
\ • OCEAN CITY SENTINEL ;^:1 VOL.XT1 OCEAN CITY, N. J^ THUB8DAY, FEBRUARY a, 1921. Ocean City Sentinel SAYS BUSINESS MEN HERE TAXPAYERS ASK DR. PETTIT AGAIN HEADS';)'•** ••S-* OOCAN OITY. M. WANT CONVER AS FIRE CHIEF ABOOT GAS.HERB BOARD OP EOUC . CUKTI8 ROBINSON • /he first sd: FLEISHER'S Mayor's Excuse for Appoint- What Is Being Done to Im Dr. Baghn ing Man Objectionable to SCHOOLBOYS IN prove Conditions for Next CODNTI FARM •1.50 Par TMT, Strictly la Advuc*. YARNS Volnnteer Fire Fighter*. Summer? Mayor Champion, at tba weekly Tb* followlog letter 'from Ibrss In all Weights and Shades *">• few aMSsbsra atf tfe* Mfel meeting of tbe City Commlaeaooere, WRESTLING BOOTS property owner* In Oesan City PRODUCTS SHOWN Heather and Scotch recommended Ibe appolotmnt of Bam appolntad to tba OMM Ut* j •lately end to tb* point, aa larf* nm Del B. Coover a* Or* chief Oo mo BdoosUoo—Mia. A. ~ DR. W. P. HAINES . Mixtures btra of loteraatrd people will agraai lion of Director Flaber for tb* reason a Annual Tournament in High COW. NINTH MO WCSLKV AVK. JenklDlown, Pa..- Jan 28. IBU. BxhJbit of Apples, Potatoes srtvaoced by Ib* mayor. In* appolot School Auditorium Wed- "——"- - ••ltfcMj O«C*N CITY. M. J. EDITOR TH« SBNTINSX:—Wllb tb Etc, at Bank, Attracts tot orgsaitaUoa TM-fsr BOH TOM Corstts m*n( waa oonOrmad Mayor Cbanr urvioa KWM {'tSff'f'' plon aod Dlrvctqr Fleb*r vollog lo nesday, Febtnary g. •tpimruli pro aod con regarding IM Attention. DrJTbmmyH mu.lo for Ib* aummer of 1WI, II car darn, «bo oaltaa tiks SMITH'S affirmative. Director Campbell All Ib* Modem wreailera are now In Tbere nave bs*a co dlaplsy In tb* ula lo voted again** lb* motion.. readlncea for tb* Do.I boala, which " "PP*"" »• •"•« •»• °°» —*Fire* National Bank daring tba H fMHt big leeu* thai rxjulree Immediate sod Maaaaeei Corticelli Silks, Ribbon* Before action wae taken, Ib* follow an lo lak* plac* la ib* blgb acbool week eaa>plee of product* fross I waUaotfoT drsatlo attention re evidently tog letter from Mayor Champion was aodMorlam net! Wednesday ••*olo(. of tb* fanae'of Caps May Cofloty, aod and Velvets overlooked, etdetrecked or pigeon- OK. FLORENCE B. HAIKES reed by Clly Clerk Harry A. Morrlei Ketmiary 9, al 8 o'clock. tbeertlclee abown wen admired by holed, end that leeu* la (be gsa qoes- Tbe Board of L'ommtealooere of |b* Tb*T* w|l| bttlmn bout, of wrea- boodrede of vkuton to* Ihle banking Ueara by Appouiaeal lloo, aa, la ibe event of no Improve- latter anew old Clly of Ocean Clly, N*W J*re*y— Illag. Tba boya wbo an lo wraailr inaiunlion, wblcb for eoma yean ba* OCKAH uiTY, ». J. Home Journal Patttms mtM b nl d# |D lbU pointed aa tba )ROONNET Geatlemeo:- I beg lo call yoar et- ar* lb*bM« of mora than a hundred *'"« * foatend aod In various ways encour- c<in 1Iod lbt woald U leutlou el ible lime lo I be mailer of a wbobev*wr«ailedlo,ib*prellDJluarleai " "»' " aged lbs farming Industry'of Cap* IMI d rac0 ln r lD Or- Petti*, takioc Ms Mat, <v Or* chief. wbkb oooalaled of 83 bouta. Tb*M!« " ' "» *" « May County. lod r lh dinclt •bsrafbrilM Tbe. I'ommlaelooere have received bouia look plac* lo Ib. *v*olog* after! ••^ * '»» * : Tb* product* abown comprteed ap Allen Conon, 1. D. of ibe regulari will area ottwr loca tow loans. tit cnmaioolcailooa from Volupleer Com ecbool sod were Judged by loleraalrd plea, com oo ib* car aod awaat pots- WMt. t W Hone. apneartata*. MataMlbStW* • I SPRING AHD SUMMER SAMPLES j — Cimpaule* Noa, '£ and 8 oppoalog lb* man of Ib* town, wbo kindly gave •ee. Ooaan City New J«r*«y beir lime. We are all elrong "roolera" for oppoiiiimeot of Uamuel B. Coo»*r, on Tb* cord' wss grown on Iba farms of Ocean Clly. hut. If there bse ever "• oo tba boaro-. Botkaf tbegiuundsof loeffldeocy,and reoom- Tbla tournament, sod Ih* boilog Or. Baodolpb Marabsll, al Tocksbost mending Ibe a*l*etlon of a man from toornamaol, wblcb la lo follow lo Iwo'•°»'nlD« "> »'"• «"" «°«"> • »'•«« eye, doabtlass Mt at bota«v both Waablogton VanUUder.st Petenborg, noa tls»a bssa sdo cAifPBEiL 5 GARAGE City Garage noi Ore department oolakte of Ocean weeks, will be two of Ibe blggeet IbedUgreceful eupply of gaa *od Ibe gKRSCHBL PBTT1T, M. D. W. a. Tbompaoo, at Cape May, andear*lUnu work »au Special Value Sale City. evtote in Ibe pbyaiosl training depart-' 1u«'»y of eame the aummer peel aod £ Errlckaoo, at Dlse Creak. Tbe po. •OT MfKSLKV AWC meot Ibla year, and no oi.e can afford ilbf O1*1"11*' attempt to eoallnne a In my Judgment,' tbe properly laioee CUM from lbs farsn of K. K J fee* aid flcdp Greatest Reduction Ever BXT1A lb>l h OOKAN art. NEW jtnacv ftrocsess owuere, wboae Inlereete we ara aerv- to miaa eeelog Ibem. A email fee) will «"«« « nmllved Ita naefalneee in m* >** l n lh# Madara. at Palenao. aod ba received ani »K>!•«.•>. lag.do not support lbs cooleotloa* of be charged lo defray expeneee for Ibe early agea of to* town, to lbe> Known in the History ol moielbsn 110 lo Iropbls* at eboere 7 la «».•>. mmin heee Iwo dre compaolee; but regard Iropblee, etc I > tnlog thel la doing It. \ Maccar MAHCM lit wber* Ibey wen exhibited. Dr. V. U. Veil, of Philadelphia,' Oet Ihe publio ealuned tbal Ibey of Tailoring Trade .'. their attitude more lo Iba light of per- Tbeapplea—big. Jalcy-looktog fruit— bo will be autertalord by William will nol have In experteue* Iba dlffl Tb* R*». R L. W. MILLS* OfleeHoare A large selecti'oo of best qoality fabrics Tor fine Custom Tailoring eoo al and factional difference* t.ogrowD In Ibe orchard of William F. Uardlner aod wife, will be.ihe culllM uf la«l >ear and Ibay will feel oflbsFlnt ._ _ Uatuea B, are offered at rock bottom prices. This is yoar opportunity to buy A* oftlclsl bead nf lbs Ore depart Powell at tJw.iotoo. Horn* of them ifaree. <K> pleaded ibai ibey will flock to Ib* relumed from a faot ve^gy a made-to-measure ait, with Extra Trousers of Same Matcri.il, menl, I do oi I fret JoaHflrd In expert- weighed mora iban a pound each. A •*»-C»«-«S<a*t M^M Tb* etage lo Ibe auditorium w|ll b* •upp<>rt • f the ruu«lc m«ut tug wnb an oal of-towo man, •liver cup, woo by Mr. Powall for tbaMlo toor wtlb tba TTiiiu JOHN H. WHITICAR, M. D. Hand Tailored in liie latest style, from most reliable fabrics, guar- frub'ably Hie people thai Iba worthy "VV* V-»O! anteed 100 per cent. Pore Wool, at« Great Bargain. uofaniiliar wnb Ibe l<<el conditioner eolargad. A nog will be placed up u beat twenty He* apple* grown tn tboooagaiueeooeraog»ii»xs. TIT WMLgv AVINUC to a poaiiloo of tucb great reaponaibll- o* elage, and a oumbf r of ligbla »in ,»««lioeditor referred lIon ilna blhie. recerirec l «lll..r In ibea* four -risks He lml county, waa slao abown wllb fcr OCCAM CITT. N. *. 615 St. CI J lly. e loeulled above Ibe etaga lo Rive •" **it\g »carcely able llo recognise pnscbMt lo tba Fua* ayr __ cc apple*. M. DEN AN °^ ?:5: - Mr. louver la admitted by moat In plentl y of Illumination. '"''" "Hia "Hr i Hp.uglcHld dUauuer U " wh-o :bur«ii of Oroes vmy. Pa, aM, Tbeee producta or fsrma of Capo Tb* iripbiee will be preacnled by \ P'ayed by'ibe b*od wen Midrrtog York Readv-mad« Ford CommenU 0m. WILSON Y. CHRISTIAN ON iere*led property ownere sad by many Msy Couoly wan exhibited si Ibe bor- •vastmioeter Cboreb of Dttas. m, E&sH Tailor and Cleaner ALL SAMPLES Prof. Jam** M. tUeveua, auperluleu.' fr«m Hi* tltrc'eof lal* aod coldeveo- of tbe voluuleer Bremen lobe Ibe beet- llculturaJ abow lo Atlantic City sod TbMwtketem.iM __ •« Dentist »• denlof Iba ecboole. i l»«meel». »bich aeremaoy^od often equipped mao lo Oceeo City for tb* bediaplay at ib* farmara' weak In nd.leooea. aod boodrwae Bodv lu Iba euoamrr rtaidrnta of Ooeao Clly 809 Central Avenue puailwo; sod. In view of tbla fact, and tYtnloo. tier*, au J. the fact Ibat be la Ibe only candidate Btr.laws Back roeHWe. durlog tbe Mraaoo of 18J3 tn To* prodocta wen e*ot*to to* bank Or. ttaydor will p Ibla lime. I feel cum palled lorecooi Joaepb A. Maeraald, of Houlb Deo- Your* very Iruly, il ly J A. Blsrkhoues, eouoty farm deem. morn log and ereatag; IUWH QiM mend bla appoli>im*ot. ok, who baa been a book keeper la tbe y jAMCa H < OLLADAV, .- -a« inairator - Pfeaoyunao Utarak k JoaifH U. CHAMr-lOK, banking department of ibe Oceeo Clly WILMOH K. • I.KMMlta. — mam.era aod mini «a» Mayor. Tllle and Truat Company aluc* Kebra- THU> M. OKI^HKY, ldb J- Wr »QRJCBiai>£ NlUU Of Greatest sry, I9IS, baa reelgoed. He will uscb Jaooary 27.1921 Taxpayer- fn>m Jeakiulowo. Pa. WhUetn eenool. He waa a public acbool (omiaodon William B Uutur'i lue appointment la for Iwo yeera. i*w realdeoce oo Mertoo road. Mertoo, f aftapj * i^j ^"^aa-ajy a_r DR. DAVID M. 3AXE teacher In Ihla couuly before eolerlug Assistance Coover bsa bean ear*Ing aa chief for neatly completed eod ba expect* to Vork 8u*a MaaaaiM Heaji mmm ••>*••»» VrrtUNAtY SUKOBON RETAINS OSCHB8TRA eeveral mooiba, be having been ap Ibe employ of lite bank.
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