ACP-EU COOPERATION AFTER 2020 The Advisory Council on International Affairs is an advisory body for the Dutch TOWARDS A NEW PARTNERSHIP? government and parliament. In particular its reports address the policy of the Minister of No. 93, March 2015 Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Defence and the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation. The Council will function as un umbrella body with committees responsible for human rights, peace and security, development cooperation and European integration. While retaining expert knowledge in these areas, the aim of the Council is to integrate the provision of advice. Its staff are: Pim de Keizer, Marja Kwast-van Duursen, Tiemo Oostenbrink, Paula Sastrowijoto and Jantinus Smallenbroek. ADVISORY COUNCIL ON INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS ADVISORY COUNCIL ON INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS P.O.BOX 20061, 2500 EB THE HAGUE, THE NETHERLANDS ADVIESRAAD INTERNATIONALE VRAAGSTUKKEN AIV TELEPHONE +31(0)70 348 5108/60 60 FAX +31(0)70 348 6256
[email protected] WWW.AIV-ADVICE.NL Members of the Advisory Council on International Affairs Chair Professor Jaap de Hoop Scheffer Vice-chair Professor Alfred van Staden Members Professor Joyeeta Gupta Professor Ernst Hirsch Ballin Dr Elly Plooij-van Gorsel Professor Mirjam van Reisen Lieutenant-General (ret.) Marcel Urlings Professor Joris Voorhoeve Executive Secretary Tiemo Oostenbrink P.O. Box 20061 2500 EB The Hague The Netherlands telephone + 31 70 348 5108/6060 fax + 31 70 348 6256
[email protected] Members of the Combined Committee on Reviewing the Cotonou