Civil Society I. Over-arching framework

Migrants and migration belong in international “Stockholm Agenda” and national post-2015 development agendas, as both actors and subjects of human and economic on migrant and development that is sustainable. As a first matter, SDGs must address root causes migration-related and conditions that force people to migrate, especially surging global inequalities driven by current development and economic paradigms. goals and targets . We must move towards people and nature- centered, rights-based development. This is an urgent practical matter, but also a clear moral in post-2015 imperative, not least so that migration can be a choice, not a necessity. In this direction, the SDGs global and national must include strong goals for:  decent work for all, with labour rights, as a goal development agendas for all countries but with explicit reference to protection of migrant workers regardless of status universal publicly-funded and delivered social protection in critical areas of community well-being Point 1 of the “5-year 8-point Plan of Action” that global civil society presented to the UN High Level Dialogue on Migrant earnings and remittances are important International Migration and Development in 2013 (HLD) contributors to family and community development. calls for the integration of migrants and migration into the Remittances however, are private transfers: they post-2015 development agenda “to address not only the should not be diverted or used as the “answer” or contributions that migrants make to development in countries of substitute for development policy or assistance. origin and destination, but also the possibilities for better policy planning and coherence that can make migration more genuinely The SDGs must point to and incorporate a choice and not a necessity, and greater gain than drain.” full participation of migrants and diaspora as partners in public policy planning and implementation, Before, within and in follow-up to the 2014 Global Forum development and data collection. on Migration and Development in Stockholm, civil society came together to assert the following framework and a set As described on the next page, a number of of goals and targets that connect migrants and migration with migrant and migration-related targets may fit human and economic development that is decent, sustainable either under broader SDGs (such as ending poverty; and transformative. fair, accessible and adequate healthcare, education and governance; empowering girls and women, etc.) Many of these goals and targets match and take forward or together as a logical set for transformative human important emphases of the consensus Declaration of Member and economic development, including: States at the HLD and the work of a range of post-2015 decreasing remittance transfer costs processes, including the UN member states’ Open Working reducing risks to migrants on the move, Group and the April 2014 Dhaka recommendations. in particular: recruitment costs; lack of fair, regular and orderly channels of migration; Civil society proposes to collaborate with UN member criminalization of migrants; and risks to women states to ensure that the forthcoming post-2015 Sustainable and to children in contexts of human trafficking, Development Goals (SDGs) and national development transit and crisis agendas reflect these goals and targets, and to together portability of social security, pension and skills, achieve, monitor and measure progress on them over the 15 including recognition of qualifications years through 2030.

CIVIL SOCIETY “STOCKHOLM AGENDA” ON MIGRANT AND MIGRATION-RELATED GOALS AND TARGETS JUNE 2014 Targets under goals Targets under a II. GOAL 5 III. similar to the current stand-alone goal for MDGs or focus areas of Ensure healthy lives multi-actor global and the Open Working Group. Ensure that all migrants have national collaboration. access to adequate and quality GOAL 1 healthcare Civil society believes that this goal uniquely frames four targets to Create jobs, sustainable GOAL 6 remedy inefficiencies and obstacles livelihoods and equitable growth that block migrants and migration Create and preserve decent work Ensure good governance from achieving greater human and opportunities in countries of origin and effective institutions economic development. which make migration and re- Ensure that all migrants have migration an option instead of a access to justice and due process GOAL 9 necessity and mitigate brain drain equal to nationals Ensure that migrants enjoy End policies and practices that Enlarge human security decent working conditions and criminalize and detain migrants and human development social protection that conform based upon their migration status benefits of migration to international human rights Increase participation and Prevent and address international and labour standards contribution of migrants in human trafficking and violence Ensure portability of skills and public policy planning and against migrants benefits implementation Improve systemic responses Ratify and implement core to forced migration, including GOAL 2 UN and ILO instruments migrants uprooted by crisis and climate change End poverty GOAL 7 Facilitate safe, orderly and regular Reduce costs of labour migration, migration, through enhanced with priority to abolishing debt Ensure stable and international cooperation bondage and recruitment charges peaceful societies Reduce inefficiencies that to migrant workers Increase public awareness of generate large numbers Reduce the cost of sending cultural, social and economic of migrants lacking proper remittances contributions of migrants and documentation Protect and promote the private diaspora use of remittances for family and Institutionalize mechanisms community development that embrace and integrate or reintegrate migrants and their IV. Measurable indicators for all of the above targets GOAL 3 families into their countries of origin, heritage and destination are being developed Empower girls and women separately. and achieve gender equality GOAL 8 Provide access to social and legal protection and decent work Create a global enabling to migrant women and girls, environment for development including domestic workers with new partnerships Ensure that migrants and GOAL 4 diaspora are fully engaged as partners in development Provide quality education Expand collaboration on and lifelong learning and access to migration Ensure migrants’ access to and development data education, particularly for children who are migrants themselves or the children of migrants


1. 11.11.11 Coalition of the Flemish North-South Movement 53. Centre Social Jacques Brel 2. Action Aides aux Familles Demunies 54. Centro de Documentación en Derechos Humanos “Segundo 3. Action Secours Ambulance (ASA) Montes Mozo S.J.” (CSMM) 4. ADAP-INTERNATIONAL/USA 55. Centro de los Derechos del Migrante, Inc. (CDM) 5. Adrian Dominican Sisters 56. CFERD 6. ADYNE 57. Childlink Foundation 7. AFFORD 58. CHRD 8. Africa America Higher Education Partnerships (AAHEP) 59. CIBAI Migrações 9. Africa Centre, 60. Centro Internacional para los Derechos Humanos de los 10. African Diaspora Policy Centre Migrantes (CIDEHUM) 11. African Migration and Development Policy Centre 61. Club Migrante Cheran Southern Illinois/St. Louis 12. African Sky 62. CO-HABITER 13. Agisra e.V./ Information and Counseling Center for Female 63. Colectivo de Apoyo para personas Migrantes (COAMI) Migrants and Refugees 64. Commission Episcopale pour la pastorale des migrants et 14. Agrani Bank limited des réfugiés / Burkina Faso -Niger 15. Alianza por la Solidaridad (APS) 65. Community Development Services (CDS) 16. Alliance against Trafficking in Women and Children in Nepal 66. Computers for Development (AATWIN) 67. Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd 17. Alliance for Brain Gain and Innovative Development (ABIDE) 68. Congregation of the Sisters of the Presentation 18. Annulliamo La Distanza onlus 69. Congregation of the Sisters of the Presentation of 19. Antenne pour la Reconnaissance de l’ Environnement au Newfoundland and Labrador Congo (AREC) 70. Congrégation Romaine de Saint Dominique 20. Artemisszio Foundation 71. Congregations of Saint Joseph 21. Asabe Shehu Yar’Adua Foundation 72. Conseil des Beninois de 22. Agenzia Scalabriniana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo 73. Conseil des Migrants Subsahariens au Maroc (ASCS) 74. Consortium for Refugees and Migrants in South Africa 23. Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development 75. Construisons Ensemble le Monde (APWLD) 76. Cooperazione Internazionale Sud Sud 24. Asociación de Mexicanos en Carolina del Norte, Inc. 77. Coordination SUD (AMEXCAN) 78. Cordaid 25. Asociación PortiMujer 79. Corporación Anne Frank Colombia 26. Association Aide aux Familles et Victimes des Migrations 80. COSIM Bretagne Clandestines (AFVMC) 81. COSIM-Languedoc-Roussillon 27. Association for Farmers Rights Defense (AFRD) 82. Countryside Community Church – A United Methodist 28. Association pour la promotion des droits humains (APDH) Community 29. Association Sénégalaise pour la Promotion des Energies 83. C’Pro G Renouvelables 84. CRID 30. Associazione Comunitá Papa Giovanni XXIII 85. Curia Generalizia Agostiniana – Augustinians International 31. Associazione Noi per Loro 86. Development Action for Women Network (DAWN) 32. AUXFIN International 87. Development Fund/Utviklingsfondet 33. Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio & Communication 88. Diaspora for African Development (DfAD) 34. Baptist Seminary of Mexico 89. Dominicaines Missionnaires Adoratrices 35. BASUG – Diaspora and Development 90. Dominicaines Notre Dame de Grace 36. Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla 91. Dominican Leadership Conference/Dominican Sisters 37. BRAC International 38. Burundian Women for Peace and Development (BWPD) 92. Dominican Sisters 39. CADI (Comitato Antirazzista Durban Italia) 93. Dominican Sisters in Committed Collaboration 40. Cambia la historia 94. Dominican Sisters International 41. Campaign2015+ International 95. Dominican Sisters of Bethany 42. Canadian Federation of Sisters of St. Joseph 96. Dominican Sisters of Blessed Imelda 43. CARE 97. Dominican Sisters of Eastern Australia and Solomon Islands 44. 98. Dominican Sisters of Hope 45. Caritas Sweden 99. Dominican Sisters of Houston, Texas USA 46. CBO COMUNITARIAS INC. 100. Dominican Sisters of San Rafael 47. CEFIR 101. Dominican Sisters of Springfield 48. CEFOREC International Network 102. Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena 49. Center for Migrant Advocacy Philippines 103. Dominican Sisters of Western Australia 50. Center for Migration Studies of New York 104. Dominican Sisters- Sparkill 51. Centre for the Study of Forced Migration 105. Dominicans 52. Centre Guide pour la Migration (CGTM) 106. Dominicans for Justice and Peace (Order Of Preachers)

Migration and Development Civil Society Network – December 2014 Civil Society Stockholm Agenda Signatories

107. Dutch Consortium Migrant Organizations (DCMO) 158. International Network of Alternative Financial Institutions 108. Ecodel pour le développement équitable (INAFI) 109. Edmund Rice International 159. International Presentation Association of the Sisters of the 110. El Amel Association For Social Development Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 111. Emmaüs International 160. International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological 112. ENERGIES 2050 Sciences 113. ERCMOVE 161. International Young Christian Workers 114. Ethnic Supplies 162. International Youth Association TIP 115. Fairwatch 163. Irmãs Dominicanas de Monteils 116. Federación de Clubes Zacatecanos de Santa Ana Ca. USA 164. Istituto Internazionale Maria Ausiliatrice (Iima) 117. Federación Zacatecana A.C. 165. Istituto Pace Sviluppo Innovazione Acli (IPSIA) 118. Fédération des Associations FrancoAfricaines par l’Appui 166. İzmir Balkan Göçmenleri Kültür ve Dayanışma Derneği économique 167. Justice Team of the Congregation of St. Joseph 119. Federation of Environmental and Ecological Diversity for 168. Kamerun4AfrikaClub e. V. Agricultural Revampment and Human Rights (FEEDAR & HR) 169. Kapo Seba Sangha KSS 120. Fedyc Inc. 170. Kathak Academy Bangladesh (KAB) 121. Femmes et Contributions au Développement (FECODEV) 171. KEJIBAUS 122. FIMM 172. Kenya Diaspora Alliance (KDA) 123. Finnish African Diaspora Platform for Development -FADP 173. Kongregacia sestier dominikanok bl. Imeldy 124. Finnish NGDO Platform to the EU, Kehys 174. Krokula 125. Finnish Refugee Council 175. La Brique 126. FOCSIV 176. La Federation des Associations de Migrants (FAM) L.D.H. 127. Fonds pour l’ avancement des droits humains des femmes Charleroi d’Afrique Francophone (FADHAF). 177. Lanka Migrant Rights & Development Syndicate 128. Forum des Organisations de Solidarité Internationale issue 178. Latin American Women Initiative For Develoment (LAWID) des Migrations (FORIM) 179. Le Collectif des Femmes Africaines du Hainaut 129. Forum Syd 180. Leadership Conference of Women Religious 130. France Libertes 181. Liberians United to Expose Hidden Weapons 131. Fraternite Solidarite Jeunesse Cote D’Ivoire 182. Loretto Community 132. Fundación BBVA Bancomer 183. Maailmankauppayhdistys Sikitiko ry 133. Fundación CEPAIM 184. Markets4Development Ltd. 134. FUNDACION ETNICA INTEGRAL 185. Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns 135. Fundación Scalabrini Chile 186. Maryknoll Sisters, CenterCerns 136. Georgian Diaspora Foundation 187. Maryknoll, ICR- Rome 137. Gray Panthers 188. Medimmigrant 138. Greek Forum of Refugees 189. Mekong Migration Network 139. Habagat Foundation 190. MIGRAF 140. Health Services Workers’ Union of TUC, Ghana 191. Migrant CARE 141. Healthnet TPO 192. Migrant Forum in Asia 142. Hellenic Platform Development 193. MIGRANTE AUSTRALIA 143. HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation 194. Migration and Sustainable Development Alliance 144. HIRDA 195. Migration Working Group 145. Hope Medical Enterprises 196. Mindanao Migrants Center for Empowering Actions, Inc. 146. Hsinchu Catholic Diocese Migrants & Immigrants Service 197. MISIONES SALESIANAS Center (HMISC) 198. Missionary Sisters of the Holy Spirit 147. Human Rights Journalists Association (HURJA), Nepal 199. Maison d’Oeuvres pour le Développement Economique et 148. INEDIM du Leadership pour la Côte d’Ivoire (MODELCI) 149. INHURED International 200. Multicultural Women’s Association MONIKA, Finland 150. Instituto Centroamericano de Estudios Sociales y Desarrollo 201. Mujeres United for Justice and Equality towards Responsive INCEDES and Empowered Society (MUJERES) 151. International Catholic Migration Commission 202. Mutuelle d’Epargne et de Crédit des Sénégalais de France 152. International Council of Psychologists 203. National Council of Women of USA 153. International Council of Women (ICW-CIF) 204. Nchekoua Business Consulting 154. International Detention Coalition 205. Network of Migration Research on Africa ( NOMRA) 155. International Federation of Business and Professional 206. NEXUS Solidarietà Internazionale Emilia Romagna Women 207. NGO Committee on Migration 156. International Federation of Settlements and Neighborhood 208. Nigerian Diaspora Youths Movement for Peace and Centers Development International Organization (NDYMPDIO)- 157. International Forum for the Rights of Black People Cameroon 209. Nigerians in Diaspora Organization

Migration and Development Civil Society Network – December 2014 Civil Society Stockholm Agenda Signatories

210. ONG Fawzi Wanadiaty 263. Sisters of St. Dominic 211. ONG Mouvement d’Action pour le Renouveau Social 264. Sisters of St. Dominic of Caldwell, NJ (MARS) 265. Sisters of St. Dominic of Tacoma 212. ONG Un Monde Avenir 266. Sisters of St. Dominic, Amityville, NY 213. Organisation pour une Citoyennete Universelle 267. Sisters of St. Joseph-Baden, PA 214. Pakistan Rural Workers Social Welfare Organization 268. Social Development Cooperative 215. Pax Romana 269. Society Development Institute, 216. PHALS 270. Society for Labour and Development 217. Philippine Migrants Rights Watch (PMRW) 271. Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries 218. Philippine Diaspora Network for Integration and 272. SOLIDAR Development Cooperation (PHILNETZ e.V.) 273. Solidarité Agissante pour le Developpement Familial [SADF] 219. Phuong Dong Magazine for Vietnamese Communities in EU 274. Somali National Association in Sweden 220. Plataforma Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, 275. Somalia International Rehabilitation Centre (SIRC) Democracia y Desarrollo (PIDHDD) 276. Soroptimist Club of Port Louis 221. Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented 277. South Asian Regional Trade Union Council (SARTUC) Migrants (PICUM) 278. Stichting SMHO 222. Plateforme Euromarocaine Migration Développement 279. Syndicate of Kadischa Citoyenneté Démocratie 280. Tamkeen Fields for Aid 223. PNCC 281. TCR Development Organization 224. Positive Runway 282. Terre des Hommes International Federation 225. POURAKHI, Nepal 283. The Hague Process on Refugees and Migration (THP) 226. Presentation Congregation Queensland 284. Tich Touch Ltd 227. Presentation Justice Network Ireland 285. TitanE Foundation 228. Presentation Sisters 286. TOFRES 229. Presentation Sisters, Western Australia 287. Together To Palestine 230. Presentation Sisters, Victoria, Australia 288. Tomorrow’s Women Development Organization 231. Presentation Sisters, Wagga Wagga Australia 289. Touiza Solidarité 232. Presentation Sisters, Zambia 290. Tour Operation et Initiatives Ecosoc 233. Presentation Sisters, Northern Province, Ireland 291. Transcode Programme 234. Presentation Sisters, San Francisco, California 292. Turkevi Research Centre 235. Psychology Coalition at the United Nations, New York 293. UN Committee to Stop Trafficking in Persons 236. Puntland Community ry 294. UNANIMA International 237. Racine Dominican Leadership Team 295. Union of Sisters of the Presentation of the B.V.M., US 238. Recherches et Documentation Juridiques Africaines asbl Province 239. Red Casas del Migrante Scalabrini 296. Verité 240. Red Jesuita con Migrantes República Dominicana 297. Vifi Deutsche e.V 241. Red Mexicana de Lideres y Organizaciones Migrantes 298. VIVAT International 242. RED-UK 299. WARBE Development Foundation 243. Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit, RMMRU 300. Women Lawyers without Frontiers 244. Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary 301. World Christian Life Community 245. Representative Council of Ghanaian Organisations in the 302. World Council of Churches Netherlands (RECOGIN) 303. World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations 246. Research and Development Centre, Nepal 304. World Organization for Early Chidhood Education (OMEP) 247. Research and Enterprise for Diaspora – UK (RED-UK) 305. World Vision Finland 248. Réseau de Compétences Solidaires 306. World Welfare Association 249. Réseau Marocain Transnational Migration & 307. Women Worldwide Advancing Freedom & Equality Développement (RMTMD) (WWAFE) 250. Salesian Missions 308. Youth Advocacy Nepal(YAN) 251. Samenwerkende Moslims Hulporganisaties (SMHO) 309. YSEA Foundation 252. Save the Climat 253. Scalabrini International Migration Network – SIMN 254. Service International d’Appui au Développement 255. Serviço Pastoral dos Migrantes – Goiania 256. Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Centre 257. Shelter of Migrants Gonzalez and Martínez 258. Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters 259. Sisters of Charity Federation 260. Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur 261. Sisters of St Dominic or Blauvelt, NY 262. Sisters of St Joseph

Migration and Development Civil Society Network – December 2014