“Melted Your Cold Heart Yet?” Amatonormative Masculinity in Casino Royale and Spectre
“Melted Your Cold Heart Yet?” Amatonormative Masculinity in Casino Royale and Spectre COLIN GÖRKE When discussing James Bond, whether the literary or flm version, one cannot escape the topic of masculinity. An assertive, violent, muscular womaniser, Bond may be what comes to mind if asked for an example of stereotypical or even hy per masculinity. !n popular culture as well as in academic discourse, Bond"s masculinity has been a site of contention among scholars. #specially with the re boot of the Bond flms, the topic has gained new prominence. While some schol ars argue that $raig is the most progressive Bond yet %$hapman &''(, $unning ham and )abri &''*, Johnson &''*+, others maintain that little has changed and that Bond is still ,ust as sexist, racist, and all-around bigoted as he always has been %-incknell &''*, .acioppi and -remonte &''*, Anderson &'/(+. 0uch research has been done on sexuality regarding both the Bond Women and Bond himself, but an analysis of romance and romantic attraction has been largely missing. 1owever, romance plays a crucial role in the rebooted flms, specifcally Bond fnding, losing, and mourning his romance with 2esper 3ynd, as well as eventually fnding a new romantic love with 4r. Madeleine 5wann. -he importance of these relationships and romance itself is emphasised by other characters" comments, which construct and functionalise romance as something Colin Görke is .omple)ing his 01 degree in 1nglophone 2n* Germ2n S)u*ies 2) )he -ni3ersi)4 o5 Duis(urg Essen% 6is rese2r./ in)eres)s in.lude 7ueer s)udies8 m2s.ulini)4 s)udies8 2nd )he 92mes +ond 5r2n.hise% Volume 2 · Issue 1 · Spring 2019 ISSN 2514 21!" DOI$ 10%24"!!&'bs%44 Dis)ribu)ed under CC +, 4%0 -K Bond should strive for above all else.
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