Tenta South Wollo (Adjibar) Gera Keya North Shoa (Mehal Meda) zuria North omo (Damota) North omo (Damota) Tseda amba E. Tigray (Kilte Awlaelo)

April 2000 Addis Ababa

1 1. Summary

A rapid nutritional assessment was conducted in five districts of World Vision Ethiopia operational areas during February 2000. The objective of the In Gera keya district, it was reported that assessment was to monitor the status of two people died and 102 were sick of acute malnutrition (wasting) in the typhoid fever. As copping mechanism districts, which had high prevalence of farmers sold live animals, migrated to malnutrition during the November 1999, adjacent areas in search of food, sold survey. The districts are located in their labor, reduced frequency, quality Tigray region (Tseda amba), Amhara and quantity of their meals, and (Gera keya and Tenta) and Southern consumed less preferred foods. regional state (Humbo and ). 2. Methodology The assessment result reveals that the highest wasting level was observed in The sampling size was determined using Tseda Amba district 22.2%, Tenta the sampling formula (see Annex 1). 21.5%, Sodo zuria 16.7%, Gera keya Every Peasant Association was included 13.6% and Humbo 9.6%. in to the sample by randomly selected sub Peasant Associations (50% of sub Land preparation for short cycle crop has Peasant Associations). In each district not been started because the onset of over 700 children were weighed and short rain is distorted and is late by over measured using sub Peasant Associations eight weeks. It more unlikely that, the as sub cluster. small rains will have a noticeable impact on food availability in most of the belg A suspended scale of 25kg capacity growing areas. graduated at 0.100kg was used for weighing infants and children. Every The availability of food and water both morning the scale was checked against a for human and livestock has been known 10kg weight to match the severely affected as a result of the measure with the weight. The scale was extended dry spell. Consequently, the read at eye level. And the reading was physical condition of livestock has taken to the nearest 0.1kg. deteriorated. The weak physical condition of livestock coupled with The length of children less than five livestock diseases affected the land years of age was measured in a lying preparation for short cycle crops. down position using a wooden board. Two examiners correctly positioned the An increase in the prices of grains, low subject and ensured accurate prices of livestock exacerbated the measurement of length. The reading was situation of food security in these areas. taken to the nearest 0.5 cm. Edema was Moreover, the shoot fly infestation of determined by applying normal thumb sweet potato in the Southern regional pressure to the foot or the legs for three state would aggravate the situation in the seconds. If pit remains when thumb is region. lifted then the child has edema.

2 3. Survey Findings and live animals to obtain cash income. Sale of live animals, sharing of food, 3.1 Southern Regional State daily labor and gathering of wild foods (Humbo and Sodo Zuria districts) were common coping mechanisms in the area. Background The average daily wage was 3 Birr due Damota Area Development Program to a great number of people looking for operates in two districts (Humbo and daily work. The frequency, quantity and Sodo Zuria) located in , quality of meals deteriorated as Southern regional state, and 420 km. compared to normal times. south of Addis Ababa. The altitude of the area ranges form 1100-1900 m.a.s.l.. The Anthropometric Measurement area receives bi- modal rainfall, short and major rainy seasons. The livelihood of A total of 1450 children under five were the community is mainly derived from measured in 54 Peasant Associations of crop production and livestock rearing. the two districts (Humbo and Sodo The major crops grown in the area are zuria). According to the result 9.6% of maize, sweet potato, haricot bean, teff the children in Humbo and 16.7% in and coffee. The area is characterized by Sodo Zuria were wasted. The level of low level of productivity due to erratic wasting for both districts was high rainfall. although the situation in Sodo Zuria seems more serious. In the November 99 survey, the level of wasting was 8.2% for Crop and livestock condition Humbo and 6.7% for Sodo zuria. (See table 1) During the survey some farmers were preparing their farmlands for short cycle 3.2 Amhara Regional State crop production and waiting for the short (Gera Keya district) rains to come. Sweet potato planted in November was the only crop in the field with very low performance. It was severely attacked by shoot fly (sweet Background potato butterfly). Enset, the staple food of the area and coffee were wilted due to Mehal Meda Area Development Program lack of water. The physical condition of operates in Gera Keya district, North livestock has also deteriorated Shoa zone located at 282 km. north of significantly over the last three months. Addis Ababa. The altitude ranges from 1500 to 3000 m.a.s.l. The livelihood of the population mainly depends on Health and Socio-economic condition agriculture. The district is drought prone area and frequently affected by famine. The major sources of food at the time of Moreover, the severely degraded soil and the survey were market purchase, food rugged terrain makes the area difficult aid and own production, which was for agricultural production. The major different from the normal time. Farmers food crops produced in the area include sell firewood, charcoal, grass, cash crops barley, wheat, sorghum and oil crops.

3 mainly on rain fed agriculture and livestock rearing. Socio-economic & Health Information

Relief food and food crop production Crop and livestock condition were the main source of food at the time of the survey. Many household heads The area experiences bimodal type of migrated to adjacent districts and Peasant rain. The fertility of the soil is very poor Associations in search of employment. due to continuous erosion. Land The frequency, quantity and quality of preparation for short cycle crop meals were reduced to cope with the production was not started during the situation. It was reported that two people time of the survey. died and 102 were sick of typhoid fever in February 2000. Measles cases were The physical condition of livestock has also reported in some Peasant deteriorated due to lack of pasture and Associations during the survey. water.

Anthropometric Measurement Anthropometric Measurement

A total of 748 children under five were A total of 703 children under five were measured in 26 Peasant Associations of measured in 22 Peasant Associations of the district. According to the survey Tenta district. The result reveals that the result 13.6% of the children wasted, prevalence of wasting was 21.5%, much which was above the cut-off point (10%). higher than the cut-off point (10%). It was 23% during November 99 survey. The result varies with agrocological The level of wasting or acute zones in the Area Development Program. malnutrition remained very high and In the lowland the status of acute critical since November 1998 in the malnutrition was higher 16.1% and district. relatively lower in the mid-highland 12%. The lowland areas were seriously 3.3 Tigray Regional State affected because of lack of access to relief food Tseda Amba district

Tenta district Background

Tseda Amba district is located in Eastern Tigray, 870 km North of Addis Ababa. Background The project area lies within an altitude Adjibar Area Development Program is ranging from 2040 to 3000 m.a.s.l. It has located in Amhara Regional State, South two climatic zones: highland and mid Wollo Administrative zone, and Tenta highland. The total annual rainfall of the district. It is 644 km north of Addis area does not exceed 500mm. The main Ababa. Tenta district has a total source of livelihood is mixed agriculture. population of over 167,504. The altitude The Major crops grown in the area falls between 1500 and 4000 m.a.s.l. The include barley, wheat & beans. livelihood of the community depends

4 Crop and livestock condition d i L s a t n r d i c p t r e b p e a c r a a u t s i e o n o f h a d s e l n a o y t s

b o e f e n s m s a t l a l r t r e a d i n i n b y t h a e b o

5 u i t v e e s i t g o h c t k

w h e a e s k s d . e t T e h r e i o p r h a y t s e i d c a d l u e c o t n o d i t t h i e o n s c o a f r c t i h t e y

l o

6 f i w n a t t e e r r n a a l n d a n p d a s e t x u t r e e r . n a L l i v p e a s r t a o s c i k t e d i t s r e y a p s a e n s o s s o u m c y h s i a s s

7 a u n r d i n p g a s F t e r b o l 2 o 0 s 0 i 0 s .

w Anthropometric Measurement e r A total of 788 children aged 6 to 59 e months were weighed and measured in 17 Peasant Associations of Tseda Amba r district. According to the survey result, e wasting was 22.2%. The level of wasting p was much higher than the cut-off point o (10%). It was 22.6% during November r 1999 survey. t e No disease outbreak was reported d however, there were 53 marasmus and 7 kwashiorkor cases identified during the i survey. n 4. CONCLUSION t h During November 1999 survey, the four e Area Development Programs (Kilte Awlaelo, Adjibar, Mehal Meda and d Damota) were identified as critically i drought-affected areas. The rapid s assessment also confirmed that these t areas are under disaster situation. r i c t


8 Availability of food and water both for human and livestock has declined. An increase in the prices of grains and relatively low livestock prices resulted in low terms of trade. The nutritional status of children has deteriorated. Above all, the shoot fly infestation of sweet potato in Damota Area Development Program would aggravate the food crisis situation

The weak physical condition of the livestock and occurrence of diseases negatively affected land preparation for the short rainy season. In some areas like Tseda Amba, people are coping with the situation through migration to nearby districts and Peasant Associations in search of food and selling their daily labor. Seasonal migration to other areas for the same purpose was also observed in Humbo district. An immediate response is anticipated from donors and other agencies to save lives of the victims.

9 Annex 1 Sampling formula

The formula to find ‘n’ is N = Z2 (P(1-P) D2 Z = is the error risk and acceptable at 5% (transformed to values 1.96 or 2). This is constant. P = is predictive prevalence value depending on current approximation or latest data. (20% was used) D = is absolute precision (3% was used but it could be 1 or 2), the greater the precision the larger the sample size. N = population The size of the sample is not dependent on population, but if the sample size approaches the population a correction factor may be applied. In our case there was no need to adjust the “n” because the population size is a lot smaller than the <5 population. Fig. 9 Nutritional status (wasting) of children under five at four ADPs from Nov98 to Feb 2000






0 Tenta Ts.Amba* Humbo Sodo Zuria Gera keya Districts

Nov.98 May-99 Nov.99 Feb-00 Table 1 Nutritional status of children at four ADP Area Districts Nov.98 May-99 Nov.99 Feb-00 Development Programs Ajibar Tenta 18.7 24 23 21.5 K.Awlelo Ts.Amba* 23.5 22.2 Damota Humbo 8 19.5 8.2 9.6 Sodo Zuria 4 9.5 6.7 16.7 Mehal Meda Gera keya 6.3 11.5 13.3 13.6 · During Nov 1999 survey, anthropometric result of Tseda amba was complied with Atsbi womberta district.