The Tucker Issue Second Edition
SF COMMENTARY 79 THE TUCKER ISSUE SECOND EDITION Bruce Gillespie Denny Lien Hank Luttrell Lesleigh Luttrell Philip Stephensen-Payne Wilson ‘Bob’ Tucker Paul Walker T. K. F. Weisskopf THANKS TONI WEISSKOPF, for her many years of work on the Tucker biography. The Second Edition really took off when Toni agreed to write a shortened version of her biography as the Introduction. Also thanks to Toni for the selection of Tucker photos she went me by email. Apologies in advance to the photographers — perhaps some of them will recognise their photos when they see them in print and can let me know. HELENA BINNS, who was the official photographer for Aussiecon I, Melbourne, 1975. She scanned and sent me a disk of the original colour photo of Tucker at the convention, as well as photos of other famous people looking impossibly young and hirsute. DITMAR (DICK JENSSEN), who says that the front cover of this issue, which combines a Tucker photo sent to me by Toni and a computer graphic, is the most difficult and time- consuming fanzine cover he’s produced. He points, in particular, to the wonderful glowing effect he’s given to the Great Ghod Tucker. Thanks also to Dick for computer-tweaking the photographs of several book covers in order to make them usable. BOB TUCKER, who, despite poor health, gave much help during the process of gathering together this issue. Bob alerted me to Toni’s biography and introduced me to her (by Internet), and also got in touch with . KEN KELLER, who sent me the copy of his 1975 fanzine, Nickelodeon No.
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