Parkinson’s Disease Q &A sixth EDitiON Dear Friends: People affected by Parkinson’s disease — those living with Parkinson’s, their family members, their friends and the health care professionals that care for them — are all looking for answers to questions about the disease, its symptoms and treatments. This booklet is a compilation of the most frequently asked questions that the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation (PDF) receives through its National HelpLine. Some of these questions have simple answers, while others have complicated answers that are still evolving. While each question is answered as compre - hensively as possible, it is important to note that Parkinson’s is truly an individualized disease. Each person’s experience with Par kinson’s, including its symptoms and the rate at which it progresses, is different. Not all people living with Parkinson’s will experience all of the symptoms and side effects discussed in this booklet. Rather, each person may find that certain symptoms are more troublesome and may experience these symptoms at different points in the disease. If you have additional questions that you would like to discuss, please call PDF at ( 800) 457 - 6676 or email us at
[email protected]. Sincerely, Robin Elliott President This publication was written and edited with the help of Parkinson’s disease specialists Blair Ford, M.D., of Columbia University Medical Center and W. Lawrence Severt, M.D., Ph.D., of Beth Israel Medical Center. table of contents I. Understanding Parkinson’s 5 – 31 • Overview • What Happens in Parkinson’s? • Motor Symptoms & Complications • Nonmotor Symptoms 2. T reating Parkinson’s 33 – 47 • Finding a Doctor • Medications & Surgical Treatments • Complementary & Alternative Therapies • Exercise & Nutrition 3.