Prisoners in LUDGATE Prison., in the City of London
1565 ] iliomas Nasb, fornterly, and late of Braintree, in tbc county SECOND NOTICE. of Essex, calmjtft-Kiaker. George Yoomans, lat,«of No. 7, John-street, CrutcUod-friar;*,' ChUrles Moore, formerly, anulrtte of Peckham, in the county and forrurrly' of No, 2, Hart-street, both in the city ef of Surrey, carpenter-. • London, taylor. Thomas SiavthaiVt, -i'lrt-mefjy of Seal, and late t>f Greenwich, .Tames Devilt, late of No. 73, Snowhill, and formerly of No. iwthetminiry wf iCcjrt, tdge-^tool-niaher. 75, Lombard-street, both iu the city of London^ trust*- 'William Masters, formerly of •Bond-str-cet, imtl Iste of Dover- nvaker. stri-ct, Saint Geortje's-fielas, Sbitthwsurh, «hoe-u«iker. James-Keys, late of No. 7, Red Lion-court, Charter-house- tsamrtel Meek,formerly, and late of Chuvch-stetjtJt, Horseley- lane, in -the county of Middlesex, and of Newgate-market, dow.ii, alid of Webb-Street,, Bcrnwndsey, both iu tlie county London, aud formerly of No. 1, Red Lion-court, Cock- of Surrey., 'cooper. lane, Giltspur-street, London, poulterer. ^heopbilus Jftnstun, formerly oT Clafh-Fair, W«st. Smith field, Anu Longs^aff, late of Prujean-square, Oldibailey, and for- -and of Totteubarn-TOuTt-roatl, both in the Bounty of merly of-the Belle Sauvage*yard, Ludgate-hill, both in the "Middlesex, tailor. city of London, widow. 3eseph Hy&m, formerly rif'tber-ttytrf Bristol, and late of William Drought, late of Red Lion-street, .Olerkenwell, and • A'bergavemry, iuthe county of Mouiuouth, shopkeeper aud formerly of Baltic-street, Old-street, both in the county of jeweller.
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