TheUC~ ar Volume 49, Number 6 Uni, crsity of California, San Diego Thursday, April 2), J HfS:3

B\ I\IJKE GREENHEI{G . "Iall \\ nllr In \\ hat will a""un·dlv he a landmark mal. :\larla 'I. Valen/ul'la,Sllllt h a tormer "tudl'nt ()f thl' ( tll\·l'r .... lt \' ot ~an Franci"l·o. \\ ill apl)t·,,'r ()Il .!une 2nd in 11ll' I n" \ngl'll' ~ dl\l"llln of the l.!lifl)rTlICI MuniCipal court and Ill' S s charg('d \\,Ith filing a fraudu· " lent 'Iudl'nlln:ln applil·

tlon 's ca"e." said lIand . a 0"1"" eeC.~ \eteran of mam --uch rases. ,c"r< '" let)re~e"\lf'\ \0'" otJI c,'; "The attornc\ ach Ised her t() ." plead 'not guiit~ .. but .... Ill' can 'l~e alE \IC)3f' "till change her plea If she ,,0 o''1~ desires ... _ '3UG .llll oatO C9 Q.OO What Hand was alludll1g to I '\;l.1; was the nght of the accuseo to ","~ .. !,,~\I\' a"k the judge what their sentence would be If the\ 2,~Ob .C~ pleaded guilt\ right b(o(orl' (hl' '. sst( :,i:,· b'\ ca"e goe-- to tnal If the p('nalt~

or fine h .... e\cre. \ 'alen/uela- S "c.WO"" ~~ ~ :nllth would pr()habl~ nol alter her plea, "I al1l fair!) ..:.. confldenl thai Ihl'ca .... {'\\ 111 n()t ." I.{O t () I rial due III t hI' () \ (' I' \\' h e 11111 n,l.{ t' \ i d l' n n' '. aga in"t I he accu .... l'd ," .... t at l'd lIlt' Deput\ lit\' Atlorne\ ye .... lerc![ly "Shl' \\'111 probabh change her pIca and (tHud an l'\ l'll .... t iffer penall \ ," ,hkl'd If - \'all'n ztlela'~mllh I11lghl -~- --~ fL'( ('I\t.· a harsher penall:­ -- because sht' IS t he first per .... on tried for "llch an offen"l' and s'. -----""'----- ~-I the judge pO ...... lbl) "'('Itlng an - e\ample of I hpddendanl. Ilart s replied. " I clef In Ilely t h ink '. that ..... the Idea ," If 'valel1/upla I" found guilt} s s'. .. and fi ned. the ma \ Imum 111;) Illt'nl. I .... l't' no rl'a,.;on tIl kelp J\.l o allL'\ of the Studenl Aid action I.... the 111·,,1 brought b~ number of othl'l caSt· .... under ... Iud l' n t " , But \\ h a i .... pOUlll1,1! hllbun" (It d )lIar" 1I1tl Commiss ion. Valenzuela Ihe California Student .\iel Ime .... llgation light no\\' and "urprisll1g I" thai only (I, hI a pro'ram that h IIlCdP,lhll' I! Smith filed a Cuaranll'l'd Co 111 III I S S I () n . " c I ;\1 man d an' t hl' propert ~ 01 I hl Ilt'IHI! \ pl'ln'nt (Ii tIll' p

O'Connor & Hedgecock D bat • Page 5 'Napoleon' COlne an Diego. Hiatu Triton Crew v i ctoriou~ on Mi a\. Pag 7 Slon .. ' Thursday, April 21, 198:1 The UCSD Guardian 2 Thursday, April 21, 198:'

Addre ... !oo all It·tters 10 ('diled for darih and James Ralph Papp, Calumnist l'he UCSD Guardian the editor in can.' of Ih(: !ooJJHl'e al the l'(lilOr's Opinion ('dilul-, Till' di"'lTction. I 'Ui/) G /Ill nJiflll. B -() I fl_ _\n\'OIH.· inll·!'(.· ... t(·d in Ail .. uhmission" 1ll1l ... 1 hc \\ riliil~ fot' Ihe Opinion When Apathy is King ... t~ ' pNI and includ(' a ",cl'lion is iln ia·d 10 name and ph(JIll' num­ ,' ontal"l Ih(.' Opinion B~ JAMES fL\LPIl PAI'l' \\or"t thm).; I that II wilt k('l'P t'lt (Ilt 01 ae'llall) g(.ll g LIJ her. Letters Illa~ bl' editor. SI,.rr \\ riH'r marrhll1g). pl'opl(' cianI lllg t h( III tht hIli", to 111t(·[\ 11'\\ It'>· ~obody SCLllb to carl' C h a r If', I () n. (0 n It u (. rill g rl'lJell,·;tdl'r 01 gOlll ,to t' all) Opinion enough about apathy. For till' (Jermany. proll'stlllg thl'draft. ui t lIt' ba t I ,(' [ll slead hl ! dd a Referendums for Change \a,t iO lears. the ('aU'l of or IWl'lJllllng SUl l't''i'' III I nICe r'llIda\ (,n th.. ('I)a ' 'm'Il al tUIll has runo.,ulllL'd thl/'l' In computu- programlller, '1 h( \' hl"- "ell"'papl,r d IILd hI'll Uns 'lfIIed ed,torials refJrl!Sent the opinions 0/ the e(/iltJnal board of Ihe UCSD continucd frulIl page :! referendum. of Oil\' r('ll'n'n­ fa\or 1I11l1aCIIon (In- I\'ho don't ne\er 'lop tu think IJI)\\ much t)~1( k alll hl lorld I flft Guardian, The ed,lon'al ,board is composed of Lisa LApi!" Tom Rankin and Caly e;.tabh"hed avenue forchangl', dUlll, is to fmel out 1\ hat thl really care about (·it hen. First better of r t hl'\ 1\ ould Ill' h,\d IIteran Il'tlL mhl'r ".d,\ Tinkle, All other arl'cles In Ihis seclrun are solelY/lleop, nlOn o/Ihe U'Tlltr and do nol The CalpmC qUl'st ion is not lolers \I(lnt or don't I\ant I hert· was \V oriel Wa I' I. t he\" ,pent t h()~(' .... e\'('nl \ \'('ar" Whl'n "pa'hl h;, Ito., necessarily re/)restnlthe views u/lhe Guardi4n , its etlilorial board, ,Is ad!'erti5ers ur what the~ dl'Illi.llld or fl'Jl'ct' fortunatl'ly allll'lioratl'el 1)\ t)w the Univm,/y of Cal,fornlu, llll.'l'ely a poll. We dIdn't domq n()t hmg. Indeed had I greate... t • pplIc oltlull I" 111 thl' struggle to keep up 1\ Ith our We aren't playing poillical fact t hat. -once t he batt Il:fleld stoppul to think bdoll [1(,1(' I,f pili t'r 1'1'il'ed t'll studies. persollail) inform the house, ThIS I~ it! had bl'en rL·ached. nu om' bl.'ginllmg thh artlcll.' lal;d 1'(11 lor al 1\3.., II, 'w tCJ urge student;.. pass out pamphlets. Is thI S artIcle telhng u" that bothered to acluall\, do much continued to think - there I" ap;tlh) III the UPlU1l11l1g ('Cl..,!) Part tUJO 0/ a series hang up sign:-. indi~idually our efforts are a complete there. True. many I)L~JPil' died. no rea..,on to ruin pl'rfel til 1'!t'(\\Or. Imt f mulrln t he speak to hundreds of students. waste of time and energy? Are but as a pa"sing poet pointl'd good Iml(tl\'lt~ ). [ would nol I)(Jt hercd II) write It untIl aitl'r organize a major and I\e going to gil'e up? (Jut to me. that I... the ultimate no\\' be 111 the po"illon of thl' eil'llilill had up·com,· and successful petition dri\e Just ot a chance, <.;tate of apathy, :\1(1\ Ing ha \'ing to think of a 6UO 1\ (ml {Jut gone Our pre .... pnt-da\ Exploring the Fate to find out what the students Kathy A. Cullen o!1\lard through the march of finale for a ludlcroll" opt'lllng ce ...... pfJol of )Join ical ('(.rru pIlon · 's Letters to the Editor think! The purpose of this Lauren chwartz tIme (and f1l1dIng that the paragraph and e:» tral agancl' i due tt. a • of San Dlego sewage ------.--- H CJ\\ e\ er. [ am 1I1to Il. and it .... enou ... lack of apath) 111 our l'i not \\orlh tht'pffort to Ihink Sl'sll'tll WI1\' b there dn of "omethmg else to do Which incredlbl) l'x-IWn-Ivt' eiL-t:tlun Does San Diego have The Cost of uburban Referendums are EstablIshed brings to mmd all 01 tho!'oe Ix:I ng ca rn !'(I . lU t n()\1 ltl, an adeql/ate sewage treatmellt Development A f Ch people whn are all\ay .... 'InltJ' Dlegfl to 'hl PI''''ltlon capacity to accommodatefuillre The second part of the as an venue or ange thing", H I)\\ better to bl' 'OUI (InsignIfIcant. uf llla\Or? growth.' Does new deLleLopl!lellt report conslder~ t he cost of of' thmg.... \\ h,.'re (!Ill' ha' a Bccau..;e omeb()dy Lared pay its fair share of sewer cusls? providing -.e\\crge to new clear and objectll e \'11'1\. Thl .... enough to a"k f(,r II. 'Wh are Editor: ha\e a beer. Ahhh, Slttmg at I at the get thi~ straIght. If the re~llits Urban Studies and PLanllillg l a teral plpe~ . buIldIng I''' - quite w{'ll For t·,ampl£'. a II ; The re~ult ing sludge is piped of San Dll'go. SC\\ er hook-up Call the samc timc that I\t' hall' bel'n l'Xaminel oj ,urrd.J lldln~ 'II 'hl' '):!IJ 1111 him , ,llellt'd /. I en t :'111' I Ill';q' till' n \ "PI ' AT " t .1 11 d II PIt! " ill .... 111m l'lUt h 1Tl pal 11(' 1\ t ,1'0 c( mIN J11111· ... and TIjuana 'Ill" d"\l'll)plI' 111 I ",hllP bit citIng .IIJ( .t til n III I of ,d11'll "Ir.1t11J1l Tht' ll1 t (J( lilt .... ",I 1(1\\ l·d :' hall" Thh I\a up inJm j(1{J Imlhon tel" "'ITll'l '~Jfl() ,wi If> o\1I'('r' ,11 dt ad III I' "Ihdril)r (\Pllt,' o!Jl'llf,n Il'pn' l'1 t I hl nIPnl'dlll'l f,,r'l101 I'" .I !!,lllon" p'r da~ 'l g d) III 1J~: 'lI,11 Jll ha" Ll'l'n Pl nt l~ I 11 g 'Ill' or Bl'lnl I Illa";t' nw \\ t" 1',,1 Illlg I\l('n Ih,l1' ,1 hU IgI plt-..... , 111I'n I II JI'Ij.!l· :~ and InJlll ,..,~) l'1g d III Plb9 d "'Jr )111 If (_pprfJ wl.,ll \ . 10 I'll ke 'lite rapul Inlrta'ie 1'1 tl.l 'll\lhllll ('.InrI< rkc·r! ftll 'Il,'rp I I Ilwrt· a l, "d II Ill'.! I l·ll. I .mll/un' of ~I'I\ dj.(t ~ener1tl<1 ('1Htal i:nprul l'Tnt-llt" pra\ I hal hl \\ III 'md,,' l'll'r~ b\ Scl'1 lJleg(, hou,{.'iloltls ,lIld h .IdtlIt 11111 'n It'\ 1'Ioper let' • ·rebl·l· and "n,)n-rl'b,-i" that I' The UCSD GUARDIAN bU"'l!ll "" ha:-- ral,eel concern "t'l\ -.'lI)lJriJall 'lUI \I' hllll·r ... IllltciIl're(' III 1'.1 ~.Ih ;ldor and 1'l ..., II B II Ihi" J ,ii, l \ q' I I ',) 'h 'I I. 2 11"0( Start your morning right high Jb<,ut \\ hether ~letro \\ ill be .11,( pa~ H r'\1 Int h h 'el\ age l'\ l'r\ IJJ;III. 1\ tJman and dlild able to 'net'! gro\\ I11g futurr I harge ,I .... part uf t ill I' 1\ ~It('r that i, • ru hed illU, 111L:l1 ~,.\\ .... Ed,IUI'S "Iall \\ rill·r ... : l. 1'1 atop the Summer House Inn. "p \ age nepd. SI1 l' IC)i , 1\'1 to ll,\ l'r Sl'I\ clgt' Ire'l I III Ix·t II (:,(,11 he 11; ttl ... tl)\1t ... (/ till' I f]IIII.t I~., ~ 1'1 \Ig,' II I~" til II' \, III ". ('( • 1)(. p't l h.,rp 11( rt.1 ( :\Iet II hi Ix,,,,, e\(t:uiIng ,t 1'1ICI~ll'l I'll' \'lllrlld" • bat \ "I, I 11 I \1" 1\11 tit. i'l B"n.l , Enjoy a different morning l I, t" (' '(I .. tit;.., ( ; If'' "t r )tfl,l, I riled P' It 1"', l.l ,II IT_uIH l lr h, (" Pt I· 11'1 I 11 Jnll 1 )11 t 'P .If( r, \ t ,- l l' f t ,I 1 l I I t h, t 0plnlOll F(lilor 'llg'" (' .. :1,) \,1'-'( I :,. I I ,II () ,.hp t· If l ',1 1\1 I 1 I • r 1 special each weekday with a • I If (t j t Yl ~ l I 1 ( ... I ht It I "1 t ' • t t' h t. r " 1'111' I' '\I·lp,.·,'lhlli I , ",0 '"I I , . \ I ' , ) ( '1 I I I, , ~ -t , '1 I 'It l \1 " I, I I " \ 1 II '11 \ II I, cli' II . I dazzling view of the Pacific. ( ~ I J t' 1 'lit, I 'i,' (,q'll'p',' 1 .. I I I ! I, I " I' , I I c II I I 1, II' I I I I I ) I • ,I '1 l , h, , II I 1 ( I 1>' I, , I' , $2.95 K f I • . only .' ,pr Ir'jlttrl t ttl I I' , , , II 1I! til' t" t tt,)r Idl f l"" , f l II l J l pili I 1.«(11 .. , ,1\ 11- l I II d I I 'I I I • d ).r« t \ (r (r 1 l t ( H( ,\ '", It to' '):t '1 1', hll lntrl ,'1"-;-1 \l" 'Il' 'rl Ill< 'II " I, n -,( I I iI" , 1 It'" I,· " MON: Waffle. sausage, egg, d ,'1011' n t I I • 'or'l", I I ,) ,)/, I" I I 'II 11 I l I l I ",I li\'(lu'rl' il ~l'nltlr,111cl h('Illl" 1)\ t "I wlwt \\t' had11'\ \'I'll and (;l'lIl r.t! \Iallaj.!l·r toast, potatoes, orange juice. :\1 'rh 1\1J.:. that d(,( ountllg fill' IIlfiatHlrl. lll1h \1111,1 I h, I l!'>1> (;uilrdi"n " the Cost of pt.mpl'lg the rl'fu .... l'd til Ill';!, tilt' l!\ 01 I\:cIlN' Arnl·rlL-.1l1 I:\pn :" i'L·hc\t·' 1!1 II 'ur tUII ,r,·. HlIt 11h lrl' th.1l1 t h,I' \X ~ h:hcH' ,,('" agt' to T'l)lnt Loma (lnd the rl'a I doll a r Il"l'r c h a Igl'~ a II' ll" I'lf hh,hl'd .\{IInil;)1 , and hUlll rn1\l1l'c' Th,lt', It -",:" ,Iring" ~"J,!II11I11"k" ,\11.1 lh" l1Ikr,' sC\\ .:tge gl nerated by..,u buriJan Thert' IS no l'IJ(II'lll'l' II cit nl'" ,tll'l1llt II';" III ,11Idl'l1h ill potatoes, orange juice. iek'olng) . \ alt·, It' :\11 :'.1 ,dhn ( l!-ol) 1~I 'p", dll('1 '"11 or lI'I' l'l l'n gtldd ttlr 12 rnonrh, illrl'r IIlU gr,I,lu,lI\', deH'lopment _ plea... \, lUi'll 10 Pilj.!l· I Bill Powers Pr()ciUl.'liOIl !\lanagl'r 1\ II houl j/I'rlll I',., " 111 "I ;"1\ THURS: Eggs, sausage, toast, RIll \d I\' ,htlllid Ilill I!l'l tht.· :\ lI1l'rJL ,111 F,{,rc'" t '.Ifcln, '\1 ' p(1! I 'Oil "I I h,,., 1l1·1\,p.qw,' I" Ann :\hllt'r ~t'~Hhl' till' ( '.lrcll' l!rL"lt tnr ,h"rl'l!1L! 'I ,illl~ ("oht!Jlll'd ;-.101 potatoes, orange juice. \X'IlL't1wr II\ .1 nc\\ ,ult 111\ till' ",1, 'll .1 I K'\\ ,rl'll'" I, 'I h, 'Ill". till' :\11lt.'rll.11I Produl'Iion \\'()rker~ "''oI)(lIbi hi!' for lllbol!l'Ill'd Pancakes, sausage, egg, John 1.\ 1II1)(:rg Illal1U'tTlph 01 art Thl' b'l'rl'" C.lre! I' \\,·kl'lI1l·,1 ,II rhl' tlllc"t ,r"I\" .111 OIl'1 th,' LI !lInrn. '\n,1 l'I,'n II \\ III Yummy Hi-Fiber Bran Muffins Chi" Young Guardian ... ub'oenlx'., 10 lhl' orange juice. I1('L',1 IUrIlltUlt.· ttlr 1"uII,I.IlI'. \"U, 111 ,[,'It "lIh thl'l:,m.l 1.0'0 ,\ Ilgel l''o TlI1ll' 'o S\ nelleal ('. l "11 \1'111'1.'. \l', .11" , t-!ll',l1 I, 'f rl·,I.lIII.1I1 r,. Editor: mIxture \~Ith mIxture 01 Typesetters I'a(llie Nl'\\ s Sen ICt' -clOus, but it 2 table-;JXxJl1s -;a Bake at 400 degrees for Kn~ta Kiger. Dand Newell. I Pill lo !ipm Monday I hrough 459-0541 1hl' \llIl·lll·.ln 1·'I'lt·"\.. ,n,1 [\'I1't k.. ll,· IS deliciow; to those who like OIl 15 -20 minutes. until J

excess or unused propertIes Diego's citizens. II said currentl} held by the Hedgecock. RND HIS universit ies to industry and A possible change in parking ,.1:.' ..: trade. O'Connor looks toward regulations in the area privatc endowments and "urrounding San Diego State TRUSTY ~OG , ad ditional state funding as an l'I1l\'crstiy would prohibit aid to the crippled budgets. "I "tudent parkrng in specified will actively work to lobby in areas without a resident Sacramento to keep luit ion parking permit. Hedgecock down." ~aid O·Connor. a and O'Connor both agreed that mN~E graduate of San Diego State. a study would have to be done Rent control. an Issue of un the problem before any cOllcern to many apart ment· C()nclU~lOns could be reached. renting students i" not favored Hedgecock added tha t. as bi' either of thecandidates. but was the case with a similar each propose construction of parking problem at University low- and Inodera te-cost Hospital. a possible solution is housing de\'elopments as an a partial allocation of parking alternative. O'Connor also spaces to each interest group stated long term leasing of and also that San Diego State public lands to private plc ase turn 10 pa ge 12 Campus Forum------.,ald. :-ald that nuclear prultferalilln Anot her st ep. he said. IS to can't bl' ellllllnated. though he The Road to Disarmament ha\ e e:-.istIt1g nuclear pO\\l'rs said that "It \\'ould be a good By BILL HESS to eliminate the produciton of classes rather than protestrng agrel' to a total ffee/e on ne\\ thlllg that I wnuld Itkl' to "ee Staff \V r ilt.-'r its weapon::. i::. that we ha\(' the nuclear arm" race. e\ en de\elopmenl. happen." uclear proliferation. the corporatiuns that are building though \\ e ' Imghl belie\e III "The count ries \\'e should be "What \\'l' haH' i... a trend \\ ht'fl'. O\l'l' tlte \·l·ar". mnre ~ pre a d of nuclear weapons to weapons here and that han' :-. topping Il ." ~he ..,ald. " We're In 0 ... t \\orried about art' tht' countries not possessing them companies all over the \'..·o rld thinking of today rather than one:.. \\ hleh alreadv ha\e thl and mon° money -is "pent tHl and the expansion of the buikltng wealxlIls." said t;lesp. the future." \\'l'apon" and tho~l' on thl defense ratlll'r than "Ol'lal nuc lear capabilities of current \erge of getting thl·Ill." hl sen·ll'l''''. iu,..t to bu) "l·rurIt:-." posse., ... or'-o. is one of t he most ,.,aid. \\·hilt· ;lddll1g that ";1 ... ald Orogun. adding that hl 1111 port ant Issue.., facing tht' mutual dfort' among all fel'l" 110 n'\ ,'\'''l 11'1111" trt'IHII .... \\orlel toda,. Ilo\\e\er. l'Ollntnl·'" I" ... ttll nl'l'lkd tflend Itkl'h to nCl'1I1 n tbl nlar perhaps dul' "to a ..,en"e of t hl' nuclear I hn·at. fut lire. hopelt' ...... Ill'ss. 1110"t peopll' do Lllncl'rllll1g l'lll/en alt1\'Il\' .\S 1111 dtort" "U( hat h Ittl Il' to Ilghtt he problem. ThiS to prdl'si Ilucit-ar proltiera­ ':;.\1 'I treat't'-. Uroglll ..... ,lId \\l'ek's ralllpu" forulll ask.., the tlOll. I;lnlk IIll'lItH.lled tll;lt tlta' "'llhJUgh 'he) h<1\ In t lin i\ l'r"'ll \ C01l1m un It\'. "C an ~~ ma11\ -group ... 111 thl' ['Il1ll'd \\UI'kl,lI \lJ\ \\<,11. "t Il.. I ..... Ihl nllclt'ar - proliferat'ion be ~ ) ., Statl'S and lltlll'r CoUlltlll· .... ,In' l'(lU'l1 I'll" 111\ ( h III ,Itt' stopped?" , takIt1g an actI\e ,.,tanCl' .. n Ihl' \\t1rkll'g lorlll11ludl appro\.!I" Ruth G iese. P o litica l r l'i'iue For l·\.:lll1pll'. 111' ~ald. Th(, Il'''ptJn'''lhtllt) lor Science Stude nt I PSI{ 1;< planlllng 10 colldll~'t a slo\\,ln~ dt.\\11 IlIlTl·;tsl· ... 111 (; iest' said she feeb that , \ 'I game calkd "Fin'bredk" at nucll'a; dl·\l'Inpl1ll'llt. Orngun \\hill' the ex istence of nuclear ' .... ) l 'CSl) lal er thIS III 011 I h "hleh said. i... dl\'idL'd among all weapons cannot beeliminated. con'ilst:-. of t\\ 0 team .. , CIt IIt·n... and ,\ mid leadl'r~. it is "technically possible but rcprt''it'nt1l1g the l 'S and lhl' HO\\'l·\·l'r. hl' addt·d. CI t i len ... very difficult to stop the "They'd go bankrupt if all J e rrv Jan·ik. M c di n ll Sm let l 111 011. ellgaglllg III a can 0111\' play "a hmllt'd role" spread of them . prodUrlion stopped. and Stude nt l'cnta~()n t~ pl' nUllear \\ ar "The) can demon:--trate. go "The only way proliferatioll because of this. there's a lot of Jan ·ik. a member of the game. The pmpo,>l' of t Itl' nn tl'It'\'I"'HlTl. and make Ihl'lr can be .,topped is an pressure on theleadcrscoming I'hvslcian s for SOCIal game. Jan Ik Silld. I... to gl\l' opinions Iward. hut In 11ltl'rnallonal·level sol u I IOn. " from economic forces." she Rl'sj)(H1slblllt\ ( l'~R l. ";lId th;lt :-.t uoent ... ,1110 Ian tit \ ll11'llIbl'1~ internatIonal terll1". thl' she said "All of the count ries said. adding th;ll a polItical nucit'.lr prolIferatIOn call bl.· illl e\;l1l1pk ot \\'hal thl' ljU(· ... t 1011 I" \\ Iwt Iwl' t hl·l'l~lplt· ~ ":~'-,~ .;. \\ould have to work logethl'l leader It1 llle lfS couldn'l stopped if people ille t'onflcknl nuclear sluggk ;tctualh \\ Illl till lhl'''l' thing arc n'all~ .,:, V 011 a frel'/1.' trl'al\. FUI afford to saCrifICe lhe Jobs of of l'ndlllg it . ('on"lsh of in pO:" It Inn s of po\\'t'r." he ".ud ('xalllple. tIll' Ru ssian ... \\OI1't c I\illan s \\hn \\orh 111 "'\'t· han' to IX'lll'\ l' 1111c1t';1l .I an Ih s;l1c1lhat likl'l hl'ellltl­ Thl' lTUl·I.11 1;letor l'Ont'l'rn labatt's 50 Rle. \ ll'tnal1l 1l111\t·l1ll·nt. tIll' nt1n· IIlg nuckar pnllttcratlon .... alo .,; st nil t h l'1 r a r111 s r,ll'e 1ft he \\l·apon..,.rt'!ated l11du~tIW". prol derat loll l"l n he st opped. L1llltl'd Statl's dOl'sn·t." (; Il'St' s,lId t ha t till' Il'\ e1 01 Ill'cau~t' thl" I" thl' IIn.. 1 ~tl'P proltlt'latltlll m(l\ ('llll'lll ha~ a (h(lgllll. I" t 1)1' Idl \ Iltlg\ 01 J '" t;I('''(' ... ald thai om' 01 tIll' In\ohcl11l'nt 01 l110st l 'S toward ,lrlu,tlh ~topplllg It.' "l;I~I"''i roolS basl'i." btlt a ... 1111 \\ olld \t>adl'l~ mall) lro nl-(lH111 pn111Il'ratIt'n tn';lt~ dll·"t l\l· ... 'i lit t Ill' ~()' .... grn\l p:.. to Ilallllt tlf \\odd Il·.tdtT .... Wlttl 111\01\ (. 111 l'lll of n'l tal n large 111lnds. is l1l'l·cll'd. and it 1l1u ... t Includl' thos(' 1)1 thl' tiO\.. hI' ... ,wl Ih;lt (ll£' III til\' l)(t"ltl(ln lit PI1\\l'I'.· IIlI'" . relllall", to Ix 'i('l'lI . 11(' selld "1'I11'\, \\ III tll'lldl' Olll corporatHH1S. wh( .... l· hUsll1t'sS " I't ~. pll · ()lil il'HI t;t Il' " 0111.' 1(\1 ... (1\) it \\ould be thl11"l11g .. 11-(01111-( t .. filiI Johs trl·at,. but 1l h,isn't IX'l'll S\.·il'Ill'\.' Sllt(\(.>llt Orogll n added I h,lt though dlllH'ult fOI thl' [11lItl'c\ States t (llllOIT()\\ or pi! s.., Illg ou r I at 1I1~'d h~ l'\ ' l'r~ Ollt' " .I :\l\'ih (ltnglill

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2555 Camino df'1 RIO Sou Ill . 'JUite 209 San Diego CrllifOlnla 21UH 297·0101 The San Diego Symphony was David Atherton is off somewhere born a couple of years ago. Of black bottom pies, the S.D. else. (Of course there are pieces having been. to confuse a even Atherton cannot make metaphor a little. in labor for interesting.) Matthew Garbutt. many years before that. Symphony, and Bernard Hands the assistant conductor. TheUCSDGuardian Page 7 Occasionally. like a psychic. one recently interpreted Haydn 's Snorts gets glimpses of its former life By JAl'It:S RALPH PAPP Symphony No . 1 and a P__ h_il_L_a_u_d_e_r_,S __ p_or_t_s_E_d_i_to_r ______~______A_p_r_il_2 __ 1_,_1_9_8_3 without flair or originality - sacrifice Art or the Box Office. cream of an indeterminate movement. for instance. begins Mendelssohn concerto for two anything that would distinguish That is why the repetoire usually flavor on a thin piece of frozen with a tune. the only one, which pianos quite adequately. but it' from a symphonic player is packed with the more florid chocolate (not one of evokes heaven In a way no lacked the energy and novelty, piano. Romantics. with a few classical civilization's taste treats) with a music has done since Bach·s. even clarity which Atherton UCSD to Get Fitness Projects With a great boredom composers and almost no little caramel and a glob of One part of the explanation is brings to every work, Last week By KAREN GARCIA course daily. The new fitness miles around the campus area. Athlete induced restlessness and Chart modern ones. florid Romantics whipped cream. The work is as that it is played by high. thin Uri Segal conducted aJewel-like What is new in fitness? Ju st stations will be like those on It is designed so that a run ner House black bottom pie caused are all very well. but why should large, unvarying and wan as the strings. but this does not go far. concerto of Mozart. The as k John Cates, physical the fitness course but in a can connect the vanous trails ed ucation supervisor and ind igestion. I sit far into the their most forgettable pieces. or Dante Symphony. and as the One might search for the orchestra progressed in a more compact and centralized and run up to a marathon of the innovator of programs to area. night to describe a pitfall for the rather their pieces one would other produces a mental and explanation among technical pedestrian manner. amicably distance of 26.2 miles. en hance the physical fitness Another project in theworks These are just two projects orchestra, one filled with a ' most want to forget. be chosen? spiritual indigestion, this terms of keys and modes and so accompanied by Rudolf opportunities of the UCSD is a map of the running lraib toward many ot hers. Interest suffocating muddiness, and how It is from Uszt. after all. that the produces a physical one. forth. but even if one were Firkusny on the piano. who community. Cates is very around UCSD. The map will Week ha s been shown for a the fall can be avoided. These kinds of symphonies sounded like a gentleman and a tnterested in promoting be mIJunted on a redwood and faculty 's taff fitness c lub The original sin was the and so-called pies or failed scholar but. well. not like f·itness on campus for plexiglass sign outside the which would include families SANDY GROOS knowledge of thrill and "a massive piece of sundaes, give the pursuance of "The San Diego terribly much else. st udenl:-.. f acu Ity. and st aff gym doors and will feature and provide exerci~e on a daily \\-'omen'!> Water Polo boredom. People wanted to culture a bad name and When one presents a al ike. and new fac ilities for co lor-coded running trails basis. Othtr tentatin' plan.; beige ice cream on Symphony needs exercise are in the planning. ranging from one se\en pursue thrill, but they were perpetuate the reputation colorfully wrapped box of to pl,'a~(' lu,-n til PHJ.!(.· ) 0 On a team \\ hose sea'-on i" Jlht IX'ginnIng, Sand\ has Cates' current project is a always about to slip back into thin crust of. .. " America has for caring only more of Rands ... " sweets labelled 'culture: and aJread~ establ ished hersel f a~ the team leader. t'''peCiall y on a "fitness cou rt" to be installed boredom. The tune was about size and not form. with after consuming several of the off l!O"e. She has scored IL goab in ,ix games. ea rnIng aha' lx'hind the tenni" rebound employed and was for a few .. ~lcDonald ' s Breakfast" theme which Oscar Wilde dealt when successful the success would trick In a game aga1l1st StanflJrd 111 the Stanford delightful confections the boards next to t he sand thousand years quite enough. which swept commercial InvitatIOnal Tournament la"t \\el'kend. Coach !Jan I~b~ he said the Niagra falls were ruin the beauty of the musical recipient bites into a series of \olleyball courts. A compact The In the 19th century. however. announcement breaks with such "simply a vast unnecessary phrases. duds, one 's present is soon desulbl'~ her pia} as "excellent high inten ... lt} \\ iltl"r polo." .l2' x 32' sa nd area \>,.ill hold 16 and add ... that .. he has bern a -.olld pprfornlf't'lln thptl'am til music went through a success only a few summers ago amount of water going the However. what makes the spurned. The same applies to exercise sta tion s v.:hich, pa st yea r". revolution, and the tune was came, wrong way and then falling over movement genius, or merely symphonies and. if I may return according to Cates. are Axe abandoned in. unfortunately, Speaking. extraordinary as it unnecessary rocks. " adds to the genius, is the to the black bottom pie theme. "ue..,igned to work al l the not an embarrassed silence but might seem. of food. the after Far different from this is underlying note (literally) of desserts. com ponents of ph~~" ca l an immodest noise. Some theater supper is as much part Bernard Rands (UCSD's own - uncertainty. a pale but apparent Instead of serving quite so fltne'>s." 1I1cludmg balance, Falls composers were influenced by of the cultural event as the Rahl) and his Madrigali. which clashing line. This qualifies the many of what it imagines to be flexibility, strength. cardia· folk music: Dvorak. for instance. music itself. The Chart House the San Diego Symphony played beauty and questions the safe pieces under safe rl'spmltory endurance. and Scm Diego Clippers coordination . A~ a total used the pibroch of Scottish aspires to be one of the recently. Rands has no tunes, heaven in a way that is as clear conductors. the San Diego condi tioning routine, the Coach Paul Silas bagpipers. a group to whom restaurants that provide this but unlike these 19th century as anything on the written page. Symphony should try new and fit ness court is ideal to fare by having a reputation for W.S. Gilbert addressed the lines: composers he admits it. and The San Diego Symphony needs uncommon pieces under the .llIgment cycling, jogging, may have pleaded "If you really must play on that black bottom pie, SUbstitutes other kinds of more of Bernard Rands. but I conductor who seems to have a \\ alking, or swimming. The for mercy, but the cursed affair, / My goodnessl The reputation is spurious. emotional and intellectual suppose they will think that golden touch of freshness, like a court will provide relief from play something resembling an Black bottom pie consists of a form. their audience. wh ich sleeps Midas in. if I may mention it. an overcrowded weight room axe that ended his air." combination of chocolate The music expresses happily through Liszt. would be much better evening dress than an d its central location near three-year ca reer ~~: ~ :~ ;v:.~: L .. ~.;-c;~-! .custard. rum custard and emotion. but it also seems to frightened away by him. most of the guest conductors. , the locke r room ts a further American symphones fear whipped cream which makes express the movement of the The Symphony's fall into dull Of course in this last season ddvantage. yesterday with public reaction, since they are one feel like one of the later mind. Of course music is less music is not as significant as its dullness has been the exception. Lates will be aSSisted In the the lasl place ('ollrt \ construction b) the not supported by the Roman emperors with only a concrete than. say, literature in occasional fall into lacklustre and there is yet no reason to shy c1u b u'a' )Jot government. and every year in very small slice. The Chart expressing these things. or at rendition. because, interesting hrut her" of the PhI Delta from what appears to be Theta fraternit \. who han' their programming they House serves under this name a least in doing it less easy to enough. these performances U Jl expecled. generally delicious and, over \oluntl't'red th'elr sen',Le~. struggle with whether to massive lump of beige ice analyze and explain. The final seem always to occur when time. pleasantly fattening. Funding for t he project comes Silas 100/: II is 'rolll gift-- and grant~. and has amounted tn SR.OOO thus far. team tva25-57 La~t veal'. C ate~ was behmd record in his thl' installatIon of the fitne"s THE SAN DIEGO FILM SOCIETY course in the woods bet\\een ji'nal season here. Ce ntral Librarv and Genesee presents Ihenue. M ore than two THE SAN DIEGO PREMIERE hundred people use that of ICTH E FI LM EVENT OF TH E YEAR:' Crewers Row in City C mpionships VINCENT CANBY, Times By JOY REARDON shirts every time. (Los mg the regatt a. taking the Slaff Wriler crews traditionally hand over Lightweight Eight, Junior UCS'D women rower their racing tanks to the Varsity Eight, Novice Eight, salvaged four victories in ix victors, creating a dramatic and Open Four. while races but the Triton men were picture of total loss.) The dropplI1g the Open Eight and drilled every time at last Varsity Eight provided the No\'ice Eight to SDSU. The Saturday's annual City only positive noteof the day for painful loss by only a fe\\ Championships on MissIOn the men 's squad a ~h ey leapt second s In the Open EIght Bay. Although fate dealt San ahead of San Diego State (Cal came aft er some difficult \ at DIego crews clea r skies and Cup Champions at the Cre\\.' the starting lIne. hut flat water for most of the dav. Cla SSIC) and powerful US D in appnrent Iy 11ll' InCIdent \\,:1 .. the llCSD men's crews ne\'i'r t h(, f,rst part of the race before unrelat ed to llll' ()U tcome of the Illanaged to stroke over the endmg up thIrd. down onl\ a ract'. "\V l' IIJ"t t hat ran' at the finl..,h linc ahead of thetr maJt1 boa t k'ngt h from S L1 t t' a ncl :iO!) ml'tl'r m;lrk," s,lId ~trokl' Ka.l Da\ na has hdl)l'd \"i, I. tht ~nl I."t-. inlo thl' \11'" rt\'als. San Diego Statt'. Illerl' seat~ frOl1l 1'~I) l hn"lllll' Hoffman. "It \\ <1' pla:- off ... ~,hich I)t'~an ~ (' .. a'relay \\ ilh "an l>k>!o· ... Ii·:.! win gl'lting bln~ll'd In all eIght Thl Tri ton \\ !lnwn ~ ere\\ lu"t '1 1l;ld I'dCl'" m ,.,. [,ansas Cil~·. ('\{,Ills and lo"ing thl'tr kall1 pu lll'd thl' onh IlI'Ight ~Pllt III "ka.,,· lunl W pagl' I ()

Th e future of Minority Magic Students at Revelle ... What's GIVES YOU WHAT Razor fJlissing? A CLOCK CAN'T "No Appointml'nt Necessn ry " You re ready I For the biggest and claSSIC to the contemporary And Come find out the best that life has to offer And for choose the nng and custom options La Jolla Village quare HORE the college rrng that will speak vol· that most eloquently express you l..()w~r Len? Center Mall at the umes about you-and your achieve Now IS your time to get what you RTWA General AVAILABLE TIME! ments-for years to come deserve And remember- nothing • Can increase reading speed 2·7 limes What's more you can afford It I else feels,like real gOld. 455-1700 Meeting according to difficulty of materials. SPEND Because now for a limited time you THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1983 at 7: 30 p.m. • Retain and ",cali more of what you 've read. TIME can order from the entire ArtCarved CALIFORNIA CUT reR $'j.oo · $,8., 0 $13.00 guest speaker: • New improved Speed Reading course designed for TO SAVE collection of 14K gold college rings SPRECKELS THEATER 121 Broadway Indu u~s Shampoo, Comiltloner &.. Blow..lrv. Our artJStl( rtXnlllqt.Jc Iii (ut'in~ half alonf( rht· loday's students, professionals and business persons. narural path of growth anJ \1o lu~ oj [~I((Urt· Thl.· 1c-'..lL: 1\ natuml ht:t,:auSt'1hl' ( 'allfornl.lC'ur Bill Morales. fOP Director TIME I and save $25 Come and see the (i ncludes pm ALL TICKETS $10 630 reception) IS natural Just for our California hfC:fJ1YI!.' elll Day" EvI"lnl' or Weekends exquIsitely crafted styles-from the for Ottilis INAUGURAL fUNDRAISING EVENT FOR THE SAN DIEGO FILM SOCIETY EUROPEAN PERM r,·~ 51>0.00 $48.00 Thursday, April 28 ,~-H. San Olego Center Iprecedlng one week cngaqement at Fine Arts The~ter ) Is vour half 1t.X) Mral)!!ht IInJ hiUd to mltna~l". rod hut' and hol! no hoJy and 1'h.·\:J~ hlHnc ' 2180 Gomet Avenue Date: Time: Place: TICKETS AVAILABLE Tlcketron lind Nnw I~ tilt' lin,,· III n;,hapl' your hJlr WIth th,: most ror'!ul.u r~.: rm •.oJ nlt:lhl''ld 10 [UfOr": 6:00·8:00 pm I ..t".w\~ yum h.ur ft'dm", soft ,IIlJ loollnw n:'H u r.11 San Diego. CA 92109 Spreckels Box Office, Open 12 noon April 21 st N (714) 27(M81Q April 20-22 9 - 3 00 Revelle formal University Bookstore For tnformatlOn call 222·9022 SCULPTURED NAILS ".~ s, ~ $25.00 EDUCATIONAL CENTER M l Bruske administrator 1(' fl, .t~'''f j Lonl( Rt'i\utlful ~ ull'wn.,\1Null ... l.ln now I~' VOUf !, fl.r ,hill SI"'\'MI OUJ!\\II'In (-iln'd Girl m , ,I R J IIfW M.lslcrC,Jr'1 (,' v' a A .ceptl'd Slanley H Kaplan Breakthrough on Rapid Readmg ,d!t~ HII~S "Ie N nll nlh.'r Lounge TEST PREPARATION SPECIALISTS SINCE 1933 FILLS r,·~ $. \ 00 $12.00 :E • [,; ~_IW , A UNIVERSAL RELEASE FROM ZOETROPE \TUDIO\ DOlcOLmrERlol Admission is free Olf", ~o()d onty With thl< ,," &. theM' Myl"t,. Bu/>, K" .. " , l,m,n f.I /),."", Refre!>hm ent will be serv d 1i l::.X/,ih·., A/rril 28, 198J. B Hiatus Apri I 21. I q83 * Thursday, April 21, 1983 The UCSD Guardian !J The UCSD Guardian Thursday, April 21, 1983 ~ Guardian Sports Line The Scene Running Thoughts TRITON SPORTS SHORTS The Sports Lille retuYllS wilh the l!I'o sides of the Padres' #6, Steve Garvey - olle we a/l see and olle II 0 body sees. Bv MIKE GREENBEHG and .JEFF SAVAGE of the Rec - Slarr Wril"r~ BADMINTON - 8y MIKE GREENBERG WHAT'S GOING ON II ERE DEPT. The :,\BA playoffs are After dropping a 10-5 decision to Claremont Tue~day and plaYIng Cal Poly Pomona Slaff Writer The final home stand of the cu rrently underwa) (fi nally) and therc will bc some majol' last night, UCSD will go the the California Collegiate Champion:-hlps at l;C lJavis thb Did you ever see the old Mad Magazine cartoon in which a but I will do whatever JII' is necessary for the team to win. '83 lacrosse season will upset,-, In Ihe first round, the New York Knl cks Will up,-et the weekend. young naive boy trie to decide whether or not to take advantage .GARVEY (DEVIL): .\'P Are you kidding me? I'll play when [ happen Sunday, April 24 at 1 New Jersey Nets in the battle of the Rig Apple, \\' hlle the ]JorLland BASEBALL- of a very young, pretty, but unconscious girl? The movieA11imaf want to. That streak has made me, and J 'llbP damned before Ilet pm on Third Field. The UCSD Trailblazer~ will upend the lIlorc talented but less di.,ciplined The Tritons' losing streak IS now at ntnp With Tue<.;day's 2·1 loss at :,outhprn Cal Holt e depicted the ame situation. Anyway, right before theguy some overweight loudmouth manager tell me what to do. laxmen will face the Seattle SupersonIC!>. All the fans up In Inglewood will be College, No\~ 5-23, U(SD has games at Redlands tod to tl1(' San Antonio Spurs, Too many tnJuries Olsen Field) lo try to brake Its skid shoulders. The angel tells the boy to respect the young girl , while year; how do you think ~ fh e team will do in 1983? their eason. Will conlribute to Los Angele:-\ demlo.,e ".., Pat Riley"" te(lm Will the devil tells the young lad to engage in every kind of sex act .GARVEY (ANGEL): W Well , if we huslle and play agTessive * * * open the second season wit hout supl·r.,ubs Bob McAdoo and CREW- imaginable. I refuse to tell how the cartoon ends on the grounds baseball I see no reason why we can't win our division . The If a flat disc happens to fly James Worth y. With a rejuH'nated Arti-; Cilmore in the middle. "For t he record," the women's novice eigh t crew won t \\'(J of II s races (Jostng onl} to that I want to keep my job, but the situation intrigued me enough attitude on this club is excellent and I know I will do my part to your way. grab it, because it 's the Spurs Will advance to the Championo.,hlp Series. Meam\ hilt" Stanford) and the women's novice lightw eIght eIght won Ih race In Compl'llllon at to create the following hypothetical situation: Padre fir t bring a winner to the ~great fan s of San Diego. time for the First Annual Di sc the Milwaukee Bucks \\ ill be upsetttng a very disorgalllzed Redwood Shores two weekends ago. (The results were misquoted In a recent issue. ) At the City ChampionshIps last weekend, the women took four \'ictr)ries in six races, but baseman Steve Garvey is known to the baseball world as "the .GARVEY (DEVIL): WI This team will be lucky to finish Triathlon , The UCSD Celt ics team unlv to 10"''' in till' E;I.,lern Conferencefinalo., epitome of a major league ballplayer." Talented, polite, fourth. Did you notice our pitching on the last road trip? EI Recreation Clubs and AMF -to the 7ners, Philadelphi a \·s, San the men were s hut out. Bolh squads tra\'el to meet Loyola ~larymount 'aturday. articulate, and very bright. But is that the only side of Garvey? [s stinko. Bonilla and Salazar are hotdogs, Templeton and Jones Voit present a da y of di scing on AnlonlO in the finals and we have to pick Philly CYCLING-- he really as perfect as he appears to be? Is he still the only player don't care about nothing except th ei r paychecks, and Lollar has a Saturday, Apri l 30 at 10 am on in five du to too much talen! and O\erall tpam The bikers gear up for a race at UC Santa Barbara Sunday, ever to lide without getting hi uniform dirty? I now bring you sore arm. (laughing) We haven't got a prayer. Third Field, Featured events cohesiveness, SAILING - the two sides of the man who might become a California senator QUESTION: Who ~ would yo u say is the odds-on.j{Il'Ol'ile? in this triathlon are disc for NOT TO BE BELIEVED DEPT. We kno\\ we're harptng The women sailors go to the Pacific Coast ChampIOnshIps at Ne\\ port Beach this in 1988 , . GARVEY (ANGEL): W I'm not a gambling man, but I'd have dis tance, di sc for accuracy, on a moot point, but e\'er since we made:)O grand (thank you. weekend_ QUESTION: Are you upset at the lcay the Dodgers handled your to say the Dodgers; they have some bright prospects and are and 18 holes of di sc golf. .c. State) in the CAA tournament , not only have we been WOMEN'S SOCCER - negotiations fast year, ~ lelling you beeollle a free agellt? skilled at every position_ Their pitching staff is the best in Divisions include men's and flooded With loan fl'que:-ts at the (;ulIl'(/ial/, but in the past ten UCSD goes to the Southern Division CUP Playoffs, beginning Friday at Cal State women's open and master's, . GARVEY (ANGE L): W I was at the time, but that's behind me baseball. .ll.!f days. we ha\e received O\er ,HI telephone calls from a variet~ of Northtidge, now. There's no point in harping on the past. I'm with a new . GARVEY (DEVIL): i:!(/ What do I care? I get my milli on fi\-e no with prizes for division charitable organiz(ltions asking I'or donatIOns. All we can say IS, SOFTBALL- team, and I'm going to give 110% to make the Padres a winner in matter who wins. wi nners_ To enter thi. fun "We ga\c at the office_" 1983, U QUESTION: ISI/', il almust a/act, SIel'e - may I cal/yOlt StelP- e\'ent drop by Campus The Tritons and the Poets of Whittier battle at Whittier tomorrow aftern(X)n. WAIT A MINUTE DEPT, Let \ face it. J\len\ and women's . GARVEY (DEVIL): ~I Upset? ['m livid , I devoted my life to the thai you hOl'e politiml W aspiratiolls once YOII retire /ru l/I Recreation and sign up or stop SURFING - Dodgers and do they show the sl ighte 't bit of gratitude or basebal!? 6 ' by Third Field on the day of volleyball coach Doug Danne\'lk IS bet ween a rock and a Sadclleback and SDSU m~t UCSD at Black's Saturday begmntng at 7 am. The next appreciation? As far as I'm concerned the Dodgers are the lowest . GARVEY (ANGEL): Steve is fine, Mike_ Sure, I am the event. There is no entry hardi)lace evervtllne thc women's te(llll has a banner year day the Tritons compete in the NSSA Conference Meel at Huntmgton BeaLh. beca use the men are nov" here near a.., ..,uccessful as the ladies_ form of scum on the earth, and they can go to hell. interested in politics, Every concerned citizen wants thecountry fee. MEN'S TENNIS - QUESTION: Much has been w1'l'ltell aboul YOIl r close relalio/l.';hip to be prosperous, If I have an opportunity to make a difference in * * * CurrentlY. lJCSU IS 10-13, a rather di..,rouraging note until one The netters dropped a 5-4 decision at San Diego State, Top players from the men's and It'ilh Dodger Alal/ager ...$..t Tom Lasorda_ peoples' li ves, then r wou ld have toconsider some typeof political The UCSD Tennis Club will glances at their :-checlule. Uanne\ Ik put hiS men up against the women's teams wi ll compete m the Ojai Tournament this weekend, . GARVEY (ANGE L): W Tommy has been like a father to me future. To be honest Mike, I love people. It saddens me to 'ee ten be sponsoring a Bring-A­ be:-t team:- in the Ciluntn and the Tritons simpl! cannot compele \\ith {'CLA, lIC~B , Pl'pperdme, 'an Diego TRACK AND FIELD - ever ince I joined the Los Angeles orga ni zation. Ile was my percent of the nation out of work and not reaping the benefit s of Ringer Tournament from 1-5 The Cal Tech In vitational lures UCSIJ\ squad into competition Saturday, minor league manager, and my manager in the big league for this gTeat cou ntry of )f;'f ours. pm on April 30 and 8 am - !'ltatl'. etc. lVlaybe the blame shuu ld go to Danne\'ik seven years. I love .b him like a son wou ld lo\'e his father. . GARVEY (DEVIL ): ~/ It 's Mr. Garvey to you, Greenberg. noon on May 1. Th is dou ble for forctng his team to pia! the caliber of \ollc} ball WATER POLO- .GARVEY (DEVIL): ~I Lasorda and I were never close_ It was Where do you get off calling me Steve? You are a nobody - I eliminatIOn doubles tourna­ that they arc not capable of doing, The Triton women host the UCSD Tournament at the Miramar p(lol m'er the weekend. only played that way in the papers. He was always burping up make more in a week than you will in a lifetime. As far as ment has no divisions with THEY ASKED FOR IT DEPT. !'llanford quarterback John his food whenever I was around him, He's scum like the rest of political ambitions, yes I have them. With my good-guy approach mixed doubles teams playing Elwav can't ask for a bet tel' situation than what he has now, MEN'S VOLLEYBALL - them (Dodger officials)_ May he eat a rot ten chi cken parmigiana I feel confident that I will be able to fool the American people into men's doubles duos, etc, The Because uf hi" ouhlandll1g baseball abilit:., Yankee u\\ ner UCSD enters the WCVC Tournament which goes on all day Saturda~ in lJCS!)\ and puke all over Al Campanis. \'oting for me_I'll start small by bcing senator, then will move mv catch is that t he ratings (;eorge Stetnbrenner I" rcady to dip Into Fort Knox to lure the Main Gym. QUESTION: SIel'e. YOII broke Hilty lI'iltiams' collsecllfiz'e g([IlICS way up through those six years to beon a national ticket by 1992, (according to the National Cardi nal Signal cal ler ,1\\ a~ from foot ball and Into :--Je\\ York \ played streak Illst Saturday (J 117) al/d JIlIl/agc}' lJick Williams With my popularity, I see no reason \\ hy I can't be 43rrl President Tennis Self-Rating System) of farm ;,\:-tem . With the :-':FI. draft approachll1g (Api'll 26 ). has said Ihat he wuuld lik to ffiL'e YOII a res I fro III time to lil1l c, of the L'nited States. Once I obtain that status, 1 can reslore th e members of each doubles SI(,lnhrt'nner\ offer \\ III Inuease Eh\ "y'., bargaining p()\\cr a~ II 'uliid you respect such ~ {/ decisioll? America to the good old days, when the rich basked in the glory of pair cannot add up to more the :'\1"1.\ flrsl pla\er tak('n, You heard It here first: EI\\'ay will Despite Lack of Personnel, KO. 3.0 . GARVEY (ANGEL): W Dick is the manager and I will follo\\ wealth and the poor suffered the hardship they so rightfully than For exampl , a be In a Charger LJ n Iform next season as San J)leg-o \\,111 trade their his Inst ruct ions. I \\ ould l! ke to pinch-hi t to keep the st reak all\c, deser\'e, please lurn 10 page 11 t\\O number one picks, ;t number t\\'O and a !lumber fi\c 10 Ball Imor(' for the rll!hh to draft 1'1\\;1\, O\\,ncr(;ene Kktn is too Cyclists Riding Strong in '83 "I ubborn 10 gw(' In to Dan Foul-. ' d'.'mand" and \\,111 I he .... ar Iltt'.l~() .' [,llt 11 tt I 8" TYN.\;'\J SCH~lIOT C\cltng I" not il..,afl "port. and call the NFL's Illllst prolific quarterback'", bluff to sit - '>Iaft \\ rill'! niany pt>ople havl' bl'ln \\ hlt:h '1Lgall th{ _ea~OIl Id,1 out t hI' "ca..,OI1 Perhaps one of the mo~t critically injured, ,\" ['lSI) Ill'lnt h, the 110\ ILl' l'1en COULD IT BE DEPT. Laq ~at urcia) we \\ ere sit t 109 111 oUt' unrecognized of the :!9 coach-athlete (;reg Scherllldll capt ured [Ill' flr~t lour P:,ICl'" cxecuti\c office \\'ritll1g- thlo., ('I)lumn \\ hen \\'(' received a call II1tercolleglate spurb at l'CSI) sa \ s. .. \\' e a re a ra re breed." \\'lIh Dun ~lIt!OI1 wktrl;.! fIr,,!, from none other than Bo"lo n Celtic fOl'\\'a rd Larr) Bird IS cycling, The "port I" oneof Fl'-w people are willing to and Todd S\\'1t 7t r !Jan Allhough we had talked to Bird on dcca"lon (mosll\ alxJut tine the most phY!-'lcally and dedicat (' t he time and dtort to Bir:-tl.'il', and ere!! ~l ht'I'Pl (wc're IIlfol'mal) \\,oulc1l:all uo., .,IIKe he IS :-uch a .,h) tndl\ Idual. While nclish mu.,t be gratification by little glamor To ma ke a long ston short. the 1\/1 -/\ ml'rican from Indi ana S ta tc physlcall) -fIt to \\ Ith:-tand the While cycling ma) be gamIng Il'd !l1 ,J g a In far (' d \\ t" 1. Come celebrate the \\ anted our ad\'ice on how to beat the Philadelphia 7tiers the pain from racingupto60111iles SOIllt' interest here at l'lSIl II -;\\('t'ping sl,t'llOd thr~lllgr following- afl ern(XJl1, Lal r! told us ho\\ he had contacted former and obtaining :-pecds of 1:) IS "till far frolll tht' Itnll'ltghl. "I\th placl.'''. \\ Ith Don "Ult, n coaches I~ ed Ilolt7Jnan. Larr~ Bro\\ n. and Billll On The complete without intramural softball, Get A Grip is Residential Apartments Office hIghlIghted by the outstanding hitting of Brad Clark, Bryan ~~- Hump ~------, " \ '-_. ' ~-=<. \ "Soulman" Sohl, Steve Shiflett, Mike Flaherty, Matt ~- --J HUNGRY 9224-8 Regents Road "Wheels" Cooper, and Zack Taylor. The defense is anchored by the fine pitching of Andy Cooperman and the spectacular catches of Enc Zimmer, who came up with Friday, April 22 Applications and detailed information at three diVing catches in Saturday's game. After seeing this team hIt I recommend that all opposing pitchers crack open all Resident Dean's Offices and at a cold Miller beer and let it be Miller tIme. 4:00 p.m. Residential Apartments Office. Reve II e Community Cente.( TEAM OF THE WEEK Brought to you by: 7: 30 - g ptl I Questions? 452-2952 SPONSORED BY lliE MILLl:R BREWING COMPANY Tau Ka,Jpa Epsilon Fraternity i-__T_ h_v'r5dOJ I Apr; I 21 10 The UCSD Guardian Thursday, April 21 , J983 Thun. d a~, A I>ril 2 1, t 98:! The L:CS)) <.uardian ------II TYPING Papers, theses, resumes, bus 0810, (4/25) tne reason UCSD IS thl' place to be rqmts profeSSional & experienced, 697 You\e made my college e.penence I lost last Fnd~ In Revel Plaza black trdYel Cycling VI' ~ frozen 8077/ 222-3605/ 697-2401 (6/ 9) alarm clock Please call 450-3016 (Kurt ) mOfe than I could hoped lor You're great' -Gary (4125) ~ontinu e d from I)aj:{l' 9 PREGNANT' (hoose alternatives to S,xer re-.vard.(4/21) c1Ra SOgurf c!Zlfair Y09l;lrt MIldam X lobster deiognt IS w,th,r' s,ght Classifieds abortion S D Pro-life league 24 hr, lost Umbrella, last semester AutomatiC, creations a good squad, the expert men \, Hotline 583-5433,941-1515 (6/9) rust-colored with designs Thank5 Jan meet me for lunch Fn~ at 1 00 ChI' and women's teams ha\e Cafe (4/21, 25C off All typing - speCialize In SCientifIC & 2722326 (4/25) lacked a good team showing, btech IBM SelectriC II Elizabeth - Sigma Kappa, Atvvays Nea' dnd Ded' to '77 blue Datsun 8210 excellent lOST Tan JaCket on 4114 on or around any purch•• e Even so, the individual lalent-. _ek~s 452-5030 eve/ wkends 267- You Welcome to Zeta Mu ~ove, Your B'9 condition brand ne-.v paint JOb asklng bus stop at Gllrmon & Myers Please call ' 6942 (4/ 25) S,ster',)") (4121) of $1.00 or more of Ann Sheldon and Texld Announcements 2600 call 453-6471 ask for Mike. ( 4/ 21) 457-1579 and ask lor Carol '4/25/ witzer ar worth not mg, Found Calculators T' & HP Call & Paul, Ah Who" Ewe, Anna (SIll, Racing as the ()nl~ member for Identify Marty )1.6769 (4/25) (arol Are you gOing to tne Soc p~rty? 1030 Torrey Pine. Rd LIeS]), Sheldon o\ercaml' all Summer Jobs promoting ecology, utility Please return my stinky running shoes know you won t w~~t to miss It See you ' at Her.chel her opponents to win at San reform, consumer protection & toxIC Wanted Housing Blue/Yf'lIow lost 4-7TlHl 07 Comm20 S5 there' Brenelda 4,21) Luis Obispo last week, and waste ISsues. CalPIRG IS hiring publIC re-.vard Judy 755 3246, (4 21) ~iossa, II thadr> toeen'cryour l'Or>, we La JoUa education & fundralslng pOSitions 5135 SWitzer, despite crashlllg Lost One set 01 key> on a Silver 'Ing would hlllfe beer J I lo... r roorrrrate 524O/ wk In SO , LA, Beiliave fl..,' 4 il fl rst, the first SoCiology Party All Interested of Pcrl for In terVIew time Please help Roommate wanted for Clairmont condo t- 01 ,\' H'WIl 0' c.1I continucd frolll page 7 8597, eve, 452-4931, d~ , (4/21) 1981 Datsun longbed 4X4, black, stereo, smoker please 452-8095 (4/25) player ma~ pla\ .\ il h a j,O; a 1('\('1" d 1,1l)1) l ~ 1:lIIIlIl'" Need a typiSt? Reasonable, speedy, Both men'" anel \\'omen',. 4500 ml warranty. leavlns. sell by May Roommate wanted to share IS master plaYl'r may pair \\llh IIlLllItlJng t l,,)... (, T't- (J' h;1\ Ing accurate ttnd guaranteed servICe (all :~-.:; up a "quad" \\ III get cham'!' to 151 Call nowl 29b-9029 (4/ 21) a Kllthle, 57b-1277 anytime, (4/28) bdrm 1 mole to school Pool, sauna, ,Li, and ,,0 nn, To l'nll'r Ih1'­ '(lUt hed a laer'I" ... l 'IL k Thl ;1\ engl' la"t \\l'l'kl'nd\ UP"I'h 10-speed bicycle "Tr/IVelier III" 511600 washer/ dryer, Sl60/ mo. Ann 453'5951 fun lournament .. top du~, I planning If, \\0'1.. IIIl ATTENTION All PROFS & OTHERS I Need ))~ ill Ihl' upcomrng \\l'cb, :\01 or? 56b-5745 ( 4/ 25) (4/21) house sitters 4 the summer break' 2 (aJllPu~ Rccn'illiOrl and ~Ign lllnclJtllllllllg and ;,I"[')""e IInl\' \\ til I hl'\ I ralll to pummel NI(E 10-SPEED women's blke, good mature responSible UCSD srs, lire looklng up b) Frida} , '\pr'l 2<1 Thl' • u n d flit III a I" d uri n' ' h ( Illl' :\ Zll'C" :11 11ll' \\!',,It'rt) conditIOn, S80/ offer Tel 457-3790 4 house - Will take lOVing care 01 l'nt ry ft'l' I" ~'I per team and a ~pnng ()u,llel and \\ I I beJ,,'ln (4/ 25) Sprlllh I \ Ia\ 1)1 hUI II garderl-pets-etc. hllVe gr!. reme. (armen Travel nt·\\ can of \\'!I"nll ur Pel1n lomJ,lt"lll1 r nl xl f, II ("'3m ... : upgrad Ihl'lr \\111-1" ... .., 452-9787, Julilln 452-7180 ( 4/21) I ( a 1'1 ... 'J, hI'" I' 'l " IL ROSSignol 180 Apache Skis With Solomon tennl" rt'pul;J~I"11 agall1"'t IlIIll'r All TYPing - speCialize In SCIentifiC & • * « ,1,lIllor( Bl'r~ l'Il'\, 11 _t ('l 626 bindings Only used once Must sell tech 18/'.0\ Selectroc II ElIzabeth wkdays "I h')(II ... a ... \\ III, Thl" \\ l'I'kl'THI 5225 Of best offer 755-0755 ( 4 i2 1) Open M-F 10-5 In the Student (enter ()n ' 1IIl·... d,!\, ,\,.,rtl 2h a' I I J, \ I' Iht' l'nllrl' 1l';II]] tran'l " III 452·5030, eves, wkends 267-6942 ClEE offers t:>udget nights, r~11 passes, 1974 FIAT 124 SPIDER 1800 5-speed pill I" 1\ S..; l~~," II I tlu'l"g \1 \'",n Iltl'tll" (5/9) tours, book5, Insurance, worK and study ;\Iarlna dl'l 1<1'\ \\ htn' Ih, llLlL \\1" p1'l'''tll .1 pUlal btl! I').. • '),If' ot \ ' New top. seats Excellent mech. cond progfams, and much more (all 452 ' I n'uns \\ III take 1111 \.1\\ (ria L I I II ,I 52000 or best Da,(' 452 ·81 85 (4,21) TYPing Theses. dISsertations, term 063C (6 9) Iidl '1"\ 1I1;"1I1\; I ,1,1 Ill'll ,\Ian mont, a 1.l1lllh,lI al1d -not- '"4' l ( J I· , tIt Acoustic SIX str,ng gUltdr IMth case Brand papers, fast, rl'dsonable, e~peroe,,(ed, <. rt." I r I I, \' I 11 't ,. 1,'1 100 (nghll'll1flg 1;ln' frlll11 1 hl' Sdn Felipe 595 Jure 1 70'9 ~i!ta:'na lSI I, rew condition. Must sell 5'225 or best JCSD references 271 6378 .• 5 ~ (amplrg 565 JUly 2 4 GETAWAY TOUied lQ78 Satal/us >is SO, 400C ..,., rlqhl)' SKU ed, legal, b,o"'ed, 8M Cor '4 .. 8 t'liltIU' 'I tel' Il' to ClJmlX'le a~atn"l L'll1g BI'i1l'h very good only 51 7~, call ScOtt ilt4S l ~ ar call JC'lIl, 4')",1244 Il ~ "I Canada for a 11l'\\ oarlock pin Futons High ~u"ioty r dndmade cott ) 1 " pI I • I "1attressE's, yoqa IT at. and z'Ilus rJu· Typlrq Nn(}tech 'BM Cor E(N'~'roor Ur 3('n" Reward 4 2'> (a ppmx 1111(1 I ('I Y ~2:'i I .., 11111' t h e~ • Vtahty 38'22 4t'l A ~ Hilic rest ,,9'> Report~, term pope's, tt eses 451 ') 7>l LOS' (a~,o WT"t w~tCh et Tt>lfd t(' 1 \1 do nllt 11\\ n ,Ill) IL'plaletlll'tlt "181 4 '2' (c I~) L)t.O 0 1 ~'ldJY r'(,d~C {dl: (h_ k I 2 I, pa rio., lor liwi r Ix );11. Fitness DRINKING BEER IS LIKE l 'onl il1lll'd fnUll p.lj.(l' 7 Registered Studen ITlcludl' a "enl'" of "l'l11ln<1I" and Post Doc's around campu" \\ 11 h "uch PUTTING TOGETHER ABASKETBALL TEAM. IOPICS a" nUlritlon, "tn's" Movies for Sale or Rent "(over your Bod" with 111 a nag l' 111 en t, t' X !' r (" I " !' progr,un", and \\ l'lght clint rt d, Sickness and START OFF WITH ACOUPLE OF TALL ONES. a., \\(,11 as Ihl'dl'\l'loPllll'TlI 01 a Red Auerbach "Hexl Squad," a 1110\)11t' unil THE BEST SHOWS IN TOWN Accident tra\cling arou nd campu ... and prm icllng te., t " " uch a., pub!' ARE AT VIDEO GALLERY! Insurance raIl', blood prl's" url', lung \Ni\." \oluml', flcXlhllil\ , and A Thl' \V 1~O 's of titles to choose from ,::,' d'i~~\\'\l t"~ Student Premium $40.70 CCOrd ' orld p..,t' '" vJ \ \ m u ., (' U I it r ., I I' (' 11 g t 'It and lrJJ: _To carp Rent a Video Recorder \\9\:l\~ Airplanc II Spouse $51 .40 ('n(\uralll'l'. TIll' m;lin ,,11)1'('11\ I' ~ ~ D Children $51.40 of thl'.,e prtJIl'l't., i.., to hutld ~ la~1 Unicorn f $9 90 . ht .-: Iit'dgecock brought applau .... e Tht' clownto\\n area Unl\erslt\ \\ould have to from the pnmanl~ senIOr reno\atlon was jU~lified by become ' le~~ automobJle CItizen audience. Hedgecock bOlh candid ate" as bcinga s tep dependent. a sItuation which also que~tlOned the current JI1 the right dIrectIon toward hl' belJe\es cou ld be remedied practice of the IT.. treatment bnnging indll .... tr~ to an with some replannlT1g of the of l\lex ieo' ~ <;e\\-age. Diego. Hedgecock stated that The ~kyrocketlng utillly cit\ '<; bu" system. the renovation "will generate rates of DC;&E \\cre also a job'i and tax revcn ue '." The po\\-er of t he next focal pOInt 10 the forum. A~ The downtown program, if mayor. recenth curbed 1)\ the mayor. !\1r Hedgecock would successful. will serve as a role 'an DIego C11) Counc il : and <,upport \\ hat he enlltled model for further renovations hIm t ht' ca ndidate prl)po~e to "postl\e a iternatl\'cs" to the of old neighborhodcls in ot her deal with the Clt\ Counnl. part<-; of the city. "If it's good was abo a major concern of enough for downtown. it's man\' CItizens. 1\laureen good enough for your O'Coi1nor summed up her ·'Neighborhoods ... neighborhood." ~taled Ms. \'Il'\\' of the situation. "You 011 O'Connor on the .... ubject of hm tht' many stl'P~ thaI both Council \\'h ieh COI1\ erl ~ ga rbagt' to :'.\aureen O'Connor \\ ould energyl. and a power link to O'Connor and IledgecocK fet'l apply "tl'anl\\OrK" to the Anzon:I·.... Inw Cfht energy an' n{·l'l· .... ~an to return mel ust 1') 10, a n DIego and problems of illegal aliens and ~ourl'e:-. :\b, O'Connor \iew:-­ Ihus cur\) unemploYlllent. Sl' \\"Ctge treat Illent sh(lr~'d with the problelll :1-- one which I he :\\exll_'an governlllent mlht get thl' raIl'S "under \cl'Orcllng to Hedgeco,K. O'Connor Slated. "Common control" In ordel' to gin' the "Xelghborhoods hel\e a life problem ... an' gOll1g III be .... oln:d CIty Counnl tllne to explore "pan; t Iw) are horn, flounsh. together." A call for "tringent alternati\'l' l·I1t·I)~y ~fJurces. and d Il'. The) depend on the ('11 iorl'l'1l1t'n t of boreler "You havt> 10 "'Iop the car peopll' in the commul1Jty, so regulatiolls by the t '.S before you can pul It Into dO!1't gl\l' up on )our Ft dl'ral (;11\ ernment from reH'r:--e." .... clld O·Connor. neIgh borhood." ------I~eed Valuable Work Experience in Your Field of Study or Interest? HOW TO GET IT The Student InternshIp Office (ASIO) offers mternshIps In a wlde , vaDety of areas FOR LESS throughout San Diego Callforma and NatIonally You can get an internshIp \tilth THIS WEEKEND. organizallons such as the Metropohtan ;-":llthlllg IT1 c(lllegl' 1.,II1l'Xpen.,l\e thl'~t' Jav,. Museum of Art In New SPECIAL SPECIAL THIS WEEK rarrtlularlv the weekenJ ... . That', why you .. hlluld York City. SmithsOnian Mario'!.: Chabli!o, Vin ROilC, Burgundy or Instllute m Washmgton \ hI! l.lquor Barn Wl'\'l' got ll\'l'r '>,000 Imported .ll1d til lTlle,Ut' \\·I!lt· ... (h.nl1 pagne ... .,plnts and DC KCST-1V In San Rhine, 4 liter. $2.88 . Diego and Mernll Lynch , hl·l'r .. (4l~ Jifferent keg hra nJ ... 11,0 O1\'ailahll') Schaefer Beer. 12 12 oz. $2.79. Realty Co And .111 at the Ilml,.,t po ..... ihle dlscllunr prtCl', mean, ynu can l(l\\'l'r your wllege l'xpen.,e .. Ancient Age Bourbon. 1.7'> liter. $9.99. APPI,._Y _.NOW Our \\ Ith,lut (utlln!..! hack Nata... hka Vodka, on "Pur ("liege en ter- , deadlmes lor summer 1. 7S liter, r.llTHlWTII And thl"l' arE: San Diego. Apnl 29. $8.99. Call/orma, April 22 For day,,- thal,.1 pr('rtv g(1(),l ,1t-;t1 Fall San Diego, May i 3 I'rh.l 'Ut , ...... -J ". Call/ornla . May 6 • and~ yOU get it for" less. . NatIonaL May 6

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Applications are being accepted through lApril 29th for 4 Revelle Internships forthe (1983-84 academic year. W,th Thl~ Coupon For CondItIon, Cut, and Blow Dry l'ffyou are interested in faculty ornoon­ Men cmd Women Iprogramming, working · with commuter 'U ("HIII'II\ VI' -' Vi it f, students, or editing our college ~ (lI.mel AVl' U'" newsletter, please apply. ~ '! ;; I hOIl"" AI-I'

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~------~ //

:. ;:

San Diego will get a rare cultural treat tonight with the prcmit~r~ of Abel GJncc', e:l ma~terpieee Napoleon. which screens tonight in the Spreckels Theater at i :30 pm. Be'iides the 1 nostalgic quality of this 1927 silent film. Napoleon has been regarded the world. and hate. ha~ of the year will take place likc Han Solo. been frozen in of the -aDs wspended animation waiting tonight. _Napoleon, one of the Sometimes a symphony in anger, for The Return of the .Iedi. On most highly respected films ever orchestl3ted by aggression, Mil} 25, our sense, will be t:ditor made, will be shown in a special loud and uglg. reactivated by the special ANDREW KEELER screening at the Spreckels eflecb 01 Luca'j film 's indu'ilri,11 Sometimes lone clarinet Co-Ultor Theater, a light ;1lld 1ll.1qic t( rC'1dl l\'O I~ a melody pure and cool, with Luke 51'.\,\\,.111,11 t lJi, TIM AUGUST I.... film Tron" fedtuu'd mdflY "pr'dal 1'111'( .... u .. ing (ompuler.,. by an open window. qdldd IC q.ll t. Contributing t:ditors Special [ffects ...... , . Page J f Wit • Iter ilhdl r( ., t , \ C' GREGORY CHAPt:Llf A series of three lectures and two Whatever that song might be, thl'outcorl! I, 1I I' ) , ) k, (D r I I) • II\( hi it qredt.,t tuhpl .11., 0 t'l( TIM KASSOUNI matinees make up "SPfX: The however sweet or sour, tI (' Id ',Itltll II [1, rtlt \ I 1 .), It rs rl I \llIll 20 ,lIld '0., I,O,,(,Oll ~ lid to MIKEL TOOMBS Magic of Special Effects," which will I just try to dance. 11'(' (,til r ", £I, pI 1'>11 PI)! t 't. tr mI- tile credll\ l br al\thruU9'1 lIt '1' l Writers bring Hollywood's most treasured ," return d leU') " t .J \,j' I t I 'J ,liar, 10., and 80., i It' (" ( MARK BELMER. JAN BRESIAUER. secrets to San Diego, - Chris Young IU'd thur Id' II 1110 1 'or r I "'11( tnt I" .. lei r pi IIJrri~on [ lin e 1£ ( d\ fORSBERG. AMY HALLMAN. RONA Guarneri Quartet ...... Page Ii lI'Iuppct 'lJi(hdd I rith \\iIJ be '>ptdkll1q the m T NU . PAUL JONES . THOMAS The annual visit by this string ~PC( iill effect llIovi\'" heis ~ilh(lra, Nam,IY 01 the ~tudio~ 01 '>('rtl S to tl e greatest ----- LARSON . MICHELLE MORRIS. quartet will bring an all Beethoven crealed d menu 01 all time box I U(,I~ fill1l~ or Oi'>nev Studios. appreCiator'> i>1 the mdgic. of CLYDENf NEE. JOHN NEE. LEE ()ffice f,norites whit h ill( ludr til!' ~an Diego Nu<,eum of Art in Sl't'X. .,onll' of thc best film \Ii! be" 5.10\\ I q of til( ongl'1 I ~lIppCI Jp'r Jld fr'lq'( RAY. KAT[ SIMPSON. KIM VAN program to Mandeville Auditorium Star !Vars. Tile Empire Strikes Balboa Park WIll prc,<,cnt tlncl of Jlllicv("lllent ~ of thl' spt'aker'> fl//Iq hong ~atJrd'l} d ";0 pl'1. Rock. 111' \\111 tli'>ll,'>., 1'1 PELT. JACOB WELUNGTON. on Saturday. HIATUS and UfO in association with Back. fT, Close fncoullters of these cinemagraphic c.heb to will be ~recncd during a dllubll Thi.. \\ ill be follOl\ d by a belJlrd the s (n. art d'1~ t:ditorial 452-3466 the Tlrird Kind Raiders of tire sene us "Sr'FX: The Magil of feature matinee format on bchind·thc·scenc~ mV\'.e of file t('(hoolog) of (untt mporal') Advertising 452-3468 Blythe Spirit ...... Page S ORION Pictures present Lost Arc, and Jaws. Special Effects" in three weekend afternoon~. " ,~/aking of Star IVars tit 3:30 pm lanl.d5}, filn,,>. tlJl r orlqlll~ The La Jolla Stage Company has a like a culinary expert. onc lectures and two matinees. April The first course. Xorlg and Computer consumer~ Will ~tylistic trend. UC(C~s and Hiatus is published every definite winner with their needs to observe the complex Thursday of the school year as a 21-27. in Cop ley Auditorium. Xane to the Present \\ill bc delight in the third course failure ... 11<.: "ill pa) partIcular suppl emen t to the UCSD production of Noel Coward's witty A Tree Sneak Preview preparation of th ese appetizing This program was produced served today at 7 :30 pm by presentation of fron Sunday at attention to puppet~ and GUARDIAN. Reproduction or use comedy which plays this weekend. visual cuisines to fully by Carol Heepke. curator of Lindwood Dunn. Dunn received I :30 pm and for those \\ho did model~ and the making of the without written permission of any to a new film starring Marty reldman, [ric Idle, Graham appreciate their finer qualities. education, who commented. a 198} Academy Award for the not get their fill of Star Wars. at tilm , The Dark Crystal. portion of this magazine Is a no­ Record Review . _...... Page 6 A two hour feast like Star Wars "The wizardry of Special Effects development of th e Acme-Dunn 3:30 pm, there will be a Dessert will be a flambe no. We welcome unsolicited Chapman. John (Icese, Chc{'(h and Chong. and Madeline letters. manuscripts and artwork. The Ramones have added yet required 365 new special (abbreviated SPFX ) is well special Effects Printer. one of screening of The Making of the performance by Harrison but assume no responsIbility for another L.P, to their collection of Kahn. The scrcening is in Mann's Cinema 21 in Mission effects, 900 cinema chefs. 75 known to anyone who has seen th e most esse ntial tools in Empire Strikes Back. Ellenshaw's Wednesday, at 7:30 the return of such. Send metal on metal rock and roll. Valley, Friday at H pm. miniatures. the latest in optical /fing !fang or Star Wars. but modern special effects. He is After our stomac.hs settle pm: Tron and Beyond. Disney's information to: synthesizers. and then two years because the effects are meant to responsible for the special from the excitement of the Direction. Ellen haw is a special HIATUS of in-house editing. The be convincing, the most effects of more than 100 films, effects supervisor who started B-0[6. La Jolla weekend 's movies, the lecture Tops in Pops Page S ingredients for the small ingenius of them often pass Ca .. 9209.3 Pick up your free pass including the original King series will continue. out at the Disney Studio as a Concert tine Page 5 appetizer, Yoda. included two unnoticed. The series will !fang. Citizen /fane. West Side On iuesday, at 7:30 pm. matte artist. His many credits fffATUS logo deign by Debbie fox At Ute Movies Page 7 only at the VCSD Central years of design research and examine major developments in Story, It ·s a Mad Mad, Mad. Mad Michael Frith, art diretor of include The Man Who fell to Box Office. modeling. development of a the field , from the work of one of World and Star Trek. He will Henson Associates. Inc. will Earth. The Black /fo/e, St4r show 35mm clips from h is many present Dungeons, Dragons Wars. The Empire Strikes Back. films in addition to discussing and Dark Crystals: fantasy and Tron. He will shm\' clips the creative scope. cconomic films of the 80.5. Frith. artistic from his film~ while djscus~ing importance . problems and creative director for the the current state of the art of PACIFIC THEA ES ADVANCE TICKETS ON SALE AT OUR BOX OFFICE opportunities (past and future) SPfX and computer generated MATINEES DAILY AT ALL PACIFIC THEATRES Muppets. has worked on Bargain Ma tin ees al Cenler Cinemas . Cinerama and of SPFX. numerous tele\ ision and Imagery and animation. La Jolla Village Thealres Monday Ihrough Friday for all For those with monsterolls cinema project Including The All three speaker~ \\111 perlormances starting before 5:30 P.M.• Saturdav 1st appetites. the second course Muppet Mouie The Great pro\ide film clip~ during therr perlormance only. subiecllo seal availabllily. No Bargain Matinees on Ho lidays Ample free parking at ail ihealres presentation., along \\ ith actual _o:n-..,."..__ Groumont ng Cenl"r NAPOLEON props and spccia I efted~ ExclUSive Engagementl ABEL GANCE'S 1927 MASTERPIECE devices. 70 MM and 6-Trock Dolby Stereo Thc student fare~ lor this GANDHI A UNIVERSAL RELEASE FROM ZOETROPE STUDIOS menu of mo\'k magic are $12 RECORDED IN for the c\cning lecture'). $:;.50 DO IDD.BY STtOlO i each for the afternoon mOl ic') l()(fItOI'(S~'"' Unlverllty AVII. near College and $}6.50 for the leduH. and ExclUSive Engagementl 2nd Weeki IG lOne Week Only modes. LOCAL HERO Starts Tomorrow Those \\ h 0 (omplel e the'>C 1230.300.530.8.00. 10.30 (PG courses in "pecial cOcets 1\ III be Shows Evenings: 7:30 bdter prepared 10 cro~~ light 9 Villa La Jo r . (N. l.J . V Matmees Sat & Sun: :~:OO ~ber., with Darth \'Jder Jump to All U Village Programs StOtt Fridayl li<:\ht .,peed in the [\1iIlt'nlllll1 MAX DUGAN RETURNS falcoll lOmmlHllc.lll' Illtll 1230.220.410.600 8.00. 1000f'G R1D2 and CWO. learn of tl>l Fn Only 1230 220.4 11,:. 600. 1000/Snp'.:JK r"f 'N! 8 OC force and bl)ldl) go II here no A behind the scenes look at "Star Wars" will be presented this week. fabulous creatures were created for the Muppetfilm " Dark Cryst.:ll per~n hd., gone before ~voor. DeNlro KING OF COMEDY ~erry Lew's 1.1)(' 33( h.). 8 Xl 1r 20 'K' MONTY PYTHON 'S THE MEANING OF LIFE Come Ye To Till' 1 l' 3 40. 610. 8 30. 1040 1<) I

Torn Ceilf.-Gk HIGH ROAD TO CHINA KINKO'S ~ ., A,rr.ST'or J 1245. ~ 45, <,1045 (prJ) • Low Prices Ion Va • I-a at Stadium WDY No Minimum All Center Programs Start Frldayl

FLASHDANCE roo 1230.220.410. 600.800.1000. (R) Wh,te S', • " e Only Dolby Stereo Open Seven Days THE ROAD WARRIOR 123' 2 aD. 435.625.830. 1035 (R) l~m:Nil!,~~~tI 8855 Villa La Jolla Dr 'v1arsha Mason MAX DUGAN RETURNS Ralph's ShOPPing etr. Joson Rabord, 12,)5.300. a ~5. 645. 855 1055 (PG) REVELLE RENNAISANCE FAIR 4UO Clalremonl Mela . 457-3775 All Clairemont Programs Slart Fridayl Every Day,Any Seat·Any Time-99C I I), 111,1 REVELU' PI :\Z·\ THE GATES OF HELL ZOMBIE \fll" . 11\ I. II :l\' .'111 t. I'l\ "1', 2')' t .' 10" ,/ h.od 3:'1 H THE BLACK TRAIL OF THE I ( ."Ie, ,-I I Slo :>01 STALLION RETURNS PINK PANTHER I L 2' t. 1 1: L 2 II .il . I~tt) Modern dance with a la Jolla Stage Company tackles modern troupe here the outrageous 'Blithe Spirif The UCSD Contemporary "African Suite." an anthology of Black Arts Program will present African music : " And the 8y JOAN fORS8ERG everyone involved except the hilarious Madame Arcati. flying in concert the Cleo Parker Children are Watching." The scene: A successful bt!wildered Charles. around the room. waving a scarf. Robinson Dance Ensemble. a 16 Composer - Hubert laws: novelist is happily married to With her wild (and and chanting incomprehensible member modern repertory " Four Women.' Composer - his second wife when, questionable) ritual. Madame hocus-pocus. company from Denver. Nina Simone; "Run Sister Run ," suddenly. his beautiful. but Arcati conjures up more than Jerry Dunn's skillfully Colorado, Friday at 8 pm in Composer - Gordon Parks; jealous, first wife breezes back Cha rles desires. The temptress designed set of the Condomine Mandeville. " Holy Moses." Composer - into his life to torment him. Elvira appears unexpectedly, in I iving room is complete with all In addition to works by Cleo Arelha franklin: "Every Thing Sounds like a typical plot on an ghostly matter. visible and the haunted house necessities: Robinson, the Ensemble Must Change. " Composer - afternoon soap? Here's the audible only to her former doors opening magically, books performs dance pieces by Quincy Jones: "Flight. twist". The first wife has been husband. While Charles' wife falling mysteriously, and at choreographers Chuc l{ Davis. Composer - Donald Byrd. dead for seven years. and friends, the Bradmans, arc least one mischievous ghost. Many revivals of the clerer Barbara Gardner, Mis<.ha " Mournin Son ." Compo~er - Thus begin the outrageous convinced that Charies ha., gone Strange times with THE Morawski. Eleo Pomare. and Rod Donald Byrd/Taj Mahal ; "The complications of Noel Coward's mad, talking to ,>omeone who Noel Cm\ard's classic comedies Rodgers. The compa ny was Wiz,' composer - The witty comedy Blithe Spirit just h not there the astral ha\e beul produced recently In one of their rare" In Dip4 ) '>pnnklE d \\ itr b larre dPt ( included in the Gordon Parks Broadway 1\1usical Score; and currently being presented by bigamist" Charles i., torn including the Taylor-Burton performances. lIlE WitI' Harkin'> dnd eire tri'}llg 1e<;tLAfl Special on West Germany Public 'With You I'm Born Again . the la Jolla Stage Company. between his earthly and otht'r teaming in Priuale J.IUP..~, Nm\ it and<;on \\,111 be crlebrating ba,aHed \\ t'1 ltll'po.-)I Television and featured in Composer - Billy Preston I The setting of this unusual worldly wives, To make matters is not necessary to go to New the creation of their nt'\\ .,el15lt 1\ I tj, The Guarneri String Quartet will make their annual return to UCSD this Saturday night in Mandeville "Family Reunion: Americans at Syreeta. farce is the charming English worc;c f1vira will do anything to York to c;ce an eternally funny compositions, Ledge' dnG Tel'lporarll\

The Seven Year Itch

with Marilyn Monroe

April 22. 8:00 pm TLH 107. $2 admiSSion

PETER BOYLE C H EI:CH & CHONG PETelt COOK "tART)' FEI DMA.:-l \IARrIN 1Il\\l IT .\11t IIAH lI(lRDFRN I-I I'Rll IDLE M,\DU.I:-Il, KAHN SOfT CON'TACT LENSES I IAt~ J ~= 'E_ JAMES \IASON 1 week only JOllN ClELA"iE ONE HOUR SERVICE ~o!5tca!les I -...,....~ INCLUDES, Sleeveless T shirts Contact lenses, ~~"" examination. patient and training, folio\.\; up, IT',\ A COMEDY TIIAT'S A chemical care kit T shirts and fitting 12 SHIP~AD OF LAUGHS H')1l TIlE EXTENDED WEAR LENSES $3.44 Y<9UNG IN THE HEAD! ONLY $29500 1011' 1).\1 \ ( ,\Illl R Ikli.\\ I' ,SI.\( ,\\\I. Colors (oI{'\II,\!\I( ""1'\1.\;\ "1·'II,1t tlll\11 (1111(11 ~ (IIll'(, 1'1 IIHUKll\ \1 \ltl) 1111)\1" \1 \Inl" III \\11'1 \Iltll\llllllRDIIl" I Hit 11)11 \1\11111'\11\\11" 1.\\IL"'!\1.\",l" """'''''',1'1 I Black, pll1k, lilac, teal, grey, rl!d, roYdl blue, ,,' (,R\ll\\1t """1 \" I'll11t(l(ll\ 1111\"\1\1.\1,1\1 ...... \ DR. ROBERT HELLER OPTOMETRIST white, light blue and ra~pbcrry , " " 'II II \\1 HI\ '(.11 l~. H 1 (.Ilun 11,1 II H. 1\ 'q ~ • 1(\11' \II lIml, f'rlPtI"'l1,"(( S","IIIU ,. IllII'I).\I\ L\lHI It lldl \\1" \11111.\\'''1\1 a;(iaN La Jolla Village Square EXPRESSIONS UNUMITFD ~ .. , I • • ,. . I ,I. (InSide the Mall, Lower Level) Just a Ste p Ahead Hour .. : 1 8657 Wla La lo"a Drive' SUite 136 1030(, Torrey Pines Rd. Mon Sdt 10 6 ..... NTHt.TAl5. La Jolla 454-8006 Sun 11 n 452-7 374 (b", Ih. Yogurt AII.i,. J @ CINEMA 21.' \\I~~~l\ll Offer expires 4/ 21/ 83 291 2121 HydrO(UNt:> extended wear It:>n5E'~ ovo'loble

4 ltiatus April 21. 1983 Apri I 2 L 1983 ffiatus 5 Concert Line Subterranean Jungle Penn can't ---AT THE MOVIES salvage • All progr.vns stan Frld8y" X-fest set CENTER CINEMAS 5) SCREWBAL ... S more than chainsaws Fa shion Valley 6 ) LONE WOLF McQUADE 'Bad Boys'- 297-1888 for Stadium By MARK B[(.M[R By CLYDEN[ N[f 1 ) MAX DUGAN RETURNS GUILD San Diego It is ve ry difficult to argue Screenwriter Richard Dilello 2) THE ROAD WARR IOR 3) FlASHDANCE 295-2000 Saturday Subterranean Jungle with anything the Ram ones do. has openly admitted that he STARSTRUCK Ramones f rom their "punk" beg inning in made up much of the fiI m script Bv JOHN N[[ Sire Records CLAIREMONT the mid 70s to the present. the of Bad Boys without doing Cialremont Mesa The concept behind the research on the issue ofjuvenile LA JOLLA VILLAGE THEATIR band ha~ steadi Iy maintained its 274-0901 La Jolla Village Square , festi\al" type concert gai ned a Never has th is idea been more crime, This is painfully obvious street-wi~ image throughout 453-7831 myst ique in the Woodstock evident than on SL~bte"anean from the plot of the film; it is so 1) THE GATES OF HELL generation that has never been Jungle. The record is loaded changing nIu"iLal trends which ZOMBIE 1 ) MAX DUGAN RETURNS have scI'n the death of many of predictable that sometimes one 2 ) THE BLACK STALLION repeated since people gathered with quality ~ood time, even wonders if Di leila graduated 2 ) lHE KING OF COMEDY on a pig fann for three days to danceable tunes, 1 he be')l cuts, t'1l' band~, which along with the RETURNS/ TRA IL OF THE PINK 3) THE MEANING OF LIFE from a mail order school for PANTHER be wet dnd muddy over a decade which include "What'd Ya Oo?, ' R.imones. helped r~tahli~h d 4) hiGH ROAD TO CHINA nov level of d(Ceptance for script writing. ago, In more recenl time~, "Somcbody uke Me " and Carter COVE The actors did a good job with LA PALOMA ( ntert promoters ha\e staged and Lewis little Bit a :">QuI. flrtlUPS which did rot fit into La Jolla what they had to work with. EnCinitas are ciS good J., JI1) Jf the (OIlSCrV' tire pop L teqorks, Esai Morales confronts Sean fenn in Ule new film "Bad Boys" 459-5404 enormous outdoor concerts in Sean Penn, known for his roles 436-SHOW The lastest ('tfort from the'i( hope~ of ca~hing in big vcry maluial tht Hamones hdH in Taps and fast Times at DAS BOOT quickly. Such extra\'aganzas are donI'. The axe grinding guilar 01' i'iew 'r'orkers Subterranean FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT Ridgemont High. plays Mick HIGH/ BAD BOYS often al~o billed (I'> po~sible this record fits perfectly with JWlgle, is a very pleasing FINE ARTS O'Brien, a young man hustling Python is meaningless Pacific Beach groundbreaking events a~ Joey Ra mones's Nc\\ York (ollection of simple, street rock out on the street. Through the 274-4000 SPORTS ARENA Woodstock was, accented, ~Icdgchammel sollgs which are done with an circumstances of a drug deal By CLYDEN[ NEt: San Diego More often than not. those vocals, All this combined with a almost overwhelming earnest GENOCIDE Tom Petty an d Ule Heartbrt>aker'1> \\' iII headline Saturday's X·t'esl. that went down badly he is The Python crew is back with children. One of the most 223-5333 responsible for the organization return to a more primative conviction. Throughout the placed inside Rainford Juvenile a new film that wiII offend the memorable scenes in the film flOWER HILL CINEMAS 1 ) THE MEANING OF LIFE of festivals play up some production make5 Subterra­ band's career, ,some have tried Correctional Facility, and is sensibilities of every normal concerns the sexual habits of Del Mar 2) THE OUTSIDERS weighty social issue as nuclear nean Jungle the Ramoncs best to di')mi ,~s them as " human and Bow-Wow-Wow. On this Offers something for everyone. assigned to 'Dorm C' where the person, and, as a matter of fact. catholics and Protestants, each 755-551 1 3) HIGH ROAD TO CHINA weapons or the evolution of the lineu p, the only va lua ble act has Chick Corea's infl uence as a since Road to Ruin. chainsaws" who ha mmer out critical offenders are placed. every abnormal person, being given equal time to be 1) RAIDERS OF THE LOST 4) FlASHDANCE mora II'S facing society's view of jazz keyboa rdist has been The band is even more three power chord s in two-and­ to be The Ramones, The mere Esai Morales, portrayed Paco The Meaning of Ufe is an ridiculted. ARK/ THE DARK CRYSTAL 5) 48 HOURS/SPRING BREAK itself. This coming weekend San convincing when stacked up a-half minutes and call it a song. thought that anyone who would unrivaled. His consistency as a Moreno, a young chicano extremely funny film worth the For graciousness some 2) SOPHIE'S CHOICE 6) THE SWORD IN THE Diego will be privy to yet against the vast number of Unfortunately, these people are STONE/ BAD BOYS release a single with Stevie performer and recording artist seeking to avenge the death of meritofthosewhoworkedonit: scenes could have been edited 3) THE MEANING OF LIFE another outdoor monstrosity at outfits which attempt to play missing the point. True enough. Nicks (i.e. Thomas Petty and the has never known a dry moment. his brother, who was killed by Graham Chapman, John Cleese, from the film. How many times the Stadium called X-Fest. the same music or something the Ramones will never be UA GLASSHOUSE 6 MANN CINEMA 6 Heartbreakers) as modern In 1973, Corea formed, with Mick as he fled from the police. Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry can a person throw up in the The disturbing thing about derivable thereof. While the no­ awarded for instrumental grace San Diego University Towne Center music is ludicrous. Even though colleagues Bill Conners, Stan Violence overflows from this Jones and Michael Palin. From space of 10 minutes? After the this festival in particular is that frills. assaulting approach was or commended for deeply 223-2546 452-7766 such major artists as David Clarke, and Lenny White, film; murder, rape , armed the onset of the film, one feels third bucket the audience got a it is mnsidered to be modern Bowie and The Who will play in a Return forever, not conceived by the Ramones, thematic lyrics, but the band 1 ) MAX DUGAN RETU RNS 1 ) THE OUTSIDERS to robbery and drug trafficking that you are in some typeofrace good idea of what was going on. music. The idea behind modern they certainly have carved it wouldn't have it any other way. 2 ) RAIDERS OF THE LOST 2) RAIDERSOF THE LOST ARK stadium, their concerts are Return to Forever developed become more than minor to see how fast and furious this Also, the scene where people music of this genre is that it is into their own unique vehicle They could care less how many ARK/ THE BLACK STALLION 3) LONE WOLF McQUADE successful due to an artistic a musical concept rarely found occurences in the film - they wild group can have you from the organ bank have come removing popular bands from draw as opposed to a in jazz. The move into this band , which although simple in times they repeat the same RETURNS 4) THE SWORD IN THE are the film. After a while the laughing and getling sick at the to collect a liver from a would­ 3) AN OFFICER AND A STONE/ THE BLACK STAL - the large venues and making synthesized event to deceive the for Corea. brought about a nature, is not readily duplicated chord structure or sing "Yeah four-letter words and the same time, be donor, who by the wa y isn·t GENTLEMAN/ SOPHIE'S LION RETURNS them accessible in clubs and at public into thinking they are by anyone. Yeah," change from esoterica into a violence become common­ The group pokes fun at quite dead , was absol utely CHOICE 5) SOPHIE'S CHOICE a smaller ticket price. Now there hip, new yet accessible jazz. With place, and from the cheers of the almost every group in society: disgusting, After a while th e 4) JOYSTICKS 6) FlASHDANCE are those in "the industry" that The summer season at the this particular tour. AI Meola, OJ audience it seemed that perhaps multinationals. teach e r s, human body says to itself, are trying to take the San Diego SDSU Amphitheater has always one of the great jazz guitarists of •All listings subject to change' we are going back to the times preachers, British upper class, "Gosh this hurts, I think it is a market and exploit it to the offered a refreshing alternative our age will be included, Return Tops in Pops of th e Gladiators in Rome. doctors, women havinq good idea to pa ss out now," point where it existed five years to the typical concert fare in and to Forever will play Wednesday ago. about San Diego, Aside from at the SDSU Amphitheater, Below is a list of the top albums at UCSD and around On the bill of this modern offering acts that would not The flaming Hibachis will the country, These ratings are based on sales and " fF===== UCSD University [venb Office pre~ent5 ======RI .------... music are Tom Petty, Modem gain exposure elsewhere, the play tonight at the Che Ca fe. furnished by Assorted Vinyl and Billboard Magazin e. fnglish, Stray Cats, The flirts, p~gramming is so varied that It Admission is only one dollar, 'I hur~da\ l1ere (Aplll:!11 riL&@di4it!2f3 and Joey Harns 1. Th e final Cui Pink floyd Columbia Three new works offered at SUSHI 2. Lel 's Dance David Bowie CapilC performances begin at There on Sunday, at 8 pm at Sushi. Borgia has worked with a 8 pm Admission is $4 for the 1. Thriller Michael Jackson Epic These three performances number of bands in the San general public and $3 for 2 frontiers Journey Columbia U ERI 3, /120 l!t ~ provide divergent views of Diego area. He currently lives In members of Sush i. These Hall Oates RCA :-'un., i~ a restival of the New Arts SfRING QUARrET intense a nd fa~t-paced lighthearted look at two sponsored by the Center for "has no superior on the world's stages" (/1,· 'i"II' lw k /''"," monologue on the oppression of babyboomers who take iI multi- Music Experiment at UCSD. \Iond:l\ 8. TUl'"da\ (. \ pril ~;l 8. :!!il ' PartiCipate in $ A New $ \\'cd 11l'"da \ the Thrill 01 Student Loan Program (. \ pnl :!71' The Ron Bolton Band Election Time! California Loan to Assist Students FOOD ~P EC I \ L .... (CLAS) Program Get mvolved m MON. 1.1 1.\..,11 I the upcommg In 1 \.IO' ... t 'b,~ Il'!" rrogLlln I fUvidl F1 ,,,I 1'1 ••1 Thi~ wIl! loans TUE. "I', I 1\, .... , },' .1 'll'" II (h .. q -; H," NOVf~mber Pnmanes (1' ' It a I 2 II 111[erl'.,t Lltl', thr') a V!rlshmg­ t;-H p ill :!.~(' c!ralt hl'l'r WED, q lJT1 I ... t ; ~~ if l't '}(,·(·t ton [) r: :r.t~m 'hIp \\'ho ma} horrow under (, I AS: f011 Q\.;'J:Iier The THURS. Assoc~al~~d StudAnts - (;r.1 II.. It I IIlll I I (If,',,'''lt n.t! tu,'ent" 11 ,11' 11 ' HoUl ,,'\t"Il(kd :ntemshlt: OffIce I\' I FRI. - 111,ll I'llhl lII},krgr IUlt, '>tu,llTh 1 III :< pm ( PSG) has !ntcm - !'.Ift lit Ilf ,1l'J'l'1 ,Ililt lIll.!, r).!r I.lll. tl Food 8.: dn nk ~ P t' l'I.l1-. ,111 mllnt h ShIPS w'Jrkmg tor -.tu,!c I1h (not apphl.!ble on CO nCl'rt nIght-. I the LegIslative

JudIcial. and Execu ~Il flll.Hlll.d Ill'l'" fl·..,r h [('lJUlrl.!, I'Cl\\'L'\'l'f, lIve bodIes The I, rl','11 .\11, I\SI" I .. (,.In, J/ till' .1l'l'lll.ltl()1l Washington DC 11rt1ll'<;" tur ,til 1'.ln·I:~ horrc)\\', r "i April 23, Saturday, 8 p.m. fall deadlme IS May 6th Apply now m H )1{ Mt. )I{L INFl )!UdA'f'll)N Mandeville Auditorium the Student Center l.iI' 'y1)Ur {I1IIl'gl'~ "llI,I"1l1 UCSD Students $5.50, G.A. $12.00 above the GamA hll.llltl,d ~l'n It L'" l )t t It t' ~oom or call x4h89 l'1lI11pllll'd (1..\ .... ,1"plil'.ilJo'" 1111"1 hl' fl'turllI' d hl·torl' ,\1 •• \ (,. J l}t' ~ UCSD Central 60x Office: 452-4559 6 tti dt u ~ April 21 I !Jfl3 April 2 L 1983 niatu~ 7 The San Diego Symphony was David Atherton is off somewhere born a couple of years ago. Of black bottom pies, the S.D. else. (Of course there are pieces having been. to confuse a even Atherton cannot make metaphor a little. in labor for interesting.) Matthew Garbutt. many years before that. Symphony, and Bernard Hands the assistant conductor. TheUCSDGuardian Page 7 Occasionally. like a psychic. one recently interpreted Haydn 's Snorts gets glimpses of its former life By JAl'It:S RALPH PAPP Symphony No . 1 and a P__ h_il_L_a_u_d_e_r_,S __ p_or_t_s_E_d_i_to_r ______~______A_p_r_il_2 __ 1_,_1_9_8_3 without flair or originality - sacrifice Art or the Box Office. cream of an indeterminate movement. for instance. begins Mendelssohn concerto for two anything that would distinguish That is why the repetoire usually flavor on a thin piece of frozen with a tune. the only one, which pianos quite adequately. but it' from a symphonic player is packed with the more florid chocolate (not one of evokes heaven In a way no lacked the energy and novelty, piano. Romantics. with a few classical civilization's taste treats) with a music has done since Bach·s. even clarity which Atherton UCSD to Get Fitness Projects With a great boredom composers and almost no little caramel and a glob of One part of the explanation is brings to every work, Last week By KAREN GARCIA course daily. The new fitness miles around the campus area. Athlete induced restlessness and Chart modern ones. florid Romantics whipped cream. The work is as that it is played by high. thin Uri Segal conducted aJewel-like What is new in fitness? Ju st stations will be like those on It is designed so that a run ner House black bottom pie caused are all very well. but why should large, unvarying and wan as the strings. but this does not go far. concerto of Mozart. The as k John Cates, physical the fitness course but in a can connect the vanous trails ed ucation supervisor and ind igestion. I sit far into the their most forgettable pieces. or Dante Symphony. and as the One might search for the orchestra progressed in a more compact and centralized and run up to a marathon of the innovator of programs to area. night to describe a pitfall for the rather their pieces one would other produces a mental and explanation among technical pedestrian manner. amicably distance of 26.2 miles. en hance the physical fitness Another project in theworks These are just two projects orchestra, one filled with a ' most want to forget. be chosen? spiritual indigestion, this terms of keys and modes and so accompanied by Rudolf opportunities of the UCSD is a map of the running lraib toward many ot hers. Interest suffocating muddiness, and how It is from Uszt. after all. that the produces a physical one. forth. but even if one were Firkusny on the piano. who community. Cates is very around UCSD. The map will Week ha s been shown for a the fall can be avoided. These kinds of symphonies sounded like a gentleman and a tnterested in promoting be mIJunted on a redwood and faculty 's taff fitness c lub The original sin was the and so-called pies or failed scholar but. well. not like f·itness on campus for plexiglass sign outside the which would include families SANDY GROOS knowledge of thrill and "a massive piece of sundaes, give the pursuance of "The San Diego terribly much else. st udenl:-.. f acu Ity. and st aff gym doors and will feature and provide exerci~e on a daily \\-'omen'!> Water Polo boredom. People wanted to culture a bad name and When one presents a al ike. and new fac ilities for co lor-coded running trails basis. Othtr tentatin' plan.; beige ice cream on Symphony needs exercise are in the planning. ranging from one se\en pursue thrill, but they were perpetuate the reputation colorfully wrapped box of to pl,'a~(' lu,-n til PHJ.!(.· ) 0 On a team \\ hose sea'-on i" Jlht IX'ginnIng, Sand\ has Cates' current project is a always about to slip back into thin crust of. .. " America has for caring only more of Rands ... " sweets labelled 'culture: and aJread~ establ ished hersel f a~ the team leader. t'''peCiall y on a "fitness cou rt" to be installed boredom. The tune was about size and not form. with after consuming several of the off l!O"e. She has scored IL goab in ,ix games. ea rnIng aha' lx'hind the tenni" rebound employed and was for a few .. ~lcDonald ' s Breakfast" theme which Oscar Wilde dealt when successful the success would trick In a game aga1l1st StanflJrd 111 the Stanford delightful confections the boards next to t he sand thousand years quite enough. which swept commercial InvitatIOnal Tournament la"t \\el'kend. Coach !Jan I~b~ he said the Niagra falls were ruin the beauty of the musical recipient bites into a series of \olleyball courts. A compact The In the 19th century. however. announcement breaks with such "simply a vast unnecessary phrases. duds, one 's present is soon desulbl'~ her pia} as "excellent high inten ... lt} \\ iltl"r polo." .l2' x 32' sa nd area \>,.ill hold 16 and add ... that .. he has bern a -.olld pprfornlf't'lln thptl'am til music went through a success only a few summers ago amount of water going the However. what makes the spurned. The same applies to exercise sta tion s v.:hich, pa st yea r". revolution, and the tune was came, wrong way and then falling over movement genius, or merely symphonies and. if I may return according to Cates. are Axe abandoned in. unfortunately, Speaking. extraordinary as it unnecessary rocks. " adds to the genius, is the to the black bottom pie theme. "ue..,igned to work al l the not an embarrassed silence but might seem. of food. the after Far different from this is underlying note (literally) of desserts. com ponents of ph~~" ca l an immodest noise. Some theater supper is as much part Bernard Rands (UCSD's own - uncertainty. a pale but apparent Instead of serving quite so fltne'>s." 1I1cludmg balance, Falls composers were influenced by of the cultural event as the Rahl) and his Madrigali. which clashing line. This qualifies the many of what it imagines to be flexibility, strength. cardia· folk music: Dvorak. for instance. music itself. The Chart House the San Diego Symphony played beauty and questions the safe pieces under safe rl'spmltory endurance. and Scm Diego Clippers coordination . A~ a total used the pibroch of Scottish aspires to be one of the recently. Rands has no tunes, heaven in a way that is as clear conductors. the San Diego condi tioning routine, the Coach Paul Silas bagpipers. a group to whom restaurants that provide this but unlike these 19th century as anything on the written page. Symphony should try new and fit ness court is ideal to fare by having a reputation for W.S. Gilbert addressed the lines: composers he admits it. and The San Diego Symphony needs uncommon pieces under the .llIgment cycling, jogging, may have pleaded "If you really must play on that black bottom pie, SUbstitutes other kinds of more of Bernard Rands. but I conductor who seems to have a \\ alking, or swimming. The for mercy, but the cursed affair, / My goodnessl The reputation is spurious. emotional and intellectual suppose they will think that golden touch of freshness, like a court will provide relief from play something resembling an Black bottom pie consists of a form. their audience. wh ich sleeps Midas in. if I may mention it. an overcrowded weight room axe that ended his air." combination of chocolate The music expresses happily through Liszt. would be much better evening dress than an d its central location near three-year ca reer ~~: ~ :~ ;v:.~: L .. ~.;-c;~-! .custard. rum custard and emotion. but it also seems to frightened away by him. most of the guest conductors. , the locke r room ts a further American symphones fear whipped cream which makes express the movement of the The Symphony's fall into dull Of course in this last season ddvantage. yesterday with public reaction, since they are one feel like one of the later mind. Of course music is less music is not as significant as its dullness has been the exception. Lates will be aSSisted In the the lasl place ('ollrt \ construction b) the not supported by the Roman emperors with only a concrete than. say, literature in occasional fall into lacklustre and there is yet no reason to shy c1u b u'a' )Jot government. and every year in very small slice. The Chart expressing these things. or at rendition. because, interesting hrut her" of the PhI Delta from what appears to be Theta fraternit \. who han' their programming they House serves under this name a least in doing it less easy to enough. these performances U Jl expecled. generally delicious and, over \oluntl't'red th'elr sen',Le~. struggle with whether to massive lump of beige ice analyze and explain. The final seem always to occur when time. pleasantly fattening. Funding for t he project comes Silas 100/: II is 'rolll gift-- and grant~. and has amounted tn SR.OOO thus far. team tva25-57 La~t veal'. C ate~ was behmd record in his thl' installatIon of the fitne"s THE SAN DIEGO FILM SOCIETY course in the woods bet\\een ji'nal season here. Ce ntral Librarv and Genesee presents Ihenue. M ore than two THE SAN DIEGO PREMIERE hundred people use that of ICTH E FI LM EVENT OF TH E YEAR:' Crewers Row in City C mpionships VINCENT CANBY, New York Times By JOY REARDON shirts every time. (Los mg the regatt a. taking the Slaff Wriler crews traditionally hand over Lightweight Eight, Junior UCS'D women rower their racing tanks to the Varsity Eight, Novice Eight, salvaged four victories in ix victors, creating a dramatic and Open Four. while races but the Triton men were picture of total loss.) The dropplI1g the Open Eight and drilled every time at last Varsity Eight provided the No\'ice Eight to SDSU. The Saturday's annual City only positive noteof the day for painful loss by only a fe\\ Championships on MissIOn the men 's squad a ~h ey leapt second s In the Open EIght Bay. Although fate dealt San ahead of San Diego State (Cal came aft er some difficult \ at DIego crews clea r skies and Cup Champions at the Cre\\.' the starting lIne. hut flat water for most of the dav. Cla SSIC) and powerful US D in appnrent Iy 11ll' InCIdent \\,:1 .. the llCSD men's crews ne\'i'r t h(, f,rst part of the race before unrelat ed to llll' ()U tcome of the Illanaged to stroke over the endmg up thIrd. down onl\ a ract'. "\V l' IIJ"t t hat ran' at the finl..,h linc ahead of thetr maJt1 boa t k'ngt h from S L1 t t' a ncl :iO!) ml'tl'r m;lrk," s,lId ~trokl' Ka.l Da\ na has hdl)l'd \"i, I. tht ~nl I."t-. inlo thl' \11'" rt\'als. San Diego Statt'. Illerl' seat~ frOl1l 1'~I) l hn"lllll' Hoffman. "It \\ <1' pla:- off ... ~,hich I)t'~an ~ (' .. a'relay \\ ilh "an l>k>!o· ... Ii·:.! win gl'lting bln~ll'd In all eIght Thl Tri ton \\ !lnwn ~ ere\\ lu"t '1 1l;ld I'dCl'" m ,.,. [,ansas Cil~·. ('\{,Ills and lo"ing thl'tr kall1 pu lll'd thl' onh IlI'Ight ~Pllt III "ka.,,· lunl W pagl' I ()

Th e future of Minority Magic Students at Revelle ... What's GIVES YOU WHAT Razor fJlissing? A CLOCK CAN'T "No Appointml'nt Necessn ry " You re ready I For the biggest and claSSIC to the contemporary And Come find out the best that life has to offer And for choose the nng and custom options La Jolla Village quare HORE the college rrng that will speak vol· that most eloquently express you l..()w~r Len? Center Mall at the umes about you-and your achieve Now IS your time to get what you RTWA General AVAILABLE TIME! ments-for years to come deserve And remember- nothing • Can increase reading speed 2·7 limes What's more you can afford It I else feels,like real gOld. 455-1700 Meeting according to difficulty of materials. SPEND Because now for a limited time you THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1983 at 7: 30 p.m. • Retain and ",cali more of what you 've read. TIME can order from the entire ArtCarved CALIFORNIA CUT reR $'j.oo · $,8., 0 $13.00 guest speaker: • New improved Speed Reading course designed for TO SAVE collection of 14K gold college rings SPRECKELS THEATER 121 Broadway Indu u~s Shampoo, Comiltloner &.. Blow..lrv. Our artJStl( rtXnlllqt.Jc Iii (ut'in~ half alonf( rht· loday's students, professionals and business persons. narural path of growth anJ \1o lu~ oj [~I((Urt· Thl.· 1c-'..lL: 1\ natuml ht:t,:auSt'1hl' ( 'allfornl.lC'ur Bill Morales. fOP Director TIME I and save $25 Come and see the (i ncludes pm ALL TICKETS $10 630 reception) IS natural Just for our California hfC:fJ1YI!.' elll Day" EvI"lnl' or Weekends exquIsitely crafted styles-from the for Ottilis INAUGURAL fUNDRAISING EVENT FOR THE SAN DIEGO FILM SOCIETY EUROPEAN PERM r,·~ 51>0.00 $48.00 Thursday, April 28 ,~-H. San Olego Center Iprecedlng one week cngaqement at Fine Arts The~ter ) Is vour half 1t.X) Mral)!!ht IInJ hiUd to mltna~l". rod hut' and hol! no hoJy and 1'h.·\:J~ hlHnc ' 2180 Gomet Avenue Date: Time: Place: TICKETS AVAILABLE Tlcketron lind Nnw I~ tilt' lin,,· III n;,hapl' your hJlr WIth th,: most ror'!ul.u r~.: rm •.oJ nlt:lhl''ld 10 [UfOr": 6:00·8:00 pm I ..t".w\~ yum h.ur ft'dm", soft ,IIlJ loollnw n:'H u r.11 San Diego. CA 92109 Spreckels Box Office, Open 12 noon April 21 st N (714) 27(M81Q April 20-22 9 - 3 00 Revelle formal University Bookstore For tnformatlOn call 222·9022 SCULPTURED NAILS ".~ s, ~ $25.00 EDUCATIONAL CENTER M l Bruske administrator 1(' fl, .t~'''f j Lonl( Rt'i\utlful ~ ull'wn.,\1Null ... l.ln now I~' VOUf !, fl.r ,hill SI"'\'MI OUJ!\\II'In (-iln'd Girl m , ,I R J IIfW M.lslcrC,Jr'1 (,' v' a A .ceptl'd Slanley H Kaplan Breakthrough on Rapid Readmg ,d!t~ HII~S "Ie N nll nlh.'r Lounge TEST PREPARATION SPECIALISTS SINCE 1933 FILLS r,·~ $. \ 00 $12.00 :E • [,; ~_IW , A UNIVERSAL RELEASE FROM ZOETROPE \TUDIO\ DOlcOLmrERlol Admission is free Olf", ~o()d onty With thl< ,," &. theM' Myl"t,. Bu/>, K" .. " , l,m,n f.I /),."", Refre!>hm ent will be serv d 1i l::.X/,ih·., A/rril 28, 198J. B Hiatus Apri I 21. I q83 *