Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 21/08 Aktuelles Aus Israelischen Tageszeitungen 25
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Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 21/08 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 25. November – 06. Dezember 2008 1. Hausräumung in Hebron But when the day comes and thousands of soldiers and policemen arrive to do just that, we must keep Am 4. Dezember räumten Kräfte der israelischen in mind that nothing major is happening. Surely, Armee und Polizei ein Haus in der Stadt Hebron, in Defense Minister Ehud Barak and fellow politicians dem sich radikale Siedler verschanzt hatten. In will talk about the victory of democracy. They will einem Disput um das Gebäude – das von den boast about how the rule of law has prevailed yet Siedlern als „Friedenshaus“ bezeichnet wird – again. […] zwischen dem palästinensischen Besitzer und That is why we will remind them and ourselves that Siedlern, die behaupten es legal erworben zu the occupation is only becoming more permanent. haben, hatten Staat und Oberster Gerichtshof die For every settler house that is demolished, dozens Räumung beschlossen. more are being built. We must remember that the In Erwartung der Evakuierung waren hunderte, Palestinians of Hebron will still be deprived of basic hauptsächlich jugendliche Radikale in das Haus und human rights, because they were born in a city die Umgebung geströmt, um die Räumung zu where the lives of settlers are worth more than verhindern. Kurz nachdem Verteidigungsminister theirs. Barak sich mit Vertretern der Siedler getroffen hatte, Finally, we must remember that as Israelis, we have wurde das Haus jedoch früher als erwartet innerhalb a long struggle ahead of us, one that involves weniger Stunden geräumt und versiegelt. Junge hundreds of ‘houses of peace.’ We cannot call Siedler randalierten daraufhin in der Umgebung, ourselves a society that upholds the values of griffen Palästinenser an und beschädigten deren human rights and democracy until we deal with Eigentum. Die Armee erklärte Teile des südlichen these bigger issues, instead of focusing on just one Westjordanlandes zum geschlossenen Militärgebiet. house.” In Hebron liegt eine der wichtigsten heiligen Stätten Michael Manekin, JPO 03.12.08 des Judentums, die Höhle der Patriarchen. In der Stadt leben einige hundert jüdische Siedler der Standing up to Jewish terrorism radikal sten Strömung unter hunderttausenden Pa- “For a long time now, settlers in Hebron and other lästinensern. areas of Judea and Samaria (and East Jerusalem) have engaged in unruly behavior whose only goal is It’s only one house to violently threaten the Palestinians while “It is […] important to remind ourselves that if the undermining Israel`s sovereignty. By any official settlers are evicted […], Hebron will continue to be a standard recognized worldwide, this is terrorism that place that embodies the worst of Israel's occupation sows fear and disrupts the proper management of a policies. Hebron will still be a place where state. […] Palestinians are prevented legally from walking on Under the hypocritical umbrella of ‘national unity’ their own roads, a city with sections that have and the self-righteous threat of ‘a rift in the nation,’ become virtual ghost towns as a consequence of the rampaging has become the norm, a daily Israeli policies. […] routine. The settlers utter profanities, spit, beat, sow None of this is to say that eviction of the settlers ruin and destruction, while the army turns a blind from the ‘House of Peace’ is unimportant. […] We eye in the best-case scenario and takes part in the must pressure our government to enforce the law worst. and evacuate these illegal settlers. The House of Contention is therefore the 1 culmination of a dangerous progression of events, people who will never get it, yet normal rightists and the widespread public protest that should have know how to distinguish between appropriate, well- arisen among the sane portion of society after these supported positions and a violent and crazed style events has not materialized because the heart of adopted by 16-year-olds. Indeed, for every blow that Israeli society has been desensitized for quite some a soldier sustains, the religious Zionist camp and its time. […] love for the Land of Israel sustain two blows.“ This week, Israel has reached the point of no return, Uri Orbach, JED 06.12.08 which will also determine who controls the state: the justice system and a government elected by Is the worst yet to come? democratic means, or Jewish terrorism.” “It is not over yet. The disputed house in Hebron HAA 04.12.08 was indeed evacuated, yet the struggle is far from being over. The dangerous and volatile part is still Playing with fire ahead of us. Hundreds of members of the radical “Though no one was gravely wounded, the violent settler camp have spread around the hills in Judea evacuation of Beit Hashalom, and the events and Samaria and from there they are infiltrating leading up to it, again exposed the depth of the Palestinian communities and roads in order to exact chasm that divides our society. […] what they euphemistically refer to as a ‘price tag.’ Many of those responsible for the Hebron violence, The meaning of this term in less euphemistic terms both yesterday and in recent weeks, are out-of- is pogroms against the Palestinians, and possibly control youths who gravitated to this trouble-spot harassment of Israeli security forces, at as many encouraged by their spiritual authorities and political sites as possible, with the declared aim of creating mentors. […] major conflagration in Judea and Samaria. There’s an irreconcilable disconnect between those This mayhem is meant to create the kind of trauma who would engage in or rationalize settler violence in Israeli public opinion that would prevent further and mainstream Israel; between those who have evacuations in the future. […] We should assume disengaged from our - admittedly imperfect - Zionist that the anger and frustration caused by the enterprise, its army and polity, and the majority who evacuation among the settlers, and particularly want the rule of law upheld even when, to borrow among radical rightists and the ‘hilltop youths,’ will from Dickens, ‘the law is an ass.’ […] prompt hundreds of them to get out there. Some of Let's not, meanwhile, lose sight of two other them already vowed to return to the building that fundamentals. First, the vast majority of Israelis was the focal point of the confrontation. […] living in Judea and Samaria are law-abiding patriots. These are difficult days for the Israeli government, Secondly, in any and all circumstances, Jews must for security forces, and also for the established be guaranteed access to the Cave of the Patriarchs. leaderships of the settlers in Judea and Samaria. If The contemptible behavior of settler radicals does they are unable, through cooperation, to contain the not negate this right. For long before Christianity and riots and curb them, not only will Israeli democracy Islam came on the scene, Hebron was already a be undermined; the whole State of Israel could end cornerstone of Jewish civilization.” up facing chaos and possibly, heaven forbid, a civil JPO 04.12.08 war.” Ron Ben-Yishai, JED 05.12.08 Who is scared of Daniela Weiss? “Religious rightists are uncomfortable about blatantly 2. Primaries der Arbeitspartei speaking out against reckless settlers, because then people will think that we are leftist too, and at this In Vorbereitung auf die Knessetwahlen im Februar difficult time it is not nice to join the leftist media hat die Arbeitspartei Primaries abgehalten, um ihre wave. So once the seasonal attack on the settlers Kandidatenliste zusammenzustellen. Der Partei- starts, everyone enters the bunker. vorsitzende Ehud Barak erhielt den reservierten This is a mistake, of course. One can be in favor of ersten Platz, auf den zweiten und dritten Platz the right of Jews to hold on to the House of Peace in wurden Sozialminister Isaac Herzog und der Hebron, yet at the same time be outraged by the Knessetabgeordnete Ophir Pines-Paz gewählt. Da thuggish behavior of the youths there. One can see der Arbeitspartei in Umfragen schlechte Ergebnisse the injustice inherent in the court ruling, yet continue vorausgesagt werden, könnte es sein, dass the fight without going crazy. […] There are some Parteiveteranen wie Yuli Tamir oder Amir Peretz, die 2 weiter hinten auf der Liste stehen, um ein All the energies were directed to this day. Knessetmandat bangen müssen. Überschattet Candidates traveled all across the country, and the wurden die Primaries indes von einem technischen intention was to wake up in the morning singing a Fehler: Die Wahlen, die erstmals per Touchscreen new tune. However, this tune was cut short in the stattfinden sollten, mussten nach wenigen Stunden middle of the day, making place for curses, fury, and abgebrochen werden, da aus allen Wahllokalen von anger in the face of a collapsing computer systems. Funktionsfehlern berichtet wurde. Die Primaries We can feel pity for members of the Labor party wurden dann zwei Tage später – diesmal per because this time – and this time only – it apparently traditionellem Wahlzettel – wiederholt. Dennoch war wasn’t their fault.” die Wahlbeteiligung mit 50% von 60,000 Attila Somfalvi, JED 03.12.08 zugelassenen Wählern höher als zunächst erwartet. Sie hat noch eine Chance verdient Change Labor’s path „Die Arbeitspartei und Barak haben sich einen Teil “The Labor primary is taking place in the shadow of dieser [schlechten] Behandlung [durch die Medien] polls predicting that the party will be only the fourth in allen Ehren verdient, und sie können sich nur or fifth largest party in the 18th Knesset. […] selbst Vorwürfe machen. [...] It will thus become either a minor coalition partner or Man kann sich der Versuchung, auf die Arbeitspartei a medium-to-small opposition party. einzuschlagen, nur schwer entziehen. [...] Aber jetzt Concerns about the Labor Party go beyond party ist es an der Zeit, damit aufzuhören.