqsfsf n]vx¿ o;df k/] klg To;eGbf cl3 / kl5sf k'm6s/ nv÷/rgf] ckjfbafxs] ;dflji6 5gg} \ . oxf F ;dflji6 ePs } cjlwdf klg ;Dk0f" { ;fduL| oxf F k/sf] ] 5g} . ;f| t] / ;fwgsf ] ;Ldf g } cGttM o; sdhf/Lsf] ] sf/s aGg kUof' ] . OG6/g6df] klg dw;;DaGwL] kz:t| } ;fduL| kfOG5 . vf; u/L @)^# df3sf ] ljbf| x] / To;kl5 of ] nx/ rnsf] ] xf ] . …dw;Lj8] k{ ;]| 86sdÚ h:tf Anux¿ klg 5g \ h;df dw;af/] ] dfq nv÷/rgf] kfOG5 . To;n} ] o; v08df OG6/g6df] pknAw ;fduLsf| ] 7nf" ] vftaf6 xfdLnfO { dxŒjk0f" { nfusf] ] ;fduLnfO| { dfq ;rLs" t[ u/sf] 5f F} . ;fy } t/fO–dw{ ;sf] ] ljifodf dfq ;fduL| kfOg ] jf a9L ;fduL| kfOg ] sxL] …;fO6Ú ;rLa4" ul/Psfn] ] dxŒjk0f" { xg;Sg' ] yk' }| ;fduL| ;rLs" t[ 5g} . o; v08df cfNofOPsfF} lglZrt ;fO6df hfg ] ljlQs } clwsfz+ ;fduL| ;lhn } kfpg ] ePsfn] ] oxfF 5f6F /] dfq /flvPsf ] xf ] . sxL] lxGbL / dlynL} efiffsf nv] / k:tsnfO' { 5f8] /] o;sf clwsfz+ ;fdu|L g]kfnL tyf cª\u|]hL efiffsf 5g\ . lxGbL / d}lynL efiffdf 4 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy ksflzt| ;fduL| yf/] } ePsfn] ] tL aUn] } v08df ;rLs" t[ 5gg} ,\ gkfnL] v08d} /flvPsf 5g \ . …t/fOÚ,{ …dw;Ú] zAbs } kof| u;DaGwdf] aUnfa] Un] } /fhgLlts bfaL kfOG5 . xfdLn ] ;fduL| ;dl6/x] sf] ] ;dodf / cBflk oL bfaL /fhgLlts bli6af6[ hNbfaNbf] ] ljifo alg/xsf] 5g \ . log } bfaLsf ] sf/0f w/] } ljifoj:t,' ltgn] kfpg ] kfyldstf| / /fhgLlts aemfO' klg km/s 5 . of ] ;rL" tof/ ug{] qmddf ljifout kfyldstfsf| ] lx;fan ] jf efuf} lns] bli6n[ ] s ] /fVg,] s] g/fVg ] cndn klg eO/Xof ] . efuf} lns] bli6n[ ] xfdLn ] ;Dk0f" { t/fOnfO{ { ;d6] of\ F} . To;n} ] o; ;Íngdf ;Dk0f" { euf" nnfO] { ;d6] sf] yk' }| kfljlws| cWoogx¿ ;rLs" t[ ePsf 5g \ . t/ euf" n] p:t } eP klg ljifout lx;fan] aUn] } dxŒj afs] sf] / kys[ \ cl:tTj ePsf sdof,} afbL cflb ljifosf ] nut o; uGysf| ] kqklqsf v08df k/sf] 5gg} \ . klxnf ] awjf' dhb/' / bf;] f| ] blnt;DaGwL ;fduL| xg' \ eGg ] nfusf] n] ] oxf F ;dfjz] ul/Pg . c¿ v08df klg oL ljifosf ;fduLx¿| sd } 5g \ . of ] k:tsdf' ePsf ;fduL| ] dw;;DaGwL] cg;Gwftf,' cWotfsf] nflu dxŒjk0f" { xg' 5] eGg ] ljZjf; ul/Psf ] 5 . cGo Ifqdf] h:t,} kfl1s| hutdf klg dw;L] ;dfhnfO { ljleGg sf0faf6] a‰g' ] / 1fg pTkfbgdf dxŒjk0f" { of]ubfg ug]{ r'gf}tL a9]sf] 5 . t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gyn] xfn;Ddsf] sfdnfO { dNofÍg" ug {] cj;/ t lbg ] g } 5, ;fy } dw;;DaGwL] 1fg pTkfbgsf] bfo/fnfO { 7DofpbF } ;fys{ Pj + uxlsnf ] sfd ug { ;xfos /xg ] ljZjf; xfdLn ] lnPsf 5f F} . ;fy,} o;df 56' g\ uPsf ;fduLnfO| { cfNofpg}F ] sfodf{ o; ljifo;uF rf;f ] /fVg ] ;aaf6} ;xofu] xg' ] ckIff] klg 5 . k|sflzt ;fdu|L -k':ts tyf k|ltj]bg_ • 5 v08 ! k|sflzt ;fdu|L -k':ts tyf k|ltj]bg_ Published Materials (Books and Reports) cS;kmfd–gkfn] / /fli6o« >d klti7fg–g| kfn] . @)^! . lhNnfsf uflj; :t/Lo tYofÍ / gS;fx¿ -;a } lhNnfsf_] . sf7df8f F} M cS;kmfd–gkfn] / /fli6o« >d klti7fg–g| kfn] . chLt, cgej,' ;=+ . @)^% . ;dfjzLs/0f] M /fhgLlts bn, /fHo / ldl8of . sf7df8f F} M dfl6g{ rftf/L} . clwsf/L, /3gfy,' ;=+ . @)%$ . df/ª] Ps kl/ro . sf7df8f F} M df/ª] sf7df8f F} ;Dks { d~r . clwsf/L, /fdk;fb| . @)%( . l;d/f M Ps kl/ro . af/f M lkk/f l;d/f uflj; . cWoog sfobnsf{ ] kltj| bg] . @)%& . gful/stf ljwos] @)%& sf ;DaGwdf gskf] -dfn_] sf ] bli6sf[ 0f] . sf7df8f F} M gkfn] sDolgi6' kf6L { -dfS;jfb—{ n]lggjfb_ . cdfTo, ;fkmNo . @)#^ . gkfndf] k/ft' Œj . sf7df8f F} M ;femf ksfzg| . cjNn' ;,} clgnsdf/' emf / an/fd sfk/, ;=+ . @)%& . khftGqsf| ] bz jifdf{ dwzL] ;dbfo' M /fli6o« ufi7Lsf] ] kltj| bg] . sf7df8f F}+}F} M gkfn] afl4s} d~r . % 6 • t/fO{–dw]; ;Gbe{ u|Gy cfOo";LPg . ;g\ !((^ . kf}/vL s[ifs tyf pBdLx¿sf] ;kmntfsf] syf . sf7df8f F} M cfOo;LPg," gkfn] . cfO;LhL . ;g \ @))& . lx;fsf+ ] tfkdf t/fO{ . Pl;of l/kf6] { g=+ !#^ . nlntk/' M cfO;LhL . cfrfo,{ ds' Gb' . @)%# . efhk] /L' pvfg 6Ssf' . sf7df8f F} M gkfn] /fhsLo k1f–k| lti7fg| . cfhfb, cf/=8L= . ldlt pNnv] gePsf ] . t/fO { hn /xL x } . 7fp F pNnv] gePsf ] M cf/=8L= cfhfb . cf/=8L= tyf Pn=Pn= . @)## . gkfnsf] ljleGg hflt / nfs] uLt M Ps kl/ro . sf7df8f F} M hubDaf ksfzg| . pkfWofo, b|f]0fs'df/ . @)%% . /fhjzL+ hflt M Ps kl/ro . emfkf M ksfzs| pNnv] gePsf ] . pkfWofo, bf| 0fs] df/' . @)%% . /fhjzL+ kl/ro -efiff, lnlk / Jofs/0f v08_ . emfkf M /fhjzL+ efiff krf/| ;ldlt . cfPr;LPrcf/,] gkfn] . @)^$ . uf/} / cf;kf;sf ufpdfF rt} & ut] ePsf] xTofsf08af/] pRrfo'Qmsf] sfof{no–g]kfnåf/f ul/Psf] cg;Gwfgsf' lgisif { -jzfv} @)^$_ . sf7df8f F} M cfPr;LPrcf/] . cfemf,] bjLk] ;fb| . @)^) . ;b' /klZrdsf" ] kqsfl/tf . sf7df8f F} M dfl6g{ rftf/L} . s6jfn,\ ;~h ' / c¿ . ;g \ @))^ . cGt/blnt ebefj,] t/fOsf{ blntx¿sf] cj:yf M Ps cWoog kltj| bg] -åeflifs–cª} u\ hL_]| . sf7df8f F} M Nofgsfp g]kfn . sfkl8, /fde/f;] . ;g \ !(() . cKkg cglrGxf/ . hgsk/' M ;/h" ksfzg| . sfkl8, /fde/f;] . @)%^ . hgsk/wfd' / o; Ifqsf] ;f:s+ lts[ ;Dkbfx¿ . hgsk/' M ;/h" ksfzg| . sfsL,{ nfs] Gb] | / aL/Gb] axfb| /' a:gt] .
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