HHB Template 09-09-04

Hamilton Historical Board Item 1.3 Community Services Committee Culture Section, Community Services Department

MINUTES: Tuesday, February 13, 2007–12:30pm– The Stable at

Chair: Walter Peace Minute-Taker: Rebecca Oliphant Present: Graham Crawford, Robin McKee, Bob Williamson, Walter Peace, Mary Anderson, Pat Saunders, Elizabeth Shambrook, Jane Evans, Rebecca Oliphant Regrets: Bill Manson, Anna Bradford, John Johnston, Brian Henley, Art Bowes, Lorraine Marshall Guests: Absent:

Item Agenda Person Decisions/Action Summary No. 1.1 Declaration of Interest Chair None

1.2 Approval of Agenda Chair Motion that the agenda of February 13, 2007 be approved. Moved: Elizabeth Shambrook / Seconded: Graham Crawford. Carried.

1.3 Review/Approval of Minutes Chair Motion that the minutes of January 16, 2007 be approved as amended. Moved: Elizabeth Shambrook / Seconded: Robin McKee. Carried.

2.0 Business Arising from Items not directly related to regular Agenda items the Minutes 3.0 Standing Items

3.1 Workplan Review Chair Action: Rebecca to locate email with template, distribute to Board for review March 20, 2007 Rebecca to find on email Walter has prepared letter for LACAC Action: Rebecca to provide name of new chair to Walter after LACAC meets Thursday.

3.2 Report Review/ Discussion Each liaison to provide their verbal report in writing (point form, highlights) to Rebecca for inclusion in January 2007 All minutes

Battlefield House & Park (Pat Saunders) – with recent snow tobogganing is an issue again, $300,000 from Ministry of Culture, official announcement will be made when Anna returns from Africa Hamilton Children’s Museum () – Dundurn National Historic Site – (Elizabeth Shambrook) – visits are up considerably, Robbie Burns dinner was well attended, Rolph Gates have been disassembled and moved to the east end of the park, HHB Template 09-09-04

Item Agenda Person Decisions/Action Summary No. Hamilton Military Museum (Jane Evans) – staff working at keeping expenses down, Coach House Restaurant (Bill Manson) – no report Museum Gift Shop (Bill Manson) – no report Fieldcote Memorial Park & Museum (Robin McKee, Art Bowes) – AGM keynote speaker is Anna Bradford, topic is “Expansion Ideas for the Site”, Griffin House (Robin McKee) – long time volunteer Anne Jarvis has resigned, still have not hired the part time Programmer Hamilton Museum of Steam & Technology (John Johnston) – applying for MAP funding for storage, need to look at collection policy, curatorial staff recommend name change to Hamilton Museum of Steam Technology, Whitehern Historic House & Garden (Mary Anderson) – applied for Young Canada Works grant to have Thomas’ business correspondence on the website, applied for grant to write book on Ruby, Robin to provide contact info to Ken re: documentary about Thomas McQuesten, Hamilton & Scourge Project (Walter Peace) – will be a presentation to Council, AGM is May 23 at the Coach House, Conservation (Elizabeth Shambrook) – Curatorial Centre on Burlington St. has been upgraded with new shelving, architect working on plans for 10,000 sq ft addition, will be environmentally controlled, repair of the Birks Clock has been moved up to 2007, looking for funds to repair Gore Park fountain, Maintenance (Brian Henley) – no report Marketing (Elizabeth Shambrook) – branding for , fresh young vibrant tree growing out of the past, image to represent History and Heritage not necessarily Gore Park, new look of advertising for the Museums, Culture Section website rebuilding,

Motion to accept the above reports. Moved: Pat Saunders /Seconded: Graham Crawford. Carried. 3.3 Thank yous / Media Coverage Thank you for British Show and Heritage Day, special thanks to Graham for setting up HHB table

3.4 Grounds Use Requests Chair Whitehern Historic House & Garden Special Events - Whitehern Historic House & Garden General Wedding Photograhpy Moved: Mary Anderson / Seconded: Graham Crawford. Carried. 3.5 HHB Issues (a) Mandate Chair (a) 2.1 LACAC report 2.1 let Walter know who the new chair of LACAC, HHB would like to comment on the process and treatment of a Volunteer, send it to Mayor’s office

4.2 Elections and 4.2 investigate wording “acting in a manner detrimental to the mandate of the Board”, Secret Ballot

4.8 “Friends of” – 4.8 the Board will request reports as needed, create a forum to receive these reports, form letter to What are they? invite the groups to participate, may need to provide some education to those groups, (b) T. Melville Bailey (b) asked to be a regular agenda item – where should it be addressed? Leave here Award Walter going to draft a list of criteria with one page description of Mel for review and comment from HHB Template 09-09-04

Item Agenda Person Decisions/Action Summary No. Board 3.6 Volunteer Opportunities Heritage Fair & Marketplace had the best turn out of Board members ever

3.7 Community Heritage issues & Lead: Robin list attached Heritage Organization McKee Note: History of Scouting on the Mountain is topic at Hamilton Mountain Heritage Society Activities 4.0 Sub-Committee Reports

4.1 Communication Bill Manson No official report Brochure distributed, initial printing of 500, many given out at Heritage Day Speakers List was presented for Heritage Day mockup of brochure for Speakers List – could be distributed to Teachers, Social Clubs, Retirement Homes, Graham to forward to Board for comment, 4.2 Education Sub-committee (was Youth & Community Outreach) in light of Lorraine Marshall’s resignation will need new lead 4.3 Joint Plaquing Chair, Joint Motion that the February 6, 2007 report of JPSC be approved. Moved: Bob Williamson / Plaquing Seconded: Note: Item 3.1 (a) 2007 Designated Property Plaques –Harmony Hall wording for approval Motion that the wording for the Harmony Hall Designated Property Plaque be approved. Moved: Bob Williamson / Seconded: Jane Evans. Carried. Item 3.1 (c) Annual Reception for Designated Property Owners – Date is Wednesday, February 28 Item 3.2 (d) The Place of Firsts – wording distributed at January 16 meeting for comment and possible approval February 13 Action: Board to provide comment to Rebecca by March 2, 2007 4.4 Artillery Chair, Artillery (a) General -list of cannons that will have new tampions made distributed, are there any other cannons that require tampions that the Conservator should be made aware - Harvey Park (1) (b) LaSalle Park Artillery Piece – no update 4.5 Heritage…comes home 2007 Pat Saunders wonderful day, turnout by HHB, ran very smoothly, ceremony just the right length, poor turnout of Councillors, entertainment was a wonderful addition to the atmosphere, any suggestions for next year should be forwarded to committee for wrap up meeting February 28, 2007 4.6 Heritage Ball Action: set a first meeting date

4.7 Trail Project Bob mockup pamphlet for the Trail distributed, writeup will connect all the War of 1812 sites, Williamson Action: Rebecca to set up meeting prior Bob leaving for Florida (Mar 22 – May 7 Bob in Florida) trying to show the relationship between the places on the Trail, need comment by Board, tie in with Historically Speaking brochure, #8 earthworks needs review, 5.0 Manager of Culture Anna Bradford 5.1 Anna’s report Mary would like to hear Anna’s vision for the Market, should an HHB member sit on a Market HHB Template 09-09-04

Item Agenda Person Decisions/Action Summary No. committee, 5.2 Meeting with Curators meeting with Curators on March 20 at noon at the Coach House Action: Rebecca to set up meeting with Walter and Anna 6.0 New Business

6.1 Employee of the Month Pat will move forward as private citizen

6.2 Auchmar Board requests this be added to agenda for discussion re: proposals

6.3 Queen St. South Board through Chair received a letter from concerned citizen about the colours 131 Queen St. South has been painted, citizen would appreciate Board using their influence to have the colours changed to more appropriate ones 7.0 Next Meeting

7.1 Tuesday, March 20, 2007 Time: 12:00pm to 2:30pm Location – The Coach House at Dundurn Please note: Due to March Break, the March meeting will be Tuesday, March 20, 2007 – Location – The Coach House at Dundurn 7.2 Dates to Remember Wednesday, February 28, 2007 – Council Meeting – Presentation of Designated Property Plaques Tuesday, March 20, 2007 – Curators to be invited to regular meeting Saturday, June 9, 2007 – HHB Workplan Retreat to develop 2008 Workplan and Budget