Public Document Pack Planning and Transportation Committee Date: TUESDAY, 24 JULY 201 2 Time: 11.30 am Venue: LIVERY HALL - WEST WING, GUILDHALL Members: Martin Farr (Chairman) Robert Howard Deputy Michael Welbank (Deputy Michael Hudson Chairman) Deputy Keith Knowles Alex Bain-Stewart Oliver Lodge Deputy John Barker Brian Mooney John Brewster Sylvia Moys John Chapman Deputy John Owen-Ward Pollyanna Davies Michael Page Revd Dr Martin Dudley Alderman Dr Andrew Parmley Peter Dunphy Ann Pembroke Sophie Fernandes Henry Pollard John Fletcher Ian Seaton Marianne Fredericks Jeremy Simons Archie Galloway John Spanner Alderman John Garbutt Angela Starling George Gillon Mark Twogood Alderman David Graves Alderman John White Tom Hoffman Enquiries: Katie Odling tel. no.: 020 7332 3414
[email protected] Lunch will be served in Guildhall Club at 1pm Chris Duffield Town Clerk and Chief Executive AGENDA Part 1 - Public Agenda 1. APOLOGIES 2. DECLARATIONS BY MEMB ERS OF ANY PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS IN RESPECT OF ITEMS ON THIS AGENDA 3. MINUTES To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 3 July 2012 (copy attached). To receive the public minutes and summary of the Streets and Walkways Sub Committee meetings held on 23 April and 21 May 2012 (copies attached). For Decision/Inf ormation (Pages 1 - 16) 4. TOWN PLANNING AND DE VELOPMENT APPLICATIO NS Report of the City Planning Officer relative to development and advertisement applications dealt with under delegated authority (copy attached). For Information (Pages 17 - 28) 5. REPORTS OF THE CITY PLANNING OFFICER REL ATIVE TO PLANNING APPLICATIONS a) Broadgate Circle and 3 Broadgate London Planning permission for alterations to and partial demolition of Broadgate Circle.