WEEK 1 The 2019 Nebraska Senate Series: “Rulers After God’s Own Heart—The Life of ” Rulers With a Heart for God


FAITH IN PUBLIC SERVICE Queen Elizabeth ...... 2

THE MESSIAH David’s Greater Son...... 3

SWEARING IN Chosen to Serve ...... 4

LONG LIVE THE KING? King by Decree or King in Fact? ...... 5

VERSE OF THE WEEK 1 16:7 ...... 6


® Capitol Ministries ...... 6 ueen Elizabeth—66 years, 11 months. Yes, she is the longest ruling monarch in British history, having served since the Year of our Lord 1952. To be Q exact, her privy & executive councils declared her queen February 6, 1952.

She reigns as the Queen of England and the Supreme Governor of the Church of England. In a recent Christmas message she said, “At Christmas, our attention is drawn to the birth of a Baby some 2,000 years ago. It was the humblest of beginnings....His parents, Joseph and Mary, did not think they were important.”

The 92-year-old observed that Jesus lived obscurely for most of His life, never traveled far, and yet, “billions of people” now follow His teaching and find in Him the guiding light of their lives, adding, “I’m one of them.”a Did all Brits cheer, “Long live the Queen!” after her wise words? Should all rulers follow after God?

The Queen of England has chosen to follow after God, but what happens when God Himself chooses a ruler to reign in His name? In this 106th Legislature’s long session, we will take a long look at what it means to be rulers after God’s own heart. Today, we will focus with faith on the facts of how God chooses rulers.

Rev. Perry M. Gauthier, V.D.M.

a The Christmas Message: Queen Elizabeth II describes the Significance of Christmas, © 2018, Holy Fire Publishing; © The British Monarchy and © Geoffrey Waugh, author and editor.

Weekly Bible Study During the 106th Legislature’s First Session SENATORS: 6:45-8:00 a.m., Wednesdays, Room To Be Announced. Hot Breakfast Served. STAFF: Noon, Wednesdays, Room To Be Announced. Catered Lunch & B.Y.O.BrownBag.

Rulers With a Heart for God

QUEEN ELIZABETH II We begin our session-long study of repast? How could Israel be great David’s life with his by without ? Could she survive? Coronation June 2, 1953 the prophet Samuel to his future Tough times. Hard questions.

kingship in the fledgling nation of Israel, in about 1023 B.C. Our text is Ü God was sad that Saul rejected famous: 1 Samuel 16:1-13. Its theme His divine rulership in Israel, but is “When God Chooses a Ruler.” God grieved the relational loss and moved out of His grief. Why? God, I. WHEN GOD CHOOSES in verse one, had selected (literally RULERS, HE BRINGS HOPE “seen”) the man for His plan for AND CHANGE godly hope in Israel. Few ancient nations anointed their kings, but “Succession versus Coronation” * 1 Samuel 16:1 God sent this prophet, judge, and Now the LORD said to Samuel, king-maker to the little town of 1. The Queen succeeded to the “How long will you grieve over Bethlehem with a curving ram’s Throne on February 6, 1952 on Saul, since I have rejected him the death of her father, King horn of royal oil corked with a wax from being king over Israel? seal. Israel’s next king was there in George VI. She was in Kenya at Fill your horn with oil and go; waiting and incognito. Samuel had the time and became the first I will send you to Jesse the Sovereign in over 200 years to Bethlehemite, for I have already prophesied to King Saul: accede while abroad. selected a king for Myself among his sons.” 1 Samuel 13:14 2. Queen Elizabeth II was crowned “Your kingdom shall not

on June 2, 1953 in Westminster Our passage begins with God endure. The LORD has sought Abbey. Her Majesty was the talking to Samuel about Samuel. out for Himself a man after His thirty-ninth Sovereign to be The most godly and revered person own heart.” crowned at Westminster Abbey. in Israel, the old prophet was sadly Samuel obediently left Ramah for 3. Westminster Abbey has been the stuck in mourning mode over God’s setting for every Coronation rejection of King Saul, Israel’s first Bethlehem, not “westward leading, since 1066. Before the Abbey and incumbent king. Samuel had a still proceeding, following yonder was built, Coronations were real liking for the headstrong hero- star,” but traveling straight south carried out wherever was king—the people’s choice—for Saul for ten miles on the high north- convenient, taking place in Bath, was tall, dark, and handsome. south ridge road with an alibi and a Oxford, and Canterbury. Samuel had been suffering from the “young female of the herd” in tow.

severing of that relationship. Ouch. * https://www.royal.uk/50-facts-about-queens-coronation-0 1 Samuel 16:2-3 Samuel said, “How can I go? Ü Politically speaking, Samuel was When Saul hears of it, he will also a judge in Israel (the last one in kill me.” And the LORD said, its civil history) and spent decades “Take a heifer with you and of faithful service leading the twelve say, ‘I have come to sacrifice to tribes’ loose confederacy. Samuel the LORD.’ 3You shall invite was heavily invested in the political- Jesse to the sacrifice, and I will socio-economic good of the nation. show you what you shall do; Israel’s chief enemies constantly and you shall anoint for Me the invaded from their Mediterranean one whom I designate to you.” coastal home. These “Sea People”– the Philistinesb–are seen in the book of Judges as incessant raiders Ü This difficult political change was and persecutors of Israel’s tribal a problem for Samuel; God wanted confederacy. They also controlled him to remember not to forget His all supplies of iron (and weapons). Word nor the revelation of His will.

WHEN TOUGH EXPERIENCES Where’s the hope in this change? If AND TORN EMOTIONS DON’T tall Saul was no longer in political SEEM TO MATCH WHAT GOD’S power, would the Jabba-the-Hutt- WORD SAYS, RELY ON HIS Philistine-Wehrmacht devour little WORD, NOT YOUR EMOTIONS— Israel, dining on her as its final IN AND OUT OF THE CAPITOL.

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Samuel had a legitimate fear that No unsolved criminal mystery was THE GREATER SON OF DAVID the enthroned Saul would see his at hand there, but there were anointing a new king as the capital political implications. There was to THE MESSIAH

offense of treason. The Lord gave be a change in the monarchy (not of Samuel a bona fide answer in case England’s Queen Elizabeth but) of the Bethlehemite men might ask Israel’s King Saul who had been on (which they did) and gossip (which the throne (not for 66 but) for 27 people often do), putting Samuel’s years. God had civil change in mind. life wrongly at risk before King Saul. God Himself also gives us an II. WHEN GOD CHOOSES important ethical principle here: RULERS, HE FOCUSES ON THE HEART IT IS NOT LYING TO GIVE TRUE, PARTIAL INFORMATION 1 Samuel 16:6 “The Suffering Servant” TO EVIL PEOPLE WHO WILL When [Jesse’s family] entered HARM YOU IF THEY HAD ACCESS [into Samuel’s presence, ~ ~ ~ TO MORE FACTS. Samuel] looked at Eliab and 53:2-3 thought, “Surely the LORD’s Ü One’s violent enemies do not anointed is before Him.” 2For He grew up before Him like a necessarily deserve all the facts. tender shoot, Military generals know this. We will And like a root out of parched see this throughout David’s life as a Ü Jesse, his sons, and his little town ground; commanding officer in Israel’s oft- of Bethlehem, were in Judah’s tribe He has no stately form or majesty warring armies and as a man who and territory. Jesse paraded them that we should look upon Him, spent years running for his very life as kingly candidates before the Nor appearance that we should be from an insane and violent leader. piercing prophetic eyes of white- attracted to Him.

haired Samuel. Strutting up with 3He was despised and forsaken of 1 Samuel 16:4-5 swag, naturally first, walking as men, Samuel did what the LORD said, kingly as possible, was the oldest, A man of sorrows and acquainted and came to Bethlehem. And biggest son Eliab—tall, dark, and with grief; the elders of the city came handsome, but rejected by God. And like one from whom men hide trembling to meet him and their face said, “Do you come in peace?” Was he quarterback at Bethlehem He was despised, and we did not 5He said, “In peace; I have College? Did he start on the Judean esteem Him. come to sacrifice to the LORD. All-star Team? It didn’t matter. Was Consecratec yourselves and his middle name Future? Even come with me to the sacrifice.” super-spiritual Samuel thought he He also consecrated Jesse and his sons and invited them to looked good as he waited for God’s the sacrifice. revelation as to which of Jesse’s sons would be Israel’s second king. The elders in the rural, little town of Bethlehem may have been 1 Samuel 16:7 trembling if they had heard that the But the LORD said to Samuel, mighty, civil Judge Samuel had just “Do not look at his appearance personally executed King Agag, a or at the height of his stature, violent, Amalekite war criminal. because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward Ü They may have trembled since, in appearance, but the LORD looks God’s civil law code for Israel at the heart.” (section Deuteronomy, paragraph 21, lines 1-9), a heifer was an acceptable sacrifice (to be prayed Ü We judge books by their covers; over and then slain at the hands of do we not? Limited by our human the elders) for an unsolved murder perceptions of people’s birth-gifts, in a rural town. They wondered if we forget, like Samuel did, that:

there were not legal and political LOOKS ARE NOT EVERYTHING, implications of Samuel’s visit. AND LOOKS CAN BE DECEIVING!

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Rulers With a Heart for God

SWEARING IN God has a better way and vastly for honored attendance—once in a superior eyesight. Perhaps the key lifetime, black ties optional. The Nebraska’s 106th Legislature phrase in all of First Samuel, parents of the youngest (literally

e theologically and devotionally, is: “the smallest”) son did not think he was important enough to include. MAN LOOKS AT THE OUTWARD The family runt, disregarded and APPEARANCE, BUT THE LORD disdained, was a lonesome lad— LOOKS AT THE HEART. unnoticed among thousands in the rolling green hills and white rocks Biblically, the heart (Hebrew: lebab of Bethlehem’s lush pasturelands. is the inner man and includes ( ָבֵלּ בֵָֽ thoughts, motives, and intentions— all that matters most to God and to III. WHEN GOD CHOOSES RULERS, HE CHOOSES January 9, 2019 us when our priorities are right. This theme is altogether Biblical. ORDINARIES AND UNDERDOGS 2 Chronicles 16:9 The eyes of the LORD move to Samuel refused to proceed to the Dear Honorable Nebraska and fro throughout the earth sacred feast and its savory hot roast State Senators: that He may strongly support meal until “the littlest” and the those whose heart is dirtiest (and the smelliest?) burst Faith and I are delighted to be back completely His. through the door, grass stains on his knees and feet, to the utter in your presence. We honor you in Jeremiah 17:10 surprise of everyone, even himself. your God-given leadership I, the LORD, search the heart, I This lad had so little, but he had positions. May this photograph test the mind...to give to each man according to his ways. captured the Lord’s heart. That was from Day 1 remind you that we all that mattered when God sought are “always in the balconies” to make hopeful, political, lasting praying for each and every one of Ü The Lord judges human books by change in that nation. you. Capitol Ministries is a non- their contents, not their covers. God picks not by looks, pedigree, partisan, non-denominational, Senator, be encouraged with this inches, age, heritage, inheritance, co-ed ministry (where spouses are advice. While in office your main or family name, but God found His always welcome). As such, we care duty personally and legislatively is: king in the teenage son of a sheep rancher. As Dr. Luke wrote to about and pray for each and every Proverbs 4:23 Governor Theophilus a thousand one of you 49 State Senators. We Watch over your heart with all years later (in Acts 13:22), this was are honored to be at your service. diligence, for from it flow the “a man after God’s own heart.” f springs of life. God chose His king—a ruler after For the KING of kings, His heart. Let the anointing begin. Back to Bethlehem: Jesse exhibited all seven of his sons before Samuel 1 Samuel 16:12 who prophetically reported, asking: [Jesse] sent and brought

1 Samuel 16:10-11 [David] in. He was ruddy, with beautiful eyes and a handsome “The LORD has not chosen appearance. And the LORD said, 11 these.” Samuel said to Jesse, “Arise, anoint him; this is he.” Rev. Perry M. Gauthier, V.D.M. “Are these all the lads?” He said, “There remains yet the youngest, and behold, he is Ü Westerners take this wee lad’s list tending the sheep.” Then of physical traits as a compliment, Samuel said to Jesse, “Send but they are meant, instead, as a and bring him; for we will not contrast. Later, we will see how leaved until he comes here.” Goliath mocks these very traits on the Elah battlefield, insulting him. The most important man in the His handsomeness (lit.: of looks, entire nation came to their little good at it) could be rephrased “he town for a sacred feast (and a quasi- was a pretty boy.” A trait the large, private, prophetic business trip) to lurching, lumbering (overgrown which Jesse’s family was singled out with gigantism) Goliath despised!

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David was “ruddy” most probably with this boy from that day forward KING DAVID OF ISRAEL red-headed. It can also mean fair- —and even forever. Oil—shapeless, skinned in a less-olive, more-pink, invasive, invisible, so like the Spirit. The Coronation of David

fairer, and rarer way than most Semitic men with their black hair, Ü When people anointed King Saul, chocolate eyes, and bronzed skin. in 1 Samuel 10:1, the oil symbolized their commitment to him. In verse The teen shepherd’s “beautiful 24 they shouted, “Long live the eyes” sparkled, capturing attention, king!” Here, God Himself indicated and may have been blue. His rusty His commitment to “His anointed.” red hair, rare, fair skin, and piercing And just so, in this long Senate blue eyes would make him stand out Session, ours will be a fascinating in any crowd. This pretty, little boy, study of David’s long, loving red-headed runt, unlikely underdog journey as God’s chosen king. This —he was going to lead the nation!? is the story of the relationship He was if God said He was, and God between a civil ruler and his God. had just announced that very thing. Whom will God strongly support in IV. WHEN GOD CHOOSES office? To whom will God Himself

RULERS, HE HONORS AND commit? Are you an underdog, an unlikely leader, or underaged, under- SUPPORTS THEM “As depicted in the Paris Psalter” * rated, under-financed? This anointed ruler, not yet coronated, was a man after 1 Samuel 16:13 God’s own heart. Dear Senator, are you? Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst The suspense is over: out came his David—Anointed but not King. of his brothers; the Spirit of the name—for the first time Biblically, LORD rushed upon David a name unique to himself (shared Because of the king-maker of Israel, from that day on. only by his Descendant of the tribe Samuel, and his official business in of Judah, later born in Bethlehem), the little town of Bethlehem in the Ü The suspense is over. Out came and the most used name in the Bible the oil (symbolizing government). (more than , Abraham, or region of Judah, “David was now the The Hebrew word for anointing is Jesus). The governmental oil and king de jure dei [king by legal decree our base for Messiah. Every one of God’s empowering Holy Spirit the 34 uses of this “royal anointing” coincide to reveal this name for all of God]; the remaining chapters [in are in juxtaposition with God’s the world to know—and love: 1 Samuel 16-31] describe how he

Name, the God Who delegates His DAVID! became Israel’s king de facto authority to rule onto earth. ~ ~ ~ [king in fact].” ** GOVERNMENT’S GOD’S IDEA AND BECOMING RULERS AFTER A VERY GOOD IDEA AT THAT, GOD’S OWN HEART * SINCE CIVIL SERVANTS ARE “SOCIETAL SAVIORS”—SORT OF! Most Honorable State Senator: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kings_of_Israel_and_Judah#/medi a/File:Paris_psaulter_gr139_fol6v.jpg This session, our thesis and theme This pomp and circumstantial are simple yet quite difficult. Our ** Ralph W. Klein, Word Biblical Commentary, 1 Samuel, volume ceremony had its governmental oil, end is to glorify God and enjoy Him 10, 2nd Edition, (Thomas Nelson, Inc.), © 2000, p 162. uncorked and flowing, twisting as we learn with you vital lessons for through the Israeli air in clear, life and the legislature from the long golden ribbons from Samuel’s horn life journey of Israel’s greatest king. (symbolizing power) onto the lad’s head (symbolizing authority) into In the name of the Son of David, his rare copper locks. Glimmering oil coincided with the onrush of the Rev. Perry (and Faith) Gauthier Holy Spirit, Who would specially be Cell/text: 402.770.6270

b The origin of the word Palestine (of the Philistines). e “Qaton” in Hebrew means tiny. The smallest would naturally be the youngest but the emphasis is on David’s c Consecration involved ritual cleanliness (bathing, fresh size and lack thereof contra “the tallest” of his brothers. clothing, avoiding corpses, or the loss of “life liquids”). f d Loosely paraphrased from John Hercus, M.D., “David” .gather at an altar or do something else (נ ֹסָנ ֖ ב )) Nasob (Inter-Varsity Christian Press), © 1968, p 9.

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Rulers With a Heart for God

VERSE OF THE WEEK Senator’s Personal Study Notes

King David of Israel

1 Samuel 16:7

“But the LORD said to Samuel, ‘Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.’”

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