Your Majesty,

Now that we have returned to New York, my wife, my team and I would like to thank you most sincerely for the warm hospitality and welcome which we received during our stay in . It is always a personal pleasure for my wife and me to visit Sweden, and over the years I have come to regard it as a second home.

We were greatly honoured to be invited to luncheon by Your Majesty and Queen Silvia and we enjoyed hearing your views on issues of mutual interest.

Please accept, Your Majesty, the assurances of my highest consideration.

His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf THE SECRETARY-GENERAL

4 June 1999


Now that I have returned to New York, I should like to thank you most sincerely for the warm welcome and hospitality which were accorded me, my wife and my team during our recent visit to Sweden.

My wife and I were particularly grateful to you for putting Harpsund at our disposal for a few days. It is a wonderful home and we made the best of the beautiful and relaxing surroundings.

I also greatly appreciated the luncheon which you hosted for me. It was valuable to hear your views on the situation in Kosovo, a subject which will demand considerable attention in the months to come. In addition, I welcomed the opportunity to discuss plans for the Millennium Summit. I greatly appreciate your Government's commitment to ensuring that this is a productive and successful occasion.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

His Excellency Mr. Goran Persson \ \ Stockholm : l THE SECRETARY-GENERAL

4 June 1999


Following my recent visit to Sweden, I should like to express my appreciation for the warm hospitality which my wife, my team and I received. We truly enjoyed our stay.

I found our discussions to be most valuable and informative. I welcomed the opportunity to hear your views on Kosovo, which will demand much attention in the months to come. However, I also learned with appreciation that the Swedish Government is determined to continue its efforts to promote peace and development in Africa.

I am glad to note your ongoing commitment to reform of the Security Council and its working methods. I will bear your views in mind during the Retreat which I have organized for the Security Council this weekend.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.


Her Excellency Ms. Anna Lindh \ Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden Stockholm THE SECRETARY-GENERAL

7 June 1999

Dear Mrs. Dahl,

Now that I am back in New York, I should like to thank you most sincerely for inviting me to address the Swedish Parliament during my visit to Stockholm. I was touched by the warmth of the welcome I received and by your words of support. As I told you and your colleagues, your solidarity is more important than ever as we join our strengths to promote democracy, pluralism, human rights and the rule of law.

I also welcomed the opportunity to exchange views with you after my speech. It was heartening to hear your conviction that the crisis we have been confronting in Kosovo signifies an opportunity to strengthen the . I also agree that as we seek to rebuild the Balkans we should use the opportunity creatively, to build an organized infrastructure and strengthen democratic institutions. Perhaps in this way we can promote a lasting culture of peace and stability in that troubled region.

With my best wishes.

Kofi A. Annan

Mrs. Birgitta Dahl Speaker \ \ Parliament of Sweden Stockholm THE SECRETARY-GENERAL

4 June 1999

Dear Mr. Ambassador,

On my return to New York, I should like to convey my warm appreciation, as well as that of my wife and my delegation, for your efforts to ensure that our visit to Sweden went so smoothly. We all greatly enjoyed our stay and are most grateful to you and your colleagues in the Mission for your assistance in arranging the programme.

Please accept, Mr. Ambassador, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Kofi A\ ATinan

His Excellency Mr. Hans Dahlgren Permanent Representative of Sweden to the United Nations New York