220 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 39, NO. 1, JANUARY 2011 Capacitor-Driven Coil-Gun Scaling Relationships Zhang Yadong, Wang Ying, and Ruan Jiangjun

Abstract—Scaling method is an applied scientific method em- ployed in experimental analysis. Also, in the analysis of an elec- tromagnetic-launch system, the scaling method can be an aid in the conversion of test results from models to original. This paper focuses on the capacitor-driven coil-gun scaling relationships be- tween the original and the model. The current-filament method is used to derive the scaling relationships of a capacitor-driven coil gun. If the input scale factors are chosen properly, output scale factors can be calculated by the scaling-relationship equations. Two single-stage coil guns were constructed and tested to verify the scaling method. The calculated scale factors agreed quite well with the test data. Further, three-stage coil guns were simulated based on Ansoft to verify the scaling method of the field results and changes in velocity with respect to the discharge position. It is shown that the scaling method is feasible. These laws allow, with proper application, the construction of experimental models in which phenomena similar to those occurring in the original are reproduced. The result can then be recalculated, using the scale factor for the physical quantity, into the original configuration. A detailed derivation and validation will be presented in this paper. Index Terms—Coil gun, current-filament model, model, scaling.

I. INTRODUCTION COAXIAL capacitor-driven coil gun consists of a barrel A formed by an array of stationary coils, which create a magnetic field for propelling an . The coils of the barrel are fed in sequence by a set of capacitor-driven circuits. Com- pared with a rail gun, a coil gun has virtues of high efficiency, no Fig. 1. Filament model of the capacitor-driven coil gun. sliding electrical contact, and suitability for launching massive objects [1]–[4]. stage coil guns were constructed and tested to verify the scaling The scaling method has been widely used in electromagnetic- method. Further, finite-element simulations based on Ansoft launch technology [5]–[7]. Due to resource constraints, con- were constructed to verify the scaling relationships between the ducting experiments in models makes economical sense. two models, including circuit and field results. Model-system test results and the experiences gained during the fabrication and testing can be extremely valuable. However, II. DERIVATION OF THE COIL-GUN how to extrapolate the result from model tests to original SCALING RELATIONSHIPS constructions is more essential. As a bridge, the scaling method In a coil gun, forces are characterized by the current and can set up the relationships between the model and the original. the variations in the mutual between the armature Once scaling relationships are established, the performance and coils. The mutual inductance could be determined using of the original construction can be reproduced by experiment the current-filament method described in [8]. It assumes an on the scaled model. The result can be recalculated, using axisymmetric accelerator geometry. The set of equations can be the scale factor for the physical quantity, into the original derived by considering the induction acceleration of a circular configuration. This paper, based on the current-filament method filament, driven in a repulsion mode by another concentric and some electromagnetic-field equations, deduced the scaling circular filament subjected to an arbitrarily varying . relationships of a capacitor-driven coil gun. Then, two single- An induction coil gun based on the current-filament method is modeled by the equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 1. Manuscript received January 10, 2010; revised May 9, 2010; accepted Employing Kirchhoff law, the network equations of the ith June 1, 2010. Date of publication July 15, 2010; date of current version coil is expressed as January 7, 2011. The authors are with the School of , Wuhan University, dI i−1 dI m d Wuhan 430072, China. R I + L ci + M ck + (M I )=U Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online ci ci ci dt ccki dt dt caij aj i at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. k=1 j=1 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPS.2010.2052266 (1)

0093-3813/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE YADONG et al.: CAPACITOR-DRIVEN COIL-GUN SCALING RELATIONSHIPS 221 where J current density, t t time, 1 σ electrical conductivity, Ui = Ui0 − Ici dt, t ≥ ti. (2) Ci μ permeability. t i As a prerequisite, the model must be subjected to physical Employing Kirchhoff law, the network equations of the jth processes similar to those existing in the original. The equation filament is expressed as systems for the original and the model are the same and differ only in the indexes of the physical quantities. We denote as dI i d R I + L aj + (M I ) () and (a) the coordinates associated with the original and aj aj aj dt dt ackj ck K k=1 model, respectively. Scale factor used to describe the scaling m () = K () B = K B dI relationship is defined as , i.e., B , etc. All + M ak =0. aajk dt (3) homologous values of the original and the model must, for each k=1,k=j quantity, maintain a constant proportionality to each other. With this notation, the equations for the model can be written as The basic coil-gun equations are expressed as n m i−1 dM KI dIck acij K K R I +K ck M +··· F = IciIaj = ma (4) Rci Ici ci ci Mccki ccki dz Kt dt i=1 j=1 k=1 m K dI KI d v = adt (5) K Ici L ci +K aj (M I )=K U Lci K ci dt Mcaij K dt caij aj Ui i t t j=1 l = adtdt. (6) (1a) t K K 1 The resistance equation is expressed as Ici t KU Ui =KU Ui0 − Ici dt (2a) i i0 K C Ci i R = ρl0/s. (7) ti K i d The self-inductance and mutual inductance are K K R I +K Ick (M I )+··· Raj Iaj aj aj Mackj ackj ck Kt dt k=1 L ∝ f(μ, x),M∝ f (μ, x). (8) m KI dI K dI K aj L aj +K Iak M ak =0 Laj aj Maajk aajk The efficiency of a coil gun is calculated as Kt dt Kt dt k=1,k=j 1 m v2 m v2 η = 2 0 = 0 . (3a) n n (9) 1 2 2 n m CiU CiU K K K 2 0 0 Ici Iaj Macij dMacij i=1 i=1 K F = I I =K K ma F K ci aj dl m a l i=1 j=1 The electromagnetic-field equations for the system can be written as (4a)

B Kvv =KaKt adt (5a) ∇× = J (10) μ J ∂B 2 ∇× = − Kll =KaKt adtdt (6a) σ ∂t (11) ∇·B =0 K K ρl (12) ρ l0 0 KRR= (7a) Ks s where   K L∝KμKxf(μ, x),KM M ∝KμKxf (μ, x) Ui voltage applied to the ith coil; L (8a) 2 2 Rci resistance of the ith coil; KmKv mv Kηη = n (9a) Raj resistance of the jth armature; K K2 C U 2 Ci U0 i=1 i 0 Lci self-inductance of the ith coil; KB B Laj self-inductance of the jth armature; ∇× =KJ J (10a) KxKμ μ Mccki mutual inductance between the ith and kth coil; K J K ∂B Maajk mutual inductance between the jth and kth armature; J ∇× =− B  (11a) Mcaij mutual inductance between the ith coil and jth KxKσ σ Kt ∂t filament; KB I i ∇B =0. (12a) ci current in the th coil; Kx Ick current in the kth coil; Iaj current in the jth filament; Physical similarity entails the condition that the equations Iak current in the kth filament; for the original and the model differ only by a constant. This B magnetic flux density, means that the power products of the scale factors must equal 222 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 39, NO. 1, JANUARY 2011

Fig. 2. Original model and scale model of the experiment. each summand in (1a)–(12a). For example, the conditions on the scale factors of (1a) can be expressed with the following: Fig. 3. Geometry parameters of the coil-gun experiment. (a) Geometry of the original. (b) Geometry of the model. K K KI K K =K Ick =K Ici =K aj =K . Rci Ici Mccki Lci Mcaij Ui Kt Kt Kt (13) TABLE I SCALING RESULTS OF THE EXPERIMENTS With this notation, one could obtain the condition equations for the scale factors from (1a)–(12a). Because a coil-gun system is often constructed by linear materials, the permeability and electrical conductivity of the model and the original are the same. We could set Kρ = Kσ = Kμ =1as the preconditions. Finally, the scaling relationships can be transformed and sum- marized as (14). The solutions of these equations give the scale laws which govern the relationships of the scale factors with each other for the physical quantities. If a coil-gun model is constructed to research the original, the scaling relationships of (14) must be followed, where Kt must be equal to the square of the geometric scale factor Kx, and the gun current-peek scale factor KI must be equal to KU0Kx, etc. The original and the model have the same efficiency. The scale factors could be selected flexibly based on different experimental conditions. The results gained from experiments on the model can now be converted into the original ⎧ ⎪ Kη = Kρ = Kμ = Kσ =1 ⎪ K = K = K = K =1/K ⎪ v R Rci Raj x ⎪ K = K = K = K = K = K = K = K ⎪ M L r l1 l2 r0 z x ⎪ 2 ⎨ Kt = Kx K = K3 Ci x (14) ⎪ K = K = K ⎪ B Ui U0 ⎪ K = K = K = K = K K ⎪ Ick Iaj Iak Ici U0 x Fig. 4. Comparison of the test result and Ansoft result. ⎪ K = K /K ⎩⎪ J U0 x K = K2 K5. m0 U x 0 IV. NUMERICAL VALIDATION There is only one stage coil in the experiment which cannot III. EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION demonstrate the changes in velocity with respect to the dis- To verify the scaling relationships of a coil gun, two single- charge position in a multistage coil gun nor show us the field stage coil guns were constructed, as shown in Fig. 2. The results. Thus, two 3-D finite-element models based on Ansoft geometry parameters of the two models are shown in Fig. 3. were constructed to validate the scaling relationships. The geometry scale factor is Kx ≈ 0.8. The mass of the original The transient solver in Ansoft has been widely used in coil- armature is 40 g, and the scaled armature is 20 g. Therefore, the gun studies [9], [10]. To confirm the accuracy of Ansoft, the mass scale factor is Km =0.5. According to (14), we could get experiment parameters in [11] are simulated and compared. The KC ≈ 0.5 and KU0 ≈ 1.24. The power source that we used and test result in [11] and the Ansoft simulation result are shown the results that we tested are shown in Table I. The scale fac- in Fig. 4. It is shown that the simulation result is a bit higher tors of current peek, time, and velocity are KI =0.82 ≈ Kx, than the test results. However, taking friction, noncoaxiality, 2 Kv =1.23 ≈ 1/Kx, and Kt =0.615 ≈ Kx, respectively. The and other factors into consideration, the simulation result is calculated scale factors according to (14) could agree quite well thought to be correct, and Ansoft is workable to solve the with the test data. We can see that the scaling method is feasible. coaxial induction coil gun. YADONG et al.: CAPACITOR-DRIVEN COIL-GUN SCALING RELATIONSHIPS 223

Fig. 5. 3-D simulation model of the three-stage coil gun based on Ansoft.

Fig. 6. Geometry parameters of the original coil-gun simulation.

For simplicity, the power sources of every stage coil were set to be the same. Every coil in the original is powered by a capacitance of 2 mF and initial voltage of 1.5 kV. According to (15), every coil in the model is powered by a capacitance of 0.25 mF and initial voltage of 6 kV. The mass of the original armature is 0.2 kg, and the mass of the armature model is 0.1 kg. The original and the model in the simulation look exactly the Fig. 7. Simulation results of the current curves. (a) Current curves of the same, as shown in Fig. 5. The geometry of the original is shown original. (b) Current curves of the model. in Fig. 6. The geometric scale factor Kx and voltage scale factor KU0 are selected to be the input scale factors, where Kx =0.5 and KU0 =4. According to the scaling relationships of (14), the output scale factors can be calculated as ⎧ K =0.125 ⎪ Ci ⎪ K =0.25 ⎪ t ⎪ K = K = K = K = K = K =0.5 ⎨ m0 M L r r0 x K = K = K = K =1 ⎪ η ρ μ σ (15) ⎪ K = K = K = K = K = K =2 ⎪ v R Ick Iaj Iak Ici ⎪ K = K = K =4 ⎩ B Ui U0 KJ =8.

The simulation results of the original and the model are shown in Figs. 7–9 respectively. It is seen that the calculated scale factors could satisfy (15) quite well, where KI = Kx = Fig. 8. Speed curves of the two models. 2 0.5, as shown in Fig. 6, and Kv =1/Kx =2and Kt = Kx = V. C ONCLUSION 0.25 as shown in Fig. 7. The magnetic-flux densities at the corresponding moment of the two models are shown in Fig. 8. The application of the scaling method as a scientific method It is shown that the magnetic-flux density distribution in the two has a long tradition in some research areas. Since experiments  systems are the same, while their values fulfill B /B = KB = are very important in the coil-gun research, the scaling method 2 Kx =4. The simulation results show quite clearly that every can also be a valuable aid here. The scaling relationships of parameter follows the scaling relationships of (15). a capacitor-driven coil gun have been deduced in this paper. 224 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 39, NO. 1, JANUARY 2011

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Zhang Yadong was born in Jilin Province, China, in October 1984. He received the B.S. degree from Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, in 2006. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in the Fig. 9. Magnetic-flux density of the two models. (a) The magnetic-flux density School of Electrical Engineering, Wuhan University. of the original at 0.002 s. (b) The magnetic-flux density of the model at 0.0005 s. His major fields of interest are EML technology and its applications. Then, two single-stage coil guns were constructed to verify the conclusion. Further 3-D finite-element simulations were constructed to verify the scale factors of velocity and field quantity in the multistage coil gun. Analytical conclusions are summarized as follows. Scaling method is feasible in the coil- Wang Ying was born in Heilongjiang Province, gun design. With proper application, scaling relationships allow China, in January 1938. He received the B.S. degree the construction of experimental models in which phenomena from the Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, similar to those occurring in the original are reproduced. The China, in 1964. He was with the Northwest Nuclear Technology results can then be recalculated, using the scale factor for the Institute, Xi’an, China and was engaged in the re- physical quantity, into the original configuration. The efficien- search of pulsed power technology. Since 1981, he cies of the two systems are the same. The scale factors can be was engaged in the research and teaching work of the electromagnetic-launch technology with the New selected flexibly based on the different experiment conditions. Concept Weapon Institute, Shijiazhuang, China. He is currently a Professor with the School of Electrical Engineering, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China. REFERENCES Prof. Ying is the President of the Electromagnetic Launch Society of China. [1] W. Ying, R. A. Marshall, and C. Shukang, Physics of Electric Launch. Beijing, China: Science Press, 2004. [2] M. S. Aubuchon, T. R. Lockner, R. J. Kaye, and B. N. Turman, “Study Ruan Jiangjun was born in Zhejiang, China, on of performance and comments on powered armatures,” in Proc. June 25, 1968. He received the B.S. and Ph.D. IEEE Int. Power Modulator Conf., May 2004, pp. 141–144. degrees in electric engineering from the [3] S. Williamson and A. Smith, “Pulsed coilgun limits,” IEEE Trans. Magn., Huazhong University of Science and Technology, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 201–207, Jan. 1989. Wuhan, China, in 1990 and 1995, respectively. [4] K. McKinney and P. Mongeau, “Multiple stage pulsed induction accel- He was with the Hydraulic and Electric Engineer- eration,” in Proc. 2nd Symp. Electromagn. Launch Technol., Oct. 1983, ing, Wuhan University, Wuhan, where he conducted p. 44. his postdoctoral research, which he finished in 1998. [5] K.-T. Hsieh and B. Kim, “One kind of scaling relations on electromechan- He is currently a Professor with the School of Electri- ical systems,” IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 240–244, Jan. 1997. cal Engineering, Wuhan University. His research in- [6] H. D. Yun, “EM gun scaling relationships,” IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 35, terests include computational electromagnetics, high no. 1, pp. 484–488, Jan. 1999. voltage, and insulation technology.