\ • OCEAN CITY SENTINEL ;^:1 VOL.XT1 OCEAN CITY, . J^ THUB8DAY, FEBRUARY a, 1921. Ocean City Sentinel SAYS BUSINESS MEN HERE TAXPAYERS ASK DR. PETTIT AGAIN HEADS';)'•** ••S-* OOCAN OITY. M. WANT CONVER AS FIRE CHIEF ABOOT GAS.HERB BOARD OP EOUC . CUKTI8 ROBINSON • /he first sd: FLEISHER'S Mayor's Excuse for Appoint- What Is Being Done toI m Dr. Baghn ing Man Objectionable to SCHOOLBOYS IN prove Conditions for Next CODNTI FARM •1.50 Par TMT, Strictly la Advuc*. YARNS Volnnteer Fire Fighter*. Summer? Mayor Champion, at tba weekly Tb* followlog letter 'from Ibrss In all Weights and Shades *">• few aMSsbsra atf tfe* Mfel meeting of tbe City Commlaeaooere, WRESTLING BOOTS property owner* In Oesan City PRODUCTS SHOWN Heather and Scotch recommended Ibe appolotmnt of Bam appolntad to tba OMM Ut* j •lately end to tb* point, aa larf* nm Del B. Coover a* Or* chief Oo mo BdoosUoo—Mia. A. ~ DR. W. P. HAINES . Mixtures btra of loteraatrd people will agraai lion of Director Flaber for tb* reason a Annual Tournament in High COW. NINTH MO WCSLKV AVK. JenklDlown, Pa..- Jan 28. IBU. BxhJbit of Apples, Potatoes srtvaoced by Ib* mayor. In* appolot School Auditorium Wed- "——"- - ••ltfcMj O«C*N CITY. M. J. EDITOR TH« SBNTINSX:—Wllb tb Etc, at Bank, Attracts tot orgsaitaUoa TM-fsr BOH TOM Corstts m*n( waa oonOrmad Mayor Cbanr urvioa KWM {'tSff'f'' plon aod Dlrvctqr Fleb*r vollog lo nesday, Febtnary g. •tpimruli pro aod con regarding IM Attention. DrJTbmmyH mu.lo for Ib* aummer of 1WI, II car darn, «bo oaltaa tiks SMITH'S affirmative. Director Campbell All Ib* Modem wreailera are now In Tbere nave bs*a co dlaplsy In tb* ula lo voted again** lb* motion.. readlncea for tb* Do.I boala, which " "PP*"" »• •"•« •»• °°» —*Fire* National Bank daring tba H fMHt big leeu* thai rxjulree Immediate sod Maaaaeei Corticelli Silks, Ribbon* Before action wae taken, Ib* follow an lo lak* plac* la ib* blgb acbool week eaa>plee of product* fross I waUaotfoT drsatlo attention re evidently tog letter from Mayor Champion was aodMorlam ! Wednesday ••*olo(. of tb* fanae'of Caps May Cofloty, aod and Velvets overlooked, etdetrecked or pigeon- OK. FLORENCE B. HAIKES reed by Clly Clerk Harry A. Morrlei Ketmiary 9, al 8 o'clock. tbeertlclee abown wen admired by holed, end that leeu* la (be gsa qoes- Tbe Board of L'ommtealooere of |b* Tb*T* w|l| bttlmn bout, of wrea- boodrede of vkuton to* Ihle banking Ueara by Appouiaeal lloo, aa, la ibe event of no Improve- latter anew old Clly of Ocean Clly, N*W J*re*y— Illag. Tba boya wbo an lo wraailr inaiunlion, wblcb for eoma yean ba* OCKAH uiTY, ». J. Home Journal Patttms mtM b nl d# |D lbU pointed aa tba )ROONNET Geatlemeo:- I beg lo call yoar et- ar* lb*bM« of mora than a hundred *'"« * foatend aod In various ways encour- c »'"• «"" «°«"> • »'•«« eye, doabtlass Mt at bota«v both Waablogton VanUUder.st Petenborg, noa tls»a bssa sdo cAifPBEiL 5 GARAGE City Garage noi Ore department oolakte of Ocean weeks, will be two of Ibe blggeet IbedUgreceful eupply of gaa *od Ibe gKRSCHBL PBTT1T, M. D. W. a. Tbompaoo, at Cape May, andear*lUnu work »au Special Value Sale City. evtote in Ibe pbyaiosl training depart-' 1u«'»y of eame the aummer peel aod £ Errlckaoo, at Dlse Creak. Tbe po. •OT MfKSLKV AWC meot Ibla year, and no oi.e can afford ilbf O1*1"11*' attempt to eoallnne a In my Judgment,' tbe properly laioee CUM from lbs farsn of K. K J fee* aid flcdp Greatest Reduction Ever BXT1A lb>l h OOKAN art. NEW jtnacv ftrocsess owuere, wboae Inlereete we ara aerv- to miaa eeelog Ibem. A email fee) will «"«« « nmllved Ita naefalneee in m* >** l n lh# Madara. at Palenao. aod ba received ani »K>!•«.•>. lag.do not support lbs cooleotloa* of be charged lo defray expeneee for Ibe early agea of to* town, to lbe> Known in the History ol moielbsn 110 lo Iropbls* at eboere 7 la «».•>. mmin heee Iwo dre compaolee; but regard Iropblee, etc I > tnlog thel la doing It. \ Maccar MAHCM lit wber* Ibey wen exhibited. Dr. V. U. Veil, of Philadelphia,' Oet Ihe publio ealuned tbal Ibey of Tailoring Trade .'. their attitude more lo Iba light of per- Tbeapplea—big. Jalcy-looktog fruit— bo will be autertalord by William will nol have In experteue* Iba dlffl Tb* R*». R L. W. MILLS* OfleeHoare A large selecti'oo of best qoality fabrics Tor fine Custom Tailoring eoo al and factional difference* t.ogrowD In Ibe orchard of William F. Uardlner aod wife, will be.ihe culllM uf la«l >ear and Ibay will feel oflbsFlnt ._ _ Uatuea B, are offered at rock bottom prices. This is yoar opportunity to buy A* oftlclsl bead nf lbs Ore depart Powell at tJw.iotoo. Horn* of them ifaree. pleaded ibai ibey will flock to Ib* relumed from a faot ve^gy a made-to-measure ait, with Extra Trousers of Same Matcri.il, menl, I do oi I fret JoaHflrd In expert- weighed mora iban a pound each. A •*»-C»«-«Srt • f the ruu«lc m«ut tug wnb an oal of-towo man, •liver cup, woo by Mr. Powall for tbaMlo toor wtlb tba TTiiiu JOHN H. WHITICAR, M. D. Hand Tailored in liie latest style, from most reliable fabrics, guar- frub'ably Hie people thai Iba worthy "VV* V-»O! anteed 100 per cent. Pore Wool, at« Great Bargain. uofaniiliar wnb Ibe l<im*ot. ok, who baa been a book keeper la tbe y jAMCa H < OLLADAV, .- -a« inairator - Pfeaoyunao Utarak k JoaifH U. CHAMr-lOK, banking department of ibe Oceeo Clly WILMOH K. • I.KMMlta. — mam.era aod mini «a» Mayor. Tllle and Truat Company aluc* Kebra- THU> M. OKI^HKY, ldb J- Wr »QRJCBiai>£ NlUU Of Greatest sry, I9IS, baa reelgoed. He will uscb Jaooary 27.1921 Taxpayer- fn>m Jeakiulowo. Pa. WhUetn eenool. He waa a public acbool (omiaodon William B Uutur'i lue appointment la for Iwo yeera. i*w realdeoce oo Mertoo road. Mertoo, f aftapj * i^j ^"^aa-ajy a_r DR. DAVID M. 3AXE teacher In Ihla couuly before eolerlug Assistance Coover bsa bean ear*Ing aa chief for neatly completed eod ba expect* to Vork 8u*a MaaaaiM Heaji mmm ••>*••»» VrrtUNAtY SUKOBON RETAINS OSCHB8TRA eeveral mooiba, be having been ap Ibe employ of lite bank. The vscaocr move Into H baton March 1. Horn* of toa epaaksv a4 tow veMfaBaw afh* a 4TV i M HO«lSVl«Ojla. ••)*• aaid Owpair* •>•>• m* Vaekl html) CkMI Vnnmnn 0. a. lUyn** Co. to a young man getting started. elgned becsuee of III beallb. Coover Oiled fur Iba preaeut. CMy. sod come of ibe work waa don* •rtrtrssirt IM «a« / ClabTMIa Veal. by Oeasa CUy OMOhaotoa. OU* M. ow litmti CUT Have yoar Checking Account with the we* chief of Ibe department eotoe yesra >go. Tbe poaiiloo pay* 1112 60 Uefurealarllngua Tburaday for New TowDBtoel fnnUebad tbe alst* for tb* First National Bank and you receive all the Kdward eootb, of w«l apeod tworoof laswreoee M. Ia*sr Is foralablog all abadaa. U. Poouere -sowed sod DR. CHAS. H. VAIL benefits of a strong, -well equipped bank. Mayor Cbamptoa slao r**ppo4nt*(l puybaeari lbs eotUKe uf WUllam mootbe. Frank D. Newberry, rebuilt tb*o*rto«*o booes, sod Fnd- mau of Ib* boue* commute* of Ibe Wum L. Hiaiib aod t>. L. Walla«k Baleeon, Jr., M» Haven avenue, Ibla Adam* la doing ibe papering sad oW *'. I aa a«ataiaoi cblef'. aod Ibelr appolol- clly, wblcb be will occupy during e Oc«au City Yacbt « lub for a*v*»al orallog. FIRST NATIONAL BANK meal «w cuuOraiad. poll loo or Ibe year. Tue aale waa aatd that be would have hi* «. H. C mad» by Jobu J. Ko*ter. old orchestra at Ibe club boo** out beroflb* Bead At I Ulttfct l-t-4». OCEAN CITY;N.«J. tja««lae;. aummer. ofiblsatty. nssoUy Tb* Krsoc** Wlllard OMMlog will •pedal atwm awevM*. Tb* mrmbera of Ib* ore beat ra In- H. B. Mowrar, of tbla crty. wUl mak* ooaibsr of IttiprovacaenU to btaCbsrts* C Bead, af C Al Ibe lUp. m. Mrvice oo tb* Ilret clude Deulel K. Hhea, vlullolat aod be bald oo Tuesday afiaroooo, Kaora- arm boue* at Marmora. He baa ar- beta trading oodw tb* Ira Voottn. Hvoairt j; Stadnii Haoday of each moolb. Holy Trlolly leader, Hlchsrd Uaeparre. ptsnlat, ary a. at in* bom* of Mr*., William t. ranged wlto Otle M. Towoeeud lo 'bails* O. Bead * Uoosoaajr. L'plx-opal Cburcb eb'>lr will give a end Albert Uaaparre. 'callML They Dlsater Ib* Inatda of Iba boos*, palm •• ,1 Oardloer. All mecabeta sod frteode Mr. Utssaso. wbo bsw m LAW OFFICES •peclal muelcal eervice. L>vtr« if were all favorllea wllh cluh meabera loatd* aod oatatd* of ib* booes, build ar* cordially Invited to sliend Ibla new ebede sod s atable. Tba whole «e«n**a to Media, x* oow good muale ebould alteod. •od their frlcuda la«c auoaopar. meeting. rill coal abuoi $3000. msnsgsassot of Iba Bead MiliiniltuiT Heating Appliances •ton. He lean • AlTV. H. 4. will aodaavor la bat niLE INSURANCE P*uoo* of.iba boas*. Gu Radiator*, Electric Heaters, Oil HeaUrs and Air- PLEASED CROWD AT ANOTHER WOMAN SELECTED HIGH SCHOOL IS Wsttar E. Ailw, *s> kM HAND, Tight Wood Heating Stoves manager of tb* stscs tot a** HDSIC PAVILION AS SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER to .. ATTORNEY and ALL VBLI. KNOWN BRANDS. CALL AND TO HAVE DEBATE •Hb tb* Beod Hard COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW. LOOK THEM OVER. t tm IMan. Another Excellent Program Mayor Names Mrs. R. h. Golf wo Teams of Students Will tan HM> Presented at City's Weekly —W. W. Adams la be Heard in Assembly • Ou* M. Townosad aarty ibte Community Entertainment. 100NG DRUGGIST Returned. Room Tonight. began tbe cooatr-cttoa of aa •»«.«. . . AJiaaaw a Read Hardware Co. " rr rf rinnlk anasl lag Jjfcj. -*M Uo* of iba feature* of Ibe Hslorday Mayor Cheotplon announced at lbs Asbtry Av—ut Oc«aa City, N. J. What pramieee to be an ln'teettng lie aveoae tot a F. Ooeta. afiMitSM'. OFFICES eveolog eolartalomente held In Ibe QUIETLY WEDS weekly meetlog of tbe City Commla- lebata will b* held Ihla (Too red ay) Mr. Uootx. vbobaSawttakatsMr*** r*at room of the muslo pavilion la tbe •lonere that bedeaircd to ncomeoeBd van In*, in ibe saeembly room of tba ess to ibat aaottoa of tba mj, «Ctt Apgar St Boswell. opportuoliy to bear the beat lo Ocean Ibe •ppointajmt of Mre R L UofT • o Clly High etcbool betwaao Iwo eogags m ibe real BUarvsae » caaacaav Clly. Lsat (Saturday evening wsa ooPerry Christian and Bride, aod W. W. AJ«m a aa member* of Ibe Tr.- O^EAX CITY TITLE AXD TRUST BOOMS auiLUiMu, l*ama of lh* bUh Mbool, tbl* being a ^aJutag to ajasoBT Avaxua ue lOOitTU irraan escaptioo. Hoard uf tCgc had been appoloud i aboliebed " Jon**' orobaetr* Jast daugbler of Frederick B. Irelao. bolh GUJ S*claaar, USM» Caif. W- J. Italian duet by Prof. E. K Uoger end member of th* board lo aucored -W Thoascomprteiogthe lesma In ib* being •Jassy" i_. JONES' MEN'S SHOP ( ofibledty, wblcb occurred tn Wrai A^Iications for Title Insurance, involving, au4«s AStinny AVHMUU , wlfadelbjbted ibe su leoee end Ibey W. Ailame. wboaa term bad expired ebale lontgbi are: Tb* daoee* wttl were ueertlly applauded. Miaa Eaillie Philadelphia January 24 Tbey were Th* mayor'a recommeodajiooe aere Tbajaday sad 8atarday NOTICE Rain Cut I Nrgaliva—Kugeoe Hallersn. Oath- Bath Kobe SUk Sbbt Bocbler wa* tb* plaoo soeompsniet marrtai by Ibe Kev. l)r Mitchell, of approved by Ibe other Clly Cumoile- pbiaa wui oe awarded t r Oeaa raxallan Ztoet&I • W--11TTT L'odaTwemr bilk lloae : Forty-ololb etteet aod Baltimore ave loeHmltn sod Hsleo Meson; sllee- •Mooee aed ba|a> toojoi for Ibe dance* Tbe piano duet by •looere. aud nnar Mr. Adaou returoe out ttatnrday eeanlog. ordinary examinations, within 30 days from Traveling Bag Military Bnuhce • Satptodrn ooe. Weal Pbiladelpfaie, Wilbtbcm late. Augoatua Uoeis. Umbrella Miaa Margaret Price sod Mlae Haieo to the Board of Erfucitoo for tao Wallet (Ustbn) Leatbcr Leggtat 1 wsa a cooain of Ibe young man. How. Afflrmaiiva—Malcolm Aoetlo, Mer- J. P. VWNABLM Sraln Watch Cham ClgertUcCMC t Newton wsa appreciated Mrs. Clio- yean; Mre. UoO'e term la fur four •rle Beolbam aod Alfred Haeior; s> TryanadvirrtiiMial la lbs I Kid Glove* Leather Coat Auto Ceuatlcta srd Daweoo. mm* AtBUHY AMMUM too B Prite wa* beard for Ibe Bret yesra. tarnat*. Philip Kutcber. receipt of the Application. Searches also Scarf Pta NcwlUt Cuff Uok. 1 lime, ab* play log Japaoea* mneas. Tb* bridegroom waa formerly s Mia (JoS waa ecilvs lo Brd Iroaa Neakue Paiamaa Tie CU»p , Mlae Cogllah. loetractor of Koglwb xr Yard'e reading at- David Uarum" clerk in Or. William U Abbotl'e " Silk Muffler Par Collar Handkerchief ' and Woweu'. Hervice aorkdurtogtbe >o ib* biiti echool, bsa chart* of Ibe plaa.ed evaryone Aa an encor* ka) pbarssacy. He la now manager of J. ii. Tu* appoiutojent le uudoubt- lebale and ebe bsa i«*o coscblog lbs \A/«nt4»d • * •• • » m i*»u*d in a correspondingly short time. ncitid aom* of Uueat'a poetaa. Ue. H. Wood * Co.'* drag alore lo We* cdly a per-oual ou. ou in* part of tbv ludeola to her uausl excelleol men A lot as tka Say : u e.kad to read Kipllog. rbeeur. He sod bla bride bave apart Yacbl dab. SUU Welded Into a me)or. •• al Iraat one or laooilwr oer. Then win be so sd It la Ibe drain of the eomaUlM lo auli at 41 Waal Uay wrael. Wert parttmkia, • omen are aaid to ba>e been noted tor charge of ten cenlv. OAKLAND arrange the praaram o aa Lo bae* Ciiealer, wblcb were deceralrd lo Ibe Ihla poaltluu. J. HOMACC MUXC* oanal at vie when tbe young pair got fc » n *. J k 1. r cu eooteiblog new every Heturdey olgbt- taa a tiva ar Composite . JOSEPH BROADLEY lo Mr. eud Mr* Uofer much credit to ibeos after their mantagr RICH TREAT PROMISED •Xlii*k Mal«a Tb* bride bae lived here wllb her la doe, they beiog amoog Ibe moving Harvlose an bald lo IbeHblioo Bap- ixreol* for nearly a year. Tbe fa oi- CUWMIU clfcla van, net I 'burcb bet* every Haoday, con- epirtte ly came from Mav'a Landing Union PLUMBING and HEATING Mre Frank E Champion wae re- ducted k> lbs peator. Ibe Be* drsnt ceollBrappoiuled a meojber of Ib* *o- A attica of eottriaiuuieula will be MsrTta. sod ib* prayer a>*e(loga Wad- •iven lu tb«. «~«ajbly I,«(J of ibeoeaday *v*oiage sielo ebarge of tb* SPECIAL OceaD City Title 5 Trust Company 731 Aabury Avenue Oceun City, N. J. lartainmcai com ai II tee. New crop New Orlesne molmn.sO Ocema Cilv Hutb Hciiuol fruo> Friday. The aoyice of th* Ocean Uecaue* of Ib* CbauUoqos Bast ceol* per quail Vebruary 4. to Moods,. February 7, eMere of ib* cbercb Mr. Harra) I* SniUand OverooataHMa. Phone Large aaaonasral choice epplee, or- tadOvumti City Title and Trust Company ttaiurday eveolog. tber* will b* oo ao- lucluaiva. uoder ibe au.pic** of Ib* ucuog svsagaikMl* earvaM* b> ange*, banana* sod all klud of trull Oceau t^ny Chauiauqua I'irri* Tick loenatdwo durtog th* weak. U* to OrdeOrder contain* th* factors of prompt- tertalomeni until ibe followtcg Haior- a ey« on baod. et. fur ib* rtHjr*«uf »ix eoierteto. day—Febrnary 12. Kreeb eggs rtgbi from Ibe country, eueula are 11.60 I hlldren'e llckrta will eooilou* ibla woik In Polled*!, E. MASSEY, ness, efficiency and courtesy, plenty of tbeco. 89c ooseo. (fruuiAiu It >e«i.) arvfl Mi>cl**d pbla oexi week U* la havtog aatb $45.0(5 Uood freab cocoaoulain Ibe •bell,30c mejaiaaiaa* oiiaaloo tirketa. aftetoiioue. 60 r*oi*; U. If. Niri welded into a composite nnjpq Freab killed CbKksoe to oraer. eveuiuga. Ii ceot* Tn* peifuteaaooea Thnt and Trea*. CLINTON B. PRICE and results in satisfaction. Dr. Wilaon Y. CbrMiao. SOS Cao-Hweet ctd*t sod mloc* most. • HI betto ai S.*D o'clock lo Ibe after- Geo. F. Saxton tral a»eoue. Ibla etiy. wlabee la ao- All klod* oata aod popcora. ooooe, aud a o'clucs lu Ibe evraioge. R. Cam* Booioeoo, 744 and 7«s As- OBS.OW DOUDO* tb* loMallalMB of lbs lalail Tide Oficer Checking Accounts are rn>h Hoaaied Peeoui.. JOc Ib. Tne eaUrtaineseota will lofi^^. try aveoae. Oeaao CMy, B. J , bae PAINTING, RARER HANGING. Edaarda XUay apparaJaw to b I* al- Pkealy P*soat Bntlle. a&c lb. a no eaooenud s fnm •!•>»!« «f ready complete dVaotal oertBL X-&ay aerloe of lectune on lotenauog Upire STIRLING W. COLK solicited. Kiaab Ooadeo D*'a». «*° lb- adv.. if by Ibe Dtreoior of iba Cbaatauoua, eeaa tot PesoeylvmaJa. wtu tell aa» (BRAINING A* DECORATING dlegooeee • apeoaliy. taftty to tatve a*en»w * A»*L Title Officer O ae)»^ t*. Paul M PMK>OO. S nueat ep*akar;is>- »36 AVCNUC To One aod All—Do tMt forget Ibe e4e*dof£>r George Lawreoc* Parker, proof of aay dead old reliable Bay Villa Lsaodry, which wbo >a* Brat advaniaed, bavlag ra- niaeaiiaa* off say laaa*. OCKAN CITY MOel, e»-*j —Motor boot U la tafcet wssaatabliebed lo Itl9. Tryrtonos— ceolly lectured ben, sod 1*haa*ilini b«eartiisan»l* btog M beaog ks aaat wllb reliable 4 eye** aogloa, g«au " la your laoodry while you Ueorge H. Bradford, a msMsrfal Me- -— ore.y*tberwrtu^M4lar2 OCEAN CITY aga. aeiatiptioo. laki of aogtoa aod Call, wrtta or pbooa, las-VV tarer sad nonssrUbylbsMebibstt lav- Our prtc* sod wbera boat osa be esao. Ad- tXI Bar aveoos, Ocean CMy. dlee'Quartet, ib* tsmoa* Irtab Mlo- dress W. B Marpay. Aasarli Fraocee rreeasao, Prop, atea* sad Bockoer'e Jabikw tiasai* CHARLES SACK TITLE AND TRUST log Co, 100 If. rtftssolb 8t adv.. lla. a To* Junior t hsaunqua •tool panisa SURF LfALJINDRV Pa adv., 14 si. to ibe eveouige wui be a 4asiar* tbst Central Garage COMPANY fo» Bar—Ksnlebed ootlsg**od wUl apt**! to all lbs abltdaM. 929 Ocean Avenue •*»•*. I**-J Ocean City, N J. SatooitaUP asotot boat for asl • partas*oi wnb City OC8AN CITY. N. J. GOOD QUOC VORB; DONE ON PMHBBS • t -Ui*Scb«nge tor Itgbt katb. tat Ib* last. - water bast frame, navia^Au. at aotat «yet* w«b **•*> « W Ai- nabl*. Apply to Clar- Mat WU*M. T-lelell. XT. t ftgbla ttnst and Oossn Try so ad' tat** •piiiitl Mi?


Ocean City Sentinel R0L4HD STBBLIIn OCEAN CITY LOST MOHE THAW WILUWQ TO 00 ObapiBleB rs*(MMM«d*t *• saw Any Where muni" «»••» ra«aw*< wanaWa •ugaiatliii. Maawt aa lar. iie>i**abtt.M*b*a la iae lnilBa Lee & Bourgeois WHITE* aaam, Prabaaly Waa Wlah Olaiiat *<*» wwra. praaastlr aoaaky «|sark-aasd FBHMPAHY I, 1WI Ball. fflswXrs?£r&VorAri.«f^ tba fortieth Bice ha* been la, ao ta* la M mtl*tt ooai ••cli bid (*riltar pro dno —c**«t | tot I( M open when it's raining—glued tight when you Joseph 6. Champion JOS. D. LBB B. A. BOUROGOIS Tba resignation of Roland. rtt*alm.tn Tna "Llgbl Fl*a" of Ibla ett*. gaa(U Tvteraa Mlnneaota senator tnougbl tf.ToiliMo.tvMolftt b m»btrMnr or e-griltaw of ibd *c**«t cllvt o If Hwllncn aa a meabar of Iba board of eommla. up of Ocean Oil* Hlgb Sebool and) for- *>r*mn Ctiy. lfrw J«nwrtMn* In theiwinof ib fl lVM fM ;-., TJnnUDAT. *«JBRVABY s, iaai Rice bad bad enough. Maror ctMinploo •i*u«d thai Hi are suffocating. You bruise your fingers ca fta *•< Cnrtral A»« atooera of Mraat mint waa ra- Winifred bad wired Baltimore as soon m*r bigb school boy*. m*t iba Oapa "Cnahnnn." tba senator aald. "why hav* b*>>a mad* In nwd to tbcoDllaM '. IV4.M Pk.cM.47l-W aa aba reached New York. If sb*. lln- nmtbmgr tor ib« »#>-r MM, wtaieb war* . iiinm at th* row omsssi CM•aa Oily Building Contractor M o*t«ad aod aoMptad at Iba wvtkly May Clly Hlgb Bebool taam al Capa dont you Quit roaming around, go iseinr•rtof y lu Uin>* oMieeuirsttiimoitw. cr «.J»aa sasoad Mam msllsaallii and strain your muscles in trying to make it MEXICO'S MANY L0SF MINES aaaatlag of tba City OoaapilaHonara. garad aoma of LaallaTa friends wera May Friday nigbt and went down lo aoasa and ran(o r ofllcaT Yuor male BI'i»Mi.ioaniiD*M»aiJII1, wsrsrsad and, certain to raeognlxa her and tell him, ••• moooo. wa>»ni« wets wdsnd draea tat Tba fasajnalloQ of Jonn B. Jona* a* defeat by tba do** aoora of 11 lo 11 ramUvea ha*e beeo governor*. **na- llMIrreapsoUvs amount*. work. If you could only put your foot .Oaaratara an4 Proapaetara' Orivaa bat aba knew of on* ssfs biding place. aita, etc, and there Is no reaaoo wby ' SAY* |bt Atlantlo County Baeordi OCEAN CITY. N. J. membef of Iba Board of JCduoatloo blnr-op: ' D*esaberll,MB. OTIS M. TOWHSEHD Pram Thalr Wartt by Thraats ui4 Taka Bel Air bnngalow, Hartley yaw should aot serve your sute." Marnr Ctimroploo *t*led Uial MM al- • *'Ww ho-a ntrar bato abla lo Hod oat through it! Some company, to allow such DtaraaaUaiM af Vaqula, also waa raealvad aad aoospled. Manor, Deep Blver. Throe months." OCBAJMCITY •oded a BMSIlijeof' IheCapsM««' CWlalr —jr B—tlBolag ratlin Ibe dlvWoo of Tbera waa a letter raad froaa Mrs. Hlc* did not seem greatty-tmpreased. Her agent there woold understand, Perguson \ »„._«_. lCb*ny eo Nelson became somewhat warmer • (1^Jo«io« oTw«.lia bCrMk,°snd tbsl Ibe Jb»»M-ia of UM Oraal a*» Harbor things to annoy its patrons. It's funny some- BUILDER Many of tba lost mines of Mole* Annie B, Bamb*rg*r, of PbllsdsipbU, an* knew, and «ak no questions. She T. Cballlo ,/»»**•«» \Qlddlog hoant bad •'PpnlalMl a eomnlliu* of UM •;. Ma* tato iwodlatrlatt, with laws per- bi bla remarks. . the pr >J*et no Kndsi; aMo OrriCK: 8th St. Opposite P. O. war* tba ranilt of depredation* of tbrdommeodlog In* board for IU proa pi took tbe night train down snd reached P. rownssod Cenltr Asbbarn "If yoo're bound to fight, wby not . .<•» aeai. lb»» hold • m*Mln< torIh e i^ajjgtlacarliialteblagtaotiawblla ill* one didn't fix it. Ttqol Indiana. Tb«y killed or dror* action In taking sltpa to -bar* Iba Deep Hlter about seven. It waa • run K Baron I nnanf. I Natdla* eaxaMenilonolsppraprlailoiM toruxma- OCEAN CITY, N. J. Mallaea / «"•«• tcbambarlaln gat over Into Boast*, .among tb* red*, ' I'-wMMMd Ih Iba- othar. rromaspraa. proapaetora from tna country and ob- property owners on Iba aoaib *M* of of four mile* to th* shore of the Ches- and get aoma real action T" Nelson To* stir esllelmr «laled. In Ibemsllmof i •# hat* baud among; bayaao Only galvaniied nails used on Utantad marka of tba worklnn. Tbo» P*nnlyn place, near Iba oeaao front, apeake, and there lay her hide-away. Field goals—Ferguson, S; Cbsllln. •aid. •arcastieally. ' •be sppileaiioa ol ibe Uslswars A AussUa But after you think of the bigger things—the many mint*, with great postlblllUaa Aa she drot* along the narrow, wind- " AT "onpinf sir iwrrisis la rsws, ibsi and flabansao, wa ara ooovloc*d tbai Tenth Street and West Avenue exterior work paaa Ibelr sidewalks. I; Cherry. 1; OMdiog, 2; Aslibaroe. 1. Whereupon Bice leaped Into tb* air. t t^m ••!• es^bBit vat Aal j4W*« lAhrl ^k tasekl** las) lngliHtoraaboald rapaal all ooo- wara loet.. ing shore road tbe first glimpse of Its r oal KOSIS—Ksrgusoo. 8: To»n**od, 1; "Say. senator." be shouted. "If you'll many large problems met and satisfactorily dealt with Tner* waa also read a letter from Iba white chlmnsys above the willows CbartaTo. EesdaOs. f-law* respecting iba waters of OM of tba mlnca of the Eitnll* Rallsoc* Fire Company coolalnlog a Cherry. 1; Qlddlng, 3; Ashburn*. I; fix tt ap as I can get over there, there George W. Harris oat Norta Ulnlag company ni loat brought a sob of relief to her throat. lent anything I wouldn't do for you." Una bay and maka ona uDirrm law to give you service, the little trouble you had with the raeolulloo pasiad by Iba eompany.'pp- It had been their honeymoon home, Needles. 2. for many yean. Tba only cine to IU Tb* local boy* and Ibalr Met da Thar* tb* cone of the wandering 1KB Onto-*nw * rw»ivdhrr*d | aod OWOUxTT IK all." Local and vtelilogflsnannaB Contractor, Builder location w»» found on an old Jeroll iwelng «. B. Coo»«r for th» posltton of two years before, and almidy she Ordtn.fiourdlouio* No. IA101 wnwaa paasrpaaiwd on third ft—»na4*- will ifTH witb Ibla "law. window should be forgotten. Yet, there are o aim thai, wllb a plaea lo wbkb lo foot, aa tb* poets would remark.— tna «od dtiadital pM>MD*t*MKS tin nntrra«r.t#Tad poMlpoMla *u •ap, «bleb tald It cotUd ba aeen bj flr* oblsf. longed to break the tie that bound her r ir and Jobbing > Taahlagton Star. H|||Hl1l>«moanilnf/|o»lft««a * -.- — M— —war _a r-M_ d. aad. looking from a ebnreb door. Tb« Tb* maUar of bavlot two llreboaU to Lenlle s'nrbea. practice, tbsy would sooo ba** a real on motionmot , dolp, mada aad •twoadad, w-iv a«s*as7«OUO»^sT.j. TU rallroada ara coaapUiDlrjg of some who will always run down the company because II OCEAN crrv. <•• j. ebnreb waa found and tba land dm btiilt for naa on tna baaeb not *um- A fire had been laid In tho living sm In Ooaao Clly. At Capa May molt«...... ouwrraordar.. t Orin *or tbalr raapaa- r* Gun«l OWnt Know Ty. ttvtyamoaat*eamoaata. ' lack 01 palrooaga. Tba aaswer la aasy of some trivial experience. Ought not they mix with •TRUE artistic results in architecture can only be it O>fiU, and tb*y bad Iba ••Cap**", work- baseball fan* In the country, Jim Phe- Uon In if matter of •pproprt»ling mooc* Ibis cltj to Philadelphia and ra- carelessly selected 01 executed destroy* an effect which ft dlaeooUaoed, a wall that bad b*er Tba board, at a massing Tbnraday "Deed an' If Eph ami nu> hml )n»' ng Ibelr bead* of) lo win. lan. Democratic senator, knows noth- or tbas elnstloa of Wa«kilab l*ra*k, tt* Leander .8. Corson bollt at a d»te later than tba map a known yo' waa coniiu' »•'*Vip|««|: Allaaue les sag ho «OU»

ut a day BrUlcent There be bad found sb* bad hi all history, perhsiM. paid tbe sen- ««ra pajlag altngalhar loo maeb You can judge any town by the class of its dnrablity in construction. it tbat caoaa tbe world to wooder. be sent Ib* telegram to Bsltl-aor* aad Dmctmtmr ». lt». eaoa* of their architecture aod price a- required by law. Bill* al*o war* since yo' waa here, ami Muster ate a visit After lher hail been Intro- lb* clly cUrk raad -xl»» m— mintta- •h*a they handed otar flft- etula la - My service guarantees the highest qnality of it ordered paM. Forbes." bad followed to Whits Chlmneya. duced all sround anil txro the. subject • i tt pr* DO**!* I* r !.>• itnn ««i *u*t ul po • !••!'II rn>s»islTii Realtors. laaa omamenta. owe their exlaienca tt "Now tell me tbe exact meaning of <*t o| rultbi»h nod a*b- ». tofroa OasanCtt* to Atawuo Uv materials, tbe best of workmanship and absolute satis- u HUMBERT C.PDMTICTE mine*. Tbe Baroyeca rtiurcn, DOIlt tt Before Wlnlfrrd MUIII.M] the hn-ak of a great deal of hrn> worehlp. Pbe- iia.Th r •i*sta*a,-- Wa. wooMai dan pi In) faction. in her nerves »IIP mi rrylng on I he this nonsense." B* drew a porch chair lan went over to Erid*h. llalsey of tbe rd «nv>aot bid: it Vm. wa* bollt from tbe wealth de close beslds ber and walied gravely. l J what tha* *aj aboot a ebarg* of a*Mj Inactive Real Estate men mean dead cities. rtTtd from the Ulna Orande mine. M B08Y old colored wnmiin's nniitlr> Nhouldfr, aenate staff, and «»kVhe hud bevn "I'm thankful you came here. Bay- •U* city •dftontr ataled tbal UM **.a.» aaata torutawB M tnp. Baroyeca mountain. Prior to 1830 th< way." "Who la Ihl* Ty C'ofW-aoyhowr lioatrd ol Cof-iimn* ami Na*la«)li ffo«« ii e) VaaauaWl^e. Oa>. Ma**-Ubaaptoo DHMM 01 lo aj> the Real Estate men chin deep in all of its activities. it Harry R. Haves liapplness there aod trade oo ber love >rtba>J#iiy lo HalB>*nw rbainnM. iba **|a4«- bawrrJ.Or-D* 010 EIQHTH ST. OCEAN CITY. N. i. the sanctuary were of elltcr. and ih tba voraoMar Oraaco lo iba ap- for him. And now sbe told bersslf JOBS Htm l*e. OS. 11 .^ CARPCNTeR' altar vessels were of para gold. Iba basloas* of Iba board, with Mis* hugely the visit of the t»o hall play- iriTaci tt t• h p my-r lo -ei fOtoUMMofaflraoblat Tbanaaooa During the last two years we have had some Kxptrt Arrkitfttural Serviix JoUfaf work prcmplly attended to she did not love aim, not even wltb ers. • od In >ba nv-aiotlin*?, tutkonkl |ba* elty (Snlrt :aMfert*.b-liMaMror. la bla lauar, it Lots lor Stb CotU(ra far Sib tad Riot Julia rieull a* elark. him sitting there and gating at bar mtTt • cflr« In* «Of«. lb«> bad I autvj ih> ^ TMrtHtMSSt •JsWIkw-duaiogofUoover. ar* axetad. problems ourselves to wrestle. During this period it wSr fit GROWTH OF HOSPITAL IDEA Tb* olBo* la on Ib* second door of steadfastly. . i»*> ril>~ o Minor ktaud l*at, fellowioc ; n a Msseey A Kdwarda bolldlng, "I wanted to give you back yoor Next Morning. • "•irarttoraf om iba Hoard of Comn-aaton bJflj Iftaay-alaplj Mod thrown U4 9 wuicnr,t.j. My brother tuld-nie tlila. Marl* I* -T*. b# ba.1 #o' rad into -o me— > «MI l ta»*«a*of tbafliawno tod bar* no has taken some hard figuring to house thousands of Value of aueh Institution* In America* be us* uf wbiob baa a>e*o donated by freedom," she said alowly, on* hand b poonrra%oop«»d WHUu U. OJIUaoo. Jr. tbe Colled State* department of Is Co—rtaiialae Bfa>«*> not to hat* told you perhaps, bat that Korrowln-r • *ant on <>iav#dln« VlOOOOa, , aaab tiaalaaaat at iba baoda of tba: 8H00LD HAVE 645 Asbury Avenue, poor devil waa In dsngsr and I dared wore It. Some of the fuu from the un «r aod by vlrttMof «o o'dioaora off rtrao- H. rertas aad taw Oaarda times there seemed to be an avalanche of humanity bor show tbe astounding growth of the EOITOB TM> BKNTINaX:—W* were sweater nibbed off on my coat sleeve. •ti o pr *'MI*I) p -a«d b> tb-a bu->rt) H O" . aMfarT Ha aloo* aaost bsar iba eao- .». t. hospital Idea In thla country darlnt not." • rart NO TOB) H. B Krall awoog ba loo strongi* eurprtosd loseelolbe rJsMrriMax. Ib* "Mrs. Pomeroy I" exclaimed Wini- Next morning I waa In a rush to catch Horm-«lngT • •an naimntwilng fa)OCV* an- H. W. BiutfMb that was eager, with apparent total disregard of costs, A Reliable Builder tbe last half-century. In HTM—le*> my train sod forgot lo hnisb It off. 1*-r aii-d l»y » Iri vof*o ••rdlBainr* or «*>>oia- fV-ss A- Mebock tban SO years sgo— tber* were In thi stand Mr. H. U. Hwao baa uksn fred. itoo prm^Uxitt panfrj by tfila br>>a* To ertct your Ocean City cottage. You cannot ipare the time roil UH O« Jobs uatmt a Oo.'« lira. Hemming and Dud were oo tl <• fa** >*o 7K*v u«>nr-K. to tba word* of to* asajor well supplied with money, made easy to be spent like- L'nlted Bute* oolj 140 boepltsla; to against the appointment of a woman Ho laughed. 1 wubat' to look after it closely yonnelf and must depend upon the VVDUIM, (IhU Oar Run. "No. Indeed, her youngrr brother Al train aad we all sst toother. While UorrowloK a*Mita tvM •>aa «*«diB* «0 00, an- -'•latsyyartgannt. Iba property owo- day there are nesrly 9.100—an In oo tba Board of Kducatloo. W* ba** I was talking Mrs. Hitnmlng leaned *-r a* d l.y w nu*nf « antio Pa- or -r—.o u J wise, that swept down upon us for accommodations. honesty of the contractor. AIM, Jabs T. LumW LMd U4 Oil Oo»- crraae of nearly (Hum) per cent In th( always eooildarad Mr. ttwan a man of lira up at West Point, jou know, aad •too pfrvi<.u em- U4*-.tiiaf a,aara ooc*>tra->dina: $U0t» oa- any or all of them. UW7CJ* Tina u>d HsppllM. Ittcfct* IU total capacity of tbe then-exfittng bos atsnd wby be abould, lo Iba** llm** Looked Ilk* suspeoslon. but I'v* clear- •%rr atrt't **V tlflU* ut B.O ortlO*DO«* OT •*-»>.a- two Ira eosapaahM; kat tagard tbalr We met the situation, gave service, not the best, ed lbs msttsr up, snd 1 know he'll barrasalng moment.—t'hlcsgu Tribuoe. ilo« •*-»-» .»>ti« pa-Mid h/ lota board(4 oo Send for the list of names and photograph* oi the houses. painoc Promptu All«ad To. pllal* was 33.433; today the botplUI) if ad'aoeasMnl aod enllgbleomsnl, tract No. TOPV ' — wttkada ason la iha Ughl of pnsooal of Ibe coontry bare • total capaclt) mske good now. Thst package was B g a m tK*lit0tt/(D •« aad tMttanal dUUraocta." but good. We stumbled and made glaring mistakes. object U) consulting with a woman a* bla. He'd smuggled Into hi* quartan •tar • oo» or ra-o-a* OTIS M. TOWNSEND of sppnudmatrly M0O.O0O bed*—sn In- to I be bset aaatbods of carrying on Iba • »>>a pr--»rloo»l*/ pa«iad by IbU bt (C Cwayoa haal n for aa situs* tor T tlta IIMui M.t. Umt crease of o»er 1.000 per cenL Tbe a roolett* Outfit, Just a kid trick, bat You never heard of a service that was perfect--no ocBAirarr. Dools for ID* educsltoo -at oar chil- City of Ocean Citv &>m>al&t a -Qto Dot -neaadig | •Mkiag aaata ao appolalaiaoiT Why ni in r\CO usoont of money at present lamird It looked bad. tie hid tt with hi* sla- Itraotl by virioa of»a o-dlnaosta* or fg«ol< r.o. 8E0. 0. ADAMS A CO. In these lostltudoria t* rooshly esti- dren any more inaii ba would to ooo. ter, but I Insisted oo making a rlesn A STATEMENT i kio pwi..tt.!F p*«ad by ihia Board (i.x*a- •atgrvatawlra* raasooa to* a of tb« tract No Ti0>. human thing is. But we saw a chance for betterment mated at nearly S2.0OO.0O0.0OO; ibe so- suit with tb— over Ib* baUdlojr. sad breast of It. sad his facing the music kUtrrnnln**mam—fo «. at* aaah aafturfaga. ~ W* all PUSTEHM6. RANGE SETTIKf noaI expedltare for supplies, equip pairing of Ibelr bouses, Asoy of of Oc**n City, together with a 8am-tins pr*'*>O'M|y p«a-ad by tbla bvard ( oa* and went to it. The result, ORGANIZATION, CO- neat, upkeep *od_new raottractloa li hsrdly tell you until tb* thing wss U-M-t So. 712). K.Outm DOCB ar* bla palrooa. Burv of th« Proc*«4inc* of th« Board Kilr.> i» airaealey Ja II Mw property owoata. • • SWAN J. K. TROUT BUCK LATDIfi. Blc^ Etc •aid to be shout 1730.000.000. over. It meant everything to th* boy Uorrowiog a avim oo* •»>**dlncgnprj|)itt ar>< IafthaToraatatf aiiaiin. who OPERATION, PROTECTION. Seventeen men or- Wak* up, Mr. Bwaol Tbe** ar* not to get thrown out. and I had given ot Coacni»saoo«r» lor tb* month at (temod by virtu** nr ao o dlD-iaf* or rtaoia B y £ I War* la Maaaa UH PrawatJ. D*Cffnbcr, I0»o. tkoo p#»*k»a*uy pa*aad by ibu board (Cog- air J«ITr •* Yoa aUght think Tbcr* Is much that Is gratlfylnt In day* of progress, aod w* oongrsialata her my word. By Ib* «*>. sbe'a ta 1-mrtSo 7l«» I'barMsr Ms* AttmtiiT*.. tbca* eoormoua total*, says an editori- Mayor ftismptoo In bta selection, asd SUMMARY OP THE PROCEEDINGS rlnrfvtwiotf a, -um Dot «tc^dlo« ftll JtafO by tha taaywfa raamarka, bet N bat ganized the Ocean City Real Estate Board. Seventeen marry Major Began, did you know lit in abtleipoitoa of rnoaay* ioi*» r«r«s>l>a>Jtro«B Swan and Trout al u> the Modern Hospital. Certain- would fscommand another woman ap- OF THE IMWUMI rflisaiiB. In add moo OCCAM CITY. N i Trie snnouocsments were In the morn- IM% •itiar«r-f#>ctu«--oi to«y«*r I»|T. RE AT/TORS, if you please, conducting their respective ly, no stronger teailmooy could be ad- pololed la mi tna •acant plaea, for ing pepera." BOARD OP COMMISSIONERS vloaf ••um Dot airawhllnaf tin flfldflfl. wililaaa Inlir who ha** dooa Iba dncrd to show that tbe people of the ipmtioa of moo#t*P> *•* r*-c«l«t-d'rota ipeny for Mr*. Vogg. Winifred stared out at th* water la »* ra*a*»ur- lor iba >*«r toCO. I to Iba asvt, aod tt Is tbetr vhrwa, offices under the rules and ethics of the National As- BRECKLEY'S United Bute* are thoroughly coo«ert- l« s To*- (olUi-iiogj rra*olui«oo «•« otTrrvd aod, MMO aion ^Aimrm ed to the hospital Me*, sod do not A HDa dead allenc*. All of tb* misery of the Tb«* rrprM>Uo< Itbr^iiH'tloclDapr-rtor.aWiar. o mrMlao. «•»• tajd or«r for a parlod of Itto I af property owoers aad p» Wlnlfrsa Lauahad With sheer Rs'lief. past week, all of ber own unreasoning *>*«ct/1c*l IO»psrv-U***. 9m'M, ••»>• |Oa rw> ccMiri ilbal owghl lo raoalva sociation of Real Estate Boards, CO-OPERATING CUNTON L. •NECKLCV. mean to be deprived of the benefits of ]u«|tr*. Matt), w+rm a>uitsiiiiij. unla>i*w-J r«- ssn bad been helped Into an e*«y negligee. folly In jumping to eonelustoea cam* A**»«4 « «« d + trj o«n K«aulrad. by Ilka Hoaxd of cur UM ua*u oa. la ihM caea. Property Raadj VUad Painu. Lead aad Oil* hospital car*. Hun U LASS and grvra brtajrTail out on the porch over her. SDd alowly the leer* gatb- li-*wtUjr nfO**«aUI < 117y. . Krw J«r»Jcr*«ry* . iJaai tb* moliM gannsll/ •paaklog. know with one another to endeavor to improve our service BSD and KS2 Arttutj »«oU«. *.f ib«> f*t-Ktr»T.i' ofrubaaof rufatwa*h ao*_) _aica_ _a .lor iba cur (k. UC*I Oa. overlooking th* broad blue waters of errd and fell down on ber poogaa Mom Kick* A. rtMV ta« ya«T ttUl1. a>«rarJlsJl « tlo talhM ptaoapi, iMrlSteO- Carpenters and Builders Paper Ha* But On* Subscriber. EDITOB rat Hajiii»ax>-Io tba dress. Lesll* wiped them off gravely. • r hlmdJHf.*itba» mootui•*• bitettr* Aiissuscnr Biilined It ba* been the Inflexible custom In oaaoy an lei— wa bar* read lo Iba tb* bay. sb* tried to think of ber next ibcrlty Mnoty otxlcrt-1 noritad atxi lorntd •ul atlibJ **- r-M*rila«ol' tb« tfafflo* tMo My to the public and PROTECTING ourselves and the step. -lUlo slarsys spots It. doeaot Itf* •*->r ior4t% »rr-»"r*T. lb*> ImperUI family of Japan, say* • HajmBtxoo Uw subject of lo* sum* Ibw rvpurt of it* ba-tllb • 4 |t>«»tntwr, IktlD, b» g.artinW-J to •aaUosta adinot to. SEC If It had beta an)thing definite, any be saked gravely. "Any chance foe public from unscrupulous practices detrimental to this writer In East aod West News, to UH BOale, tbere ua* beeo eaeoitooed y In tba turn ot94T7m^T^ and thai lb« p4*a- Ito lh a -wlaatarr Hrsisa. ud a real facts that '» could bring out breskrastl Tve come fur a tittle vaca- a4 pa*r oaBewraajv t>*f«tiy aotitortaa^l to airaula A. IMltbut CL0UTIN8, BUCKLEY AND withhold sll newspapers and mars- iMdsfldi la ib* nodpla. Now w* tion." • (kkalfasft ->i'b lha Ml I JafcODa*. J«M«4>y tof Uk« W.u.tn* laajlhafalroaaMof wbatbaa business. . tloes from IU memuera until they it *!•'"* html BL >ere >i< nothing Pavilion IT &••*«• *•'! ir«o>.«, p*s »nlrd mt O W.IUU.UXM. wsr* glvso lo aod*r*Uod last sooaour «!crpt th* (usplcluu lu her O»Q tnloJ. -Oh. TOO old dear." she cried, help- Bill- •touuntioa* lottn^M) VI w*r* r»*d-vo4, 1040 ASBURV AVCNUC OCEAN CITY. N. J. flODFREf tain their eighteenth year, but Ibtbere * waa oo deficit—that all abov* lessly. ~I wuoder wbst made me do r^l4 oa !•*• I»#o4j-plolh day ol Nuttntvr, >a awrikiD il-tly mavis* a*>d s-wW>oD,ha4 tftt-l o*rf tor s pvrtod or on* Vf*k. • •uila -rrre ocOcraU dr»»• «W ibtMr rt«pa-nir*i C. W. HMl. Oft. Col. Iba *W0O graolad by lha clly waa of cooree, ah* knew b« ha. ni*-*>tot>-r» >7(V"O>viird lor lb«* purpna* of pay- In hie arms. l.t'Uatsd ir o*l#*flo« *ora.aod would regret la Catler on accoant of moury. ruux.r tr» Iktard • I <*>»«lMl«o«r*, urging -b«l Ih* mil **1. aXaiUntt Lb*l la a anVMigtllng U> hooey." he whispered, "ooly next Urn* •O hthd La>-i* ro1!*****! dann*T ttM *Mrt-rel IS THE BIGGEST FACTOR ENCOURAG- Tbla curious aewtpaper was edited *•• I be IOWO fall back froaa Iba suod- Bald, and now abe Mil HIJUW and r»<|iM*» moittlsad la I- * r*'ll**iA» h* trm led. wasllby; ah* bad engaged Lr«li* aa Just keep faith with m*. Remember •uiita U by an offldel of tb» ImperUI bouae- ard It has gradually b**o g«'r"ngi A orr W*r»r K- Tt-d» r»|T'»t •»** lb*> r J _ ba, lo Real Estate her lawyer to settle ihe latnir Tti.t how we ioted the old line. 'A little Mou dtsl •ultfnlllaO. ->ll(| . bC« aliaMTba^l IO •!*•«•* Of bold and prlnled In the Imperial print- tJ7 00. UfOarrd rMWiv-d *\n4 Bird, o«d tbfck " T»— 1 Iba Wlraanaaaiamy of tba ING PEOPLE TO COME TO OCEAN CITY. aod Iba blgo das* of aaoslo w* bav* meant ah* «a* at HL~n> j.. rua.uit faith all uodl*pro\*dr Ul<« ma a gT -s *saa >m»jiwm ; Ing offlce. It was *rt lo apedal typebad for tb* last tawyear s ba* b*eo a l>U t.f IrW i.i'r.plmtriotbrci } ti*t**u• •>**. • •" Brail, Osrtn«iaS •mtriwulnitni to PbUaddpbla In 31 st St. Section of Ocean Glty Something New wltb bim at any Hate, to call Imu lu chance before you take a train, woat f-- M««,l..- Tu** r*port <>t Ib- aiu»ir|.«i |i*o w+t hrt 'd Taar% O»y. min ra aad printed on thick Japanese paper. woodsrful *d**rtl*eo>*ot lor Oosao you dear?" •4 )#»r i*r.tiaDl*u i r > dr-t, ivu •r«* ra»Mi, Wllb •i*-«?k M'taVCbsil I- Iba* •atfl of O WE SPEND MORE MONEY THAN ALL for the benefit of Oct*j City profile Tba reading of It did not require • bar *ld* at any huur. tu tmr* all •tairtl bootV. ajuU. Ordarrd r*««l'«t*d mtut Biad, &aXl la PbitiWphta. Fine Cottages for Sale or I can Rent you most any City. of tb* old Intimacy and hM* Urr Inter- -Sam* ols wslBes aad hooey, chil- MM4 i bd "331 III lu#fk luror.1 t»r»f to lb*>**ilr trataaUirvr. great deal of time, for It was of small dren," ssld Aunt Dloorah. coming Tuta.1 «,a-stt«l rwqutraMix^tala §« ~«i It TboOljr tfm f«(*-r<*d Lb*t • wa>fT»sit—No y. ctrta* raatfaoia of Oeaao Rent Ocean City House Cleaning A VigwroiftTorHoMsorTH*. est la him ander tiie gul»« of their *>-t>> Uw>0>> m«iunngT ixii • >•> i-j mm daittxi Jua-T. lwj»-l »u-d io tban t'-r»- Cottage in our District sts* and on a single sheet. around the corner of tbe veranda olio risbl. b»l i».-t r-»*n «talm*-d. Urd>r«d fl**» aad atbtr aootb Janay petou ao OTHER BUSINESS CONERN8 HERE "Uiauumows." boslaeas rehntocs t •rvlfl.J •uTrtOIOOlLI* flrwltlajro/ t*««rtit a large, tempting breakfast tray. "Ah t»»r. no) IU Mil laav-k I* itW Cl>> Irr-a-a'at*. •>aatim u *Mt tbalr Maoda oo Lots Sold on Terms Company LaaUe bad laughed at Wtulfre.!'* lit- lUritt ri»rk r*t"«#i*»l lb*t « rb«-rk lo lha y Much Convslseetwt sllsrs tole Eph you all would come (»s..r**^l> WAI TaTM U 1'iMHV. tl ••• of att> M ti*>t t* «• n*O- ***d fr.trj lha> Clly 'By. Fakraary tt. tle bint* against It. and had gi>uo uu f ir> miMloDirol Mu'.i. l|>«i A- «-iunl* kulfilor.l'l-f-wro'ln, torm* O Iba' B*lary COMBINED—, EVEN MORE THAN Helen bad the »hooping cough, and la bla atesdy, biularu like «>y. Tli.a back for a serood boneymooo. aod dar lM«i i«J f*-r»l»td •( (J rtla-4 ar>j »|^ravd up-c tor ptr>tta**irt it* m'**t« p-i* IIOQ. Cback w»a cilr Tll*» sad Trmt* Oa. trato wtU lta«a Taalb ao waa not United to her Uttle friend Mlee Bsrlba Moroblowag, or that joa ta. bless you." ljga> mlntjK* iii'fi**! uvrfni ih»r t ir-•*•••«• au B*J B«"k , OkM UMy. at T.Ot a. ai. aod U^lo u b, ii« cliy. »oo graduated I rota ibe Ocean had com* the cujttnioui package for Olj t*uilcltor >'O»«*I< *)t«I«<.I that IftAt UrxJ. Tn- lo*k>«iiM i-*« d Msiloesl B^ Margaref s birthday party, though tbe kua by special ururugrr oo* mornlu*'. Winifred laughed wltb sheer relief, ••.r-l-J*)) b* «••* ti--«»^l II 4t «ltr> Hr »* -r« " . totatlbtaamraat wbarfl THE CITY ITSELF TO ATTRACT PEOPLE 130 Waat Avtaaa list tadoded all the other children In Uy UigbrJebuol last Juo* and wbo hut Leslie wss slrasdy st the wsffle* •I lb«* l«n n^ *>4 w** Real Estate For Sale snd be bad not opetunl It. thottaw-ai on I • f IDIIJUO ••• n r. t« «S>Q H-C- ^a»r» Uk* neighborhood Oo tbe morning of •luce baa beld a position ae geoeral snd the amoks from the Dew Dearth xxS a>n4 TtilrJ aln-l*. a^i D'lur* i at ltM> r»t- if IOOIP r U*H t n t *•«,(>• r « $1*0309 un- JQ.NES. KOQE8S * BA55EIX a* It lay at bis elbow on the bresktaal «D4OO third atr»«l •»' itw r-l*> ../ #4.' M r--T OII * I til* DOM ><* Lb overheard tbe following conteraatlon: h-oi- Tb*o«n r* pcvpi»r>.J iti.i UM. en* N)>O CotUges. Apartments and Bungalows, furnished and unfurnished LLJCIr Kemed. Hba baa been *ueo**d*d by tahls, she bad waited for blni to tail uUMt lt**'» tor tb- p-ircti*«*> i.i gto<>'i«*r im to -Hello." N* Different. 1 Some estate* In my hands must be sold at sacrifice prices. This is the K. Betnenbaeb, of Fort Trstorloo, ber the content*, but he had kept •J4 IkJO tO Ib* «>a»l Ut t* (Mllla; tb- f-*"!*** **- f»l lisa* l time of year to boy Cottages and Lou at this Popular Seaside Resort -Bella, I* this atargsret Rlllrkld's .. a* suoograpber and dark. -Perfect uproar at tbe dub last. • •• m-H oo. dmi m*u> -iwi • c.tvl**!. •t># *\o'-rd trn« <* tba uaontoo. bower sllsoc*. Ooly tt>« unusual sternness In lly sos.rl'oa? •">* ta*l'uri«-i u* bin>ty tbm very Cheap. Apply to bla eyes aad srouml his mouth, and alght. Bangs started the row aad I QiDtn nl It*** prop-rty ••<• Id- ftm%t*r+.+irtty TkJ. mm raltara -Taa.- rwu be got more than be bsrgalaea •S>> nl t*4tiDLht«a A>rDu-. t->.«itv rt H^^rrCfl H rr tt 112^0000 aiattoaaaibaaMra We started it growing—its progress depends th* way he locked the parnrl In the • tMj Tturf MIWU. tbal I It la, |f^ Ji>Uli»^nl •••* Now is th« Time to 1s this yea Margaret r for." llltt UJ«Wd IliaV* OO V-tU-O" 4 llM.ftfHl J ••• tafia*,, ilBrmu Tba qoeauoo of sommar music wa* amfe made her suspicious. Were they a*l««u Ui— UM rial raj of tb** l*iw| lafcrn-lu** ir*« tin)- tliOOOO a.od •*'!'• OI9 JkmburyAlonz Av«nu« o Cotton •Tea. Who Is tblsT* old lote letter*? Or ••» It evro some- Tm not surprised at tbat A raass- tl r Ofinlbiatt *% mj t ir aaay •Ulaaatb* largely upon our never ceasing efforts. n City. IS. J. brougbi up for dlecuesioo at Ibe meet- tl |O«* *> (•••( ol Fay Pomeroy bad dared tu send him to ina*. s. Judge us on the same human basis you want to aren't yoal" i|iii Monday evening, aod (beworrr bar, perbapal Bustoa K*ealag TraaaerkyC IIA UKV A M ' FOR SALE T**.- leagos weol on raoontf aa ta*og Otlpto«*«o*fntuuuirml*ou U>-m W L, be judged yourself -Well. say. Msrgsret- rm aU o»er rtsally. after a week of rstnng*- Asbury Avenne. West Side, bet. Sixth and Seventh Streets Thomas J. Thorn the Whooping cough no«.* BMOt. b* had deoandrd to koow the CLAftgJICB «. aCOU. Two desirable adjacent building lots caoa* of ber manner toward him. aad lo Invlpg bat Md.aMakorjr of our ii**r City Treasurer's Statement Cur FLORIST Mtaau." Winifred had told him—told him avrftwr. KVCM.1, win. wtvo [iimil • mj Not by the little lacks, but by the bigger acts. 30x100 Origin ** 'Tenderloin.* uery a. ISA —or— . . Will be sold cheap to clc*e an ntate. Apply to any responsible 1128 Bay Avcaua Tb* name "lenderioln* was orlgt- A ouaber of in* tocal anaiom of •sgsrly. looging for his quick aasar- >l Real Ettatc Broker. Oc«ao City New Jer»ay Dally spplkd In New York on hs» Plaal ••«••• aad Winifred needed ooly th* tele- Mw*#i*Mi&o4icbi- "111 &l«aj. IIDrrr exander Wllilama, who wa* placed lo Hail la Allaaue Cny, laal ***nlng. A ruaxl Ih. «™< . 1W. U» » laid- ikJun. smaM <*. ua "*" -tlMt I coousand of the preetaet Beptcmber phone meeasge that cam* for htm later Nu tmm IMV b»w mu.l» we Bla bff. to believe all she feared- The maid 50. 18T0. Wbea be took charge be io unit y:a.ltotbar. The Joseph I. Scull Agency was asked how be Uked* tba change. brought it to hrr. Mra. fooieror waa Vraak Oowaay, wbo, wllb bl* wlfa, Ur. aoa- IKS (win( T. Cortem "Great" was to* response. T 01 and most era Mr. Forbes at once baa lited hue a law year*, ba* beeo ahost the old trouble. Wlnlfr d bad coma from a rump district (an east mad* ss«in.ut aaaoagar of toa Hsrrte- •4V- iL AVI. OCKAN CITV. IM. side district) to the tenderloin,* aad given the messag* ta him bencif otsr t«4 II « OCEAN CITY, N. J. buig bnacb o» la* Uloa* Co.. byta* oflc* wire, and had walftd. Laa- Uoderiola It baa remained erer atnc*. wblc* corpurattOB b« la saspoyed. BUtadrrlor IIJtBW Tae acwsiwpera of other dtlea sooa tt**S ton* was clear.aod concise. 10 00 Ocean City Real Estate Board 1 woal be home far dinner, dear, a* 1 to* ai MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE feUewed tbe -sample of Ibe New Tort lz.^ai •* Ho watUac fbr t«o «aaka to KDOW if you out (M It; >• ao fieslgn«ttng almilar dl» feasibly aot until eUdalgbL" MUU> ao BATNIN8 SAFE AND UNSWASSO ^ 22?- ?&??'>£*•*•** VvttoalvtovHtim Chatoa O far nticta of their owa cm**. Paat CbaaosUora' aigbl wUI b* oa- •ba bad left oa th* evening tral . lou tor for *ar*ad out Moaday etsnlog by Ocean wliboot a word for htm. with all of the CauraM «o.**l •»«-»- ) U0 CLAYTON HAINES BRICK MASSEY & EDWARDS CUy lAdga, No. OB. K- of f. Bsnaaoolng. heart-breaking misery > «o FINEH BEACH ON Tiff C8AST Ta* Jaxa •asrH. aad letHiinm posslMe, sad now ) m J. M. CHESTER & CO., W*v«rl--O«rt7 Olddlgad la eraxv uue > oo JAMES M. CHESTER th* psaca of WblU Calmoey»»enfold>d s oe JOSEPH L. PEACOCK OC*AM Cnv, N. J. *v*r Jaxs music her. to* fsll asleep In tb* porch ham- ns l < ua Til THE HOME OF THF rAMILf MAN aUneUa-lDdead. mock, bsr* amber silk negligee cast TU RALPH L. CHESTER HARRY F. STANTON T*a, I Uarowl tbat wkea I Nsat Wednesday wUI e* Aaa W«d aside for a Uttla sport salt of poagw. alpu • CLL PHONK her oa a algkfse'Bg trip tkroogh tha naaday. tb* h*ginntng of laa I-*TTITTT bar balr rumpled like a tired louag- EWING T. CORSON CLARENCE S. SCULL O attract yoor attentioo n'v< blggaat botldr *hoy la town tbo other uuttu trooad her face. day.* It waa her* that Lcstl* found her. WairsjatlCOs SPACIOUS BOARDWALK. GREAT FISHING. Child's Service Laundry got to keap oo talking iboat WUltoa* H. Uoghas, of tbi* cay, WALTER R. CHATTIN B. FRANK SMITH -1 doot get the connacfloo' has r**aro*d froaa a waaa'* *Mt toWorn from a sleepless night be caiue of WILD WOOD, N.J. I our plombing attention. We -Aa ao<» *s we *at*nd th* door ap la* POTS atepa slowly and stood Sentinel 123 OCEAN AND BAY. THE DELIGHT OF naoda to Pblladalphla aad Haddon. most keep on advertising the {act aad Oertv beard th* tarrtBc din sb* **er ber. hand* dasped behind him. FRANK E. DARBY R. HOWARD THORN ROUGH DRY FLAT WORK grsbosd t»j sra aad aald. •O**- i»f» BWd. his gray eyes fall of learning aud re- ! PUBLISHED ON that the supplies we aell are of a YACHTSMAN. NUMEROUS TRAINS AOCMCY * *—Touoicstowa Kdward CaaUgaa. of lha Brat of lief. Bebtad him ambled old K*vb, bl* | THURSDAY OF HARRY A. HAYES J. WILLIAM HORRISON snperior make and that our pricea Conoa AOraataa Ue-. Waahtogtoa garden bat held between -hla bands FROM PHILADELPHIA ON THREE RAILWAY TONY ADELEZZIO O. C..*aaHad K. A. Oo«seo.of this CUy, aaiteasly. sad Aunt Dinah shouted st are absolutely juxt and (air. Wa llaai* Tsl*»hsas useful >t» tadlgnaally from the back of the EACH WEEK CLINTON L. JOHNSON •OS ASBURV AVC. OCCAN CITV. N. J. can make yon believe it if roo give Tb* *xtraordlnary ralae of wtrelees Xooday. J. J. FOSTER htlaa DaaHi aad Mba Uraaar, of rsllas sad ua> Owisss Fbone 409-11 as an order. (alepboay for dlrwtlooal porp°— U Alat got ao seas*, oevah did hat*, Lean •ddna* U Local Agtocj mut^* with aircraft baa been ea- PWladalpbla, ha-a rataroad boanaf- aavab 'apwt yo* will bav*. oi* man. /IRS. C. L. LAKE paailr—f receatly ta Ira rrladoa la ler a ptaatanl *katt W Him alsry Paa. Wtthln easy aeottM of Attantl* algal flytsg, aaya tba tVlcnUne iiaer Deal yo' know day** makla' apr MUSIUMr.Af.OT ofthaiasty. Maw) Daaur M> a paukM Bat WtalfraoTa eyas tald no welcome RATES rURNlaHBD Uma. It often »^rr-~- of coors*. tbat of BBnanalU1U asd kllss Oniaattaa oth«r w«ll*knewii i R H. JOHNSON PLUMBING COMPANY k» aayttgbt torn rr—anlrtflnn be- wkeaahe wakaaad aad aat ap to Bod OM AFPUCATIOM tweea pUaas, or betwwaa wtreJaaa *ov srasiag veoalMs, They •attaud abBtkara. aMJeetty, aaforglTtngly. aba It aow la tk Ntw OUtem ' ' Oon* and aircraft, la aaaeosaaary. bat tba aBlattataianl glvwa by iba Wo- Bataaad to kla aTpHaattaw of bow ba km trtag aerosa eoaatry at algat tka a*a% MJBateaarj Hoatttyaf U bad asa-st bar. U aU ***a**d ae stm- 817 ASBURY AVENUE Tiraa A4-*nlaWfa*mt aaaag tk* wirctaaa tssrpaoaa win uyiartf Charth. iV bad o»t •tea aakaa. aaa fctaa* wtt W awJUrr < $ -.'. • . > , •,.. , ; . .." %

••<*-••.:•,;.r;:.r.';V;:;v aMtef.-.tt*j>;si.a.^—•'•^n:.iiH»|-J--/lIV\-..>'.V-V.>. <•!...--••'..••-..:'.

***»»•? REyou!ushtg'Edison Mazda Lamps? If fmftMcKtOlt.local raanlaat* ,,'L,., wiftaa L WarthstaMr In flystsm, not, why not? They give three times VaabAUbagladto ATTPPS CHURCH * l RUN NEWSPAPER HERE SERVICE BOYSI OOSAMOtTy.W.J. ., H"* amaaataaaf rinwim. Mr. WartMi of in «&--• MHM baa • tarn » WwJlawrt of a eoocarn.wolcb op* as much light as the old style Carbon lamps anHf end oar raadan. Member* Hew sMfOSg ••* em. ~rTiaiinriBJb-.il' Cbambcr of Commerce Mem* Mtsabera of County XrCgloa for the samexurrent consumption. faera Bear Seport From Mr.' Poat Will Meet Here panted wltb tba tali oama'aod bar, Mr. Yard. Y00M6 BAPTISTS ZJZ&ir', JS*. Inmof tba wmar. oot n itt» Tbamambaraof tba MamoM Lodga yr *,of ikKJMar«aM< * ADAJiS pabtteattoo. bat a. a (turaataaor Of Oeaao CitCity stt*od«.tt*od«d ibiba* MatbodlsMatbodMt SILK MERCERIZED WOOL a 2aas B . OCEAN CITY ELECTRIC SERVICE , IN OHIQOB WORK Srr: . ^ Re-Main*? Ooal Cbjfob Monday Taping. That* waa MEN. WOMBNand CHILDREN •oal oa It* mar of Attantla City Electrio Company I a-floa raprmaotaUoo prmal, tba i— •unoUM. Bailor DOX8 «# . «M»—, an iWnhn nlsM.' I •°»*< •"<• •••• • aabsttnilal, 8am. d«- food dsall A8BURYAVE. BOILEAU'3 - CITY OV OOKAN CITY. » J. " Varw.TW.arrm BprlDg la oa lia way. • •Matm.nr.h. K ""J""01* Mlb» "•!>•«•-Ooooty at theeoonty rally ••••">- »'«baeliamb.rTiiaadaya»an. hara UUa awwng. •—- — |-4o|Haltaca*toajMrsaDdotb*r'boawl i- apaadlo'!*.•... ._-~- ' -WhU. ba I. walttnf for in. be doa.1 . fyitnct "Na. 715 MILLBK aat limply alt ouurtda ta tba macblaa I •' - ^ __ Tba aommlttea of ibe local pott baa H. J. Brownloe - ' IffcfVtd lOtVfWt lO Hal §OO0Vw4. I Ba wandsra aroood tb* atorav looUnt I r looaunomr saAatalpfcfo« Ml bam Monday! —• - MARRY V. ADAMS I pleasant for Iba vMtor*. j MAULING AND MOVING 1 —• -*—*— ion TotMlay andl I.OCAt> AND bOMQ OiaTMMOB SIMMS' HOUSE PAINTING td that cf Philadelphia and Ocean City ., tbaaabaloi Gxprea* RESTAURANT and DELICATESSEN P THEBISCA wm*Umm*i, and lodl.ld. looob»MSo'«loeli..od. aft.r. wT.' *|XJMaUi Mf*t«, Oaaaui wMv. N. J. 622 Boardwalk * ««*"• •• "•»•." «« aft.M»a aroood Iba Ublt. a .puiiad " ** " *****•'«^a. oitad8lal»| THIS CITV WBALTHT mt . Keep oat cold; stop dnagbts; atop l»« *i' "* ••••••••••*«•••»*• daoda bara baan paid fagulatly. yaai The Hamphreo RadJantfire s M»,jpaiOtf*a.«fAI!«ailaCICy.vM!ad aflarytar. Oar eoaloaMn aod OUM* Urta, th*r* a. . ,«,„, „„„,- -k, • "*"* a:«f»ilblll Md featKy tank. taMdaau aaay oow HOI. MCH ao ID- Oaorg. UcDanlal of Metro. Cal, r* CITY or «A IKLIC CITY m j wave* which warm yon instaritly—*9rct ao magical you can'hahnjr ~" >«,„„ and , we. notb «*. g^ »* »* beliere it. * popolalloo of 19» aod --m.T *»»«w». mtaMot aod oa vary raaaooablataraM Uoooflb..«D.yM,. ^^ Tbama»ilo«,.r.op.o ,0 .11 ,OOO, i,.b|. «,„ CM you •» ««P» »«•» Co«« HoaM a»dl llu> Dsgro-a brattr*. mUb r aioaiua. ba» baao, wbo no fbnMa Tba Bean* of Ailaolie • liy f»llo aaoowLodg.ha.batoil.loB oa,p.Ub^ tb. o «bad^»aof«ipai.-oo and da.rtop. ^J^",^^ "J >°* °° ""«- Jj* •««"»' *•*«;. wrnte, to mi mla. w », n-, n,,| « 10O t iti ar»ib«r—who. hy ih» w«y. i« oo« Maccar Trucks City Garage Lawrence n. Uar VCHICLCS GRID BATTCR.I. booMloa Oerv, Clt, ^ ^ WoodoIn.. l4I lto- to |*fMra> Wnila ib« aaaxw Owwa CMy. N. J. John ti. Ci«lfla» » I-. •Mt-«w^l ?~^' -« «-i-»» PMor SmVKNTH AND HAVMN AVM. ' • Tb.ncara.for Vsuioor«-||y|t CKNTRaCOAajAot oo«» err. araar jmmmr EXHIBITOR for the » • *all aaaoacad alattrlel MOTOR SHOP •ao TO aoa UIUN* «VC. a tarraory WIIOWOOO. N. J. • ataatkU inniaia. b• oaoo>M aflord lo Bod*-*w*jy a. u SMITH ' a. a. cAMnsu. pas* MfbUy o»*r i — w.i. pnpraaiewsr. ba la tbloklof of at/a b* baa a treat faror to ask." • • • Jtm MAD8 COMMI88IONBH An inspection of onr stock solicited before making Smith A Qunpbdl Wild wood. portocilly to Mllb p*r Iflbabltaol i. lhc ,„„,,, aab>ct of moral nttUod*. ""« "« cl»PUln raiua and bad HAD JOXXT TIMS owa Ka klt>crBdii. pro« *poB<1rni J- T» » •« . « t . HOUSE AND SIGN —*»M mvavaw laatoflalus) pl«rr». and uhlrh tl>« rorrMpoodral J^^r^^ir Automobile Bodies Rebnflt and Repaired PAINTERS lb.|tbat lb. •„. „„,„ ^ M*. oo „, . - - J rt CmJCmmai Ta.tl m Ola. Aa^mblymao ju» Kraukllo. of J. W. KIRlCBRlOB auAabaryAva. OcmmCttr.BI.J •?*"" » -*»» ^yaaamUyaaeao tm Pblladaipbla. oo. of ib. b*>t . aoat of| laatavaatatafanaa^Oovaator of groatt waallbwmlib.. «m IB UM >hai>« of a prai and oda—or tba >i|M paid fb» «t»» of oe*. ts4 wu mad* of Ulrm CAMPBELL S GARAGE of Iba Jommt r*.W.al. of tbi. <** TurnpMia oaar Skora Rotvl PLHASANTVUCLB. N. J Ham. Tmwa> , ainni/ «ai|Jiijii1 n» aaallad 10 bald- It op*o*d In th# cntrr. tb* far* bn C M. CAUPBEIX, Prop. ta appololad by Hpsaksr tlpao- Pbaw«vJI»*»J anaflbkptakntdatock aaacy llua* taf toiba lowtr •Wthm.-wiill* ib» top af Mra awalba, aactlaa m oruiavolxl «1ib pait Twelfth Street and Aabury Avcnne J. R WASHINGTON OCEAN-CITY, N. I. ^Trnj.wr-n. "" I««tl-«# "dot* tM fMMlo MBoof |b«| H«v I f-il«dt What th« b—«r» yoo Th#ft wrf# p,BDn ^^ by £(!„. Mr j?rMkJio,aibota-»ooorivCI*|l 630 Haven Am paaaaaM a aaoat laiataatlai baoklal ooUlataf;aalt»aa»planloqole*ly«aM •bit bltanw tasto* oo tb* part of Uw Trtaad of tb* Paoplr." That la. at %THE UNIVERSAL CAal any propaalUaa a«4 p*o»» a-balbtr It 1 USHES i but, tba bay from I»»l ! asy rat*, how It cmkM rEcUIr * cor- •lllo«ioalopblatbou«bi.ba rllnb. ^.^ Itdrlpbla. also a Mmsorf n%ld*Dt of I la a lyaaatallou ot ao lataataaatit. rxpoodsat.—CluialUo 8drm Moni- Mill bicbar—ba » m*lioc lo tb*l Xl " • Wa waeld Ma to bara a espy 10 tba Oo ttol1 D od I Ibl* rraert. Tba oammlaaloo baa to do I tor. HE Ford Sedan—a mighty comfortable car ~'«bty prloclpiaa of rn*od.hlD I 12 ^ * »"b»r*.*od I thought a flo* Urn*. Tb Wlrag Your Hou— baada of taea oa* of oor coatoajtw NOTICC lp I wub lbs work of rduotlloa Iba aol-1 Theo. F. Hildreth, | for erny day of the year. Has most en •ILL affoN(1a or.ii.. T~. KV7^..._ ..™^? -1 Td aak you U jwTd bat. ibrm com. TOOM or aod etbat raatrtinla Tboogb a ptr oasa or iba wan of Ibla PHONB Mow I7T.W KlUKsmi's Oafl. joyable refinement* combined wftb all -1 BMOty to lovtat 4 ktttd Mb Hpalo and Unrnaoy. . Electrical ^ Lsrd Kltrbroar'* tmtarilr doc which daoabitfofA D Hcull. of tbt. eily I Mart*}ai OOCTBOC^ " ""«brw. 411 ASBURV AVENUE ba U the utility ofthetonrinK car. Finely apbolatefed b b* Irft ta Ib* hand, of Admiral final fcrfa* tb* boow at «4M«taa Wbae. to a mlaul^tha baod w wbmba win pot btfor* raabartUf oo Ibr rniUv Han>|>- —most-honmou&ly— with plate glasa ajiding. Sutton &u Corson Co. A. Kfoac lo r.aadro. Jai.ti.ry 10. fr OCEAN CITY NEW JERSEY Contractor :«--reRV--*-A.1V.M- windows, it in cool in hot weather whUe.dry aod aodtbaaoawariaplaio—from Ood aod I nwktr>oa. Frau-| ' AoiUiaryof ibaOeaao JwANwag ^WAwml ml JVpMawalwy jood AostralUn. Admiral Oranf. a bo | warm in (all and winter. It is the regular General Contraote ~ ^*\ sppolotrd nnrt oaral m*m I *>oaJat wuiba loraloablo. Wei simple-to-handla and aver-enduring Ford cbaaais Odcat ton CaXfal A%wmw» ] ABBOTTS* OCEAN CITY. N. J. . ,"•• J»ilh a bonton body—Ibe family car that not 0000. rabraary 7. 11» Jaouary card ORAOINO AND STRCCT BUILOINC oaar PHmao: Tba brida ,,,. Bavao aod Harrtot Rlatoy. only please* with its comfort bat saves mottey in lo •iUow—drad. party «u »»ry wall aiuodad. aboat K>w fint'eoot and after operation. Let us give NIMTM ST. a«a«OO aiMP ployad lot Pitman ator* aod tbaroP*™ "•' W» brtof ptwtoL Aaumbsfofibs OUR NEW Save on yoar cpal UQa. Kaap tka ";". OCCAM C4TT. N. J. Mr. Halo oar BM« b*r. L I > ll 1 Hmtmb*r *•? °« «"«odad ib™ you a demonstration and the price is only $795 |bJ8,\foi ^^^ ." ' *|0LD HOUSE TO BE MUSEUm Mtieeu LI.il CredlUn. cold oat aad tba beat fa. _:[ (. o. b. Detroit. Equip tboae drafty, tattliBt doora . i «-«* f^ * SeVenth StM TbaBt Bm.Paal Xatlba*.. Blabop and windowa with AIX MSTAL ; «* Wet Ave. turu** IdaMMad Wltli larly Din I»O.OI Electric Sustem Baker a»tk«r.aV D- CStV,oa taw I _a -» • - . . ..^ « Weather atrippinf. A*kabout It. *' Ocean City. N. J. of tba Epboopal Dtuoav of Naw iMal rlaaahar w/« af aMrwara CallfaralaCallfarala. Janay. will «u« Holy Trlauy Cboreb rmt*m* ' ? i* bcfmby C1«a« -•» Uaa I Installed by ? Pleasantville Motor Co. E. A. CORSON. bar*Tborad.ya«aalo« April 11 Tba Word «u raealTad ba A BOTta»«>t Is on at Rlrenid*. Cal, Makes Better Bread, Cakes and Pastry Abbott's "A"Milk -oie^lnlb..boreb -.11....to a. 7 « Ibad^bof tbarto H^ Camborn ft CarwrtbMi . .''• GENERAL CONTRACTOR 1 Cream Buttermilk I PLEASANTVIIXE. N. J. CUr THE HIGH COST OF LIVING ^•^rssi 1 »UI o^L Al»«r. Ultt. XI Aifj Ara. OsawaCsty.N.J. Don'c let tba •prlng fiad yoo with rinan si«...«.••• «*. nUbt. Bribt's diasaw waa tba Ota*. «ra Calif orala. Tb* plan la b»la» fos- nva.lM. Kf.au M. "'"lulISLrn. leaky tool. Tbunilrr 737 Aabury Avenue Local arrmto bad a ~fcad." pro- ofdr^b. tand by tba local cbaptrr of tb* - Eat More JSread. Phooa 11 CEAN C *ldad by tb. UdM.' Aoill..rl«. Krt- D*m*d wa* lo Iba plo.Ws. bo. °?£*ZJL?' B~atalioa andlht U All Wlam it JUy CaiCCf. Rn ° TY NEW JERSEY day a»rnio«. Tbs l^llss »r«d a loss-b*r* lot a oumbar of ysara. tod ^ITaiirlSL'tart to b« und rt.kre gja guided Witfeoit Dnpt of Commara.,1 •..•«_«»-i«i_aiii_ai i«n naa_ Muteux _ ._ —J otbar otaol-1 ROADS. SEWERS, BRIDGES. BULKHEADS, spteodld Mpp>r. ••-* J— «~Mt a plao* of bosioor. oo „ ^ ,^,4^^ ^ „,„ llul,Woar «o». u *«*,„.« u« „ » u- lu—. It is the most Nutritious Food. ' aartsaiat. — BMblbMroa«.baarOo*ao.»aoos. bom* ao aduo* atrecture. whlrb was '" Tin roof a mrm firvMxrW Nattaaal H* bMl ban lo ill baahb sbooi , , of i^n: abjbt lo ah caai tba quart too of batl*f| AU klod of B^TJSuimlc rrn.1,. bmsi bf laaum uboe hwMJMrler a**mamtm.m tb** raaart, •low and baatcr pipn. UU aad tia( rooflac ta ran » :">>i lb L T> r order at tfaa Stan ibaOmaaCMy I out. Into . (raat national memorial "£"V° " ^"".ylraala RoapiuL I aart, SpanUb r«id«^ .oTrhe"boto. .i«~L «^^i7r'^r1=Lr »;"'- »»<^ WM. F. VALET earrsdword.ls •ark to wrr, .. a moaammt to tb* «*•«•••• a -If*, woo «M,nn.» w»a a «xl.l c«uer for tb* totertoJ «-^^^SiS^KSS^SSJ.IS* Alaa.o W uiuita. t SMITH'S * ' ^ " ..Tboas biblad *»^ •» bis offlea work. | aaeUon. Msoy of tb. DO..W» «rou J^c^TS^i^J^iSL^^i itLAITM ct»T. •. J. 713-1nd-155 Asburg Ave. Ocean Citg. N. JJ.. ***** <**** on. Tho Tinsmith aksr.VMtUa.rMH.Doar. fwwkapraaanocv. J Smith & Ray 'AT 1 -- -—* •-- 1113 Aabury Ave. Wpt«mm<1t-,ll»w> (MOP-* Of tba worlrld etileaUt. drtttaatlodrUUatlooa waa ym O«««d. woo ^aaa owaiUr of lb. S^bUaw^ ^^ « ^ih*$m%*mHnn to • cam- -foaJ^s tiwoom fraUroHy. raa»» lo tbl. diy Afu, U^. mork of mlondoo la £ . Real Estate •"i • • aat axdoahraty U aay attta ttom lttm llclo|,, „/ Woodbury. computed. tb« buUdlag wiU a*r»a aa ** I UwasBtamdtbata B*ao ba* baao or paopla, bat an aa atrtta» —m~, * . "*^T™ , ' ' ,,"Zr nnmn tor Ob»twl|aallmadhytb.mwipa«iy la Amateur Photographers* Search Oompany 1 far tba raeraera mtad abold — PLAN BIO BV8NT th« boaatac of many nUa of iba asrly Jou»i anuto Contest * - - - I wa.ii.-'-^TmLi " »rp»wl la farar of aatabllabiaa tha T ***>• cia>*t>a Bauaa« will •>• — - ' or BSAOTT m warfc^al Badwood park U that Ita aa- Aaxti •*. kHailmmai Air Baaa. Do joa owo a C>am> 1/ ao, wby tet It ba tdk/ Oat It aat of lbs clout. b*<« it kwlcd witb ftloM. aad —• • - • • "UDOJ- MIGHT" UhUabmaajt »»uid at aoea caaaotsttsta Tbaooa aodaJ mid-.toUr fooctloo -- -* far-r»rbln« procran of a.Utloo tarroaodmra, lor J sat lbs "clicfc-chcfc , . * T-* ^y^***^ eoaaOK«tw tbal an ran. aa maoy aa toy llu • uopby (or tbs vi«w or objret ufc*a- ffldiN- Tttk m Trot CL 10 eoaaOK«tw tbal an ran. aa maoy aa toy allur • WASHINGTON'S y°w own Uata. a>*«a«aa lo Iba Ba»a«aa«

AVD nUVATB MBMQEXaXJL OC1UI< TropbyfjaoalaOold. Ssooad Trophy &» ia -?!.^ rnr«.^m. Cb«a-T pu, ,. .b. war. «"* #.-r\»tb* x*J*orwum AMP TAWT> m • '•""ll Follawmg l*a Miaci of r«a4ty W»t» raatararJoo af tba tadaatry eo ""* «P •'— ' tba f*lM Baptist Cbaaab, a paarattia. buta cottoa < Ttaarra woo* Oatr oai irirm nophy. l^ae ia Oola^mmmt Tsuusi lurm. •"^n^^a?.^'- *-"-*-!-- ,._ w i*a Bi- M. M. Laab\ aaa* abaad af Uato la tba 1 akra ot tba ramo eampaaa Immaraad tan. af tba Baaday wbo« ••• Taa aUsaadaa of ib. raraat eaa aTUITlC ^ —May a. JS A. M. *—/fif« niMd —~'tm TI miaalmiaa. • orhnlira. -rlur tn4 amti i ftttuuiu *** •"«•'*• PoaltlOB aa allARIIb H>C CfimVlHT - * M i» to tottttl. daajar sf loata* w mMb-,'aadar«aoraptclal kMtnaliaa TTfTJTZ* ?¥?:_ \ !?^.!*^Jf OCALMIB) - ItUHUI Maaanoa , 7 .•.t«' Ooma City (lotb atnet) j ChaaKaK CHARLES SACK M*rm»J ** rm*inn da. " Qentral C—^— *t* tbrm atatora, ^^ Kmwa. bahra tod Vtraa ttmaa. Tark baraar Tba iimlii irfW aaaabtara af Vmtt £ HmkJb aad O.J. HAMMEtLCO. aatryyajAaa4wtra*>aMmtmwaa wkw.aftbk.wXy. for »•---;— tesjebwabtba may V. boat m. iba.aaawar:-Torn-traa baar- I Tba Biiiajiay was ntj bw»tlrall»abbwl « rtma ta tba fan m 8«v«nth 8L aiKTHa. t. Apaf. i,^)^l!OT,,,:,.,4™,<:,A,i^^!*^^,W''^jB




#6000 of Till. Beqnlftd to CURTIS ROBINSON FLEISHERS Another Meeting ot YARNS dents and Cottagers to be Cover Deficit of Tear In Ml Weigbta and "»r BOSWHLL'S BILL liSOlIC CBAPTEI Color In toe Rainbow" Held Wednesday MIght . How doatng. Pit **ar. It l> plaooad to ba«a a saesiioa la Tkw Board of Cdaostioo, M Ms rag- Atlantic City Electric Company alar saaetiag Towday e»aotog. dw> ATTBID8 CflDiCH BOM Ton Corsets la* I'Hy Uoaiaiaaloaata' Cbemben PISSES SBNATB bar* Wedoeeday arming lo fanber okSad lost ViaaOO will bs lbs tsoal •attmi 1 •fwooaa I be qua* loo of raaproved aa* saaoaol reqalrsd foe tb* two •ekooa Boys Suits doriog ib* >«bool year IStl-tt la 1 mtw for Oeaao City. It a probable Cape May-lewea Hlsbway DR. W. P. HA1NES Girls Drtsses addlttoo. BSOOO will b* reqalisa M Dr.aaydar fa PlMb'UiUm Announces COR. NINTH AMD WSakS* AVI last at Ibla aiming lb* answer of tb* Mcaaore How Awaits Oov> •atersaiad eJltaroa aod eoilagera will tea daflcll of Ib* etoateg yasii OCC«M crrv. m. 4. beglveatotbepropoeliloo of Ib* of- eraor Bdward'a Slfaatore Tba aaoooal spproptaUd Hoe Iba aKraftbaa*.! The Ladies* yaar naw eloalog waa SvMS*, aad ta* ef tka dear* of lb* city Ow LJgttf i Aaw»lys»an Boawall, of tbla etty, praaaot yaar waa organ wwka Home Journal as to wbat aay bs doo* ta lbs sswttar taearvtoar iiaaartarl eoDfratolatloaa offsioa it.-- Its First Offering: of parebaalog bood* of tb* gas eoo> 1 bannc >>la bill to eooo«et tlM Naw Patterns pan* la order Ibat eooaey any be eap Jmayaad JMawara 8(ala bl«hway Tka flgon* will be pnaeolsd thja weak w Ik* board of aebool sataakta. aold bars'ar*Oaannt**d, are plkd for ib* nqoirod laproTaoaacH by anaos of hiijboaoa ba- Dr. J. Tborolej Uacbaa, vie* peest oftbeedtSes. by tba I OK. FLORENCE a HAKES CtFnll. at»eatytan*r. ami addnJoks to low prsaaot equip* potot oaar Cap* May Ctty Tba abotf aaog atvaral a»*a«aaVMwat j ' is Craat Variety. aad Lawaa paaasd by tba Raw Jaraty d sal. eslled ib* aebool board aaallng ' H**ra >y AJiuUlwwrt Weaver's lo order in lb*»b»*DCa)of D«. Hrraefttl dt>l MlDS bold bat* Wsdoas- Tba bill waa pwaad at tba OCMAJI OlTT. M. •»• PMIII. wboarrtrad aUtUalatar. Mra. Tba pastar. tba Be*. Or. Cumulative Preferred Stock laj •*mlog of t—t walk, ibsra w*r« >o Monday olibt It bad ^f^i^^ 00 **Oad^s Saaasr la l Mayor Cbanptoo and CMyprtvtooaJy baao paaaad by Iba a«aaa- R U. Oofl and Mra. A. Bakdolpb Fogg *>*ra praami early. W. Wl.a las seaiss of ha aarasaa. Di tooar WUItaa H. Casspb^Myl . ao tbat It la now up lo (Jovaraor der oslisd attaatloa to tka wsy ta nd rapraMouilM* of lb« Ostaa Ctty Atwarda, Adama, a uew old a»*a>b*r of I b a Further Serving the People of Its Territory By Ex- Allu COIIM, I 0. board, was not prsteet baesaai of 1U>wbak Pad ssaakt tb* ei bamlxr of Uo—utoa. lb* Oeama It waa paaaad by Iba LeajMlature rasaa.aadbaer. afiaras«awkl •r* •jSPRDfG AHD SUMMER SAMPLES |- Baal E«als Board and It* Pro- oaaa. N«w Jwt-awy laat year, but Iba «o»aroor vatoad tba To* loul aarollaMot of papUa tot rreasOoday ato. OodatU 3m tending the Opportunity to Invest. Safely in a »a L«|M. aaTJp^akfarJJt J" . .. j^^j . Ooaan City Mara . Baltar raaalU are loofead iba osooib. Prof. 0Mv*aa raportad. aUowaklp. «. 1 OCEAN crrv. NEW JEMEV TbaCKyUaa UtM Uoaspaay waatngtoo. Uattlaaotaaod olbar eNlaa of Known In the History Dr. U of baa gs*s lb* board a ebaek oMpto A. May«r. Iba aostb. I kbMtas. Latoaraaob owtaftarevr TMSo»a. L.V. BltebM. Ibalioa. for f IS from Ooaso City Cbaslaoqoa of Tailoring Trade for eomot a»p«oaa» at Iba atbool fy Uadsatra toe oar wHowablp, las A Urn selection of bat qtuJity fabricsfor fine Custo m Tailoring >e steeling, wbleb waa ealted la MOHB OFFICBBB bulldiog dortog lb* tkrawday asatoa •re offered at rock bottom prices. This is yoor opportunity to bar of ib* ebaoiaoqas. speaker argad. l ofllcala of Iba ooapaoy aad Tbarooaldaatby Mas Oonoa saaj • maoVio-mcasmIUBU«-IVIUC»WUVc salt—., , wit-."h- BxtBi n Trousers 01 Same Material, urn in* eorporaUoo'a appaiwMly H*ary W. Towoaod, Ib* aasnury. Hsad Tailorad in the latest sty!*., from most reliable fabrics, guar- wu loatradad lo wrM* Or. T. D. BWO- Mrs. Aagwatoa Botaa waa appneWad perplealog aUoeJtoo. waa praakfed by iba aongngatlaa, aa waa Ike solo $5 •JOHN H. WUITICAB, M. D. anteed 100 per cent Pure Wool, at a Great Bargain. o**rby I'layiooUalowa Brick, wlta aar, diraotor of Ib* tttaja'a loaawr Ometala of Iba Firat Pmbywrlao by MmBoka. TIT WKklSV AVSNUg WU lasa Morrkoe aa •eeteury. •etraol*. oflWrlog Ib* Oeaaa CMy Wat* Or. Ooartb SM« la laa aaaambly ball or Mr Majer aaJd ibal Ibeyancoo Honon Hebool iba o>* of Ib* aeaool IS ENOUGH TO START crrv. N. J. . M. DENAN ° tbaeborcb Tuawlay a*«olDt,»od M«aa SOdAJ/* floated by a bar probJ**B. Tbsy bate balldiair* oast au dastoad to Ineraaaa Iba oambtr of tma E. WlLSOk Y. V.USISTUM 4UMJNJI i giving k do •* atody tat Ur» Tailor and Cleaner fraas oloa lo Bru«a aod iba oom- •aey riaaiaal weeka, aad bad oaJI* la esptrt *a- acrofaMara frosa roar lo us. tWvaral BUYS TWO 1VOT8 ertag akUl Tber* *rUI bs rvaaired Pbtladalpbiaoa will ba assoof lbe> o«w 809 Central AVROIK eoa*idaT»kiaaoUrg*a»aot oflbaplaol Oo*af Ikaktg aeaal moH ef tba oOctala. Cash or Partial Payments aod eiieoetoa ofaervlo*. wab pertlsa will ba tk* -Paaay aosai" is be a*u Pboo*. us. Ur raNtnoe* lo Ib* noctb aactto* of TbaaM«ln(forlbea4aetloo will ba baWte Ib* t*uw> Piaabylaran UBBHB Jobo U Browo, a asaaafaotarar of Free Booklet U In* etiy oaar tba oeraa froot. haM iba lartar part of Mareb. oo Toaaday a»*nlog ON PARTIAL PAYMENTS you may.buy Mil rtockioo la Pbllaowlpbla aad a Tb* varlooa iu a a less ba** Dividends ON CASH BASIS jou may buy as Torre ta daaaodad from Ih* local ^labofsia plaoa ara batof ouda for •omasa* natdaoiof ihu ctty. baa par Phone, or send in the plaBned ssaoy aovattas and aasas- Which is More >l>ol Iba craaiaat aasoaoi of *••»'<• ibaaaaaarr aaorto cbsatd I wo Iota owoad by Jobo Malta any number of shang op to 25, payjng $5 per >ia foe all wbo will auaod. Tsar* lb* •bortaM UOM of aay plaoa to Ib* oolbv aooib "Ida of Tnird «ra*t, *9 Diridend Cheeks are many shares of preferred stock as coupon below, for a free trt «nl of t'oriolhtao **toa*. Tk* wUI to acnatooabarof aastkssaa share down and $5 par ihare each month OR. DAVID M. SAXE Sensible ? r>a>a ssamaal aw pileapatd wao|U08 Tb* aaw wa* Ttte company baaaoalysad Ib* Iowa ntwatarlUag aurarass mailed to Stockholders you desire, or as we may have to copy of our 8-page book, Tba aarvleaa at Holy Trtnttr Rptaeo- aada by B P Uo«a nntiJ the parch*** price of $90 per share it VETEaiNAJor»u«ta»o« Which is mor* sensible—to spend all as you go, or to to —eUpna oo |u Tba work of eop- Tboaa wbo waal to bare loUeffaa u pal Cbartb laat Haoday waaaipactally I'kMatawballaktae 1 pi>log «a* caooot b* doo* wuboul Tb* lot* ara oaar Mr Brown'a aoas- aadlouofaata, beaarato attaad Ike offer, at $90 per share, plus the ac- The Story of An Op- save part of yoor surplus future protection t Tba initial rraolof caulcal aar otar boot* sod b* plaa* 10 park Ik* every 3 months. paid : to the final payment s to be added the raia* Tba qowOoo la aa lo bow nocb -Paony Bof*l." Think it ( od yon will see that it is wise to have lea waa wail aoof. Tba flnt Hasday troood. portunity at Home." It i* paopJ* ban will pay. crued dividend. accrued dividend from the last dividend date. : with os and 1 t weakly <>t posits. lot of **e*> atoolb at 7 ii o'otoeti •aait rt» a—to* yearly UrUo Cbarcb to* auiiji la Ulo»- Biapaoo avaooa, balvaaa Twaik sad of tka asoaty, waa piaaaand November let nu—ttom aacb of powMMy two or iralad wka baaaUfal altdaa. All are KJeraotb atroau. Tba booas will bars a goM Kisnbip paaeU, wbkk each share. Ikraacotiaejat* la oo* koaa* da nog iwalra raoaaa aad a batb. LAW ornccs BUSINESS LOCATION cm.a.1. »TU«»tiH.s.i. Asbary •visas: near Ninth atract. The improvements IABSHALL WILL PROGRESSIVE LEAGUE CLDB IBN HAS on tba lauyity now consist of cottage, small apart- LEAD SINGING ADVOCATES FREE MUSIC VENISON DINNBB Progress and Future Development in This Territory MORGAN HAND,* ment and doable gsrage. Can yoa find an Asbury avenne property as cheap as this at only *M0O-00? ATTORN «Y ana WUI Present Keeolattoa to of Or- This Company serves electric light and power to Atlantic City, Ventnor, Margate City, Longport, Pleaa- COUN8BUU3R-AT-I-AW Good Program for Cornwall' Wlkaoalyoaala tba 4 *>**•* •: •** ^aja - ^^ - •» *o\ *a TaV aap> *> «a aV •*! _ _S aTt _ • ^"a • __ _^_ aTaTH._ _ ___.*•___ J * A. _ _^^_ _ - - _ _3 ^L— -_ — Ity Concert la Pavllioa City OficUU Bxpreatiaf Ltatloa Were Oacataof COMMISSIONERS afayor Champloa. antville, Ocean Ci Masoey & Bdwards Saturday Member.' View*. qakskiyasi snown a remarkal RBALTOHfl Tba prafiM ror iba eoataioDMy Tba axaeailv* eoaaarita* of tba A veakjoo dlaoar wa* aakiyed by s iiattaloaMsi oasi Hatorday ol«n» ax TO MEET EARLIER Yooof Mao'» ProgratMT* L«*aga* WM loarbarof tba aMOabara af la* Oeesn service for industrial, Sth aad Ccstral Are. Iba aiaate paaUloo a aa rollowt: laatioatad al Iba arckly oaaailogof ftopobUeaa dab la tka baao- OFFICES loanaraof Ikk organktataa Hatardsy pnblio utility is amply assured. Cbaaooity aloctos, Md by B. V. reekly oas WUI be Held Ibla orgaoisailon lo prapara a raaolo- Maraball. wttb Mra & C Matabail at Uoo, to b* pmraiad to tb* City Cbav Dlaibt, lb* vaoaaa bavteff Apear cV doswell. at xo o'clock Monday mlMtooara, adroeallog fMa ooooarU la ktad by Mayor Cmapana. Additional Capital is Needed to Keep Pace With This Growth Ptam dott, MlaaUoJoorn aod Mra •fontlajra. ba ornate paillkjo lo iba aomasac. Wkb in* dKt saaat, i laaaaa Aoatlo. Tb«r* waa oooaldarabl* dtaeiualoo eil^Bokad by Uaallb OSoar T. tm In ordir tbat Lily Bollcilor boawall. Addraaa. IbafUv I H 8o;dar.' io Iba auale quaaUoo at tb*. BMallog. adairt. an upwt cbaf, wara Iba as- wbo laaJaa lb* siwiablymaa of Cap* aal dtabaa tbat balp auk* aa appatk- Vooal »oU>. 8c u Ail. od Iba action takto f lb* naoll ay Uouoty. aaay ba wllb ibatn au All proooanoad evarytkiat WM. H. CoLuaaoH. |a. Hmaiog. -Lincol..'. >barg btraof •. The Plac«3 to Shop Ihatr waakly aaaatlota. tba Ctlt Oosa- to be aiealanl. stock may be purchased at any of our offices, Addraaa," Mra. Lc • Ho«e Klultooi alao will b* praaeolad lo •liaaootra dacldil by raaoJuiloo. »l Catob CoUlna, ebauntan of tba elaVi aeilaitoo. "Oar .' " Maa b* City ComaliBiooan urging Ibaai Civil Eaclaecr «E4 Sorrejtr A FBW succffsnote BaaMlog tola waa*, lo maal al 10 antanala Baryl Baacbly. lo tororc* ibaordiaaooa raqalrlogtba 'dock Mooday OMmnoga taalaad of tntag srraagad to appa-pa ordar, aad nij man- ••• --~— - * JONES' MEN'S SHOP VwUoaolo, I1. HoaaarBbocmt. claaolog of vacaol lota, aod alao aaa> atUatbtl or by arrangements made through any of aU44M ASBURY AVUNUU o'clock Mooday tfierooooa. loglbtcuy to barn iba graaa uo *a t waa (Ifao ba fail abar* of daaarved Tba ratuloiloa, wbleb wa* prataolad NOTICE BatbKoba BUkSbirt R*in Coal ool kxa bttwaeo E*jbl*aolb aod rjadcrwear BUkHow Hydaay U. Pool. Pbilwlalpbla raat- by Mayor obaaapaoo, waa aa follow*: Tolnjr-foartb atnata aod otbarwkw Tmg MUitan BnMbca p _Mt auoacwr of Ik* fidelity aod Ba It oiota lo lb* awtur of baaaufylog tb* our employes CmbrtJW Walltt (LaaiaiT) Laaibnr Liniiia Baaoltad. by Iba Board of tommla- Tb* daoe* to lb* Haoo BoUdJog •».«NJ Caaaally Ooapaoy of Haw York, baa city al aa **rly data. Watch Chata OcanUaCaaa Bwaaicr boocki lou oo Iba laaooo oppoaM* la* •*f> of Oeaao. City, Naw Jrraay. _*« Batiuday analog drvw a kuas KldOloraa I aiiar Coal A4tto GaaatJcta ooaskar of yooog paopi*. wbo aajoyal Sonf Pta New Hat CoMUaka Oeaaa Cny Yacbi Ltab, Ibroegb lb* tflar Iba rafular a*Hlii( of li l varyy amaa b tatar aa lalaw bbaata Twdaap k d tball ba bald oo Monday of NaaktM aey of Mtiny « Edwards. Mr. Tba BM>*log pMan, -Proat lbs To* aoata prorMaMdd by JobJba BB- Joaaf SUkMarOcr tu Collar Haadtackiaf tea • <«k at Ib* boor of 10 a. at., aad Pool (WM Ibla qty asora Maugar lo Iba L'roaa." will b* abowa bu waaaa floa. floa. TbaTban won Wo iwaaly J*ar» sgo. bol did oo4 bat iba flrat aswwlog of aald boaid. tMloaa lo lbs orckaatra—a Usa ROGER BRITT o Iba Haoday «cboo! rooao of lb*playa* aad paalat frosa Atlaoile CMy. Atlantic City Electric Company • a|*io aotll Ual auaaaer. ttyvlrtaeof Ibia raaololioo, aball bead oo laa aamealh day of r KIM M K Cburcb Tuaaday rmf, raw daaeaa ara glvaaTbaraday aad itallor VMUN TU6MU ary, l*tl. Pabraary St. ror tba bavwAM of tkaeatatday araolnga. . "A Business Wnich of Necessity is Permanent 4S MOHi osongag* food. Tba drat atiurtaio- my Cterk U. A. Monta aaead « aoeot will b* al 7 M o'clock; tb* areood aoalag Itcaeaaa bar* dortac Iba Business JOSEPH BROADLEY Maw crop H*w Oraaoa aaolaaaa. M al • o'clock. Tba adakaton for adslu cosia>Asnr. ocsan art, as. j. toaik of Jaaaary. Tb* total a oaota patqaart wui b>60 eaou; eblldrao. 3B caola. *r imri by blaa dartaglba year Lug* aaortawaol eboaa applaa, o*> Par year eaa»*aaoo» w* bataaa. You will find this offering an answer to the question: *-TT aod all klod of fruit It la a bvaourulljp Uu pit Ins ptetara. *»Xtt- Of Ibaaa, • war* to ooa-raa- Uoo'lataa M. kBgad 10 raeaje to* aankwa of aa la- Information Coupon PLUMBING and HEATING '* dwsla. 1 way* 00 kaad. «MTu Oapaly oa fabraary SI aM Mark Lake Estate ITreak aata rtgki froas tk* oogatry. tarty of tbeam. to HOMO. dm. (Without Obligation) 781 Aabury Avsnu* Ooaan City. N. J. Oaod fnak aaaoaaaa 10 lb* aballJDe. "Where can I putjmy money -so UNDERTAKERS AkTXX I woald Ilka lo Mala ibax aoyao* fcr kli Phono aS-M wMb raiwbia .« eyda aa«io« Freak sUlaaTakiekao* t* oran. ATLANTIC CITY ELECTRIC COMPANY, ac*. «a-enpooo. aakaaf aoa HWWM cMar aad aaloea sxal. wtabluf proprrty to ibla aadtiin of J.MU00TT CJMAK. Jr^ Oeaaa 11; 10 cat a daMrabl* loeallea, las si I prkaaad wbmaoaiota ba AU knda aat* aad popcorn. ranalsHno* A kf ainwlaa « Gananu Office*: Atlantic Cfty. H. J. draw W a. MatpliT. Aaaaii ~ • ~ Pwuau. «o lo. a>B*t trot-csilj. ult* rwouaal vary that it will be .safe and pay me faM for lb«a tiaw of Iba yaar. •> P Jaa wkalka laeoasaias ' cUBstaair. rSiaulb «.. Pbila Paaty IWaat Bnua. kte lb. kja Inatkniaa aay aava ywa I M Vi adv.. 1 a, «. rreakQaawo Pa**«.aV»lk. adr.. U Harsar. Basi Ealato ACMU lma(l)8-fMcabooUa«. rbt8la>T of An Op- aod Aaburj avaaae, Ootsa a good return portunity at Homa," (2) Uun Information About Atlantic GUy naOassadaJt—Oa ooi forga tka 1L AOTO «aall iwo-badroasi aaartaiaal wmk aid iiaats Bay VlMa Leaadry, wkkcb Blactric Company Carnrtiativa Praiwwd Skies. (S) rnalai of Geo. F. Saxton baib. lor Ik* wiaiar. U*« .vaiat kwat 1 utililiibti — '*'* Trykonoa— •a bMkb; ww-ooaW a pApplp y lo ctar- apaki yaar kaaadry wblle ya« To Otra DcroanokK OOBVUt Partial Payment Plan. (4) Hoy to Judga < PAINTING. PAPER HANOI NO. «. drall" •-. aVfbibauaa- - - atnasaaa* i .^MTcait wrk* at paaaa. lkVW KM joor coo*«u«oaa we k*»*ar. adv..***idv..«.aJ. a. Wm. H. Powell adv.. »-aa.a Bt Bayaveaaa. Oasaabky. raogad 10 near* Ik* «anle>* af aa 1* QRAININQ **o DECORATING eoawTas O*eoiy oa Pabraary IS aad Naa». Poa> RaXATo rtaaaaa irraassaa. Prop. taaaawiu bagfad lasMaaywa wak OcoeraJ Contractor •3* ASBURV AVENUE iota a* bur frool. M»|MSI•*** - aaLaaBBBa^aVVwfaaBB araaa)\ OU a a•» •• BBBaBataawa*kBaaaVJ BBBBB••BBWJ BBBaaaT> aakaaaa>*Wa awtwa «r aaewar aay 1 Usltaw>bTatsd atssst aatv.aVC. U tat Waal 4aUawawaaa# twaf aBaftaM wa#l»|wBwaaaaUa9 Gnttm. taA Street at a las gai «mk> teaaaar. W AJ- bam wMas*. Taakabaa U. t orr. N. J. SURF LAUNDRY 929 OCaaJl AVMHM rk«. u*W OcCaal C«y, N J. J. MOftAOC ltlmtT •ASM*. feg.:.-..:;-.;/• ;-;T'^-•';'::;::'•-'::'.:";,,;:' ;.''• •';.^:':-::^i^

*•••*•>**.*..». •.,

'Sentinel , „», aa tba eoo* USCO.HBBDS .—ri work moetba Matted if It la o.S?o€-»!J1,.lto#*'pnpn ""lw Any Kin* Any Where iCityScntlnc •OBIN8OM •ORB IOHEY Heating Appliances Lee & Bourgeois CITY'S HEALTH PUBLIC HEARING ON LEGION POST HOW John Marts Lumber , Miirtn atraat and Havan Avawwa Carpenters and Builders 10M8DAK. VBBROABV 10,1081 OCEAN orrvi N. J. IS VERY GOOD IH HEW QUARTERS Loabar MUhrork, M Ml Jinn. 3B11 iroj Ptpar, fbttar Board, Malla, twak Walgka (CoattaooJ tram IM rate.) Ga« lUdUton. Electee Hutm. OU Heaters «n-a«ol. tha following aalf- tha Uhpa Ma, Cbootj Mr. Haytr raad a dauthdaod eome- DOTS PfMlMlvwy OCEAN CITY. N. J. OTIS M. T0WISEHD dunog iba mootb of January. glnaar Colltaaoo, Mr. Boydar *lawed axplaoatory letter to iba board, wblcb wbMdtl wbal tadholcal report covering Iba re- - Member* of Mew Com- m,aDditMlrwlTw Tba rapuit of Iba alaktng fuod oom- Weak dab Creak ind lla eurrouodloga, waa raad al tba weakly meeting: MILLER COTTAGE qalremaola of Iba company lo Iba 22. 1921 Bammer realera ara appealing. way at Mr. Coif tow txra iiaalon, aubmltlad by V. H. Scull, aa- pany Here. Juai aoulb Ooaan illy. CHy Commlealooare- wayof eqatpmeot. Ha aln told of BUILDER Ara yoo expecting a pretty veleoilot' li. -J. Brown lee 1 tbaiala*an|n anol*araery of •Mant aacretary. waa raad -by —Morgao-Kanck Poet, ocEAjtorrr iba amount of gaa ooowoNd doting Raaideuta naar WeakOeb Creek Wlmfa. Tb«y wen wedded Orncx: 8th fit.Opposit e P. O. Home tnxoeaa ebaagee ID Oceau Clerk Horrle aod ordered Hied. Tbapaoy. or Ibia cHy. baa baan looorpor- Aeaanea Lrtx>o.lakealbleopportanlty Opao Ail tha Taw Iba paak boar* lo iba eammer aaa- lima elnca patlllonad Iba Clt> I5om MAUUIING AND MOVING • tha mmaday. TlMli ratabratloa OCEAN CITV, N. J. ' |Clly Ihr* yaar rvpurt appeare In aoolbrr eolomo of aled, wltb Iba fullnwlog olBcara: aod meane to thank iba Clly Com •oa*. Tba ooat of Ibla equipment, u PHIUDEIPHU mlaaionan to elnaa Ibla Iboroogbfara. • laMfcrmor-adlniMrludaibeat,, The Humplireg Radlantflr IbiapHOaof tbi Prtaldeal and aacretary. Clarence A mlaalooen tor Iba prlvllefa gnnied L.OGAL, AND LONO OISTANCD •*"-1* T'Tfl' Tatad, will ba aw.OOO c Only galvanized naila twed on Red Meo to lo Allaulle Clly lo- Tba city offlotala, tbrongb Mr. Col- rteAUttoOR n hons he f Tba report of City Electrician Joaapb iratMinr, W. F Valat. Iba poet of oelog tba Commiaalooen Philadelphia and Ocean City Traiaanr Bltabla raad a dtuilad ra- y « «« °8;. Prodncing radiajit energy exterior work | morrow aveolog Dawn, got lo looeb with Htata aad An nccllcnt opportunity lo mstantl r ffect Tenth Street aad West Avenue RWgtoa, witb a check for fM, waa ra. Tbe otber membere of Iba company National offlcare. and. aa a naalt, Mr Chamber aa a aaaatuif placa from Ibt express port of tba company'a loooma and as- •ce the nuny Ili.torical ami City Commiaaionere will meet at 10 THE BISCAYNB J -« 0° m«gic«l you can hardly clvedaod Iliad ara "Jack" Oagleleb and Albert M p*nw* o»tr a parted covering eight or other plact* of intrrnt for I o'clock Uooday oioruiug- fuMbanexi Hoydar waa ban Ibla waak. lima of lla organltalioo lo Iba praaeo Ohatmt Zlmmarman, cf thbelty, which Phil.d.lphl. U noted. George W. Harris Tba) bood of f 1000 of Iba Oelawara Blaglar. II la elated Ibal a poblte bearing to nloa year*, ebowlog Ibat Ibe company Iraw week* , al least. r>«aln Oftld 4Oa •o^vonUi Mrati, Oaawai City. N. J " waa pkjrmaeter at tha Anglere' Contractor, Builder and Allaollo T. aad T. Co., wbMb bad Mr. Llllla baa baao maoeger for Iba mailer of doting Waakflab ttaak Oar only naeon for nmovlog to iba baa not baau a paying proportion. Tba offleiala of Iba Preebytetian OeaajavMBaoppoalmlliMUat Iaat emaon. m now la Palm Mr Valet. Tba capllalleta wbo ba*a otto put- HOUND Oil CA •uuim and Jobbing eii approved by Clly Holleltor Boa- will i« held lo Iba City CowJmleeloo- Piogieeelra Laagoa room la eo iba b. where ba want afUr epeodlog iL'borcb bad a bu»iii«ee dueling aud PrrralaBaUM ting Ibalr money Into tba plant with- Baatatowa a Sa«cUH> veil, waa ordered died. Tbla la lo in' Mr. Blaglar la aoparlataodeDl and en' • bamber ban oo Tburaday, Fab. wa may better carry oat oar oeremoo- fr* waak in MlamL in Palm Baaeb ba '«" «p i .ou .oo,T.v..r nmmat 8| 1 (laoeb Tuaaday avauto(. aura Iba proper repair of elreeta ibal Mr Daglelib aeeManl eapeiluleodeol taa by ritual adopted by our oallooa oat ntarn have now raacbad Iba etaga OCEAN CITV. <••°S J. ™ tuary 21. "MM Heory (JUdanmyer and Capt •rniia a »«o u Team «. B.II Pb.,0.. M4.J George W. Boov, ol Ibla elly, baa may ba torn up by Iba coropauy. tor Ibe dupplaa Co. 10 tbia elly. Tbay baadqnanare. Again Ibanklog yon to wban lb«y bare decided lo Hop. I'ffn pfo l anCll ".oflhteelty. raac Glty Gas Llfiht Company rRUK artktic results in architecture can only be [been engaged aa bnoa-kaepar by Harry GANDY COTTAGE Mr. Ktlebla waolad to know Tba report of Building Iuaprctor II. jeill laava tbelr preaeol employment BIOS ON XiUMBSK behalf of tba poet, I nmaln, ° v obtained when all units blend to produce a wllblo a ebort lima. Both youog UMMattJeM. SUUaotialAr betber. If Iba Ml* of 1100,000 .wortb Ttcxira oooo OMLT ON (Haadley, ma ua* couuiy eollecior. J. Hmitb. wilb a check for f24, wae Vary truly yoara, The Hurley-Jones Go. harmonium whole- Very often a small ileUil OeeaaCtty of bond* to aolbortiad by Iba State Kaap In mlod Iba -Pvooy .Social" rcaived aod Iliad. man ara wall koowo beta. Ct«» PratMirwa ta BauM Mate* Cutuo* Ik NtcKnwow, ,X? carelessly selected ot executed destroys an effect which BIO REDUCTION IN CLOTHING MAY BECOVEB WOWCS OF ART Utility Commualon, aoy of Iba local Leander S. Corson Flo Iba Vint Preetuterlao Cburch'aa* There waa read Iba application of J Mr Valet, wbo baa baao la bualoeva Adjutant. Opea all tka Tear Wlklwooil ftji otherwise would be perfect. |mmbly bait oezlTueeday aveolaaj bare els yeare. plane to remain wilb Tba letter waa ordered received aod We hare reduced all clothing la stock fromten to thirty""pe r caat. If year baoka or Iba people of Ooran Clly will Real Estattatee FFoo r Sale U Oeouiarorappolulmealaaaaalatanl Nloe blda for aapplylog iba lumber •alt or coat i* getting ihabby and you we la need of another It will pay m to Cape May Court House 7.11 IUaXn14.OAaaT.rmB. *J>ltW| That Waters af tfta Rhaaa loan Iba company Iba money at 80. Let me dcriijjn and coustrtict that building and BUILDER Mr. Hano. wbo be* been eoiiaittd lira chief. Tbia wee ncaived aud died. Iba new company for a yaar, at iba for tba propuead ibraa bloeka of oewdied. look over oar stock before baying clamber*. Wa ma grva yon aoma aoadal Bid BARClAIINS loae wiaicv »w» WMwIvaUM ••cured by mortgaga. Bid Bl you will beavuretl of a design that U architecturally [lo Iba real eetaia buaioeaa 10 (turner* air. Deoola' letter bad baeo received aod of wbicb lima ba will probably re- Boardwalk, below Tblrtaeolb atraat, bargain* la oar atore in AtUntlc City. * Ocnn City iiotb Street I 7.0a •• 6 to nd n ocean CITT. J». j. . kiTkair 'ln '"T j " ?° «?l«>'w. famiihed aofaniUhed moat. iar-a ] Polol, baa purcba>ed Iba lot No 820by Iba mayor Jual al ttie doe* of Ibalire from bueluaea. Ua baa purcuaaed MU8HODG8R8 OB AD ORDER THAT "KAwTKR" SUIT NOW! Ma WUBam G. Sdiwattg I loMmucb a* Ible'quealloa could Palermo - t^ • « , in my hands must be sold at lacrifice pric correct and a building tlint rx»»«.-v*s economy and •ere ncaived by Iba Clly Commie- rotermburi, '. '. ;".,, .. This U the I Aabury avenue. niretiog of iba board Iaat waak a lot from Tbomaa B. Hammer on Iba oot b* uiwtmt al Ibat mrelloe;, Mr durablity in cooMruction. aiooera at tbeir meeting. im naraed ma cawasja la aad«at ataty a* DO craa. of Tjduboc J.J4 .. JUtafiUan ba bay aide of Ar-bury avenue, noitb Waa> wit-aiwweew Cwlawaai Baal Buck (old Hwn. Maytr and Riicbla A number of iba local Kuigbla Tbere> waa alao raad a reaolulloi Tba blda wara ordered eebedulad. •M VBSLBY AVaTNUB "— has baaa iwroiil *T aa Camden, Arrive . . . 8 vs " Myy serx'ice gnarantevs tbe highest ipiality of of tfaventb etreet aod will build a alaa* .«T»*aCllr. BaU Ibat Iba *artoue organiittloae Ibao y I Templar attended Iba aooual loapec- adopted by Ocean City Volooleer Fire aod City Eogeoeer Callleaoo praaantad ~ aaakar at tfca TmHW 4a matcrial.rial.ss, the best of workmanship nnd abMilute satis- brlWwMa.amifcaai repreeeaied woold uka Ibe matter >••"•* (s^"».'. F'.n"7;.r/. is * HUMBERT C.PONTIERE ! Itoo at Iba Allaollo Clly Commaodery Compaoy. No. 1, eodoralog tbe aclloo pretty bungalow aa quickly aa poe bra nport at an adjourned meeting of MlaaToocbla Rbdgere, wbo waa a . air. 1MM BaudttC T*a Alonzo Cotton f.ictionon. Taale i back lo mcatloga of Ibalr eoclellee aod r rooene Iaat eveoluf. of Mayor cbamploo In appolollog B.•ibla. Tbla ba andble wife will oc- Iba board Iaat eveolng. tea Id ant of ibla etly for many yean, iRcupholttering I li than la asm. pnapectl*a wort Aabury Ooa>e.n Clty.JV. J.J B. Coover cblef of Iba Ore department, cupy. a. far tba tlHmana. at ttaorganltallooe, and thai a reply would - BUILDER Jobo R Jooea. baberda'ber, of tble Tba bidden wen: Powell-VaoOlkJar died at bar boma on Weal avenue. LET US [vfftnAnar SII»1M a water >awar. na do aadaat probably ba forthcoming at a mrtllof £ Crulir hie waareceived an d died. above Elgblb etraat, Tocaday eveolog 0 f_f AVB yoo • cxMtag*. baaaaJav Tart ttttat OCUI CUT. I. J. | elly, baa baea appointed by Ibacouoiy Ca, R L. Oofl. M. H. Ueokloa* ESTIMATE W* *™ **»** ** orapaxtm4aUtofltnMi> W« y ad madefd B aatarpiati a cama to ba bald lo tb« near rotor*. R. H. JOHNSON PLUMBING COMPANY r fnaboldera a member of Iba' couui> A ouoabar »t bill* ware ordered paid* COON WILL 8FBAK Bro, Jobo P. Fox. Blralbmara Lum- following a etroka a few daye before. FOR YOU )Awning»- tad la tha imi «*a atadaa Mr. Brick aim MM ibat lb» Oc*«n g CCanJrartor Tba Clly Cummtee looara, al a apa- ir Co., Jobo Haru and Haddoo Mlaa Bodgara, wbo waa 83 yean old, hara a lisa of gu«*UTua*t at law I. now in ,u New OiBcea t slaking fuod oominl«aioo. mma. Ska atoty taUa haw thaOtyTaipay*n'LM«i>a woald btn- Harry R. Hayes cial meeting Tburaday afternoon, Helgbte Lumber Co. waa born lo Rlebmood. Va . aod bad \Houic Furnishings Uua FhiladclpUiadtfpoiaa ipdew. Wiwtow BIS IIGHTH ST. OCEAN CITV. N J Tba Ra*. Ueorge vv Yard, pa*lor of a»reeb» ^—4 «f fnae*. Charlea rx earning qn*«tad lo attaod iba o*st m«*tio«. CARPENTER adopted raeolullooa Oxiog Iba ooat a of Tbe Powell-VaoUllder Oo. waa lo lived bara 27 yeare. Uba leavee two Our prtoaa ara Ixiwaet poealble cooaMent wltb Good Work and Bast Matarlal I•*>•''*hdi• • apccmltyl . Tba gaa man aakad Ibal ibamnong Atlantic City Railroad 817 ASBURY AVENUE Iba Pint tf. £. C'burcb. will addraa. •welaai Dteiwar. «• *f tt Ariea, at tka Bamaa aw Expert Anhilertural Strtlc* JobMof work proror.Ur attended to Iba bulkbaad oo Iba ocean front be- eat lo dea klode of louibar, aod Ibaoapbewe. ADMS *, BR ' I aad wtahed thaa km, HadM where ptrtomaoj Irieoda wlU be cordUOr mtkotoat t Iba me*tlogof llteTraulou Praacbara' Tba PreabyterUn Meu'a Bible Claee CHAS. C ADAMS A LoU lor Sale Cottage* lor Stir aod Rest Iweeo Fifty fourtb and Ftftyetgblb Uaddoo Heigbta Lambar Co, low oo Hervloea wUI ba bald at 180 o'clock TtO>U ASaMIMV AVC at lea*tor tk a aaa act ta tbla Aaaociatlon oext Uooday morolog will bava a dinner la iba aaermbly Tkerrf-tNr.il mtffcmri*.. alraeu al •S2*\Mu2,lba balkbcadoo Halarday afternoon. Tba Interment, Lawrence fi. Lear •liiai waa tka ahlpaUw at ball of tba cborcb Friday evening of four klod*. Tba Powell VaoOlldcr • ill PMONC. Tba telepbooa i«y etalloo buz attbalagooo near Iba yacbl club al |li,. lo charge of Fooeral Director J. Prea 684 Aabory Avaaraa Ooaaa CHy. N. J. John a. Deanta •perfect* ocuicm.*u. oeil week aod a floe lime la expected 'o promlaed delivery April 1,1121 .and Iba Oc»ao City Fi-nio« flub ••> 988 10. aod Iba pile breakwater oo Iba Ibt otber company will deliver Or eott Cadman, will ta at Heaalde ftr tka casualdtr. niaaajr by iba membere. JOBBINO GARP13NTBR broaeo Into a few uighi* aioca. Tbl- •n froot from Forty eWbtb lo Flf- aod epruea oo May 1 and yellow pine ntthad a lalar ktnf at rraaea, Among tba epeakere wil/ be- Ibe Rev. Ko Job too Urga. Ma^aj m. aaawB ALBERT G. GILBERT, ael of vaodall»m waa dl«ooverad b>iy-el«blb Mraeta at S3 881 Si. EXHIBITOR for the tVaala JIT, wltttta praeadaa t oa April 10- Elmar Y Robtoeoo. of Ibla elly. a WarreoT Cooo, aaarmblymau from Aamraullvw Wtmm. Boaata Oaaad aad OfMwad 1—nal rf tAaatat—af M*a> PtACTICALHOfllEPAIMTH £*aex t oooty, wbo did overoaaa' woik Tbe afflrmatlva eaaa woo Iba debate M BartaaTi aat tkat tkat 8H00LDBAVE WaWtajw ta> Aawnlaarau York Ready-made Ford Commercial dunng |ba war aod wbo la a apleodld at •aao tba two uamaof blgb acbool 645 Aabury Avenue, Cbangaa of copy for dlaplajr advtr- Harold Farguaon, aoo of Edgar epaaker. lie waa area red through _ terklaarrioaa. Tba (KKAM CITV. M. J. Ueemaou mua; ba at Ibia offlo* Dot Fergueoo, oflblaclly, baa.graduatad poplla lo Iba aaeembly room of ibe Body iba eftorle of Aesemblymao Boawall B. L. SMrra B. a. atartad aa thetr joaraay. D A Reliable Builder later Ibao Toaaday oooa for Inaertloo from Ptooaylvaola Htaia Collega, ool a faw eveolofa aloe*. Tba yaarUeS. in iba MinMU. Tbl- a ml* will ba of ibla clly. Jadgaa were Claraooa *. Heull and B An inspection of our stock solicited before making To erect your Ocean City cottage. Yon cannot spare the time Tba Ra* Batll Hmllb. of Pblladil atnctly ad bared to. adv.. If wbere ba waa etudylng indoatrtal eo Smith & Campbell rull UM ** »>a« weefcxaaa. .of lala. HOUSE AND SIGN -Baprtt. batora tlta boata honesty o| the contractor. UOAKU or cuoiut Ueorge W. Booy. of Ibla cMy, baa aatk aa Bauaaal aad wttfhty Aleo. Jaba T. Uw Lead and on coo- Hanay Cballio, of tbU clly. baa ra Mra. Hamoel Catbert, of Ibla elly, Automobile Bodies Rebuilt and Repaired PAINTERS I have built for a large number of people and could refer yon to couirrv or CAJ-E MAY. gradoaiad from Ratgera Collega Ua Mew. tka eonftaaa for tba da> MUU| la Mtock. larnad froaa a few daia* *lail to Pbila- baa beeb afflidad with aometbiug Ilka •Mat Wilti' Ukai at isc. Wmr MKWJCB-4ET. will begin iba etody of law, al Har- J. W. KIRKBRIDE U3 Aabvy Ava. Ooaaa aty.H.J Mat watar powar. wtlrb aat any or all of them. ttnuoaa aa« rwalaca- a dalpbla. eteaping aacaoeaa for oearly Ibrre aaa«r Send for the list of names and photograph* ot the homes. •Herri* Tirea asd Happltaa. r vard to Iba fall. k palrloc Kromp the liaaafimi>aili«i at wlotar lo Pblladelpbla, waa la Iowa coveriog. Hbaalaepa twelve boure al 104-J |l hli In Deaa wmVwaMaQK-EcprU. na«oaarioaU OTIS M. TOWNSEND wilb vetytinle loot Uma lor waalbrr Friday. «1 bm will aa rac«lv«d and opia*< ky ulgblaod wb*o aba aiudowo at aay Dr. Wilaoo Y. Cbnatlan. SOB UaoeoodrUooa- . al Iba nta etatrd above. -• J tab. as ah- OFFICE a*% • 11 a (•*- mm aaa. OCEAN CUT. Iw Bnaaaa i • nnw awMloa la b* »Md lima during iba day aba at ooca goca iral aveoue. tbla clly. wlabaa tu an. Mra. C. U. Vail.of Pblladelpbla. ac . HaKca 1.1*11I. . at O n'cuak oooa. tor f yoo an inienated lo a good Job Ibtl •tkM.oppo»iiap.o. BUILDER >. J. 6E0. 0. ADAMS * C0. l lo eleep. Una aau wall, bowever. oouoce Iba InataJlalioo of tba lalar will cot ba roa by oaiuo daiec.Biea.otii J. E WASHINGTON com pao>a«1 bar bu.oaod to ibla eiiy aubapacOauloo* a»p»u«t«t EdwardeZ-Ray apperataa to ble ai ,j your aeaployW, caJI Ball 7114; or rirta la bring attended by Or Print. Halorday. - « r*araarj I, inn. Hpacia- reedy compMa dental oaldt. X-rUy betiet Mill, cueaa aod aaa me. C. L. 630 Haven Avc llo»« aan«dJ aaa»d ta« «a»"**•<< Buy ba *bf*lanl wbo aaya Iba trouble la du« lo eon- PUSTDflKG, RAM6E SETriNS HIM Uertba M. Uaioa, of ibM citr. HMalioat iotfea«i diagooata a epectaliy. Fays. Loogport. WIRE tat U4 a*a>l a* a**osii*ala*] kr aaah wot LATHS, sit, etc (rated liver ad*., tf. • ad*. 210.2t • • SWAN J. C. TROUT la apaodlof aaearal •••aa la Jackaun- r ai rtiaaa aa • i a ai^aa p+$ afafa ia IBJ* • raa vUla, Fla. ot Iba Ceaatf Tl aa—I w tot mm «a*oaal aatwl f ^»«i Tkat Wail tawaaan. AM War*fta Maa M urn* Prwaatr* i< ia> M owqn o« tba akl pnaa. aa rvi- 6aotmotgooA amltA. AttaadadTa. " Edward Mloaooi aad wiff, of Pbila- Hj diraallpil ol iba Baai^d. j ara Swan and Trout dalpbla, aummer naidaou, war* In ' imVlKO FITCH. Clark. To Wire Your Hou— OCCAM CITY. N J aaa, Ul* CUT. K.J. Thed. F. Hildreth town BalurJay. REPORT PHONB No. IT7-W BRECKLEY'S •» ua>mer rwideoi a*a«r« as protld^i lor by a« or4Jaa*aa, ao- Ultod-*aordlsaa«ak> bolM aad eoawt'wt Sava on yonr coal btlla. Kacp thai Mlaa Margaret Haouoo. of lialaya- boiatevd (baUa a UU b-aunewarl tram CITY OF OCEAN CITY CL00TIM8, BUCKLEY AN! t«U atnat lo Iba aosUl«Mlar> aide OUR NEW . I04O A»»Ur*r lowo, N. J . baa raturoad bom* after wbidi ttf cold oot and tba bamt in. ItaMB. CAN CITY N. J. . nhr^lawbaaati o NEW JERSEY OC GODFREY a weak'a *laU lo Mlaa Haobaao.of ibla Wt*lay •«»• aaad ara««la« Eqnip thoac draftf, rattling doom d*aM#aa aad aa l acroai »oo oo toua ramriaja elly. aod window, witb ALL tfSTAIr' AD I raruv* t+M* »o • wniii bitt BppalaiAd Electric Eastern Bakerq Weather atripping. Ask about it. yyttlj tJi tb Ofcy oi >—WtfT, tm, tU UM CootnctorsudPiiotsrs pbla, bualuaaa man wbo •patida tba oi •hrwa o'ctoctt is tb* toraoooa. ml iM DATA OCCA . CIT». N. J. • oi*UH» city timiu (• ittmtttf '•!!. IJr—n Installed by HOTEL FOR SALE eammef ataaooa bare, waa la lo*o llr, NrtJaraty.MiM tloft* ««d t« torSiktdmJ* "A" Pr" Friday. t U riJ l Furnished Bedrooms. Bath. Good Location, utatMaiia u»riin>ii>nH fleacrvea required to inert bockied debt «t maturity to M baard apoa Iba aob- Hot Water Heat, Centrally Located. clly. ara epaodlog a week, wilb F *—iaiaMl of iba itiaiaa** •**• CASPGNTBSS *la*l »7 at *mtl< eoafetftW BBOB aar lav Fund A**rf» oa December JIH, 19*0 Moraoan Darby and family In Weet .. ..#... T»aae*> at .irt la>- CUT THE HIGH COST OF LIVING PRICE IS RIGHT Something New (Jniavated cath haiUnce. December jut. 1919. . • 19.^0.59 841 Aakawy Ava. Ooaaa CHy. M. J. Philadelphia Caah receipt*. ei|aoarcr*. 19*0 ioS.6lj.jl foe the benefit of Oceaj City people tt&zsz. The New Braunstein=Blatt Co. Store Ask WUItam Hbouib and family, of Al IAHB1 A. MOHHIH, Cash dttbancascnt*. toul 19JO . . . 1*6.000 00 CU> Llai Uaiot'caiedcaah balance, December }iu. 19*0 19u.11 Eat More Bread. Ocean City House Cleaning loway. N J , apeoi a faw daj> ben bdr.M9.Jt. P r. MID Sinking Pund Itcvenoe*. I9J0 4-4U4J JOHN J. FO8TEB dortng iba waek unb Mra. t K Mo- Coatnbatioo from Mnnlclp*lilr. 19JO. 10,7*0.09 RC4LTOR Company ray, aaotber of Mra. Hbuugb. rcrm bood* paid In 19*0 j8.ooo.ou It is the most Nutritious Food. will Open Its Doors . EIGHTH BTBCCT OCEAN CITV. N. J. bow. Iaaoeaof term hoods outiumliDS Drtember JIX, 19*0 11 t hoo«a. plU»ia Capt. L'brla Beolbao, aaaper uf Iba :Foi» (SlAle coiai-i-KTit uanw, or Term booda oatataotiiag Den-Biuer jisl, 19*0: rMTiia Onllad Htalaa L°oaa| Ou.r rttalwu General B00.U JJI.JOOOO PHcca Rca M Towoaaod'a lokM, apeol Muuday School Bond* AJ .000.00 „_ 7jO Wcat A with ble family In low cMy. Ixave vour order at tht Store Morrison f KECBIPTS AND DISBCHSEMK.VT8 WM, F. VAXET 820 Asbuiy Avowa Andrew N. Paul aod wife, of Pbila uocrr M**I by u>* Bod o nt iinm«an Rtcrtfli •wJm wffmmm" ***** CkfU Util*. ata<*ft*lBl«4 ttM Oil OT «JL- delpbia, accompaotad by iieurgs Lui- iHVCSTMOrn: t mwmwmtk BaaaaaM^mMaa—at • fmW Oc«an Avenu* B«low EJghih Street leraodwtla. ara »p»udiug iba »e«« tl ao. -Aa ordtKAOA* 10 eoe» Prices Quoted 00 C """""• •••™™»™ftT MHw KIIII. aaj lo r pal' *Ad Bi«lol«Ja a bal*. 8ecahtic* pud fjj ^00.00 713-15 Asburu Avo. Ocean City. N. J. Ocean Gty, New Jer«y ban. Tbay ar* all rauimer mideuia. SINKJXG FOOD RxqciaiuKxn: 1 ' J>^a.ia»ABCa*ara. Wednesday, Feb. 16 Uno* rwhfff lb«a !»• AUaaUc npaan Anou*l Coatnbalion fruca Municipality 10.710.09 M V. Hmllb *od wifr, of tbu city, wi.bln ID*l*rr»orl^ Jortoduooo of lha cilr Smith & Ray The O«cc or iialcunaaalilp and Bcrrtcc ot (W.BLUI A ^ aaabowa oa a plan ot I04* HO Ft'HD RrvtKCn: • actompaaiad by Mra. Ra> Nevesoid k . awmm wka aaa aamatmmi. referre£L d U «ribauci«a <*ity utroaaa C*« Interest oa Invcktmrnt* and Bank Baiancea 4.49) 4J Wednesday, February 16, the loop: looked-forward-to day will be SPECIAL wbo laepeodiog tba •loin ban. bava Mtlrart N.^ 7OL , CASH cULuica. December jiu, 1919-. , 19.j98.j9 yaa wm m* aa laaklag Now is the Time to ntoroad from a »'•!• to Pailadelpuia. AM ruiibtr IMMM aotia* ibat 1 Real Estate and here. The months o/ planning and unceasing eilbrt to make this Plant Privet Hedge TbooBka Fauat aad «lf». uf Pblladel- of***««ci oaioca i* iba tor«Doon,«i to* •Olai oj ib* cur citrfe. 'B li>« rliy bail. 1 <«*n Dilimrumtmtt Search Company 8fo«> an institution of pride to every resident of and visitor to pbla, accompanied by Mra K»u«i'- riu.IlnJann.HIM Uaf »«d (tootor . _ __„ Amateur Photographers' BBOtber. Mre. Mary Bucbaoau.of Pbi>" loa Um BUUO> lilinu«b In- IWKSTMXJin: ••Mail; ml watch line lUriln ul par- Securitlea Par Atlantic City will be crystallized into fulfillment adalpbla. wen beie dunuf I ha waak S8.00CU00 J* .» u« j» Contest > > j« > Fidelity Trust COB wa? Thomas J. Thorn Mra. Bucbaoaa owuelbaCbalfuola. of M ; ftf>y>rt| Bood* ol 190A. pakl , jS.ooo 00 f M Mry^lla Naylor asd Mra. b)dla fULANcai, December jiai, 19J0 . 1.911.11 no)ouo.mC«mm) If to. why let U be idlr? Get it oat at tba FLORIST t\o»*x, h*\* it loaded wills ntma. and vtt boay uklog v!rw» ia the direct . Berber Hayn ba»a returned from I'ullloga WUdiood Tiae 11, Tntt Ci a* tka 1128 Bay Avaaua r x iea- f1r7.911.11 lumumliDft, for j oat ibe "cltck-dicfc ol TOUT camera may raean a aic« wktta. wood, wbanlbay apcul a ponkju of HAUST A. noaiu>. tropb; tor tbe view or object Ukea. Oc«aa City Naw J«nay Cujr Clart. BALANCE HHBET Real Estate Iba wlou«. Tbay an pnpanug to n •dv, m-a. *i-. r. r. av» Tot* exouxt u tuned to ulumUu (aUraat .moor Amatcon, ia — V- Baaxchaw, Abwtnetw of TltU, opts Iba Kiberou Houl, wb.eu la ba Aiuti . laif ate ot their camera* and tbe tsklay, of good ptctona, they Ian* ta be eacourectd ia obuiaing nod rwalu. aad their appreaauoa of the a** at a In 3l»t St. Section of Ocean City Ins repalotad by Cap4. Uiackley. aod Ca*n- I 1.911.11 g . their appreaauoa of the a** at a 0oaTw7«iaelBC erne. ThiTh * cooUaUt ani nil lope a JJanuar y IJ, i»ai, «ad ddo* *Ai Aprill ij. 1911, oibarw|aa Improved. loreatscou 106.4IJ01 Fine Cottlgcs for Sale or I can Rent yon moat any thereby gtrtajt lota of lime for preparaboo and the eahoaitttag 0/ f^i]*n4- Rent ing view*. •ptienka AlWelk Cottage in ocr District «*leu ••<••••. RULES COVEBMINC 00NTXST -«•••»• JLota Sold on Terms Clayloo Brick Kooen>, of warrtoo. a.—All amateur dereloptag aod prtstisf or enlarging coHfourr ADVEBTISB Sinkiag Fund Kaqnlrtmenla |ioa.>7j.tj mot be done ia oar fhotognphlc Oefartmcnl la be coouacud with Iba iral *-i«le uBScra OfflOM /ursur TO A MAN > oWrplii* S.oja.30 eligible for entrance in the ^-11 ret. ^^kmm^S: of Clayloo Maiuca Urick ben to tba 11 tie ». —Noaabait Amateur Fbotognpber* to eater tha cooteac Tint Hatteal •*••• Katato If MC anaimaT mnoi, U »iuuio« bu«pur> fio°.v3.4j f.—Viewa oe object* to be ta£ea wiihm ike lmltabowe of aa aa alhlata al trie lluiver>lty of Oceah Oty. N. J. 0*pw May Omtt •D" INVESTMINT8 d.—Kach view or picture to be tilled, alao iaJormatioai aa oar MIS Faooeylvaola. wi^ia I* >• a mtuttwul. ^w>aaaatharam> Beads, City of Oceaa Clly, «'*. doc 19JJ ,_ to it* location in tha Clly. Joseph I. SCLJII Agency Ma ncautly receivMl a |uM aue-ial fur Bood*, City o( Ocean City. 4 4'a aerial ~ /.—PKIair* enterad in lac cosUat, ta> be aabmitted at OceiD City HuKhn' Central Pharmaay. ia cnvclopea, with aam* wlnnlog Iba broad Jump, aodaallTer Bosd.. City of Ocean City. J*. due 1943 1 and addrcaa of penon ufctng riew. data of the cspoaam, Kwinai X. Co'aon aaadal for wlootug >ba OOtard daab. Boor *. Olr oi Oreaa Clly Improveawnt Certlncetee. J* Demand Note*. City of Ocean Clly aad alao atipalal* 11* rapactlr* 1 la—ni IliiNl -OLASSITICATION Of rULtST •>"V AV*- OCtANCITV, N.J H«tic« tf Mtetlig Seoiiiel l'<*^4ij-l» * —Vot the asoM besutlial nv, ecenic o» 'T~Wrrr. Diy- MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE. ligbt or Mooallgbt Klpoaun. PUBLISHED ON SctodmU ••£" STATBMKNT OF S0FF1CIBXCY Kim Trophy Jiaoo m GoW. Sccood Trophy Jju» in StAXesuot of Kooded Indebtedata* for Term aV>oda, aad Staking Feade riiatiag tWrato, aa of December jlat, IOJO. Gold. 4—for the matt original bat artiatic poae. lOULL knowr the kind of peace THURSDAY OF Tmji DATB O» latos MATotrrr OtrttTAjrBaio «IOJX> in CoU. Pint Trophy, fc.00 In Gold.Secoed ' that apeJIa contentment in the Trophy. Illll fcjf laM Bo*** tataMOomr* Oa* EACH WEEK- Street asd Fire. . . 10- i-o« «o- t-ji f a^ooooo J. M. CHESTER & CO., I 4a.34a.11 c.—Yoi the bnt Interior aad eitoior virwa of aay of ear home if yon a*k us to work On—• CUj. atatiUJiiM ib» OOt~U Of •* FlreUkppenme. 11- 1-08 ii- I-IJ JT«jio Rafaaauag ... 7-4-4I beautiful hornca in Ocean City. ont the kind of a plumbing ayslem . 7- &•»! 10,041.61 Kirn Trophy $1000 in Cold. Second Trorby feus ta City Iwjpmeabeat. • 7-iJ-'« T-M-41 "J7 needed by your house. If you ask amMmdrmtl %Mmj 4l«a— laO «o«Ute«M«rij fib* City Booda .... . j II-IJ j-ll-41 i.ev-oa a*—For the heat and ' —•ar'—T finae nf tiaalu ammihtrnwrnimiw ua* ot Cam «J •••••*• mmd Oty Booda.... u» to repair the old plumbing we m*nlktt ihmfmo «ad •**! Uaa ttf »>clo>i RATKS FTjmNISBBD . j- I-II J- I-4J Pint Trophy lio-oo is Oold. iacond Trophy (voo la "will do a job that will win yonr Ftre Apparataa . . • 4-IJIJ * 'i-il •.TJo-3 •••<•><» »— o> anoj-»oun» •*.*•* *m4 rm ON APPLICATION Fuadlag .... . *• i'i| *• >-44 16.74*41 ladgts lor thla Con teat to ha anaoaacad later. Our Wall Paper com me ndationa. HUUH l itoL rd || Fsadiaj . 1- t'U *- «-*4 Jodgra will paaa upon wbeaittad picuna aa. award Trofky oa tba Bearh Protactioa . it- I-IJ II- I-4J M ereniwr of Apni 15. toil. ^^' b a vagtebla ted. «• aat) I School . ^ tSB m4 ta>w> _ 12' VUwa. aa MbmUtad fromtea t o tiaw, will da alaiiaiiaw la oar wta> BRAUNSTEIN-BLATT CO. HUSIURKHARDT O'mTemi *lm U< aW— <*U al late OtMo» dow, bat «ot the mntrotanfa -inrt. a. the li a era I pahUaaaay aa kast ia •f UWt «U* mm* tatateCit«U«ll. ••«*%* ixij, Iuo.t75.13 tooch with tka pragraa* of IheCoalaot. • r>MOtic. 410-j MMI mwjri mtma JMV Ja4VBt*/ aM laW W*M) ••< MaWW *"* b^atetlm* O«« bwey aad-ciich-clkh" now. llaka goo4 aaa at uat Mk«y»« • kUfMttW tai«vrwMaws f mmtk l»»o*••••*] STATH OF NKW JER8HV. CAPS MAV COCNTY. a* JoaaiNO PaoMrriv OOMC MM OTT. I. j. m*»%iMUa*^ii1i<»l MTU*. iMlmrmtmd The Department Store of Atlantic City Clanac* It. bcvll, betag daiy rmra, dapoara aaid eaye: thaRMMQ _ taOaTtrUtlm, l»» tWUwll'H Ml•••••>> O«>-I Oepoaewt Fa ad Corn- •oiaalaaaif theCtlyotb Ctt f OceesCttTO Cit. NewjenayN Jr . T*Tbe- itwtnar-Suuc xo/UeA1 -*1ii lanJ i |-itan1 laiKaBilaaij afni WALTER TOMLIM id* tarn ii **i A--. -?.•*-* WGttMM&kf taS m# BakiXd KfiaM Imt* •sM-^4 arf laM I ilor Term Boada of ibe City ofOcaaa City. Newjcxaey. hcrwaataaaarxad, aaee"Dacaaahar jut, 19*0, lea trie ot Hughes' Central Pharmacy PLUMBING and HEATING ia jthacosdiUoaW Siokisg Fuada of tha City of OcaaaOty, Na^Jcrary,ma(4ataa*anmkt 1 ^ * Tiy aa ta%aM trjr !••••• flef SWatft taVpiWVmMBaa aaat waM 1 ajuuttcsa. j. THOMaunr HUJHBJ, r. a 1M ASBUIIV AVCNUC B,o!tmiibrt*j»imntoUlanm*,*Hataij9mtilitiBmdlmt\h»mMMalMaw r.tvakmtkaa (VlAfl OCMWCITY- NKWJKHSKV a-io.it-.r. F..itet4s U. aVMOW"*" "-*— —-M-»- ';';' ••'•-;':';;''''''••''*'!v'-f^ii'^': ":"".':

iwafr UEBJCAI1BHDI BOIDS RALLY HERE Two •ooeaeJly large au*«.—-. .faasad Iba Ba*. tt. & Heydar la lbs I First Pneoyteviwo Ckgrcb ttoaday. I A RE you using Edison Mazda Lamps ? *I-"~^r" i Ha bad i*Mt returned froa* a fewr i UTowe cowveouaei si Cajialaii*. ^^wmkM. mtCBttmtot mub ibe Geearsl' -s not, why not? They give three timer wbica rrary-Wat* la Ib* aafetOMd. A-<- M,,# a^astm* oo evatgeliem "* •vary put of Ibw gteoa waa rapt*. JaUt,monuta b» wssoo araaco"™ *icfen. - i- — . y. *a i.ataV.. -_ Tb* speaker. as much light as the old style Carbon lamps daw aawatafe'adapts* tfto -, —. — •»•>•» m cnppiaa *oM>*n. eald, J|—" J^ swatawsasa. wttb oaa dtaaaoUog vote Ibat Iba flrat duly of Iba goveroaMol , uioi,™,. IBl, for the same current consumption. "Wbama, Mayor Cbssi oM|4 OCEAN CITY SENTINEL I. to try to every poealbia .ay to ^ .^ v aapatatad cot a tm active ...... |o# 6riagu>e»wa*aiasedaoddieab»*d6oya, "£n wf-f. „„ i A AOAJU aaaaaaa fl. (*•***. «bi«r af Ik* In da- TT, 'i^^E ^»2'-^SS% V OCEAN CITY ELECTRIC SERVICE rsataaai of Osaaa CMy, 5. J.; ibera- **"" Rending Coal umtmn I ttoaaJ ecooole (or meiased • of Atlantlo (Jlty Elsctrlo Company VOL. XL OCEAN CITY, N. J., THUBSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1921. *Bss*4vwd. toot wa. tba Oassn city a* v iead at toe eoovaoikx Iba irtniry '.1 etoe— g*a>olltg dnck< u •ai. »r kawrjni* Valaataar Fin Cooapaay. .No. 1. of 'og aod immorality: lb* ceo moo 3f :iV .u« .»«. ,™»ora.Hy: ibe ceo irioo '6lii'£SiS«J2a?* '' **"»* "» Oe*aa ttry. Jf. X. aaoora* tba KIKO ^ ^i j, • feia^Bavawi let *> fc* ^ ini^iiBiBj ^ a»^» mr BJ S>ajevOSJ laaawTweaPl* Tina -it •4 taw mayor aod think, ooder »ut- "•O#I,°"V )o«*r»»« commercialize aod the (real ojster. J .JMJB-JJ, •«,« io » CKA;**!* :» w Ocean City Sentinel •iSietsai'B*. Oasao City la la ameceDoooe. leiken in Ibe worn. Ail tola la a' T*. m^ntt Commmi***** *mmr,m it. OCEAN CITY FISHING CLUB TO BEBOILD PART BOYS READY FOR FIRST - jlaleiadto) bavu g for :u enief red K. nesJIb. poet poet _#...,_-._- ._- —..„ ,~ «_„_ _ ,fc _ '-ia» i r«*^i aa/ or a:i i:i« -^to *e:«« NOTICE trodocad a* tha BID VU ^^ ; "•= ts»o.-» «er* tr»9<«i ir *"-• :• .n i~.: i, ,_ ABBOTTS' mJ tba flr* drpsnaaai a aub *ki OOtAN OITV. M. • i««caa HIM o»a.o woo ,,f ,,,,! 1&Iall««t. 631 above tbWieifcei ;ii. fiH.u-»A5. HOLDS ANNUAL DINNER OF BOARDWALK lOoraogDly oodaretaode os&4:tlou lo WEAVERS BIO BOXINO TOURNAMENT V raoCByfcnye over lo Iba ^ „ . .,, . . . £.trwr- of J--«, »cr«. ar * broaf d in their : Alderney Dairies: -Bv- Oetaa Ctty sod the eqaipme&t of carppote trellyao. umtd brooarhg ooie oibasr Ia tatckisct-. . - CENTRALLY LOCATED IN THE WORLD'S GREATEST Oraawpertaaaot." rau o? tha war. - Phlladeiphia'and Seashore ' •*.. CURTIS ROBINSON FAMILY RESORT Retort Boosters Have Good City Officials Ask for Bids for Haon talk* were aiao gtvao by •ditor aad Mr. »o1 Mr* Jobs SIMMS' Time and Sound Praiac* of labor on Proposed **W JB WISH NATION ' emmacder Lewie CneJmen, of V _ All Next Week will be vual; Poet Co*j>maod*r William Me- < Ii4aia>oi* ttn». UH Pbna Seventh St. and West Ave. Their Summer Town. WANT PAVILION Work. CRAZED WOMAN cray. cf Cap* May: Poet i.ommander daipbla. tsoooan lb* mtr'itc* of ATUNTIC ICE C0NP4NT RESTAURANT and DELICATESSEN •I.JO Par Yaar. StrlcUjr in A4«aoca. TbeKils-Csrlloo Hotel lo Pblladal Tba city roanDt»"ioo«r* at their T. K Teagelhelm. 't (ape May ' nort f bur Marf^ernr. ti.it Toti»» Ocean City, N. J. Tb* flrat aaaoal I _ Hosiery Week waekly mtelliiK, now bald, at 10 • ac1*r Cbarlee Me- PocODO 822 Boanfwalk* pbia, large aa II la, fairly awarmed ON BOARDWALK SBNT TO ASYLB1 oflbeOosaaCMy pa*4M o'clock Mooday mornlog*. dtetdad lo TaktaaT a* a baalefor bl e aern>/.:. ue•.rta. of Tu>-Laho*. hi Juepo Lev. ' Ladies' and Children's Hose in All Sizes and Shade* wlib the maoiberaor lbs Ooeao C bs bald io Iba M, Tawa ofWew of Maiarday eoocaroicg A---::-s ••.-.• Milk Plablogl'lab Wedoeedey evealug of advert lea for bid* for Iba rtbulldlDS of i, of Wo«16iO*. told of tteeffort. CLOSED FOR SEASON nan Wafoasdayi loaasaniliu lot a oa-w Jewieo catioo. DR. W. P. HAINfib CHILDREN'S • . Ladies' laet week, wheo Ible fSmoaa orcaolxa Twentieth Street Improve- Iba Boardwalk between Tblrtatoln Tried to Set Fire to Borne teiog made Ibere to form a Po»i a abarp, -.aaBa*. U. U. t.rew ams.log \tor^' V »c3 tb* Mara* and Tan roaode for rest, that* vrOI a* Mf P :!..".»• x;: :o»i jj.e is r Juat bring tbere, bacaoe* It waa "Oeeao latue of tb* HBNTIMEL. goodboau at wr-eUkaf *rkaah «W» - t_ba^Amen.c*; C:t> rcrre>ecu::\e 1 CIV all IDS lima, deal re a pa«lll«o on State Hoepllal Dalardav after aba had asowaraiaa; ioibaa ai^_»aiauiaulae iaofl p*rn»- valor win mi H*WM fan» f.'A*. -:-*?-^* '-"^ - ••• :J* STRIPS Oon«oUnU|»UUia tl«U»u MortPMOia All Reduced Buy for Easter City Nigbt." aod more penloulerry t'lly Engineer William H. Colllaaoo poatpacMd oa sasoaataf Utaasaaf tww • af Jadab asd l*fMi, a boa* P'.lice r.iaol H*rry L t'otver • HUMBERT C. PONTICRC t Ueeao 1 Ity Ktablog <:iub Htgbl." tha Boardwalk al TwaoHein atrrei, aa reported to Iba board Ibai ba bad pr* beeo aiaasioad by. Dr. AlJao Cor. W!nl*rc.orc. lb* eooaiy or- OR. FLOREMCE B. HAIKES oftbapitoetpBaHvB Uat I bava oato —pmnua tiiicm riol.- • ;f> ' f pniiadei^nia. were Der* .- 1 Tbe early arrive la. aa wall a* Iboee •bown by Ibe following Inter read at!piml tba plan* and epaclOcallooe for aoo, of tola «4tj. aod Or. Jatros Way, Ttckau lor "Lafloa Jtlgtil it Uaa Maria*." tbtuxbj, \. O. Ly b* ApvuiBUMai iba wetkly matting <>f iba City Com- Ibe eoaoly pnyeioitn. maa'mam». sod >paaU of iba flo»i V'je.u of • a(.(. at-d Mf« H r*ot nary U, lur oaja Kan. 1 mcblog Ib* bolal a few mlaaCas b*> {ibe labor. will William H. Wood*, eoaoly cbairmac mlealooen: MHkmimg. lagaibar of all i«raaiua> ^ Lieut f OQ OCKAM ciry. N. J. 1 fore Ibe Mart of Ihe dlooer, were After a brier dlecnMloo, Director Tba woaaao. wbo Head wttb bat Ul bs pteosd apoo tba ~_ •tUn Ibalr O»D lasd. aod totkiog a acd Capt- K, O. HowelJ, It. of AT* Pblladelpbl*. Feb. 7, 19Jt. ebaaci a c< »; x City Garage Ocean City. N. J.— . • •r.'.n time to club. tlon* be tefcrred loth* board aa a com etanled Hooaa Captain 8. U. ScolL oo poet for Ibla graod lime. Tba vleltor*. wraetllng loarosaasot. BrJUMa a* opaeiac Iba "»r aod la/ for Ibe eorxaaer. Hot or Ib* activa and leading mean Dear Hlr:—AI Iba !••! mretlog of mute* of tba wbole for approval, they doty al polMw bwadquartan. Ib* olgM o« Allen Conoa, M. 0. Oal of aboot 100 , iflftba baadauoa far Ib .Notice t»Liait Ib* Twentieth Htrtet Improrrment be tiled In Ibe city clark'e olUc* and before, wbao aba aoterad aud aafcad to SEVENTH AND HAVEN AVE. •ie «v*w*> A»«OU« 1 SPRING Alfp SUMMER SAMPLES | tier* were early lo evidence. Oo* of tba boys who ara la baa am Aaaoclalton of Ocean City, of which I baarraetad. Hoa aaid aba bad brokao Ihe moat pleaaaol rarprleas of Iba the clerk then advcrtlae for bid*. oat of 144 OCM* err. mam jtirtmr 9 Ooaan City Naw Jaraay am Mcraury, I her* waa a nutation Tbacommlialontra met aa s Comall Ib* wtndowe io ber borne aod bad 'IIIDK wa* tba preaaoca of Beoje- A brooas aasdal wUI ka adopted Ibat Iba aaaoetalion eboold coulee with Ibe engineer Immediately mt* Ore lo tba building. Buick and Dodge Brothers Cars mao S Look*, looklog aa chipper aa aaeb wlooar aod a Moa i poaaiblaaod wearing a glad eajile for aak Iba City «-'ommla»k)Dera to erect a following Iba aeeeion of Ib* board. Cape. Bcoll aamoMoed Dr. Gbrsos, PKTTJT, at. U. toawofaaebeoa*. Special Value Sale every tody. Mr. Cooke. wbo I* 00* of pa»l|poo at Tweotteib atrtet and lbs Tba bid* of Ibe Pow*lt-V*oUlld*r wbo, after aa examineimo, taM Cap*. .-lagbowdeetKy L. W. MILLER la lasflaat fcinrtt^ a a Boardwalk atmllar lo Ibal al Seven- Ie Bie bop* of oltlaaia reato- Maccar Trucks •OT WKSkKV AVL be old-lime beloved .awaibere of Iba Co. for. Or lumber for iba piopoaed Hcoll Ibat lbs womaa would bear iba praltaalaarMs, aaot_ Greatest Reduction Ever club, waa compelled early laat year teeuib Hraat aod Iba Boardwalk. Ibrre block* of D*w Boardwalk Lelow OCEAN CITV. NEW JCRSCV OLS cloak wucblng. Or. Way wa* osllsd aod *locglag will oat ka p^aaa, PARTS rOR THI A8OVC VCHir LCS art OH »«* o undergo iba ampalalioa of ooa of 1 *ik you lob*good eboogh la layThirteeuib •ireet, were Ibe lowrat eob- ba nail day. eaoelodad wltb other >sei every •' 4 TM boxing *mj ba Jadgad lat !*•***• in -f it. -ar. PHILADELPHIA OIAMONO GRID BATTERIES m (toiaa-m. Known in the History Ibla mailer before Iba eoamlealonere rsallac God'e parpoaaa -*«t » ma lega aud for eooas weeks bie coo- mlllrd. It waa found al ao adjourned Tbaboabaod, wbo » aaoployed at Tb* competitor wha dhejlaya Uva watt fur Ibelr cooatderatloo and action. aiaflawjaw, aod advuad JOS. SCRIVANI. W*0*. of Tailoring Trade .'. dliioo wae errtoue. Hla leg baaled lo meeting of Ib* City Commlaalooer* oo be Haldwtn -t«ooaasUva Work* to atyla aod obtaloa tbagJaata ' " doe abape, bowever, sod be' waa abla Your* truly, Tbur*d*y. i la *te*p tbalr eye* oo the o r A large selection of best quality fabrics for fine Custom Tailoring PblladelpoU aod Ire** la Saalagtoo. of point* aball bs givwa taa < OMe* Uaaia o be dtled up ao well Iba latter pan J. f. MAKTIM. Hecrelary. Ib* fallowing revolution waa pre- _aot* of Iba Jew. aa b* could CCNTR4L CARAGC MOTOR SHOP UBIllta m. ate offered st rock bottom prices. This is yoar opportunity to buy wae ootiSad aod ba waa bars before Kveryooe wbo alliaiH I _ Samuel flecker '•1p.m. uf laet year Ibal oow ba gaU arouod On mottoo of Director Campbell, vented and held over for two weak*, bla wife we* earn lo Iba boapltal. bate kstarpret." • 30 TO •!• tUUKT 4VC. til Mr. WIL0W000 4WC. aap-ia. ling loaraamaot Faaraary S trM *•> • la Tine lor ••« Meat. a made-to-measnre suit, with Extra Trotuers of Same Material, like a two year old, aad be'* aa bappy Iba letter waa received and Hied for lu- aa required by law: baaler ia OCCAN ClTT. M. J. 11«.|ia W PINt «« Haad Tailored ia the latest style,-from most reliable fabrics, guar- Tb* family eaaaa to ibla city two ot osU lbs vartooa axssttac asat A f.jmber of toe oeoiban -,r K»: CAMPBELLS GARAGE aa a boy. lareacttoo. Bait bras year* ago. It I* amid that tb* DBAD ° ALL KINDS OF JCMi r IOHPIIIPIO. •••. tpVILOWOOO, «. J. •JOHN H. WHITICAR, M. D. anteed too'per cent Pure Wool, at a Great Bargain. wbleb look place. I Men win (o to At- C M CAVP8ELL P-c- Fun. LJXM OC f*>air *»o OooortM* nmtm Pine mt»tc by a lanr* orcbeeira Tbara waa aleo read a Utter from J. Revived, by Ibe Board of Comwoman rafoaad to Uva ta Philadel- J*»,'!ir*» «•!«.« -..- r; . ... ., TIT WtaLCT AWtNUK r Oc nCI N J William Morrtaoo, atcretary of ibamlealoner. of tb* clly or Ocean CMy phia. Tb* bosbaod elatud Ibleetty Tba officiate wiUka as Isilawwe — OCtAN CIT*. N. J. greeted ibe club meo aa I bey entered : s Twelfth Street and Asbury Avenne 6.sB*hthst: p. M. DEN AN " * - - Ocean I Ity Ke«I K.lale Board. ln>lt- Naw Jirr-ey. that too tract No. 715every Ibree or foar •***». iba polies I era*. Dr. U. H,Vail. of PMa*aMBwaw| ":-.;.'-. •••'--: :?v.-;,--r JUKIO lu* laigediniDg rooan. and Iba boy« 1 loglbacommlealonera lo Ibe meeting (for in* furniabtug aod delivery of Jadga*. B»*. B. & Saywat; ~ ~~ Mra. Otltla F. Clawkll, widow cf ». VVlLSOI. Y. CHRISTIAN aw wereauou dlacuaaiog a moat *ie*ll*ot OCEAX CITY, >-. j. Tailor and Cleaner ALL MAMPLBS dlooer. OP Iba gae i^ut-tloo here, held laat the lumber required for Ibe ebOMroet- Wbao lbs polio* vMted tba woso. d Bey Joboasat, of Daaati J. Clavall. died al Ibe. borne Haasoel Browo, of LKinog tbi dinner tbere waa more •vaalog. Ingof ibe Boardwilk between Tblr ao'* hooja. tbay roaod tbat a oom- arbor daoa-bur. Mra. Clara KoU.li.a, dark. Or. J. Tborotary Us etrueaaolaJ mualc. aod a qoartat of A reeololtoo. Introduced by Director larotb Mreet aod Hliteeoth Mrewt rr of lifbla of glaa* -bad baso lAAawtrladdoo aveoea, Oeklyo. .V J.. 809 CentraU Avenue Prof. O. W. n««ebtyt Uaw •tewday aoroiog at * o'clock, ag*d M vocaiiauasog popular aoog*. la Wbteb .'aapbrll.aolborulog lb* borrowing la Ocean Cttyw New Jenay). ka aaaaabad, sod tbal aba bad poand •M-pkAJI ttT». a. J- Ba*. Oaargs W. Yaads yaaa. ftbo we* Ul ooly lore* w**a* Ibe meaibera or dubjoloed wttb rota- ofHSOOoo Cooiract "lit, wea adotladrfaaardrd lo iba Po«ell-VaoUI(der I oil oo pspwr. ptoovd H oa a tabla Ball Pb«M,ua. Prof. Besar K. Oaaar. Faaaal •awrvksa* will be b*M tbie A *l*igbt^>r babd artw4d>d a num. A few till* were read aod ordered Company oo their bid* for Ilr lunber> lo tba oottaga and eat H aflra. Tba BELL *»OH[ IS aitimaUiM* Adalakund aftaroaau. Zolaraaoi wm ba private lUry tor Ibe rvfreebmeote K1-IU1 Utmftmf ber of irleke Ibal eatootabvd Iba galb- paid to Iba »um of 14 074 00, with lb* table w*e borosd aad Iba fire Ibso Prof. Bttraoa will 'Caau atjaararatk. Pa. erlog Tbe man alaoran a mooologoe aoderetaDdlog that raid ram (ball b* pblaa. Tr.oi Equal to Stare. Aaeiaar Lei. loeremaed or ilecreaaed aa Iba material ly Calte Qtvta aa be did ble work and hie ejittieiaa Tba weigh* aad aaatss af *ras —atss. Clawafl waa a property owoer la nica«iartly increaaed or deducted Sutton & Corson Co. AtUSUOA loo, were appreciated Tbere were el>o William K.Valet, of Ibe Valet Kite- ara to psnletpsta am as faUawmt a* tawaotaaota atrsst sadr Aawory tie- acoordlox to Ibe requlreeaeote. Aod Mr. aod Mr*. Andrew N. Paul otber enltrtalotre of elmilir alyle who rlc Baklug Cotapauy, Ihla clly. ba* UtotKW poaodaaad aa*> aaa. taa eAy. wbare aba retried ro, Iwnm fjtiioDi Drofs'l DR. OAVIO M. SAXE the Test ibal Hie proper ufBcer* are bereby Ife aod Mr. aod Mr*. Oaorga LoUar, tMrlprd lu paaa lu* lima moat igreeebly purcba^d a lot uu Central *reouf, be- Urosaraad Baysswad Oacaaa aaajr aoaa pi— frteoda bare »U General Contractors THE UNIVERSAL CAR VBTUUNAHV BUKOIiON The great Federal Reserve Banking System has proven autbortied lo exeeute a contract wilb of Pniladelpbl*. wbo ban been raeu Tbeo Mr. PMelwajoo Introduced K. Tlie Orm la lo aupply 6SO0O feet of r^rsakOraastaadJ for every day of the yeir. Has moM ca T«inl»j Wads Mla>,|» tional Bank which is a member of the Federal Re- League, who apoae briefly, nlalluga bungalow. Mr. Valet had pleDOed Tbalr goaaUwwr* Or. Mante o.wrfiuKl Frfcl*J l4 |l dtcniua. ia UOO (eat ot Jo**U aod «0QO Kldgm.aw trnuaili aod I AV(. OCCAM ( serve. System invites your account and banking busi- aucciuclly kim 0/ Ua acliitveauiixa lo build a bungalow on Aabury ave- aoo, Walter Lavmood aod wife, Cbaa. aod aadar, Ita from .11 of Iba n.it^ra. r joy^ble rccoemrats combined with ail feet of cap*. Boabay and Orrte BaCfvaa. SJTCH? and alao In* parpoaaa of tba tllata Kiab nue, above b«*enll> airrat, but ba DK. CMAS. H. VAIL ness. Tttere •eretlcbt other bidder*, all Doaenherg. wire, aod daagbiar aod thetuilityotthcloariDxfar. Finely nphoUtercd . found, bacaoaf of building reainctiooa, aod Uame Couaarvatton LaaaTua lo Iba •ubmitilog ntlmaiaaoo vartou*kiod* Mra. Tbomaa Blddell. Tbwy enjoyed Tba Winawtay ar*nU>« aiaaltna. t- W. E|.V Pkittdaa ua would have lo erect t very eit>eu- —most luxuriously—with plate glass sliding matter ut Federal migratory Bab lawa of material a turkey ainuec rtonday. Uraser aod Howard JeflrMS. rf;ni| »••»*• at Iba rint BapUM aD OaamaCM «>m. live bouee aod he ataudoued the plan «:ndo»5. it n cool in hot weather while dry '^ Tbe apeaker eald Ibat Iba omeera Kly, 104 Dooods aad aadar, PaaJ fV 11MS ycoaad lUtnuiful rroa itM •&tUdnnni. _ > at • — HRST NATIONAL RANK aod lha olhere actively lolereated Urnia e>e Ann • • t m Tw. laggi aod Harry Adaaaa. aim. £aa( »aa» nraoty-lwo yoong «i:m in fall and winter. It is- the regal*r Ullea Mtaai «i ikie> Hoalca. The xrvicea known aa *^w% Hia- rvalue Ibal iney bave a big ta*k. Tbe A very Inforeoai afiaroooo party Ha**!••. llfl pooada taMM taak taatr ba*at laaeb aosu *••••»»»»-« •-«-•»• OCEAN CITY, N.»J. league now oucobera 2H club*, wttb Morgan.Raock Po»t. AmerKao Le- llona of Iti* Croaa." conducted In Hi •SM~.~m. 1 T waa bald Tuaaday at tba boma of Hobert Hbaw aad Bosart Quiia. l«d a >>Uy UaM atool iba utpia. with a bonton body—Ibe family car that not more Ibao 10 000 member*, to N*wgtou. baaarcurad Iba Pitocwre I hea- Auiutliu*'* i burcb al 7 SO o'clock ler fur Ib* night of Tboraday,- Ketru- Krt'lay evenluga during Leot. *od Mra. Clloloo B. Price, io Iba Browo- Fsatasr, us poaods sad aadar. As> Tfeayaaiayad affoad parkxl ot«(o|iof Jcrrey. tad IUe Ocwan City FUblog l«* Apanmaoia, la booor of ber eleier. only pleases with it* comfort bat vives money in (tub aland* well lo Ib* lead. aiy £4. Picture* will CUI»M of r»o>- held for the Mr.I time !*•( Kriday eve- Ibooy Halvaga and Vmd ~ •ad mk&mm mtritm alkarward. aad Woottoi, Hircout & StBfilaii edy, a lealureaod exclualve war pic Mia* Emu* E. Clarm*. of Upokaoa, 'o«- fip>rcoit and after op«ratioa. Let us give uinr.. were well attended Maaa la Waablogtoo. wbo la epaodiog lb* UgM, U» poaada aad "if> ryrat lh» balanin of ina araDtcg Mr. Uiclwagoo *aid Ibal ibey wi lure*. Mualc will pe furnished by Ibe you a demonstration and the price b only $7vi glad lo nave wltb Ibean Mayor Joeepb aaid al 7 JO o'clock every weak-day week to Ocaao Clly oo ber way toAd» w aad (i«eige L~ LAW OFFICCa legtou'e Mrlogad orcbealra. England. f. o. b. Detroit. lOMMlnnerl oa Mecuca fxa.) W«lt«r, 145 pouode t * «il«T» (THCT Oardloer aad Bom L -- aad lalaraaL BUSINESS LOCATION iuem, a. J. f ia Civ*. •. 4- Middle, US paoada aad L_ Asbory avenue near Ninth stract. The improvements SEEKS PROTECTION FOR tilbbaod WiUasss Wataaa. 6BT RBADY FOR TEMPORARILY OUT Bt on the property now consist of cottage, small apart- i * Hoe. naliora. have A Home Investment Pleasantville Motor Co. sod C bar lea Hayaa. ""-*••**««« *~* o»o. •^[OKCAN 11AMJ, ment and double garage. Can you find an Asbnry MINSTREL SHOW GROCERS AND PRODUCE MEN OF BIS PULPIT Mpsdsl boot bat wast • aUaraaraf thetreiora 7 South Mala Street WasiUnftoo Ava. aod Tooy Tseearto**, * '•••J avaawa. Tba avenue property as cheap as this at only S3.SO0.00? ATTORNEY «vno Tba two wraaUlog boats wblak warn W^sad to wan. ^ ATLANTIC CITV ELECTRIC COMPANY i<. •M a Wak, r^fU1 ?ISL0fm,»"»«m.a. PLEASANTVIIXE. N. J. jj w COUNSELLOR-AT-I-AVV, * A Weil-Known Residents Will | MercantUe Tax Likely to Pol: Bat Futot's Absence WUI poaipooed will bs b«w**a raal a*t> • •sty attiwctrvw. n >i an important an^ -.:tj.1 factor :n the upbuilding coo«Wr.fc^ d.S,^ »• .pi to reaolt it w-e urn 4v>im Hints ^c. Take Part In Presbyterian | low Jostice Ware's Appeal Not Interfere Wltb Bap- laggi aod Harry Adaaaa sw taa MM- of the cosaiusities which ;: btr-. es The service Pbooe it NEW MANAGER FOR pewud ebSmptooablp, aad Baaa FwV On tka walla ars ^ MaMey & Edwards Entertainment. to City Officials. tist Church Work. puooaulUaocgsOardkwfaMlkwMa. •» war aossas fro. tb. this company rtr.'itrs :i '/ne of the E'^t iniportani REALTORS Tba ecrvlcM al Iba Klrat BaptM poood cbaaapeaoebip da. Bumf,M-Jjwto taa Joatorr laaibar asseU*;n their fu:tire jfrowth. Electric *:^ht and ^•^"^^^-••W- be.oo.eH Illy Kogloaer William H.Colllawo. ,'nureb Uunday mom lag were ta 1 ^a..»-^ a af UM St«, ka«ta«a>j*r«d *atlaaiJ> i chairman of Ib* oocamlltre, l*»rll»»ljr UICOII HWBL'jr^rsi.T-a > tlectrc ;^>wer ir-.- :c':i«p«-n. i.'ih!c i:i :::'^crn tvery- 8th and Central Are. preparing for tba mloatrel' abow lo b* berg* of Or. Jama* E. L*ka. wbo To Ooa Dsjuuiuaat «ttk(baaayal laaaLbla aacnaa. Tbu ! grocerp bu»inr*«, *|carrd brfor* Ibe imbtav day life. gUuo lo toe aaatmoly ball of iba Kirai iraa«bad very acceptably Tba *veo- foe yoar ooaveawnot wa ba*aa»> lily ti.ajQil—l..nn. ar Ibelr weekly raoged loeacorslba iinlme)** lav -> Apgar & Boswell. Pre«t> a u... ti.,UIn -• A uunber of Iba well know a men to a eoog arrvlcw lu cbtrge of Claytoo ba preparauoo of yoar Inenms las Oealer« eitei'i.l people wbo iu|i|l to Ratoro. or anew** aay qwasttaa yas a f1stMa,ef tkw Atlaoti* Fleet, baa FURTHER ASSISTING the progress of this of Ihr looo will take part, aud Ibr ing Easter. Heine* Unck ami lapt Alfrad B tiuck>ieiiiiar,.uu ib* atraela bere aeteral may daalrsto aaf c bias aaawssaass; aba . ixUnj by Mra. A. Raodolpb baaa aotoataaT a Iww aay* wttb ble part of New Jersey ov firinjjing to the pt'-;,'e it SMITH'S elogiog will be a (astute J C. KuDck, Jr, of Philadelphia. mouth* in tuc year. loooma lax law aod tatalathma A WH. H. COUJSSON. |M. • cboU Mr. Brick apoaa forf*w mlootaa e.ineereallaei arttb taa Ia> fraawata, »at»rt Jaflrka and woa. af sen.es a SAFE AND PROFITABLE INVEST- Tha leoora will be Hootl Adtm>, * aud aVsnager of Ibe _Lmc»Iu I litre i. II.J aurcaoiile lleeooe re tba»*«y. ToaFlatMa la la lb* Bom- The Tin Smith lao. M. Am. Boa. C K. •. The Place to Shop (.'bailee Adama, t>r J. T. Hug bra. •evaral mlojtea oo II Tim., third oocaa Tas Omosr at this kwBwtaslwa Hotel here, who waa In Iowa rtelur sid, may aava yoa boors of Uass la tk*> fw» •— •—*-» aad ka was stvaa a Bva. MENT opportunity in it. Cumulati-.e Preferred Ruaeall H Nulty. ti V. ManbalL bepter. Ave. Civil Engioter aad Suneyor A FEV SUGGESTIONS FROM day and Hundajr I* pu»biog prepara* aud Ue kuo>ve that all lha giooale lure, or paoeMiee IblOwgk -*• ata bos Jaat fstaroad Stock. Wartlugtou U liarrta, Lewie UaDdy. too* for tb* opening of Ih* Lincoln bere aie willlog lo pey alloeoHof Tb* paator, tba IUV. Msrpi* M. •Porting of Iba law's i ' ' aad wUI goto JONES' /VtEIN'S SHOP Kuy Darby. Waller Tomlio, John H Tor Ib* Ka*trr holiday* euil ib* mm-Ibl. kind. Lewie, WM advUed by ble pbyeictea The stock costs iqr> an'! > ividen AVBIMJU Kirby. .Clarence l'oll>taou, Harvey HucaMer* come lo Ocean Ctty to ttotarday teenloK lu telluquUb tba d ffor each ilawo aod Wuliaoa H. Col.laaoo. ih* «piiug and early atiaaoMr, eald pulpit aod otbar aervioaa tsr a raw k.lo Coat Tba Liocoln will be open on Hie adv., S-U. tt. share and yoa can hav it for cash or on an easy NOTICE B.tb hllk -Shirt Jr. Mr Ware, aud reol a room or a abed. aa ba baa coolreetad wboop Hul Underwear bilk Hcae Tburedav befora Ka»le' Tbere «lll Tbeo they pay II and wltb Ibla pay- log eooab from bla cblldrao, ail four waa wm So. i payment plan of 55 down and $; per share a MEMORIAT \ Trmvrliog Military Braabn The baaara will be Harry 8. Adam*. • pedal muate by au eirelleot or- Foa BAIA—TWO Umbrella Wallet (Leatlur) Leather Le^jtcu Boll a Uarrrtaou. Kd^atd M. rluliou. oieut to Ibe city they may place a being afflicted wllb II at ibla tlma. lota oo bay frool. 11X Ua«a< Mala» Oaaw Uaard TirauiaHH. Aftdraa* atAfalaa. baabaao plaaal la month. bweater WatcbChaia CiKaretle Ca>c J PIMUI Cadmaa. H. B t ree. K L balNiuivu ttuck waKuua oo tbe vlraeie Tbu new arrangement will esoas J. r*. VKNABLB Leather Coat Aulo Gauutlcta oooeerta on tiooday aftetooon and 104 Booib Third anas*. af tba aasjJlary atatioo at KldGlora QotT. t°. Homer UOoeiuaker, Maieolm aud Ibrae may do bualoaaa wltooul b* oatug* prayar meetlag* to ebarga 60M A*MUMV a«HI» bcaxf Pin New Hal Caff Link* availing. A deuce will be ooe of Ihe Every share fully paid and non atiessaWe. free Au*e»e hucSalera. lhaipeaker oploed. during Iba paauur'a «beano* from putf T6««T I»I»piaaHp I tt« lllIMt aJul JOSEPH BROADLEY tor lha Kaater requires a aotad Saaal Mock hf ouumK *v«r Jobo B Adama oo (b* end*. abould |>ay a tireoae le meeting*. When yoa have a collactad u«amh Director Campbell aaid tbal be Company aa yoar dspggbafy, j.Patescorr C*OMAN. jr.. J>hona 88-M alwayaoo band. occix CITT Trrkst * Xasrarr PIJONK i'ilu PHOSHiu. otfr.HHi)j 1*1* aolb, Har>ey Calllaaau ; bollog Kraab egcrtgbt from Ih* country, Ibougbl Ibu mailer ahoutd have al- FTaJ tt OCStAX CITV. M. J, ypa ^arc addad alabOlty ~ elBltMlloo. Jobu B. Adama and Cllu ptaoly el Ibass, AOe doaao. teollou, but be euggeeted tbal tt would too L. Bracklay. Uood fraab euooanuiaia lha •bcll.JOc be batter fur Mr. Ware lo nave a pa- yoar basiness. 4J9 Caatxal AVCOIM For your roavaaMoe* wa bavear- Kreah killed cblekeo* to order. lllloo from Ibe merchant* end preeeot Ocaaa City Naw Jcraay There will alee ba rcraJ Mlaettooe Hweet eider aod aalooa meat. ranged to eacure lbe> aarviaa* of mo I o- by a mala quartet aod a Neapolitan All klnde out* sad'popcorn. Ibu lo Ihe board. coaa Tax Deputy oo Feornary H aod trio by iha.daaotoo brother* a Kraab BoaMad Paaoou. Ac Ib. Mayor Cbempioo eald tbal Iba city Kabtoary tt, wbo will be glad to ae- rteoty Peaool Brutle. S&c Ih. officiate will be glad la belp Iba aser- atet you with iba preparattoo of yoar Geo. F. Saxton Dominic Uerbaaato. Tax Baturo. or aoewer any INFORMATION COUPON fraab Uoldeo Dataa, SSo Ib. adv.. If cbaote cooceraad. bat lb*4 Ibey you will oot be ma by aaioa daiagau*. kal Kuroi»bed oouagw COMPaiNV 929 Ocean Avenue rt»~. i*»^ Ocean City, N. J. particular*. Calf, write or pbooe, li t-W by your employ**. 0*11 Ball 71M; orj not. Apply " bet'ef Mill. c>caa aod aaa aw c. L adv. *«.« OCHANCm. GOOD VORK. QUKX SMXVKX^ALL VOBJC DONB ON PfUOOSZS J. HORA0C MIU.ru U7 Bay avasaa, Ocsao Clly. •dTCXtlsc in the ftaaot* riaaasaa. Prop. Kara. Loogpan- Ttyaasd aa 88NTINSI, aaa a im sr PMIUL. PA. in, it iT'TTiWP

He was always there Ever eta* ba Bute 10 Ta*, to But* THu.. Honferford end others of tba club. Joloed-tb. dob be nee .1-.,. been on We £iToo7^"Z. a-VHSL™""- * 37.llt.69 SUta School Tu to SUta Treasurer. •7.64I.16 Ha eaM that be know* all of IIM boy* __ ,,._m>ma ua you Any Kir* Any When «*o or torea committees snd voul«!.State! **??Railroa? dT* T» tuo t Stato MunlelpaJltlae Treat,™.a . 41.617.741.6S7.71 of law OHM iMf rtoblac Ulab era would Hod last a* wee back of hitReaarva Fund to MunlelpallUaa 7.144.15 Ocean City Sentinel •aa •>>«•» Ma, 100 per east. Aaietiean, and Into keepe Bourgej ooauattlse's work. Lest NOMf be Slata Scbool Fund to Municipalities MANSE SGBNB OF people total ber. Tb» Ocean City I^WMfe s—aanj esee fey WM tl«k and uoable lo b* In Oeaao Carpenters and nrni, LOCAL COMPANY HAS LINCOLN'S DAY rublo»uuii Ulauioob uI* oossprlaseoaaprleed of virgivlriln J dabinCity aiwbg tropn, buty committee, as chairma, nb ao fwon Ibt. T •UO.I* John Marts Lumber Cd| It.*.*— •-- 1910 1,981.93 gold and It la MM to ttta core. Idend, eveo »bee> tick, about ibe irr> OCEAN CITY, N. J. Weeball baalsd toreeerve tteauor Q01ET WEDDING WntJi atraet awst Havajn AaJSims *MOB8DAY. FKMBDABY IT. 1«M l„o presenting PrestdanPlMMaal Franfrank I «•••«— u - 2.238.66 % BOUGHT THE SENTINEL tJOaVm OtTV* M. J« > pbtss. Many of Ibe boya visited blm State Scbool Tax to Municipalities M-Wei ty**^ T "ft**inntfra^t-t>nqj of tatatnaas MlaeMwrror iMJsn|lere 'Clab of Lomber atlBwarfc,MgHI'y.^nnilagPaper.geejeexjeeew.rilaj.«ia>T lest IUDOW and enoouraged blm by 1919 i I 1R3.48 Jobbtag Wort a to Ihle oossaianlty sad oar readers Ocean City, President Stelwagon, evejywueia. William Price and MlsrloM telling bias. Ibal tbey ware not catch- 1920 94.878,40 u» to Increase Capacity of p orged closer relatlonablp between ibe Joseph 6. Champion JO5.D. LEB B. Adams Martlcd by Patriotic Addresses by Prom- two nmnlf*i>«i.- ing many dab In Oeeau. City, and AMI trnejoiiinfrfatrffn* sboo|d be ao> -Plant and Hake General two onraulistiona, 95.fl«0.88 RaaMaacai therefore be wasn't' missing much. For Support or Public Schools to atoa- eosBpanW wttb tbe roll name and Dr. Snyder. inent Members of County Praeldent Mlsalmer Mboad Ibal *** P—al,. p4aca address of tbe writer, noyoaoaaaartrr Improvements* . COMMONITi SINGS —.—.. «vwwvu lull Tnls man bed TO par cent, charge uf . tclpallUee .... . William Prtoa, St., eon of William P.O. 8. of A. HOSIERY . itlmeat. He aaM tnat tbara ara Ibe anlertaloasenl Ibla evening." 1.128.10 Building Contractor for panlleaUoo, but aa a imarantee of Tba Oe>an City Printing and Pab- Tax on Second-Clas- ~.s_ naiimui rroaerty Coorlfr"li . Price, and Miss looa Bond Adams, Members of Washington Camp, No. •awsweaa-sa aTHaassa, I plenty of flablo Ocean City and Ibe Mr. Bttlwegon Ibeo presented Ibe 'dangbtar of former city Commissioner llsblng Company. II la announced by SILK MERCERIZED WOOL TkafloalaofllMloaalpiiblloaiboala to Municipalities...: :...; »7.524.78 PLEASE CROWDS 75, P.O. a of A. of ihla eHy, bad a TkafloalaofllMloaalpiiblloaiboala' BMO of bolb iba Oeaao City Fkhlna; estate airr.. PrFrsokeodsida . Ueorge O. Adams, war* qatetly mar- orBaare of iba reosntly looorporalad aaaaad aaooal wrestling loanaaMoi, •ary aojoyaba* aad profitable sssslou aaaad aaooal wrestling loanaaMoi dob aod Iba Anglers' Clob tboald Tba oaten sa OCEAN CITY. N. J. DOTS ried al Iba 'Presbjterran Uburett orgsaraalloo, wblab baa purahsaed MEN, WOMEN^nd CHILDREN —. t,-.n.— u- - • Balanca on band D Many oottaga seekers nareSatardajr. rbe eompaoy organbwd Friday sf- mamban of Iba local lodge aod quits aodaDbruia babalfor iba club and Ornca: 8th St. Opposite p A srere nrsaeoL. WcU Attended. akJU woanod ib aoduraoea oaatlntdte ibowoo by iba aoauMn In Ooaan City .baiog of a ooyMir."-Uaary W. tMalwagoo Frank Cooo la oaUblng oodflan oft tsrooon with Iba followiog ooleera: a dslegsUoo froaa Caps May City. ooyMir"-Uaary W tMalwg CAPITAL_^_ ACCOUNTS.aVVWif J Tbe bride was attired lo embroid- Another of tbe esrlee of Saturday aaaajajaBjtfaSlokajra woo iba ooaatlntadgipptoaa af lAoas BBajkioa g aoopd oon frlandly ebaraetar. Nail caaaa iba noirlog ptcJu OCEAN CITY, N. J ••<. Ooraoa'* lolsi. Tbara war* also vlallora from camp , Nail caoaa Iba moving ptdurva ol Balance on hand December 31. 1919 f ered bloe georgatie over blue satin. Praatdeol, Howard B Blalolou; v»oe evening solartslomenia wsa bald In M. %3. Brownloo Ibanwaamrtiilna geod-anadn aaodf tolaraatad MOM OBakio aadhtncag u.p Followlog, Ibla. Or. Jaaaaa raadao iba u*—* ••»»«-—•" 1 3.822.98 Only galvanized nails nsedoa 98. Egg Harbor VUj. .,.—. ^.. <•>•>• naaan ' Iba Oeaaq City Cop Toaroamaot bald RKCKIPTH Tbara waa a crowd of sxoursloaleta Hbe wore a bat of Efy plian crepe eod praaMant, Marry F, Bunion; treasurer. Iba rest room of low city's municipal Tbara waa a mraiai 12 loot maltad Jsmae T. .Maxoo, of Camp lu*\ thagaod-atwdaadtamittit «ndi«n~ ortgloa------l poao), "Da VMlaw," wbleb bara IMI aaaoaMr. Tbara wara viatra Wlldwood Crest-Cape May Road State Tenth Street and West Avenue exterior work ID tble dty Boaday. totd late. H. B Mowrvr; secretary, lbs Kav. M pavilion Saturday evening. Tbe room liAUMINQ AND MOVING atagaaada ring rot iba eoalaalanu, •ada a big bit wlib bw baarara. Tba M Laws*. • These gsnllsoaeo, wllb B Booth Seavllle, BUM masl«r of forma, of tba cop, Iba eulara a"bd Iba cro«d» Aid Tbe bride end (room ware attended was wall Oiled with an eppiedative . ' LOCAL, AND LONO OISTANCD Btepatly ropad, aodwtU IHiiajfqrit^ poaov, waa dadloalad lo all wbo a»ar 19.«94.10 Next Tuesday will ba a holiday— Frank Bmllb, B. B. Baoso aod Alfred and A. L" Beyatoor, of Camp 144 Ibal vlawad Iba caailog. by Baaaoal Prlos, brother of luegrooa), sodieoee. Fbe program waa of a bleb by auoog aJaetrio llgbu bald a rod. and II appaaiad to all of 8ALK OK BOKDH Waablntton's Ulrlbdar. R. Bmllb, an Iba locorporaiora and Wlldwood, dtetrlet prestdsol, wan ' Tbara wara cnaars for iba b*auilful Central Avenue. Ocean City 9O.300.0U and Miss Edna Lake. Tbe latter wore mualeal standard. Philadelphia and Ocean City vrOt . Vv. H .Vi ValLl . of Pbiladelpbla, Or. Jam**' baarara. It daall with al Avenue. Ocean City 9O.300.0U Valeotlon were found to ba aearea dlreetors of ibe eompaoy. aaaoog Iba dlsUogulsbed guests. V. cap. Cedar Swamp Creek Bridge180 a dark blue serge and satlo gown and "Wan waa • wrestler ervatal yean ago, fltblog to bay aod oeaan, and waa Cedar Swamp Creek Bridge 18.000.oo lo Iba stores nere tbts year. Tne Brat number, ibe popular noet All Iba offlcers and some of iba Philadelphia gjjjj" Ae one looked aroand at ins nna atctloa a t • red velvet bat. Tba HaanHU, bulldiog. rqulpmaol UnIrna lo Uflifea. Iba doe f"""" ^* ">"' R™"* «•"« Co from 'Poet and Passant." an over- aated as ressree, aad Ibe Jodgea wara: 'body of men in iba banquet ball, all Tba Woaao'i Hoaoa Mkalooary «o- and stoogs will be lakso over by Ibla ismbers of Csmp 181, Capa May in Office)! e« ala - Hoy Johnson, of Ocean City, and President Btal wagon took ocesaloo lon'1 Inlet Ro*d Followiog Ibe ceremony tbere waa a ture by Huppe. waa exceptionally well rspressoutlve Pbilsdalpbleoe and Nortn S5.U00.00 - ottly will bold a cake ssla In Iba store company Tbe uama of ins papar will given by Mlee Mary K. Colboro and City, wan pnasot, ibay bavlng corns Saaioel Brown, or Atlaotw City; elark. to present a handsome silver malcb representative Pbllsdelpb'lanT"'andl Wlldwood-Oraaay Sounds Road dinner al Iba boeae of Iba bride's par. • iiI—• •-•-- " and Bridges RUE artistic renalts in architecture can only be SOS Aebary avenae February 19. be'retalned. up lo gat a line oa iba costomee aod .^,,...... nra to bla close pereooal friend, all asBbera of Iba Oesao Cily Flsu-I •oa linages eats. 609 Ocean avenue. Tne young Airs. Jsmee Austin. Br.J. TborolM "—' obtained when all units blend to produce a work of Iba degree team 0/ Camp 78, Uogbea; announcer. Oeorgs Frsakeofleld, chairmen of Ibe IngClab, Ibe siplsosttoo uf Ocean|C*P« Msy-3outh Cape May Road 140.000.00 Members of Iba Oeaao City Flablng couple I ben left 00 sfabotl auto inp. 11 Is planned to have an augmented Homer C. tfboemakar played a bean- K «. Ougar; __ 1 J harmonious whole. Very often a small detail force, and tbe purpose of Ibe new Iba mamban of Ible laarn having •afeeener, Ibe Rev. lropby committee. City's popularity stood revealed.' '*"'" ' i3.ooo.oo Clob bad ao enjuyabla lime at tbelr tlful violin solo, Kobeostslo's ••Melody Oaorge W. Yard Beach Avenue, Capo May carelessly selected or executed destroys an effect which Mrs. Price baa been assistant to ibeowners le to gradually add lo tba me- mom than a Stale wide npoiailoo. I Tbe preeeatallon '-There la ooa Iblng In my beart 1 Tbey all love Ocean Cily—Ibay all S2.fi00.0l) dinner lo Pbiladelpbla last week. city las col lector for a few years. Up- lo F." Roeaell U. Nulty accompan- of trophies wae by SurX. Jaaaaa M. "oold like to ax press," said ttt. Btsl [Mechanic 81.. Cape May Court HOUM. . otherwise would be perfect. Leander S. Corson e'baolcal equipment witblbe Ibougbl • AfUrlha earamooies, nfreahmaols GANDY COITil h""" IbM roaort on all occasions. ttapl. Buiby. of lbs Abbott Dairiee, ied blm. ' ^ wagon before aaaklog Iba presentation.1 Wlldwood. Wlldwood Crest .and Cape 32.S76.00 on ber raturo from bar 1 Up aba will of Increasing Ibe publktblof and Job In Iba shape of ssoer knoydogglea." The Hurley-Jones Co. m..^* — - - • - - - City—aod tUCaatralA I.ct me design and coustnict that building and died soddenly al Pleaaanlvllle a tawresume ber duties 10 Ibis ortlo. and rs- A strong sddrvee 00 "Llocolo" was baked beans and eoflet wen aojoyad. [OaaaoOMy ft-Tungae and that in. 33 boys "O^ng.y^mlnuerMlon tner.bW May Road BUILDER printing depertmeats. •IP WtDUCTION IW CLOTHINO 73.000.00 you will be assured of a design that is architecturally •eaa a'nw avc data ago. Ha was In ebaiga of Ibaraaln luers for aw bile. made by Iba Rev B 8 Hoyder. Wllb John B. Klrby officiating aa « «»• «««OBI Oruay Sounda-Burlelih Road...... Tba policy uf Ibe paper uodtr ibe We have redoecd all clothing lo stack from Un to thirty per "cast. If yoar Osmsa the Tear Warm 'ba were to wrestle were Ibe beat oat — -"""" 201.000.00 correct and a building that pos.scv«* economy and ocean cirv, KJ. J company's offlce bare al ooe lleae. Mr. snd Mr*. Price will be-at boma" OOMI Adams, socompaukrd by Mrs. la sjora loan . bun- Landla Avenue. Sea lale City oew management will ba lodspvudent loaatmaeter several strong addressee •alt or cast is getting shabby aad yoa are la seed of aaototr tt win pay yoa to 1a.060.00 durablity iu construction. Karl Pfender aad wire, of Ibis oily, al 611 Ocean avenue after Maieb It Jobn R. -Jooes, a a o.g a solo, look over oar stock before baying elsewhere. We can give yoa same enetlii ^toaryoouta. Uatoidbow Temporary Loans Iaaued in Anticipation laaarafltM ' ^ 'n all mantra, iba primary purpoae wara beard, Iba principal speakers bavf taken Iba scoood floor apart- Tne youngf people bave ibe bast •Anchored." la bis mnsleal lenor being Messrs. Maxoo and Seymour. bsrgalaa in oar store la Atlantic City. oftbaboya bad atoppad aaaok of Sale of Bonda and State Aid. My service guarantees the highest quality of betoglo advance Ibe beM Intsrveti-of voice SUMMARY materials, the "best of workmanship and absolute satis- sent lo I be Mct'orkle collaga 00 tglebee of many frtsoaia. Ocean Cily in every way al all limes. OHOKR THAT "KASTf «•• SUIT NOWI Including Renewala 2 Lincoln's "Uvttyeburg Address" Hrs, Wiflittn G. aaodUloo tor tba eaolaata. Ha !«.3I.I. large laundry plaol lo New York. » -tO •^2^j^°«^M»erl0aitnoteBof GENERAL^ .. ACCOUNTS. K.J77.91 A Reliable Builder f Marshall, with Miss Marlon Trout si Warren f.'ooo, of 1 bM Bute. B. Frank rtmltb la poatma.!**.Z% David Wells, died at Iba borne of iba > 4Wiaas. R Smitb. led Ibe Oceao Cily boya Vocal duet. Dr. J. Tnornley Hugbee Body K. L. SMITH B. H. Cal l~w»hnZ^.Z.P"mOe'la de. gtotging s county pa«t councilor* aa Addrses. tbe Rev. J. W Wells. T2O-32 ASBURV AVC r and a ribbon to tbe loser la ibe 3.30S.22 Total nu conveyaodog bosinssatemporarily S4j Asbary Ave. OeaaaOry. M.J Sttrrofate'a Oflce on H.inJO 8335.«»O.6l] OTIS M. TOWNSEND •ocialloo al TU A*bary aveaoe Later be will J. W. KIRKBRIDE 2.509.38 LIMN. -.»««*, ^vtt XC-gtsr ttmmtmf XM—easia. Clark's Offlce OCEa" CITT. PBB8OMAJ.8. eaublrsb an office at 804 Central ave- I4.7Iii.87 Hotel tow rammer, Mgiunlog ber da Dr. Wilsoo Y. CbnsUso, 80B Ceo- Old Turnpike near Sfeor* Road PLEASANTVILLETN. J — r—~ • — Kvavett Bakiey won Interest on Bonds, Accrued Interest and New taauea O.\ H.tXD IV THK FOLVnwtSO BJiXKM «»aCi p.o. BUILDER ». J. nue. where be will be pleased to greet j irsl sveooe. Ibis dty. wiabea lo S« er«eka7a Cieas [ I L HDGHEI t SOI. PH1II 630 Kama An. 13.0«',.10 City Eleetriciso Jo-epb R«alos has Icooaty Tazaa 1*20 Pint National Bank. Ocean Cily. Sa»ln«a Pund 1.070.75 Mrs Hslea Hsrrtabetater and bos- WIRE ... .!«••• Waileewaueese Blrxxsrd AttnlUTe, rrturosd frusa a vi-u 10 Pbilsdslpnls One-half Bank Stock Tax. 4J4.I22.Js 24.66 Swan and Trout Applwaikoo bavlog bteo made by weaeverBicbard Townssod, wKb a Pint Natlorul Bank. Ocean City. Interest and Bond CITY. N t be od. or Wilmlugtoo. Dvl.. vieitsd Ibe R. H. JOHNSON PLUMBING COMPANY kUaesltansous Kevanoe 3.185.32 Merchant* National Bank. Capo May. General Pund 4.785.30 Joaipb D Lae snd family •pent ibe farmer's aunl, Mr*. Mary tiartwr, 10M WlilksmU Colllssoo, Jr. dly eogl- a-" •- issjaalaaaad 40seeoodi wes*-«od wtib Irnudi lo Pbiladal- Interest oa Deposits 1919 14.056 63 Merchants National Bank. Cap,- Cay. Kavlncs Pund 1.312.94 Asu ryeveooe osar, tor sod in behalf of Ibe dly ul 123.sa. rr-y-w Baak Pint Ndiiaoal Bank. Cape May Court House. Genera! Fund 4.28 CUNTON L. BRECKLgV. • saatSHT re-Id tot. »u in IOWO rtai dsys ss ibe rosst of Mrs i. ttsevaa Sab Creak, sou 1 beset• uf iba county Electrical ardsy. Temporary Losna. Including Renewala Plm National Bank. Cape Hay Court House. Savior" Fund 386.03 Mixed Pstnta.L Lead aod Oft Hiidmb. of ibk> etty. bridge at Hay aveou*. Oceea Cily, 411 ASBURY AVENUE SJ3.IJ4.37 thereby eluelus; ibe creek 10 oavlgs Ocean City Title ar^f Tru«t Cn.. General Fund 355.19 Carpenters avenue. Bsraaid Rucl Hmilh, uf Puilsdslpala apeol a' OCEAN CITY NEW JERSEY JlMasmWafata !Oc««o, 001 toe is hereby ilvso Ibal a Real EaSteate For Sale 31.778.J0 Sunday. • res 10 tliar o>4iaa« Puuneroih 'Security Tru»t Company. Cap« May. General Fund public b.ario» 10 Ibe waller will r» »!. 137.410 463.85 Cape Ds»kl Met Web, of Pbilsdsl atraai .ud Bay aveuoa BIO BAROAHN8 OOc« KXU Caajtral AV«M Tuckahoe National Bank General Fu nd held to Ibe rommuatooers' room, Cottages, Apartrnents aod BangsJosrs, ramisaed and onfarnished [courts Tuckaho* National Bank. Satinsa Fund 513.36 pbla. a eaeaaaar rest sol, wse bara • f l2.SS2.il CLOUTING, BKCKLtt All Heory tftrgsod aad wife, of Phils- Ctty Ua.ll. Oerao 1 lly. February U Some estates in my hands most be sold at sacrifice prices. This is the OCHANCITY.N.X Freeholders snd Offlcers 66.30 ttaodsy. t.Ssl.ll WlldKoivl Tide and Truit Co.. General Fund datpbla. Maori rssidanu. were here sll p. a time of year to bay Cottages aod Lou at this Popular Seaside Kesort Bridges 389.44 MUs El tube Ib Psarsoo, of C'aasdeo. Monday, soeampealed by Joba Oruntf very Cheap. Apply to 11.278 49 flOOFREr All lolere-4ed par I lea are Invllad 10 Sara on yoor coal bills. Ketp taw Incidentals A'oar 11 Ikj time la frl ready /or It* Ssjian a/ 19JI Is visiting Mlaa Mary A rboe>p~oo. of a Philadelphia Jsweler. OUR NEW 4.997.«5 erroac vou 00 vooa r-smvma be presvot sod while lor accuracy of Road Maintenance Deficit 1919. I335.6-.O 61 Ibla cny. cold out aod tba beat la. 50.00 Usoaard Marphy aod Cheater Far- reeord sll Imponam fscta sod areu. Alonzo Cotton HoaSoad ^.n^ Contractors 4^ Palms Mrs. Annts Uagsl 0/ Pbtladalpbla, goeoo. of ibla any, rstsrnsd the tetter Bqoip tbote draft*, rattliss; doota 194.389.11 aueou abould Be submlltnl lo wruiog, 4)19 Aabury Avenue Oeaan City. N. J, Road Maintenance, Storm Emergency. HOTEL FOR SALE OCKAm CITV. N. J. a property owner bare, waa a visitor pan of last week tfm a taw day*,' oral evideocw will be beard aad windows with AU WSTAL 41.000.0u LIABILITIES OF THE COUNTY aa Beoesy. visit la Philadelphia frleoas. Electric System Baker! fc 11.2*4.99 Furnished, 27 Bedrooms. Bath, Good Location, Will Uir O»ere tUII of Ibe blrb trxwl Friday First floor, 5 rooms, all conveniences; Second floor apartment Barylns- Soldi*™ ...« <>-••— . . $*+ lale City Hoad SSKSiSL 5 vtsttor si tbe boeseof Mrs. Laura Barylag Soldiers and Sailors. 387.50 37,'IMM IMI 2.000.00 < J. Ftlbiaa Talsm, of Uaddoaneld. avaotog, Februart IS Tney are b»lug .. . Holly Beach Road Nabb. to Ibla dly. 5 rooms and bath and pantry, fire place; Third floor, 4 rooms CUT THE HIGH COST OF UVING Printing'aad Advartlalaa* 2.025.«« I o.ooo.on 19.000.0o J. POSTER wss sssoug iba vtsKors bete Fndsy rabesrssd by Mlee Louies T. Corsoa. UlAakwryAv*. Ocaaa Ctty, N. X . . Schellenctr'e Landlnc Bridge, No. 1 Oceaa City House Cleaniajf Wllb bla wae Bo beet Chew, of Cam All furnished, for 37,000. Jail ,. 1.13«.»3 S.'l.i., .,„ 5.000.0U William « Urabsm. of Pbllsdtl Ibe eapsole Instructor of music lo Ibe . . Schelltnger"a Lsndlnc Brldfe. No. 2 deo. troetee of ibe loeal • ml ley lias. Public Bnlldlaas and Grounas - 10.488.25 i'l.^oo no. 1.000.0U CITV. Comtzny pfcla. forsscrly of ibis dty, wsa s visi- schools Eat More Bread. . . . Holly Beacb Dndie, No. 1 tor bars Melurdav. Iaddestala, Public Schools M24.73 6.0fl0.oO 15.000.00 Frank H Plait of Ibla dly aseaa- HARRY R. HAYES . . Holly Brach Brldse, No. 2 • law ••«•»• aatlast. Tax Commission : 1.61» 40 1 ".Mult no 2.000.00 WIIUM Wsogvr, of Pbilsdalphla, gar of a tbestar lo Weel Pnllsderpbia. . . Sea tale City and Woodbine Road vieiled blaaMer. Mrs Fraoa Murpby, Tbe funeral aervicae o>er tbe rs REALTOR It is the most Nutritious Food. Debt and Interest Drfldt 1»19 454.52 17.00H.IU, H.5u0.00 spec I iba wsea-eud aiib' Le-lte C. . . Rirhsrtlaon'a Channel Bridge Hog bee, of ib»> cny Iu 1 bit rsaori. duudsy and woodsy snal aofMlo foncbts Kodgers lo Ibe Thirty-third and Aabury Debt aad Interest 11.748.33 92.uou.0o 14.000.00 am AX . . . Holly Hc-ach Road TiMinacle t nurrb rtsluidsy aflsr> r*-| •m Vrm ••rri -*-V- New Boide S.812 32 134.UOO.OO. 64.000.00 Mrs. XcMle Bdwcrd. has rrturosd William MoUioots sad L 8. Ful- 1 aa tba Haoa Bolldlac. -- . . .Ocean Clly-Coraon a Inlet Bridge ooou were larg*ly sittodsd. Tbe aTlCCa nCaaOOaOlg Elections 12.234 42 22.OO0.00. 118.000.00 REALTOR boms after a pleaasni 'visit Iu asar. of Pbiladalpbla. active members • lag Tbara will be aa . Road Improvement Seashore Road Bav Ju^pb T. PeyDa, paMor. waa in LXAVC your order at tfht Start Elections Emerssory 5.000.00 9.000.00. . 17.000.00 friends In Brtdgstuo. of ibe Suatb Oceea Cliy Fiehiag t'lub. ( ead daaoa, eod a aaad .. Third Avenue. Stone Harbor Ocean Avenue Below Eighth Street were essoug ibe vlet ore here itaoday. chsrgv, saaMei by Its* BM". 1 U WM. F. VALET i tos**wael all wba altaad. Sheriff's Onto ' . 5.047 '.1 5S.OoO.OO. 3.000.00 Vivian Mmlib. sn Allsntie lily sr- 820 Asbury Avcou* . .Wlldwood Creat-Cspe May Road Ocean Gty, New Jersey Or. (talllwsu sod wire of Wood Brandon, uf Pbiladelpbla • forsser ___—.r... »y iluUiallLllll' 8am>cata's OeSce 1.470 5S 17.000.oO. . 50.000.00 . ehilsct, wae 10 town ys«tsrdsy He Wonderful new discovery in houte beating:, producing radiant energy bury, sud Mrs. M KcCulloaxo of peslar. Tbvn *ers slw aerocs* by Prices Quoted 00 Pffitaf Oirfi Oflea 12.243.91 140.000 00. . ..Ocean Clly-Beaaley'a Point Road 4.000.00 Tbc OlBcc of MalcscnaniaBlp aad aVtrrice: was s turner realdsul waves which warm you instantly—effect so magical you can hardly 713-15 Asburg Avc. Ocean City. N. J. . Nort^WWlldwood-Graaay Sounds Road.... House with ECIAL t'smdeo, were nceul vbiiurs si ibe •urt lolanihs. No Si K. of P. Tb» believe it. [widows' Pensions i.«i4 :i 18.000.00. . SPECIAL Aleasn Boblnaoo. of Llowtxl. wss loivrmeol lo ebargs uf Kunsral Dl Boada ..Cedar Sw^mp Creek Brldfs hcilroom* and attic, nredi some repairs, including is the Time to biitne of Mrs. Adells Abooti. la Ibis Smith & Ray 745.03 55.O0O.no. . {.'ounm*h anandd West t avenue, ft500 rash ( a reeeol saeet oT bla daugbisV Mrs K. r»el'r J PIMUI (sdoiao wsya si Can >ou loUftHoc bow it U possible. In a mlaate aitrr lighting the saa, to flood laterest on Surplus Revenue . Corson'i Inlet Road tk Ut Sec. Seashore Rd a( eily. your room with rediant best—tbc Humphrey RadiaslAre doca tins areming 1.474.29 13.00000. 55.000.00 Plant Privet Hedge T. CIsyloo, 0/ IbU cily. / '*x1 < «a>«i«ry trapoailtillity. Poaitinly hygienic ami will nntilats your living rooms and Interest oa Bonds . .' ipe May Mt. Vernon Road C'bsrlrs R. Wars aod wife aod Dr 4t.9(0.25 32. ooo. On. 13.000.00 Mrs. ABOM|L. oesltb. of Ible dly, free them from sll odors, will MT* iloool coal a month, and all the wmk aTUurltt« Boada . Mechanic St.. Cape May Court House.... aud Mrs W. R. Us relay, sod family, a«s«i *• •••• as*«eu aod worry. The gratrat bosoe caetlon u yosr Inatsst saxvice in rainy uaya Real Estate and a»—aj ••mil a. nupr- 79.700.00 lfc.ooo.uo 32.000.00 aaa guns tor a moutb's vt.li to frieoda aad cold nights. Blaklac Poad Apsroprlstlon . 73.000.ou . Land la Avenue. Sea lale City of rseooy. sod Russell Taylor, of Uuternor Ed "arta hsa •ia"o- K.981 8S 18.000.00 In Trealoo sad UrUiol Search Oompany Vocational School . Wlldwood. Wlldwood Crest A Cape Msy Rd Lao>4owne were «oss(s of William ese>nlyssu B"a»tll'. bill which •WaaalaeJ* Mb* Lmtm T. Corsoa. 3.250.00 2un.000.o0 Thomas J. Thorn Amateur Photographers* 73.000.00 Mrs. C. r KitH, of Plusbumb, Is plans 10 eneutc* ins bigb«ay system •Jtovaaiw aat, Or. X. Tbaralay County Law Library 5;.6Ou GO . Grassy Sounda-Barlelgh Road Edgar T. Berber V Uardlnrr sod olfedutlog lbs week. 59.21 308.000.00 FLQ speodlof 1 wo •tekaio ber cuilsge, BU of ibU m Is with tbsi ol Dtl»ars by Mosquito Extamtlaatloa SO.300 Ho . Beacb Areoue. Cape Msy Jo epb OuSltld and dsugmsr. la»baaa-d rsat B. M- rjaaar. 15.000.00 52.$00.00 DsLeocay place, tola ally. eoeaua of s frrry acroM Otlawsrv Bay Contest Fidelity Trnst ComPsUi? aaMaiaa. iba Saw. B 8. Border. Venn Demonstration 7o.uu0.0O. Central Avanue. (Wan City Nsoey, of PoiUdslpbie. sod Harry 2.93S.94 90.300.O0 Real tsetate Mrs. Hvnba D Natrcold. of Polls. frnsa a poipi orar t'sps Msy lily lo 1 Belplag Teacher. 1119 Balance carried 37.500 00 . Blone Harbor Road M. Mart ofC*a*dea. eoeol ;iba wees u v, way in 11 ue Idler Oet it oat of the 70,000.00 towo. Pa.. Is Iba goeat uf Maivlo V. Lsass D»l. Thia I-ooa oflbabaat wtth nlaw, and ret bosy taking views ta the direct la Current Accounts 20.5uO.Ou. . Avalon Road Bridge , sod wub B.«' DurBeid sad wife. 717 n ffOdiMd mi ud Tntt ft. T 1.050.00 17.500.00 BSsHbaod wlfs. of into city. a*es»ur*« *vrr sdu(>4r Htsdem, wife sod songues, t of >tr aod Mra. ri 35.000 no title mast be doae ta ear Pbotograpalc Disenniini to ho Ar. Ion Stooe Harbor Road Lawreoce. af Pbiladrlpbia, taeot LOCMC TrOM OVER. 74.000 00. eligible for satimsae Is the coatsst. ' I1.1J7.I19.1J Ocean Clty-Corson'a Boaday al tbetr co4ias> la tbi« city. LOST —^mall, roajud gstd plb. with «•—Nooebat Asaatewrf^atonspaarstosatertae ceatast. ScullAm woreV • Paa4 UoaocUors'Aswicisnoa" c—Views or oMccts lo be takes wttara tke »—«»»»<•—f of B It. Mlool aod fsmily.of PhUsdsl. sod ••• Ibenoa Fiadsr pieewe rs. TRUST ACCOUNTS POM, are tpeoding a oouple uf weeks tarn letOti'estrsI soeoae. adv.. li. Ocsaa City, N. J. Balaaea oa aaad December II. 111* Qceao Cily J.—a>ch view or plctore to ba tUlad, ska iaJerssatioa aa 431.21 - Traaporary Not»,. DiscoaateDtWoaaated Ula «-•Be>ka la tbelr ootiajn, I8J4 Pleasure aveooe. Read Hardware Co. FOB tULM.—Madlam stssd aeie la to Ut localioa la the city. . ucnrUBcnrn Omaaber SI. l»*o W. U. TDcaarmsa aad family, of good eooduioa Bessuoitla Apply 1 iawwat. ofllss. ad*.,Ul | C*ty. N. j. t.—Pictsxes eatcred la taw coatsst. U he --»»—*tH al [BMalatT Teacher, rram RaUraad Tax I 3.110.00 1917 Tax Revanoe Notes I 1.4S7.89 Madia sis spending a •bott tuae la Uurhca' Ccstal Pharmacy, ia ewvelseaa, with aame Baak Stock Tu CoUaeted 4.170*4 1918 Tu Revenue Noise 3.234.90 IbH aasiasec borne on Prospeat ave Lo*t>—Pes/l naaalaiw iuwerd If Sentinel • aadaddrtsa ot perssa tsatag view, ejate of taaaspoaare, returned to aat MsMlya terrace, adv.. aad also stipaUlr its rssfattlve rtaaeHrartaa atato Baliroad Tax frosa Mela Treae- 1910 Tax Reveaue Notes... saw «1.«37.73 Emergency Notes * CbarlesB. Pownl sod wire eoler- Try su adverttasmsnl la Ibs H»rn- PUBLISHED ON '•(XASsincATioN or nuzxr 7.144 U Geaersi Improvement Notes. HKN a man or a woman is s.-Vat the BMSI besatiral view, acaaic or liaiwrsti. Day- Ulnad Mr. Powell's brotrxr aad ale THURSDAY OF light or MoosUghl Kkposare. family from Port Morris, aver tba rtrst Trophy ftaoo ia Gead. Second Trophy feoa ia »<.178.4a 14—tfutb aod Plaaaara aveooe. EACH WEEK- Oold. HlXaUXO FCKD Joao A. Rienmood, of Pbiladelpbla. 13—aUevealb aad Bay avsnaa. «.—Vor lbs sso« arigtasl bw artistic 1.M1.70 Investment It—Foortsecth aad Bay ave ia Gold, lrtrst TroBaJT^j aonrtrnperiled by a rneod from Bprtag 8a Oavaotb and Wast sveoue. Balance, Union Bask. Wlldwood i-aka. was aasoog ibs viaiiara ban 17.814.78 M uevumi aaa asemry aveaasv BMordaj. 4s— rooflb and Asoary inoan KATHS FCKNUHRD B. F. QOETZ •saartaa >liceallaii - •- -—• nut you 373.1(2.31 Miss Celllaaoa of that city, eoler- 44— aUgtktb aad Astxuy avaaaa. x rraaa s»—trlw yon pkn as—Taata aad Aabary avaaaa. ON APPLICATION Raas*ctfoUr submitted lataad Uaary W Farter, a s<»aeal Mt «*—Ttiinaanlh aad Asoary aveoua. REAL ESTATE AGENCY Datad st Wlld.ood. N. J. C. W. aUCL. County Troasurer "HZ&fS? Bfek-REALTOR Iba UolversMy of Paoasylvaasa, ovaf m Wtitaanlh sad Aasaryavaaaa. , Jsausry is. 1111. 41—ntortb aad Oantral avauaa, Paona. FOURTH ST. AND ATLANTIC AVC. Has tUMHIMT »t With aad UeaUal avaaaa. attss MUdrsd Koroaaa, af thai eHy, «T— glavaalh aad ««—»-• OCCAN CITY. N. J. , The fotacolae reaort waa raearrad by tba Board at reamlar rnsaflns; held rataraad tba latxsc aarl es* last araak - ~ - tanoM iraormarr 1, 1831, aad ordarad »«bUsaadv •caamr.11 ,: frees a lew days' vtaM ta frteaas as RgaiTALS 1 Oincc ' • •.«•'• -wx^ IBVTHO fTTCH. CUrtu TOML™ fallaalail atlas atary Cbadwiek. op ?;•«•.•..>.. till. and HEATING oparatsw ta AdYerttsfi in wil«llt« tOT laa etty's slaeutwai asraaa, aaa 1 •aaOM FwOwT ^'-^asavaWaasaaeaaasi will •a-Beasdwaikaaemeortra Hughes' Central Pltarmacv •U—aayavauaaSM- - T O*m At rMmrm mtmmrr aft-T>swttlU saw. taC J ^'*&ft ' a^Waasw***** w«"Tw iWI!!^*V *** ^ O~O - ' .V. • , . •• .

--.: .-:.:« ( "PALEFACES" TALXSDOVOAf William Matoncy PREOTOUTE H1SS0GUL TTIB IaeaeCbsrl** Beer*, of C. M. Keebler an inspector of ito RE you using Edison Mazda Lamps? If WERE INITIATED «a* Taaka aad 4»fw*ac«a aa angfnair on Iba Head leg Balfroad, Hut* Public Utility Comm*Mloo. wa* '•_••• *-• and Mies Bolb Sapp, dqagbtar ofKI- la lown Tassday afurnooo and coo : A not, why not? They give three times M. A. Coraon'a PapHa oalban B*pp aod wife, af Baaaliy'a IVocal Red Men Bojoyed Great ftrred witb repramotanvea of IbTires* , Tubes, Speedometers •tHOSM Of Polol, wen married wi Iba panooaga Powwow Held in At- Oceao City Cbamtor of Commatea. Can mmt Cat • C*»ar of Iba Tnekaboa M. E. Cboreb Bator• Oceat City Beai Eatat* Board aod Ito UfbtrrrVaa as rnuch light as the old style Carbon lamps lanUc City. day eveoktg by tba pastor of Iba I Yooog Men'* Progreealv* Lesgae oo 2307 Atlantic Avenue eboreb, UM Re». Dr. Millar. Nearly 50 member* of Kslmla Trlb* Ib* local gaa atloatloo sod aacund ATI-AXTK tm.'r* for the same current consumption. of Bed Mm w«m from tbl* city to data ralsUva thereto. OCEAN CITY SENTINEL •adal" at bar Tba brtda we* alltrad to gray lalltU. for tto Tba yoong pair were attaodad by Atlantic City Friday *T«ologloalt*u Afl aod Ib* beautiful ceremonies **ra wit COaagaa of copy for dlaplay. adr*r- by lafiaalimsiit*. ilies. I sat wara Mr*. Evertoa A. Mr. aod Mr*. Reeve, later lo Iba for Ito lint *"*'""* * lbUolBca.no* Ocean City Sentlnc MAY BE INCREASE IN COST , Mm Uaxm Braekley, Mn. B•min- e wtn (two a oouj aaraoada WANTS CODNTT STATE MAY SOON FREE CHw, Mm K E. Cnger. Mlea** by a oambtr of ib«ir frMad*. City. i adv. tf LEGION NIGHT ATTHE MOVIES Tats, flan* mooebill. Mlonie Tba oawly.wad* ba«a t«l«o apaft- Tb* degrae l*am of Kslmis j •inctly adband to. NOTICC .A3B0TTS' OOBAN PITV. M. J. OF QAS IN THIS RESORT II T«*a »«•! a-3 wi. »r>4S.1 r*a to 4« Jafcb-vc MADE BEADTIFDL BRIDQE OVER Tl dlt wiib aoolbtr of Iba brlda** ata- admlo*t*r*d tb* sdopiloa degree. tb*| Bass* Hante. Harmi \«ii« to Lb.it Cnditon. *r*M»4 r«.r K-OH O'.t em ir L.*n I 11 »to t aadMary Duffl**!. tar*. MIM Canta Happ. 8S7 Aabary wsrrlot'* drgr** wa* firtn by P*| Cl«*t •* • Sp*t «.!» 5* ta« iAf or Lo^r Alderney Dairies lac. Mr. Ctaae aad Mr. Cogs* emed •Ttao*. q'jod end Ib* wamor'a drgrt* by MID- I ,,. u 8. CURTIS ROBINSON Reprcgcntatlvea of Irocal Or Mayor Champion Alto Ad>o •ola Tribe, of Atlantic City. i tK nf FLORIDA D JONC8 PbllAdclpbla and Seajhora w 142 SIMPSON AVC. SIMMS' tfcUewmgoflleen wtn elected CBtTSCH PSOSFBR8 rio l*rg* *u ib* slt*od*nce It VH oa*ii>a n»t^a7^r OCIAH ClTT Ne JM ffanigatlong Sectn toPa«or catea Adeqaate Protection MM Haasl Harris; »iee fouud oaceaasry to give in* decree* lo ' 2£> CITT IAI HELP TO VARIED PROGRAM Seventh St. and Went Ave.; RESTAURANT and DELICATESSEN •I.JO Par Taar. wok»h» la Adnoea, Helping the Company. of Beach Aa^Unat Stotma. Mia* Ulbb, mil • big danc* ball balow tb* t*r* of Ptqjod Trlb*. ATUUIT1C ICE COMPANT Altar a leogtby aod animated dle> Mayor Cbamplon, of Ibla cfly. 1 , Mm Baser Cnar, Imwnt Ocean City, N. J. i 822 Boardwalk LEGION BENEFIT ouaaioooflbe varkioa pbaasa of Ito PAY FOR SIGNS Ito moolbly meeting of Ito Capa May AT PAVILION ifamflaaMMiaaeretary, MbaMloota Pollowlug toe lolllaltoD. ir,e vituore ti.i^at oi iMnrnr^rV*. Bay* Ib* Rav. J. W. Wall*, rador of 0 7 gsa allaaUoo lo Ibl* crty. Ito follow. County Cbamtor of Commerce al w*re regaled wlib a*odwlcbr**od bot "^Jri^ir *"^ °* " Holy Trinity Episcopal Chorcb: CLOSED FOR SEASON Inc reaolalloo was adoplad at a Bouih Heavlll* Tnoraday evening, 1 CoO**. ! 1*1*1 IwaM SMB. A II.3S Abbott's -A" Milk DR. W. P. HfllNES Protrcaalve IreaRtte Aaka for • «taaa will meat moolbly. aod •Tto Giver of *v*ry good sod per lug Wednesday nlgbt of last weak of Ibal many Iblngf could to dooa to Crowd Snjowed Bntcftaia* toea tto But* 1 Tto Oeeso Clly del»fal|..o msd* T*nm and \*/*>*>< Av*nu* COR. NINTH «N0 WBSI.KV AVS aatosi aeas eattorraa! will ba at UMfeet gift ao bl«***d Holy Trinity Epis- TODAY Hi* jnlnl civic organoatloo* of Ibla re- #xoo ia Work That Cost make Ibl* county popular aad attract STLUm* Crears Buttermilk neat—Civic Clab Prealdeot Orea* • at* MAM. A. Coraao oo March copal Cburcb la Oceea City dortnir Ib* trip In automobile*. OCCA*> CIT» M j. OCaAM CITY. M. J. sort: vlattor*. tf * advocated baaultfytog tto Iba year IM) ibat tto atleadaeee In $Soo. Will Speak Satorday. **ja*m,m,$vnm, mmV, 'Samuel Hecker ors-ioa Boastb School Children's Matinee—4 o'clock Wtoraaa. at a meeting of tto follow. rursl duirlcu a* moeb as pcamtn, and Ito servlen, cooaplcuoaaly Increased, CARDS AND DANCE iaiui».*a. ADMISSION. 18C ' Ing civic orgaoisslloo* of tto atty of Tba Yoooi Mao'* ProaraaaWe bis woald to a moet excellent form of A vary raiartalnlng prograaa wasr^tottotsyeils^smsjs,^ S9JTATOB .WIGHT HBBB tto new Moebler pipe organ woe eo 1 SMlPboaa.S«S aMajua. wbleh baa dot a *xc*ll*ot I^IETAL ' Keep out ooM 'top dringhts: «op Oceao Clly. N. J.. els., I to Clly Com advtrllaiog. Tbl* couoly I* lo to coo-glraa at Ito saosle pavllloa Hatarday Uraly paid for. tb* aalary of tto capa- acfct Clab Saclal F.«*nl W<4- ALL KINDS OP JUNK Tw> Shows Tonight, 7.00 and 9.00 vortUo plaerog *laTO* lo vartoo* pan* Oaj \t/rr Afl lf~l*? ra"I:ni{ wrir.Jows: iave 15 per cent. 111 Ma I O.aiaaaUo* mirslontr*. Iba Cbsmtor' of Com- grsiolaled on tto pa***geof A*saa>fily- atgbi. Tto *ptni*d oommaauy atag- ble organut wa* locraaaad. aod for OttrracUraO/miiailoa A . 3BC merce, ibe Young Mao's Progressive of Ibl* thai* pointing Ib* roaiaa loman Boow«ira bill lo counaet tto l»g »st tad by fl. O Marsbell, ad* »*~«. «f t»ts Ika yaar lid Ib* stipend of Ib* netor '»• aoj-t>:i«t* aril, rail T«lapDoaa Xo. I wVfc»•*» I ntfX .- . v,.- Occia C:tv represeotative.. OoaanCUy, aaottaa followinf tatttr froea tbawUS* Uaffewwy Tbe sonu.1 B»* bundtni card party ce OR. FIXIREMCE B. HAIKES Lrague, ito Oetao City Taxpayer** W*t* highway* of N*w Jaraey and Mia* Marion Troul at tto piano. WWIaae H. Bttgbl. of a* aabauotlslly Increased. Holy sod dsneeof In* I.sdlcv Auxiliary of STRIPS HUMBERT C. PONT1ERE ague. Ito Ocean City Heel Batata to iba City Uomoawlooar* requwlloa; >tlaw*re by mean* of a ferry-boat Tto second number wsa a pretty owoara of Usr keiaga, I WMwwsd, «aa In Ooaaa cuy Tnura Trlolty la very tnaokro! " Ib* Ocean City Yacnt Club will t* Hoar* by Asfolatataal PRINCESS THEATRE Board aod otbwra, logatbar wHta Ito anaodaJ aid from Ib* au alclpallly In •yileco. Tbla I* good aod proper, ad- violin solo by Mlaa Margaret Bay* seaelawg of tb* Tto week-dsy Lratea «*mc**. *s b*M st ito B*ll*vu»-cHraiford. Pbii*- OCCAM CITY.«. J. Clly Uaa Ligbt Compaoy, told, la Ito part payoaol for Iba coal of Iba aiaoa: v*rtl*iog for Capa • Hay County and mood, of tbl* city, wblcb waa vary po-rebsss, aad a atsatlag - of apprep>a»t>oo* of tov* been announced, era ***ry Wed- delpbl*. Wednesday «reoing\ - April Commlaaioocn' Cbsmtor, City Hall. -Iiy UomoalikUonara, Kls*tatssX«kallM- M*aia—»-Ma. aa., »-a p. a Ito wool* tUale wall played. nesday al 7.44 p. m. Lanico aervic* II. II ia tnoouocxl by 'ommclott J. February 18. 1WI, Ito question of gs* Ooaao Clly. N. J- Revartlog to Ito aobjeet of beautify- Tto next waa a novelty song, la IssWeodMoa. H.J. Tto Beroo •very Friday at 10 a. m. Every- W. Pernlay. atrvic* lo Ocaaa Clly waa tally dfcv Oaall*a>mi:—Tba "l^adlOB to Ootan og Ito county. Mayor Cbampkm aald rbleb Hotort Hugtoa, Andrew City Garage Alia Gonoi, 1. D. City" atgoa tbat Iba Yoaoa Mao'a Pro- i Ci—paoy bara agreed tobody I* lovliad. Ticket* will t»*oa ••!• ibia we*k. •J SPRING AMD SUMMER SAMPLES [• cuaaed; and Ibal Ibl* could toon to aeoompUatod Hpasaa. CbrMoptor Bsolbasa aod Bull of If aw Jersey Tbla la a aodal etent tbst dra». •t« W****7 A**aaa Wbaraaa, Itdavtlopad tbat a woald anaarta Laafoa pat up oo all roaiaa If Itore was mooay available. Tto Walter Bummer* sang sod SMrwcat SSeav* SMovws.• rscrssakanl atltoot* and ground* buodrfia of Ib* summer raaidauu of Oo«*ut City N«w broec***ary lo Increase Ito reeeaoa laadlag lo Iba 8oalb Allaotic ooaat ird ol fr*ebold«r* ba* appropriated boom to tto aaate of tto ••Pmmmar Oil* M. Towosend oo Mooday re- as WMHM, i—itdlui Ika Wat* "HI Oe*ao City sod It ta ei«ar> s uutsble AND HAVEN AVE. lu iba company lo meet Ito addrttooal Iba aspaodllara of approx- ttOOO for sdvertuing. bat Ibl* toBoy." TtoaayoangaaeadUnmark- calvad a poat-csrd from Dr. W. P. *^laiat Will na-A. me fry Stal* appropri occa.ion. OCATAM o/rr. ttmmummaar Buick and Dodge Brothers' Cars oDstorauUrceeaaot of ttolr plaot. to lasataly SSOO, azeloalva of iba Urn* aod bav* a string altacbed.. ably wall and ware called oa to repast. Mawa»>tawiias|ia>t a kHM tor w«cl* mlodad Halo** doted Jocksoovlll* Pabrusry Special Value Sale oaaof aaloeaoMlaa by railou* man- Maajaklraswaw Hi ' * ausbUitomlo furolab sdeqaata ear Tto Bee. J. W. Walla, rector of Dr. tlaloea aad bla wife left bete |£KBaCHBL PBTTIT, M. D Ma to ibis work. Floyd Hewitt, director of Ito Capa trtdga srwstwatlsw sj 1 tOAHU Of lUO-t N KKLCH'Jl.Ut KM vice; sod May Couoly Hoard of Fraabulder* Holy Trrnrty Eptocopal Cbdrcb. gave t weak for Florida. Tbey w*ol by WASHINGTON'S W. MILLER •O7 WKSLCV AVC Greatest Reduction Ever BXTBA Wa faal tbla oso**a*ot b*d*ai*d tovaaoatt«l.aM. tba Wednesday ' ocjrrv "r 1 APE *A^. Maccar Trucks ntocsun /benaa. It will to nieimry lo se- aaoed Ito apealiM wby Ito board'* aa excellent address for bolb tto blto boat loJecksoovlll* and .oo Ito way *aaay of taw tu appraprl- OCEAN CITY. NEW JKRSKV A cure aa approval from Ito Public ouretlyioa anal axuol and lbar*-i young people aad older people. UM tbay atrock Ito lall-sod of a baavy rom THC ABOVC VEHICLES Known in the History SoOOOfbf advartMog I* not aeailabla, aodunu tba OaMaHoani •uHi.a, Unities Commlasloo foe 00 ia« fora raqaaat yodr boaorabla body lo •object wae<'Helpful Uvaa." Ha re- •Cora at aee. Kwtife to PaiDlue UDlnrUrs MOB PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND OHIO BATTERIES aod Ito Mayor answered. Ibat to ha* Ibl* BIRTHDAY 7loap.aa. pay 1100 toward defraying Iba *z- jos. SCRIVANI. off Tailoring Trade of iota, an "00" or -oil" cbarga, or been told tbat Ito board will give aviewed ito Irfa 'of Oaoro Waabsog- aom* olbar maao* lo eoabla Ibaas to Ktaaaof Ibl* work. too aod told aoacdotaa, lolaraatlog lasolt w«b uttis iasa«alafi. ti will iiuk. •Of A Urge selection of best quality fabrics for fine Custom cenalo amount of IbM atooey to a dav FEBRUARY 22. 1921 arcur* ibl* raveou*; Itorefore-to It TroMtaf IbJ* rtqaeat will rsatt wlib aad new lo many of tba aadwoea. mawk.lfaa>. flasaHeJ tatars) rtaMttoraara • oum- MM* Elbal EMU. a mlaMoaary. CKNTRfL OARAGE MOTOR SHOP OOawltsar* are offered at rock bottom prices. This i» your opportunity, to buy irlct or town provided Ito district gave taw asaoey ta tea aray at eiatK aonfi. for rUaolvad. ibat Ibl* maatlag goon yoar approval, waraaaalo. Tto vocal doat by Mtoa Loaam T tbjaaghuul iba Buuaoow 00 a larloogb froea Kona. «lll ^oaatj raru. AT aao TO aaa tiiunv AW«. 111 W. WlkOaVOOO AVC. UBtils* m. a made-lo-measure salt, witb Extra Troupers of Same M.ttefi.il. glv** a almllar amount. eptmadoaaa aad wab JM wag record ss sap pot I tog sweb a petition, Vary irnly your*. Uonoa aod Dr. J. Tbornley Uogtoa btUtatpraktr at a public maHiog of OCCAM CITV. N. J. iia-iiw m. *>IMC AVC. Hand Tailored io tbe latest style, from roost reliable fabric. K"»- Director Uawiuaotd tbat Ibl* waa a toiler ibat «»• . roadway __„,__ sod lost Ito organbtatlooa above meo Yooog attn'a Pngraaalva L«acu*. a* sppraeUtad by Ito aaaamblsce. tba Wooto'i Foralgo Mlwlocary Ho- r TOWNatajo. ataa. WILOWOOO. N. J. aotecd 100 per ceat Pore Wool, at a Great Bargain. eaggeslloo of Joba K Urove*. a ofbaocfliaetoeUyuOaaaaCBty. wM*.: PHILADELPHIA JOHN H. WHITICAR, M. D. tloued to reqaasted lo bav* almllsr WALTZ* A. DITTJIICII, tor of 1 to board from Ocaaa City. Io-Mrs. Ursnvilla H. Staalaua raad daty of Iba Fine M. E. Churcb Tuaa- CAMPBELLS GARAGE t/LL, Liarar or Pint *mo OoooriM run Uunaapoodlug HKraury. loan of OspaMayOawaty. -tswaJiai; or un-Badt^ a AVIHUC 0ceanC w J reaoluiloD* adopted aad forwarded lo cid*u tally It waa *talad tbat Mr. 'Tto Glory of Trtumpb." Tola wa* of |t>« CCODI7 Yr C- M. CAMPBELL, Prop. •Ofprwaaaal gralalaalMai at I day araolog, Marebi. MUa Eatay'a OCCAM CITY. N. J. 6i5 Eifiub st. p^ ^ DEN AN »y' -! - ib*City Comml**loa*r* oa or Uror* Tba. latter waa nad at iba w**kly 1 •aslara of Ito prograaa. i«o p*r r*D- A a tit eel cnt opportunity t" (Jrov** 1* now lo California. people, Ito I fama a* a •paakar inraU Ibat of Mia* f • of r Monday. February n, ttSI. asatlog of Iba Uly t^oannJaalooera, Prof. Klmar K. Ungee prasUad al J«aot* Hot baa. '.be = Historic*; T ] Twelfth Street and Asbary Avenne aad Iba member* of Ib* board agratd On motion of CoanmMalooer t. P. pay a* I ssotlaa pietara. "Prom IHVIM* TIT' f>f int*?rr«t {<* . WiLsoh Y. CHRISTIAN Tailor and Cleaner ALL r««« (tligoad) ELMIS JACKSOM PEA ax, ch IL .•vie tbat Iba laagoa bad dooa apitodld Caonald, of Avaloo, Lattor C Ogdeo, tto Cram." will to OCEAN CITY, N. J. a M OABBV. preatdeot of ito chamber ol commeros, Mr*. Martin Yooag. peasMsat of Us* worm, bat tbara wsa *oma dtacoaatoo Crete Clab of Swaitasaars, sad alas Mmjggagg,* > of ibePim aa tajoat wbleb approprlalloo io ibawa* aatbortxad to sppolm aoommHI** MeCtM. af^taVJ 809 Central Avenue Tbera wer* apparently qoMs a few n toadof tbaooaoty work la ttoieee- next Twasday even tog dayaato itol Ito law paMaaa »1 BaUPbaoa.US. • auflBcKoi Dumber ta MO** any amoooi aakad, oezt Batarday evening. Ttore will *U.B 1* Mayor Cbamploo, la bla atlrtisa*. ^ITCH! doubt aa lo Ito passage of Ito reaolo Fioally, oo motloo of Director Rob*, also to commootty atogtng lad by •*•«-•••+• fiabar, iba raqaaat of tba leagoa »*• slao spoks of Ito argent need of proper poo Haw Jaraty to taka orsr aM taal THERE IS REAL HAPPINESS • too. coast protection from Ito baavy Moras* Mr. Montoil, aad a vocal solo by W. CLL PHONE 18 " Uorrss. Twoorlbraa ottor noas- TTc-tT* Qooo ONLV ON Ocaaa Stry CaOa Or*aa Inrmaitlata Hefor* Ito reaolotloo wsa adopted, of Ito winter. Tto mayor* of Ito var T»g,'i» L4AVI*«a iu«i«ir, L. C. KUcbl*, aa olBcial of • are being arranged. hi BEI^G PREPARED Mw rartv. loo* Houlb Jersey •eaabora resort* C-.pr \tx\ . . ' ft 55 A M !!•» Cuy Us* Cocapauy, lotrrpoaed 00. bav*.formed an org«nu*itoo foe Ito »oo LtllleMwaKatb Adema. daugbKr Win II. 8. HDGBES i SOI, PfllBI. Sutton & Corson Co. DR. DAVID M. SAXE Jrriloniolto wordlog of Ito aecood purpose of aclldllog iMala and Padarai l> wnuw j*n-1mlno or u» * tbst part read a* follow*: pbla, a oottag* owner to tbl* ctty. will *>K*nC]t> ic.L General Contractors . t». I. frteod* al bar pareula' borne Mooday by bolkllog Jetua* I* too baavy for Ito kMlUJMIIMlUl Itx Eyes Enjnioed WitHoot Drops f*4>rrr.o 7-11 0. a. Basna* Co. tunity t ••Wtona*. at' developed Ibat tt Maabur* ciiiw. Ttore ara ooly two or coodoet ito anvtssi aod ptaaeb la Ito of AaHMMU *•*• I*t:er»'iuri{ . E Ford SeJan—2 mighty comfortable car Start right oow by starting an account witb the .ould to oeceawary la loemi* Ib* eveolog. Tto yooog folk* bad a very to*. BesUst Cboreb sat Bands?, ibrawgboat Tuck «h-< 0a**a •oan.Owutlli tor** mayor* from Capa May Cooaly ror 7-34 for every day of the year. Has most eo T«aa*a\> Wadav aoaj . > • rt a. *l. Fut»T NATIOHAI. BAMK- HKUIM to Ib* company to meet awdi eajoyaaietlase. Ma» Adsms' ga«aia loos of Ito stormy wasltor mat aiu>*«Mv*kn. .\rr.*c * ORADINO AND STREET BUILDING wery Murrell Adssw, Marjorla Adams, at ito mcetlog* of IbM oronlratloo. Attoroey Osoaral KaOna, ta >• Cllj. Maw Jararf. aa Lba ua. tor M.; aloe_ *_ oT Era Uit» ptf .•a I. a. *Vrta«7faai«xaj, •lnwalp m. 3 per cent. Interest Paid on Savings Fund Ac- tl •osl COM of *olarg*aseol aad la pro Sunday. no ssrvloas ware told to late t ai UM taagtb oTiba ptetara. ^truf Ota barttaa IolaraMad la *-*TTI !m - eo opttu •*• caa b* *ooo4 ID -or *.»j. A/ t «1 A U r joyabte Tcbocmenu combined with alt Ysrd. Jsauoell* Hlslotou. Tbcr* abould to more lotereai lo ibw •attar to tto assratar* at tto wtjaaaj cburcb In Ito morning. Tto evening ba aaty ewe atewiog r niiifcin .tBig— 4«p4tl4 NINTH ST. AND SIMPSON AVC. OCCAM CITY. N. J. the utility of the touring car. Finely upholstered DR. CHAS. H. VAIL COQOta* a* vtd* • auOlcMDl ravaou* to lato care mallar, sod Ito resort etlt** will get laalaatraalaalaaraaawadli; £a I proTa- A«csr«cy tni«jmAig of itMooM of operslwo, coat 0/ depr* Oertrode rksloloo, U*ryl Keicbly. ervlcea ware In ebarga of Claytoo -SMBlsatoo, aaidi IT evaajeag, eat BO* two.•BSat estate oacortoaltr to ba bat optmt will, good voll. Aiivorfe Mildred Baaalo. Helen M*cNsmr*. Ib* mooay tf ttoy go after tt la Ibe taaattajin by Uaaaaaiautat toaoan mig***. —moat luxuriously—with plate glaaa sliding OcaaaOa oosw F cisilou *ud i*turo 00 ito toviaimaot." alas* Brick. • Year lettat of twasat data, aaklasi •* asat.lnait or sasadia oaoJerrea' eaoa •atCal&Uiak !«• kvnl aaula Tr Klls Booi. 8sra Bavso, Emily Hultoo rigbl way. Tu* aeaabore resort tadua- windows, it i« cool in hot weather while dry and AMO>bl)sua A. C Boawell aod •dvlaad wbattor tto ptwvSjssst> at 1 aatal« BT laa.ull or awo RRST NATIONAL BANK MstMl litOord and Lllliao Iry I* Ito ibtrd b^ggcM Industry lo Utaptat *» of tto law* of Mte Sasjoftw MU.W. oka* a*. al«>lia>loo Halo** Brtca. woo pee- awwTi asla. tto pnea X, I*B- A. W- ELY warm in fall and winter. It U the regular Ito Hist*. Ito Blata road fooda la to swaaTswr taa OCEAN CITV.1V.*.!. •klrd si Ib* *B**tiag. eoierad vlgorou* Pred. Uoamao, wbo baa bean fore- UAUMX A. Moaara. simple to handl* and ever-enduring Ford chassis Tto subject wa* reftired to tto porpasa of itot statata, TrblSw atliat jrcikjo 10 tbM, aad tba olr to ^ORCAN HAXMD, ment aod doable garage. Can you find an Asbury lasocb mod* s* ara dcmally a>|isa ifdvTSmMh atf»M is u4l UKI ua Ja* ol 7 South Main Street WaalUagtoa Ave. IS PROSPEROOS BE BUILT AT SOMERS' POINT ONE LONE POINT prtatad to Ito approprtatlea aat aad HARRY R. HAYES ATTOHNEY ana avenae property as cheap as this at only S5.S00.00? oot aocb fond* a* ara g«aaisllj aa> ftmigfi ao* sasssssa innil, • i .i ill' Don't let Ito tpring find voa witb s PLEASANTVIlXe N. J. REALTOR COUN8ELI-OR-AT-1-AW, propnatad by be pe*vwba« sar u* AMtuUavUkasouaathai Uaa aaldCo*a- leaky roof. Taandcr Morma an comm- * * • Seaahore Aaaodatioo'a | Pine Honae Planned—To be and * toakv roof will b* apt to Raslt t» w, s*jrAar»a*r*«aia*U s. - t mm* (mini m o**»mn. Xiocal U«ht Five Oa«s At- rsjsiog of a eartaaa porUao af tba •aIxaMT-allUaae or raaraarr. tittTa? Uk* Tblrt>lhlril Mlraat and Aabury Avanua iaw a 11 Sassrr r-a**a. Known AS Ocean City moaey* oasd by year aswsmawawa by *•*•» ol etetaa mtue* la Ika tureooaa. al a— J) coaatdcrable damage. Pboo* 11 DOAI Report Shows lantic Clry Team A Bard- ate. o< Ike eat? Mart, la iun>) oaJl.Ooaaa OCUAN crrv. IN. J. CliiDiocya tbat Ink thoald b* looked Kassey & Edwards COUNT. JUNIORS Country Club- laxailaa. Ia otaee wotda. M aapUeS HI. fcew Jaraar, a« laa I law aao atar« tor ' after and mad* watrr-4ia,bt. Smokrj Oratlfjlns; to Hembers. Poogbt Contest. ia ito faad dussuy *B*>*MelaS*d aad >art*«t&aaanla. lo.iaalaa la aaea las- chtmners^aa be soadc to drsw. REALTORS Tb* paat yaar of Iba 8*a*bora Build It baa br*u perslalaaily ramorad Tto Llgnt Hva bMkat toll tee**, Ito food darread from Ito aea off y tumaiwi Tto roof, an fire-proof. HAVE ORGANIZED Ibal Pbiladtlpuis aod Il-lilnior* eap- aa>atoj.paanaati, to ba baant aaoa u> aoo. All kind of ttov* and beater rrpain. OFFICES 8th sad Central Ave. logaod luoo loao*d flOS IT ewiy-Ittatitnted Association >y oo* polo 1 by Ito aeeood t-a«» of Haaaail.o r*U*a UOOOO lolu abaraboadara dorlog Ib* struct a modrro Isbola golf court* Wbti* ito work aMtoetssd by •UaTaa* i» cavAacsat itoAtlaatla City tllgbBcbool In ito r.Ttaaiams.si •o yrar. 1100.00(1 of Ibat waa bought oo U Headed by B. Rllcy sod club boura. Isltrr** cage PrMsy *veotng. Ibo aeon saadary atmoeaaaito work wf tfea It I* uodrrwcod Ibat a*»»rsl altaa Btsta blgtiwayaaatotton SMITH'S 4ABOBT AV Oral ouxigage* aaeured by Ooaso <"ny Mizner, of Ooahen. belDK 18 lu Ii. propartia*. Tba aaaocailloo ba* I42J *n lo«nllgalad aod off*rad, bol Ibal wHb Ib* axetpuoa of la TOMJtWT The Tin Smith Ttogaoi* VII quit* llvaly sod wa* >odrsiMdbylasa%>at, . na« abara* lo iba y*arJ* bnalna** aod Tba Paat Cooocilon' Aaaoclsltoo of Ib* all* ou Ib* bluff aad wooded Nttke «f Meetlig .f WM. H. COIJIIWOK. |a. Cap* May Couoly wa* orgaoiud at a kuowl*d(«i |.y in* AUsolio illy wa* oot laiangid by I agiwatat* M 1113 Aabury Ave, vta praqiof ooostdarabty more gmuoda adjaotot al Homer* Polo I team a* being tl>* do Mat aod bsidast- U arseda Ib* warm an taa Htate augav id tf is&essaeit Aaso.M. AJa.aos.CK. * \ The Place to Shop Ibaa any olbar yaar of IU blatary. of nptaasolailva* of iba «ar-w«ra*»l*ci*d b*caua* II praaaufd ao w«y« me wbiob yoae * " f>raor»w T*W lodge* of Iba Juolor Ordar of foaghl gsai* so lar Ibto sasaoo. Al•padawaily Allbaaooual caaxtog. iba offloan oiaoy sdvaotagaa o*ar all otbar loca- AaaTawij af UM Pint AU tClnOm of Outtara Cifil Eafiacer aai Sarrc<«r Macbaolc* lo tb* ball of •ud of Ito first balf tbw score ataod KoUfaJa WraSr«1«aai laallbaaaoai A FBV SUGGESTIONS FROM alKtad man: V. H. Uboaasakar. pra* tlooa. Tbaaoll atinsaloxlaod toODd ah ofOeeaa CM7 •Hi CooocU, No. 91, Boiurday 10 lo a In fsvor of Ito L»gbi Fir*, bat rryloa; oat of tto statata as east* Calf. *aw Jaraij. a ropy c4 UM um ii i CM7 Bsci***r.Qua* Calf,SI. J. llroi; Howard 8- ekaloloo. »k» pml- Ideal for golf purpose*; Ib* cootoarof •dviatble la tto flsisisilus af at UM BapUat laatHota, lttft >a*>a4 •» ua Board of Coai»u.iosara "J JONES' MEN'S SHOR log. a tto aecood half Smllb. of Atlantic dtoi; Jam** al. Duvaoa. traaMir**; Ibagrouod prrxuud poarlbllllW* for to commlasloo woaM a. '!•>•" <-»J. aaaarulcla* laa awu or ••- amoa ASUURV Ava\tu Tba toltowlog olBcen wtr* load- _1iy, wlib som* locky abou, *ooo aasaaa aa paanrataa —rtf '« nritumai »n Cbail** B. bill w (II. aaeralafy. loirrtaitog golf bolt* aad Ib* enure sty by* tba M. SaUop-m. Ota- »!««.-Aa iwll»a*i» lotfaol a Mi.tx.aJ la NOTICE Balh Uoba bilk Shirt K.in Cut taud by Mai* ofBcar* of Ib* orcaoua- IV* Atlantic Ito lawd. peo.idtag *aeb wwrs Is laatas 1latailWUnnul.oc.iiM raaalat ooa Dlredora aUclad were: H B. Swao. track ws* ao compMaly woodad Ibal " at • a/doc* for ao '— ISnaaatM ^[Iii.l,,.| lt,um L'oderwrar Mlk Mine ao: Kcrguaon waa tto star for Oeeao osrrwd aw aa mlgai to I MUlury BruaHra J. M (i«*»»o». C. B DUIwall, O moat *T*ry tx>l* could ba built ibrongb aad proper, 'r ^aa or Caaital ataaoa a*4 Trsveiiag Bag County CoaocUor, E. BU*y MUaar. I1|y. acorlog alav*a of tto nfteea LUat Itnaln aa4 amU Uaa of ax UmbrtUa Wallet lUaltur) HouMr HbOMBSkrr. Dr. All*o Coraoo, Iba wood* Tbl* not ooly ofterad stmlnkaag of *aeb sail " ttorewtll baa Joint K'-«(>>• *>* iaia»*ilany o< iwa.riw u MEMORIALS af Ho. 91,Uoab*a;*lo*oouaiy couuctl- polata. road* la ragaiar aaasas aa •ailant lloaoOMytmnb Ua J. »». VKNABLM HwasUT Walrb Chain Ideal golf cooduioo*. bat uoaaaeJ pro- lloaoOMy-tmnb Una u4 rso K A. tMratioa aod W. V. Btaam*^ Io tbl* game, aa la Ito game wtlb aad ito 1 i* Mlaw'iMi- 01* BXaVUTT AND DUaVABUJTY mm* Aaatmr miamtt* KfciGlovws Lc*tbnCoat Auto Oauullrta ae, i. Praaeau Csdmao, No. UB. Occao l*c*kx> froaa wlao* from ail duaottooa. Scarf Ft* New Hal Call I.mka Nearly 700 abatw* of oaw atoek w*r» Capa May Clly Hlga Bctoal, H wa* Ma -WbaJe JCIe- ctrr i otiiKD »*•» 1 a L I sis aseratary, Plovtll Jama*. making iba course very plraaaot tor aw-^^- _.- * •"» PoU'had-letUrad Net*Uc I'.J.tna. Tu: CU.p ikro aod. a* Iba books will raawalw • o Ibal Ocasa City ba* Ito asa- •HI to eajoyed. Tkla of No. 91. aod ooanty Ir—inrer. Bolla *ll-y*ar play, ttaaabor* wlod* aswaa "Wnaa •eoordiBf to yonr own btlkMaffatr YatC op*a aoiil Mute 15, a oomear af Urlsl to pot Ocasa City 00 tto map . of No. 118. lo be a big baadicap to all muisa* lo ROGER BRITT otbsraaraaxpaetad. Aoyaea daatrtog la tostot toil tf some good-tosned BOO ^j Tto ismilBdw of ito oOcers win toibla MCIIOU, sod even la tba warm n, HBAO- OAKLAND lo iai* atoefc may **od wotd la aay etttraa* woald ssaka It a polol u aaa CTMD VIOLIN TtUCHEI salad aad tnattmtad at a oaaatlog to waacn at time* make play almost Im- ROm, -T« SENSIBLE SIX dlncior or lo Iba aarraury. V. B. Mil' Ibal Ito toys' oaada la Ito way of a wall, al Ooaaq CHJ. or 18 BocMb Frooi 1 told at Cold Uprtag Coaodl Msrcb poaslbla. n» POSTS, BUM. jrro, «TUmT«Cm hail lor practice ara •applied. •<»*<. fbiladrlpbla. L Bit** war* loraatlgaud north aad Uoeap: The Entering TO ULBOT USINESS and prolewiooal Ocaaa CMy. WUdwood, Uostoa aod west of Homer* Point, a* wall a* Baa* loirr Piv« A. C. H. B. (taoovos •» ilihy ta am* akow B men find the Oakknd Sowi- JOSEPH BROADLEY iiorica. Palermo ware wall rapraaaatad at itoley'* Polol. but ooo* waa found lo ble Six Roadster the ideal car for All Mil* for adranMagla IbcOCaUa maatlag Batarday evaolog. Eleveo of equal Ib* oo* **l*ct*d. Tba Baaalay'* /8MI1 Thar rifiaa—i tfca larrtat aad arduous daily Mrrkc It b highly saaaator* of Iota Couocil weot .iTsnr} *—* Saaat atock af wuaoriaJa *v*r 'ITT fmx-nmmt. lo Marcb 1. 1M1. aod Polul local loo waa tabooed b*c*u** H Te *»UaaU4 UwatlMr by «M eoa- powered, soundly bmktnduntiu- Mark Lake Estate PLUMBING and HEATING an till* for job pnauogdoa iba Bsoi- a* aev*o mile* from Ocvao CHy, CITY Of OOtVAJI CITY. ». aara. Th*y kara b**o cot from mfityrcUibk. And it ia comfort- mu KaiimiQ Uocss u> Mboolralo u- trolley coooactloo*, •tasoard rrmattaa aad marblaa UNDERTAKEK3 731 Aatoury Av«uiu« Ocaan City, N. J. Hnf arfSTf I waa lad for tola terrt- How monU able to ride in, eaay to operate, / aaa*J*«*»J*jaj*J*J*«»l*Ja^aw«a*MaMwa^wMHaaaw> an pajabM to tba oadanagoad. «y. Hoatlan ibat ara oot afraid of faced ooiib and Mat. witb oo wood* rtaki goal*—Pargoeao, «i Ctotua, PWATX MSMOXIOXIAiA a Ifoa BALB.—At a torgala, oo* S, Iba best local Ian* *»*r aaao for a golf Geo. F. Saxton H. P. maka aad break Ball Marto* PaMt .awTWaia*l«l auaaa. Oww OAUDDTTAJtO Dr. WiWoo Y. CbJiaUaa. «• Cao- It la bwt two milaa from MAIV OFPIOS AHD TAHO •agtoo. ta 4 la A H. P. Uty aad aat asaa* fartaar Ffcril Jr. • tt Dam Safaa, Wm. H. Powell RAINTINQ. RARER HANGING. Irsl ••MM, ibl* e*ty, wlaba* lu aa» . . totb wMb *aafl •»••*• |*jta aa UmMffmf- oouoo* Iba jtoatalUtM af Ua* Maw) Apply U ford. SU As-from tb* eaatcr of Iba esty, Ibaa tba GRAINING **o DECORATING KdaardaX-Bay apparaiaa u bla alawry avesoa. adv.. 1 St, a. loealloaa inggfatai. at Twaoty-Oflb +.*• Aa OcacraJ Coa tractor ready complata daotal ootflt. X«ttay Ovwknd 4 Tewring. $945; Rotdttcr, $945} Coape, $1525; ioa« Asaunv AVCMUC davgooaaa a •paclaiiy. Yoaag w 11 sun woald Uto paslilea atraat or Iba ooa at laa Noetb Pnlal 1 aani hai'a aalpar ow* ae I wo day* a Pbtladalpala. Haw York, OCCAM CITV Mtaai. aa-w NCWJCRSCV adv., tf. Sedan. $1575: Qusiis. MOO; Prica f. o. b. Tokdo art Street BalldtBf weak, wtilaag sa aslod eblMrea avesv tito. »a* csty aad all aalaraada CHARLES SACK torn Baxa.—Madtoas ataad asn ta Uaa faralaw A Ho I *aaract*r ham- - TbaBhan r*at Uma faass m Wast awa. good coodtikio flawanniSIa Apply Apply ta Aabary sv*. PwUawalpaJa. AUaaUaqHy aad Oasaa Central Garage 0C8AN Cm, N. i. tUartaaa. offlca. ad*., if. adv., 1L a* wail aataa lalarwaa Iaaa Uatls Caty LOST—t*a*H D*cftlaaa. Bawaid If WASTtmsw-Waatad w Ocean City iMJUDfATBoauvntY New Jewey SURF LAUNDRY tn afoaaiya Urraaa. adr. awsv r at term at toad laa CITY GARAGE UJa-we, 929 Ocean Avenue •>*». i>a-j Ocean City, N J. Ko» adv.. It. I. W. KUXEB « O. J. HAMMBU CO. Til A»eary *r 0O0O VOBJC QUKK SSKVKB. AIX WORK DONE ONPftmBES ' 8«rv«nth sc modHav«n Av«. riMAMAlf M. /. Advertise is the Tryaaad* Advertise in the 8BNTXNBfj 08NTIN8I, ""' '*••• ". i''11 **' ' .* ^«* * ' 4 ' * L '" Sk-^^^t "' r^ fJ*^CJQQu^A^ ^ kj4i]^p JBB^^S taLpKBajPCV^^rflB

•••-i'v^1'1" ..••••"• • •./•'.-•:• I-•/,•:••: ';•'.•', :--"'-;;-•''•;•,-.•• ",v;-*'": • •;••/-v .••.-.••<-' .v:: .-.•'.•?;*••.,..;' -«.;:?^%;>.^^-A'W3^Si

Baooo. Mr. Marar aald Ibat If gtv.o »HOMI tu-a-i* at oat) *NO ration aoav auneia |g|gfi|MAY BE INCREASE eorncraaaadrtlaor about'ao oral, a! 1 Ibooaaod Iba company cao provM. J. E. WELCH Any Where for Iba prtMM ueceMlllea of Ocvau ' Any Kind J^caa City Sentinel IN COST OF GAS Lily. THE BUILDER Lee & Bourgeois!- WINTER PICNIC BULKHEAD ASSESSMENT INSPIRING TALK Mr. Baboon aald Ibat b* ba. a Illtl. CON. StVCNTH STHICT «NO WCtLCV AVCNUC TH0H8DAY, FBBBUABY M, 1981 John Marts Lumber Co. aiora aympalby for lb* gat cumpeoy • Ninth Strwwt and Havwn AVwrMM . lOoaiiaaat^M. rn rwl "•".•uc»,»cTo. OCEAN CITY, N. J. Carpenters and Bdflder* \ M Ibao toraa of Ib* olbar public ulllrtleo. WAS BIO SDCCESS O0BAN OITY. N. J. a Baeoo. ofJereay Udly. tbettgtotl*- WaaikaB'bJRladtoraeatTa ttamaof CARRIED INTO COURTS BY CHAPLAIN COOH « la Dot rulTlcleolly protected oo It. Lamber MUhrork. 4nHlng«. Bill Ung Ptpar.Waafr •part. Walla,Saat Wa%w» BMO npraaaouog iba Uoaao City Tai- - OCEAN CITY. N. j. am and eoomanloatloaa of Islataat ate. Bvttmataa rnwIahadV rroap* DaMaiq. ^^ large lovralmtnt for lbr»* rooutba' r*- WwT*' Laago*, Mr. Kbit belog presi- lo thM eotmainnltj and-oar tawtera luro, b* (laird, and ta cao ood.r- Feature of IVtatcae Show Property Owners Aloof Bay dent of Ibla orgaolialloo. Real Estate For Sale JoNriatWorkaSptctoli, (Mate XefisUtor Pleased •laod wby tbla compaoy mual bav. Ail oakuaanknttooa ahoaJd o» ao- Staged by XHr. Hughes aqd Pront'ObJect to Paying Hearers at Presbyterian C. M. Ifeebl.r. ot Newark, ao lu-a muob largtr raia ibau lb. bi« clue. BIO BAROAIINS . Joseph 6. Champion JOA.D.LBB B.A. I ttTrwipTifttl wttb tna ftill oaMa ftnd Prof. Uoter. MEMBERS OPFOSB HOSIERY •pastor from ib* state Public Uillliy H* I. aura Ibe people of Ucni CHy. Assessments. " - Bible Class Dinner. Apartments and Bungalows, famished and unfurnished addtaaa of tba wrttar. aot uioaaaarlly Commlaaloo, alto waa pratral andwill Iraat Ib* oooipaoy fair arid will Tbw winter pJcole aod •olartalo- SILK MERCERIZED WOOL '" «t sacri6ce prices. This is the tor pablloauoo. bat aa a iraanuita*) of Tba matttr of a ault agaloat lb«ettyt Tba annoaJ dlootr of tbt Preebyler- look ao aotiva p»rt ln lb# d^e,,.^,, aaanl glrto by Iba Yooog Meo'a Pro- GAS RATE RAISE ba wllllong t1o0 back lbiba* compaoco y lr> ; Building Contractor ID lha form ofcertlorarl to re»»ew tbe aod la Ik* *0on* to reach a Mllafac- y CoorirVI Ian Mao'a Blbla Olata le alwaya a ra • aoy raaMjuabl* propoalilou. graetlva League to Iba baadquartera proceeding, und.r Ordlaaooa No MEN. WOMEN^nd CHILDREN lory aolaltoo of lb* gat problem here TUey are letter event In Iba bl.iury of ibto or- willing to pay a pruper rale wttbroogbt barora Iba City Uomml** gaolaatloo. aod tha nccirton NM Krt- Mayor C'baaaploo, lo Iba temporary for good tot League Will Farther Dis- 666 ASBURY AVB. BQILEAU S QpenJBVwnllMJf •ervk*k . AlonzoCotton DOTS g •loo'ere al Ihelr weakly maallag. aod day vraolog. In Iba attractive »wm- tbeeoee of Clayton Him*. Htlck, wbo OCEAN CITY. N. J. OTIS M. TOWISEID Mayor Cbamploo cl.rrd lli.i tb. Avanu. Oomun aod tbatt wlvaa, aod In* ooeaalon waa cuss Subject at a 8peclal Cliy Boliollor Uoewtll waa In.lractad bly ball of tbw cbureb, waa fully op bad prteMad at a •irollar mattlog a w auMie ttonta *f m.l.r chart, .hould u. r.mwlitrl. Raal atorm Uat Haoday. • tsoat plaaMol oo* rb' all. to defend iba euil. j to. If not above, lb* blgb ilaodard of week prior, calltd Ib* aemnblig* lo Meeting:. itt»—tiMrof Hato Th.r* .Uuuld b* nuly un. oi.i.r BUILDER Tba woman folk took luoobaa of Tbetulll. brought by Margaret a ! olh.r yeare. Aa lo Ih* patl, Iba |ord*r. aoa J. William Murnaon, wbu Uottagaa an D«IOR ranted. . ,. . UIIKIIUI uy m»r»»iw» «3k i «•«•»••••• "" •• "It pin, inf HUB w»a» a* waa aaptorlng cbtrg* a ytar. Uu. tit her lo ih. nwu.r NOW IS THE TIMB TO GET READY FOR SEASON OF 1921. Tatlou. kloda, bat all axottdlogly Tbtra wtt a rtltier leaglby debate H. -J. Brownloo waa ttctttary tl ib* oib.r meetm*. OFVICS: 8th St. Oppoaite p. o. Cblekao air^par al tba Praabjlarlao Urabam. Edward J. DuMaa, Hanoaoal bara of Ibe el«a* wara accompanied by or Ih* Koaut Ii pro,,,rly .bould be good, aod tbaa* war* arraogad 00100 tbw ga* queatloo imof g Ihe mem-u u>.•• « ». »• ibl l d B. Weotaall. H. T. Loogttroth ,D(j ibalr wlvaa, aod all folly tujoyad not , with alt aoo. la we. again called lo nil Ibl. poelllon OCEAN CITY, N. J. Cburob Ibt. avaalng. ber, of iba Progreeaive League'Tues- charged lo lb. .mn.r. A.lotii. luru I can rent you a place anywhere in Oce.in City ih.it i* for rent. atraral loog lablaa. and Ibaorovd did other, becute of iba aaeaaa 101 'only tb*axe*llaot dlnnar bul al»o Ih* HAUMING AfND MOVING — —4 that baan bit lu addltloo Ii. Mayor Cbtoploo, Laal la allpplog aloDf, and It *»lll aud luro on cL.ru.. n |. . |,rop.r Only galvanUed nails u»t4 on aaiplajuatieato lb. Kmpling aupply day avaolng, and at lit oouclu.ion II •g.lnat ibem for Ib* coat of Iba con lut.llaetual faa*l provided. . * writer la tk* Bnomlya. Eagle Cily ComoiU.ioD.ra Campbtll tLd Alto, some Kt~' lor Sale, che:ip ANo c LOCAL AND 1>ONQ DI*5TANGB ch.rg*. It »hould b* lucrca.ed *ud exterior work not ba looj j bafora Ea«tar !a bann . Tbla lolvraatlog pan of Iba program waad*old*d 10 bold a tpocltl meeting 1 *" afaay itvaa teTt 5,,. Mer|. Tenth .Street and West Avenue •Iructloo of a bulkhead ID front of Aftar Cbaf T. Laa Adam. viand, Fiaber w.r* pr*»ant. of Iba laagut Halurday evening 10 leke Philadelphia and Ocean City * fwMt at tba Kortk aad paid by tb* aumoier vl.itor*lit . Ma) (live wv a call. Apply to P*rbapa Iba auto brtdga will ba fra* btlog dlapotad of. tba chairman of Ib* tb.lr propartla* OD Iba bay front be-bad baao placad wb.r* they would do Tb* fbllowlog un.r wa. read from action 00 Ibe mailer, lo order thai a Express Ste Joba Franklin, aod Cbamplou lb«u mad* roollur barora Iba rammar ataaoo la vary old aounalnmaot eomalllaa. Roy Oan>y. tween North and Flret alreeU. ' Ib* oaott good, Ib* pa*lor of Iba J. Clark Moor*, a Pbllad.lpbla broker. Oeorge W. Harr-la report may ba made to tb* Cily Com- _* ^^?* 9*tOm ta tka aortb which wa. carried, and rruilied In Ihe NARRY R. HAVES Qolla • Hill* auowfall b.ra Taaaday aoooaooad Ibal to* voealquarlMwJUId Tb* writ waaleaoad by JuMlo* (Jam- cbureb, Or. Boyder, wbo la alao bead •M ta*ncaa| etoatt expadtttoa at tba •ammer raaldtot b.ra and an arnv* Contractor, Builder gl«* a aalaclloD. Tba Tocall.ta—Dr. mmlon.r. Mondar morning. 1 preparaliuu of ih. r..oiuil..o td..pud HUALTOR aaoraloa;. bat Iba .now aoqa dtoap mer, aud I. returnable Marob,7. of Ib* sla**. anoounced ibal ibo** of Main Ortloai w*«*ath (Inwt, O**ta Cl«y. N. J. •aalk only aaat a* aaeatltaed. narnlMr of tb* Oc«.D illy Teip.y.r. and Jobbing J. Tnorolay Hugbaa. William H Col According lo number*, Ih* con»«n- League: by ib* mcdiuR. topie. of II,I. IKI|,,. p»and. When tbe aawMm.nl lo Iba variooa Ib* mo wbo aojoyad tb.lr poat-prao- Jtamn Mlrxl nrm ' Av«nu« llano. Jr.. Ruaaall H Nully aad K •ua of opinion al Ih* meellng Tuesday llou w.r. l» b* MIII lo i|,e van,,u. ,,r Tbtra *>*ra about SS raaManl* of Inlaraatad proptrty owner, waa andla- l tmok* might do ao In tba alUy **V?lE?im~ • •*• 1 bava w*n . italfmtot |U tb. OCI:A> eiTv. .•«. a M. Halloa—dM ao wall Ibal I bay wara et.nlug wa. not favorable In the adop- gaoiiallona for actlou by iheui at ibeir tbla city 00 tba axcuralon to Pblladal- nouncad aoma moolb*. alne*. aavaral out.ldaih. oburob, wblcbrlalam.nl ••» rwjlOB k> oaeaaMrc*. IVir many papartlbat tba gat company IIUHU aooorad, aod obligingly mpondtd. tion of tba reaolullon pt««d at the ra. •MnRNu«,Oww»T mmiog.. ibe ie.ull of whitta »,. lo 'K nrti-tic results in architecture can only be ln.amn«.c.tn« pbla Tuaaday. of Iba property own.r. aad* atroog a bit wub tba woman and -*>n aaan ataamara bava baaa ma*- IhU It will o*ed about fSu.000 ao b* HUI to Ib* lily Comoji^iui.er. oht.iinnl when all unitt blend to produce a Tba Har. Gaorg* W Yard, pa.tor cent meeting of i«|ireMiulallve. of nbjwtloa* aud tult agaloat iba clymany of tba men. "•««r»»wtta t* Hadtoa bay to i Ibat ib* money may I* Hb.nO Torallo wa. btra a f." d*>. [joint organ If .Hon.. Thl. resolution ri.auTniAttw.-cn GANDY COTTAGE s"-; Wbll. ibr a«^ojblagr <• a. aoalllng harmi>niou> uliole. Very often a small detail »f lb* Pint M. B Cbareb, g.v* waa threatened. Or. HdyJ.r apok* lo blghly eulo- rxaaw wltk tka aattvaa, aad tfca Cana- ralatd by wiling bond. io tboM of u afo ID IIO* wttb R.Hlog a IM of wo- oambrr of "Eddl*." UurM'a pocaii. wit ftvorable to Iba gaa company'. The H'jrlev-Jones Co, VU Man AMI «UOaobalA«MM . r'.-'

. BUILDER A faoey daoc*. lu ooMuma, by Prol atar, calling awjtotioa lo a highway Too often paoplw atod out of towo for tuit or coat I. getllnff thabby and you tic ia need of another it will pay you to of lb. compaoy, ,od ib. purcl....r First floor. 5 nxim.s, all cnnveniences: Second floor apartment. vou will t>e a--n;eil of a (!c-.igti that is architecturally [IOJ. artaicr avc Maa.Lntuata*r,r>aa> ; Bat tDS aHflTaaBa*akl • - **M Baok aud Iba Oeaan City Till* and aod Mra. Elmer E Uugar raealvn llon of additional equipment. look over oar Mock before baying eltawbm. We can give yon aoma (pedal .xcl.eui ld.a». .,„! ,,„. cajp.,,, ociaw CITV. w. r>MON(, convention to beoaid lo Treoloo Wed- tataot wbao Ibay htv* aoma of Ihe ~ aaawOwWtu ntotiim or of Ibe bund, win prob.bly bav. 5 rooms and bath and pantry, tire place; Third flo-ir. .; n>o:!M. cct and a huiMim; that ix>*-es economy and Truat Compaoy early Ibl. waak to aa- btrgalai in oar Mora ia Atlantic City. • ouldb.plea.edlu h... wtu »„„ Ib* hearty approval of Iba gathering nteday, Tbur«lay and Friday of Ibl.baat obUloabl* right at borne. Tba ICOQIIOI ,,,.r ib. pur^-M. fof wbin ilitrablity in con-triulion. y ORDER THAT "KASTKR" SUIT NOWI bay aad Davit might put up uiuoey om. iolo ID. or alal paopla in making «p lb*ir incom* aod tb»y, loo, raapoodad wub an yrmm G. Iba moo.y la tiaed. All furnished, for $7,000. inariUtat • M0NBT FOR SCHOOLS waak Inviting Ibl. city lo bt repre- apaaket I ban praaanled Mr. Yard, oawalapeMiitI at anting. as, da tcoa tal * My lax raturna.. [otbardanc*. «au»a:iou. If •.,,„. of lnw€ m,,, service guarantee* the highett quality of Ixotad. wbo acknowledged Iba coooplim.nl altt along th. lantr. il occur* lom * td,, |, |, 1# ni.di^ would become dutncl.IlT iaurr.tr 18 J m WBSUV AVINUL t.aro*a*u>ak t petition of tb* «>«ea»City pjopttto anclally lal»r HARRY R. HAYES HUMBERT C. POMTIEHE \ Th* l*tt*r waa ordarad raoalvad tk* Taaoa Oerao Cily Hifd Scbool dabalad wllrj to adMOlatadT*ulag»*, aodd iIbtbo ibrab aH Hill. aula Ap.rcod. la(a wara aloglog; "Whin Do Wa Oo *" *°" ** aid only a fa*rttoa lb* mooty for iba compaoy I II *auld te very gooil. but Ju.l lio» i tiled. g hr flat wfatet, aad kat 1 REALTOR Iba aaoood laam of lb* Atlantic City boye—Robert Hugbae. Walter 8->mere Pollowlog Iba readlog of two cum|- A letter wa. raad giving ootlca of aFFro m HHan." of Norn*, whlrti would bo bMter lo do ao by puicl... -!!• nilKhl be accouji ii.Drd i. aoolhr BUILDER aoma of tba paopl* g TaMa (jur*tioo. Ii 1. uot po.«ibl* 10 Hltb Hcbool Mood ay araniof, and aod C'barlee Uardotr—«aee a too munlcalloo. fruor the Octau Cily I public bmrlog by rapraaaotatlvea of looked at blmeelf aad Mra. Yard. Tbe log prtf.rrad -OCk. wbicb would con Thirty-third and Asbury Craltr •a teptlttag ii tka Ian or that preferred .lock uiide> me TtatkSu-iti OCIAICITT,a.J. loalout, altboogb to* mimbtn pra and boo. apedall* ID clever ttyl* Board of Hcnoul K>llojale. Ib. Cily ' lb. LTuit*d HUla* War D*partm*ot lo MMbodlM Coofatadeameet* lo Mareb. Ulo a proviso tltlDt ,b, ,,„,„„„ KTlllrST Shade, pre.«ut locur^jraliou I he C"oj aaotad good arf um.au. Tbty rallied Ib* twoaa Ilk* regula ComtDhMlOQ.ra, at their weekly meet- t b. I ity Commlwlooara' cbamoara al Mr. Yard I baa gave "David THE HANIF.INN aiockboldtn voting pow.r. and ib.l Suil5ing (Conlrortor FOR YOU ha. boud. it t au draw <|o« u for vlXi. 'aod aao." lug, adopted Ihe following rraolutloii , I o'clock Ibl. (Thursday) aflamooo lo Harem," lo which la . bumoruaely td. purcba^r. of iu. pnt,tttt: pr towot aad elite* are dolog aa Ibey g aloniraof tbaclly of Ucean (lly. that calved aod Ulad. Hy aod ba teored a proooonced eoc- Iba director, would te elected by lb. udniar win*, are carefully drawn t> it. you v.tn trID-OII al bl. oltli-r. T«l ocua cm. •. J. for Ib. currtut *xp.uac. of Ih. pub.lc 5 Mitt Maud Foolda. of Ibla cliy. club, aod ebainbar* of commerce paid. given. give Iboa. wbo are piovidlog tbt- kabury iviuur.Ot-mi *.ur. N J md •cbool. of Oceao < Ity. ih«i. b. raited oS4 Aabury Avanoa John O. Dennis apaol Balurday aod Haoday lo Pbila- Ti-lied by blmwlf oa bie recent tri mooey auperviaioo over tb* •p*ndic« aud •ppropn.led Ibe auua of »KivM»> (M | Dr. tleorga W. Htmlngwty, pa^or dalpbla. tbruufb part, of fcDO.yl.aoia ao of It. r» Aura, aiaui. ALBERT G. GILBERT, h iiiai .ball M raiMil, Irvinl and of Ibt Klret Ptwahylttlao I'harcb of JOBBINO CARPBNTBR Waller I'haodler.'of Pbllad.lpbla. New Ytirk ara on* lielog lo a circle collected lu Ib* —me luiuu.r •£( STORY OF TURTLE CREATIOM I'au.deo, waa oast Introduced by Iba EXHIBITOR for the No Job lea tarsa. Ma Ja. at* I If a plan of ibl. kind u adopted. Plaa*ura aeeoue waa aaaoog Ib* .Mlort lo Ibla cny l.-tlereDib and Hay av.ou*. PRACTICAL HOME PAINTO Ttxry baet ao objectl«e aod Ibey are loutya approiyii.ie«l fur ullur rur- |loaalma«Ur. Ibt preferred Muck .bould elMi cou 8H0ULD HAVE Friday. accumpllablug rvulta. Wbtt are we Hav* ItawMUHJa l»— rouruautb aad Hay av. poan ara raucd In aald cily and levle%l Or. Hemingway aatd Ibat all elll All Work Ulo a provitioo ibal oo lucre... AV-«*e»ealb and U'eat aveuue. City Gas bight Company 645 Asbury Avenue. Abaut 0rta>a af York Ready-made Ford Commercial Foralahed Harry C Mbarp. of Treoloo, U »UH dolog fur our boya aod glrle lo Occeu aud collected, whlcli >uoj i. noe tbuild b* mad* lu in. preMbi bondnl IJ—Mecood and A• bury avcaur Ot KA.N CITY. «• 1. I Raatll*. leoa eboold ba iDierealed lo Ibe que« logbltdaacblar. Mr*. Alleo Hmllb lu ? Ibe apeekcr owk*d. Coollnu if 111. .mount to be apt in|>nalr—tl«blh aud AMwry av.uue.' UCMU City by Hi. ci.ninii--i.Mi.-r of | Th. Aua'rallan blacka hav* a prat- pnacfalog Iba goa^al, tbere I. prob- f>—Irntb. and A«tury avenue To erect yonr Ocean City cottage. Yon cannot spare the time I'lly 1 ummiMloDer. aad ..rluua or perceul -of ibe Uold.ra of tu. Lr. Full LID. ol Jobo Loca* a Co.** fual. U. M log'raoll of Ibla cily, apeot aductwu aod .iclu.lv. of all uurx- ttrr, roorr romantic ttory .boot tma ably DO other question of mor. Impor- An inspection of our stock solicited before making «•»—Tblrt«*ntb and A.bury non,. (touilloua and Ibrw bad all luru Smith A Campbell to look after it closely )onrsclf and most depend upon tbe 'aroi.b... Kit., ai Oar Hiora.* Huoday wub bla moitxr' at May'. p.udrd b*l.uc*ltial ujay b. mi hand crnllon of th. turtle than that UMy Itocaor to wbicb tba pen pie could »<1- r.md Mock. 41—*JUla*Dtb aad Aabury av*nu, «w>. Joba T. lArmV imA and OU I'M. your purchase SI—.Suitb aud teotrml avenu* deaf ear lo bla plndloge for tb-al Ib. clo«a uf 111. rl^:.! ycr; »atcl auni w«re Juat oo* of Uia many ikloga Ood HOUSE AND SIGN •I merely ofter thl. a. a tuggrtiio honesty ot the contractor. uaAtlr la fuoca. |dr**e Ibacaatlvc*. H* apuk*of pt.iple W-*lxtb aad I'eutral avenue." yoolboflb* city—all but I be Prugre* locludf. IIV*) for rrpalrinK auri lur- put upon Ib* «*rth. Tbay aay that Automobile Bodies Rebuilt and Repaired PAINTERS heviog lo mind ibe f.ct tb.t ibu« I have built for a large number of people and could refer yon to BraalMa aoa rvoun' SappllM. Praak A. Adam, arid «ifa. of tbu wbo bava coco* to tbla country lo *n ^T—Elerentb and.C«utral arenu* eiv* Leegue lo aome uukoowo ilablag aod tWUUXI fur «ire y any or all of them. maooer.* cold water waa tbro<*u uu ini^.ui.o. waa roamlac th* boah, ba w-foortaentband Waalay av.au. psinaa ProoapUf Aiuodu To. Pblladtlphia. • rmii( aud «|UI|I|IIIIK Hi* public Ibem ara not worthy cf ilieaw prlvl «oie ooolrol ot,, ,ul. ,»prt,dlluie Gas Radiators, Electric Heaters, Oil Heaters and Air- cin<- acroaa Oolah. th* Utard-wonaa. _..>—hourtb aod Oceau aveau* Send for the lUt of names and photographs ot the booses. 1 Be Hoy ricout.' moweiueol :IIOOI» aud |4iU0U0u lu proviilr fur a Mo loog ae wa believ. in (iod Old Turnpike near Shore Road PUEASANTVILAB. N. may be iot»re«ed lo tb. fuiur. »—Hfientb aod Uoeao aveoue Mr-. Ullbtrt Hamilton, of Narb*rtb. »Hh tbrva cblldno. dlcglag for yama. I04.J — LIAawa* II Atari aMMfji A "uov.liy act" oy Dr. J. Tb<>rnl*y Itdcli for Ib. >»«r 1'JJ) l«-.'l; aud al-t> and'Hto reaurrectloo, art true to Uod lagtmeolof ibapiaoi. it may t* »*—Molu aod Oeaaui avaoua. Tight Wood Heating Stoves _ la Iba low* of Mr*, i. Tborul*y II* atolo her and tba chlltfrwa aod Hui be. aod Prof £ K Uuger locluda. Iba aum of fltmOui fur Ibr and HI. cbareb w* .ball b* Ini* of court*, tbat there ara valid otlec *I—Hacood aod Atlantleavenua. OTIP.OS. M. TOWNSEND Hojtb**. of tbM city. t>ok them to Me ramp. Tba atsar »»-B<»nlwal* aad Moorljn Urrac* ALL VELL KNOTN BRANDS. CALL AND "orougbt duwo lb« bouM." To.y i.loiioaoc* of m.uu.l traiuiuit uooetoaplaoof tbi. kiod w bleb do oma 8E0. 0. ADAMS * CO. mi-mb«ra of lh» I rib. war* angry with Amartcaoa. II -Bay aveou* aad Hatt.naa roart UlMMUdrtd Norcum of tbl. cur perfumed—maoy mtreelou. Inck. Tb. dr*lT.tt.r fr^'ua Ib. board of ootoccortomeai ibUtim.. but aay LOOK THEM OVER. him. baraoae th*r turd aavrd a ro*ag A—raiblymao A. C Boaotll, Iolo J. E. WASHINGTON ' —>**nttetb *od i'*oiral av.ou. BUILDER "tar- baa ntuioxt fruui a r«« daya' »UU lu•nd e» •<•* ollti ibem. PUSTBUN6. RAN6E SETTHS .cbool awclmale read aa follow*: llrl for him to aurry, aa>l In4d klra irododog AMeoablym.o Cooo, told of [be brought out ,o ,OUr diK-u^ioo 630HsvcnAvc fnaodt la Puiladaitibia Aft.r*ardV>a>a <>f t(>eyt>uag*r _. lly tommiMloafr*. tb.7 weald not k.lp him Bgbt Oolab'a wllb Ib* officer, of ih. com^eny S B SWAN hi. dnt meetlog wllb ibu gentleman WIRE J. K. TROUT UICK LATDIfi. BIC^ IU~ meui danced aod a number of MlMr. Ulb*, when It era* to gn bar bark. • IIY Ol OC*A.N < IT, X J L«*ttr H. Hmilb, of Philadelphia. Oceao City. N J — |O Iba leglalallv* btlla. •J. CI^BK MooMi. JK" kU Wav* a* «MM Um apaol Huuday »itn nla (ar>ol>, ifr bfibueuy. of v.rloii* fciud. oiartiuK of In* Boarl of Mcli.xil K-ll oear Iba boy. of tbU city aod cou oty KRAU8& Fullowiog a requ*M. Mr. hllcbl. r. H4H-*S0 Aabury Avenue Occaa Cily. N. Swan and Trout ihrm. waartng a .hlcld la frnot and Tl>. aai.naiua>eat rommiilee com • at* of Oerau i lly. N. J, brlil Ihl- read bit dDaocial ataumtni of tb. CONTRACT SO. 716 OCCAM CITV. N 4 William H. •'•mpb.ll. Jr.. ap.nl behind him. When hi. ea*ml.« ^*ot in ItMeervlceoo tbeoia.r .Id., made PIMM I I prlMd K-iy U.ro». rUfaan^ U.rd- iv.ulug 10 Ilia butril I«HIUJ of th. high To Wire Your House Theo. F. Hilcfreth • aOtlr. fur BaluM.y aoi Huuday b*r*. H* I- at him b. drair Ma head aod limb, la a remarkably ulllug addrew, wbicb lu.r, Heriraua Darby. Prof. Uuftejad •choul buiidluit lu ••!(] city. ih. »uoi [yean* A. wa* tiated la ibe Srx^i BRECKLEY'S Coourclrd .lbaan Faau*. .of Ail.m>e learer. ibal lb*v alumld all b. proud HAD GOOD TIMB -wry tu t>« apprupnaird fiir lb. curr.oi ! th. river. H. threw oo* ahlrld away Contractor for Iba compaoy for alm<^< K«a)dyy Mixed PalnU.. Laad anandd Otk I'lly. 00 Mbi»d*> ai li«r h<, «ud be gave (ood r**> Tlp d ll^lf and Jumped la- Tfe*y walta* «a t*. OCEAN CITY NEfr JERSEY JiaalagWarwa) ofttaaa yaaia. For ib* *u fc»awl ftS AAMUTJ M«DQ.. city Ibaeefur. -wwMwfH**. ~" JaMlei* aaiW O«« haok for him ta rtappMr. nady to total book loaa wa. || f. •ul.lgiug .ud rquli'01114 Ib. public uo light 10 aay America woo Ibe war. Omt«i ion Gawtraa Arm •ada baa created a lorfply lo a qotMioo. >.,. Pblladrlpbl-. pp*ut a (•« da>. at Ib* abo«* water. To avoid them bf turned lliatin of Cvuucil No. 139.•cbuoi. iu loucny lur Hie -CIUHJI >..r blmarlf Into a tortl*. th* trtbttoMa for if 11 bad uot txr«u fur John Bull', *k fk* provtae* af gav. tb* pr»»ol value of ibe (.. Mlltor L'olla<*, Ihia city, durlug ID* OCEAN CITY. N. J. Jr O.Jf A. aud Oewau euy t'ouucil imojruciog July 1, It/Jl, *«clu*ivr aay, uid h. la In Ih. watar to iMa day. uavy New York, fblladelpbiaor olber plaal. or CM new. a, »«: uoo. l*« d»- waa* r B. F. GOETZ No. 10. O of A , uavd a J not ».ICI*LTT CLOUTING, BUCKLEY All K»». William A t'otb of t'amdeo. inu lo Iba lodga rooias* ruead.y'av.n- i«> be 00 bead at Ib. clo*e uf .uyone come, to harm bin b* drawa Dou'i IM u.kuuca Kugl.od, Krtuce. Sav* on yoor coal bills. Kctp tha U IJJ0.0IM. Agalo^ tb. prop.«y 104O »11U»» AVINUI OCCAN CITY OUR NEW N. J. wbo owo. properly 10 Ibe aotib ere- lug Ao (X0.ll.ul aoi.rtaiomrul oa. l»e prraeot fl-c.l >e«r, and rxcluaur UU hrad aod lisa, uodar bla ahUld. Italy. Uelgiuw—«JI dewrve prtUe for cold out and UM beat ia. lber.tr. liw/oo ,,f ^u , „, REAL ESTATE AGENCY 600FKEY Hork rllto Ooo of ibto cily, w*. a vMior ber* pi'uvidM by Iba •••mco luU, aod n» >f ib. aaiuuut lu 6« eopor lourd u> Ibeir perl In ib* war. comnoo Mock. 11 tk* time toed rfjjy/jr the StJion of IQJI acroai »ou oo *oua PaiMTix Equip tboae drafty, rattJtag dootw Buodey. OHII furuutMd iba r>f-t»bmvui. . iu city by Ibe cuuuty >U|uu> ul Electric gptem Bakert} Weather .tripping. Ask about it. HOTEL FOR SALE OCCA . CITV. N. J. ' N. Y., I. »talnn« oU auol, Mr. P. R "Amrrtea." fwcoclaga. •4I> I her. I. tba bead of Ibf t.b|e* IMI'I a oalKia ia Ibe wurld Ibal ba. par cent. al I1S8.3SU 82. Tb. com. •HONK: Orabam. al Ttolb aud Wcvley aveoue (Uadlog Mra. O.uwl Kr.u-«- JiUQ *m» Hied and detvtiuiurd upou retualoa la dlapute. II It qot la Hcott*e Ibe aaoie oMtooal apirit a. Ib. L'ultad IntUIlcd by paoy ba. paid lolaraM ou IU bnod. or Furnished, 27 Bedrooms. Bath, Good Location, Ibl. cily. Mwlbonao aolo, Mr-. Kr.uk Bulby 1. Ib. aouoiiul ol ojoney urce*a.ry t«« -Bob Roy." tbat Blgbtkod rattle !»• Oecaua. IMOI ba. Ib. aauwr Orr.ci. 339-J poarber and levlar of bUrtm.ll while diverted pmni. to Improv.m.ot. Readioar, Mr> JiMfb Harciay. o* .pbropri.lrd fur ibe maiut.tj.uct Ideal.. Our tdeaU bava ibeir origin lo ittlOtNCt. 292-M Hot Water Heat, Centrally Located. Slut J.BM* M Mt*«*o. will allaud radreaelng hit Own Injarle*. But It Makes Better Bread, Cakes and Pastry Camburn A Carwltbcn PUoodual. Mr.. Botaaod Sir. Well. " mauual irainlnic ll« Ilia ^ublu lb. Urclaratioo of Iud.peudeuce aod it. bond.. Ib* fuoeral of Or T. O HeuMir lo • at peculiarly a Hrottlth Idea of Holo, J. Pmeutt Cadaaao. uol. lu lui* city for Hie »cbool >ear CAVtaNTBRS PRICE JS RIGHT Treoloo ibu afl.roooo. Tb*y were pren>rfrnc*. ahared. how.ier. among Ib* Cou*a4ltulloa of Ibe LJuiled Hltle*. Mr. Fort HU ibal u bu.lne« m.o Something New iUadlog. Mr. Uaorga Niehrraoo. rumojtDciug July I, 1'jJI eii-lu.lv. of ! CUT TJIE HIGH COST OF LtVING Samuel Hecker for tbe beoefll of Oeeaj Cily people elota peraoo.l frteodt all people. Tber. It Johnny nroara Tbe .peaker lo lb. CUUIM of bia ad- Ml Atkttry Av*. Or 1 ia Oty. N. i. they neogouw Iba oecnaiiy of any Ask PuoodoH. Ulrtn Prieaaod N.wloo iDf bal.uce ibal tuay be 011 band ai ; Aodrtw (Maelsao. 3d. a Mod.at tl octaguo buuae tt Ib. aonb>-.»i*ro ei- dree, paid tnoul* lu l<-«l >e.r and 1 ALL KINDS OF JUNK JOHIN .J. FOSTER Ocean City House C Borger.' t'olleg*. ba* been .paodrbg tremlty of Scotland havtof ihe.. Iba applauaa wa* bearty and apoota- Eat More Bread. taming or .l~ 11 »,„n .T. to u Vueal •olo. vif. K*«*r Williama. aachi-ive uf lb. .oaouut to be .ppor from.trlcal eidee to tAat eat h aun and oeoua. «••» r»nm«i,. ir ,/K.I BCtLTOS Company tereral d.j. al Iba borne of bi» par- . by Uood 8.m.ril.ua. He SIS CIGtiTH BTBCCT OCBAN CITV. Rndlog, Mr. L«roy Hoar Itooed lu Uoeao City, by Ib. roaiml- ; hrtii of Hgnt Orott fatalllr* .-uuM • akar lhaoked Uod Ibat Ibe aola. Urao.lll* H rUnlaaa *od wife. eDter at hi. ow.i door aad alt .1 e>rh Icalled atteolloo 10 ibeC ,«.M.,OI.O f lliuurl, Mr. Madrlioa Purtar. ura. aiootr of *do«-«liou. j ^ liave I tie ballot. Tbrougb It is the most Nutritious Food. ibaeompaoy. poor •«, la ibktcliy u^per .nil of aa eigfet-elded lablr COW**a.£TK lUTIMbt Of ALL rBOPIBTira Lr«h Adam*. Mr*. Aoua * l.yluu, JOaKVII U I'll VUI'MV. I Ibem we will get back 10 a (ovtru- Jfe^oi- Sale Ulbe ph.-. that o.o.t | |«,e.i. , 0r. Amtredu. Jobnaoo, ao io*tro<<- Ralph Waldo Emma ta hi. -Tt.. D lb Mr*. Clara «N»»«oo Mr* Mama HnUiiKT KixiiKK. : meol uf Iba paopl*, for Iba people aod leagoeofwblcbbei. pr.Kf,,,,. tor al Ibe Ooi»»r-lly of PtooayUama American Scholar" tare: "Tbe great Prices RT*»IT.H** To 8i rreelvrd Th. Y«uni M.u'a Ing tbal tb. turn ol luuu ».. dird I'miolM ta "Poo Quixote." la chap- Iweet Pot.to*. toadeqoaey aod >«rvic.. ... nrtllMHBiiaiwiu, The OrBce of Batlcamanahlp and af«rvicc a box ofaaleded fruii from alltnd prar »«er I will that wtu .till be ta* »pp<^ HOUK with three bedrooms and atlic. need> some repaint, includi end tod iba place of warahle ta tbe*.'" Cblckeo T.rrapla company lo ng Mr*, w alter Wrigbl .od youritf mta Cnurrh Huud«y .v.uiiig. M«rcti 6 l»JJil fur Ih. curinil rxpru^.. two lots 6o'xiuo' at fourth and West avenue, $1,506 cash, ft. Cola tU.w Real Estate and Mimaxr. NOTICE mortgage. .ooo Pbnt Privet Hedge Howard, of tie. I* e Cny. .prut e few Mr Y»td ba. beeo ao luterrxed m«m- . firtad aod Uuller 1 difficult la. la cay. durlog Ibe wr*k wttb «r- bcrofih. Irago. lur aum* Urn.. H. MUSIC QOESTION Meeaeet Men. Search Oompany nprel. lo !ta»» Ocmma illy al Ib* Coftea Ice Cieem pi ra oo A.tur, »v^ WILLIAM MALONEY Wrigbi'. par.nl.. 1 b.rle. Uuaifunt The rnosHt maa oo rarth" haa Amateur Photographers* •awuasarra ou* «.a lant.1, rrdocl.., ,.., Mtid aod wire, of K..uili CKrao 1 lly rlu*. >>l Uw N>« J.raey I'oulrrcuc* 2307 ATLANTIC AVCNUC Thomas J: Thorn a. a mull. 6arnut . f,» Br#k. **rl> lu M.ieU. U. •*«••. IUHC...I.II, E«eo loMUaac* __ ,.. , LJAVE yoo acotUgc. bungalow L'barte. D01 tl.omtr. of Pieaaeoi M) > > > > Contest > j. j, j, ndelitv TrastComMny ATLANTIC CITV. N r. FLORIST M.)ul t:« .oipuio al Ibr oiollng of moat bumaa tralta. havJ r*<*aJ*d oc * * or apartment to fnrniah? We sf M Vlito. I* oo* ei-iv. U«>KUC lutiliy oru c*«(oaa,l nha.aa af raatnnaaa. hot It ra have a line of rUKNiTouM at leas • 128 Bay A van*. lo Ibe orBc*- ul U K H Tu«ua«nd. of Tuer. «•- a l.rir .ixl plra-r.1 cio-rt malo*d for a rlrrgyman. aa ardauud Tbu ijth. be will rundle Acetylrnr Ga-. lutT. a*«ed fur 1 b. aop.itnluirut of a than Philadelphia prices. Window Wildiood Title ud Trot C*. Rbal Estate Oc^a City N«w Jersey IblacHy M. •*• furoierly •illi lr I I'* Kir* wl K hutcit r..r-d.y preacher of the go*P<4. u» eatriaat ihadeaa tpcculty. •jglwillmeau a probable |OCMM, of ^ Oxygen and appluncm :ur ructiiuiltrv of l<*o ujeujtjcr. of Hie wli. A Uajloo. l.uilder*. lu Pbil.del- •Trnlua lo «r» ll>. o>o«li>g pieiurr aopertttlvely all other contestant, for Tltlwlnmnaow eeou a 1000 fMto t . iog and cutting purposes. ln Ir-g. e i.i l»k« op «ilh roojuililre. CHAS. r. ADAMS «, BRO. Thi. cuotnl u wined 10 uiinuUt. in h eoO.u»« 31st St. Section of Ocean City pbaa * Krotu tb» Mangrr i»» I it. i *r^**« " Tit. th. crolx Ar g.:t. u* ot thfr camera j h AbctnMt. of TiUw, Tba pmaol rata U || » Ir-'ui uib«r CIVIC OIIC.UIX.IIOU. Ib. T»o.aa Asaunv AVC. ouaJ asater cbarta of (j. Phone, Atlantic City. Mra JaMpb DurBrid of Phll.fl.l P'<-iuir« «er. oeauiiful aud »«i. Thia paator. who raatdca wltbla ay* d tine Cotu^ for Sale or rang* of iba Woolwerta tower, oukaa IT WOULD MAKE A -v pbto. Mr. Olioe • ottb of Oerao VHW, limbl) piautcd UU. Kibrl Lr. or Mr. Mayer .po*. „, lflW)| dr.|lo Rent • UUJCUVI. .i.d lo ei-itt.ior 10 rt.cli . a prmctlc* of rhargiDg YUhsastt oooar and Harry M. Htrt aad t>r W. A tbiaeiiy. pnaided at itworgao Prompt Service AH' la prka. ia MM aiatenaJ. aod b. SLOW-POKE WORRV-J dcfjuilt cuuclu>luo lu Ibl. uj.tter. ttt* buoraoc* pollrlr. a fa* of > per Cubb, of I'eoBdea. .ptot Haaday wHb ateawy ta Loea aa ~ Mr. Fuet U« deeimto. JUST TO Pre.tdfut W.li«r .\Mru apuoiuipO cent of th* fae* of ih* policy for 0U- RULES GOVEHWNO CONTEST wb K. C Dumeld .od .if-, WT Wctor SEE THE I t'apl Alfred K. Hajilli acid Jobu mg oot th* dargymaa'a certiorate aa a .-All arMtcur dervlop..,. .nd BrtaU ••tow. Lioculu H.rru aod >tf*. William .Trout •• ibe tueuiuer. ul ibe comdeath rialma. mu-b. doo. In oar Hwtogr.ptc m toh 5 Ofllowal In WAV WE Keuau. * i(e and d.ugbler, bulb aod bl (or auua in Ik. cooim. Mr Fort >aoiad lo kbo» imuiee. Th* medal far eooeeetratcd ta4 oa- t HURRYL Ricbard W r*uor . lereui frtdaei* Harvey Parker, wita'tod dtugbier, *^ Pbb Fbwt Halloed ~ .««ldbard oy rraik A pin. (rarlodovtea aauaato), a oatlva Oceio City N.o cn>p N.» Urlaeu. mo.aim 10 ncltix-k uf mi. tl) ih- )ouiO < NON hM«4 u oedn ^ h A very pl«a».>Qi bmnday^ .urprtoa cvoi. |«r quart falitrliula^ UrvT.^^i * *• iu ib,-Aftrr rp«-taJ tnatnaat U mwaia t*a 1 -Foe ,b."S S^uufu. l^ ne? ** ""ZBS- MORTGAGE. to loan on Firat Mortgages -II D-y- party »a* m.J.r.1 vi -. sMlbur Aca- Lari. aM«jnojeot cbolca apptoa, ur- • uiotu..tiiv .ccr^.ry itu-iur.- «*•. aoft part of th* leaf, tha taar la toaxad ^ hta „„,„. t aiig.^ uaoeua. aud all klod uf fruit to readar It pJlahJ. aad tb* waavtag Good Security Secood Trophy Jj.o,i a ta4oo.WOMrvwaa.tb.bulk of .bleb lay oo Mood.) ai TOO Moorlyo Tba alwayuo baud. •Jreet Orar Afli, Pulladrlobla. Cold. eaaapao>cek «ara noMaojt anctlr boo^l . ha»,..r»toa guct* lucludrd r.laiiv.a aod frlaoda Krcu tc«. l>(hi frtMD tb* couulry kd t iiu(u<4i of Irieude b*r^ It doa* oadar wattr. Th* aata.aM*t Good Location . *. —Foe the n>o%t oeigioal tiul utiatk t>oae OU neAtr caught a .pider try- valuable ara as*o* frota aUgto laaraa, p4pa* not larta eooocti fo, lh,w wolk from laid*.II. N J.. A-tuiy Park piaoly of luem. iOc o>oaeu. I ll^oo m lloia, "Fim Trophy. £00",,m, OoU,S*ca*>i J. M. CHESTER & CO., tng to apio a weeb acroa. our Prwwaiwawi •*>..».r. Tb* plant freta wklck ta* aau ara RaJph L Chester iropoy. TtM eoodlttooa eaooot b PUBLISHED ON Y aod Watblogtoo. O. •' Mr AckWy Uood fiawbeucoeuuionibaabell.aoc **re»b kiltod cnickene lo order mad. haa bwaa buredacad tato Java. ^-For the he»t IBbrrior aad e.terioe view, ot any of w OverUnd 4 Touring;, $945; Roadster, $945; Coupe, $1525; or aroaod our fe»t. la pioprtetor uf ' O<>-lu* U.k.ry " oo J MMIIM tibrl r>i>>. a inUaiouar.. atbaaaCcawalAva. THURSDAY OF M«ee> cider aod auiucw cue.t. oo« uu a funounh fioui Koira oiii wbll. .ipernateata far Ita UtrodacHaa beautiful home, is Oecaa CUy ' Oar fir»t name ia Biutlr Anbury av.our. aud ha* a c -iia«* lu Sedan, $1575; Oust* |800; Prfcca £. o. i*. Toledo » All toaine^* trasMctr>. Wou.u'a KoinKn i|i»>ouaty M., mad*, aa tba fUlplaaa ara axpart hat UGwTheTC MmtntUtd la ptwwmjj l^naMtM." KcaulU: A atl* cocsplctrd 00 ib. / flortda. .inn it aod 4r*. Ackiay Plenty Peeoul M.Hll» Me ID. efcrty uf to* KiT'l M E < bhrcb o.xt ^-PortheheMaad moat origiaal poet of baJklM. I prtadpal pracUa both »«ll» «~4 * ••• - - ^L^f Oor phone Krnb Uoldeu Oalc-. S4J 10 tdv if Tucad.y .v.uiig. •fetch taaaa aia 117 web j to haw yon call either •past Iba rally »loi.r tbry b*«* Pa-Trophy f»o.oo la CotL" 4SL3 TrSgj J^oo to Tanaa1aB*Maa Judge foe thie Coatcat to be aaaowaced later Our Wall paper old tellable Bay Villa Laundrt. wbtch Un. Jobu L. Vau no* ol tbi. cily RATES FURNUHBD eaatrie bird bota waaa tt la tiagtag aad h U- fa a wedtebh aW. WttaWa* CITY GARAGE CITY, H. J. waa t*tabl»»b*d lu l»10 Try U ooor— tt MiKxiily III at ber i.oiur, aud our . I Auto laS'iJTaX" ~ ^ *""» -* —* *-* - «-» IPrtcaa aubi«t to rompiMe your Ituudry «blto »ou ber «>o. WlltMir. u d.o e'..u-lv 111 (atylag. Waea taetw kMe atag tkatr, P""w »•• BBRKSOIfW. JMat MaM OM APPUCATION MAIS lUMiUflDT Tb* IUTUT, Dr. "oyd.y.rr bu akeaakedd Iba ( wUbeau wail. 1 all. •rue or PhAD*. 1«B-VV from poeu-u-oia at bu twuu. I11 Pbll awalcal effort ate*** te ragabw a great Speedometers Repaired. Batteries < f b P I Noirrw Done MMihknk.. b*

t*rt*ioto*ut of Iba boya and adv.. Ma, it | lilil tkatr tall Jatta a* aad aawa. grv. BatUriea. Acetylene G*» Appli»ac«a (trt(tto off tbitb a cityt , atpadaildil y durlodunodn g ibthaa i Ptrih"""M• I•n» ^amlquaM btra la aratatiy wartky af •307 Atlantic Avenue Advertise ia tHft Sentinel, Tt!? u~l~ • bylbayaaroeata rwolal. of ahoot praa*. Ap ly VVaoemekn-alaMmer tk* ataa. aavtag kaaa aailad • "aartaa L TMOatajLrir HUQHett. • •» " '•" Tryta AdvcstiaeaBest 00 Uua eab)*ti al tkta*a Kaga* jaa par mooUy eaitraJ loraUoo. may firs. Co., t crrv oo. r. Poiol. N. J. af gratawta* ftMV AtUaticCity, M.J. waaday araa lag. |a4dra*t B,mt»llkixoaoa advadv, luj ad*.. I Kit. .J8-J t&^&Mi&P .cK'-.;:l5&

'• ''•'" •••'' ''•'••••' '.'•'-'' ''--'.I • '•-'• ••' '-•'•': -,t' •''>•> *."^' ' -•''••^;1:'^.'A.;- •-V/-'-..-•^'•'•'^•'h'-:A'":'^ ^-^i^^:^^

JUDGE BLDRBD88 oad trot* rmt face,, \^m,^H^£i* **-« a»*»iioat. aa "Pwtoet D*y." piling bar •etoni IS laxataxat, wllb »loll»olln obligate bby 1JZL Joft»&«4a» Second Ia Pro- Blggta*Blt . off C Cl.rmooll . at*. mZTlZ RE you using Edison Mazda Lamps ? If eortd. •**• Democratic Count* Commit ratiaiaa astf Wit for ik^Mi ftcasftra treacle's Jacob/«»ar laixua iTNhK BUI* 8*o*for W illram B. M*^.. tee Secommends BU K 1 proper offlao m MUMTUSJ^. not, why not? They give three times Jr..of B*rg*n Couoly. l*ad*r of ibe tention on the Bench. la pro- tfeoatt. gar* ao loltnMlag talk OQ in* —--*• -f th-———tirj as much light as the old style Carbon lamps • oftbaYoanrMao.. Tb* Cap* M*y Couoly Democratic «TL*.aTic crrr. a. J I Commit!** tl Cap* May I _ ta. for anwal tntt, ••> Ib* Lcgltlalur*. loUrtpertM ou n Ho)J- aaora ran uw ruin 1 -J.- •bleb oratud awca lat*rattlsa °<«*«K>nal bumoroa. etory. •Tburaday lodoreed Judga eM^,.. for the same current consumption. OCEAN CITY SENTINEL for rt*ppolatm*ai to t •taytec *lao»*oi of *•••» «•»«»>" Motblogw*g. «,, Ibl* oualy, and alao E. o DbaUaa, ~aedad~a taw a**nl *•"• To*tl'* ID Araloo, for Ib* couoly aod tba trophlm «m aiow , . nuon __„ WM OCEAN CITY ELECTRIC SERVICE ' In* laagu* <*>"*• «»• »»*l* a t* bit wbtq ^. llbo, io* term ofE u of Atlantic City Elootrlo Company VOLaXIi. OCEAN CITY, N. J THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1921 *aog "Margtt." a adrctioo »„„ . bo*. *a • m*oib*r o n ParkM Millar, wbo (cored MQ ••"«• hat caogbt tb* crowd, plrlDg Ibletprlng fna Jodg* potola aal of a potalbla 1090. r*c*t»ed - Candald, of A»tloo. rtSl aa atodrto Iran, and John & Adama Pap«r dealing «Hh ib* poe*ibilnM o, tD Ocean City Sentinel wbo Morad BSD,, pom**, waa prea*ot*d * ""•' diatriel* lo tb* coi.oiy. «nd after».rd WILL SELL AUTO BRIDGE BiSKBT BALL BOYS DR. SNYDER ACCEPTS CALL wltb aa atwHwlla Gaort* Tut bill **"! lD "»• matting, form.t «,»,, b* waa reappolnted for a lerai o yaar*, end tbl. term win ejpn. vbanobkiwotwaploHSj. took I be &*oalor L*»i* T. Hi.ten., of v a ABBOTTS* "booby " tropny. a pair of eaff llokt. May. called aitroltoo to blllt |O ,£ WEAVER'S TO STATE AT COST PRICE DROP TWO 10RE L | TO BIO CHURCH IN UTl Tarn war* MaetrJaa Inibatooroa- «f »'»• ebaaabai . Iran.! 'ar witb (jermaoy. and »iie'o Seventh St. and West Ave. •I.JO Par Tatr, Strtctly la Attvaac*. cMe Matter. Mayor Bop**. wi«k. John B. Adam, aad Edward commw-- •"••d '<•' foytical .^ . Oortrom.nl cwoeu ATUNTIC ICE C0MP4NT RESTAURANT and DELICATESSEN Il la UDd.rttood tbat tba Ocaao Ult w>o Ocean City, N. J. Childrea's, . Ladies'Silk, Owing to lack of praotlca, caavtd c; • J^\v - - • loal b* b* rtll*v*d of ib* cb*ilm. Auto Hrkfff* Company will dwpo** 01 COMMUNITY WORK bavlng no pilot la wblcb to play. "IOVIB" BOOSES Tba assay Mtod* of tba K«*.-Du blp. la Ibl. 822 Boardwalk 15c Upward 75c Upward lit brldg* aod roadway to tba But I* olalmcd by Ibt frtooda of tb* boyt, R 8. Boydtv ban tad la PtwJftwak Tb* mtaHlog. wbleb m opened Tbt committee meet Abbott's "A" Milk DR. W. P. HAINES fur lli* eo*l of ooo*tructloo. Tbl* I* two local buk*t ball t*ama ba*i pbM, will laaita wltb dtwp panoaal •»• lor tr.« r«balMlog o/ ta* CLOSED FOR SEASON In llo* wltb ib* orlgloal lotmlloa oi Mrs. Martin Young*," of Strand aad Pwk, on toegrat tbat ba'ba* daatdad la ktw by Cuy CoomlHioon Wnnaai H NINTH AMD WKSLKV AV*. failed lo btlog bom* Ib* bacon foi Campbell a member oi Create Buttermilk Ib* bulldtrt of Ib* road. Tba road Swarthmore, Speaker In Ootao Ctty. Oeaaa ORynast BtH*tBbtt. ba »••• OCIAM CITY. N. J. Boardwalk, WUI Have 1 illlee: Uenrge way and bildg* ba*a b**n k.ptlo City Mtulc Pavilion. Tb*l>igbl Fir* baakat ball taut fas acoaptad a aoaolaaoo* call to rha'i ffus^jrJSi^rSE!.*!-*- &.„ ...-r.o, .„««•.„»;•" iwlojen, of ibe Kir.I urrtcK Extra Special! Rood ooodltloo, tod iba wbol* ba* lot* to tb* Cap* May Clly Blgb Sebool Flrat Showinsa. paatarau of Waauwloatar Fmajtaj mo ? been a paylog propotliloo, bat, a* It Aoothar targ* gttbairlog tojoy*d Ian Cboreb In OUea.«. T.. at a aal>; itfb I . coojf'-rtaLiy boua*ib( | •am at Ibal plto* FrIJay avtolog b, Jaasa* H. Slaspaoo, of Pailadalpbl ttMoommonlty tnlttliiomtot ID ibt ary apwtrdoftoOOO. doabt* tb* -otB rliijf. I'-r. only until March 12th to introduce waa andtrttood at tb* lima Iba bride* •cor* of -M to 16. At tb* *od of Ib*and E R. Boargaol**, of Ooaao City, cMy't motle pavilion Hatarday ***o b* nc«ltw> bar* a* ptyttor of tba mm •ay. nu waa follow:r.g the meeting a «er> waa bulll, II will b* luro*d o«*r to tint balf, tb* won waa 21 to S lo trading taatlmpaoo A Boarsaota, bt' tbeHieteal coat. To* owoaraaraar Ing. Praaortarlaa Vbureb. i M Sad /tiafar*** Hi..^ uto reliant luticucou »aa provided by WILL GO TO CHURCH the new LILLIAN Hair Net 'a»or of Cap* May Ia to* Moom l«»**d tb* Park Tbaalar oo tba Board* W1V ranRlog to give tb* btldga aod road to Tb* nmrnoolty tioglog waa ltd by Wltb tb* ragnt of bit IttoatK bwtTa. —•w Tork barber. Tb* operator called *» or tb* memter. <,? pua . DR. FLOREMCE B. HAIKES balf, Ib* Light Fi«*cam* back trtroog, walk at Park plaea, tod ma Strand Pj»awry yard, aad wlttUa tr* muuitaa Otaug*. Hi* chamber fcelog ibt u 3 for 25c—12 for $1.00 Ib* Wait 00 tbt** condition* a. V Maraball in bu uaual axctlltnt •oortog 11 polDla, wbll* th* -Cap*.1 Tbaalar, oo tba Boardwalk M Hoot r*r. will ba toMotlogatd tbwlr eow- r.mp Ma. 71 IO H«ar a.emam Hoora t tattfiad tfcaaatwact -TOTtrap »a*r- ortb.grange. • rear waa r«a4 i)M.r« ..... ,„ „,„.. ,_ malt*' a tacrlflc* of Ib* toaa la •tyr*. W. H.HtrrU. oftbraclly. who •cored ooly S point*. lya Urrae*. from Jottpb M. Bowraod timlulatlao* oa bb ad»tnwaiiiit la »»» •««. M»'e. *» v«ra. -~i.M.naaaJao.lii.iit>, ,,,, ,,'„ £ 5*^*.**? * T *"• •oetaway Hreaident Ogdeu auatiuuced tba OCKAM CITY. M. J. danda. Tba company laat jaar paid bat a tympalbtilo leuor vole*, taog Lln*-op: 'orlba***aooofl921. Mr. Boargatl*, Iba paatorat* or a largar «bareb and a hVMowioic their acnual cuaioai the •-""•--4 Irt rommuoiala Vila tba ,.. grtalarBatdof oawfglo*** latbaaola. twotMBdnal-Un. Sandy Book next meetingf will b* beM a1t1 ( ""''*" "o lha aoull.. dlvldeude of IS per ceo I. W*ra Iba "Tlmt of Rotaa," by Uould. Eocored, LiniiT Fivt C M. C. il. a wbooparatad lb*lb*tt*r* laattaaaoo ••Unit*. Maatotofctag artaau.- a irmt^r. of VVaahiotton t'tmp \-o UMn-4-Ma.B, '•* a. m bridge 10 b* bulll al Ibla lima. Ib* b* tang "Mint " Tbtra waa alto a Utry. *W•wta flaHtmt aakloasking* tb** b**baat rootm * ta May Illyy, whtc Ib* mtmun of (t)( tln.bl«n.»™a-. 001 r ft. Ftrgueoo \ ».,-.„• (Orddlog* •111 act a* Ilia local maaac**,- wall* ' .P. > Mr. Simpson will .optrtlM tba book' Dr.Haydar. aetwptad a oall to Ibla awwa raaH b*p* for a* ataww fltaniia ( oo rod .ernc.a io a body ID int Kir.i \t City Garage ib* adv«o<<* may Mra. •cboo•cbooii * (ti f* '*t f»fw yea re 1 E Raroa > im.rH.' fCumtnloga Ma policy. aboot a yamr aad a balf aga. tat ba ei.l ^rmon w.ll b*d.n..fr(, by |h, | .'^.r*." ,,"' •."- Mania Yoang. preardeut of Ih. J. Wallac*; Oatta* icoambtrt < ) ANO HAVCN AVE. City * New J«ra«y It I. Haled tbat tb* brldg* company Er*ry aBort will bt mada to malo- dM oat OOWM to Ooaaa Uty to ratwala HhaaalC. paat.,r the Itav George iV v.,d % I "'•*"." ?",' t'??°V Bwartbmor* Cl»lo Club aad alao th* Polota t o or t d:—Ftrguaoo, II DR. SSNSOS DEAD njr baa appointed a commute* to notify talo aod Improv*. If potalbl*. tba blgb (brtwtwalatooUit, bata« a akaplata . Bka Taoaaa A. iirr r*iai« rhaplalu of th.ord.r '"'"• ' *• •'« Ofrr, b**d of Ib* county work la tbat e*o- Adama, .1; Btroo, 1; Towotaod. aa* bad ata arata tacorpotatad Our Resources Ih* comojlil** or Iba tUal* Mhjbway •laodard of attraction of laat aaai to tb* twrrtot at Iba las*. B* era* la Buick and Dodge Brothers' Cars t'.itQmlaalOQ— Venn. Doogbty aod lloo. Qlddloga. W; Cbtrry, 4; Atbbaro, 4 aPtaUM ft)ff SaMBS ^BaaWtaM " aftaktf aMlfaawA* r'^.ai .1 . l.i n clor* Mui.d.y «,, "i < it, . r Clli. • nd full «n»,,d.iir« 1. d».it«j ""'" " . . Me-abrook—tod Ibat Ib4* eomalllM pltUd arraogMMflU wllb Iba Maatay qoMitly waa wHJ* Iba »a*a tm tba ' IwiiiaiiaiMi'l.pwwui i P'OD»T» L. W. MILLER •OT WCSLKV AVK. Do Good Work eily, alaotpok* *oltrtalolo(ly oacom- k**p*r, Cbarlrt Oibb; *cortr, Prof. E. (ft* patfaetlag •» t** antaalaaa I>r. T. 1). Menaor. director of the .N'ear D Lo. X^ a*. •^ttioo'T- i. bat oollfied Ib* olb*r m*mb*r* of lb* Booking Co.. of Pblladtlpala. to fora- L watch ta a gnat cam* faod 1 V->" r"*Or>»IITO» Maccar Trucks OCEAN CITV. NKM. JKRSCV Ht.l. Highway Commlatlon of Ib* ao> maolly work. •;. Uoger. late .ummer tctj'.ole died l[, BOS wb all pboto-playa, and Oeaaa City to Awa> ta bU ertdit arw tb* -io«*l a I 00 in. uaVaUoani tiaMa.m. The resources of the Fir»l National Bank an- em- loo of Ib* bride* company. To* program for nail Halurday *»•• Tb* Octan Clly Htgb Scbool bu- tibttt las* whao, MoMlay ni«bi after a lo, „ City of Ocean Citv i«aor*d tbl* aaaaoo of rtry atuly abow. awiay. tba ft! tat nut aad «* ir.tf || J to a p. m. olng i* ** follow*: tt ball laam waa dcftatai by Iba illona. " A STATEMENT , .' I'f, tw- PMILAOCUPHIA OIAMONO OHIO BATTERIES ployed lo facilitate commerce and industry, by meet- Peopl. g*o.rally f**l tbat oo par- log* of all tba wall-known atara aod at bit *mi*intin. iba ebartb ooViaJt «**B graaex Bla patUoc* u TTtRII: of the ; JOS. 8CRIVANI. Pnow. "" » tiality abould b* tbowo by lb* But* Cocomoolty tlnglog, ltd by B. C Plcaaanlvlll* Hlgb Sebool R***r**t bafb-clat* altraetlooa. laaaabar of Mrtkloa; lt«pra**> wwaitrfal aad fatf aa* mat at *o* lit ! rbtv can yoa tb* Ocean (iiy •jigi. riumm.r Park Tnaatar, and a ntw policy will ««• polot. from lli* foal mark. - . ai,<] of ejd. indiMoc* la oppo*lttoa to tb*Mloatt, Oltl* from tb* Elgblb Grade. Or. Soydrr. danag Ib* wtatar. «aa tt Otit/ora**.- nawfkad a January. l»JO I i«t -uv. «^uoo f. oo m. McT^ . r ri!Vf >• to gtr* all Iba Hrtl data attract too* naca-tar otve*. Borbuk be made a oumter of warm friend. CAMPBELLS GARAGE r T..MI.O " JOHN H. WIIITICAR, M. D. rreeluguflb. Ocaaa Clly brtdga, aod Rndlog*. Mra. Mabel E. Nlcktreoo. Tb* lit), up: ! ;b*tr dm •bowing al Ib* Park! •ogBgad ro *TtogWMto work tor-»» • by otiom -ill b. SUMMARV OK THE PROCEEDINGS "TZ?™.**,^ or ,Mtt<,r « ../„ ^ _- . . waatw; •Pty mlgnt bt- C. M CAMPBELL. f;c? thla leglilmataly aboold ba*a DO Tbtrt will alto b* gam** lu wbicb O. C. H. B. •ral want In Haw York and Pwio.yl- n«r*tuell aofl ow Aprtl >. alao bam togagad a* boo** aaaoagar * »»ana» Menki la ttta. W n ruaiiityCaJri V.una.naa 6. *. KefreeeCo. Word ba. b**a nctlnd b*r* Ibat for tba oooitng ttwaoo. »**o«ta-a>uo tarrtea ID tba Wakaa*M Ibey real »ery grtteful lo all for lb, BUSINESS LOCATION a LnlJ Joopb !>. Xlajtr. of Ualmar. praat- Tb* Strand will op*n far tba Kaa4tc Praaajylartaa Cboreb. bat b* will ba ta eopport fiveo. for Ib* benefit of tte *m, M % II m. m. ij. (lavajtp aa. Asbury tvenue aear Ninth street. The Improvement, d.ol of Iba Clly Ua. Compaoy aod ftnn aod ratBaln op*o Mooday, alblaebarebla toaa etty oaxt Son- »»««»fanm arwnaBy ear eirtoaa aebcol Momenta, a fpecial mtlloa* i. Io rn.or-.aJ f>.l Ut, day. Ha wa*tb*gatwl of tb* at«aa» to f r^tor* .^tif-D. on th* property now consist of cotuge. %mall apart- Ib* C'oaat Uaa Coapaby, baa i»od*r*d Hlatlmao Tburaday. Prklay aod Saturday *rto *-t w* ax* dots* caod work t, a,, be fivao at I o'clock Ibta afternoo DR. CHAS. H. VAIL od Hartlai Ulbb. row (Friday) eteolog, aa a prvliml- of tba Praabytanao Boeaal Oc too •W. b, tr«tb •* ^ u^ bia r**l(aalloo. *n>cm* April I. lbepictar* i. an exotileat on., ec Sutton & Corson Co. Omiattalf r%>*tdaa ment and doable.garage. Can you find an A->hury nary to Iba gam* btiwno tb* atorh. al UMlr gatawtag al In* B*lar«aw> Mr. May.r baa ba*o •d.olidtxl with Tbi* boot* wUI opM for Ib* taano o«r artnaJ capacity •••ryoo* io toeio eliouJay*itend tt main III ulU r«iladalpt>ia uB> Uuard. aod Ibt A. C H. 8. rcgulara. Stralford. Pblladtlpala. Mooday at *o> « rathrr lhaa MtiUlbm. IUMIUUUTIW 4 avenue property as cheap as this at only SS.SO0.0O? Ib* Maniu Ualuo.y g»* enrporallooa •letktta* wr>af«. > Saturday. May ». ebow *t,d Ibu. b*lp Ib* boy*. Ganoral Contractors THE UNIVERSAL CAR — -VJ l-Dooa. Walaul IM In. Wmtaa «. Towaa, fur H»««r». aod ba baa b**o tomlog Mtyor C'bamploa waa glieo a btttb- Palat Vlraemaei Qalttx to ibl. dtj la ibla couoactkio for Ibai day aurprtt* patty dluu*r at bu borne Tb* realgntiioo of Jacob Hcboffat a 73 YBAA8 OlD Tba giaj IlKa gy**. «•"•• acall Blarrlad Icuulb ol tlma. Ha baa ba*o acll>* ID by bU wtf* aod daugblar, Mra. T. B. E Ford Scdaa—a mighty comfortable CJT member of Ibt paid Bra d*p*rtnt*nt V1MT hit tn.i of thaayaticst Utt Mr. Md Mr* Allro ricull of O.«tt GRAOINQ AND STREET BUILOINC Massey & Edwards Ilia plrxol local ga. dlacuaatoa, ba*- Baker, at lb.lt bom. Tburaday r»eo- waa accepted by Iba Ctty Committoo- —-ma xaaanl way. bet avaou* W*M I'kUad.lpbia. UUUUIM, for every day of tbc ye.»r .HAS molt ea itettaaet ruaar Ol«ea raw «««ttH, Hiicant 4 Stttlaa. tut <»w a< Ib* ««« «a«*l tax laid aa ta*IU. mairiac. of ibtir d.ugbl.r. tiu... r joyablc rcfioemrots combined with ail HBAtTORS nrr* wiibia ib* laa« few watfca. Mtyur Cbamptoa Tb* aOalr waa young ota bat left Ib* dtp*nna«ol -. . • *f aa tagta* drletr tarts* llo. L«anor., aud (irorg* Mairay the utility of the touring car. Finely npboUUreU lr*4y • family City CommleakxMT lobMl Ptobu'e abmgratv It takaa yaara for a drr». L**lo«a 00 Mooday. K.cruary 14 LAW orriccs 8tb and Central Ave. Mayor Cbamploo aald b* bad Iba ap- amoty-lblrd Mrtbday aoalvwaart A nsmbar of tba taamtwrt of K al. —most luxuriously—with plate gtaaa tlidiog plication of Adolpb Huoglto. of Ule mla Trio* So. XH, Imp O B at., a» ta Iwam tfearaaghly aO tba atgaaui Mr. Houli aod family "«i« form.r r«. Tn. (Jua.ii Kulxr buctvty of Ib* oo Tboraday waa racMmbrnd by a -= window-3, it l^cool iq hot weather while dr>' and Cl«art city, fcr Ibla poaitloo. Uiloglao waa tellad iba Dnlm of W*od*»caaa •d.01. of Uc*ao I Ity a*a tma at.i.T hit.I M. K Cburcb ar* plaaoiog lo boat of bla frtaoda. wbo aaot bla Ttaavia C*TV. M. J. Morgto-Haock Poat, Aaa.rkao La- rtcommeodrd by Fir* Chief Cooter Trtba al PManbarg Baiarday *r*o• Cm. m, i. liav* a • 81. Pat rick "a mu.lcala," ay baaotlfal pott card*, whlen •a* la tba aaa* of a gnat June- i glou. clrand |4« by lit two.Qt btr* •ad Clly Kledrlclea Joatpb KUxgloe. aodaptotafaw boon la a frat*t>ia] limplcto bind!« and rvcr-enduring Ford chasai* I butMlty ••aoiug. J.rcb 17. A all- iboogblfulowM It apprtdatad by Ibt Oa Iba JtonaeMatara ralJw»y Tburaday. Tba boy. war* dlaap- Tba mayor r*comm*od*d that Htlo. way. SS E. A. CORSON •a a. m. a ». a. ulfciiiigieotng for lb* oeit tare or aw ih. ATTORNEY ana rauged tay Ib* cummlllM. Duo'I mU* •go. aod oow mm* lo'ba la fairly . t«.va wu r.l.r yoa a demonstration and the pric« b only (795 II Igbt al Ib* tbaaltr by Ib* board. ' btallb. br** montb* and lajae* mon Ufa mtt 737 Asbury Avenue f. o. b. Detroit. COUNSELLX)R-AT LAW. * trtb* lb*r*. AatMMaWaV alkMMaT ^^^k aBftftaVAiBaV Itt OakafeajQiaff*f- | o|| r^ Kalmla Trlb* will gl»* Ib* at* >p- Aawty Wauid M*ta. ( ordli^or. tu KUUvt. ^^, CATS MAC CaMJtt* aaaWL^a, B. J. B. F. GOETZ u> dagna at PrtMvbarg tJatuMay •a «MaMy My tb* elrtata of lha car u r -1 Z ROADS. SEWERS. BRIDGES. BULKHEADS PLAN HANDSOME JOINT MEETING TO DISCUSS HISS STBPHENSON log of 0*11 w*ak. haaataa. Ha aitat maay tarn* aad al '•I 'uTi REAL ESTATE AGENCY •MUwwatr 0»a* art in fit ma am a* Pleasantville Motor Co. uuf> c aoa.»u a taabH ^taal OFFICES rOURTH 8.T. AND ATLANTIC AVE. ENTRANCE TO CITY QUESTION OF SUMMER MUSIC ATTRACTIVE BRIDE Tba commlaaaooM* of ttnal aent* 7 Sooth Mala Street Waabiogtoa A»a. m*ol b*ld Ibalr drat meaxiog Bator, AIM lurLb«r t««. u Don't Jet ibe epring find 50a antn a __ ^ _ i eras«d bar liWMtw 0/ •* !r.kyrouf. TbuodeT atofiat are coffllo- Apgar & Boswell, OCCAN CITV, N. J. day tn tb* matter of tb* aaaaaeewaat of PLEASANTViiXE. N. J. Maaraaa •• C»*»cui ' ProgresslTe lVeagne Will Ask "•>»»«.•««. .1 «o.l a leaky roof »1M be apt 10 mall ia 8alary More Than #5000- awrence Nickcnon and Wife b* balkbMd at ib* lagooo, la iba 7 v "•*.'"»"•••- '••"-•"-•••"n-i• . c»nitdcraM« damaxe a>MONta: 1 ilr. .%•• J«r»j. k. it- lien, City to*Etect Arch or PIN Won't Leave TliU City Un- Are Spendlns; Honeymoon oortb tacttoo of tb* ctty. lb* bulk* •B aa lha twaaMtr. -yaa >a*t t*a4 »'la u Cbimo«)> Ibat Irak thouU be lookt-1 Orricc. 239>J SNBLLENBDRG Pbooc 11 la Ib* Ktfly fiKirtb elraal twettoa, w> wm» artrttc B aaa-i laok Ifka City Treasurer', Statement .aArr aad made waur-tifht. Scokrv . 292-M BUIIOINO LOTS lsrs on Boole rsrd. til September. in Washington, D. C ctiimoer* can or mad. to draw. aod tn* pll* bnakwaur la In* »lota- aUa aa hav. tatt U tt tfcoold, ra tat BIACH FRONT Tbrc* wa. a dlacuaatoa at ib* mrH- »wa h—.1 faa *a*a»«a Ttmta. l*».ittt»il.nL«.i .I.I Tm roof, arc fire-proof. WM. H. Couasse*. |». Mayor Cbaoploo aald al Iba w**My Tb*r» waa a pntty vtddlof b*n at ly at Pony-aigblb *tn*c Tba bosrd ! lu( of ib* Yuuog Mn'i Prr-gnaalT* CADETS TO RETURN •o.l.ia»» or ^ All klod of ttovc aod beater repair*. maMlDg of lb. Clly I uiumlnloont 0000 Balarday, wbao, at |b* bom* of otaprtHdof Ward Uttbaa, WUIiaaa -CCE.PTS AND mSBURaVlTcNTS OF THC CITY OF tto\e aad heater piprt. A>*o- M- Aav Do*. C. C amr Orr Mr FOUHTH 9TMMT OCCAN CITV. NCW JCRSCY I^raiu. Mooday ataalog oo Ib* tbal ba baa atut noiirwio traiMta rifle •b* brtda. 00 Attwry IIHOC. otar Oardloar aod K. A Bourgrola. iiu. Tla, elate aoa eUg roofiDf. , Itiuugbl of bavlog ao Impodog »o- k fOm • !.*> '«« »>* t a.(,a»a»« t'f««'Ut>,' ' . a> • . Civil Engineer aad Sorrtjor orgaoKtltoo. IUII ba>. dltplay*d to- iulb Mrwj«, Lawrtnc* Nacktraoo. wtn all or UAIKY PUn to Bs«e Their Second Our K»«liiaar.«Jc»aaCiiy.» J- | Iraue* lo Ibla eily oo Ib* boularard at l.rrtl to arpoiul comeilllaaa of iwo 10 10 of O*org* Nlcktrtoo, aod a ciwk SiVlITH'S| iTblilyrounb a pillar, or ia arcb lb«r* Ibal would ta mualc duriug Iba cooling .ummtr. The Tin Smith i AU aloato of Ual rudu I Mia* Kulb U Hi.pbeoaos, daogb i of A**M,aent llret citdn oo Iba municipality. Tb* 8o«ll*aburg Cadet Corp., wllb Tb* aptak.r Mid Ibtt II la bto thought of Mia. Alkw BupbUMOO, wtr* 1112 Asbury Ave.' Bat7 CoattMB booabt. aotd Aad naiad The Place to Shop j Tli. .aicutiva cootmllla* waa au • big military baod tod bugl* Corp., lo baf. * fiat dlacuaatoa at a jo7. * «^^r <-IIW uia .» ^\E8' MEN'S SMOR Uk. tl.pa aluog Iba llo. dl»nn»ad. city Iba lalicr part of Juoa and aaily arg*U*o**r*alia. wllb bMd tnm- i Uauy of ib* a**.bor* raaoru to Ibl* July. Ibl. lima Banking Service MO*-Ot> AMU.HV AVUJMJtl lage, aod earned wbllt twaa« paaa. coumy I'ara ailradlva toiraocaa of MajorW. A..Morgan, wbo I. now Mayor l°t>am|>lou. lo tb* t«gultr Tb* brldeamald, Mlu Mabal Lake, ROC£R BRITT BathKoOc Silk Shut k-m C***U la command of Iba corpa. aod CapL Satlcaaa' L'odrrwcar ordtr uf bualona, rvportKl ibal ba bad or* blue ebarmeue*. wltb hr«f1 trim VIO.IN TUCHE8 Trmvcltog Bag lllliury bru^ira Tt>a>e at* aakt lo ba>a b**n coo-M J. Uartt.y, aocoapanlad by Capl. racalvad niimtiaa for loektrt. *tc. for mioga, aod carTtad ptok iwwt paaa. With tn espcritnead. • r. 1 00 IW 1. U«* i14K Mane aiutf L'robr.lU Wallet iLralbcr) alrocted by Ib* varloua CUM*. Tb* U- Jobo A. Carroll, dlraclor of Iba baod. pollc* tud OraXD.o. Tb* mall.r wa* Tb* "b**t man" wat Wlllard Nlcl. efficient cuff, and tbc MEMORIALS brain aTuyrne on Watrb Cham lumluallou of Iba-*. tntranca* I* pro-war* lo loaru Tnurad.y aflaroooo aod nftrrrd lo Director Ktautr, wllb power inoa, b rot bar of tb* bndagrocm. KldGlora Leaibrr Coal Auto (••uut be*t banking nvcilitiea, Of BZAJm AND DUEABUJTY Scarf Pin vided al Ib. eli<*a>« of Ib* oouoty. bad a eooftnoc* wltb Mayor CUam- to act. Mto* Martba Lake pltytd tba wad- Near lUt Cuff Liob pa*o. I'-- • 'Tld UJ U,U1< MaaaMrad, aqoiaitcJy earrad and polishad—lettarad Nw.tw • )%•• va A raaoluiioo pttaaulad to Ib* boarJ log manb from "Lobeoina " the Occam City Tili* Silk MolfWr I Allaa>al«at Claltallt*. Major Morgan, a rcgalar army of- aad ihrttfiart MoonUnf to your own urta. Samu'el Meeker tar HauUkrtchtef by Director Kubtr at Ib* mtiltig F*b- Ooly meaabtn of Ib* tasmadlal* and Trust Company to .^.r..K am Oaaaa* M Pr..f. J. M. t*»*roa Mpartatat>4*al Oc*r. waa oTtram aod took ac«tv* ruary 10. aod Itld otar for two waatt. famUtoa tod a tow olbcr pa>rnMnl If U ff.walrk 600 MOannODTTS, HKAD- of Ib* lucal public acrtooia. aod aoaa* part to '.b* war wtib Utraaaoy. • at adoptad. Tbla raaolulloa awarded well prepared tor yoor W',lt.ra i* ^" AH. KINDS OP JUNK „ frtaodt wlioaeaaad tb* emmooy. STOVIS, af-B¥KM. OOE- of ib* laacbtraof tba blgb acbool at- lo iba Pow.ll-VtoUUdtr Lumbar Co. OAKLAND r»iMi i *JI a>aa.oi ».4 ra*»ua«. II TO Diaj—r. A. wtddtng brtakfaat folio wad, aod banking boaiaeaa Uki aatraaaliklu*- laam..ali l.li|ilna.Jt*» W». uodrd la* m*Hlogof lh**ap*rtal»od- ib* contract to tupply ib* lumber for not rom, COXB. BTO. 1 b*o Mr. tod Mra. Nlckrraoo Ufl tor SENSIBLE SIX fin-nfT'ltrr ) . i Jr-»a. *k* lHaoaU •ou d.paitaMai of Ib* Naltoaal Kd- Mra. Jobo P. Cadman waa givto a aaaorea through aar- Maiaauw a>-i I anil -il Aiaa» u ia» Ib* ptopuard two n*w block* of Board- aablogtoo, D. C and ptaoaw of la. TO nuscT rmoM k r» ucaiu< al A*ao«ialloii to Ailaollc Ctty birtbday dlootr tl ber bom* lo ibl. walk aoutb of Tblrucoib atrad. Tb* eily dalorday la c.M>raiaaa .of bar rwM In Ibal Mdloa. Tb*y plan 10 vioe. aa t.r Ibous t>M atack of ouaoriala i>n ideal car lor Tboa* pttnol from out of Iowa wtr* prtaculed by Director Campbell, aa- I Larte* r MalH> d.y Ib* bay front al Taelb aliwat. Tb*y • Hal oaOartao UJ»Xbar or oa. con- Wlf.tef ItMhitrhlr Mark Lake Estate PLUMBING and HEATING Fraak Baaktoy aod wir*. uf Hitd(a> Iborulog lb. borrowing of |«10 oabar* ib* twat wkjba* of tsaoy frlaodt. •ana. Thar ktn ba*o cut from souadiv too; Mr* William Barrel, of Vm*- coatract So. 710. ailay lmpro*a>m*ot Tboa* praaaol war* Mra. AJlca Btt- atasdanl ciwriaa and marblaa hk., A UNDERTAKERS 731 AaDury Avanue Ocean City, N. J. laod aad Mr*. Cbarl** Carroll aod work. laoo, Mr. aad Hn. Owatga W. OCEAN CITY Oat war* parcAaaod baton N.w crop H*w Orlaao. *tol*aaa*.M Mra Hara Zao*. of MllWUIa. Tba oc -ilc to tn, b.v.t.1 bill, ajcra prwatoltd aod or- Ickaraoa, Mr. and Ura, (."bark* L. J.PR£SU)TT C * OMAN. Jr.. Phona So-M c*oia par quart < i i and unu Larg* aaaortBMOl cbote* appiaa, or- dered paid. wlog, Mr. aad Hn. CUada L. Nkk TITLE AND TRUST 2^* »tr"ji^j "; ? i -"uiriiis^! 4l U#rUDl ifartrdaraJfc fMtral Wntttr 7 o jr My».n rtalxr aogaa, baoaoaa aod all klod of fro It raoo. Earl W: Nlcktnoo, Bart Nkk AilaalML-ti. H. H 4JV C«atral A*«ni»a aiwayaoo baod. •••mm >. Haul E. Nlcatraoo, ctty Cota COMPANY l-ww-aiDliai'i Fraab clg(a ngbl from tba ooootry. Tba batatad IBU Mgoa, or ambitma. Wllltaiuli I'AIIIMO of ib* av—btr.Master*. ofoT ibibaa: Ootao Ctty Edward J. BMU, of Pbliadtlpbla, aaatao*r Waa. H. Caapbtll. Mr. and A T4 Ocatu City Naw J«nay plaoty of tb**B. oOe doaao. A.* >a 714 Uood fmbeucoauiuuiaibatbaiuise. Baal Eaiai* Board raacbad bar* Moo- waa b*ra Baturday. making aatlia- ra. J. Kdwant Voaa, Mr. aad Mra. OCEAN CITY. N. J. u. Jr M * Fmb killad cbie**o» ta ont*r. day atoralBaT Tba —a tit on ar* oow m*ol 00 a lot parcbaatd from Wm. wll H. Matty. Mr. ud Mis. frank Geo.F. Saxton Haw cid.r aod aloe* lit. dttplayad la lb* offlcw of to* m*m> Brtdgawattr 00 W*al*y aiaou*. near OAMDKlf 7ASO I w.r» — All ktod. out. aod popcorn. ban of Ibla orgaaltalloo. Ucboaadar. Mra. KJUatMtb baarp. Kra-b UoaaOd tSaoula. mo lb. Taaaty-alslb Mraat. Urn baa gl«ao *» Data Bbarp, Mia Mark Laka. <** ***** c™ZL "IA1H OmCE AJTD TAJU) Tawriag Car, JlJJJi Rataaaa PAINTING. RARER HANGING. Wm. H. Powell Plaoiy Paaout Bnula. afio lb. torn HALS.—At a bargain, ooa SIdwao A Troot Ib* eoatrad to bated a tm Edna Lavka. Sail tibarp. Mr*. - Ja»aarj II. lira (BRAINING+»o DECORATING Fnab Ooldco Oataa, (So lb. adv.. If H. P tmaka aad bnak Mali Marto* pntty boogalow oa tbi. lot. Mr. ta. O. «it«*»«. Mra. Bat* Mta*a.*a. Oencral Coatractor Bogtoax ootapatti; OH 4 to 4 H. P Heat* ba* bttn a mramir natdaal of aaRalbPrwaUaadMBv Marpl* aj. O J. RaiaBi^L r*raa. Ill K Aaaunv AVCNUC To Oo. aod All—Do oof torgM to* ataaalord. com pirn; botb with abaft Ooaaa Clly ttac* bla boyhood, oom A. U liananail. Vu. OCCAN C4TV aad prop. Apply U ford. «U Aa- aH(.i. ,,.. NEW JCRSCV old idiabla Bay VHU Lauodry, wble* log ban at ibat llm* wMb bt* panota. BurUa«taa. Oc aad Sbtet waa aaUbliabaai lo ISIS. Try tl oeea— Miy »MH. adv.. 8 Si. at. wbo bad a collate *t Tblrd attaat aad ttalfe C CHARliSs SACK TMrtiMawtk t«- am* Waal a**. com pitta your lauodry whll* yoa Foa RaVT^ronltbad eauag* aod wait. CaiC wrtta or bbooa, l«a-W a Ball two-badloaat apart —»nl wltb Ocaaa avtau*. •Bttry" Tawaaavd. twi af Tbaa. V. Spring- Mill a.H. JOHNSON PLUMBING COMPANY^ Central OC8AN CJTV. N. 4. UT Bay avrooa. Ocaaa VMy. batb. tor lb* wtaur. riot watar boat Tsvatwad tod wHk, nn a WMM» Ftaoo* Fittmtn. Prop. la botb: r—tontkl* Apply to Ctar-1 Umumw Ctvn*** atau taa atrtatta* t«a«.vfcr a taaikti if •"•••NnrODIa, 1 ad».. MS. a 8. ktoll. B«Btb ttraat aad ODMBJ Tb*r* will b* t crrll bta yaaas fttaSTVbii SSTw NowrOa J O««"Clty "uummTrnpemnnJ SURF LAUNDRY «taary ataaaaataaatv, a lavto 1 817 ASBURY AVENUE New WAVTOX—ExpMatoead oparaton anno bar* BM cantor* aad aaarft* la* id a v -.*»> °- - «^M?U CO. 929 Ocean Avenue ••*.». t*»o Ocean City, N. J. oa BIIIIII tfetru; al ftta aUJhTaAUh—Twoo varaloabal a aaraar tba local poatafseaoo Marob IS It •art the piwa*. Apply Waaa aa bay trael, aaar ya*b» will ba far aBaie* ooly. laajrawatSw M*> Cos lltaain rata atJ. OnMaa auy bt obtaovtd froaa Parkar MUka d if. allbapaat