VOID 23 Written, Illustrated, and Executed by Bhob Stewart, an Unsung Genius
^ONTHLlC^ LW gOltfHN INSTANT NO%Ai.&'A is edited by TED WHITE (107 Christopher St., New York 14, NY), GREG- BENFORD (204 Foreman Ave., Norman, Okla.), and FETE GRAHAM (still c/0 White); and is published by the aged and failing QWERTYUIOPress Gestetner 160. As usual, VOIR is available for money (25/ or 1/-), trade (all for all) contribution, or regular letters of comment. British agent is RON BENNETT (7 Southway, Arthurs Ave., Harrogate, Yorks., England). We're dickering for a German agent. Deadline THE UUIEUSH for material for next issue: February 15th. INTRODUCTION TO VOID 23 written, illustrated, and executed by Bhob Stewart, an unsung genius . i COVER by Lee Hoffmeta, and taken by her from her cover for QUANDRY 27/28 ............. 1 GAMBIT 40, the only column which is also a fanzine, by Ted White ......................................................................... 2 HAPPY BENFORD CHATTER by Greg Benford ..................................................................................................................................... 6 AN-OPENED LETTER TO WALT WILLIS by Larry & Noreen Shaw ................................................................................................. 7 BELFASTERS: WALT WILLIS, NEO-GENIUS by John perry, and reprinted from GRUE 23 ......................................... 8 WAN: SOME SMALL & RAMBLING REMINISCENCES by Lee Hoffman ............................................................................................ 13 WHERE THERE'S A WILLIS, THERE'S A WAYSGOOSE by Bob Shaw, and "Waysgoose"
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