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The heC ster Standard 1857 The heC ster Standard

11-26-1857 The hesC ter Standard - November 26, 1857 J. Belton Mickle

George Pither

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Recommended Citation Mickle, J. Belton and Pither, George, "The heC ster Standard - November 26, 1857" (1857). The Chester Standard 1857. 48.

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THE CELESTIAL SUGAR SHOWER .INDIA. A CHAPTER ON FIRST THINGS. . LET HER KIP! I A young lady was asked recently ! K NCOS .XT Ell WIT I she cfauld possibly afford: in theso awfully ( IN NAPA. . The Indian mail had reached England The oldest book known to be extant, which Jobcrt L. O. Church. j hard times, to take musia 1 ^ThOrapa Reporter, a few weeks since, with dates from Calcutta to the 25th of Sep- has the name of the place where it was priri-1 One sunny afternoon last week. "O' j ' J dustry, Me., publishes th tember, and Bombay to the 3rd of October I thought I'd take a ride, ' said she "I coofioc myself to tho low no: pumisbcd an account of a fall of sugar in ted, together with the date of the ycar^rhetn j FINIS MUNDI. that locality from the heavens. The story The news is very important, Delhi, the it was executed, is a beautiful edition of the • And hired a nag which they callcd last, j «You aro writing my bilj on very rough ' While returning from the tj having called forth the doubts of a portion stronghold of the mutineers, having been as- I'm sure she was when ••tied," j paper,' said a client to his attorney. ' Moo-head Like, whore I ha-J two- Finis mu.ndi, in & horns, Psalms in Latin. It was is-ucd at Mentc by saulted and carried by the Europeans The My friend bill Spnggins drove the marc, I «N'ovcr mind,' said tho lawyer, «h has to • ing- and. when in the vicinity f-f. Fomioa frightened, et forlone, or the press, the Repo rter oT the 10th ult., Faust and Sehocffer in 1'457, just four bun- j further comments on the phenomenon, ss assault was commenced on the morning of While I laid on the whip, • bo filed before it comes into court. i co, which Iie% o Comets, ^ustcr, vcnio est, dred years ago The the 14th of September, the siege train having ' is that in the imperial library o! Vienna.— And shouted till I was quite hosrsc— Lake, heard a Kgo outibus cHtch the rest. j «Xo ACCOUNT FOR TASTE.'—A Yankee. previously reduced the bastions and curtain j Billy put that animated lemslo projecting Inkabus! More Crlati'al Sugar—Nothing seems It is printed in folio on vellum, and is a su- i who had just couio from Ploronce, being .ask- more improbable to one who judges, as the against which it* fire was directed, to crumb* power through—go'Iong— Let her rip! ncd that the noise \ as cansod .hr p perb specimen of printing. A second edi- j cd what he had seen and admired, and wheth- ^ ..„ Oinne* prud*ins will prepare, bling ruins. The attack was made in four j jnr Q (U wul v metaphy-iciafls say, a priori, than tho aim- tion of the work was iwucd in 1450, under ,nr c ,,,00 e wu, 11 v ng. UilfVl^' For itmis copia ct to spare. We stopped at Benscl's on the road, I cr he was not in rjptures with the Venus do • ^ '' < plest operations of nature. Accordingly, cilumns, of which one, composed of the! the patrouage of tho St. Albans and bone- Of courso wo had to "srailo," I M*dioi, replied, -Well, to .ell the Iriitb, I i I'-'U "j . .Dominus. sa^o a*, comets dun, Cash more contingent, was repulsed. The when tho other day, wo chroniclcd the col- dietino Monks, which contained, probably, And give the expeditious nag, I don't care about those stone gals.' j "h'ch '• d T*. If not, givsbus time to run. h lection of. crystals of sugar at Cl^ar Lake, others were successful. An cutrancc was cf- I the first printed text of the.Anathanasian , j but apparently with InkabusI A drink and rest the whilo, which seemed tc have fallon from tho clouds, lected at tho Ca>hfncro gato to the north of j | Some one says of a certain eongtcga- j at full speed. I pni •bout 1 creed. • . ... We "lagged," then calling for the mare, Bus turn comet, msgnutn tail, thocity.'.and an advanco was made ulong the | i tion, that they pray on their knees SundaVs, ; cred rods, wh:n in | wise-seres, here and elsewhere—nay, even Tho earliest printed book, containing text I tos«ed tiiu man a fip, Malum signum cannot fail, ramparts to the Cabul gato where ao obsti-1 j and on their neighbors th that race, ordinarily so full of faith, the corps and engravings, is cnlled tho Histories of; I jumped into the wagon and seizing tho Hmsshum, scrnnchum, 11 don t cart, mite but ineffectual resistance was made by j editorial—cocked their noses at different an- Joseph, Daniel, Judith, and Esther, printed; rein's, requested tho Ethiopian individual that j How many fijnd Ego flcabua off from here ! the mutineers. The next day the. British ' gles of unbelieving snpieney, as if a well at- by Joseph Pflstcr at Bamberg, in 1 !(•'- ~ It • held the. double distilled essence of lightning j housewives keep their pretty /aughtors Iukabui! tested /act w;»a of*iropo«ib'o existence, if be- is among the rarest tvp M^raphi.-al curiositta; in ^cmphatie tones, to— Let her rip! jprcserv-s for some extra ed tht*fpri!tion on the 10th, capturing with j KRO acio stickabus once,: yond the sphere of their personal observa- '•big bug" or other, unti had no K chap who drove a large bay nag, Ego crat largibus dunce, tion. Now.' we repeat that our statement* it 125 pieces of cinuoii. The official de*- | of it— Paris j This seems to us marvelouily lad it.I patched end at this p.iiu:, but intelligence, in j ) Seemed fluxion* for u "brush," KRO cubitus—time to run, were correct. Not only ao, but on Friday i the colleei which full was placed, had been re j po whipping up our own fast crab, j DIDN'T WANT TO MARK TROUBLE. Omaea exeunt ono hy one ! night, 11th instant, the celestia" snt^r Ma- The entire to: ceived to the effect th it after three more days ; I Wo went it with a rusfc. • —A Quakeress jealous of her husband, ' Jcjcabosl kers, having a special regard for our reputa- embellishment "* j energy of despai of figffting, the British troops on tho 20th 'Twas neck and neck a mile or more, I ed bis inovetnents. and one morning actually j |„ ,'h'i: tion for veracity, sent another 6howcr of the Gultenhurj; rolled i THE ST E A >fS!UP GREAT EASTERN. took entire possession of tho city. Tho loss When his horso made a trip; g .discovered tho truant liwing and hugging | s,mf. „ ramo sort in the samo neighborhood, which rated letters ui of the British in killed and wounded is Ma- W© glided by like lightning greased, j tho servant girl. Uruadbriui was not long covered the grounds or miles with sugar. Wo early as 1-123 he had printed with lines cut I I I elding on f it The editor of the Utica {Herald, who is ted at six hundred men, including fifty offi- For having hired the extraordinary animal, wo j discovering tho facc of bis wifo as aha peep- j j'^Vup' iiis liir'd ' :L-S" and with call it sugar, because it looks, feels and tastes in wood, but tfiis was only a small mechani- now ir. England, thus describes this levia- cers. The slaughter among the mutineers is considered, wc had a perfect right to get tho • «! 'nrouph 'he half open door, aud rising ! ^ kickcj mo twenty feet from liiuv, liko sugar, and .nothing else, and we know cal advance on what had been dono for many thao of the deep. lie says : i with all tho coolness of a general, thus ad- j j„„ ,,;, , |o,, i„|.', sl.rmi;i. llo di no better name for it Whether it is solidi- believed to have been great, but no estimate worth of our money, aud therefore— ll 0 ns "I ha*e seen the Great fcjastcrn. I as- is given. A large number escaped out of Let her rip! ! dressed her; 'Belay, thee had beftcr (jail I ^ncw the attack but made "•!. and fied honey-dew, the saccharine juice of the Thc lint engraving on wood, of which there sure you that no description can convey a tho city, among them the King of Dm hi and use a disturbance! sugar-pine, taken up, brought from afar and is any record in Kuropo. is that of thoanciciit We drove along without mishap, just idea of her gigantic magnitude. Stand- his twj sons disguised in women's clothes. dropped in crystals by some atmosplv •< Actions of Alexander." b/ tho two Cunios, At least a dozen miles j ing upon the b«ok of the Thames, high and The English cavalry had moved forward to hocus porus, or "the Icakings from some cclcs- executed iu the year 1285. ot 12HG. The dry, her immense bulk entirely visible, and Stopping now and then of course, j JttHD'S EYE VIEW OF NEW YORK tial refinery, wo Jo not prelend to say. Wo intercept and destroy the fugitives. In ...a light I the • inciden pretexting her broadside to the river, sfic rJ, r f r saw three small boxes of the article, and | " ' " General Wilson stated At list wc nn into a chap' ! seems more liko some monster of fairy tale ! 1,5 lc j The spicc between the millstone is mir- have one of them now before us A part-of; "« I""'" »'"» <° " «'»«'• btcreotype printing' introduced Who yavc us too much lip, than a living prosy product of h nc, r I rowing daily. The pr

.... €'££'&& '£ K 2i ^iKSAIS.

~ rKoci,\M \Tio v ... I wl" to the prejudice ef all that is ! Blod, C/liMUo/.t/fdl—We weinraded ? Wettwl. ?eP?*^ . , , . Our atloniion WM considerably occupied at the • near and dear in a republican government. It! —~r f tilo fore., who sr* evidently ailing u, tone. * Tto»tt»nprtn Terr.ton.l l.(Si.lnlarc» ®|e #|cster ^ e Agricultural Fair with he nchibitiou of the j bohoovea the peoplo therefore to look to thin stu-; • consumption, in 1 erry Co., Au.. on the Administrators' Sale. complish onr overthrow aiid detraction. For," -T an/. .. . Volcanic Kifle and Pistol. (Tliere same aHides i pendoualy importaot ma icr. nnd sea to it that *4'h inat., jA> rs K. REEDT, formerly of this" V authority of an order of salr from Jnmta r0 n McD.rniel. E-q.. Ord-narv for Cluster Dis. . the UsUWMtj.fU. hove treated <.15.. I . L^lwl ^V*" ? T" -.r J^r,h no •uchla!winipie<,ioii. ol their character shall Dia riot. in the 46th year of hia igc B |h were on exhibition at ihe lale Institute Fair, on j tnet, we shnll expose lo publVs^U-. on Wrdnas- dal, of I he government, from court.ble, and '»<^hluhodwi dictatorial pow.r,. ,b,! ,ror I, rik M the !l.t in.tant, in Ch.rl«ton. The Standard \ . "- . ," . On the 12th in,t„ In the 2lnd r«of her day, the 9th of Deceml>er u«xl. at the late r<-«i- denee of Jacob Stone, decease-', nrar Crocbrville, Corn.-Fo.lder, Mule*. Horse* H*i>s Coa t, Shee'p," THURSDAY. *0 V E X B EB 28 . 1 8 5 7. 2 Wajcons'l Bussy. 1 set of Ulaek*milb Tool*, Arm, cornpenv. alir.cK a cood J-.l ol . ] one ol the lint «howit.c, thai ehonlil be required j lloofehold and'Kitchen Furniture, Cotton Socd, irasf u Here are^.d the rolcnie re| tiBe.., of a candid.te for office, c^Jiwinciion, before = TRMPKRATCRE- Wheat, and other article^, of personal estate be- Weekly-Rtport of Ike Temperature of tke re loni-iiip to a«id deceased. \ in Chetter. tmken it Dr. J. 'A. AVALKKR*fl The,, volcnni, repeat.', po..." inanv ndvanU. I"'rh 10 l"" Br?} P.omt on Terma made koyvn on jday of tale. Elje gliirhrfs. M. A. C. STONE, squatter sovereignty, he has never s«» flatly re- Store, by Dr. 0. H. l«VMBKBT: fr. over oilier kind,. ThHill. .. ay be ch..Srd ?• "* ' •? P'ffn.enl, If he fa, a lo do thia, icction among hostile savage*, which h ld b .t. W. CARTER X: pudiated the supremo authority of the (Jenerol till, thirty b.lla a=d fired In th. of one " °" T '* ^ eaat eaide u unwor- ed tbcin in the boasteboaaiedd jabode abodess i>ti>t CChristianit y my 01 trust and confidence. Nor. 2C-48-2t Adm'ra, ' Government as these Lecompton Constitution -and civilixation. makers. . 'I heir proceedings pre without a par- The constitution pfourromm »n country guar- allel, and there is a precedent for iple."compact, and not ea»y duarraaged. I COTTON LAND F0R~SALEr antees unto us all that< we d« them in the ease of any oilier Territory of the [•eculiariiv is in the po«se**ion of a lube, which Tiir Winnsboro' Regitter publishes the pre- S!i- T OFFER for aale my plaetation eontaininir about run* parallel wilh sad fil»cl«Ae to the barrel, and Union, pa«t or present.. On tho contrary,-t'-- Saturday. sentment of the Grand Jury of that District, A a THOUSAND ACRES, situaled on Rocky Sundiy".. which ia a somewhat remarkable document. Creek. 12 inite« South of Chester C. H. and I Federal Convention, the organic law of Kt ed. IQ Uuh according tojthe spirit nnd meaning , Monday.. " Thirty of mil«s East of Blaekstock'e Depot, on Charlotte sas, all popular right*, and Territorial for We did not receive ihe Reenter containing it thereof, and fairly, impartially administered, it Rail Road, It i« one of the best and u ah investigating commit- issue, in exciting a general squabble among al° neighbor,, we are glad to hear it and are sorry comes to us with Ihe Salutatory ol Win. W. Wal- j ~ —— tee or c'htr person to baKent to inquire into and lie offered on the premi- parties irt the Territory upon the local questior that our mis information led us inti* 'he error of ker, Jr., who hai from Ihe out-,at ot ihe Ijjilit •®"Tho atlention of pcftmu ascertain the trujh, us is customary in such charging them wrongfully. The Democrat save or jurisdiction. It Is further supposed that thi> been editorially wilh it. V. like ihe K" '"i'VTi^i'T' '7/• ft!! —$1.00 fill. » sold, I will *ell a large recenev. through thin cl'iud ol sinoko and dust 11Kc ne,ly ,0 1,p We know those aspersions to be Dtlse, but that ihe X. C Dank* are as solvent as any in S. brother of! " * ! will push ofT lo Washington and attempt tfiat avails us nothing.! -Wo are condemned C. Well this is the very tiling we have been and hope , .... hurry through the admission of Kansas upon Improved Breed of Cattle, unheard, and forced to an issue withvan nrmcd trying to impress upon our patrons. We have i A POLITICAL ADDRESS the bsnis of their pn*lavery constitution, in ad IS hi, pep.r I cQ.Tho,. Dednff-nreid 'desires .lo» nllention | ** and Durham Also, mercenary tnob, which has been sent .ign'mft uV i .tVILL be delivered by Dr. S. W. Dotoim, nt vanreofthe meeting of the Territorial Legis uever, until last week, spoken a word deprecia- more regularly—also, we join' hi in the'hope ; to be paid to his adv.-rtisement, both now and t flock of Ht the instigation of anonymous letter writers, Rossrille. Academy, ou Friday, Jth of December % Iirtare. . tory of the C. Banks. On the contrary we that many years will roll away « bis Valedie- hereafter, and AS much as occasion IIVIV n-ipiirc. I CHOICE BREED OP SHEEP; ashamed to lather the baao, slanderous f.lec- | next/ The public are respectfully invited lo at- \Vo are glad to learn, ho vovcr. that Govt r have uniformly, up to the very prccat time, lory shall be pronounced. hoods which ihcy M»ve given to the public—of much larger than the common otoelt and hardy. nor Walker has been appealed to. to convene cr From the Carolina tend. " 4g corrupt ufBeiaia, whk have brought fblse accu- take.i their bills at par, in violation of the S. C. ALSO;—— extra session of the l.egislatureto meet this con- sations against us (dkerben themselves in tljpir statute which imposes a heavy-penalty for pass- t"MTRO ST AT EH HR NATO It- j O Pf f TYTin APP~ tingency; and, for the l/.ka of p^acp in Kansas, own im'umy, i nd ofihircling prjesis and howl, ing those of a less denomin iti-n than $5 But We liav MESSRS. EDITORS: Amongst the many esti- JN \JT V/JU JU • A^ARGE LOT OF HOGS, wc hope that the next news will be that an ex- of«i[icAcir-brc«l.. and mruiv oilier nrticlci Alio ing editors, who pro&iimptho iruth for filthy we have been preised lo the wall and forced to veyor General of this Slate, a pamphlet cirmlar 1 mab'e gentlemen \vho. degree j Consisting of Nov. 2f, 49 4t oscompels us to resort ti| the great first law of .. , , .* * . ... wiponor to tho>c presented by the gentleman , , - as tho admission ; of Kansas into the Union J®f""'rb,' Fairfield Ik-raid will psidish the *elfprcservation, and aland in our own dofen-e fine our«elf to facts within our knowledge and Kquity, the Clergy and the l»eop!e at large of ihe whnm wc now venlur0 ominentfy Tables, BUTGaUS. Stato is a tiling Which 'cannot be done a , " ''' weekly and forward bill to th« -a right guaranteed unto us by thegeiiiui ol experience.^ Tho X. C. Bank bills constitute Stale, under a caption of the following words: qualified lor it, Col. T. N. Hawkins. PTTATTIC ' by net «>f Congress, But. for llie sake of law about one third of the circulating currency of "Alarming Di»clo«ure»!—•Secret Proceedings ir. ! The up-countrv hits a right to demand that ' and order in the Ten itory. it is desirable that 1 k this District; to which we hnve no objection, the Senate of Sou ih Carolina.—The Victim of : tier citizens should have a -share of tho office*. HCiwKtf :ii-iing of aland still and tee tl oie ; fetters fur. fng around for good*; the Banks of this Siafo will not loi-eh WINES & BRANDY Toiled States troops, and if a milder process havecreat respect for the author of ibis ' Col. Dawkins is a high-t*qu'iM iun. III the mean- th1,1e0 Charlotte «t S. C. It. K. have refused fcred nt public out-cry to ihe I i^hest bidde OXVOK.VATV.-i ITT Kits. of omstilutjousl Uw fruin uiurjntion, tyiai •« ^ «• »!»•« rdUMJ to lulc, j sir. F"*, tli. .othor, llivi' i Sui.o, " stowal. Well therefore might tin tipper coun- Terms mnde known on opplieation. or on d: rfW^, we have no fears ol the rcsu't at Wash. Mcl.ANK'S IMI.I.S AXf VERM1FUGB. . and oppcestion. in |niyiiieitt of II It. fur,, ,*}« M il. I ''onest Kans 14 policy will command a majority. e no J Charleston and Columbia. It lequired only twe ••r 'kera* office this s'd •. of Charleston '1'IO.N KOli WOIOIS, Ac. ' ,V;2 . • •" ho"1 br,inrluVur(:,,yK-» which no fTci-m volumes to cntnpU-lo ttie irdcxing «f the Sccre United States,in the Territory of Utah, lorbid.'J l ' ^ ' * ' of • disorganixors can shako. We*hive ditcoiint Th. otl,.r .I«J oir.r.J a ,.il, j „mc„. „|,n. it r..|U-rcd;,.iKl,1 for tl.e S,.r. ALSO:—A liir^e K.t of First. All armed f»rces of every description | • MR. Eotrnrt:—It ia indeed truly gratifying | ior « pprehenM<>ns. therefore, that Kansas will 1 from coming inn iho Territory under any pre-! * I'* " ««"'• »ud no | veyor nn shall b< iiM >wcd t«» pass into, or iaiu'j pa*«ed upon by the Legislature, when Mr. F • are agitnthm. sectional diicord. and a Southern cv ry where as to ahow plainly to any h>m*'t there i* cf 2$opteniber A. D>. /inhti-en hundreJ nnd fit- r ibseriber would respectful y ( onal p;irty on their ih - Carolina Bank bill* or Nort viz: that great and fraudulent f.ivoritistn drunkonnesa still raging in onr community, anil , P ty-soveu, and of lha lnd tcd.Sta rs of America, the eighty.second. Carotin, B.inks, neither hns any other pi , -v : Brno if* M Voc so ' Mt is impossible lo lielieve that ihc>e Lecomp' scandalously de»lt wilh. If Mr. Frean bat b be done, b.-foro nobriety iu general will bo Mr. Titos ffehraffonn-id .Ml person* too proceedings aro a-dely thofriMfsol-n reck- iiruspapera coi ruling principle io the commun ity. ed are recpocifullv requr^icd to come I ••••A mass meeting of. the citlxcns of «\"ow' less determination of the m"iiiix5rxof the Con- plundered the Tre saury of a considerable amo \oung men, he cireful how you tamper wit Tcrk city, l oldon on Wednewlny, to nominate volition to secure the snoils and plunder, of the it is perhap« proper wo should reply of money, but it b}- no means follows t tat Mr a candidate f-r Mayor, lo-oppose Fernando new State, at all liax trds. Theyi ra. undoubt' I 'I"? ; individually, have no glimmer , Woutenani In the militate again»t the trade of Chester, i .1 v „ 'A, , ,i , i '>1.0 HYSON*, YOUNG IIVMC ern fire-eaters in this Kan«a< game for the suc- l/.ox notIvjvin the ,M,.KR|AU United State* Army, an"recently an enijtl.ujee grievous extent. Under present arrangement-, have ever heard.of who fell short of ample ren* (V)ix)Nc;. cession, aa Meatcn Convention has done its wor] pretty w net heard both parlies, and hence are not able ex^dition lo Northern -Mexico torn * years Much d(-pei>il.i upon t Soda. Ve picea. &c. &e. Tt cannot he ratifi*!; hut it may Mill accou «•!, and we pay ihe uof.h of ali the flour, arrive at a defluite conclusion ; but, according ago. IH UMAIi FLUID. plish its ends in woikinc «»nt the secession « ti enrly life vhet^i meal. Ae., that finds a lodgment lj»re. Th Ihe showing liemro us, we do say that Ihe §•* J A. WAI.KKR, l'reprictor . Jf. ••• 'The Bread rioter* in New Yorjc. it seem*, JAN. IIOIHNJON. . Uie fire-enters from th«* Adinin,*irntion nnd the hope to be able lo continue to do. And e ceeding* relative lo this matter are disgraceful [ you wilt be a drunkard or not. Tfien look b have not abated their demands. About'three enn'ervative Democracy. Very well. Oar the produce of ihe Good Old NmHi Slate does ihe history of South Carolina legi.-laiion. | fore you leap. Tlii* a Ivic-* is from your frien : thousand of tho unemployed pothered on ly fears are that there may he serious trouble in -Wednesday at tor noon, and were vid-nt in Kansns from this Lecoiupton regencv; for we find a nearer and better market than Chesl> I dear reader, therefore no offence ia intcudei FIREI FIRE! FIR NO CREDIT. their erics for work. A committee of tlvm hnve tio doubt that verj short wo'k will be nnde our people have good hopes of being able to semi I But look to your duties, to vour neighbor, youi ^rait pK^iti; whoi.p and hide fr i F't up for aa much us will suffice for temporary use*. We have Leen a«ked why do not „ ,tro,,«-! s.,f im,| , „.,r G„,|. |t ;iu.ri ,,ow „lue fin-Iii waited on tho Superintendent ol the Central »:u •• i heir f«-«,lii>|!S by oot asking credit. for Col. Jos, Cheanul for the Senate I To whic ' Park and madekrfown their want*, and tfmt otfi. Iu fine or. this point, if the N. C. trade does not good you may do, you can't possible do III »r will bi Kirictly enforced without any -ci'l immediately lold thegentlcai.-n oftlit* Com- Yv,k Jleial I. come lo nk wc cap go «o it, in n few hours. our answer is, because we doubt the"|>ropriely > than your duty. Bo not afraid of public opii M EACH AM i: ACiURS. mittee to go lo work at SI per day; hut they But' na to our neighbor's refraining from speak- IMitors and anonymous wri'ers vlahomiing ; - did not find it convenient o a:c*>pt his offer ,on in ••••A man by of F.dcar Finder, has ing again*! the South Carolina bills, wc have Ic •olijMt anJ trying t. farLtail'llw"j . —-' <***»«* "** l" """ "»*"""•" <*"" Temp' ® " Tlrcreforc, try lo aympathii | Tho crowd used no violence in their jnee'ing nncc forwarded to tho l.inden (Alni) Jtjfer*nnian. a reply lha', in our judgment he would do ihe peo the Legislature in the matter of this election.— , - lours'ruly , &e. A Fresh Supply of '••••Secretary Ca^ waaabout to alga * treaty pie of thi* State a service, if he would drive back Besides a few other nirmes have bJen sconces, canccra The remedy is cheap nnd with Nicaragua, relative to tho Tran«it Home. - ll'^Vi'n • WOODS HAIR RESTORATIVE, His signature haa' probaldy been nffixed to the eney ol obtaining and applying nnd cannot p«^V W„Si^Tlrrr«P.„d.n. ^ fl'"i^r ! ngac-d j llOZIXS- STICK POMATUM. document, as Mr N riisari lias > 6en received a« Mbly do any harm. It is nimply to bold a toad want'our bills at home and we should no fi^e, and wo would not bo treatim; their claims j furnishes some diplomatic pivalp which may be .! i t Miniwer of ihe Nieaiaguan Government. It i> frog, either dead or alivu, to fie alT-cted part with proper consideration if we were 'o indicale | of iuti>rc«t, as all such speculktinus and »urmi»»« j!,™ ".pair work and t„„.. WOODLAND CREAM. kupposed that the Administration will for tha space of on** hour, repeatingthe applies, keeping them lie e. We did riot iu our article, ou/preforences loo stronglv. Hence, we think ' "•>'-. that Hon. T. S. Fay. Minister to < J.T.j.»edi, or di.i,.di I i ever refu-«* to r»- BARlirS TllICOI'HKHOI.'S. .I. I J» n ii ,L . " n it J i>wil*erla«nl. ba* riopinl; t John 7. tion as oec i»ion requires. With six fr»g-« Mr. however, intend to-impeach the ultimate solven- ""I *«''»" " " •» "•*' «nld properly I* «. I M>„„ Mllli„,r lo Ff„lc, impcrfecifhn in-work I Ne I.VO.VS- KATHAIIip.V. Fluker wys be cured a very f.amfol cancer up- i.-ippoiul me for days. w«-»-k^ a cy of the N. a Banks, l.*at we might thereby oe- peeled of us when we expressed our prcferenc. on his no*\ ol fit years' utanding.'and now he* in your power to rrlo-ve t AT ilKKDV & WVI.IP.'S. r for Col.not very lonp ago. We can checr- j the wish; and that Hon. tJeorp- M. Iialla- eonsidere himself sound and well. a»ion lome of our readers to incni- los»fi« or I busiro*- * deperid UJKUI your '-"Ml ('I u.lcr Prun St'.r., . IVa lk- them, 'We believe the bills are as good as thoie fully .1.1. that tip to'llm tim. w« ,™n i'^rKnt'l«"d. »iii b,- r.iiimv.l H. I A NORTH CAROMKA MASBIIGI:.—A singa- ,r wil of our own State, except that our people have nolliing to cluing, (hat pr.f.r,nP». nnd >. .r. t|',™indnct°f !!i"'n?il.»i°<"• •'" "'' "' STOLEN lar marriage lately took place in Wilkes coitn- plpa.ed to ,« it ,Ut«d on po.«l ntilliorily that, official, at K, Origan., in permit! ; bouselesa, then no doubt > P,«-a-ly, j 1^1 ROM thi? 5iib«cnher. ^lOa'las C JI„ N.f., , v mnn ao,n not facilities for gettir.g the «peeie, or its eijuiv- Cartel, of! - ' ^ ^ Holloway "married his chances of elcctiou are comparatifely very ; Walker lo escape «vith hia company. j lol*l in.•?•*—, JP on Thura lay.'.!ith of Oc'ober, n Rocket r olent, for them, inasmuch as the banking institu- 44 hn» tfccnilv U-cu tng.6cJ iu invuiifc,.' J'j» «t«pnw,0«- -U«« «<-cond wifo, the wid w of I '»'-t; |{,M,k. couiainin^ Ihe I' ll<>u inp Nmea: tions from which they emanate are at distant he "ail-. , Ion. Miller ii Co.. for 824 C-4; one tinKilie efl«t ol WkfairiSg.hi. r.„A. 'f'Z' *•• n ! Unniirman. fctvuh Uelweeu '.'':th and 30th of the'Lagislatcre. They are better acquainted with . TOOK and .Hied di...rier. which <,KMI the j "P '"'""kccinng wah tlteen children, ter subserved, If the banking of ' «v reject the constitution—the * an ocean of crocks- ! l^ons are rdrewftned trading for these of the'Slate than we are, and il is lo bo hoped ' by balloi, an«l the votes lo be endor*> Wo further informs us that wbentheiseen a private letter from a most reliable time, N. (1 bills are very poor substitutes Icr i«li I dile tears You will please rnnember, w«- who j No'e". C. It. KKBN. mjxed with milk its nutrition proper-' source, confirming the intelligence of the ap- that thev will not misrepresent the people of i lution witb slavery," and *'C?nstiiuti out j live in Town liav* no Corn crii>, Store-houm- or? Nov. 19 47 ntf-^1.7S specie. ~Alrthis, therefore and howeVer, need South Carolina in this important matter. If tliey ' sUvety." It also provides for an clci afcrfMiiftrmenftoOfl' -* ***- *" ** " •- • • ihe ; poultry yard. Kvery mouthful we eal must I* I ~ not maw ua and our good neighbor geK at Km- do, they may .-est assured that we shall not be ( l»t Monday io January for S.ute ai.i J pm'j ior in cash. So countri man or wagoner is J • , , • Coffee nhd milk In a botile the last to lift up our voicr* against their aalion. ! ional tickets. 'A Lawrence corrcst>on< vSiance with each other. the tool enough to wail until I sell a carriage- But " well elected alock of i days before they began to In another oiac.-, we have said a few words ' Mi-souri Democrat , whilst milk and sugar were only touching incidentally on this subject, anl hrneo 1 will vote .at the l>ecember election ' CORPUS. aomelhibg to eat i-Wfld FALL Mi WIlTfH GOODS. three 'days. It la evident that ibe astringent DifrcovEBKD.—Considerable excitement has - - are not un.illlnj- to III. to Ih. ' - of ,.„!lim„ro Sm properties of the coffee, hinder the digestiun of been created in Pensacols, Fli, recently, by tke Ma. T. J. Bxix, says the Carolinian of Tuesday, ">'• t.h.1"!N'i ,op"thTIi!,™" iknoiTih^r^WHXi'iil| J°""i",1'1 rc'rfc""11-'i?*'!? ',hV"- end, at tke eamo time, ihe eafeine kidnapping negreos belonging lo the as brought up yesterday, on a writ of kalcat „ read thi. »o.W dun, .ill M,. Holit i.o,.lrjok I l" w»l •!'"» yu tliallrolli i, ,lrani«r tli.o liclion. : I.ADIKS DRESS GOODS, > tbimr «1M they eoii killingof James Allen, Sr. of Yorkville. -» ; the same manner as vegetable rlkalie<. p It liu I*cn urarcly qoritioiifd wh.llitr tha ( Ib.t Hi, .tuolioo, wliioli liar, bt.ii lari,l„J on If eoiivcni« lad tak. dmntr .t ray tlou,-. Jll/K, A\D COLORED SILKS. dicing most disastrous consequenc-s to the di- but all rtTnrU of the authorities to d Williams and Dawkins appeared forth* prisoner, ncr.-p.|.,r pm. I,not produclir. of; K.o,*bj: the K.piiblicu, will h. tr.urf.rr.dlo } "»''•«« ~.ap mad.of «s-.b, I. .nd dri.d , i-„. ... ' tect and arrest t be off«rid8, As ruanv aa three or four valuable slave* have J himselt and friends, and found that in a fev fused. \ the South Carolina Press have so far a« w« know, J " J long time— Dromlui—IM—I'*-! ! No dyspeptic j M^MSIXOKS A.Nb Bo>WAZ!Stfr ' been stolen from the sa'ame individual, within the except in a few isolated case^ been specifically) HTA Great Blearing lo the afflicted.—The ! snch a repast. Cl.O AKS'extra fine article- » / • beui-3 iho puleo was lowered Ironj 80 to W; i e"Zi fastening np» KW» ITKMS. exempted from prejudicial charges. Oneofthose numficr and formidable character of diaeasea of i Gentlemen, I do not expect you to sell your ; , , - ' « ' e'Mm was arre»te-l. exceptions have lately, found utterance in high j the Liver have long challenged ihe attention of 1 w',ol« eroPaecommodate me, but if ev-ry one f OUOZt, I andconfes€^d the whole affair, implicating some TIIK Steam-boat Ctlaract, burst'her boiler of m qu -rtera and ii hence perhaps is cot unbeeomiug j mrdica'. men. Some of these diseases, claaacd I J friends would sell at least part. | LADIE8 HEELED BOOTS, B te08 es the Mississippi River onHb^l7lo instant killing say a few words respecting it. ' j und? tjlB term of Consumption, have : fi" ^ I °° ' ?J« - Shanghai Boplf, ^ It haa been said that the Pr ^-entirely cured by a genttc course of tonics, and! dealing. 6 persons, and aealding 15 oth< of South'CarO'j beendiupp(r«ed incurable, and ihe unhappy pa- Heavy Negro Brogans, •iantj flowed wah. without mcdical acieoco to . | ,^ ' giving up the use ofeoffce. Do-«r,,T.-Th. ItieUmonl DUpaUh notice, j ' S-n"°r S»m"r- ,h« «"*.1 S" lUr 0UI in Gent's Rea'y Made Clothing, their duty in not eXf>osing the pickery and ifferjhim a hope of recovery. Happily ibis can I ..jn-houses a ;• $q*'itific Airirt case of singular d.pravity, in which a while Eng'and p^ltroonry, arrived>t Boston bey and corruption which has been ^errie-l , , - , - i' v gm-nousas are thI e fountains of the laud. From Qent's ShiwU, a well ass&rted no longer be the case. A rem-dy has been | Tittle rills great . .—•%.. u —ntmA •« -nr, off J 18th inst. from his Europwfp stock of H its, latest styles.. SHAPE. ( , I |HJ .....11...... I NMI„IW found which will cure all complaints, of what- j and as t{ie Nile with A heavy stock of Domes- a The Kansas pro-slavery Conitilutional Coo- j Lucy Hsrris. of Mrekisnberg county,"with whom ' ''V-' V, n. .« ic 1" vu 1^'"IZ'i ! \ en tion, in .the work which they have achieved, i 6usan had been living, and wbero a oriminal In. I H«nrJ ^ nd • P^ » d ous thing sometimes forr aa manman.. esrccesrecisllt y aa Kdi- PUla discovered bv Dr. Mc- i will drive sorrow, hard tic Dry Goods, such as 0 r Imve exceeded all eipecUllona and ill conjee- j limaoy had sprung up betwee^ her and John, j eseoited to bis residence! tor, lo hold bis pearc. IfI f ttherl e is an evil in the ! I-"" ! prc|*ared solely by Flaming dt Bros. Pitt*, otherwise happy land. . Blunkeia. Krr^*y,. Linwy. 0,ra tares. The prevailing opinion waa that this! *nd they agreed lo rnak* thsir eseapa lo a free.. Ous Coleman, who killed a mania Vijksborg laud, the Editor i« looke;edd tloo as the watchman on i burg. Pa. act directly on the Liver, and by j So«**l» «o do wit£ JforiXorth,rh u emb.rraa«a.nt, o,.r- ;* nrlielc UMISIIT kept in . Pr' IJoorention wouldfnmea pro^livery coj two .-o, entered a Mr. Hapwood'a store the tower, and. if he fail* t. , ( ...... - , ...v...0 .. ! trading or rxnanded er-dit. Ac. I. when oar gran, aill of which wv offer low for cu ihcrt -i ara fal'Itl l,o o,«i!lowin«|_^|. wil^h . ,l,pl. pr .ttoonnd harry it up to ConRrc.v in L-oU.III^ Uiuiuri, laints time to punctual customer#. jvkfc . potKjUr r.tiQti.tiim. Tin. yroc^lrng., "" .rr«Ud in bM * J 7 „faitJ h. j,. thing: wnereas, ir ne iinanismi^naesingaria po-« organ Oppo^te the Comwell Ho . bM>«Nr,b.kM «n .na«Mto> ins* m tin pro- Sm v™. H.«B. Onnao-A tew.; rJ«| „,j t,ud in.ITMil.llT to i»rrow . pi.iol. ,J which IIM W'i .'l.'ptcd ; lor this n.j, mat!, il. appMranc. in lh« Me- j V "thi* . gb.^«.«jj Wewof M^h^n * Agar, »c«iwlt>e> MpmM • then purchased a knife returned to the store. rally saved and tbstr wrll-bein* promoted. J f.ANE'8 CKI.EURATED YEMIKL'GE. waDufsa- Mrnuio „ - I territorul authoiitia ... I, .Onai.»U.,^b... no, y. un^o^i. | j ggff I DR. J. T albiw. wring liln»««. TbUi»»««pif*if wlri;h noboJjr oatilda of lion in (his esperimeni, put whip I " j°i *! al any Cairlor solemnity of eonouaaocai th« Mlcttl •fiEaHon, uf Ibi, Contention oould and Irisd to outruo the steam eait_^..,...... QbtUri i __ _ r Lr.^iJNG UUOB-uvt.. ; ^ FrieodarrieoCa,, II havnavee no001: SMa^iJu aa »orwordn about tr.o^r. laUer left ihe coaeb ao tar bahlnd. that the omni- ; f»| Uf. • j naV0B ol lT^aty ,u*. earn•,., 1 , , haT«uUdp*led. Ilia,in bet. • rtralulionarr r l»>l Ithsamail'ta. Dssfaess, NMra'fta*! *vt mc}\ or IU «luir*Ua l 10 PrB • dri.,r IttgM « bj tb. wwm. | .^ ,„ „„ c . , f." « I -V : W|1 r.. ... , h u /( A U)r 0 rl iro OD tJnd fn ti paopie that Ml5 Joiats and other Comrjalote to ^- ^resd 1 must ba»e for I am hu. •a all satrieeta have lost thetr teraora. ' •bo are basklug in ibe sonshine of p! ' .ftrrfiEM in iun, ow^u «*». tlian aiij of tho i , ^ ^ pro, . vf eixtr poondc Th. • f l a W|lh Qr •ng th. IOM rf 100 li»e* j jhjt Cbj-erta^gJ BSCS | - C„phM« through vluch Ihoy h»'«i iar.nlori, John fi. U.U,of JUncWur. . Tlire.»U o««rr.d on th.Ohh A Balb. UoO IDtbl, rcpeot.. ButwaMsnMarunucb MJnu.I..rimt .f tin. tU with .irillu Wlow-eiiiwo,f«lr "— ' • 1 iy be proiassinn Uiy consulted.' ,ik.t h,balgu of thuafora-j ... -nf ^^.oog. Ad^ni^r «j,-\T. «»" on th, «»ih in,t.. by -bleb U,™ for wm. of IIM Diatnci. of tho It be.i eip*"M- li MO b» bid.r it., .j(.ui, h.r,. e., .J,DoL nUL l do Irnu in hnngsr nr« Wrdajs, a«d at keek'Hill, Tedt , bMe dccaaJ: - * ]TMWrd.r. Ih. 11th in,L, 400 lltu ,.r. IM. A, Nr. E»l,r .u iaUilk.t«l eoine.laiiHul.ntthrr^Or.lUtDublitttlMilion 1 ""lnwll, MMI.IIIIM. " - °° 1 a bona andi i at tb. .(.oiblwinn bonMof IM U,. M ^ hloi .nd br.ak hi, be drtwo to thU milter, ejae n i»,». not long j I'M f h»„ uk+f. ^iall it b. ii,«i| to me I I until tbi Prio.y fallow h«ioe, wlioen r«nev of one*)ipl>na 111*!, will be ( . MAHHIBO. ! h.r.kno.k»l.,b«ll il b. op»rf».U> m.l Th. , U. i, now in M-~.l.n"o[th,«iui* n^riA. ' alrull :.a Mr. Burn. (prp^.b|r oo;r.l.'Ur. of th. sequeMqnriwUl willl tell.U|l. ' 6«ilibg6«iliog,wi«: witbk my flag aO^b.lf-jft half-; an' d instraetlooa, for mounting Teeth - on -th- a p»etBa>i»)«u killed by .Unit si wnbeatinf • , the last allowance out, I sahMriba,myself,rCHEOPLAaTIC PROC1SS. wbieh is'cdnsideeea' [ by Dantists who have tried It, to be tbe perCsetic*. eilSfEl 1 THIS ICE SOU*2 WJITJER NEW GOODS. ffSHE subscribers arc now recdsjog" a. largo-.-. iQrCnpt. JOHN W. CARTER ia announced us a PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE. X atock of PALb AND W.NTEU. . McAliley ant! J Candidate for Major, tofill tbo vatoocj occasioo- rsd by inutusl cunrvnt HOLS' PATElf"'ICTIC" COOLEB, GOODS, consisting of Foreico and Domestic . ed by the resignation of Major J. W. Wilka.' r BASTL. MeALILEY*. J. A. WALKER, M. D. r>lllS*uperidrand rofrcshmjr article of highlj Dry Goods, a very large Stock ot men's and boy'i ' 10 «« tl .J.J. MeliPRB. 16?* W* haw been requested to anno once J_ flavored tce-Cold Sod, Water, mannlaa- J. II. H. CULP M a Candidate for Sheriff of larod by REEDY & WYUE, cmlnrntly dc- Heady-Made Clothing. Chctcr District lie generally, tbat, hie B.TVCS tho name of " Arctic." Syrupa 'of al- Boots and Shoes, Ladie*' White Kid Gaiters and . ' • RUNAWAY Slippers. Hat?, Caps and Bonnets ot the latest IQUWe ore authorised to announce JOSEPH fair one—"Lire and let livo," or. in other words, most every totieiy and .flavor, kept constantly Tlios.I)'(«ralli'iirci(l stjle*. PICKETT as a candidate for tbo oftico of Tax that bis Stock of Drugs and Chemicals, Faacy 00 hand. Articles, Ac., have been, and will be, offered at: HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, . . ... „ i marksof anynotablechar- Collector, of Chester District. r f^ prices—as low as they can be purchased io- Soda Water, 5 Cents Per Glass, AVING purchased the entire stock of good's of A. II. DA VEGA, would respectfully inlonn Crockery and Glass-War#, Sadlery..&c. acter. Said girl was purchased by pie o( the H. C&* The friends of JOHN MCKKJE, Jun*rn anr A very large siock of fine and common Bfankets. tste of Jcrainiah Lee, late of Chester District, no»nce him ns a Candidate for a seat ic thej^-fl, At tho old aland of the public tlint he intends selVng entirely foe i assortment of Fresh H Our goods have' becu bought in. New York*. - dte'd. House of Representatives of (he State IeCgiaHu and c Jnly 3« ' REEDY fc WYLIR- - . Any information respecting aaid Xegro, or any tore. - entirely for Cath, at b und t» per cent less than •sting in part of they could be bad on usual terms and they can *r® authorised to announce Dr. 8. W. DOUGLASS o« a Candidate for a scat in the PERFUMERY. Fffliosllm. bo uold proportionally low. Feeling sau*6*d "•ad aaitably rewarded. that we can und will sell our goods as low as House of Representative*, of South Carolina, from Cologne Water, Toilet Soap*.. ITllATK MAGM'.SIA, and TAR. L tl. FOOTE. Cheater District. , Sept. 17 •Honey Water, RANTS EFFERVESCING APERI- And will MII good, at lesit TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT LESS tlinn any ere Jit house. any house in the ^ip-country. We solicit the 4G tf Shaving Soaps, C AMEll Ordinary. Marble l'oott others is called. -This i« the fincat'Virginia to- 'W' Domcatic and Culinary purposes. '• Ointment, | Holloway's " HOT. 9 46 __ Sin bacco found in any market. Tho name quali Durkccs Baking 1'orc- j Cure * Gelatine. Dr. ROGER'S LIVERWORT. TAR and Can- Uea at retail. J. A. WALKER. House-kei ping Articles. der's. Gelatine. STRAYED Delmonico t Baking | PearI Sago, cbalagua, for Colds. Consumption. Ir'c. TEAS. yp, Pointer*. Pearl Varley. Philotoken. or Female's ftiendi. Gunpowder, * I Old Hye6u; 'Super Carbonate Svla Tapioca. / lfo*tingyt Compound Syrup' Naptha, ' JlCr.K, wilh tbe following mark# .upon him—a 1800 Acres of Land Young Hyson, * . Imperial, (l<4Mt .* Buckhrad, Fairfield liist. . on a credit of one and two yeara.^ An curly dcrs. the same has ever been disposed of in this market. # JTea,'Table, Sugar, Preserve. Sauce, Salt, ' app icatinn must fce made to'insure tbo Jicst se- Spices, FlavoringExtraots & Essences Lubin'a Hose Soup . Please don't mistakc.thc place, on the corner, in the Shannon ilotol building, nexl South of and .Mustard HU>OIIS. Butter k Pickle Knives,- Nutmegs, 1 HE PRKSSUKE OF WE TIMES. lection. Col. S. N. Ktowe, at Yorkvslle, who •7"; Fi0k0y a Monster Mai. Kennedy's Hous^. which will l;e/9vld M ChivHcfoo prices, fop' • In consequence of the hard times,-( will has n pint of the land, will give any iiiforma-} Cayeno Pepper, SllftvicRf Brushes, T r*n Scan; eg). Remember, " QUJCK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS" is the motto cash. . \ M)1 good* at unusually low prieks to any aijtl tion, or t'.c romc ir.ny IJC obtained by nddrcre-1 G CInr.Abion, ToikiBh;Towcli, pCl ilnrrisou's Shaving ve»tr lar«e \arieiy of Lady's and Misses' om| Children's Shoes. WANTED500 o* of Old Silver in ezchsngo every one who insv with to buy, jrithout anv re- W ihe Missiseippl, I^mWnna, Tejaa, Ar- ICssenee of Allspice, 53 sorSonp, I of the above articles for common and planta* • son. Ordinary, ex ojjit o, for Chester IMs- knnAia. • r the West, thia Blink isprennrcd to 8c, and the same may bo found on salo at W. H. GILL. B BLANKFTIS, Ktrveys, noincipun*, Jtc. ! English, French and German —TO—— furiiirh rhecka on New Orlcnna, for NqjCa of TOBACCO AND CIGARS. their Grocery and Provision Store. 'Also, Ladie* and Gm:« SI'k Chaalniivre and M«ri- 1 COLOGNE, no under Vein and Shirt*. j nny «.f th.» Hanka of So. Co.. or Augusta or Sn- A full assortment of the finest quality and rai 7:t! J. A. ESTES & Co. -„OKXTS Merifi* Drawers and S-xjls, innu ih, fieor^ifti For. Painter's use. &c., White I^ad, Merchants Physicians. E •i h«ro reCftived^lVE HUNDREI :•>*LAXNELS. ,.f rv«ry variety, ' | 43 Gt JOHN' A r.RADLLY. Ciwirr. Blake's Paint, Pnris and Chrome Green, NEWTANNING PROCESS. DRED OUN. • * Figured Velv««u at exiieme Iw 'prices. . j —^ Chrome Yellow.- Linseed Oil, Spts. Tur- rPHE Subscribers ha* the right of the Hi !W «CESQIinCINE , on Consignment 'life OILS m COLORS. prepared to sell very low lor Cash, Hogs, Arc. Blacksmith Tool*. One Wagon, . ALBUMS! . ALUUMSI.'. C—^ pentinc, Copal. Conch and furniture J- Otis B. Waitlo'sPatent Fanning Procc untry Store-keepers and Physieisns would do Buggy and Harness, Fsrtning Tools, HouM-hold • '3&mory% L»a*'«, OiFrring, l0a«ket of Me. ;• A Change of Business, Varnislie>, Window Glass Putty, Paint entirely new mode—by which one half, at lent, 'maatoe. Album »f Gain*. TuMetof Frinid«hi|>.Ae , ) njSjIE auh*criiie.; returns his thnnka to the of tho ordinary time nvpilrcd (orTaunlog Lcath ell to lay iu /their Supplies. Call ht tfie Chefter andTvilChcn Furnltnlv, Cooking Utonsils, cue;.; H-^ and Putty Knives, Paint nnd Yarnisn Dmg Store of Piano Forte. A valuable Libiary of Hooks. u>getb*r wi'ib lowli-*' .Note "I'/IJUT, Env^Joj.f.. 1 L mniiy kind |.ition>ofthe firm for past fa- or may be saved, vriib a saving in the weight of Branhes. Sash Tools, &c. *' lIuz!'"'*±f REEDY «t WYLIE. • Dc:ls and ^ '•'*. p.»rif»lioi, Writing Pa(»#r, liminh"# Knveh>pf», | VOM, and s'ill desires to have a continuance of from t wo to four lbs. per hide and without the CAMPHENE A ND BURNING leastd.ctrioration to ihe'quality of the Leather. Af.S<). vp^i :» ot 20 Likely Negroes,mostly I now baiiif* sold at re iuc-d or FINE HOUSE AND LOT. FLD;D. „ The carni-it attention of runners i« called to the r yoiin^ nnd of good families As the tale wiil TIIOMA Spirits) Turpentine. pilAT commodiout'aad valuable Hou«» w A Superior Ix>t of Uio Hondo an«i other matter. They cx|>ecl to canvass the State dt an be pctitlve. such an opportunity atildota occurs early day for the purpo»e of disposinc of individ- nn«i Lot in K«t Chester, lately ownedfij^ • iif tlirm. and having bought his good* Camphene and Burning Fluid. V^GIGARS, with lino.'quality TOBACCO, lor purchasing such desirable property ual and District rights. J. A. E*\TES A Co. by James I'airan, Esq., is offered for s«l»j "oniiliilS. maker- and rcfiilar importer!, cno very Hrj always on hand. Sale will commence at 10 o'ch ck. A. M. . Chester, 8. C. April 2 14*' tf Term* made known on diy of aile and due ift- 'f i.wclluffird to M'II nt low prices: so there will IHJ ALSO: mi difficulti! y iihiitinlmut pu'ceru iri-H—Ta o all hen nn invu tendance given by P3 GUEKN AM) BLACK TEAS, " Leather, Leather. | JOSEPH A. WYUF.) Ar-{ ELECTION rpHE subscribers uro now racing and drc May WW T.J. DP: ; j. riuiu'ident of tlie P«KIT will he bold Of the fittest Importation. JL sing olT large quuniitiea of upper, solo ,AS McD ,Fx : -vz\J'.to r ll"'i«e. on tbe JSth day of No- 'FALLjAND WINTER GOODS, The public msy rely u'M»n all Preparations and harness leather. Ht the Tannery in Ches- All application mint be handed in Of rvery varicVy, is now on exhibition at tbofc r .UXT Ml USIIHS, •( W. I; Dun> tljry will reCrivv^mMnpt ntti ntion. Caulophvlliic REEDY & WYUE lie has ju»t ratu.ncd from Kentucky with i j. C. TJpford A John DavU. ( Mort^gfc ^ Up; in York I»i(iriet, »n -TUESDAY iiii.l' Very rcst'cctfully. War lick's Patent Plow. one Ol the hnest and moKt fancy and complete I TJY ordci-of the Court of Equity In tbls cMf,* W PodophvllinX AYE received a new supply of the following - WKi»Xi:si>A Y. IVt and 2 I .lay- of DECEMBER TIIOS AlcCl'LIrt'. 42-tf Macrotriu,' Jlyricinc. )• n Patent Medicine;,' vix: stocks ot Ho ses nnd Mule* evfir seen In thin j lJ the Commissioner in Equity will expose next, thr pr..;«ny ^ni^ed by W. B. Dutiljp f.,r Ilot"Drop, c this- methml of informing market, among whioh are a uumlwr of ,\o. .1,) nubile sale, at Chester Coufi IIuu»«, on the 6r»t';. * t!i# l.-iiftit of l^i* creditors.': S.ii-1 i>r.»p»rtr eon- ,1 • S.irs.ipmilln. the Farmers of Cliestor'& York' Saddle and Harness borsee—-»ome of the latter j M«-ndAv in Deeeiubtr nextT A-Tract of food be->; Batcman's Drops, British,Oil, ^ ^ Extrsci of Buchu.' . ai.ta of TWO TRAITIS OF LAND, wo have this day entered into being in paii* or matches. Those who want to lougiog io John tX Lipfurdj conuinlng ' mrnwm NEW. Pnlliv'a Curiuiniiiire. DallfyV^din Kxtrae'to! * • Fourteen Negioes, I A DIES nnd Centlenicn.—The wubecrihers Detjralb's Klcctrie Oil. Co-partnership fot tho innnufacturc and sale of see, purchase or swap f.,r someUiing inexcelli- OKft A nb po Warlick's Patent Ploughs in tho above Districts bio should not fail to call early. <50U ^f .V.' jht 11 nrtWT^'wSAfule», -Waff»ns, <.'rirri«jn. 1J take tills mctliod of informing you '.that osop r ,n ,l,e rt&y Iwve puriiliisotl the entire stock ot Goods Venetian Liniment, Wistnr's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Any persons desiring the Vlough or Itibs. can His lots and stalls arc ample, neatly nnane-1 * °. Di«Wet «nd. JiUU,' cd and fined up for the accoiuoduiion of dri vers 1 afo,rr,*n,<'. *y*nfC **["* °f Ssndv Kivsr, *and \-aumt other ariiclss. On* of'*iid trseis U belonging to the l:U0 A. (*. Payin. cfee'd.. and Pm'n Killer. Hastings Syrup of Xapthn. be supplied by cither of the subscribers. Mri a,lJ , Ur cJ aituatcd on Six MdA-C-erk and Catawba River, Huollnnd'* Bitters, Spurrier is no longer an aoent for tho parlies. and travellers. ! ^ "' hy lands of John llavi#. Ewj.. the hard open* 4 tlicf;imc for thc old Stmd, Wright's (jdls. % I McLnne's Pills. idow Atkinson, Jsmss A. K»te«, Adam T. Wal»; , aMd'S>*nUii>« b«-twt^n NINE HUNDRED a. d II\II,\ ti vvRcitknv •J d Pilk Ayir's Pi'Js. HATKS OF FEEDING. Dennis Dallis. . strong's Sanative Pills. | Strong's Stomach Pills. One Thousand Acres. have formal a;,Co nartnersnip, nnd arc carry- > Delphi. <>n and after the first of October, the rates of •. A'»«i inoihiflrjibt of -land beloa^iog to Jr>l»a'- ins «*n the im*refit'ile bu-iu<-M under the firm of | McMuiinV Klix. Upiuii feeding will be clmngod to tiro following: C. IJpford adjoining the tract above described.*.' Tt is will iinpinved. ind eonialn* »on«» ot;ih Moffntt's Pilk Single Feed 25 cts containing 7 ' '' ' ' 'eholaest faiming lands In t|te Diauivt'.-' The Up Jsync's Vermifuge. j Mcl.ane's Vermifuge. Townsend-' Horse, por day 75 eta' . glands are well imle-l to the 'culture nf i*olt«n, and It. M. POAG- & CO. Chnpmku's Vermifuge, j . Perry's Dead Shot. Hardware, Cutlery, &c. - 148 ACRES, •ths Boitem* cannot be sbrpaia^d.iri (he pr»duc- Wa expect to keep n full nnd generul assort- (hnjtotr * Yelfotc I fort nnd Sitmipcrilla. " jlSurdolt's Worm Sugar Drops. Morse, per Monih Mcljine's Vcrnifuge, | Strongs Pills. b v 1 J ^y.tioo of.Oorn. The "ether tract fsaituated <>u Fub- ...n,t -r I.MIIKS' DJiKSS (JtHllis. jKr. «fce.,.«te, CARPENTER'^TOOLS, of all Kinds, A largo lot fll Com, Fodder. Oat. .nd Hay I ft"?*" - ," ' !'!" '", ! . Dead Shot, Brnndreth's Pills. wanted, for which the -market p.ico. will be j •J'ff"'<"^M|..trlrt.'.,,i.h. w,4ow. Emb oiderefl Swiss & Jaconet Muslins, McLaimV Pills. farter's Spanish Mixture. BLACKSMITH TOOLS. ^"o'ACRES. Lulie* Km'ireldered f'olbira, Unde»lco*#i, Krey's Yoriuilu^e, Wright's I'ills. Osgood's India Chologogue. f 1/4 uVrilPtVC The CommiHioiitr wlH'expwrto patille It i« tolerably wall improved and fertile— • HDKfS. ^0., &C. June"' American ' .do. FARMING UTENSILS. . - HhU S. j ,|,e Mme p]ac« and Uine, a trn«"t ot land belpf ' llhotlvs' Fever and Ague Cure. ^ ^ ___ _2'' li_ to John Davjs, Esq., containing * being tuit-d to the production ai well Af l.'oiton, flKNT-S HATS, WATS, VKSTS ft PANTS, lbornVKxtmct, * C«rn and other graiux A»o«ng»t tbe N eg roe* Hunter's Specific, CABINET MAKERS' TOOLS. 134 f>die.s nn«l Cent's Boots. Shoes, Gauntlets. NEW STOCK. M ' ACRES, GIX)YES, and also a full and well eelcrtclot of &C., Ac., &C. TANNERS' & SHOE MAKERS' TOOLS BLACKSMITH. Whitehead's Ks'cuec of Mustard. TIST rcccive.1,nt the Planter". EmpoHprn, j Ri,«£ ti n bcauiif.ll o'iortmcnl t,f Croceno?. 1 j „ ,\ , . * TERMS OF 8ALF. FOR T11F. LAXE^. - A HARDWARE, Mnris'i Kssence of Gincer. HOUSE] TRIMMING HARDWARE. Won H N r b lanJ of a. 18 uanallj kept tn that line gfbU.inM.. also, j „,, „„ „„ K.., y i„„|, , , ' of. on< two and t'.r« )>y*. with intjr-.i • Brown'# Ksncnce of (iingcr. K b l)cnSi Crockery-Ware, Medicines, Burn- CARRIAGE AND BOGGV Materials. Hollow-wnre. such n« Pota. Ovens llakrrs, Mtil- ! i|,« souih by lands Of Win, Hardeo • saU4 pavabfe annuaUV—tbe puruhat- i)iA nana:A KILLER. \J rou .wi'th two good auraties and j« ing Fluid, Fluid Lamps, PHYSICIANS PAINT MILLS. lets. I Palmetto Cooking Stove. FarnlcKs Boil ; iMrby. and ou tbe by boda of John \ mortgagwof tbe premise*. ^ Will find n full, fresh,genuine, nnd carefully i Jacob's Cordial. ers (or cooking led for stock, dc. Straw Cut- | bm-onX -V. SK\TN YOUNG AND LIICELY. N&CROft> TOBACCO, 'cetcd Stock of ' tors, Corn .Shellrrs, Hominy Mills, to giind ; And she, another Jfaet of land belongihg to ' will be sold for cash; the balance of the Nccroe* VINEGAR, LEATHER »>d a uwr of either Meal or Hominy, Axes, HaU-hets, Ham- . tlie said'John DsvK Esq.. situated in the Di^tri«.Cj 'and the other personal pioperty will be sold-on other articles to tedious to mention. '6 A W 8 , mcrs. Trace Chains, Spades und Shovels, Fire-, »n«l afore-aid. coninining : a credit of twelva inontbs. with interest from the Our buftinim will be continued on tho CASH 1HH OF THE BEST Qt'AI.lTY. Dog^ Shovels and Tongs, tec. AI«o, a quanti- i 143' ACRESi . • day of aals—purchaser to gi ve note with two good SYSTK31, and by that m «de of business we Also: - SURQICAL-f&OKET OASES. CAST STEEL FILES-Best Quality, ly of'Hemlock Leather, with > variety of other | boooded bv l.nd. of Ileaj.mln (J.rUr. wfc, are enabled to buy our goods very low, nnd will PursiojASS i-oajtEriusKs^u VIM A ' -ON HAND- .nicies very u-cfol to I'lantern and f.mili.n, ' I cm by the above docribed nd hy M \The eale will be i>oslt!ve. and those concerned. sell' accordingly! Wo therefore extend an in- (»IHM, Metal, audXiutUM'ercha SyrinirfM. CUT AND WR0DGHT NAILS-Of Su- which will ho ditpwed oMow for CASH. .'Call { Tile Slid four tr«ct. of land will b. /old tol. .: lioo, had better attend. vitation to both our friend* and the patrons o! nUKNING FLUID. on the Nubscriber, on Gadsden street. ; Foreclose Mortgage*given to tbs Complaisant0{kV ii:HJ MASSEY, AiifvHtt. THUMB AND SPBfliNG LA^cKTS. the late A. (?. Pagan to give us a call and ex- perior Quality. •®"Cotton purchased at tbejume placo the above easa. • , I'y v,. . . D. Q, RODDY. Scarifieators, I 1 Cupping Glasses, ! CAJU'IIEXK. amine our Stock and prices. Trusses, j \ Tooth Instruincnts. 1 UNSEED OH., 38. tf n/MORRlSO.V | Term* of Sale—Cash sufficient to pay tbe easts. Aptnt of tht Creditors. KNIFE CLEANERS AND APPLE ; r--;—— — j .of these proceedings to b* paid down. Tlis bsl-': Ker. 5 48 4t I * • R. M. POAG, SPOXQESMc^ Ac. r TURPENTINE. 444f 'S. W. MOBLE V. With every arlicta reqnlrcll by Southern Pruc- '. PEELERS—Something New. J^OTICE TO 'PLANTERS. - The | /j». ?»»'!«• *»•!• rool luid Havre, i ^SMBs °" quality, for sale at the loweat pog- the United Slates Dispcmniory. ney st the Um® it is due, tb» Isud so boughtv t'-jaS*"', . •' A TRACT 0P LAND on hand a large supply of Cold i NEW GOODS if planters wish it'j if pr«tcrrerjtn»fore the Court h«« door, m shortest, as it bad been sheared close to the skin Acetate. Muriate and Sulphate Alorphino. Onr Stcck of j J; patronage heretofore extended to them, X nn band autUblelor the«t-tr*io, ilhlcli tliry ' •>' '-he.'cr,- the following property,! loads are choice for ia Aaj/nst la.L The 'negro w«* purchased of A good supply of English, French and Ameri- / / fc s FARMING PURPOSES, Daniel Hoffman, of Dallas. C., and has a broth- can Sulphate Quinine. fp-ff , 8 S' ?' Si a i would most respectfully return their •inccre intend wiling .( t< price .tiited to tlie hard , A Uv c.„ ono Acre and Two Store -- , er at Edward McKeowns. of this District, a/id be I. '* fi-l JVV ; , » V Wi IJJ i iji'm 1 thanks for past favors and solicit a continuance time. Their faciih!«.for doing btniUM are ! "J"'" «me. twanded bv.Uni.ol5.: HOME TllACT.' cootainiog about KISE may try to stay hi that scction, or ba msy endea- Physicians' Prescriptions PifBSCi'T ! of the name. They have and are now rscciv- such that they can .ell g60d...n credit map-' *• '» Bnchawln. Mr. M. Wood., tfr.wley & , ^SDRED ACRES, ia w«U impro'cl. AmonRit ' Is large and very handsome, consisting ol eve^y. hoice and superior hit of proved ratomer., .t the l«e.t nwfkei, ' '• FAMILY HEbRIPTS, f i'^S^T/'xEOR^^^katalth, and inaay joorg M. C. I will pit* th# above reward ol >80 for | thing desirable by thosc^f the moet refined .nd wait on tliem a rr;iion»M« ti It- for the i-y f « > • K MWfc «•' «f "'^dl.w, W.U.V.v.-i t'elivsiy ct said negro to me, or in any Jail so T3TACCURATELY lllSI'JiXSED.Jti fc July • *8 tf Family Groceries, ment of tbe mme. They win >IM .rll Good. • JJ, !l" - v that I can get bim. 1 will also give fifty dollar* at price, to .uit Cub Ur- , Sl" cHAIreB. Mar, , lei )tio«! to eoavietioa of any white peisoa for —.—-—r ——• Gent's Fine Cassime'rsj I embracing aii«ch^k. a. .re oioally to be« may be «p«t«l a. thoy l..SO.V....* i scrption. ANTEDr-OSB HUNDRED LIKE. "\W.i.Y VOL'SC FIELD tfE'lRIIES from ! d^r. and other.. F- A- Sitgreari ' ^ Plantation Goods, tite a__o« i oT"T2 to^y, for wbIc^Twill pajlull ' Onr baggy, jcvigj on"a. tlie propmy 1,1 iver*- i&iHr*'. wk.waol goou land, food Dinoa form the public thst there is seven new Cms at BLANKETS, BROGAN& BOOTS, Kereoy., BlaskeU, Ilau, C«arw Boon,, Ca.b price.- ] inn <;. bealy, at the nit of Llpford it l)avu, the Shop lately occupied by her husband, which 4t. had batur atUoV-b.rt.loa I1ATS, CAPS, fcc. and-lndia rubber Goo«U, dec. ri C. J. PR1DF, j IvoiH.titi.baaly. . : Ud. - B. aor. and atu.d. v V' she is desirous to sell. These Oins are mostly 43 Two'Naport, Mark and Henry. atu!;atrwt§ 8.WI, on. or two 40 Saw.; »od I have b«n told Sept^F3G-tf Landlord, Cbeatar.S.C. . t. H. 11A8SEF. Jirinuc T AD1KS' HEELED GAITEKH, of G. MO.n wUklog u ManttlU^ Cloalu, Bonnet., Emb. Collar, and of S.nder«ville :nJ ricinity. OtTice nt Sander.. or Stolen, CLOAKSjSCAUFS, CAPES, OVBR- e.11 aod cxim- Sleeves. Jet t-'ood* Hoop Skirt*, wliakbooe and DRS. CI'JlMINGS AND FLAOOS, bm band, with a great many other articles Conitsiuioocr In Equity va Cwrga Keeoan.. KKENc'lI Si En I NOES, DEL A N ES, needlcu to mention. NERVE ANODYNE, A tract of land containing ahoal)G5 acrw,-' G1NGH W. tMlflooSAwt in (ayiog Ui.t oar itoek . A; v^ptablo. compound, ind. warranted sot lo t?OK .KENT, the Hotel -ort the corner by bojnjel'by liod. oi W. AKo'bsrA and. T!»»;, such Uiat wa cannot &il to picoM all tbooc wba Stljnro tho teeth cr tie raoulbtj X* J 3Isj Kennedy s is ofllered for rent or les^e Uty and o{ber>, taried ottm ths pl^sir T. McCBLUY,- «tf ^ io an approved tenant.-, Pcjaesrion to be gi.en tepttn K»o«o. Hw'd at thojtotj'iif(hir, «:«•» •" 10 loo tht tia-January hc*t- ; atSl.iO Chnur Drgg.5toi«. ••- • - V.PAGVi WHEN >VE HUSKED THE CORN; Horriiinxa ar Tiit.M0BM0Ka.-*Dc«>aicbce cAnb.~ffii PAHTICULAH NOTICE. Hveiboeo relieved at Waahlngton'confirmato^ CIGARS. ry of the report of th" eapfur.» and i!e^ruction EKDY «C WYI.IK bur. IMI opened.Ut ,^d ^0,1.]']^ MARBLE YARD. J. (I, LIPFORI), ot jp'ternwent provii4oh train- t-r tne Mormooa. of flrn olaaeCigora, ol the following trauda: Ttii. firat overt net of treaa«»h agiiinat thefeder. B II atipply end well .elected Stock or While dimly o'er the dlaliint eraa . RIO HONDO. The fading light* of dimmer ahine. al nuthorlllea wa-' perpetrated ort ibo 5th ulf., KI.I.A BS CONCHITAS. ' Havinr had ii;Jong etpeiie'ncb in feaehfnff ihiaj G> R O G E *R T T! ft near IMcirtc Spring fto noe wa4 klllodln tho Along the lawn tho' nej?ro blow. • ROTHSCHILD LOSDRKS. . affair. »a ih#»mall c>eort of tho traina offered Of ererydo.enpti.^ "efl dlSL PALMITO PLANTATION. I Var i"irlw*uHirs you may apply to him at the no re»Utanre A CaMnet counril wao hold reaaooable price, a, can po».ib.'t he af- And homsw.rd troop the «irla and beane CONSVELO FANBTKIJAS. »(udr.:ad yeafor^ay to eonouf upon lh»» intelllgeoca, but forded, for Ca*h or tx»untry Produce From huaking of Mi* corn. RKKUY b H'YLIK. Dr. II. M. BAU.SCHKH. proUihly malting will bo doi.e unt4l official doa- He enrnrMlr requeaUall thon indebted to Am-20-3l-lf t:h..ter Drug Store. I^anoii tuned andrepaired at miNloraio ohitr tru-tcd to lib CM p. I mind me watt that .oinmn d.y, putohea: are received Irwrt Col. Johnaon, the the firm of Upfurd > Darie, to m.Rs immedute Whan Hio'and twonty-yenre ago, commander nf the military expedition; It la OMliH'i'uu " ~~ aettlrmeote, aa thia 1. the laat warning. Ho W« lorned oiir Wxif Into play. at#t«-d ih»t the .Mormon f««rre ut Pacific S^»ring TIN & SHEET.IUOW WARE Crockery and Glassware, .lea rcqueaie all t|ioeeerboknnu4neas to merit a continuance of A* we the golden elder quaffed. deemed pomiblo to'for.rard lelnfofcemeuta and 1 OASK OF APPoE VIWEOAB, HE Fubaoibera baring made arranccmcnta GLEET. SYPHILIS, tho Vice ot ONANISM, the »aine. Having iu Inr employ the l>o«t of , or SELF ABUSE, &c.. Ac. And puiedtbe bowl with quipr. auppliea until apring. tho trtNipa ato in a deap-r- 'Cr* puie indeed. For .ale cheap T with a gentleman who owna Marble Quar- ate airalt. an I we aoon rxpect nowa of a bloody wnrkmen, ho la prc|>arad t-i oxcout" all ordera Italy. . aupplv ua with MAUtiLK. The ASSOCIATION, in view of And when ely hlnta of lore went roand, in hia line, at ahort notice, i >li.j ' T"°\?OCUI,I.Y. ppfpffl treaner, he a Yon clueed nt me w'' eolliaion between the opposing partlea. 1 I 6 ante 10 »«ll the aame at a lower price tho awlul deetrociion of-human life, cau*ed hy ' -| ^Srr® Sexual d'i and the dcceptiona practiaad railed, tho' you fa APMITTI D TO Halt.—We learn that, on Sun- For CUMII 6t Cash only. A huaking of the e All will agrco in saying, it ia impoaaible for a \ Marbl#Tomb fllaba. 6 fea\ lone and 3 uj^n thn unfortunate victim* o'l acrh diM-aaee lay lot. Major Jaa. II. Ktoit caoifd hlm.-e|f to SURVIVE OH PERISH! 'SUilis f..t wldr, »SJ. Fin»t quality of American Mar. j bj Quacka. bare diieeled lbeir f onTCilini; Sur. mechanic to do a pr-upornue bu.incae on a . AM reKi„j romAin (ll Cheater lor the Tlnwlion I found the eearlelear, , be arrcated for I bo recent homici le; and pro- 0 81 5 24 01 And claimed the old tradliioned klee. oredil ayatem. F« r all tho matorial °;1 r. " ' * £ r n'T TI! '"ii '' »-«• na . CHAKITAB1.E ACT woril.v of tl.a.r ceed«l forthwith to Newberrt C. II., where he p T u MK CAI obtained Irom hi* Honor Judg .O'Neal! an or- cash muat he (wid or it .don't come. To do • without any /onuection -m h. ^ ". jTii.^ .!°n.^' "i """"• ' "' - ADVICK JBATW, ll#j^ ' to all per«M»ii- thui»afflicted, a ho apply by letter, der (or hail, in the leaat aum uaoal in auch caaca. Ituiinea. u. it .hould be done,: end ji.allcc to ih„,Ver il.h any ,«r.onor p-r»«; Alfpi HI Ml in of dfxivna 3 description ot their c«.ndiiii»n, (a^e, oo- my.elt »nd frieuda, require me to Wo tlio • ,on. em|,i0yin~i g „t,V,'rne in futurh|ii..e mamayy reiu .»urcd On Maj. Rloo'a return on Tu*»»d»y ho at once — - 1 cupation, habita of life, ice.,) and io ratea of . . _ll alt loo Wntyou i gave Uv'l io tho aum roquirad.—IVinnthoro Reg- C 1-upervision of their And—know-you not bow well I wooed t kJp"%nni.S and me, I » am prepared to ooinplct* all kinda of ini-m A huaklni nftherorn. choota wishing ware can be.^supplied.' HOUSE a FANCY PAINTING, The Howard A^oriatirn ia a b^oevolcnt la* ROOFING AWD OUTTEIIING, zMUM Miuilum. ratflbliabed by aptcial endow men!, for Oono In a workmanhk"-mar.ner and of tho Jordan Bonnett, the^relief of the aick and diatrevM-d, afflicted M Ipscdlaitcmts. I havo Ju»t returned from a tour through boat ninterial, at reasonable ratea. __ - • «5gt5'SI5-2 with '• Virulent and Kpidetuic Di»eaaea.*' It New Engfoud. I paiaod thronoli Vermtint ' - And Glaxing in n manner to coniparc favora- iwS m alSPi;? jj ' liaa now a aurplua of nirana, wbich the Direc- tors bave^ voted, to'oxpend in adtariia;nf; ike and i\*v HampV Iro, and. unon dtlijjent enqui- bly wiili any work of the kind in thia or other DKATIl OF (IKN'L JAMES-HAMILTON* a •>. UpaMs-51: al-ov notice. It ia oecdleaa lo add tbat the ry, I could not axcertain iMat n single op*rn lliatricla. Iff fad iu»o completing it no chargo cxog-lhnp existed in either of those Sint«i. A fine lot STOVESof Stovoa suitable tor I'ailor. . a'm'p J || j m d Aaaocialton cOmmaoda the highe»i Medical INTKLUOCNCK of thn d'mlao of .our dialing, Wl l0 R 0i I linking liquor !• unp ••?KrJ'nWBr an "i on SrcrmatorrLo»n. or .Seminal Weaimeaa, ike Th® panful aae^iationa. connected w in eichango for Tin-U ara . ,,l0 |utule. f«d six acres, aitoaled on the waters of llocky laaniAnc* Aa Arrxcrr.D ar Tii^.TtMf.a.r- , h | VyOl'I.D inform hia faenda and the pnb'ic vice ol Onar.iani, Maaiuthatiou or Sclf*AI'uao, death; anatchwl onoonai-ioua'y nr a rem • record* of the city ruglatrar of Ithpton bo- To Merchants:—All bllla over five dollars) Aoril 27-tf (J. W. IMCKKTT. y *'? t n the Diatrlotof Cf^ter. one mile from will be entitled to five per o?nl.di«eou«t. No I —t.. n... ~ . v v seucmlly that hu hv< tho prac- and i4hcr i Wnaea ol the Sexual Or^ana, by '.anco from friend*, family and kindred, njocra- gin to aliow the cflVrta of hard timca In tho de- -aitryle article will he sold at whoh-mlo pi 1 tice of D*nii*try again,' aud aolirita a ahnre of ™toj the po jnmcr of H»o affliction. Gimornl ci-eaao of opiilinallon* for certificotra of inton- .rtlclo will tic aslJ at yrlioloaelo pricce. [ AT il|)D| Ij V A Knilroud. end I, w.-ll -.stored unJ . healthy I... ' SMUllem.Remembet r the Stand', nppoitiio the Corn , i'Aiil il/l j l j X iHU'i J entiou. . One third ot raid p'.'intatiouia wood^ ptthlio patronaj;©. Call nt tho JKSVET.R* moil. Hamilton waa on nia %ra.v to T^xac when'be tlona of mnrriuKe. In -the Wmth( of OctobM/ welfTlouac, .STOl K. jBn «n 5:tf CHARGE, o TWO STAMPS waa ihua Lurried to mi exit Irom the anxiptlee laat th- d>'fictvncv, aa conipnred with tho a^ifo louac, on Main-Street. CliKSTKK, S. | bnd.thi !«u!ance in a good atnte of ruli'v^tion K. KLLIOTT. i-parCneithir lor )ioatago. and inquietude* wjilch had ntnrkrd tho I nter biotilh In 1856. wua between flftv and-m'v; Jon 15' 3 tf en CyNcef < Addroaa, Dr. GEO. R. CALHOUN, Ceueal- ftacee of hU truly checkered oAtnVr. lib name and .M/ftis tno tan mmitlm of lM7/the de- Fine Buggies and Fiuo Caniages. tirijr Sov^oi r.. il< ward Aaaooisliou, No. 2 SooU anu H 'rrii-M aro eiiahrinad.ln 'ho ho*rW/.f nil cruii:.,'aa compared with 1850, la between oue IngbM AI! tho outbuililinga are now and «n t; '»d re- NINTH Mm t, I'kil.v!n]phia,Pa. By yrdar •( ffonth Curuliniuna. .Wo .fcro compelled to ho hundred 'nnd fi'.ty and two fcuudrcd. SADDLES, HARNESS,- fto. ^"'".Ijeludinggln hou-e.oorew. b.\-n». atahlea, the Director-. • . brief and cao ouly oflxr ah outline Of tho otlicc»> ;\VILI/ keep conatautly on hand, a full aud «? GEO. K.MftCHILD. S A. rrtiwiN who tella you of • the fauita of nt h« com| leto aaaortmont of e>c. Torma *-acconim<>datin>' to the porciiaacr er«, iKiepd* to ii.-l! otbera of your fau'ta.' - Have r at tho former f/Z fl A . ite ll. S mN<;KKI.|.r»\V: a'car*.' how you liviCit... r# . . - . ' SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, ^ 8TA.WD jWBAR THE DEPOT. ^ B*ft-ralrficld Hor.»M plena* copy til? f.irhld* tho NutMIIa| Hoi. "- i»f licjitcmiutu.\ Kvtnrunn ca'pohlo of doing a aeorct and everv thipg elae norluining to thia'depart- Dr. LIcLANE'S •ve believe in IStfO, AI tho auecoreor nf Win. injur) i* a coward. / ment of huainoaa. Work will alao bo done to towndca, from Beaufort Diatrlr.i. In Ihia poai. order oo nhori notice, in iho heat atyle. nnd lor MAVUILEWOHK i'onii-i.n-".'.'f MV,V,VnrX! E. J. WEST CELEBRATED iloo ho matured hi* pover* a* a debater ntid moderato pricea. Tho people of tflu »tcr und Tbinba." l|ead StOiu i'lihlots.. .Mnnrei-I'Wcf*, SADDLE & "HARNESS MAKER. •to. IIi» will keep on h:.nd tlio beat deicrin- ratllam-nturj tactician'. tho adjoiuing^Dintricr*, are invit. d to call and CHK8TEU, 8. C. VERMIFUGE ' Ho becmie Intoi'dant of tho <*iiy In lA2J.Uie FUNERALS lion of / HAVE on hand n Inrjjc lot of hu^f;!^ and period of i ho contemplated ln«urrucii« n ot Pet,* ITALIAN k ATttERIOAW PIARBLF, TS still ensoRod in lh» muufi.clure ofte/fX I earria^i^. that wilt li*-ut nn\thii>y III the mark Veapy. in which officii ho exhibited hia Attended to with a Hearse. and baa necured tlio ncrvice-. of oxperienccd 1 SAOOI.KS, HlttDLI'S, line. In the Srato of Smith Carolina for -;yle. LIVER'PILLS. well knowu decision of character and adminia* and tasteful wnrkmen. All ordera a>ltlrna>.ed IJ»me>», I'rui.k., Ao.. wliioh he MTca ..n ., roa durability .and MilnosH, nnd at i rices that t\Sil tratlve ability. , to h'un at Chester, will meat with prompt at- ..-nf.l.lo term. .» .riiolee ol Jlkr qii..|iti- ,-an i.o duplicate iho Ciiurlr»:ou retail mArkct. I mn In 1M28 ho waa elected Governor of iho Stole* havo ever priid the m<»t arrupuloua Land and Mills for Sale, tention ^ and will be had clncwhero. He uma only the t-en muitri. jUftJioin- from Chiirlfet'.n, end whdn thfie 1 and waa priucipohy in-atoruenta! in the initia- funeral ritca And aopu!chrcaofilopartrd frieuda; '.plIK offer, lor »nlcONE PACKED AND FORWARDED nla and h:« work heing done nndorhia personal aaw «*very thing in iho my in the way of enr- They are not recom- I SANII ACIIKS orl.ANU. Ivl-.c >-n b'.ill ••uperviamn, ho can aafcly warrant it lo be ox- tion and maturing of tlia Nullification tnoaaup-- 1I19 iiionumcnta and catacomhi ol Kzypt. tho with thn 'utmiHt rare and deapnteh. Theiorma rtN'pea. and I kn'«w I can Mtipn** any Cirria^e aitlea of the (.'harlotto Kailroud. fourteen uiilco ectiied in a workmanlike manner. mended as Universal through a Htato Convention, 'llteae woro tlio TumuliQ with lla runic atone* of the Northmen, will W made aa nc..ominndnting na they CHII in tbo Sialo in fiui«h. My work in nl ways war- Iran Columbia ; una liundrod acre* in eulliva* ' principal civil post* that ho occupied. tho.burial pUcta. of thn red tnu'n, the wild a- he obtninod either North or South. KEPAIRIAiO ia^dono with promptneas ranted to he right. Any vi h clo that goea Irom tioo, with an eat Dwelling lluuao and all iu> and on roa«onablo tcrma. my hhnp hrfaK<« by fair menus, brinu' it back Cure-alls, but simply for Oonoial Hamilton had, ai the nnturnl coun- b»riR>nea of nor own country, nil proclaim tho SAM'L. McN'lNCH. l| d with- ii to lay tho loaat Indecoroua. The want of a in«l I'ublUhpr. nnd Author . IN Tlie COMMON I'LCAI. drawn,from political lifo. dovoltog hia fucultiea hourao I'or thia conimnniiy hna broil fult a long A Haw and (iriat AMI propelled by*water pow- the human system, has A series of l*tt\irt* al the,HI Tihernndr, A.«. i'tighUL Co., ) tothoPorvlco of hia family with that alrenutli timt>. '1 ho want la aathflvd, tho Funeral Car when, :Y»r Id t^e.-vr-alvn niyhi*, over tv< >Attachm> ot. . of attachment and earnaatnoa* of purpoao which A Iwenty.fivo horae power circu'nr Steam Saw also been administered la ready at any timo for any plao'e or diatanco. Thompson llrown. > -weroa'itonjf hia leading charaoiorittioa.-ltViar/«»- Whcuevor nccilod K'IVC tioticj at the Furniture Mill that c innot be excelled in tho State recent- C3T ifjUvHl PEOI'I.F. JP ly put in operation, nnd au uhuudauce of fiuo 1VIIKRKA8 the IMnluifl d.don.thr [i3\ with tlie most satisfactory Evening Sexes, 18Ih iuslnnt. Warvhoufo or at my Smblea. OrorUd him with' round* of applnu*e. while timlicr. V T Twco'y.thlrd tfny ot .March file In. ,\r 1 J;T. MATTHKWa. Oct Ml:tl rbiration ajratn,«t the Defendant who ir results to various animal , UiuiVE iMroxTATioxa.-Somohody Mid, we ....A MO , . . e ihlnk -U wne Mr. Calhnun. that it retrod a Another tract of laud containing aStuit Six subject to Worms. " xrent Intellect to undomtand and Murrain tho SiMFFEMTEL. Thouaand Aprea. ru'ining in abGut a qtiarter nt tariff que-tiou. Our correspondents. hnwovcr VriSSF.LLKN McAFFKR return* her tlmnka a mile o$*ftid Railroiul, with ihVee Saw Mill* t-.e bald nechirntion miplu The Livrr* PILLS, fc; art'men uf eaporiinco and Joarnlofc'. and bring JvJL to those peroona who oro atilt disposed to on it: t»%yf thorn lal'dy er#cted\fly of t!i. in favor h«r with-their patronage.. She hue ac- about a flwle and a ball Irein auid lAd iv Cir- C|»Tef.ire ordered thai t!.»* much roQeotiou to auppcrt their rcpurtlvo flll v.-'.' :. r !>ISCOVI:«Y OK TI«»- ttr«iigih the curc of LIVER COM tlcwa. 'i'boao who adrocato a higli proieotivo commodations for prrniinent and Iranaioui cular Sau^hinli will cut from U*\\rA" *\\ ilo.u- i r 1'nf r..\T CKNTl'Hv ion 1 tariff, howcrer, and" who. thari(e PZCOM>IVO irn- boardera. withsta'dei n'r.d pntveuder forhdrsca, wind foot of lumber per'lay ; auot^i r Mi-I with De'.ccUn C'onnlcrfolt Dank Koto. . PLAINT, all BILIOUS DE- port/itlo'ia upon ihoayatrm of low duiio-. mnko and will ho gmtifiod to eiTteriain aa many as (JrUt ai d Saah Saw. two n< d a Irilf in ! » from aomo ni'nt tmn'porom misr^k-a Om fact ih mny dcoiro good board and lodging, at living aoid Hond. innihctv thrco nud a-li.U' vX^eihiiing at a it"|»ritfril«[it|0(| »ua to indue- th- pro- • |^r',v^" 'o|i5i»r »t a* a iu iicin.» Purchasers will please ed a» theCbeaj. Store. • ,.r, nnd any ijuan-iiy of co.fl limber. The binda npliHed niol irrini\{p.|. ilmi {he* Merchant, A LSO, llollow. Ware, of every dcuript inn. j will |,0 divided off to Hu.t put ohaa- rj. , curc /.<>'r Cciroitlnint. in Ihvif »orj' f«»roi». MSSTASL "sr "abom be particular to ask for gulated by a »oond currency ft la our paper NAILS ! NAILS !! WA!L3!!! j Al/SO,. will *ell .Milieu, Oxenaimd Wa-.'on-. I(.dl*-'tivn t#ia^ cjnvt by * iora/.inr WORDS, licit*, Knaulftx :rium>»' . BKTvy wMch maioly net^'etnrj hotly will with LAfllRS' HKI/TS, and JET HOODS Ih ahun- j beb>ni^ingio >aid mill*, if pureluaera wiah i!ie*e7 Saahea, Cold nnd Stlvei iHitronii on.i f.aee-ii. Dr. C. McLane's Cele- Black l.ace V'oila, brown, green an.1 ; Tho alovo will l>» a-dd on ncceiniumlHimg ' 0peceUiioo—that, and th" cVxjae»|a.;r.t and aura S U E.N'N KTT .v W! I vONS alra*** of l*k* and yr.dut>, fill« otcry ehan- white. • j torma to auit purchni*eri«. A aoiall am>iur^ff ; Juno 18 tf ! brated VERMIFUGE and a«l ot ln>U with ac'ttmeia who'look wily to Cittno, Merino and Silk floaiary, I ca»h pa d on aale. Any person wlieiing^tt^n,' prtieM pins tor tiutautliu. leaving the cer- ' f^adi.-Q' Ve«td>. moririonnd *Nk. I gage iii the Imliber bu'nineii wuuhl de well 10 All tlie Pilvito Banltura ln Ametlca, I'JCIC »kiu Mill Uatn LIVER PIL^S, prepared by - • A|.l<*lo Sinnin.iry of tl.. KIKAH-K or Ku- *M fetor* to*>trnet'»m to U bovrie liy th«*o • Cent'* l/f everorve dcacripfioo here, at Now Ynrk prirc*. J t .fco'great plo.iaure in fhowlng the mill premia- will, .ill iho i'lijioriant N'KWs OF TIIK it it nui*i< natarrln bor f pwnitkwna HAY. Al.o, \ HlllllbM (IF T.U.I.-i, oarno to do repairing of Clocks. Wa'chp>and nu&ri %7fl or &0, thn woald go far,to Ks'm2u. T. MfCULI.Y. 43;if en to any poraon wi*hing to poicli iu 4 intnratihijr From .in OI>l I.MI.I.I in K.-I. It a h.'aUhj Jewclrt of all kinda,iu tic nealcat and ho^i man- tut, and ut prefect l^daa- ' >lv old euau>inera will pieaakn notion that nor. Ilia tlme^pieora ar^ warrantod for 12 1 Im ni.h". th. da»«o'rt- SOLE PROPRIETORS, Pitts- Upproved l ank noic*. a- I have a groit many mont ol Jewelr>* for aale, an I will givo aalj flC'inunt" which Ihonld havo been heitlcd long .Icieril.In. Iho .NIh*t^ 1'o.illoi.. in which ih. I.n.llr. nn.I ol that Cn.intrv have faction io all who try him. 4l:ly burgh, Pa., and take no ABO. If the abAvo ia not eninplied >Vith, I will hern eo oh on found/ Th»*l Slnrir, wiirco'n'inne j.ubbc aale. at>i)he«tcr Cl..lfot(>e, bo compelled to put thorn tu an ottornoy' • nnatay levliax trm. on tba flr»t Monday Io flaeeuilmr next, tha Uvil 'the whol. voir, and will' pin*, tho y nllux hiwrli^.' KT. familr ...... other, as there are various handa for collection. !l MEDICAL" ROmE. YAtaU of ibeaaid drecaird, not apaelfloally davla' m-.»t o-.lerlnli.inir ...r«i.,l to Ihr Puhllp. 0;- it "Xakin Ih. Uri^ t* teuton^ Si)pll7 3H.3m 'LEVI T. SiiAHl'. lit. »nel"M a Irvlgorator cam* to «• tto- •d/vlas (3#Fnrni.h«l W..kty In Sul^<-rih.-i. only, at odier preparations now 11 a War. All l.ll.r. rfiu.l h. I Io' maudcu «»a.ur» f.-r l.ivrr C-Lpl»'ut«. aud all ' h Th« 1'halation on whieb tha deeaaird for di«ei»«ia.irlMng (r .w - t>.a*««d Uvrr- TBo IM IX JtlllN I>VK. merly r«a,d«d, and vhfkh lie purvb«aa«l from Joa. | (^A.MSJ . f ( tloii'ni.ta of M inMuy rlo'ir I'ii^.le^aua lit (Ufa- before the public, pur-, foNialftiiitf aerea. lying In Cheater i.nd I 4* "P1 •' •"« 1 Puhtfchi&l rroptl.tor,' S.Y. J- Tor,l:t«Jaevd MI u try tl, and now coor'ct'on ii vA the Urtaitk *41 not marke/ It, but bold April M ewrinln UM' ll it one of Iho r. Mobley may lie foand at tho o.rc bofw tha.-! and otbeia Comwell Houae «r the Dra; Storo, except and Liver Pills. { All can a«i 4>i/iiiin|c«libl« wltaoat when profeeconally engaged. <>• A aoiall Iraet lyiaK on Dread River, AiVIB^OTYPES. . noihiu', bet tha ligbfai feoi! W«NII4 Ut we Mid to cone one. In tin je.r. tainlag nl*out als aera*. on whieh Ihara la * CliOTIILXO EMPORIUM. OHlJSTKlt, H. C. R«iit,a: .tottrn lhAt i:a*a rata. .NVi* Wtiat n W. w. WOBLXT. A. r. WTLtK. others, in compa pvf* Uimtr eej. it will not com. a*af,' adjoinfiiB |«ad« of aald It. K.' Kcnnady aud ^ n.Mt» to aay to »\\ Oar la. If f.trVr l*«..B Not. IS 46 tl twel.e, fifteen at el»ht»eo een'a . bo.hcl and ColafUan Craufnrd. n>:a'.w I)*«p'p.i4 traible v .a.d.. not fttfll«tr with Dr. MCLANE'.- 3." A tract of Und eallad tho Martha Oaaton rwaJ] and wo feel taiiafiod PT3T The GENUINE Mcl . pleating of I UT. ' eaiine Alklnann, and otbara. bo to.tho buy ilato all with picturea by rhoa'aive proceaa. Ll ^ pliooofGentlemen'oWear, woneiit- 4 A lot in th# Town ol Cliaatar, oo whloh 1 er*a odvantago u» g?ve u<> a callTiQioro pi r (.all at hia Kooma, examine »pooimena, aud aituated a Carnaze Faetwry; alao, aorna uniin* in« elaewhore. thoad wh.A buy To i to mildly and gaatly, ar.J -a^m. to Vermifuge and proved Iota adjelolrg aald Int. will bo allowed t liberal drdu • ay«t«ra »o t'terejjrhfy :h«t w« tbluk L. a HINTOX AdmV., Our Siock coudaiain part of Mo Frock, Dre«a >( a *eit!8v la all in adfl^nj; ibam Pills can now be Aur.?7-3Wd with the Wftl nnnrwd. a^ Uu-lno-. Coau. Orer-eoHtt H.;len., HI,, CM: iur or ry 'GB^Y^k'illeE rtwblo (Tro'-coau. Shawl. rinl., Vo.u, \c. all respectable ^ . peermnce of feeliDg, of joy. nomne. friondhne.., w>n idi'iviJb.»r will nivc j'i>• exbhanse Stores.; ' Wrucd by the world into' the ailompl tr. hoole '* LATEST STYLES. • hmbeni. N^'rr ni'nd! -well-monri'gf w&'Mmmmw. Pants, Vests, Shi^tSj socks. FIJIMEMO BRO'S, I.- JUII «• o , l*r n.-blOra. S4A Br«.a.lw»» ff.Y. ^ their own'-convlettce. to ihvm nf. npilKaubacrlier. would Inform tlio citlzena of Shlrte, Coll»r», Cnnt,\ 8u.p, n.lere. (ilove, 'ter all. I to not. - th. reform ft.? to., rniirb .rniil I'lUCK ONK I)'»/.t.AK PKK-BOTTi;E. " 60 WOOD'ST., PirrsncKon, PA. -,JL • Ch'ater ami aurrounding country, that he sl(k, Morinn .uj Cotlun JUST UEC B 1 V jj^oiu by Ready fc Cbaat«r.« CV QAT3. i; of abbwingyouraelf M you *r.' iitr«tioMl'.* a:id l:w ot».uiine«a.' 'Ife would reapeeU OHKHT MATHEWS li», pnre'haaed Iho obaaer* ou time. iHo may be lound at tbo old' him; do not COOJ- n.a \wursell to live only hy .Xolly aolirjt a abare of Vnblie patronage, and will Kdock and uateri.l. nf Ment. H. C. Br.w- atand,prepared to fit outcaatomorataUie very ATEN V SKl.t-SllACPKKINO balrf*, beo.uie if you ahuwed too mucb lwit. endeavor to apara uo paina in giyiog aaUafaetlon ley k Co. Mid tcoied their late forniim. Iatcat and beet atvloa. P STU nv crri'i.'is.—scartii.* A'«*.— V Won, eome.pragmatic.I tbiuc in brrwbee mi«ht roorae. He h»* a line etoek of ho»M bold fnr- In addition to bin atock of read)'made cloth CORN SHF.U.F.RS. and . rarity of Seylhaa, £3rlU will invariably.adhere to the CASH IIA Sj uot been nwaid nltnte of -opr-rlor ai.le. oa band, .nd .ill Irom ' UkoitintohUpftle to ima^um that you detiKn- ed by iho Mechanic® log ha* on hand a fre-h aupp'y of fiao and Mocka'and BUn principle. GEO. SMITH. ISAAC) HEYMAN. time lo lime Heeddlngto It. wi*keep up a faahlonible CI.OTIIS for coat.-, pvota and vcata. . " ed- to deiicue your lit to hli inanity;-Jane Fair of UoatoD,Frank received and ler • Aug. 27 r|3. tl full .nd conilete e«eortnicnt. Abo he En, Ho invitee tho publio to an exauiioation of any ].• *»«• •- • ; lin Inatituto of Phila* ter'a Kniporium H ler .nwlt, andTi to ilfor^hi. employvd workmen nf skill .nd induiiry .nil and every thing he baa on hand for aale and „ , _ ialphta. aod iho State A.W.e»»—Tin Napoleon Planrtr, of tb« JUST RECEIVED. Ireeh and .took .t a rorj an'mll ad- will oonliAu. lo make and repair lornltnra of ho ia determined to do hia n'looat io p'eoae and Fairnl .Srr.coM>, tolM-iXT DAVIS It Co., .llklnileln . neM bnndeom. .nd inih.tantiai Valuable Real Estate for tale. 4th. »ya lk» planteh .re l-oeilr tnnni In NKW Snpplj of Gold and 3,Nee Honti ., e«r.oo a Hot. Now York co J. He ie nj.o thank- •*j*fy oil who manifeat towarda him a proper lol for p.«t JhVor., OTOr ill oompetitnra. II. D, b Co.harerecelr- manner,* H" offera to wllbl r I' in in h. IS aeveral Tractao/laed, aitnatedon Sandy Rirer Juno 18 jj if ^ojne of all and ei*ty tliinj bi. aioro ormiaini all know lb. Cheep Cm* Store of" ln>o #Mr. IlAMSAYie agent forth*aaleol theae and .«u«i Bolea Creek, are offered for Sale. llryuMn. ai the comer of Major John K.nne- ooperior 1'ianoa and *nvitea purohaeeraand all . he hopea lo merit nnd iMeira . Gbe. Enquire at thia ortoe, S-tf te Ubon »od *IJonrnc4. u») the DB. J. A. WALKEB, dr. where he hu alwaya kept, and hae at thle otberalntareated In PIan6> to a nariicularex- »1 ..haro nf patronage. Call .nd ae. him uid MEDICAL CARD. •tU rott oo the cotnui.iloo neit MOB- time, a foil w.rtment of Siaple and Fancy amioation hiaMualeStnro.CoIum enmine hU artlcl.a .1 hit FuhrailBr. .;or. RS. LEE ic SIOHRISON barHif auoeia tedihaniB.lTeat0Reib.rin ibe practice of RECEIVED WM Dry Goode the greatrat qo.niliy of Rrndr- W».8- C t » nenr Cheater Depot. D Medicine wid Sutgmy In all lie branch... ten- H Maortuent »f Table, with and __ OFFICE AT stido Clothing, aod Shoe., JOB. 1« •«. tf. " der .Incur tbanta 10 tbeir formerfriepd. wiihoot Forka Tea Traye. S'injtle ard in Hue .nd C LUMBER. \N>TT A: W ltSflK'R call oo hhn !.cArr porrhawne ol*where; .nd *fIE anb*Hher haa cm band a farce lot of Drrf.KK .I/I atwaj- be r»ood-arbl'i«h ae on tiad^Icn Street, aod Dr. Slomaoo J tire 18 ^3-tf Jewell J Storo. GUNS! GUNS!! hie word for Ivy.o «hall not le«TebleMoredie' I. 0.0. F. Dry Lunah«r, Cheap for Ca^i. at hia •t tlio New Rail tt«i!l lloi'l. or a.r Iii, office in TJRCKITED. lot of RIB. end Dooile Barre estdle.1- n»Me lorget It I. the Cheep Dr*. .•»! »l».« hi. Ziodse, No. a. tho old IU11 Road Hetrl, wbon not proforaion- II. Shot Gone. Colt> Rerolrere. Ooohl. and Cash Siore .t tho corner ol II.j. John Kennrdr, mill. Mr. ^oLa, Eaq, will MI M ngeot ta'tlte woHdb tW m TPR^l^W-kly of Ihia Bod.t i a hia aheenca. ally en^a^ed. jin 21 4:tl jgegjl* •"•etolfc Shot Pouebee ud Pow- koptby lauc Heyman. -IO:tf" , , "V11 l>- h.l.l rtwrr Ifood.y Kr.nlie. e» 8 h jttn we«lth eoooth to keep blmaelf in «-AII peraona knowing tbeimolro- Indebt- theaoth^ipui»b.r. Aftir , „ ' BE-VNKTT t WILSON'S 1 i 'h.' M'oe, .17 o°clo.k. P Jt T ABOB SAVING MACHINES, »< COTTON VfiRW S OPNABCRGS,. • IS Iger^. LJ tb. cheap Star*. IVfJ ItEOEIVED ASP FOR SALE BT MUWWT,.8e*>f T. McCOIAT. ap.l»l»U V.B.|iHW4 0k Wm