Submitted Partial Fulfillment of the Requiretments For the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) English Education Program

BY :

FAUZIAH NUR 1502050260







ABSTRACT Fauziah Nur. 1502050260. Linguistic Landscape in Train Station Medan. A Study of Public Signage. Thesis : English Education Program of Teachers’ Training and Education. University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara. Medan. 2019. This study was carried out to find out the languages used in train station Medan. This thesis focused on researching the languages used in signs, signs categories, and the signs construction in landscape of train station Medan. The data in this thesis was taken from signs at train station Medan and interviews with two informants. The total signs used as data in this thesis were 125 signs. The theories applied in this thesis were theories from Splsky and Cooper that discuss various types of monolingual and bilingual signs, and the categories of signs. In this study, the researcher used a descriptive - qualitative and quantitative approach by collecting data, then classifies the data. The results of the data analysis showed that the languages found in the linguistic landscape of the Medan train station were Indonesian and English. Sign categories at Medan train station that function as direction signs, advertising signs, warning notices and prohibitions, building names, informative names, slogans, ad graffiti. These signs besides have their own functions. Based on the interviewe, the formation of signs in the linguistic landscape of the train station Medan, the use of the language was used to facilitate passengers to get information. Indonesian is used because the national language and English as an international language. Keywords : Linguistic Landscape, Signs, Train Station Medan



Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

In the name of Allah, the most Gracious and most Merciful. Praise and gratitudebe to Allah for giving the strength and guidance for the researcher, so that this thesis can be finished accordingly. Peace and blessing be upon Prophet

MuhammadSAW who has brought people from the darkness into the brightness.

This study is submitted to English Department in Faculty of Teacher

Training and Education , University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara as partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd). In finishing this thesis, the researcher faced a lot of difficulties. However, this success would not be achieved without supports, guidance, advices, helps, and encouragements from individual and institution, especially directed to her beloved parents Mohd. Taufik, S.Pd, and Fadhilah Ani, S.Pd.I who always give her support, advice, motivation, help, goodness, care, and all of things that she need to finish her study. The researcher somehow realize that an appropriate moment to the deepest gratitude for:

1. Dr. Agussani, M.AP as the Rector of University of Muhammadiyah

Sumatera Utara.

2. Dr. Elfrianto Nasution, S.Pd, M.Pd, as the Dean of FKIP University of

Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara.


3. Mandra Saragih, S.Pd, M.Hum, as the Head of English Department and

Pirman Ginting, S.Pd, M.Hum, as the Secretary of English Department of

FKIP UMSU, who has allowed and guided the researcher to carry out the


4. Mandra Saragih, S.Pd, M.Hum, as her supervisor, who had given

guidance, dedication, and support during writing this study.

5. Pirman Ginting, S.Pd, M.Pd and Dr. Tengku Winona Emelia, M.Hum, as

the reviewers who had given suggestions, advices, and critics for the


6. All lecturers especially in English Department for teaching

preciousknowledge,sharing philoshophy of life, and giving wonderful

study experience during the year of study.

7. Muhammad Arifin, M.Pd as the Head of University of Muhammadiyah

Sumatera Utara Library who had given the permission for the researcher to

conducted the research. And to all the librarian who had given a good

coorperation and helped during the research.

8. Her sisters, Fika Yulida, S.Si, and Ayu Fitriani, S.Pd.I, who always help

and support the researcher.

9. Her lovely friends, Hariani, Dina Amalia, Nurul Cholijah Hrp, Nia Kurnia,

Erni Destari, who always support, and accompanied the researcher during


10. Her best friend, Ilma Mindani and Restu Indah Wulandari for being her

support system for six years since she was senior high school.


11. All of friends in English Education Program Class B afternoon FKIP

UMSU 2015 who have support and given much knowledge and great


12. All those people who could not be mentioned thank you for everything.

Finally, it is obviously that this thesis is not perfect yet either in content or grammar, etc. So that the suggestion or critical from the reader for the better thesis is hoped. The researcher hopes this thesis can be useful to all of people.

Medan, September 2019




ABSTRACT ...... i



LIST OF TABLES ...... ix




A. Background of the Study ...... 1

B. The Identification of the Problem...... 5

C. Scope and Limitation ...... 5

D. Formulation of the Problem ...... 5

E. The Objectives of the Study ...... 6

F. The Significances of the Study ...... 6


A. Theoretical Framework ...... 7

1. Linguistic Landscape ...... 7

1.1 Definition of Linguistic Landscape ...... 7

1.1.1 Monolingual Information ...... 8

1.1.2 Bilingual Information ...... 9

1.1.3 Multilingual Information ...... 10

1.2 Function of Sign ...... 11


2. Sign ...... 12

2.1 Definition of Sign ...... 12

2.2 Types of Sign ...... 13

2.2.1 Direction Sign ...... 14

2.2.2 Advertising Sign...... 14

2.2.3 Warning Notice and Prohibition ...... 14

2.2.4 Building Name Sign ...... 15

2.2.5 Informative Sign ...... 15

2.2.6 Graffiti Sign ...... 16

2.2.7 Slogan Sign ...... 16

3. Semiotic ...... 17

3.1 Definition of Semiotic ...... 17

3.2 Concept of Semiotic ...... 17

3.3 Social-Semiotic ...... 18

3.3.1 Context and Text ...... 18

3.3.2 Context of Situation ...... 18

3.3.3 Text ...... 19

4. Transportation ...... 21

4.1 Definition of Transportation ...... 21

4.2 Definition of Railways ...... 21

4.3 Medan Station ...... 22

B. Previous Relevant Study ...... 23

C. Conceptual Framework ...... 24



A. Research Design ...... 26

B. Source of Data ...... 26

C. Technique of Data Collection ...... 26

D. Technique of Data Analysis ...... 27


A. Data Collection ...... 29

B. Data Analysis ...... 29

1. Types of Language on Signs ...... 30

1.1 Monolingual Signs ...... 31

1.2 Bilingual Signs ...... 35

2. Categories of Signs ...... 37

2.1Informative Sign...... 38

2.2 Direction Sign ...... 40

2.3Building Name Sign ...... 42

2.4 Warning Notice and Prohibition ...... 43

2.5 Advertising Sign ...... 44

2.6 Graffiti Sign ...... 46

2.7 Slogan Sign ...... 47

3. Signs Construction ...... 47

3.1 Reason Linguistic Items Realized ...... 48

3.2 The Purposes of Linguistic Landscape ...... 48

3.3 The Regulation of Signs Construction ...... 49


C. Research Findings ...... 50


A. Conclusions ...... 51

B. Suggestions ...... 52







Tabel 1 Languages Displayed in Train Station ...... 28

Table 2 Categories of Signs ...... 28

Table 3 Percentage of Types of Language ...... 31

Table 4 The Number of Signs Categories ...... 38




Figure 1 Sign in Train Station ...... 3

Figure 2 Monolingual Sign ...... 10

Figure 3 Bilingual Sign ...... 11

Figure 4 Multilingual Sign ...... 12

Figure 5 Monolingual Sign in Indonesian 1 ...... 32

Figure 6 Monolingual Sign in Indonesian 2 ...... 33

Figure 7 Monolingual Sign in Indonesian 3 ...... 33

Figure 8 Monolingual Sign in English 1 ...... 34

Figure 9 Monolingual Sign in English 2 ...... 35

Figure 10 Indonesian – English Sign ...... 36

Figure 11 English – Indonesian Sign ...... 37

Figure 12 Informative Sign 1 ...... 39

Figure 13 Informative Sign 2 ...... 40

Figure14 Direction Sign 1 ...... 41

Figure 15 Direction Sign 2 ...... 41

Figure 16 Building Name Sign 1 ...... 42

Figure 17 Building Name Sign 2 ...... 43

Figure 18 Warning Notice ...... 43

Figure 19 Advertising Sign 1 ...... 44

Figure 20 Advertising Sign 2 ...... 45

Figure 21 Graffiti Sign ...... 46


Figure 22 Slogan Sign ...... 47



Appendix I Monolingual Sign in Indonesian

Appendix II Monolingual Sign in English

Appendix III Bilingual in Indonesian – English

Appendix IV Bilingual in English - Indonesian

Appendix V Transcript of Interviews

Appendix VI Form K-1

Appendix VII Form K-2

Appendix VIII Form K-3

Appendix IX Berita Acara Bimbingan Proposal

Appendix X Lembar Pengesahan Proposal

Appendix XI Surat Pernyataan

Appendix XII Surat Pengesahan Seminar

Appendix XIII Surat Permohonan Perubahan Judul Skripsi

Appendix XIV Surat Mohon Izin Riset

Appendix XV Surat Balasan Riset

Appendix XVI Lembar Pengesahan Skripsi

Appendix XVI I Berita Acara Bimbingan Skripsi

Appendix XVIII Curriculum Vitae




A. Background of Study

Linguistic is the scientific study of language that is mainly concerned on the scientific study of human language (Iwan 2010). Linguists is used to investigate the human being phenomena socially which is bound by all aspects of human life. There are two major in linguistics, they are Micro and Macro

Linguistic. In Macro linguistic, there is sociolinguistic. A study of sociolinguistic about the relations between language and society. How social factors influence the structure and use of language.

―Language is all around us in textual form as it is displayed on shop windows, commercial signs, posters, official notices, traffic signs, etc‖ (Gorter

2006). Languages in public space as known as linguistic landscape, is one of branch in sociolinguistic, and research focuses on relationship between linguistic landscape and language policy has become popular research that many scholars do. Landscape linguistics is often ignored by most people especially in city of

Medan which has been highly dominated by foreign languages, especially English which is the language most often used in naming shops, restaurants, residential complexes, schools, campuses, transportation, street names, etc.

The names of places that use a mixture of two languages in the city of

Medan such as Medan Mall, Citra Garden, Gaperta Residence, Medan Station,

Hairos Water Park etc. and some even use full English, for example Sport Station,

Center Point, Kesawan Square, Rahmat International Wildlife Museum and



Gallery, Ringroad, Colombia Hospital, Prime One School, Wonders Water

World, etc. Nowadays, giving a name to a place using a foreign language is considered not a problem and is very common thing. And this is stated by Gorter

(2007) that ―the languages diversity in LL are influenced by the multilingualism and bilingualism.‖

The use of foreign languages is also used as a communication tool among several people by mixing Indonesian and English. And the simple effect of linguistic landscape is how people prefer to use the word merdeka walk rather than lapangan merdeka since the sign realized in front of the filed uses the word

―Merdeka Walk‖. The use of language can influenced by linguistic landscape.The question is why can English be used in the linguistic landscape? Why not just use

Indonesian? Who made the sign? Are there certain rules regarding making linguistic landscape?.

Increasing the bilingual that most of places that design in their signs in around us, it can have an impact on the public's assumption that people seem to live abroad using English. Even though people live in which upholds the language of Indonesian unity. It is found in the Sumpah Pemuda text. And supported by Law Article 36 (3) Indonesian language must be used for the name of buildings or streets, apartments or settlements, offices, complexes, trade, trademarks, business institutions, educational institutions... Other than, the sign has rules for display in public spaces. According to the results of the minister‘s decision regarding the signs in the public spaces. In the section of 13 describes the words in the form of words explained that (1) Warnings, prohibitions, commands



and instructions that can not be stated with symbols, can be expressed in words.

(2) Signs that use words must be easy to read, short and easy to understand. (3)

For certain regions, if necessary, you can used more than 2 (two) languages,

Indonesia above and foreign languages below.

The reality of linguistic landscape in public spaces, especially at Train

Station Medan, the use of language is one of the reasons, there is for example

Indonesia is a country that has a national language namely Bahasa Indonesia while in the public spaces there is still foreign languages used. Not only that, there is a sign where English comes as the first language, and Bahasa Indonesia comes as the second language.

Consider of the following example:

Figure 1. Sign in Train Station Medan


Language displayed in that sign shows that there are two languages as known as bilingual information. It uses to inform people who have an understanding the two languages. The languages displayed here is English comes as the first language and Bahasa Indonesia comes as the second language. This is not in accordance with government regulations which state that Indonesian is above and foreign languages below. A research need to analyses such as this question to give better comprehending on language displayed and the linguistic landscape in Train Station Medan area. Since this station has even more area that really needs to be analyzed to find out how one of the branches of sociolinguistics i.e LL plays role in this study. From this research lots of people took part in its development, because people now realize there are a lot of languages around it in text form.

The delivery of information in railway station Medan is also no longer in written language such as picture that researcher showed above, but more sophisticated communication that the delivery of information has been used with methods by displaying symbols, images, and signs in providing information or in prohibition and warning forms. So these are the problems that the researchers will discuss in this paper. About what type of language is used, how linguistic landscape can be realized and why the language used in the sign uses two languages. Are there rules in the world of transportation that the use of the language must use bilingual? What is the purpose and who made the sign? And why do they design images, symbols, on these signs?.


Being realized of signs surrounding us, this paper aims to analyze the linguistic landscape in a train station Medan involves the languages displayed there. This place is chosen as the object of research is because of the influence station itself have on society, the study of linguistic landscape in train station

Medan is particularly interesting, since it is a place for people and tourist to go to continue their journeys; it is thus quite likely that the national languages used and foreign language that realized in train station Medan.

B. Identification of Problem

Based on the background of the study, identification the problem can be formulated as follows:

1. Linguistic landscape realized in bilingual that are not in accordance with the


2. Linguistic landscape is dominantly used visual design, such as displaying

pictures, symbols, signs to giving the meaning of signs that design.

C. Scope and Limitation

The scope of this research is about a study of linguistic landscape which is mainly limited on signs, languages, pictures that displayed in train station Medan.

D. Formulation of Problem

From the background of the statement above, the researcher formulates the problems of the study as:


1. What types of language are used in train station Medan?

2. How are linguistic items realized based on categories of signs in train station


3. Why linguistic landscape items realized in train station Medan the way they


E. Objective of Study

Based on the problems of the study above, this study is intended to describe:

1. To investigate the dominant language that used in train station of Medan.

2. To investigate the realization of linguistic items based on categories of signs

at the train station of Medan.

3. To investigate the reason of realization of linguistic landscape in train station


F. Significance of Study

This research contributes both of theoretical and practical in the study of linguistic, especially concerning about linguistic landscape study.

1. Theoretical Significance

This research can enrich the research in the field of the linguistic landscape

2. Practical Significance

(i) For students, this research can be used as reference to conduct a research

linguistic landscape study. (ii) For society, this research can help people to

make it easier to read the sign and raise language awareness at Train Station


Medan. (iii) For librarian, this research can be expected to be placed as one of the trending linguistic studies.



A. Theoretical Framework

In this chapter, researcher will provide theories related to this research. The purpose of this chapter is to support the framework of this study and the background of the problems in the previous chapter.

1. Linguistic Landscape

1.1 Definition of Linguistic Landscape

According to the dictionary, landscape has two basic meanings. First, literally the meaning of landscape is a piece or expanse of landscape that can be looked at one time from a place. Secondly, landscape has the meaning of an image that represents inland natural scenery, as distinguished from images of the sea pictures or portraits.In the research of linguistic landscape presents this time, the two meanings above can be used. In one hand, the literal research of the languages used in the signs, and in another hand, the representation of the language used in the sign is very important to analyzed because it is closely related to identity and cultural globalization (Gorter, 2006).

Written languages form in the signs at the public space is a study of linguistic landscape. Landry and Bourhis are experts who define LL very firstly,

(1997) stated that linguistic landscape as the visibility and salience of languages on public and commercial signs in a given territory or region. Specifically, the notion refers to:



the language of public road signs, advertising billboards, street names, place

names, commercial shop signs, and public signs on government buildings

combines to form the linguistic landscape of a given territory, region, or

urban agglomeration.

Written form in public space that realized in use of language are the concerned of Landry and Bourhis. It refers to language that everybody can see in a specified area (Bourhis& Landry, 2002). ―The languages diversity in LL is influenced by multilingualism and bilingualism. It is a common phenomena in this world. Both the languages diversity and the different of languages vitality have the important implications to the individuals and the societies‖ (Gorter, 2007).

1.1.1 Monolingual Information

Information retrieval can be monolingual. The so-called monolingual retrieval is the most basic and most common type, which like its name reveals, uses only one language for both the query and information retrieval. But it is sometimes also understood as information retrieval for languages other than

Bahasa Indonesia. According to the Oxford Dictionary, monolingualism is defined as: (i) knowing or able to use only one language; monoglot. (2) spoken or written in only one language. Monolingual refers to someone who speaks only one language.

Monolingual information is the information that realize in single language.

According to the results of the minister‘s decision regarding the signs in the public spaces. In the section of 12 describes the rules of signs in the form, size of letters and numbers that explain “(1) Signs of the direction of the direction use


capital letters in the first letter, and then use lowercase letters and/or all capital letters and/or lowercase letters. (2) Banning and warming signs use uppercase and/or lowercase letters. (3) Writing letters stating the unit of length and weight written in letters capital and/or lowercase letters”. While regarding the words in the form of words explained in the section of 13 “(1) Warnings, prohibitions, commands and instructions that can not be stated with symbols can be expressed in words. (2) Signs that use words must be easy to read, short and easy to understand. (3) For certain regions, if necessary, you can used more than 2 (two) languages, Indonesia above and foreign languages below”.

Below is the example of monolingual sign:

Figure 2. Monolingual Sign

1.1.2 Bilingual Information

Language displayed in Linguistic Landscape can realize in bilingual. If more than one language are involved, for example if that language is written in

Bahasa Indonesia and the query is made in English, information retrieval is said to be bilingual. According to Oxford Dictionary, ―bilingual is (i) (of a text or an activity) written or conducted in two languages, bilingual dictionaries, bilingual education, (ii) (of a country, city, or other community) using two languages,


especially officially‖. And bilingualism is fluency in or use of two languages.

Based on that definition, bilingualism in linguistic landscape is the languages that displayed have two languages. Related to this study is linguistic landscape in train station Medan realized in Bahasa Indonesia and English.

Below is the example of bilingual sign:

Figure 3. Bilingual Sign

1.1.3 Multilingual Information

Information retrieval also can be multilingual. If there are three or more languages involved, for example Bahasa Indonesia, English and at least one more language, information retrieval is obviously multilingual. According to Oxford

Dictionary multilingual is in or using several languages. Nowadays, as we live in globalization era has led people to use multilingual. Multilingualism in linguistic landscape means that languages displayed in the signs have more than two


languages. Multilingualism is highly developed in the research of linguistic landscape where researchers focus on languages that are used in signs consisting of more than two languages.

The use of different languages on public signs has been regulated in many areas of the world as part of language policies. Some states, provinces, or cities have developed specific regulations and legal measures to govern the use of languages in the linguistic landscape. Based on the last criteria that Spolsky and

Cooper (1991) defined that there are three types in number of languages in signs, those are monolingual sign, bilingual sign, and multilingual signs. Monolingual means that the language that existed in the signs is just one language. Bilingual consists of two languages. And multilingual consists of more than two languages.

Below is the example of multilingual sign:

Figure 4. Multilingual Sign

1.2 Function of Linguistic Landscape

Informative and symbolic are the function of linguistic landscape.

According to Landry and Bourhis, 1997, ―Informative function indicates the borders of the territory of linguistic group. It shows that a specific language or languages for communication or to sell products. On the other hand, the symbolic function refers to the value and the status of the languages as regarded.‖


Languages displayed in linguistic landscape give the information to all the readers about what the meaning of the linguistic landscape itself, based on the placed of linguistic landscape appeared.

2. Sign

2.1 Definition of Sign

Signs are written texts that describe information in a particular place.

According to Backhaus (2007), ―sign is defined as any piece of written text, including anything from the small handwritten sticker attached to a lamp-post to huge commercial billboards outside a department store‖. Conveying the messages of general public interest, such as topographic, information, directions, warnings, instruction, and so on are the function of signs.

―Signs on the LL can also play a symbolic role wherein appropriation, aspiration, transgression and hybridity are found to be indicators of changes in the social milieu‖ (Backhaus 2007). In addition, the placement of signs is also important for understanding spatial "ownership", power relations and interpretation of gaps and contradictions in social structures. The public space according to Shohamy ―…streets, parks, billboards, shops, stores and offices. The core of the public space in the era, however, consists principally of areas designated as ‗center‘ or ‗downtown‘, i.e. the groups of streets and squares where one sees ‗a crowd‘ when most people are not at work‖.


2.2 Types of Signs

Signs are generally consisted into two types, there is Top Down and Bottom

Up, Cenoz and Gorter‘s 2006 stated ―that top-down, the government or related institutionrefer to the official signs while bottom-up signs refer to the nonofficial signs put by commercial enterprises or by private organizations or persons‖. In other words, government sign or top-down or official sign intended to sign produced by public authorities such as being a government, city or public institution, and sign produced by individuals, organizations or companies or less autonomous in official regulations limiting personal do downward or unofficial marks.

'Top-down' items include those issued by national public bureaucracies, public signs, public announcements and street names. 'Bottom-up' items, on the other hand, include those issued by owners of social actors and companies such as names and signs and business announcements. Although the use various terminologies to distinguish top-down from bottom-up signs, they still refer to the same basic understanding of top-down as government and bottom-up as commercial.

Based on Spolsky and Cooper, they stated that―classify the signs into the different criteria to build the sign languages taxonomies. The signs taxonomies based on the function and the use of the signs (such as direction signs, advertising signs, warning notices, building names, informative signs, graffitti, and slogan), b). The signs taxonomies based on the materials used in the signs or based on the physical form of the signs (such as metal, tile, poster, wood, stone), and c). The


signs taxonomies based on the languages used and the number of languages in the signs (such as monolingual sign, multilingual sign, and bilingual sign).‖

2.2.1 Direction Sign

According to Spolsky and Cooper, a directional sign is a sign containing directions information about a public place owned or operated by the government, state, or institution. In public place has provided direction signage and directions for various uses. Indoor and outdoor directional signage is used for directions or information such as parking signs, signs leading to a specific location such as directions to ATM Gallery, prayer room, toilet, etc. Directions can also be used to inform important safety information or identify key areas. In other hand, direction sign is the concept of directing the readers with signage.

2.2.2 Advertising Sign

Advertising sign is one of the outdoor media that has the purpose of conveying a message about a product or service even individuals who want to boost popularity. Advertising sign as a Media (Promotion) is a variety of communication tools used by business people or companies to convey and disseminate messages to the intended target market. Billboard signs also have a quite large role as do other forms of promotion such as sales promotion, direct marketing, public relations, personal selling and publicity.

2.2.3 Warning Notice and Prohibition

Warning notice is one type of short functional text that contains information in the form of warnings or directives that are shown to many people and usually associated with something that is quite dangerous. Warning sign is usually placed


in strategic places in order to facilitate and attract the attention of readers. Notice is one type of short functional text that contains a short and simple information in the form of text / images / signs / symbols to provide information, instructions or warnings to the public and is usually in the form of signs. A prohibition sign is a safety sign prohibiting behaviour likely to cause a risk to health and safety. These health & safety signs are required to be red show only what or who is forbidden. Prohibition safety signs generally depicted a black safety symbol in a red circle with a diagonal cross through.

2.2.4 Building Name Sign

Building name is a sign that has a function as the name of a place, location, or room in a public place. Usually, this sign is found in front of the door of a room or above the building. This sign is made to make it easier for readers to get information that the sign is a place or room, and the name of a building. So, the readers do not enter the wrong place in a public place.

2.2.5 Informative Sign

The meaning of informative sign is a sign to announce things that need to be known by many people. Within the scope of the station building, informative signs are usually placed where they can be seen and read well by passengers, such as in the ticket counter, which contains train departure and arrival schedules, information for pregnant passengers, baby passengers, and others. An informative sign is a very legibly printed and very noticeable placard that informs people of the purpose of an object.


2.2.6 Graffiti Sign

Graffiti is a name for a picture or letter scratched, written, painted or marked in any way on the property. Graffiti is writing or drawing made on walls or other surfaces, usually as a form of artistic expression. Graffiti ranges from simple written words to complicated wall paintings such as pictures, writings, etc.

Graffiti is an art creation expressed by artists through wall or wood wall media that can be painted in the form of letters, images that have certain meanings as an outpouring of the heart that makes it poured in the form of writing and drawing in such a way that usually uses paint.

2.2.7 Slogan Sign

According to Oxford Dictionary, slogan is (i) a short and striking or memorable phrase used in advertising. (ii) a motto associated with a political party or movement or other group. Slogan is a motto that is made in a series of words that are relatively short and interesting, where the aim is to convey information to the public. There is also a mention that the meaning of the slogan is a series of words or sentences that are relatively short, made interesting, striking, and easy to remember by people who read or hear them, where the aim is to convey information to the public. Although made with short sentences, in general a slogan contains broad meanings. The main purpose of a slogan is to invite others to do something in accordance with the contents of the slogan.


3. Semiotics

3.1 Definition of Semiotics

Saussure defines "semiotics" in the Course in General Linguistics as "the science that examines the role of signs as part of social life". Implicit in the definition is a relation, that if the sign is part of the prevailing social life. There is a sign system and there are social systems which are both interrelated. In this case,

Saussure talked about social conventions that regulate the use of signs socially, namely the choice of combining and using signs in a certain way so that it has social meaning and value (Alex Sobur, 2016).

3.2 Concept of Semiotic

According to Halliday, 1989, ―the concept of semiotic derives initially from the concept of the sign; and the modern word harks back to the terms semainon, semainomenon (signifier, signified‘) used in ancient Greek linguistics by the Stoic philosophers.‖ The first to evolve a theory of the sign, in the 3rd – 2nd century BC were the Stoics; and their conception had of the linguistic signs was already well advanced along the lines in that was developed two thousand years later in the work of Ferdinand de Saussure.

Linguistic is a kind of semiotics. It is an aspect of the study of meaning.

There are many other ways of meaning, other than through language. it is hard to say exactly how the languages, in some rather vague, undefined sense, the most comprehensive, the most all-embracing, the most important;. But there are a lot of other modes of meaning, in any cultures, which are outside the realm of


languages. Visual semiotic framework, argue that visual images form their meaning based on their position or location in the world.

3.3 Social-Semiotic

Halliday stated that social-semiotic refers to the definition of social system, or a culture, as a system of meanings. And he also intend a more specific interpretation of the word ―social‖, to indicate that he concerned particularly with the relationships between language and social structure, considering the social structure as one aspect of the social system. Languages displayed in signs can not separate from the environment in around of society. The meaning of the signs itself must be suitable with the location placed. So, it based on the context of the situation.

3.3.1 Context and Text

Context and Text can not be separated as a reminder that these are aspects of the same process. There is text and also there is other text that accompanies it: text that is ‗with‘, namely the con-text. This notion of what is ‗with the text‘ however, belong what is said and written: it included other non-verbal goings- on—the total environment in which a text unfolds.So it functions to create a bridge between the situation and the text where the texts actually occur

3.3.2 Context of Situation

All use of languages has a context. The 'textual' feature allows discourse to blend not only with itself but also with the context of the situation. This kind of language was very much pragmatic language. According to Halliday there are


three components that enable him to display the redundancy between text and situation-how each serves to predict the other. The three components are:

(a). Field of discourse: the ‗play‘-the kind of activity, as recognized in the culture, within which the language is playing some part.

The field of discourse refers to what is happening, to the nature of the social action that is happening: what is being done by the participants, where does language play an important component?

(b). Tenor of discourse: the ‗players‘-the actors , or rather the interacting roles, that are involved in the creation of the text;

The tenor of discourse refers to who takes part, to the nature of the participants, their status and roles. The whole group of socially significant relationships in which they are involved?

(c). Mode of discourse: : 'Parts' - special functions assigned to language in this situation. Discourse mode refers to what part of the language is playing. What participants expect language to do for them in the situation: the symbolic organization of the text, its status, and its function in context, including channels

(spoken or written or a specific combination of the two?) And rhetorical mode, what is achieved by text in terms of categories such as persuasive, expository, didactic, and the like.

3.3.3 Text

The text is made of the words, and sentences, it is really made of meanings. Meaning must be expressed, or coded, in words and structure. it must be coded in something to be communicated; but as something in itself, text is


basically a semantic unit.Halliday stated that ―one method of describing a text is by exegesis, or explication de texte, a kind of running commentary on the product that reveals something of its dynamic unfolding as a process. This problem for this approach is that the researcher need to look beyond the words and structures so as to interpret the text as a process in a way that relates it to the language as a whole.‖

Semantic is the study of word meaning and sentence meaning. A related meaning point is that one can know a language perfectly well without knowing its history (Griffiths, 2006). Linguistic signs are words, similar in certain respects with natural and conventional signs. They do not 'have meaning' but are better able to convey meaning to those who can understand, interpret and identify.

―Words go together to form sentences which in turn are capable of conveying meanings—the meanings of the individual words and the meaning that comes from the relation of these words to one another‖ (Kreidler, 2002).

The analysis of Linguistic landscape must determine more than inheritance

(through the position and visibility of signs), but identify in terms of meaning according to the context of the situation around public places. It can be about whether there are certain reasons so that the sign was made, is there a problem that ever existed around a public place so that the sign was finally there, whether the sign was also made because of complaints from the surrounding community and others. In this way the LL analysis is useful in making a deeper understanding of this diverse environment through visual representations on signage.


4. Transportation

4.1 Definition of Transportation

Transportation according to the provisions of Law No. 14 of 1992 is a node and / or activity space that is connected by traffic space so that it can form a unified system for the purposes of carrying out traffic and road transportation.

Transportation can be interpreted as the activity of moving goods and people from the origin to the destination ( destination). In transportation activities, four components are needed, namely: (a) the availability of cargo transported, (b) the existence of vehicles as a means of transportation, (c) the existence of roads that can be passed and (d) the availability of terminals. The transportation process is a movement from the place of origin, where the transportation activities begin, go to the destination, where the transportation activities are ended (Rahardjo, 2010).

Transportation can be interpreted as an effort to move, move, transport, or divert an object from one place to another, where in other places the object is more useful or can be useful for certain purposes. Supporting devices used to carry out the process of moving, moving, transporting and transferring this can vary depending on the shape of the object to be moved, the distance between a place and another place, and the purpose of the object to be moved (Miro, 2004).

4.2 Definition of Railways

According to the Railway Law No.23 of 2007, railways are a unitary system consisting of infrastructure, facilities and human resources, as well as the criteria for criteria, requirements and procedures for the operation of rail transportation.

Trains consist of locomotives and carriages, locomotives are railway facilities that


have their own movers and are used to pull and / or push trains, carriages and / or special equipment including electric and diesel locomotives. Whereas the train itself means a railway facility that is pulled by a locomotive or has its own drive which is used for people, including the Electric Rail (KRL), Diesel Rail (KRD), dining trains, luggage trains and generator trains.

4.3 Medan Station

The Sumatra region, especially the northern part of the Dutch private company DSM (Deli Spoorweir Maatschappi) opened the first network in North

Sumatra across Medan port around July 17, 1886 with the same motive, namely lifting plantation products from the interior to the eastern port of Belawan port.

PT. Kereta Api Indonesia Medan located on Jalan Medan Kota Station (MDN) is a train station that serves Medan City in Indonesia, and is in a meeting between

Kesawan Village (West Medan) and Gang Buntu (East Medan). The station which is located at +22 m is the center of the Regional Division I of and

Aceh, making it the largest train station in the entire Regional Division, and every day serving 2000-2500 passengers throughout North Sumatra. It is located in the center of Medan, namely Jalan Medan No.1, precisely in front of Merdeka Square and close to other historical buildings such as the Medan Grand Post Office, City

Hall (old; now Grand Aston hotel), Dharma Deli Hotel, Bank Indonesia, London

Sumatra Building. This station has city check-in for prospective passengers at the new Kuala Namu International Airport. This service is also the first in all of

Indonesia. In 2006, Medan Kota Station received the Main Prima Award for public transportation unit services. The presence of the Medan major station was


considered important considering that all trains with any destination moved from this station. So that other stations adjust the train operational schedule with the train arrival schedule from Medan station.

B. Previous Relevant Studies

Several studies related to the researcher‘s study had been conducted before.

One of them is a study by Hurrotul Firdausiyah (2019) entitled ―A Linguistic

Landscape Study In Pondok Pesantren Putri Mambaus Sholihin Gresik‖. Which was found in her study that she discovered English, Arabic, and Indonesia languages that presented in monolingual, bilingual, and multilingual signs. And there are the functions of the signs itself. She described the signs construction in

Ponpes Putri Mambaus Sholihin are there are some steps in the signs creation; discussion, vocabularies collection, and vocabularies & grammar correction


The other study was conducted Nurul Hayati and Lolytasari (2018) entitled

―Islamic Symbols at Indonesia‘s Islamic University Libraries: A Semiotic Study‖.

Which found that the Islamic symbol in the Islamic University library are physical symbols and value symbols.They found the Islamic meanings implied in the signs in the library. They stated that the impact of this researcher are the identification of Islamic symbols that have been used in the library of Islamic universities in Indonesia and the interpretation of the Islamic values contained in the symbols used.


Another study was conducted by Robin Atilano (2014) entitled ― Language of ‗order‘: English in the Linguistic Landscape of Two Major Train Station in

Philippines‖. And the result of his study was the signs that he found was 76 signs in two stations. English dominated as there were overwhelmingly more signs in

English only than in Filipino only. English was used to exact two forms of

―order‖: one that makes readers ―follow order‖ such as proper behaviors in train stations, and another that encourages readers to ―make order‖ like buying of food in commercial establishment in the areas.

These topics, turns out to be on the same ship as approach to the same object to this study, that is focused on LL in train station. However, the research have been conducted by Robin (2014) is focused with the language of order in

Recto-LRT and Taft-MRT Stations. What makes different with this study is this research is focus on dominant of language displayed in train station Medan and the contextual meaning of the signs itself.

C. Conceptual Framework

Linguistic Landscape is studying the visibility of the written languages form in the signs at the public space. These places include public areas such as hospital, police station, government office, campus, school, airport, station and so on. And the focus in this study is Linguistic Landscape in train station Medan that take whole the signs that realized there. In those signs there are two languages there,

Bahasa Indonesia and English.

Multilingualism and bilingualism influence the language diversity. It is a common things nowadays. Different of languages vitalityland Languages


diversity have the important involvement to the individuals and the societies.

Signs are generally divided into two types, there is Top Down and Bottom Up. LL

'Top-down' items include those issued by national public bureaucracies, public signs, public announcements and street names. 'Bottom-up' items, on the other hand, include those issued by owners of social actors and companies such as names and signs and business announcements.

This study discovered how the languages displayed, and see what type of languages realized, how linguistic items realized and why linguistic landscape realized in train station Medan

The following diagram explains the conceptual framework of this study:

Linguistic Landscape

Train Station Medan


Picture Language Symbol

Finding of research



A. Research Design

In this study, the researcher employed mixed method research where researcher use qualitative research methods or techniques in one phase and use quantitative research methods and techniques (Yusuf 2014). Quantitative study here used as a count of the number of each monolingual and bilingual sign. In this case it looked like a percentage of each sign category. Whereas, qualitative study submitted an analysis of the results of interviews with the station authority about the reasons for using bilingual on signs at the train station.

B. Source of Data

There were two kinds of the data, they were the form of languages, pictures, symbols which were used in the signs at Train Station Medan and opinions of station authority which were gotten by the interview.

C. Technique of Data Collection

Dealing with this topic of the research, the researcher conducted several procedures. They were observation, documentation, and interview procedure.

1. Observation

The first step in collecting data in this study was observation. Observation conducted at the train station Medan was caused by there were a lot of



linguistic landscapes found such as direction signs, advertising signs, building

names, warning notices and prohibitions, slogans, and graffiti.

2. Documentation

The researcher was collected the data by taking pictures of signs inside and

outside the station.

3. Interview

Interviews conducted in this study were with two informants from the station


Where those categories combined called as triangulation. Triangulation can be interpreted as a data collection technique that is combining the various techniques of collecting data and data sources that already exist. The researcher used observation, in-depth interviews and documentation for the same data source

(Sugiyono 2007).

D. Technique of Analysis Data

The researcher did the data analysis in some steps to answer of each formulation of problems. For the first one was about the type of languages realized in Train Station Medan. The researcher counted the signs based on monolingual, bilingual into table.

Below is the table of languages displayed:

Total Groups Languages Number Percentage … Monolingual Indonesian … …% English … …%


Bilingual Indonesian- … …% English

Table 1. Languages displayed in train station Medan.

To analyze the second of formulation problems, the researcher categorized the signs based on categories of the sign (direction signs, advertising signs, warning notices and prohibitions, building names, informative signs, slogan, graffiti).

Train Station Medan Categories Number of Signs Direction signs Advertising signs Warning notices and prohibitions Building names Informative signs Slogan Graffiti Table 2. Categories of the signs

And the last the researcher transcribed the interview recording. After that, the researcher formulated the results into narrative paragraphs to be presented in the conclusion to answer the third research question about the reason linguistic items realized in train station Medan.



A. Data Collection

This research focused on the form of languages which were used in signs at

Train Station Medan. The form of language were taken from the signs which photographed by the researcher. There were 125 signs which was classified in monolingual and bilingual sign. And there were 7 categories of signs discovered in this study, they were direction sign, advertising sign, building name, informative sign, graffiti, and slogan sign. And the result interview conducted with 2 informants from station authority.

B. Data Analysis

After collected the data, the researcher classified the data based on the type of languages in train station Medan. It deals with the first research question, the types of language were used in signs in monolingual, and bilingual. Monolingual refers to the signs that contain only one language realized, bilingual refers to the signs that contain two languages realized. In this study, researchers counted the number of signs that use monolingual and bilingual and calculated with percent numbers.

The second research question answer by the researcher with classified the data based on types of signs itself based on the function and the use of the signs.

There were 7 categories of signs: direction signs, advertising signs, warning



notices and prohibitions, building names, informative signs, graffiti, and slogan. And each of these types counted with percent number.

The last, the researcher analyzed the constructing linguistic items in train station Medan. It deals with interview that the researcher have done by giving some questions to the station authority to answer the third research question about the reason linguistic items realized includes the purposes and regulations of signs construction. There are three main questions that researcher interviewed, a) why linguistic items realized in train station Medan, b) purposes of the signs itself.c) theregulation of sign.

1. Types of Language on Signs

This study conducted observation to find out the language used on the signs at Medan station which is located on St.Ka Street, Kesawan, Kec. Medan Bar.,

Kota Medan, North Sumatra 20212. There were 125 signs that have been photographed that were used as data from this study. The data taken was signs that are seen inside and outside at the station.

In this study there were two languages displayed, they were Indonesian language and English. The researcher used quantitative method of the study, it contained the number of types of languages realized in train station Medan were examined.

For more details, see the table below:

Total Groups Languages Number Percentage 74 (59%) Monolingual Indonesian 59 80% English 15 20% Others - -


51 (41%) Bilingual Indonesian- 48 94% English

English- 3 6% Indonesian Others - - - Multilingual - - - Table1. Percentage of types language in Train Station Medan

The table above indicated that Indonesia language as the national language in Republic of Indonesia had amount 80% as the dominant language in Train

Station Medan. English used in the sign was 20%. Moreover, the table above shows that the number of monolingual signs was much larger than bilingual. All of monolingual signs had amount 74 signs include Indonesian and English. And the bilingual signs were 51 signs which include Indonesian - English, and English

– Indonesia. The multilingual signs didn‘t found in this study.

1.1 Monolingual Signs

There were 74 signs in monolingual from total 125 signs. It shows that monolingual signs was the largest number of the signs realized in train station

Medan. Based on the table above, Indonesian language found 59 signs (80%) as the dominant language used in monolingual sign. Most Indonesian monolingual signs were used for providing particular information such as notifications for pregnant female passengers, or notifications for passengers carrying babies. See the picture below for more details.


Figure 5. Monolingual Sign in Indonesian 1 The sign above is monolingual because it contained one language, it was

Indonesian language. The meaning of sign to inform the passengers about certain provisions regarding train travel for pregnant women. This sign was made based on an object at station, in which there were pregnant women passengers who take the train as the transportation. And this sign served to avoid accidents or unwanted things.

The official website of the Indonesian Railroad Company (PT KAI) states the rules of pregnant women traveling by long-distance train, which is 14-28 weeks' gestation, and must be in healthy condition. Pregnant women with a gestational age of less than 14 weeks or more than 28 weeks must attach a doctor's certificate stating the pregnancy is in good health. There were other provisions that pregnant women must be accompanied by at least one adult passenger, including carrying luggage when the porter is not available. It was made to state and convince that passengers were in good health to take the train journey. And nothing unexpected happens with the passenger pregnancy.


Figure 6. Monolingual Sign in Indonesian 2 This sign contained only one language, Indonesian. The motto of the station transportation company was "Anda Adalah Prioritas Kami". The word "Anda" in this sentence refers to passengers of the train station. Where passengers were priority over others. And the word ―Kami‖ refers to the workers at the station who serving the passengers. This sign made because the object named train station

Medan want to serve the society who using the train as a means of transportation.

The safety of the passengers takes priority over any other matter. This sign was found at the ticket sales location and close to the check-in counter. This sign placement was very appropriate because there are several tasks that are ready to be located to help the passengers who ask.

Figure 7. Example of Monolingual Sign in Indonesian 3 This sign contained one language which is Indonesian only. The meaning of sign was prohibiting the passengers not to cross the railroad area. This was located in railroad way and it was made because it was hoped that there are no more accidents affecting passengers. This was related to high number of train accidents


in Medan. So, this sign served a warning for the passengers to not across the railroad way.

The red color on the sign indicates that there was a strict prohibition for passengers to cross recklessly on the railroad tracks. The writing of a very large sign fills all of these signs. There were crossings that have been provided by the station which are heavily guarded by security officers. The sign indicates that the station really did not want accidents and any incident that befell the passengers.

Below are the examples of monolingual in English,

Figure 8. Example of Monolingual in English 1

The sign above was monolingual because it just contained one language which is English. The meaning of sign to give directions to passengers that the way out of an emergency goes right way. This sign was used at the station because the direction was very important. It made by the station company so that if at any time there is disaster, such as a fire, earthquake, or any other unexpected event at the Medan station, this sign served as a notification and direction to the passenger to pass in the direction in order to go out of the station building.

Based on the regulation of Law No. 28 of 2002 concerning Buildings and also Government Regulation No. 36 of 2005 concerning Buildings states that

"Every building, except a single dwelling house and a simple row house, must


provide an evacuation facility which includes a hazard warning system for users, emergency exits and evacuation routes that can guarantee the ease of building users. to evacuate from inside buildings safely in the event of a disaster or emergency‖. The article states that emergency exits and evacuation routes must be equipped with directions that are easy to read and clear.

Figure 9. Example of Monolingual in English 2

It can be seen that it just contained one language which is English. This was located in indoor of area, especially in airport station on floor two. It was made because the object named train station Medan allowed passengers to smoke in a place that has been provided because most of the rooms at the station banned passengers to smoke. This sign was made because there were still many smoking passengers who smoked carelessly, therefore a smoking room was made. It aimed to inform the passengers and staff about location of smoking room.

1.2 Bilingual Signs

There were 51 signs in bilingual from total 125 signs. The languages displayed in this study were Indonesian – English and English – Indonesian.

Among 51 signs for bilingual itself, most of them were written in Indonesian –

English as much 49 signs (96%), followed by English – Indonesian as much 2 signs (4%). Bilingual signs found at the station used translation, it means that the


first language was translated into the second language, the text on sign had the same meaning. For more specific, see the picture below.

Figure 10. Indonesian – English Sign

The sign above is bilingual because it contained two languages which is

Indonesian language as the first language and English as the second language. The meaning of sign to prohibit passengers from carrying objects that written on the sign, such as durian. Durian was not very suitable to be carried on public transportation because not everyone feels comfortable with its smell. It is only a matter of time which is unsuitable for carrying durian in public places because beside its smell that not everyone likes, it can also disturb other passengers if attaching the sharp spines which can injury others. This sign was found before entering the station. Right in front of the main entrance of the Medan station.


Figure 11. English – Indonesian Sign

This sign was bilingual information that used English as the first language and Indonesian as the second language. This sign found in front of the train border, more precisely at the pole close to the passenger lounge. The meaning of this sign to give information to the passengers that the place was still available as a trading or business location in the station area. It was made by the station company because they provided business opportunities for private parties who want to trade in station area. The sign was found on each pole. With a fairly large font size, it aims to promote certain locations that want to be used as a trading business and others.

2. Categories of Signs

In this study, researcher categorized the signs based on the function of each of these signs. Based on that, there were 7 categories of signs analyzed in this study. They were direction signs, advertisement signs, warning notices and prohibitions, building names, informative sign, graffiti and slogans. To find out more clear information, look at the table below.


Train Station Medan Categories Number Percentage Direction signs 23 19% Advertising signs 19 15% Warning notices and prohibitions 20 16% Building names 21 17% Informative signs 35 28% Graffiti 4 3% Slogan 3 2% Total 125 100% Table 2. The numbers of sign categories

The table above was summed based on overall monolingual and bilingual signs, most of the signs used at Medan station information signs as much 35 signs

(28%), direction signs were 23 signs (19%), building names were 21 signs (17%), warning notices and prohibitions were 20 signs (16%), advertising sign were 19 signs (15%), graffiti were 4 signs (3%), and the last was slogan sign were 3 signs


2.1 Informative Sign

There were 35 signs (28%) informative signs was discovered of this study.

It showed that these signs were the most used at train station Medan. It was very easy to find at train station area. Informative signs included departure schedules, arrivals, announcements, ticket purchases, etc. The target of these signs were the passengers to read about information at train station.

Below is the example of informative sign.


Figure 12. Informative Sign 1

This sign was monolingual, because it consisted one language which is in

Indonesian. The sign was intended for passengers who bring children under the age of 3 years to have certain provisions such as getting a ticket price discount of

100% (free) and did not take their own seats from an adult passenger fare. This applies to all train classes. This sign was found around ticket sales which would be seen by passengers easily. Before buying a ticket, passengers can read this sign for information.

The relations of the sign to the location where this sign was found, (in this case the station) was the passengers who take the train were not only adults but there were also babies. Therefore, this information was made for passengers to read that there were certain provisions for baby passengers to know. Based on the announcement, it turned out that the station company also has a sense of awareness to baby passengers. It could be that it attracts attention to passengers to take the train as the transportation.


Figure 13. Informative Sign 2

This sign was bilingual because there were two languages appeared.

Indonesian as the first language and English as the second language. It informed the passengers about whoever who have the regular ticket allowed to go through city railway station by showing the valid regular train ticket. It was made because on the floor of the two station buildings, it turned out there was a train station going to the airport. With this sign to make it easier for passengers to get information that the door is towards the airport station.

2.2 Direction Sign

Next is direction signs, totaling 23 signs (19%) as the most used signs at

Medan station after informative signs. These signs have the function in giving directions to certain places. See the figure below.


Figure 14. Direction Sign 1

The sign above was bilingual because it clearly seen that there were two languages there, Indonesian then followed English below. It included the direction sign because it direct the passengers to the certain places. This sign placed in front of station building because in order to give directions to passengers who have just arrived at the station that the way to the ticket checking turns the right, the commercial area turn the left, checks in the counter turn the right, and the customer service keep straight way. It was made because there were many places realized at station which is if there were no direction signs appeared, it confused passengers to the location they were looking for. With this sign passengers can easily get the location or place they want to find.

Below is the other example,

Figure 15. Direction Sign 2


This sign contained two languages which are Indonesian and English. This sign located on underground which will be connected to railroad track two. More specifically, this sign was placed in the middle between two stairs (that is why the direction of the arrow was in the right and left direction because it can use both to use) aimed at directing passengers that the stairs itself was used to go up (from underground) to the railroad track one. It can be seen from the picture that is used next to the writing, such as pictures of people climbing the stairs. from the picture also gives direction that the sign goes up to track one and the station lobby.

2.3 Building Names

Building names discovered as much 21 signs (19%), included the names of certain buildings and places. For example the name of a room in Medan station below:

Figure 16. Building Name Sign 1

This sign realized in two languages, there are Indonesian language and

English. This sign served as the name of a place or room at the train station. It was made because the object of this study which a transportation building, so it needed to make passengers know that it was the place to check in counter. This place operated as a ticket check place, which consists of an online self-check in, a place to print tickets online, checking the restof tickets, ticket registration that requires passengers to fill out forms before buying a ticket, and others relating to ticket


checks. This sign was placed not far from the station entrance, more precisely before entering the ticket counter.

Figure 17. Building Name 2

This sign includes a bilingual sign where there were two languages namely

Indonesian and English. This sign served as a name of a place that was a ticket checking before entering the station. This sign was made because this study analyzed at train station Medan, so this sign was very needed to inform the passengers that it was the place for ticket checking. In this place, the passengers must show the ticket to the officer who will be verified through the barcode that provided on the ticket.

2.4 Warning Notices and Prohibition

Warning notices and prohibition signs as the fourth place with a total of 20 signs (16%). This sign serves as a warning sign and prohibition for passengers to be known. Figure below as the example:

Figure 18. Warning Notice 1

This smoking ban applied at stations, on trains and offices that have been determined. Certain stations provide certain areas to give smokers the opportunity


to enjoy it. Prohibition of smoking on the train did not only apply in the waiting room, restaurant, even in the toilet passengers were prohibited from smoking. On the wall of the train in the waiting room, on the toilet, there were a sticker for ban smoking. The sticker was big, the color was red, as a sign of a strict prohibition to break this rule. The sticker stated the basis for instructions on smoking and following sanctions derived from trains for violators. It was made because the station is a public area where many people were there. This sign prohibited smoking because it can disturb other passengers, moreover who have a history of illness that can not breathe cigarette smoke. Because not all passengers were in good health, this was evidenced by the existence of a sign for people with special needs. Prohibitions were imposed for the convenience of train passengers.

2.5 Advertising Sign

Next, advertising signs encountered 19 signs (15%). It included products sold around, events, sponsors that were promoted around the station. What dominates in this sign were advertising selling food.

Figure 19. Advertising Sign 1

At the station there were food shops available. Because the Medan train station is a large station in North Sumatra which have large enough area to open


shops around, there were several restaurants and food stores available there.

Starting from local products such as Roti O, Medan Par-par, Tea Pot, Napolen

Medan, etc. And from abroad, such as Texas Chicken, Kfc, Cfc, etc. Food stores were also in great demand by passengers at the station. This sign found on the right side of the station entrance, close to the location of the exit from the station.

And not only food store as an advertisement, but there were also certain brands that are promoted at the station. Examples are below:

Figure 20, Advertising Sign 2

This sign was categorized as advertising because it promoted a bank company, namely SUMUT bank, which is clearly visible in the lower right corner which invites the readers to participate in activating SUMUT bank banking and increasing reader transactions. And Telkom company in the upper right hand corner which allows readers to use Telkomsel cards that have prize draws such as motorbikes, phones, and t-cash vouchers. This sign was made because those companies (SUMUT bank and Telkom) were one of several public and private companies that have services in support of Medan station companies. This sign


found in the station's waiting room which could be clearly seen by the station passengers who are waiting for the arrival of the train.

2.6 Graffiti Sign

Graffiti was found in a study as much 4 signs (3%). Graffiti was meant certain pictures and writings that were deliberately made by the station. For example as below, a picture made to introduce Malay culture in Medan. Below is the example one:

Figure 21. Graffiti Sign

This sign consisted of one language, namely Indonesian, it can be clearly seen from the sign that there was a pantun which signified as Malay culture in

Medan. Not only that, but it can also be seen from the sign that there was a man wearing Malay traditional clothes while posing a Malay dance style. And on the right there is a picture of the Maimun Palace which is Malay traditional house.

This sign served to introduce the Malay cultural traditions of Medan. From this sign, it can be seen that the station transportation company apparently has a high awareness of the surrounding cultural customs. Even though there were some signs realized in foreign languages, but they did not forget the local culture in


Medan. The placement of the sign was on the left after entering the ticket inspection gate. Many passengers took pictures at this sign.

2.7 Slogan Sign

The last sign was the slogan sign which amounts to 3 signs (2%). The slogan means the motto that contains a series of words or sentences that appeared in around train station. See the example below.

Figure 22. Slogan Sign

This sign appeared in Indonesian only. "BUMN Hadir Untuk Negeri" was a slogan from that company. The meaning of "hadir" is exist, coming to serve the society. The presence of the BUMN must be truly felt for society. And clearly seen in the sign there is a hashtag, "ayonaikkereta" which invited readers to take the train as a means of transportation. It was made because station company is one of state-owned company where they have to serve society based on that slogan.

This sign was found in front of the station building entrance.

3. Signs Construction

To answer the last research question regarding linguistic landscape construction in train stations, researcher came to the station and interviewed with


station authority about reason for realization of linguistic items at station, they are

Mr. Surya as train trip organizer and Mr. Pandu as train signaling technician.

3.1 The Reason Linguistic Items Realized in Train Station Medan

According to interview with two informants of station authority, linguistic items realized in train station Medan because it was made for passengers to get information by reading the written language in the signs. And there were two languages displayed in signs because, first, Indonesian is the national language of

Indonesia that used as the first language in signs. Second, English is the international language used by information boards. It based on interview result with Mr. Surya as train trip organizer‘s explanation:

“…in There were several purposes for establishing a linguistic landscape at the station:

Based our country we have national language, that is Indonesian. If there are foreigners from abroad or stayed in Indonesia and they are more understand

English, so we used English”

And also supported by Mr. Pandu as train signaling technician‘s interview:

“those passengers are our main priority. Both local and international passengers who do not use Indonesian, but also use English as an international language”.

3.2 The Purposes of Linguistic Landscape in Train Station Medan

1. Based on the function of the sign itself which is to provide information about important things for passengers to know because these signs were made for passengers. It was based on Mr. Pandu‘s statement:


“…all information boards were designed in order to facilitate the

passengers. Because these signs was made to prioritize passengers.”

2. Based on the language function of the sign, Indonesian and English.

Indonesian functions as the national language used by the Indonesian people to get information. And English was used as an international language for passengers who come from abroad who use English as a communication tool. It was according to Mr. Pandu while interview:

“…we use Indonesian because it is our national language, while English

is an international language. So we use two languages here. The English

language is intended for passengers who do not understand Indonesian,

such as outsiders.”

3.3 The Regulation of Signs Construction

There are written official rules for the signs construction in train station

Medan. The rules for making sign have been made by the government as stated by

Mr. Pandu below:

“…of course there are regulations, as I said earlier about the regulations

of the central train station and the regulation of the minister no. 45 of

2018 also discussing the placement of languages in terms of


According to the regulation of minister no. 45 of 2018, in verse 2.2.3 stated that ―the minimum information board is located in the passenger waiting room, ticket counter, and platform, and passenger information serves to convey information in the form of sound, data, and / or images to train passengers." Not


only that, but there are rules in the use of language on the sign, as stated by Mr.

Pandu below:

―If horizontal: Indonesian is placed on the left and English is placed on

the right. If vertical: Indonesian is placed on the top and English is placed


C. Research Findings

The findings that the researcher found after analyzed linguistic landscape in train station Medan were:

1. Languages displayed in linguistic landscape realized in bilingual languages,

they were Indonesian and English. The researcher didn‘t discover any

multilingual language realized in station Medan.

2. The dominant type of language that found in linguistic landscape in train

station Medan was Indonesian language.

3. There were seven categories of sign that discover in station Medan, they

were: Direction signs were 23, Advertising signs were 19, Warning notices

and prohibition were 20, Building names were 21, Informative signs were 35,

Graffiti were 4, and Slogan were 3.



A. Conclusion

The researcher concluded that linguistic landscape in train station Medan after having analyzed on the previous chapter. The complete conclusion could be portrayed as the following:

1. It can be seen clearly there were two types of language realized in train

station Medan was found, they were Indonesian and English appeared in

monolingual and bilingual signs.

2. The total number of signs were 125 signs. Direction signs consisted 23 signs

(19%), Advertising signs consisted 19 signs (15%), Warning notices and

prohibitions consisted 20 signs (16%), Building names consisted 21 signs

(19%), Informative signs consisted 35 signs (28%), Graffiti consisted 4 signs

(3%), and Slogan consisted 3 signs (2%).

3. The reason linguistic landscape realized in train station Medan, based on

analysis, there were some reasons of the signs creation. They were according

to the function and the languages displayed. Based on the function of

linguistic landscape were to make it easier for passengers to get information

because the signs are made to prioritize passengers. And based on bilingual

language were, first, Indonesian language used because it is national language

of Indonesia, as tool of communication. And English is used because the

passengers at the Medan station are not only local, but also international



4. passengers. Hence, English is made for passengers from abroad who use

English as an international language.

B. Suggestion

This study entitled ―Linguistic Landscape in Train Station Medan: A Study of Public Signage‖ was one of a lot of researches that tried to find newest treasure in linguistic landscape work. The researcher fully hoped this study would give a positive linguistic reference to the reader who attracted in linguistic landscape analysis. And the researcher wished this study could give the high appreciation to the linguistic itself.

In relation to the study, the researcher suggested some of expectations that staged as the following:

1. The researcher suggested to students who interested landscape linguistics

research, it must have a really good understanding of the theories that have

been suggested previously.

2. If interest to analyze in certain company, it must get permission first from the

location that will be analyzed. For example research in government-owned

buildings must prepare a considerable amount of time. So, researcher must

accept some consequences.

3. Landscape linguistics has a very broad scope to be investigated again. For

further research, the researchers suggest examining the language attitudes of

the linguistic landscape, for example color, size, type of writing, placement of

writing, and others.


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Monolingual in Indonesian Language


No Categories Warning Picture Meaning Direction Advertisi Building Informati Graffi notices and Slogan signs ng signs names ve signs ti prohibitions 1 It consisted one language √ which is Indonesian, it was the name of place that is Medan Station. This sign found at the top of building. 2 It contained one language √ which is Indonesian. It informed the passengers about using service queue machine.

3 This sign appeared in √ Indonesian. It informed passengers who are pregnant that there are certain conditions for boarding a train. This sign discovered close to ticket office. This sign could be reach on passengers easily.

4 This sign is categorized √ as advertising because it promotes a bank company, namely SUMUT bank And Telkom company in the upper right hand corner which allows readers to use Telkomsel cards that have prize draws such as motorbikes, phones, and t-cash vouchers 5 This sign realized in one √ language which is Indonesian, it informed passengers if they cancel the ticket so that it is quickly processed and notified to follow some of the procedures specified.

6 This sign contained one √ language which is Indonesian, it warned the passengers to take drink one by one and not put your hand in too deep.

7 This sign contained one √ language which is Indonesian, it was advertising sign because it promoted a discount of

8 This sign consisted in √ Indonesian language, it directed the passengers to heading in a certain

direction in accordance with their destination goals. 9 This sign was clearly one √ language because it

contained Indonesian language only. It prohibited the passengers to no across the railroad

10 It realized Indonesian √ language only. It informed the readers to notify emergency numbers that can be contacted if an accident occurs. This sign discovered on the wall at waiting room.

11 It appeared in one √ language which is Indonesian language. This smoking ban applied at stations, on trains and offices that

have been determined. 12 This sign contained one √ language which is Indonesian only. This sign served as a warning to readers not to sleep in the area. This sign found in the prayer room.

13 It appeared one language √ because it contained Indonesian language only. It informed the calendar of 2019 year.

14 This sign is monolingual, √ because it is just consisted one language which is in Indonesian. The sign is intended for passengers who bring children under the age of 3 years to have certain provisions. 15 The sign above is √ monolingual because it just contained one language which is Indonesian. The meaning of sign is to give

directions to passengers that the way out of an emergency goes right way

16 This sign realized in one √ language, which is Indonesian. This sign functions as an advertisement because it promoted discounted ticket prices using the Telkomsel card.

17 This sign consisted of √ one language, namely Indonesian, it could be clearly seen from the sign that there is a pantun that is very thick with Malay culture in the city of Medan. This sign introduced the local culture in Medan.

18 It appeared one language √ which is Indonesian. This sign served to explain the evacuation procedure that can be done to the readers in the event of an accident at the station.

19 This sign contained one √ language which is Indonesian. It served to inform readers about the use of the railroad access application.

20 This sign contained √ Indonesian language. This sign reminds passengers to queue well. 21 This sign realized one √ language which is Indonesian that function was to forbid passengers to litter and throw trash in the space provided. 22 This sign contained one √ language which is Indonesian. It was the name of place.

23 It consisted Indonesia √ language only. It informed the workers have to check health first before work.

24 This sign realized in √ Indonesian language. This sign served as a billboard because it promotes discounted ticket prices to passengers who purchase tickets in large quantities applied by kereta api access application.

25 This sign contained one √ language which is Indonesian. It informed the passengers about h-1 ticket reservations until booking h-90 tickets at the station counter.

26 This sign appeared in one √ language which is Indonesian. It informed the passengers about the schedule of train in daily basis.

27 This sign included √ monolingual because it contained one language in Indonesian. It informed the passengers about Medan – Rantau Prapat train schedule.

28 This sign contained one √ language which is Indonesian, it directed the passengers to enter the airport station. This sign discovered outside the station on the left to the airport station gate

29 This sign definitely one √ language which is Indonesian. this sign warned passengers to be careful because the floor was slippery.

30 This sign contained one √ language which is Indonesian. It promoted the discount ticket price for the passengers who bought the ticket in large numbers.

31 The sign included an √ advertisement because it was promoting discounts for renting villas in Berastagi by showing train tickets. This applies with certain conditions.

32 This sign was Indonesian √ language. It prohibited passengers from sitting in the area. This sign was

found at the passenger luggage scale

33 This sign realized in √ Indonesian language only. It included advertisement sign because it promoted a bank company to the passengers to be access.

34 It included monolingual √ because it contained one language which is Indonesian. It promoted a discount price hotel by showing the regional train ticket. This promo was applying until 28 December 2019.

35 This sign appeared in one √ language because it was in Indonesian language only. It warned the passengers to not use helmet, sunglasses, hat, and smoking in enter

ATM gallery. 36 This sign realized in one √ language which is Indonesian only. It included advertising sign because it influence the passengers to download Kereta Api Access application to buy tickets. 37 It was Indonesian √ language only. it informed the passengers who buying a soft drink if they found a cross on, the product is empty.

38 It contained one language √ which is Indonesian. It included advertising sign because it promoted the discount price ticket if the passengers bought 20 tickets and more.

39 This sign contained one √ language which is Indonesian only. it included the warning notice and prohibition sign because it prohibited the passengers who buy those product to not folding money when insert it into the machine.

40 This sign appeared in √ Indonesian only. From the sign, it means that the station company strongly urges the entire community to take the train that has been presented by this country to serve the people of Indonesia. This sign is found in front of the station building entrance.

41 It included monolingual √ because it contained one language which is Indonesian. It informed the passengers about ticket sales info, the priority of train that will depart first and ticket counter closing info.

42 √ It included monolingual because it contained one language which is

Indonesian only. it informed the passengers that the escalator automatically goes up. 43 This sign appeared in one √ language which is Indonesian. It informed the passengers about the schedule of train Medan- Siantar and Siantar- Medan in daily basis.

44 It realized in Indonesian √ language only. it informed one passenger to buy maximal 4 tickets. This sign discovered in ticket counter.

45 This sign contained one √ language which is Indonesian only. it included informative sign because it informed that it is a fire extinguisher.

46 This sign consisted one √ language which is Indonesian. It informed the passengers there was special rates for Sribilah train passengers.

47 This sign contained one √ language which is Indonesian. It informed the passengers about online train ticket cancellation plots.

48 It appeared one language √ as monolingual for Indonesian language. It included informative sign because it informed the number of operator drink machine. 49 This sign appeared in one √ language which is Indonesian. It informed the passengers about the schedule of train in daily basis.

50 This sign contained one √ language which is Indonesian. It included as advertising sign because it promoted discounted price tickets

51 This sign realized in √ monolingual in Indonesian language. It informed the passengers about the price of each ticket based on the destination.

52 It included monolingual √ because it contained one language which is Indonesian. It informed the passengers about regarding provisions for elderly passengers. This sign discovered in front of ticket checking.

53 It appeared one language √ as monolingual which is Indonesian only. It included as advertising sign because promoting a product to sell to the passengers. It‘s local product, anyway. 54 It realized one language √ as monolingual which is Indonesian only. It included as advertising sign because promoting a product to sell to the passengers. It‘s local product, anyway. 55 It consisted one language √ as monolingual which is Indonesian only. It included as advertising sign because promoting a product to sell to the passengers. It‘s local product, anyway.

56 This sign contained one √ language which is Indonesian language. It informed the passengers to how to use Kereta Api Access application via phone.

57 This sign contained one √ language which is Indonesian. It was the name of place of ATM gallery. This sign found in front of station building. 58 This sign contains only √ one language, Indonesian. The motto of the station transportation company is "Anda Adalah Prioritas Kami". The safety of the passengers takes priority over any other matter.

59 It was Indonesian √ language as monolingual. It informed the passengers train ticket cancellation plot.

Total 59 59 3 14 10 3 26 1 2

Monolingual in English


Categories No Warning Sign Meaning Direction Advertisi Building Informati notices and Graffiti Slogan signs ng signs names ve signs prohibitions 1 It realized in one √ language which is English. It warned the passengers to be careful because something was being done by the staff. 2 It appeared in one √ language which is English only. It warned the passengers that the floor was getting wet. So be careful to walk around it. 3 It consisted one language √ in English. It was the name of place for charging a phone for the passengers who were in waiting room.

4 The sign is monolingual √ in English because it realized in one language.

This sign for the passengers who want to self-checking the tickets. It was the name of place of check in counter. 5 This sign consisted one √ language which is English. It was advertising sign where influencing the readers to download an application to buy tickets easily just via a phone. 6 It realized in English √ which is one language. It was the name of place of information room. Where the passengers can get a lot of information about departure, arrivals, etc.

7 English only was √ appeared in that sign. It informed the passengers

that it was free access wifi in around. This sign discovered on the wall of station at waiting room. 8 This sign contained one √ language which is English. It was prohibition of smoking to all the people there include the passengers and the workers. This

signs encountered on the wall at waiting room. 9 It appeared in one √ language which is English. It was the name of place where people can smoking. Stations provide certain areas to give smokers the opportunity to enjoy it.

10 This sign consisted one √ language which is English, the size of written language was so small, that is ―railink‖ word in that sign though. This sign was graffiti of train itself because it showed that people were on station train building. 11 English only was realized √ in this sign. This sign was promoting a bank company to the readers apply to. Not only that but also there was cashback as much 100% for railink tickets.

12 This sign appeared in √ English. It invited the readers to that the place is still available as a trading or business location in the station area. This sign found on the wall at lobby station.

13 It consisted one √ language, which is English only. It was promoting hotel to stay in. It was clearly seen that company was named Prima Hotel. This sign placed on the wall building. 14 English as the language √ realized in this sign. It was the name of place. 15 The sign above is √ monolingual because it just contained one

language which is English. The meaning of sign is to give directions to passengers that the way out of an emergency goes right way Total 15 1 4 3 5 1 1 0

Bilingual in Indonesian-English


No Categories Warning Picture Meaning Direction Advertising Building Informa- notices and Graffiti Slogan signs signs names tive signs prohibitions 1 It realized in two √ languages which is Indonesian – English. This sign was the name of place namely smoking area that discovered in outdoor area of station. 2 This sign contained √ two languages, they were Indonesian – English. It included prohibition sign because it forbid

parking in that area.

3 It consisted √ Indonesian – English language namely bilingual. It was warning notices because it informed the passengers to not bring the things has mentioned in that sign. 4 It appeared in two √ languages which is Indonesian and English. The meaning of sign is to give directions to passengers that the exit way and departure of train pass straight way. 5 Indonesian and √ English consisted in this sign that had meaning to give directions to passengers that entrance airport train pass left way.

6 This sign contained √ two languages which is Indonesian and English. It warned the passengers to not smoking in that area. 7 This sign consisted √ two languages which is Indonesian and English. The meaning of this sign to inform the passengers about ticket purchasement available with non cash payment.

8 This sign appeared in √ two languages which is Indonesian and English. The meaning of this sign to give directions to the passengers that going up the stairs can be done from two directions, right and left way.

9 It consisted two √ languages namely Indonesian and English. This sign served as direction sign because it guided passengers to pass the right way to entrance regional train. 10 This sign contained √ two languages which is Indonesian and English. It informed the passengers about they were allowed to go through city railway station by showing regular train ticket. 11 It consisted √ Indonesian and English language namely bilingual sign. It included the name of building which is it was the door to entrance city railway station.

12 It appeared in two √ languages which is Indonesian and English. The meaning of this sign to give directions to the passengers to go through smoking area, toilet, and exit pass straight way. 13 This sign consisted √ two languages which is Indonesian and English. the meaning of this sign as the name of a room namely customer services that discovered close to the ticket counter. 14 It realized in two √ languages which is Indonesian and English. it warned the passengers to not smoking in that area. This sign was found close to railroad way.

15 It appeared in two √ languages which is Indonesian and English. It included building names because it was the

name of a room which is check in counter. 16 This sign contained √ two languages, they were Indonesian and English. It included building names because it was the name of a place which is track of railroad way.

17 This sign contained √ two languages which is Indonesian and English. The meaning of this sign to direct the passengers to the certain places such ticket counter, commercial area, check in counter, ATM gallery and customer service. 18 It consisted in √ Indonesian and English. the meaning of this sign as the name of a room namely Meeting Office Room. 19 It realized in two √ languages which is Indonesian and English. It directed the passengers to entrance of airport station which is can pass the left way.

20 It contained two √ languages which is Indonesian and English. The meaning of this sign as directing passengers that the sign was to go down the stairs to track two. 21 It realized two √ languages which is Indonesian and English. this sign as the name of building

namely ticket checking to all the passengers before entering the train. 22 It appeared two √ languages which is Indonesian and English. It served as the direction sign because it directed the passengers that praying room can pass the straight way.

23 It realized two √ languages which is Indonesian and English. the function of this sign as informative sign because it informed the passengers about terms and conditions for entering the airport train. This sign was found on the wall of the entrance to the airport station.

24 This sign contained √ two languages which is Indonesian and English. The function of this sign as the direction sign because it directing passengers that praying room and toilet can be passed with a straight way.

25 It realized two √ languages which is Indonesian and English. it informed the passengers that the room was still open and can be entered by passengers. This sign was found at the station entrance to the airport 26 It consisted two √ languages which is Indonesian and English. It was the

name of a room namely warehouse. 27 It appeared two √ languages which is Indonesian and English. This sign as direction sign because it directed the passengers that the

door was station airport entrance.

28 This sign consisted √ two languages which is Indonesian and English. The meaning of this sign as the direction sign because it directed passengers who will depart can go through this road. 29 This sign consisted √ two languages which is Indonesian and English. This sign as the name of a room for security staff. This sign discovered close to the food store before exit way.

30 It realized two √ languages which is Indonesian and English. This sign served as informative sign because it informed the passengers about the schedule of departure and arrivals train. This sign was found at ticket counter.

31 This sign contained √ two languages which is Indonesian and English. The meaning of this sign as the direction sign because it directed the passengers to the certain places that passengers want to go in.

32 It realized two √ languages namely bilingual sign in Indonesian and English. This sign as the direction sign because it directed the passengers have to push the door to go in. 33 It appeared two √ languages which is Indonesian and English. The meaning of this as warning notices because it was clearly seen in the sign that the passenger must be careful not to get his hand wedged in the door. 34 This sign contained √ two languages which is Indonesian and English. The function of this sign as the direction sign because it directed the passengers that it was

for exit way. 35 This sign was √ contained two languages which is Indonesian and English. This sign

served as slogan because it invited the passengers to save tissue and not wasteful wearing that. 36 It realized two √ languages which is Indonesian and English. The function of this sign as the direction sign because it directed passengers that the sign was for crossing to the parking area. 37 It contained two √ languages which is Indonesian and English. This sign as the name of a room namely praying room for Muslim

passengers. 38 This sign consisted √ two languages. The function of this sign as direction sign because it directed the passengers to certain places such as medical room, praying room, rest room, and nursing room can be passed downstairs. 39 It contained two √ languages which is Indonesian and English. The function of this sign as the name of a room / building namely medical room for the passengers and the staff. 40 This sign realized two √ languages which is Indonesian and English. The meaning of this sign to warn the passengers to be

careful crossing in railroad way. 41 This sign contained √ two languages which is Indonesian and English. It included

advertising sign because it offered business ventures to readers can join to. This sign was found on the wall at waiting room. 42 It realized two √ languages which is Indonesian and English. The function

of this sign as the direction sign because it directing the passengers that airport departures can be passed to the straight way, and hotel to the left way.

43 This sign consisted √ two languages which is Indonesian and English. It informed the passengers about regarding approval of terms and conditions if passengers have purchased a train ticket. This sign was discovered in airport station.

44 It realized two √ languages which is Indonesian and English. the function of this sign as informative sign because it informed the passengers about terms and conditions for entering the airport train. This sign was found on the wall of the entrance to the airport station.

45 It consisted two √ languages which is Indonesian and English. It included warning notices sign because it warned the passengers to check passengers‘ luggage so that nothing was left inside. 46 It contained two √ languages which is Indonesian and English. This sign has the function as the graffiti sign because there were any pictures and writings painted on the wall of station building.

47 It realized two √ languages namely bilingual sign in Indonesian and English. This sign served as the direction sign because it

directed the passengers have to pull the door to go way out. 48 It contained two √ languages which is Indonesian and English. This sign served as the graffiti sign because there were any pictures and writings painted on the wall of station building. Total 48 19 1 7 11 7 2 1

Bilingual in English-Indonesian


No Categories Warning Picture Meaning Direction Advertisin Building Informative Graffi notices and Slogan signs g signs names signs ti prohibitions 1 It contained two √ languages which is English and Indonesian. The meaning of this sign to give information to the passengers that the place was still available as a trading or business location in the station area. 2 It consisted two √ languages which is English and Indonesian. It included the name of building namely City Railway Station that was found on the top of station building.

3 It realized two √ languages which is English and Indonesian. The function of this sign as the name of a room namely nursery room for passengers who carried the babies. This sign was found at airport station area. Total 3 - - - 2 1 - -


Transcript of Interview

Interview with Mr. Surya as train trip organizer

Interviewer : Good Evening, Sir.

Interviewee : Evening.

Interviewer : May I get your name, please?

Interviewee : I am Surya.

Interviewer : Can I know what position do you work here?

Interviewee : I'm here as a train trip organizer

Interviewer : As we know, this train station uses two languages. Indonesian and English. Well, you as a worker here, how do you respond to the use of the two languages?

Interviewee : e..e.. we live in Indonesia and we use Indonesian language, right?. If there are people from abroad or who live in Indonesia (foreigners), they speak English more, so, we have to use that English, these two languages function, for the foreigners who come to station to read the signs itself.

Interviewer : Do you think these languages can make it easier for readers to get information?

Interviewee : Yes, sure.

Interviewer : Do you know that as a worker at this station, do you understand the use of bilingual in the information board?

Interviewee : Because I'm here everyday, so I understand.

Interviewer : Then what language do you think is the most important (prioritized) placed on the information board?

Interviewee : e.. it's like a track, line 1, line 2, line 3 is the most important thing in my opinion. The most important Indonesian language.

Interviewer : Actually, is there any regulations in making signings?

Interviewee : there is. Actually there are three languages. One Indonesian, our country's language. Second, English, world languages, the third, regional languages, like in Medan it uses language, so, if in Bandung the Sundanese language, if in Java it uses Javanese, that's the addition.

Interviewer : is there a plan from the company (to make local languages)?

Interviewee : Yes, from the company. So three languages, Indonesian, English, and one of our cultural languages.

Interviewer : is there any plan to realize it, sir?

Interviewee : there is. Already realized. There's just nothing else.

Interviewer : Oh okay. Thank you for your time, sir.

Interviewee : yes, welcome.

Interview with Mr. Pandu Zikrullah as train signaling technician.

Interviewer : Good Evening, sir.

May I get your name?

Interviewee : Evening. My name is Pandu Zikrullah.

Interviewer : Can I have your time, please?

Interviewee : Okay.

Interviewer : I am a student from UMSU who is doing research here sir. About the use of language in signs at train station. I would like to give some questions to you about the information board (sign) at this station. are you willing?

Interviewee : Yes, I am.

Interviewer : Previously, in what field did you work at PT KAI and what was it, sir?

Interviewee : I am at PT KAI, especially in the section that works directly on the field, in the field of signaling or can be called a

telecommunications railroad signaling technician and electrical system.

Interviewer : Yes sir, according to you, are there certain steps or procedures in making a sign?

Interviewee : So far since I worked at this train station, of course there have been steps in making certain signs based on the needs of workers and passengers. But I don't know anything about the steps. However, all these procedures certainly do not deviate from Ministerial Regulation No.45 of 2018 regarding the manufacture of information boards.

Interviewer : is there any regulation in making a sign? For example, must the Indonesian language come first and then the foreign language second?

Interviewee : Of course there are regulations, as I said earlier about the rules of the central train station and the minister's regulation no. 45 of 2018 also discussing the placement of languages in terms of arrangement such as, If horizontal: Indonesian is placed on the left and English is placed on the right. If decreased: Indonesian is placed next to atad and English is placed below. And if there are signs such as toilets, people with special needs or other images. Then the picture is placed on top then Indonesian and English underneath.

Interviewer : Why do the signs use two languages, sir?

Interviewee : Because passengers at the station are not only from local, but there are also foreign passengers who use this train transportation. Therefore, we use Indonesian because it is our national language, while English is an international language. So we use two languages here. The English language is intended for passengers who do not understand Indonesian, such as outsiders. So it makes it easier for them to get information by reading these signs. like that.

Interviewer : Then, what is the purpose of the information board for passengers and workers, sir?

Iinterviewee : All information boards are installed in order to facilitate the passengers. Because this information board was made to prioritize passengers. So passengers who have disabilities or cannot read the information boards properly can get to the information they need.

Interviewer : How important is the use of billingual or bilingual in sign at the station?

Interviewee : Very important, of course, as I said earlier that passengers are our top priority. Both local and international passengers who do not use Indonesian, but also use English as an international language. Then the matters relating to the information needs that they will need are our responsibility as the train party.

Interviewer : Yes sir, then you as a PT KAI worker, do you understand or not use the language?

Interviewer : Of course you have to understand. Because we also learn anything related to the train station. And also have to understand mistakes in the use of terms or language placement in several signs, such as the word of ―jalur‖ (track) actually does not use the word ―jalur‖. Because for trains, the actual placement of track languages is platform. And in English it means a platform. Because the platform language is used, not all people understand it, so the language of the path is used as a more popular language. For this matter, PT KAI's head office is still being negotiated.

Interviewer : Yes sir. And finally, what language do you think is more important to use on the information boards at the train station?

Interviewee : Certainly Indonesian. As our mother tongue, because in Indonesia not all people understand English. For example, the use of language on information boards in Malaysia, the mother tongue they use is Malay but because English is the second language in their country and there are people who understand and use English more often. So, the information board there uses English as a whole. Likewise in Indonesia, local languages are not used in all train stations because the most important thing to use is Indonesian. Information boards are made according to the needs and interests of the passengers.

Interviewer : Yes sir, that's all for the interview this time. thank you for wanting to be my informant.















Personal Information Name : Fauziah Nur Place / Date of Birth : Belawan / June 16th 1997 Sex : Female Religion : Islam Address : Jalan TM Pahlawan Lorong Aman, No. 5, Belawan

Parent Fathers‘ Name : Mohd. Taufik, S.Pd Mother‘s Name : Fadhilah Ani, S.Pd.I Address : Jalan TM Pahlawan Lorong Aman, No. 5, Belawan

Education Elementary School (2003-2009) : SD Swasta Al-Washliyah 1/33 Belawan Junior High School (2009-2012) : SMP Negeri 5 Medan Senior High School (2012-2015) : MAN 1 Medan University (2015-2019) : English Department‘s Student University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara