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October 1984 Daily Egyptian 1984

10-12-1984 The aiD ly Egyptian, October 12, 1984 Daily Egyptian Staff

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This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1984 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1984 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Pepsi donates new Ii.lain scoreboard for Arena Ih Ed Fo!,.\ be a t it. th e of the scoreboard. as they did President omit to lh"" Board of Swinburne said that the the shape of a cube to hang from Peps i folks should u nd erwrite a for the a nd football Trustees at their meeting University has been lookir.g for lhe middle of the Arena's couple of 7-foot sharpshooters scoreboards . 1\1,,0 sponsors have Thursda~ in East t. Louis. a donor for a new Arena ceiling. with stra1rht-A a\·erages. Vaily 'Egyptian

Fnday.OclobPrI2191W. \'01 7(), :-': 0 40 Southern lllinois University Library funds request OK~ d by trustees

8y Karen Willberger Cline filed a SU million 'ta ff Writer breach of contract aga inst SI -C and the Board of Trustees The Boa rd of Trustees after it wrole off the l\larion Thursday gave SI ·C approval warehouse as a possible storage to request the release of $1.6 facility The suit. wh ich .s million to build a library storage seeking either breach of con ­ facility. a move that will put the tract or back rent damages. is niversily one step closer to pending in the Court of Claims providing a storage place for '" Springfield. about a half million excess Sha ri Rhode. chief a ttorne\' books and materials ol Morris for tho University. on Sept. 26 Library. submitt~ a two-count request The ,... : oposal was ac­ for summary judgment to the companied by the notion that court asking that it the Ihe facilit y be located on case for lack of e\·idence. McLarrerty Road. south of University Press . Somit sa.d he expects the President Albert Somit Library torage Building Thursday. calling the search for Committee to present to the a storage building "an old board in . ovember p· oposals friend ." said he expects the concer~ing the choicf' of an Capital Development Board to architect and buildin g :\Jax. a Ca irm Terrier. got his "eekly bath Schemmel lin' on Ca lifornia Strpet in Car­ release the full amount of the specifications. He saic. that the Thursday afternoon. :\Jax and owner \'icki ten·iIle. funds. which were first ap­ committee is currently propriated to the niversily in reviewing six architects (or the 1982 to purchase a storage P!'CjDoCt. building. Few vendors apply for booths $omit said the bill passed by At the same meeting. the Gov. Thompson this summer board appro\'ed to a bolish the Ii\" l.IS ..\ F.:i o;;e nhauer deadline for applications is 5 to see that lheir booth will not a llowing the University to build Master of Musil.: Education SiarrWrher p.m. Friday. \'iola Ie any of the city's - instead of buy - a building cegree in the College of Com· City Clerk Janet Vaught said regulations. wa:, a clear indication that t.he munications and Fine Arts. Carbondale's attempt to shtft all of the applications submitted Under the city ordinance that CDB would release the reap­ changing the program in to a some of the Halloween reveler so far have beIGTO:,( ' AP I - The Penlagon bowed 10 pressure from newspapers Thursday a nd decided to add a reporter from a daily Gray or his opponent is paper 10 a planned nalional pool of journalists who mighl CO,'cr the elected to Congress on early stages of U.S . military aclions. The Defense Deparlment Nov. 6. acted in Lh e wake of criticism by the American oclety of Newspaper Editors. the Amerioan Newspaper Publishers False. Because of his Association and several major newspapers The original 11 - 20 years' experience in member pool. an,ounced Wednesday. would nOI ha"e included a Congress, Ken Gray representath e 01 a daily newspaper. would have more Czech lIwnrdcd l"b., 1 Priz(' ill lit<' rultlr.. Wednesday, October 24,8:00 p .m. seniority than any new· STOCKHOLM, Sweden IAP I - l:oechoslovak poel Jarosla" $9.00, 7.50, 6.50 Iy elected Con· eifert, whose lyr ic li nes of love and hope were ong censored by his gressman. Ken Gray's country's Communist government. was awarded the 1984 lobe I Shryock Audnoriul1l C~lebrily Series Prize in litera ture Thursday. The ailing. 83-year-otd poet is the first opponent has no Con· ~ u •• ), ',Ifill' "I" 11 \1 ,.nd,,\.,hn'Ui.!"J.nn.t\ II 1I1"m ( •• " t otl'm "''Titer working in the East bloc to win the literature award since the ... \1 ,.,1 •• nn \ ,..... 't l~I ' ·" "nl \lh"11o "nl• .". •• r.· "" n 'l,t ... 1 ... , .. ·k gressional experience. Soviet dissidenl Alexa nder Solzhenitsyn in 1970. The Swedish ..., d,n .. .. tll.~m ,,,hi_I I'm 1",,1 I "I.U-;" Academy of Lellers. announcing the prize. said eiferl's fresh. '1,.. t ...l. linn !'-on .... , .... UI'I .. ·rt.~ '" llolft 1.\ .' ..nllil Ir"m lilt' rIIlIm"I"A"."t ',oun"I ..1 .. \.lto " ~'Ih\ sensual poetry " provides a liberating image of the indom itable spirit and versatility of man. ,.

f. hildb ('u rin ~ pU1"otp o n cd lun:;!(·r. statihti('s :--hhl4 WASHINGTON I AP I - After poslponing childbearmg mto Ihelr late 205 as they pursued careers in recent years, large numbers of American women are now waiting e\'en longer - often Lo their late 30s - to ha\'e children. new go\'crnment statistics show Th (' statistiCS also found use of midWIVes to assist In birth has been increasing and reported a rise in childbearing by unmarried I women I. state Reagan should avoid statistics during debates, says R egan CHICAGO l AP ) - l'reasur), Secretar), Donald Regan said Thursday he would ha \'c preferred that President Reagan rely on fewer statistiCS in hi5 nationally televised rlebate agaln~t challenger Waller F. ~ I ondale . Acknowledging Reagan appeared awkward al limes during Sunday's debate. Regan said: " The problem from my point of view \\'as the man had a lot of statistics in his head and he wanled to use the fdCIl> and figures to gel his poinl across. " To me. less statistics would have been better." Wit n csJoO JoO (u nch. b~ ' t e!il t in l o n~ ' in fllurclf'r (~ u :oO{" ROCKFORD (API - A prosecution witness. deflecling defense efforlS to shake his testimony. Thursday stood by his contention thaI David f-lendricks' Ihree children probably were dead by the time Hendricks contends he left home on a business trip, Hen­ dricks. 30, is accused in 'the ax murders last ~o\'. i of his wife. Susan. 30. and their three young children: Rebekah. 9: Grace .•. and Benjamin, 5 The slavings occurred in the fami:y's Bloominglon home. four Ulinoisuns rt.'c .. ~ i, c c' nnHlluinu tc ,.1 b luuri QU INCY (AP) - Three local people used a dOlling agent for SALE PRICE hemophiliacs that may ha ve been contaminated by an A IDS­ infectro blood donor. raising 10 four the number of lItinoisans who used the suspect substance. officiats said Thursday. The thre<' Quincy-area people have been notified they took the substance. as has the American Red Cross. which distributed il. a nd the nalional Centers for Di.ease Control al Allanta, said spokesman Tom Wiesemann of Blessing Hospil" I C Ule rpille r n"nounces pion" fo r . ub. idior~ ' PEORIA l AP) - Calerpillar TraClor Co. announced Thursday it SILADIUM ~ COLLEGE RINGS has fo rmed a wholly owned subsidiary to develop energy­ generating programs for industria) a nd commercia) customers. Your college ring is now more affordable than ever. on an incre­ Caterpillar Capitat Company Inc. will develop co-generation dible variety of Siladium ring styles wiIh custom features that express projects, finance the deats through the fo rmation of li mited pa rt­ your taste and achievements. Each Siladium ring is custom made, nerships, then manage the projecl. according to Caterpillar wiIh careful attention to detail. And every ring is backed spokesma n Steve Newhouse. Cogenerati on is the recovery of ArtCarved exhausl heal energy from the source of a company's electricity. he by a Full Lifetime WarranI¥ Dorl'1 miss out. It's the partee! time to get added. a beautiful buy on a great college ring. See your ArtCarved repre­ sentative soon.

Oct. 8-12 10am-4pm University Bookstore

DeposIt Required. Master cam '" Vosa Aa:epled C 1984 Ar1Canoed Class fUlgs, InC: Page 2, Dail), Egyptian. Octobe!' 12,19114 GPSC tables Recreation Center fee vote Congress Ii,\ J)arn.'n ltilhK'k repr('s('nt~tl\' (' 10 the opcratlllg hours and staff " .... , currC'nl s tudents ought to StaH \\ rilrr Recreation Center Adnsor\' 01 the posit ions cut wou,...... support It. prepare .., Board. n >('o mmended that the student workers, The for an S8 in­ Th~ Graduate and council support a S6 Increase " If anythmg. the long-range crease also failed to get the two-­ Profes~lOn31 Student ("ouncil She ,aId she thought limIting the plan would be to reduce student to adJourn couldn't decIde whethef' to thirds majonty needed to pass. Increast' to S6 would pronde an worker hour.. ·· IIlstead of full The vote was 21-20 for the plan. WASHINGTON ' AP I - recolnlllrnd a $6 or SR Incrcas(' Incentn' e for better time staff hours, Bleyer said Wpary. frustrated and In the Rrcreallon r nt er fee When asked what the tenter management and perhaps for Tht' S6 Increase was \'oted would do without a fee tncrea e, anxious to campaign for Wpdnrbda\'. 50 the matter wa cuttmg little-used programs down. 19-25 Most opponents of Bleyer was pessimistic, re-e!ectlo n. the 98th postponed' unlll the "pxt GPS(, Nero !'aid _orne salary Jobs Congress was set for a th{' $6 incr{'ase fa' ored the SH He said student emph»)'ces. rneetlllg also nllght be replaced wllh increasP presC'nlen by Bleyer delayed a djournment " The only ('fect the post­ studenl worker jobs regular staff and fa culty would Thursday a fter rnaklllg ponemcnt \\' 111 ha\'(' IS that \\(' Julie Wood . represenl:lu\,(' ha\'e to be cut. Intramurals Wilham Blc\'er. Intramural sure the government will won't b(' ablc to t 11 President from phYSical education. said would ha\'e to be cut bv aboul 50 have money to s pend In the SOmlt our opinIOn bt:fore he goes recreation director. said he she would suvport the Sl! in ­ percent. And instead' of being dldn't think the center could cut next 12 months and the before the Board of Trustees .. ' crease b~e~llsc so manv open 15 or so hours a day. (he authori:\, to borrow ,aId Glenn Stolar. ~PS(, staff and replace them with students use tht' HecreallOil center \\ould be open about 6 to 7 _ tudent workers Ble\'cr hours a day, billions more prc.. dent The board will Center The Sen:He cleared dl. cuss th(" Hecreatlon ('nler presented arguments for the S8 And Karen Yaple . The GP, C execut iv e board mcreas(' at the meeting awav \'irturl llv the last fC'C incrrase at I~S October representative from will consider alternau\'es and major obst.:!Cle to ad­ me<"tlllg but wor!" t \' otc 011 It Ble\'er said the center is psychology. said that If students come up ;nth a recom­ journment early in the day unlll :\m'l'mber consi-denng cost-reduct ion were willing to pay a hIgher fee mendation for the cfluncil at the with a 78-11 vote endorsing ,,'endy ~cr o. GPS(, meaSures such as cuts III tn 19t4 to have the facility then next meeting. Stoia" said. a compromise omnibus spend ing package necessary 10 keep the go\'ernment solvent. S-Senate OKs Student Center fee boost The broad $3;0 billion Fh DOi,id U s!> re:,olution and recommended Hou ~ing, Tuition and Fees resolution s~ou l d be vetoed so measure had bee~ pas ed SiaH \\'ritt'r that l: 0 President Andy commissioner. that discus':t lOn does not stop," bv the House 252-60 the Leigh:on ,eto it. Leighton said He said the previous budget In oth-:( business. the senate night befor~ and was sent Tht, "tudent Senate on, he has until the next senate "made it 100' . li ke they could get passeri a resolution opposing the to the Wh ite House after \\'ec.l:,esday passed a resolution meeting w sign the resolution. by with a S J increase" and the Uni ','ersity policy banning kegs the Sen ate \' ote approving a Sl4 per semester \'eto it. or 1~l"Jt sign it. which present bl Jget " makes It look ~[ tailgate part ies before Republican leaders said Student Center fee increase at would pass th'? "~ l"Jlulion . like lh('y an gel by with a $tJ football games they expected P resident Wednesday night's meeting. The senators " have : .... look at tnC, ~ase "Bannmg kegs is totally Reagan to sign the The r solution . submitted b,­ other possihli' IIlcreases:' !')o;\! " I .. .. 11 10 <:~ :f thev can oppt>site of what the Uni \'ersity legislation. the Undergraduate Student Da"id trong. usa chIef of come u with one that makes it should have done." said Senator But adjournment was Organization Housing. Tuition taff. With proposed increases look gOJU for a SI0.7:; increase .. ' f\lark Skowronski. one of the held up beeause of a and Fees Commission . tn the Recreation Center fee and he said. sponsors of t.he resolution, He Senate fight over taxation Originally called for a SIO.;5 in houslllg rates. he said. co lS Corker said the extra S2 in the said that bottles and cans of of big real estate deals that increase, but was amended to wlil become too high and ··ac· ; 16 request "was to replelllsh beer a re a health hazard. bogged down final act ion SH CC'SSlbllit\· to the t:1lI\'erslt\' will that cash surplus that wc-\·c on legislation to increc:se " The S14 would retalll the belimitod '" - 10"." The Student Center s hould " We are representatives of the government 's line ·)f faCility basically at status quo " WIDB prm'ides a milllmum ha \'e enough money to CO\'er one the students. a.nd they are credit. The wa \' for cna[e and allo\\ the constructIOn of of sen'ices to the s tudents," said month's operating expenses. he ~~~~rl)..~rrs~OI~ ,thi~~li ~rd~ action was cieared ' \\,IDB. ,. said John f'orker. i\lark Case. enator from the said. but deficits h3\' {' eaten up after a compromise was tudent Center director Plan!') School of Agriculture. He said the surplus. senator . The resolution passed reached on the unr~lated a re to mo\'e WI DB. a stud{'nt­ that limited access to the !"Iatlon " l\l an\, senators were unanlmously_ amendment operated radio s tation. froll' means few s tudents arc able to reluc t a nt to pas the 'Tm not going to sIgn the keg The current na IOnal Wnght I In rlll\,ersity Park [0 hearil. rcsolullon:' Strong said 'Chose ban resolution:' Leighton said. debt limit IS S1.573 trillion the fourth floor of the . tudent " I\'e seen three different senators rna\' h3v(' felt the need Senators were " ob\,ious!\, on Treasury Department Center. projected budgets for 1985. wllh to act Immediate)\,. he said, voicing the concern!' of therr ~orro\\' ing, nearly the Se\'eral ~('nators and C~\) different figures on cach one:' thu~ the resolutton " dOl~n't constlluencles: he said ''I'm ( urren'If'\"cl member:- objected to the saId te\'cn Roscngarden, C50 rl,f!cct a unified opmlon The gomg with my conscience '. 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Dally Egypt,an. Octoher 12, 1984 Page ;i ceditorial ----~etters ------­ Starting over Some tips for making Faner even safer A fey. days ago J ret:le\led a S5 below 5 fOOl he restn cted from 1J.11J nut hun Ihcm""el\'(."!-I nn Ih(' TilE CITY OF (,A Il IlO~I)'\I.~: has once again dcmonstraled a lIC:kpt fo r radlll g m y bIcycle the breezewa\' hecause the\' a rr hard concrNe floor knack for inefficiency III its attempt to build a hotcJ-coi1vcntion Ihruu~h Ihe F aner breezeway. 1 below the cycllnc of the a\'cragr -1 H.a l lln~~ ~hould t)l' tn!-ltall("o center and parking garage in downtown Ca rbondale. . 1111 I: la d I received Ihl!, IIckel II person One can eaSily see hoy. a fo r people 10 grah IIntn !'Ihould The lalesl slep of Ihe bunllled journey is Ihe Ci ly CouncIl" h"'~ made me aware that there dl~a~ lerou s colltsion might theyslart totnp decision to c\'cr ties with origmal project dc\'clop'''r Stan lIo)c S(I an' !'tarel\' ha7..ard!-. III the F aner occur bet \\ ('en two or more ;; L'nderground nuch'ar bomb that the city can, in effect. start over again on the project hr(~ClC\~a \ ' people of "arying helghl. I sheltcr~ !'!hould De ('on!-. tructerl The dcclsion to break lie, With Hoye is intended to ease the way t\lthoug-h there wen' maybe realize Ihal gOlllg around Ihe for an.,,·unc caught '" h(" (or other developers. if there are any out lhrrc. A f'!Cent offer by the or.l~ SIX people in the brL'"C7ew;IY bUilding could be lime con· br{'C1.ewa~ dunng ~I nucl{'ar i':ational Group of Companies was fatally ~cs t r icled by 01 series of at thc lime I was ticketed and ~ umtng . but if It ~aves so much attack. Gas ma!)ks ~hould also agreemenL<; between the city a nd Hoye thetl would ha\ e required allhough there 'He more as one life. Ihen Ih e wIlD ie thlllg he prOVIded for people Irapped unraveling a tangle of financial commilmcllls and guarantees ha7ardous places on campus would be \\ orth It. '" the bree7.eway oUf1n ~ The cil), is now banking the fUlu re of Ihe projcel on Ihe hope thaI a where onr doe~ Il ot ha\'e to wa lk 2. Eve lesl cenl ers should be chemIcal warfare_ I am aware de\'eloper will come along and ri"k a sizable im'estment on the hI> or her bike. I Iccl lial Ihe srt up on each side of the that these precaultons a re chance thaI Ihe charms of Carbondale will ke pur~1I11 01 hapPlllt'''!'o ch~com.'ern lor Ill(' younJ!.l·:-1. rede\'elopment financing from the beginning. was awarded to 1.(,·na!"lwy·.:-. 1(>IIC'r n'Gu('~ tll1 l! \\ llh;lI11 Hn'nl1:tT1 n'llllml!'> U:- 01 mO~1 l('eblt' form of hie m~l\ stimulate private investments in the project. However . Hoye's thai \\t' ff){'u:-, on hlrth cont r"l tlw tt'rnbl(' l·lln!-l·qUt.·nc·(· ... th;t! draw \ Oil HI m(·(·hanl(.'all\ mo t recent financing proposal required the city to guarante<> the ratlwr than nil (.'ont rolhng (·:ltltnllu\\ \\hl'I1:1 natIon I'l'J('l'b cone'lud!' Ihal ~JI1 ahorllon I ~'" Issuance of bonds lotaling IheSH million needed for Ihe projcel. premantal ':-'('x and on x· til(' :-.01('111\ ell hlC' t'lha' " Thl' !-lIm ply (('mah.' l'J(>tllOn 01 a Ilngul.:-.h lng ahnr' I()11 ('ullllra] ':1\\ II'{lnmenl Inr 1 1:-- pn'!'>l'nt lIt r ru ~ this paSI s ummer. indicales thaI Ihe projecl could work if a r(>l1lllld('o. ~ I .:-. yml .:-.0 put II. of \\ h('l1f'\,('r ,11\\ !'>ctt·lel\· (';In h(l 1. H:-. a human nulnllon major de\'eloper could withstand marginal revenues during the first years gu llthl<' tru:o.t I') <1noth(,fs nll:-it'.lllllfl di'llIlll1g uldl\"lou:ll:-­ han' lakC'n m\ :..h.ur 01 of opera lion. However. a spokesman for Ihe firm thaI conducled the word:-;, 111 rrfrf('n"(' 10 Go\' iI!" 1(,:-,:-, Ih:I.1 human ancl blologlC.·a l sC I (' n ('t.i~. \\ hl(,.' h h:b sludy told the Cily Council Ihal he could nol recommend Ihal the :'\l ano Cuomo':- 1(';:1 on lin· tlw r('! un' (!C' \'olcl 01 \'a lu(> ,md led mE' It I ('ontludr thai III ' Irnm cily guaranlee bonds fo r the enlire projecl. pO:-.I11~ your 1Jt..'IJ('t~ .m oihe r ~ b~ n·!'>pC'(."1 .. 11 0\\ aboullhC' g l msll~ ' thl' f}Omt of ('on('('pIIOn I" \"I,lhh' All of this makes one wonder jusl how serious Ihe cily really is l11:!klng th('1ll 1",.\ II IS s(> 11 1I1I1('nan 11la~!" !l1l1 r nC'r!'> dl'ahng when nurt ured I. a~ a \\ IIm;t n aboul buil ding a hotel·convenlion center. If Ihe cily really wanled to ('\'10(>111 ;,hal oppn':-'lllon 10 with social uselessness? We am spru k lng nul ag;lIn ... t build a convention center. it probably could ha\'e done so by now. :t bOrllnn 1':-' nm a n.'lrgH1U~ ~UlIll '(' :-:hould ponol'r \\('\1 thC' \\orcb 01 abortron I ha\'l' 1I:--ll'I1('O to Ifll' Despite the project's numerous setbacks. at least more progress Inll r"lthrr the (.'aliing 01 nlll"~ Gpurgl" . anl\~tra. \\ ho :--<110. tTIC!'! of,malH \\On1<'11 \\ho h.I.,' should havp been made than the purchase of proper ly and ·· 'I'ho:o.(' \\ hfl fill not l'(' l1wmtwr rcgn'II('d e\'{~ry pa lfl tull110n ('! ~I demolition of buildings. Afler seven years. the city should be far· ('unse' I('ntl' i.lnd In l l'lnsl(.' n',:-,p(ln:-'Ihllrl~ tn aId ;1 1l111lnnl~ Ih(' p:t:..l arC' ('ond('f11Ill'Ci III of Ih('lr rllllo':-- death ther a long than deciding 10 sta r! over again. Irs time fo r the ci ly 10 group that I:" nul p4ml'rlul relt\'clt.·· 1 a!'tk, \\ ho Jre Ih(' df,('wr:- In ser ious ly reassess its goals concerning downtown redevelopme nt Since Ihe Hoc \IS . Wadc nl(Kit 'rn medic ln(' \\ Ilu d('f1\ a nd pursue them aggressive ly and realistically . ('noughlo:-p<.'aklnr lt !'!(>l ll)o\\(> l' cm~l d('r tilt' I)I'{·d St.·I\1I ,'0\,­ decisinn in 1973. more than 15 thclr Hlppocratl(· Oillh To tru\" e r !'> ~ (II Ut",7 ~, rdl~'Ctu :o. hy­ million unborn children havc pr("~{'r \"t.· hlt· ~1nd nt''\. I." II) l>rndu(.·,'1 :'\0, II \\a!'> :t ~roup 01 had their lives s nuffed oul by dC'!'!lro~ II. ano y.ho apprna('h A bortion is morally wrong 11111101'11 \ .-\n1(' r)(.·:.n:-. \\ hn legalized abo rtlOn~ . Thl ~ IS nur mn:--I \"uhwr.lhlf'. (11'\('11 1\1!', Lomasne\'. I Wi sh you I find il morally wrong both as a clt'pltll't..,ci Ilw 111111'011 tTI:--I:­ more than 10 times the number :-('I('~!'> dlllclrell tn kIll 1'.lIlwl' would leave your prejudice back Jew and as a belie\'e r in Jesus . hrought .lhOIiI h~ dt'l1~ lilt!. Ih(' of AnH'flC:1Il. lost III .lil our Ihan(.'un'·) al home. il has no place on thiS God's wrillen revelalion tells lull h\lIn~1tlll\ 01 lIur hl.u: k!'> nalton'!'! \~l.Ir s II has ta kl'n morl' I ,,:-k \1I1I . :'\Ir Loma:-nt'\ , ... campus . Since you obviously me Ihls. and I find no author ity ;\("('orcilllg 10 til(' i)('('i;l rat ltln 1I\'cs pt.'r year Ihan Iwar! Illnrl' IlItll~ nn premant~,f :- l" lack any knowledge on whal a grealer than God. If you have 01 1rl(1 (·pt.·not'lll·t' .Iml I ht' l.. tllll(·. nl!>.ea:..p or (,OJ llcer and I')l rlh ('ontro! the r r:-- I )fIl1~lhl( ' Christian is. I will define il fo r difficuhy wilh the "Chrislian" :t!1 Ilwn ,In" (Tt·'lIl'd ('qual "'(. Paul. a~ a blolngy maJOr. an!'>\\('r" ~11"' : dl \\ :Inl. ~ t · lIilll ·. you A Chr istian is a person who position on aoor llOn . perha p:i OIl"(' t'ndo\\NI \\ Ilh " ('l'rl;lIn 1Il\'csttng ~nur lIIne 111 thr :-I uny F und :11111 'ulr ilic 'n. ,\ nllt· 1-: :11'1. ·. believps Jesus is the Messiah . you have a prollem other tha n lIla lll'nahh' nghl!oo Illf'. Ilt)('rl~. of IInng o r g~t",!'>I11 "', your S"l1illl·. f' il li l it-:l I~ d ( ·l1 t· , '. and has a persotlal relationship abortion to thir. f{ over . - J ef­ with God through Jesus . frey Kran. :enior. Therapuetic As to my position on abortion Rec reation. Some book revisions are unjustified I enjoyed tr. Dyer's OCI. 3 a reas? Does the poetry of Keats inler mediar\". such as the 111· ' eller in which he sc:Jghl 10 r e quire r C\' ision? P erhaps structor. The buver is then Martial arts education takes time explain the ast.ronomical cost of Ne w ton 's calcu l u s need s faced wilh a mono'polisl supply 1 was concerned by the a rticle but to give women a series of coll ege textbooks . The re \lision a nother updale. Wh ile we're al curve. He or s he must buy the on the martial arts a nd self a pproaches 10 self defense. both cycle seems to be a major factor it. let 's revise Italian syntax a nd book a t any cost because' it is defe nse for women in the Oct. 4 physical and psychological. in r ising costs. It is un· rewrite the story of the Cr imean required. This is in sharp Daily Egyptian. II neglects the which can be quickly maslered ders tandable Ihe exponential War. It would seem the in­ contrast to the keen com petition importanl point thaI no marlial and applied. i n c r ease in k now l e d ge formation in a great number of a mongsl sell ers in Ihe grammar , r l can be learned quickly. nor As one who took the Women's necessitates vast revisions in di ciphnes is quite stable. to use school markel. can reaUy be a pplied before Self Defense course and has science. engineering and other Over 's word. Yet it seems the Publishers have a good Ihing many months. if not years or since been tra ining in a martial lechnical books. I am cerlain. buyers of lileralure and hislory going. Texts a re not evalualed more of prac tice. As a way of art for the last two a nd one-half e ven as I write this le tter, t!!xts mus t conte nd wit h on the basis of C<>ol. Sellers are learning self defense. Ihen. il years. I urge all women on scientific breakthroughs wi!l Irequ e nt and unj u stified nol held accounlable for has long-range ulilily. bUI cam pus a nd in the community make loday's "Digital a nd revisions. s k y r ock e t ing cos ts . n · cannot help the nO\lice in most 10 take advantage of Ih is course. Conlrol yslem"lextlotallyand Whe n e lemenl ary and for tunatelv, those who could circumstances, which is sponsored by Women's complelely obsolete. Yes. it seconda ry school boards buy have an i'mpact. or those who The Women's Self Defense Services. would seem revisions. and the booi\s, the cost factor is a selecl Ihe books. have nol made course. however, is designed not :\la rguret .... . Winters, ASSOC ia te costs they incur. a re necessary. pr i rn a r y co n s ide r a t ion . their voi ces heard. - Seol to leach a ny part:cular form. or Proressor , F orf ign La nguages However. how necessary a re Howe\'er . at the university Klimkt>, Senior. Elet'trica l to practict! any parltcular skiJl. and Litera tures. the ra m pant re\lisions in other level. books are selecled by a n Engin eering.

Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU Letters policy

SIgned alildes .:"I .. :r..·dlng lellel\ Vlewpo ln h a"d alne, commentaries. reflK1 the opInIon, d Inelr author, 0tI1.,. Un'ls"ed ed,tarlals repr. se"1 a cOtl,e",U' of tne Do ll.,. Egyphan EdItor-oJ C.)mmlllee wn::t.e membefS are Ihe ,tuden! ed lla, In cnlef Ine edito rial page e-dltc a new' .Iaff membe , the facult.,. managl"g edItor and a Jaurnal..m School laculty member leifer, 10 tne edllar may be ,ubmlued by mall a, d,recll.,. 10 Ine edllaflal page edllar Roam 11. 7 CammuntraloO"' BUildIng lOller. ,hauld be lypewflUen .Jaul;le ,paced All leller" are ,ublt!<' 10 edlt"'g a.,d WIll be IUTHled 10 500 wa,d, leller" of leu Inan 150 wo,d~ WIll be gl"e" pretere"c e for publocaloan Student, muu Identl f.,. Inem.el ... e. by clan and ma,ar tacult.,. m.mber, by 'an'" and depafl mfln l non ,academlC "alf b., po"'tan 0 "0 department ' Lefler, !oubnl ,u ..-od b.,. mali inouid I nclud~ Ine aulna, , addreu and lelephane "u(hcalion. Day care a lso provides Focus Editor wheelchairs when they begin a t In pla nning activities. she has socialization . Johnson said. A In peroonl at 10Ia1 papUal"'" the cent er and are walking ",hen to keep in mind the disabilities teleVis ion in the center is always 35"'- aretakers some'lmes need they lea ve. of some senior citizens . Baker on and senior citizens "spat time away h om the relativcs The program began ir: j :)79 . said. For example. two senior consla ntly" a bout wh at ", / they care for. and the ca red for bu t Johnson said the council citizens in the program are programs to watch. A group of 30 may need lim ,~ away too. The knew there was a need for the blind, one is a a mpulee card pl ayers and checkers Elder WIse Center offers a ser vice at least fi ve yea rs and others are stroke v l cti m ~ in players are C! ften pursuing their I respite ior people who are before that. wheelchairs. Also. many are faVOri te pa sttm e. :::~ ca ring for relati ves in thei r Applicants to the program are ha rd of hea ring. An exercise group meets 25 homes. said Carol B. Johnson. evaluated by Community Ca re Providing regul ar meals and every day. J ohnson said keeping executive director of the Council Services representative ac­ helping people to wa lk are two in motion is imporlant for senior II on Problems of the Aged. cording to income. health and of the most necessary services. citizens . Those who exercise. 20 ~~ Elde.r Wise is the ia rgl;!S t physical lleedS. The person's Johnson said. A small breakfast even from a chair, are less elderly day care program io doctor must also sign a is served and a lunch provided prone to broken bones because I I Illinois. J ohnson said. At one statement Ulat the person needs through the Golden Goos~ exercising changes the bone 15 f-~. nd 1_55 1 time. i 5 peopl e were enrolled. the sen -ice. Johnson said. nutrition program. density. The number is now 42 . with an Senior cit izens may stay in the Senior citizens are also taken Other activities include word I average of 30 each day. The program as long as they want to to and from physical therapy games and other games that 10 III cent er is open six days a week . or need to, Tracy Baker , sessions a nd staff members help don't require a lot of motion, Some peopl e come each day program specialist, said . They th em to do exercises. Johnson said. The center also while others come only twice a are reassessed each year to be The staff also encourage has " talkmg" books - recorded week. ~ u oe they are benefiting from senior citizens to care about books for those who have 5 ~ 1 The program is for people who the program. their appearance and health. trouble seeing. are willing to leave the home. h aker plans activities for the Johnson said. A hairdressel' LLI ProjectIon. Ma n y p artici p ants are progra m a nd helps senior comes to the center's beauty An intergenerationaJ program 0 I physically impaired , and citizens wi th social service parlor three afternoons a " eek with Rainbow's End preschool 19SO 7 0 '90 ., 0 '30 'SO J ohnson said the program has needs. For example, she helps to shampoo, cut a nd style hair. lets young children get tv know '6 ' 'eo 2000 '20 '40 more highly impaired people them fill out forms such as in· A shower is provided for those older people, Jobnson said. Two­ o.c.go Trtuw CNrt. ~ s... enrolled than a ny othe r s urance claims and Medicare who may not have such a and three-year-olds come to the ~ ComTwn .. on A;Ing ~ progra m in the sta te. forms . She also takes them to facility a t home. They can also center for an hour every two d US Censuseur....~ Some are stroke victims who pay their bills, helps them use a washer and dryer in the weeks and do different activities need reha bilitation. Johnson budget and reminds them to center. with the senior citizens.

Needs of elderly vary lvith age and maturity

8~' Joyee \ 'onderh eid e Focus Edilor Stories by Joyce Vo" derheide erving senior citizens means more tha n helping people over Photo,.. by Npl:illp Loberg age 60 because senior citizens have different needs and dif­ ferent maturity levels just like Egyptian Area Agency on Ag ing ne er been reroofed and we any other age group, said Carol are loca l sources for support. council is trying to raise funds H. Johnson. executive di re~ t or Money also comes from the for a new rooL Proceeds from a of the Council on Problems of ng ya rd sale from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. lhe Aged. gWe/l%~~\ c~ ~ t!i a nd the on Saturday at the center will Th e council serves four help buy a new roof. decades of people - not a Si ngle WHEl' THE COUNCIL was The senior center is for all group, she said. Johnson organized in 1968. it oHered only senior citizens - not just the identified the groups as young recrea ti onal programs . Now its economica lly deprived, J ohnson s enior citizens, old s eni or services include elderly day said. citizens . very old senior citizens care. transportation . meals and More senior citizens make use and frail people. educational programs. most of of services since the move to the J ohnson said the number of whi ch are offered a t the Car· school in Ma rch 1983. said people over 75 is ri sin g faster bondale Senior Citizens Center Johnson . executive director tha n any other age group. More a t 409 N. Springer St. since August 1972. Aoout 5,000 of The City of Carbondale the B.OOO elderly people in I.':f~~ .'~h os~,: i~~e S ~~nts~ donated the building. formerly Jackson County are served by however. a e not increas ing in Springmore School. to the council programs. proportion to the number of cound) in 1982 for expansion of people who need services. services for the elderly, Johnson JOHNSON HAS a staff of 39 As a not·for·profit agency. the said . With the help of volun· people, of which 19 are full ·time council is not allowed to set fees te ers . c la s s roo m s w e re employees. In addition, ror its programs and relies on renovated if to lounges, a volunteers put in hours equal to donations by participants and library, meeting a nd activity 15 full·time workers. the community, she said. The rooms, offices and day·care Social welfare student interns United Way, Church Women facilities. from SIU-C are a double benefit United, Carbondale Thrift Shop, The space for the group because the students gain ex· the City of Carbondale, the doubled when it moved into the perience and the center gets J ackson County Board, Car· school. bondale Township and the The school, built in 19-;8. has See ELDERLY, Page6 Jackson County nutrition programs expanded

By Joyce Vonderheide Lunches are prepared in tht, ~ o six days a week at the various througb the EgyptIan Area necessity," Johnson said. Foeus Editor kitchen at tbe Carbondale sites. At least four volunteers Agenc~' on Aging. In 1976, the Senior citizens are r~om · Senior Citizens Center and help serve a t the sites, except program expanded to Mur· mended by their doctors ~or th:­ Senior citiZt!Us nutrition served at the center and at sites the ones that are catered. In physboro and to the other towns bomlHlelivered luncbes. Senior programs in Jackson County in Murpbysboro, Vergennes and addition, 20 volunteers deliver In 197, and 1978 . Home· citizens are evaluated every began as hnmlHlel;';ered meals Elkville. Sites at Ava-CampbelJ the borne meals. delivered meals are provided in three months to be sure that to county residents. Those Hill and Grand Tower are Special diets are provided for DeSoto as well as in the towns they need the meal. Jobnson mel!ls are stiD provided but now calered. diabetics and people witb high receiving on-site meals. Th .:.-e said. meals are also oHered at seven Depending on the menu, 75 to blood pressure who have to is a waiting list (or home­ sites in the county. 100 senior citizens come to the avoid certain foods . A retired delivered meats because a The average cost of an on-site B} coming to the sites, senior meal in the cafeteria at the nutritionist voluntee:-£ in contract with the EAAA says meal is $3.14. HomlHlelivered cilizens get companionsbip that center. When chicken is served, preparing menus, Johnson said. that only 30 percent of the meals meals cost $3.35, the higber cost they don't get at home if they The menu offers a three-ounce can be homlHlelivered. resulting from packaging costs, live alone, Carol H. Johnson ~~:h:idh~eo:eirJ!e ~~~ serving of a meat 01 protein Johnson said. said. Johnson is executive entree. In addition, more than 30 substitute, two vegetables or a Senior citizens who are ill and director of t!te Council on people in the Elder Wise day vegetable and a fruit, a decsert, unable to .hop or cook are Participants are asked to Problems of the Aged, which care progra m are served. About bread, butter a nd a beverage. eligible for the homlHlelivered contribute $1 for each meal. The sponsors the Golden Goose ISO people are served at the Golden Goose mea ls ha ve meals. Spouses are also eligible council bas to provide 15 percent nutrition program and lunches other sites. been served in Carbondale since for the lunch because " com· in ma tching funds for the for homebound resIdents. Lunches are served from two t974 when funds were provided pa n ions hip is deemed a program, J obnson said Daily Egypt ia n. October 12 1984 . Page S ELDERLY: Seniors' needs differ

( 'onlintwd frum Pa p.t· 5 1I('alth "er\"ICC Ca!o.c ddH)Ca b allhe sentor ('f:nler e\"~luatc lh(' help Alpha Phi Omega servlc" S('"ior riti::;f''' ,~ 1IlII'(' llP<"d for such !o. ('n'IC~ and !o.('ne fraternity also helps s('nlor a~ a Ita Ison bel w('('n M·ntor citizens by raking leaves In the rlU{f'I'I'"t "(' ,, d,~ allrl CIl I 7.CIl~ ~Ind s('n'lce pro\ · ldcr~ . fall and shoveling S r:IlYo' In the .John~C!n s~ld winter matllrit." h> /'( ' I ,~ j ll ,~t Another program IS fn('nrlh The senior center IS In an \ I~ltin~ \·oluntccr!o . oft!';, older section of Ca rbondail' Iii.'" a"." ot/Wl' (//!(' !-.tudenls dnd other ~l'ntOl where manv senior ('Itlzens h'e citizen!;. go into senIOr <:lIi? n ~ Those who' can't walk to the f.!rollil. homr-~ to l~IJk "'Ill' thf'm. dn cenler can call tor ndes Mon acti\'lll~~ together nr go than 550 people ride the cent r's - CHol ll. .Iohn .. un sh~pplng. It add, a change for a three vans during the y~a r and fev: hours or tht' week from th(· requests for transporta tion keep regular roullne of linn.'!. Increasing, Johnson said. John~on said Tra nsportation IS offered only oth<>r senior CItizen.:.; \I. ho share In Carbondale. but most of the their Intcrests at the cC'nler. A TilE Pl' IIPOSE ~f all the counctI's !,:~j\'ices extend to all group of quil ters meets 'H·ekly. :se:-\'IC'PS is to k('ep senior .JJcksoll Cou nty residents as do groups of knitters. bridge citlzf'ns from In · players a nd pinochle playcrs stJlUtlonahzation. Johnson said TIlE COl· ~l'!1. offers a Thc cent er a lso sponsors They ha\·e no programs \\'Ith varietv of educ31ional cla s~cs bingo. bowling and dances. nursing homes, although some Instructors from John A. Loga n Johnson noted that seni or semor citizens visit nursing College teach two class"". a n citizens have just as much homes and hospitals on a exercise or dancing class a nd a energy and just as much fun at regular basis. craft class. dances as college students do. To sen 'p enior citizens well. R.etlred professors from the Health sen':,','" are also of· J ohm;on saId the counCil a l 0 Emeritus College a nd the An· fered at the ~t! nior center. in· has to ser\'e their families nuitants'\ssociation at IU·C cluding blood pressure and because " they a re now the teach class on ubjects that hea r ing check and im· caretakers of the mothers and they formerly taught. The state muni7.a tion clinic . "Seni ors are fathers ... a tt orney general's office rea 11 \' concerned about their The Etder \\',se Center In the teaches Rule! of the Road health." .Johnson said, and mure st"nior center offers a respite for : oursC5 for older drivers a nd the emphasis is given to social and family members canng for American Association of hea lth care services now than in elderly relati"es aSe ad­ Retired Pe rsons teaches a the past. vocates for Communilv Ca re defensh'c drh'ing course called Counseling is another service 3endces e\'alt.:ate those" ho ask "55 Alive." offered. There is one full-time ior such service. Other senior citizens teach counselor at the center. but Phone: reassurance calls to cour es in their areas of ex· Johnson said many of the staff el derly residents assures family pertise. such as wood carving. members counsel: Most of the members. especiaUy those who ceramics. oil painting a nd glass counseling is "counseling ,or don't li\'e close bv. that their painting. loss." This mav be the loss of a parenlS are safe. johnson sa id. Legal services a re provided relative or loved one, health. The Jackson County Com­ twice monthly by a grant to the home or economic statu~ . munity Mental Health Center's From Jert. ~.innie Buller. Hetty Redmond. Guyula Thomas and SI Law School. which sends Senior citizens who need help Network ma"es these calls and Sophie E\'azi package lunches a t the Carbondale ~ nior. ~ iti ze~s student interns to counsel senior with chores. homemaking and if a resident does not answer the Center. The meals are deli\'ered to homebound senior citizens to citizens with legal concerns. adult day care are helped by phone , someone from the Carbondale. DeSoto, ~ t urph~·s boro . Vergennes and Elkville. Communitv Care Services council g0eS to tne honICo ;'\) see if sponsored . by the Sha wnee help is needed.

"On< 01 lhe fin"st lilm> In

TODAY 10am-7pm


P;lt!t"i . Il 'II I~ Egypl1an. October 12, 19S4 Study hows injured drinkers ':?' f~a>S . , have fewer nUl convictions 4 Ways to Get in Free " reports of CUlpability by 111<­ CHICAGU , API InJury and 3) If your nome is Fred Frieda hO'pHalllallOn offer Ihe alcohol· alcohol-lmpalrNi drin'r. non(' of 1) Weddmg Annn"eriory Fredrtck Fredrlca or Fredlll1a IInpmred molon!'il protection the 56 driver!) was C'OIwlcled of ling In mo".oge (ert.f'(OIf' from proscc'ulOn of drunken dn,'ang under the anflucllce of 2) Finalized Divorce 4 ) If It S your birthday dfl\'cr laws. a stud" shows alcohol. the researchers wrote (br lng .n d Ivo rce de(fcf'l (3 do'r'\ be lote or ollt'l The stud" was Illade of dnver The three-\'ea r s tud\', "hlch record;.... crash reports and ended In October 1982: was Ihe This weekend: Cimmaron with Wayne Hiedon on fiddle blood · ~t ) coh ol concentratIons of work or Dr Kimba ll I Maull or To reserve 0 table call: 549·8221 56 alcohol' lTnpaired dfl\'crs the L'IlI,' er~lt\" of Tennesse<' Injured ~eflo u s ly enough to Memoriai Research Center and Warra'll hospitallz.ation. il.= · Hos pil al. Lmda S Kinning or Ihe cording to an articlr in Frid:)y's ~tedical College or Virgmia and J ournal of the American .Juhan K. Hic kman of the For The Finest Med ical Association \·lrgln.a Deparlmenl or in Hair Styling & Desplle a blood·akohol Transport311on Saf ty. concentratlOn!i' above the When the driver lea \'es the Hair Care Needs perm.ssahl. le\"el and pohce accident scene b, a mbulancr, .. the l'halll of endence I:, broken BOOTHS: Few and the opportunity for alcohol t ling for ;cgal purposes is 10$t Varsity South ' ·endo,·" appl~ · and wit h It the e\'idence for a Dt.;' 1 ('on\'l('llOn," said the Barber Shop ("ontinuf'd f!'1I1Il l'aJ.!!' I re~ca rcher~ Th( a rticl(' recommends that Roffler of Carbondale ('nlertalOmenl boolh~ "111 b(' ho~pltals t.akc ruulln(' blood­ :.: Tonight &. Saturday allowed as spacE' pC'rmlt s alcohol tes!::, of all mjured . $1.0(' 7 & 9p.m. With five barber/ stylists Beer \'cndors must pa~ S250 patt('nts be<=~tuse . they say, the for a temporary liquor li cense presence or alcohol could erfecl to serve you . 41h floor rrom Ihe cil~ plus 5100 ror Ih. treatment or an~ mjury chemIcal tOIlets being arranged In 51 IOstanc~. police al the Video Lounge Appointments or walk·ins for by the city. The cost for scene report(-d thin the injured tudenl Center sNlIng up a food or en· alcohol-Impaired dri"er was at tertalnment booth IS based on rault. the size or Ihe boolh plus S25 ror 10 pelp pay ror Ihe lollets

Scott Hatter. a.~lstant city rnanab 'r , said that the low number or boolh applicalions ma\' bE.> the result of confUSion aboul Ihe C.I~ · S plans ror Ihe ce lebrauon He said potential ,'endor!) rna\' nOI reah7e that boot hs ''III only be allowed on Grand ..\xenu e thl!) ,'car and Ihal Ihe la,1 day 10· gel per· miSSIOn for a booth IS Oct. 12,

RatlE'r ~ald \'endor who s(>\ up booth~ on Grand ..\ \,cnue last year and were not pleased With the locatton rna" nOI know that Ihe change. made by Ihe cily will make Ihmgs dirrerenl Ih.s vc.:tr " The cn \' lronmcnt on <:;ra:ld Avenue IS gOIng to be Significantly c h anged this year:' he said Ratter R;ud the CUI off date for applications was set for two weeks In advance of the celebr ation because the city had to prOVide time for other governmental agencies perform dutIes pnar 10 the c(c"iebratlon A cop on ~ Filr.1S .. the edge ... Student Center Auditorium CLINT . EASTWOOD ~Tiu;;,i1&:irc @ o Fr .day & Salt.rrday 1009 lS The music Sat a Sun MatInee' 00 is on his side. Sunday Thuridoy 1 30 ~ '---

Tonight & Soturdoy S2 .00 7 & 9p.m .

lIEMWDCIf hey say that behind GREGORIO every great man there's 8 woman. But in this case COR1fl II'S ridiculous.

Su nday The comedy that proves that one' a rowd. $2.00 7 & 9p.m. . "" .. ,"" "".. , m SHOWS DAILY Weekdays 5 00 7 00 q 00 1 :15 3:15 5:15 7·15 9: 15 SQ' &5un 7305007 OOq 00 'Bewi tche d~ album lacks magic r expected from noted guitarists

H, John K ruko\\sk i tunes, But the songs a re more Sta rr \\ ritt'r boring tha n dancea ble, and tWll . talented men like these should AI first. I couldn't understand he capable of better work. ""hat 's wrong with Andy The music is more interesting Summers 3 1.j Rober! rripps' on side two, yet only because its la test learn-effort. " Bewit· seven songs average about ched." three minutes apiece, They're Ma ybe I'm expecting too T hat Summer s who just as un inspired as side one, much. but II has e\'cry right to produced a nd wrote five of the only short enough ~o one doesn't be a great a lbum The com­ album's ten tracks himself and get quite as bored. bination of the lWO British co-wrote the rest with FripP - Two song !o= do stand out. gui t..:'1 r masters should result In wouln be involved with an howe ver, " Maquill2ge" and ~ stunnmg, l'\"(!-golla -ha \,e--t hls­ album of 50 little consequence is " Guide" are prett y, a "'oustic otl<."-in -m\'-collcction r ecord. a bit less surprising. a lt hough pieces wi th a synt htsizer Alas. ii IS merely interesting. still disapPOinting. playi n g qu iet l y in th e Here we have two of the most Aside from some rat her nice background, Since it's ra re creatl\'(, gultan sts In recent gUitar effects on the a lbums of when eithe r man r <'Cords wi th memory pooling their talents to his own group. the Poli ce. a n acoustic guita r , it's ha rd to produce a mediocre dance· Summers' contributions to that tell who is playing on the two OrlCI'tro r~or d band ha ve bee n largely songs, Whome \'er he is, he F IIPP !" hould h3\,(' knO'.'­ om'clti es and curios. such as deserves credit for taking a better Wi th his band and pet­ " Mother " a nd ··Sall,··· He lillIe of lht:' monotonv out of the projf"!"i. Kmg Crimson. he has co nt inues th~ meager iradillOn a lbum . I)roduced some of I he most with " Bewih.: hcd .. After a couple of Ii stemngs. It excitmg If sadly Ignored guIta r The album starts wi th a beca me' cleare r' to me Ihat sounds heard in the pa t filleen Summers' lune, " Par ade'" and " Bewiteh ed ' is lacking \'cars The creati\'e di rection of he re I began to have my doubts direction It ·s as if both Fripp Cnmson has seemed to alw3\'s - not a good sign. so ea rly on In a nd Summe rs a re tr Ying to follGW F r ipp's lead: ba roque. an album. 1t's basically nothing say," Lislen to a ll the neat art-rock in the curl\' davs when more than the repetition of an sounds wc're making' We oon't Fripp was ieeling psychedelic : obnoxious guita r riff pl::tyed 10 a need to play with our usua l nasly. semi-heavy meta l in the dance beat. bands~ .. mid-sevemies when the noises The re maining two songs are from F' rl pP'S guitar sounded not as grating, b UI neithe r a re Unfor tunatel\', this a lbum has like most people's electric can they very exciting They ju t convinced me" of just the op­ openers sort of played on :iad on, posite, If somE"One wanls to hear Today. FriPP seem s torn F ripp a nd Summer's playing F r ipp and Summers pl a ying to between two styles . H e'~ been is interesting, but they just can" their great potentials. he or she experim('nling' with morE' seem to produce a melody of would be advi sed to sti ck with danceabh.: sounds. which figure a ny interest. 1\1aybe the\' anI\' lheir fa\'or ite King Crimson or hea vily in " Bewitched wa"nted to produce a few dance Police albums .

Presents SKI ~ Springs, A & M Recording Artists Colorado thvOZARK Winter Break MOUttTfilH Trip Includes: · 7 n ights accommodations a t the Thunde rb ird Lodge Condomin iums DAREDEVIL Ua n . ;- 11 1 • 5 out of" da y lift tic kets at Steamboat • Parties with livc musi c, cheesc & refresh me nts ~ ' O th e r sk i week aC livi!ics • Discou nt co upo n book

~ S229/person o n o r ~fo r e October 12. 1984 S239/perso n afte r October 12 plus S20 person refundable damage deposit • Optio nal bus t ransportation fo r ,580 • $75 deposit requ ired upon sign-u p " Jackie Blue" " Chicken Tra in" INDIAN STUDENTS ASSOCIATION, SIUC " I f You Wanna Get To Hea ven" ALSOAPPEA I CORDlALL Y INVITES YOU TO "Thv "fiRS bros." 9:30-1:30 DEEPAVALI Admission At Door Only (Th e Indian fe, ,,,·. 1 of li gh tsl (III for dvtalls--549-02 59 An evening of entertainment and B!LLIABBS PABLOUI fine Indian food. Saturday, Nov. 3, 6pm ~ ~ \1fI I n~ .. at The First Presbyterian Church, _.rJ:.J J....,:..J 310 S. University, Carbondale. ,~~, ,~!! /~\ Adults $4.00 Children $2.00 tUNCH Spr~ C Lt\, L Fo r further information and tickets. call: Ilot I)ogs 3i;e Chandra 529·3770 Fatima 549·8528 VIENNA ALL BEEF Gurmukh 549· 1093 Rajan 54 0 .48 56 lO am·2 pm Tarun 457·0227 Rao 45i·7 178 J"JJI1JA~ 1I~

Due 10 space rest rictions only a Ilmlled amount of IIckets are available I~~==:::: Gel your [Icke ts before October 25

PaJ!t' H , ll al l~ Egypllan, October 12, 1984 TREGOLD MIlt

Carhondale /~ #1 Pizza HOMEMADE Pre~enf~ SOUP & SALAD Chili Can Carne- Soups 2Sf DRAFTS Veggie Stew Served ..ifh My with whole wheat crOiSsant $ 2 • 3 0 food purch;se BREAKFAST! and iced tea or soda II-Close SPECIAL Good thro ugh Sunday Expires 10-12 -84 2 EGGS, H"SH BROW"S NOW DELIVERING LUNCH BGcon or Sausage, Toost FREE DELIVERY or Biscuits Ii Cottn 11 :30·1 :30 457 .. 0466 611 S. Illinois Ave. S29-4138 "C'N Svrvlng Dixie Cream Donuts Please try to place o rde rs bv 11 :30 Restaurant Guide

Full Ba r Happy Hour Daily 2pm·Bpm V ienna Products Served 40 Difter-ent Sub Sandwiches Served FREE LUNCH DEUVERY 11-1 :30549-3366 1101 W. MAIN ( 57-7711 loo k fo r o ur Do ily Specials Advert ised in the Daily Egypt ia n • GOOD FOOD!

BoobY's 406 S. il linois 549· 3366

Burt's Sandwich Shop 90 I S. illinois 529· 2818

Fiddler' s Seafood and Italian Cuisine 1108 W. Main 451·1111

Gold Mine 61 I S. Illino is 529·4138 Provolone Swiss and A mer ica n Stan Hoye' s Cheese o n a garnis hed bun 800 E. Ma in 451·2151 served w chIps & pickle. .., ~ Call for- Delivery . italian Uillue 451·6559 Ha-.-e a Good Time I f ...~ 405 S. Wash initon 549·3366 ~ ~ • '~' ~ ,') ~.. J"m ],j' --:---.-3-:';.-';' _ PIUY's Gou rmet a~~- 312 S. Illinois 451·0466 ) .) JJj.: ..::.:!.:.:~"'" • \ ,\ 1 J Sound is softened., but protest remains on latest U2 release Mode In HoUywood. USA 8\ U U3 nt' Cra \' ~ the h'ncs and ledd singer Bono Staff Writer . \'ox's PO" erful \'ocals. Somethmg else L"2 ha s donr IS presenfs When Ireland's pr emlcr rock \'~try lhe length of thcir songs band. U2. rirst started m.kll1g Berore, Ihe band used to put mUSIC. they had a wide open together a n 21bum consIsting of THE O ~ I GI N AL sound that masked a poor 10 songs thai wcre five minutes rhvthm s("ClIon Rut as the band long On "The Cnrorgettable MOVIE PO STER. EXHI~IT became morC' j)r oflClcnt at r"' lre." the band has several long playing. they released ··War."· a tracks. but thC'v also have AND IALE ha rd-hitting a lbum filled \\"Ith several IWO and -three minut e protest songs and the hard­ songs. And Ihe conlent or thc driVI ng guitar style or the Edge. songs are as powerful as those Hund red s of orig ina l mo lie OOSierS On their new album . 'The or Ihe longer plaYing songs It a nd memora b illo from The SI e",\' L'nrorgettable Fire."' C2 has s hows t hat the band I S o av'S '0 It'>e oreserl switched back to tile open sound progressing and willing to take that was in their first two cha nces. WHEN Today albums. but this Ii"e they did it It is always refreshing to see a 90m-Spm inlhenameofart. band that is wi:!ing to change its IS WHERE Hall of Fame Squore Student Cenler This new sound a direct :\lhum l' o u rl f"S ~ Wu x lr~ Rt'l.'ord .. style and take chances - even result or the band's new when the erreet doesn't work. producer. Brain Ena. Ena. who " ~ ... ~ "'" .V' ...... y-.t.> '.:.r­ set up Eno's keyboard work. But in this case. U2 and Eno '"'OII""r..".·.... ~ f • Of'(J"Co e 10(:' P"\ helped David Bowie with hIS The erreet is good, but it is have succeeded in cha nging the ~ , ."·.n a- _~ . ~ / . 4';". cr iticall v acclaimed albums sometimes hard t:) believe tha t band-s sound. This new sound ··Low."· :'Heros" and " Lodger," the hard-edged sound or U2 has shows a much more subdued U2 has brought his s tyle or syn· been replaced by synthesizers. whose lyr ics content is just as DON'T MISS Ill! thesizer-oriented music to U2 . The eer ieness or the opening strong. if not stronger. as Thi: j'esults sometimes sounds track carries over 10 the entire " War." It just doesn't have IncludIng luch hftl OS like a cross between the Ala rm a lbum. Even the the photos on Bono screaming words and the Gone Wtth The WInd Purple Roln and so me svnthesizer band. but the a lbum cover or the castI e Edge pounding out the chords: Ind+ono)oMS a .... d The Gfemllns it works . . ' empfe 01 Ooom Dune ruins and the out·o(·focu s band it has a more complete sound. It Stor Tre4t III: The While Eno has helped the members have an eerie feel works well On " The Un­ s.orch fOI $pOCk And Hundreds M outH band widen their sound. the about them. Even with this rorgettable Fire," but hoperully resull.5: aren't always what you eerieness. however, U2 still gets they won't keep the sound ror would expect rrom a band like its point across by the rorce or 'more than this one a lbum_ 2. The band's lyr ics are still protest fill ed. but with the sort rocus or the music. the point or the lyrics C3 n be missed. That's not to say that the songs are bad. In ract. the songs, ror the most pa rt, are WAREHOUSE LIQUOR MART good. " Pride ( In the name or love)" has been reeieving a geat Ind deal or airplay on album­ oriented rock stalions. but the best song or, the album is the ABC LIQUOR MART opening track. "A Sort or Homecoming ... preserrt lite " A Sort of Homecomins" ! ~an ee .~ie~so unding . melancholy ~O~gge~sbo~~r~ ; lf0~1;i-~; i v~~: guitar is m uled and Larry MuJJ en 's drums pound out .1 2nd ANNUAL teady, j ( unspectacular, beal 10 Eno's s \'nthesizers. The whole a lbum u:c;es the Edge's ~ui t ar to Bfu~aUETS IMPORT BEER PARTIES RECEPTlOtiS 684·2200 ?'Ude~j2 'd. FESTIVAL IBA'IQ UEl I ~~ CHOOSE FROM OVER 65 TYPES OF BEER. 1 OJ ~ 11 thoHurphyWoro TABLES PACKED WITH IMPORTS WHICH ARE ON SPECIAL SALE!! r6l:' Ad.m ~ ' ",\ Haircut 57.50 ~o,;VrrX b~A: Sf5

Page 12. Da;ly Egyptian. October t2. t984 Johns sees Senate campaign THE GREAT a tribute to her late husband FALL COVERUP I -Feoturing- H\' C\ l1thia W(' is!' 111 $ name go on them," ~1r s except the sur\'l\,li1g spouse. Star(Wrilt' l" ,JClhns sa id. except when Ihey don't wanl it Jackets, Parkas and Vests ,\ hill to fund the Pierson-Peck ThE' IIllerim lerm should ha\'e E ve Johns. widow of the latE" process and a penny a pack been mille just as ;1 matter of Thermal oJnd Polypro Underwear stalC' s('na tor. Gene John!'. sa id cigarett(· ta x are two f uch hills cour;esy and respect for the The> ,.llerson-Peck process is a man who won Ihe ll' rln and !'hl' c!oE"sn', bl"lIcH' Glel1l Wool Hets . SOCKS , Posha rrll:- who the peopJC' "anI. proc'('s:- for taking sulfur oul of died," Mrs Johns saId, and Ihat I!' one of lil (> man\ 11111101.-. coa l. Johns wo r ked 10 Sh(~ IS not bitter. howe\,('f, Scorves end Swealers , reasons :- 11(' I~ flllllll ng a~ a i, years on a bill which \\Quld fund \1 rs Johns said Sht, 1:-; also GORE/TEX Roinsuils , IIId('p('nci l~nt fnr IW I" lalt.· this proces!'- The bill I!- nl1\\ determined not to qUit husband'!' Srnale !'eal " read\' to fl\'," :,\lr5 J ohns sa id :\trs , Johns ~ ees h('r cam· Ponchos. Bools, \\'hen .Jnhn~ nl" ag;l1n!'t .\ bl'l! to prodd(' for a p('nn~ a raign, III parI. as a re:o;pon+ AND MUCH MORE ! Poshtlrd 1I1 Ih(' DemO<'rat l(' pack l'lgaret:t:' tax In fund .1 ,,,j'IIIl\' to h('r !:t te husband pnmar~ III 19RO. Ihl'rr wen' l':mccr rrscan.:i1 and carr ccntt'r " He's gone I ca n't tell hlln From Great Names like 4.459 \'Ole!' III f,1\'or of her lai C' J~ ilnother t11 ;11 f\lr c: .J ohns 1:-- '1'm sorry, this IS too tough,'" husband :'\Irs Johns si.lld . Thl' 1I1 1('reSled In k('cplllg tilt' famll~ she said, people " \'oted for hllll and his namc on Pos hard 's s tatement that Ide.,)s ;lild tht' w(,rk h(' did. \1 1s .1011n:'\ also ha !- bills she'd ,Johns would ha\'e su pported his ... uB& ~m whi ch I!':n', finished vct.·· s it(' IJke to writ{> herse lf. such a~ a candidac\' IS " no t tru('," Mrs. said . hili that would prm'ld(' per· J ohns sa-id , Her latc husband That llnfJnl!'hed \\orl.. bills man('nl plal'em(~llt tor ch lldrcm had made his " ishes clear 10 Patagonia- thai Johns Illt roducC'd but han' of abusl\'c or negllgt'lll parcnl ~ her, ShC SCl ld not ~ l't bef.·n ·.:ompletcd. IS OIlC of L'nder the current ~\'!- t(' 111 of Whi)(' ~\lr !' Johns said she ~. lltd~ pe nd c nt 1h(' drJ\'Jng for ces bchllld her temporafY fosler caf(,. too thinks her s tatus on FtIK~-!~ rampa l!;!." many childr('n go from bt!i:1g the ballot will diminish her :,\lr5 J ohns said she do('so'! InSt"CUft' 10 bt""Commg Ju\'elllic chances of winning, she recalled \\ant years of work " to go down dciJnquents, ~, nd e\'entually thai her late husband won hi s W£?..Jc cfuofold Ih(' dram .. :\or aoes she \\3nt adult crim!l1als, she said first political race \\'jthout party soml'One else's name to appear !\1rs , J ohn~ was surprised backing, on the bills her hushand fur ­ when the Dl'mocratlc lea der­ mulated !'-hip of the 59th Distrlct chose H od s h e gotten th­ SHAWNEE TnAIl.S " }-ie wo rkt-d rra ll\' ha rd all Posha r d to riil Johns' inter im Democratic Party's backing. WILDERNESS OUTFITIERS qUIte a fe\\ bills that a re pen ­ term. " Th ~ interlm term ha!) :'\'1rs, Johns sa id she "could have dlllg nO\\ and J would IIk(' to s('(' ne\'cr been given 10 a nybody beaten a nybody." 222 W. Freeman-Next to Quatro's Focus in on our special homecoming insert. 'Daily 'Egyptian


I ow rh3t It'S rime ro plircha.;(' ~o ur college nng. rh ink a hout l.: hOO:-II1(,; t he filll·... t - .1 I~ " ~() I d ( plleF!C' ring from _-\\-ed_ Dl"lgnl'd .lnd h:1J1J('tl,J fn r l.l"r ­ Ill!; v.tluc ..111 .-\\'cd 14K gold (ollcgc f111~ i~ !lO'" mure ~lff() rdJhlr th :m ('\'c r, For ,J limited time onlY. \ 'OU C:H1 ).I\' l' S!, on rh e sf\'le o(\Ollr ~' hOl((" Stop l.,y to 'f'l' thl'l:l11ire ' AnCJr\Td rnlb,:tlon ,1I1d (liMOIll opnOI1!'t, Remcl11 hl'f. It'" ~ ()u r yCJ r for gold '

You can be a Part of

it, too! OCT. 8-12 Run dote: Fri. , Oct. 19, 1984 lOo.m.-4p.m. UNIVERSITY Ad Deadline: Tues., Oct. 16, 1984 BOOKSTORE

2:00 p.m. ( 1980101. 01( . . . .. ·, .. \ .. ,. - ... Contoct your advertising representafive at 536· 3311

Dally l-::gyptian. October 12. 1984, Page 13 Company says little black box E BUS will make cabbies more honest SERVICE CHICAGO I AP I - A New con\'ince local government s to Yell ow spends ,· thousands of York·based compa ny T h u rsda ~ ' require use of the devices A doll a rs" printing receipt forms !"(>t up shop near the In­ secondary lobbying lar get will to be filled out b\' drivers a t the be thp. cab companies them ­ customer's request ternat iona l T a x icab To CHICAGO & SUBURBS A s~oc lallon ' s annual conference sel\,cs, Schwa rtz satd_ An d as fa r as pre \,enting to ',lake a pilch fo r a li ttle black That's goin g 1,0 I)- a tough job. fraud. he sa id. "some dr ivers DEPARTURES RETURNS box It saYs wi ll make cab said J effrey Feldma n. presiden can fi gure out a dozen different drivers more hOI1(><; t of Yell ow Cab of Chicago. whu wavs to skin a cat. " EVERY FRIDA Y EVER Y SUNDA Y " You can now hopefully added he has " no interest 9AM. 12NOON. 2PM . 4PM eliminate the ()('casiona l r ip-o ff whatsoever" in the devices. 'ThiS IS not gomg to stop a which gi\'cs the cab inauslry a Feldman said the meters now dri ver from going down the DElUXE MODERN MOTOR COACHES III use pro\'ide a ll the in­ back roads" to inflate a fa re. black c\'c," said Herb Feldman said . Sch,,'ar17_.. ' product for fo rmation nPedt-d . And he said AIR COND .. WASHROOM EQUIPPED. RECLINING SEATS Genbrarco's receipt-printing lOCA TED THROUGHOUT CHICAGO & SUBU RBS ~t('tr o l1l('{er Thl' .'l('trol1l('t('r receipt can pr{' \'('nt unscrupulou!' cabbies THE STUDENT TRANSIT from far('·gougmg by cnabling the nd('r to \'('nf" th(' actual ('051 ()f the ride. Sc hwartz said at NL Y $39.75 ROUNDTRIP a nl'WS conference down the hall (1 way also av ailable ) from lhe cab association meeting. TICKET SALES OFFfCE LOCA TED AT The !\'letromcter and similar AV~ deVices from compelln 715 S. UNIVERSITY manufact urers; al read\' o re on the Island-see mop below being used in ~ ('W York C II\' , OPEN M-Th lO:30am-5pm. Fri 7am-4pm wh ere their use - bcglllll1ng Oct 1 - was mandatcd by CHy PH 529·1862 J!O\'('rn ment , The de\,lces prodde a slip of papcr documenting the limp the ride began and e·lded. the fare and a phone number for customt'rs dissatisfied with the ~(>n ' lce Schwa rtz SeH'S that phone number can a lso 'come m hand\ for riders who leave behind umbrell as or briefcases HE" aid GC:lbearco . :. subsidiary of Gent;r~1 Bearing THANKSGIVmNG BREAK Corp. of Blau,·elt . :-l .Y. - pla n to market the :\letrometer in *TICKETS NOW ON SALE se\'eral major C.S cities and Buy yours before the prices go up ! .broad. While he declined to sa" which cities a re targeted. !'Ie indicated Chicago would be a $39.75 Roundtrip (Reg. $55.50) good bet (1 way also available) :\l a n uf ~ ctu rers will try to Puzzle ans wers


~----~ 6 PK 1./ Body Permoo"o<1 LITER 10.42 Grolsch BTl 4.24 Gallo 3l - student Special 1 (mil' 'ebole ) ~ 1 (With coupon) 6 PK 8.92 BECKs BTl 4.24 1 on" $22.95 1 I T DK 1 on 1 Teacher's 750 Giacoba7.zi ml 6.98 6 P~ 1 Tues. Wed. & Thurs. 1 750 1m",'e l -2.00 CAN 2.45 1 ask for Scotch BUD Wines ml .SHARON 4.98 (Lambrusco. Rosato. Bianco) 4~~~~OO J 6 PK • Mallarns Hohd.ylnn . Wolfschrnidt BTl 1.43 Vodka 750 3.77 Etm'"f,J ~------. ml TASTING Paul Masson s",ee\es~~ OlJ StEll' ~1:~ 3.99 Varieta l Wines 7.99 REG LIGHT -5.00 Sal. J·7 ...._~(.~\ o/ , T h u r!o , 3,7 ~ ---: ( ~:~~~t;',e 2.99 TU~!day, October 16 , ~ is the last J f day to send OldTown Houri: : your sweetie 514 S. tit M· Th 11 · " • C'dal. ' -Sa t 10-1 : a treatie. 457·351l Sun 1· 11 l ... _=LLLL ...... u...u.~

P a~(' I ~ . Dally E2ypll~n U('tnt){'r 12. I~~ Ceremony set to honor handicapped , R, :"ia l'ah Hohrs (,,'('nl re pr esen t .11i \'c ~ to the ('('r('mony HALLOWEEN NOTICE ~i a ff \\, ri l (, I ' The cC' r('mon~ " '111 b('gin ;1\ 7 a r c ti c Ja c kson County pm a t ttl£' Carhondttle Cit v Work s h"fl, Ea f. t e r Seals. Propk C'mployed for lhr' ('ounc il Chamber:., 609 J ackson CO~l nt\ · Mental He'1Ith. The last day to apply for a Beer. Food or handl('app('d and di s abl(,d E College St and IS open 10 I he Sll··' Di sa bled Student , Miscelloneous Vending license lor the Holloween I pC'o pi(' who hav(, OH'r CO!llC' public A reception will follow :\ ~ !>'OClallon. Arl'h\\'ay. Egyp· Ce'~h " r " on in downtown Corbondale is Friday, The C('r ('l11ony IS pa rI of a tian Shared Health Services. hardshi p fllr prof('s!'ion:d aei· OC"'D .. r 12, 1914 of 5:00 p.m. Appl ications lor ,'ancemC'IlI III Southern lIhn 01~ \\ (>('k uf {' \ 'e nt~ ('ommf'l11(J ratlng Guard l an~hlp and -\d\·oca <.'y \\ III iX' hmlOrro ;11 ~l r('cognltlon Hal1d ll' aPI>!'(' j! r oup!'! and ron· can be addressed to the City Clerk at 549·5302 . tnhulum:- 10 Ihp h:llldicappt'd 01 ( ' \\ho \\'111 hf> honored :'\l 'H'or ('Pfllrale s on public.' ;'\\\arrll('ss ,extension 221 . com mul1lt~ orgalll/. atlon~ "nd Ht'ten Westberg \\ II I also gl \:e ~1 of Ih(' disabled. tr a n ~po rlatH)r, . employf'rs. !'-'lId La \ 'erne s hort talk . (),Bncn said r('('f(,'ilJOIl. cmploYTlH'1l1 c: nc1 O' Rncl1. ch.:tlrwoman of Ih(' SOrlW of Iht' ag('n('Il's :-('ndll1!! C'duc;ulon . O' Bn('n s;ald READING PILING UP ON YOU?

Don't get left behind We'll show you how to: • ROlse vour g rade pOint overage and ave rnou" because there is free time tor lIourself • Read 3 to 5 nres loster and With better "too much to read. II comprehenslOr,

• End QII· nIC:1! c ramming se!>Slons • Do a ll your STudying In 1/ 2 he time Irs now Taking YOU

Attend a Free Introdudory lenon • Increase your reading soeed dramaTICa liv on . "' ('~ Today spo • learn aboul advanced STudy Techniques And Tomorrow

COME SEE US TODAY! Would you like to get out from under all those books?


FRIDAY 10/12 10:00AM, 12:00PM AND 2:00PM MACKINAW ROOM


Dally Egyptian. Octobt>r 12. 1934. PaRe I:' ---Campus CSriefs--- EnjtJY fhe Night lile If Sl' , n \ Y ~I EET I:,( G S : 22nd II ECHEATIO:,( ;\L Spor ts wil l oe twO sessions' Free SWi m COIlFresslona! District of the Fam ily Progra ms is sponsor in g from 7:30 to B: 3lJ a .m. on Monda ys and Wednesdavs. a nd IIllnol~ RI~hl 10 Llf t' a begll1n in g adult fil n ~ss class drgafll73I1or. . 2-4 pm. 5l fr om :)-4 : 30 p m Sundays Aquo..Ida ncercise from "7 30 to JoseIJ:" ~ :\il':l1orial Hospital beginnin!; Oct H 8:30 a .m on Tuesdays and Thursda V:i, ThE' spssions wi II t ;'IClljrl3 . :\l urphysbrro: Aipna Lambda n t'lta. scholastic honor ;\:'( I:'(TIW l>lT TtlIlY closs In begin the. week of Oct. 22 and will run through th£' week of Experience the ~OCIl·t~ ftlr freshmen women. 4 rockclimbmg and rappl'liing pm . Student C(,fller :\l ackinaw ",iii hold a rockcraft wcekenrf :"\ 0" 1;; Heglstr-at Jon rleadlllle is best music a nd nct 19 lost fo r each session I!' Iloom. Welghllifting Club. 6 from 9 a .m . Sa turday to 5 p.m. dance videos in pm .. Hecreo llon Cenler Con· Sundav. Students "'ill be pic kea Si l . !\tnrl' Informa l ion is fereneE' Room up a nd dropped off al lhe 3"aiI2hle from the Recreati on Southern Illinois Stud('at Center. Centcr.536-5531 \' oPE:\ liOl'SE wi ii be IlEP.\ HDIE:,(T OF Engli sh held from 1 to;j P In Frl da~ ' at TH E FII EE (" 11 1:'( .\ Stunent Friday and nights the .Jackson Count\· Communit\· Association IS sponslIrl l'.g a pr t)fessor Henr y Dan P1per wi ll Satu~ ~I c n tal Health Center. 60, E. c u ltu r al e xhibiti o n and :,(:,( l".\L Il llnois Saturday a l Turley Pa rk. ASSISTANCE PLAN offered through the SI U CREDI T Souther n Regiona l Correctional Institution Art Show will be on Til E STLDE l\T Illinois News UNION? THIS COMPREHENSIVE plan has several d,splay from 10 a .m to 5 p.m Broadcaster 's Associa tio n will aturda ,' a t tht" Uni \'ersit\' sponsor a coffee-doughnut sale advantages: ~ I all . . . from 8:45 to II a .m. F rida v in the Communica tions Lounge. TilE SESSER. Illinoi s a nnual Octoberfest will be held this ,\ SQLAHE IH :,( CE spon­ • No pre-EXISTING CONDITIONS Saturday a nd Sunday. sored by the Saluki Swingecs Square a nd Hound Da nce Cl ub • A FULL :;ERVICE PLAN with 100% U.C.C. .\ I:I E :,( EFIT In honor of wsn; will be held a t 7 p.m . Sunday in Radio wi ll be held beginn ing at 9 Student Center Ba llroom A. preventive coverage. Small deductible p.m . Sunday at the Pinch Penny Pub. 605 E . Gra nd Ave. E n­ Til E COl':,( C1 L of Lniversit y and co-insurance on other benefits tertainment will be pro\'ided by Scholars is ha ving a pizza pa rty the jazz group Mercy. at 5: 30 p.m . Sunday at Italia n Vi ll age. , OS S. Washington SI. • ORTHODONTIC COVERAGE for dependent ST. JOSEPII a,holic Church Cost will be SI.50 I be"erages children In Cobden "'ill host li S second excluded I. If \'ou a re intere ted. annua l October fcst from -I 10 10 contact the Hono rs house a t 453 - pm Saturday on the church 2824 Please have your enrollment material in by ground!! TI lE Il E LT.\ r il l Fralernil), November 15, 1984 __ __Ma ter ia l available at the T,:E Ill LU'1I 0 tlTEIlS ,"11 I:' once a gai n accepting hI' hO~llng a dan ,ournamcnl a t donations fo r the J erem iah Credit Union Office :? la pm Su nday ai the Potter F und Drive from 10 a .m . American Tap All a re welcom e to 2 pm Friday a t the Student If you have any questions , plan to attend one of the informational to parliclpa te Center meeti ngs that will be held October 16, 1984 , in the Faner Hal l TIl E F II IE)'US of the Car­ TWO FlI E E (O~; C E HT S Museum Auditorium. Times are 10:00 a .m . - 11 :30 o .m . and bondale Pubhc Llbran ' Book utilizing a J a panese instr ument Sale wi ll be held from 9 a .m . 10 I called a KolO will be h el~ dur ing 1 :30 p .m . - 3 p .m . p.m Saturday at 30 -1 W Wa lnut the World Mfa irs Forum 's St J a pa n-U nited Sta les Fr iendshi p Week. The first will be at 7:30 \PPLl l'·\THI:\'to; are being p.m . Sunda y in the Ma in Callery 1217 West Main Street accepted fo r \'olunteers to work of the litchell Museu", in MI. at the Women's Center. If in· Ver non. the second a t noon terested.. c211 the center at 529· ~I o ndav in the Theater of Hend Post Office Box 2888 232,. La ke College. \ " CROSS .\ :'( 0 the Sw;t­ Til E STLDE:,(T Hecrea tion Carbondale IL 62902-2888 chblade" teen cha ll enge group enter and the Recreation wlil test if\' to J esus' life· Depa rtment a re ccrsponsori ng a changi ng Power at i :3Q p.m . swi mming progra m fo r those 55 618-457 -3595 Frida " in tudent Center years of age and old er. Tli t" re Ba ll room 0 Admission is free.

A JAPA:,( ESE calligraphy ex h i bitio n a nd hands-on demonstra tion will be held al 3 p.m . Sunday in the Student WEST.OAD Center Saline Room...... 1. Shoppl... C...... ·Carbondal.. Sole Good Octo ber 12-1 4 A WE IGII T THAI:,(I :,( G c li nic s ponsored by Recrea t iona l Sports will be held from 10 a .m . Bud Walker's Deluxe ASchaefer " -~ 9 to noon Satur day ir. the Recr ea tio n Center Da nce Studio . '~2~;' ME $5~9 QJ";2~;"' • i, .\ _JAZZ DA :,( CE class is scheduled from i to 8 p.m . T u e s d ays a nd T h urdays th r o u g h Oct. 25 in t h e Recr eation Center Dance Old Sichel1981 Studio. Busch Cotes du Rhone 12 pk 120J. canl SP(\:,(SOIl FOIOIS are s till Milwaukee ! , - J>!~f'" ..:a ll a bl e for the Swim and 12pkl2ozcan. ,_ _ 750ml $2 $4 Dance for Hea rt on Sa turday 99 99 Forms ma v be obtained at the $3 69 • \ - HC(Teation- Center Infor mation Desk INo Difference in Price Between Hot and Cold beer) r

HERE'S A ~ Y'rrfeaV , , I IDEA!

Advertise in the DE's Halloween Promo '84 Celebrate Halloween Carbondale style with an advertisement in the Daily Egyptian Ha lloween Promo '84 . FREE COLOR Ad Deadline: Tues .• Oct. 23. 1984. 2:00p.m. Run Date: Thurs., Oct. 25,1984

Contact your advertising representative at 536-3311

°To be used 0 1 the DE 's discretion.

Daily Egyptian. October 12, 1984 . P age Ii , - , I , Puzzling Lou ~ senior tllrnout has Obelisk manager p erplexed Ih P a ul:1 HudilH'r will bco f ('cclvlng degrees have \\' AH~ELlS S:\ ID that the .it: niors buyi ng thebnok Jack of student Interest The !-,I aff Writ ." , had their pictures ta ken ." in\'csl mcrH he seeks is il \'carhook \\a!) n'SUfP'( led In the Last vcar. the po rtra it mini m al one. II includes the Til E OBE LI SK II. a !' Wa r· i976-i7 ~wh()f)J \'~ar a~ the !'te'\"{' \\'arneli!' IS as1.lng an program began eight weeks mto time it l a k ~ to a n appointment, nelis descr ibes il. is " the offk.' lal Obelis k II. Th(· i ~ jH5 edlllon IS lIl"c~tment of time, a few the semester and was scheduled six 10 10 minutes for pictures to student-produced maga zine·for - the ninth volume under the n ~ \' dollars and ~o n1(' IIlterest frnm to run SIX w(leks, finishing just be laken and the 517 pr ice of the mal r ecord which documents t itle. Si l ' -r studrnls .- especially before thc Thanksg:ving br ea k . yea r boo k That price, he snt 3vaiiable t appollltment I slots them, . he sa id, he needs suppor t from su ffer a disa ppolllting finanCial to parents and to s tu dell1~, In­ fo r the flnn l w('{'k ;! rC' fill<'d. and But the purchaslnp of the book the campus loss Ii there i no major turn. cluding the placcment of l)Oster:. we grl a lurnmll like' W(>VC and the contest pnzcs <:Ir(' not around in our SellJor Portrall I on and

lh Sarah H ~;hr~ chorman, " 'III ho~t tile ('Yent the ~atlOnal Conference of O l h '~ r parllclpants 111 the qu(>sllon and answer session siarr \', ri({'r \·]('wpoint.:- on hreaklng til{' CatholiC Bishops Pa storal teleconference Include a Or J!anized group$ around th,. curr{'nt d('adlnck III nucleur Letter reprl"sentati\'e fr om the L' S countrv will be able to ask "Br ea klllg the Stalc'mate:' a r(' lat lOn~ hl't\\(,{, 11 the l 'nltcd Thc last panel \\ dl dlscu!"~ Arms Con lrol and Disa rmament quesu;n ~ of the raneitslS by two-and-a·ha lf hour tele"islOn State!' and the SO"let l 'l1lnn Wi ll <" It lzen part iC ipation III the Ph\'sles : H lchard Ga r Win , usmg a 900 number to reglstt'r program on ISgUes affC{,tlllg he pr{'srnted by Admira l \0<'1 nuclear age D I I broadcast on cable teleVIS ion The nexi panel Will pn's('nt I j Channel; III Southern Illinois, Ideas for ar ms control and the I I and will be shown at 'th£, reduction of nuclear weapon r y ~ewman Center and the Car­ The pa r tici pants Include bondale Public Li bra r ~ ' Handa ll Keh lor. head of the The teleconfer ence IS ('oor nutlcar \\ ea r>on !' frC'ez(' cam­ !I Send !I dinaled by the L'nion of Can· paign . Anne Cahn. dir ector of cer ned SC ientists III Boston the Committee for :'\atlOna l O

"Insane Jane" Bring by o r mail to the Daily Egyptian (behind the bar) Classified Departme nt by Tuesday, October 16. You r treatie will appear on Friday, October 19 2se drafts 65c speedrails I in the Daily Egyptian. 95ct call liquor 1 colum n x 1 inch .~ ~ ...... 1 .. (Maximum 20 words) Fridav Nite • ~ $4.25 Fantasy Your Name ______(funky rock & roll) Address ______120z Oill SI.9lrl & Light 6S¢ Special of Ihe Day P hone ______!aJl'1UPJ'{fj/ 95~ Make ch ecks payable to the Daily Egyptian. For mo r e informat i on L. ~!L~.!l:U•. U;. __• __ ._,_. ____ ._,_. __ ._ ... __ ._ .. ;.. ___ ._,_.__ • __ •__ .~._ , Page us, U

'7 1 \ '(JLKSWAGO:,\ Sl' PEH ~\~ ~e!~e~, ~~~~~ . ~&;n~29:~: \\, <,II

19M DATSl ' ~ 210. hatchback, 2· d'1or :i-sp<'("d . am fm cassette, back Directory ~~~~~~~I~~ ~3T~ , ~29~t T:4~~~~e-ljl 1%6 ~1l ' ST J\:\ G COl·P E . 289 \ '-8 aulomatlc trans m'ssion. new III tenor, new pa int complelel\' I)ATS l'~ 310, 19,9, AC". c a~se lt e play('r equalizer Inslalled , ex· d~~'~f~~12~~ I~,e6~JJ~ ' $4 000 cellent condition contact. :-'1 0," 4:ii Auto Si05 112iA:140 19fiR \ ' W C' t\ l\IPER \ 'a l1 E xc Parta & Services runner ~lu sl sell. rno\'tng SS2.:i 00 IOx50 THA ILF.H Ill x l fi attached Motorcycle. obo 1959 \ ' W Carmt? n Gh,a shed IfIxl, deck. t\·C manv ex ~14 ~~~:I~ , ~h~s~~~~ . ~~~~ b;:C~s ' Parllall\' r('stored :\e w e ngine ,· tras. ''''at! mid· nec ~ 1 u s l ' sell' Hom•• halt . ail . sta rter WI ll-: rcplS -~00d -I57·.:ij ;R 12Mt\"4;, Mobil. Hom •• ~~~~a~~aOO\~~~ ~~i ~~~ 7i1H .~~~~1 ~t:r( , ~t~('~ ' ~ftaofrrrr..~o: l~~IS Mltc.llan.oul Ht Il \TS l ' :\ TRl' ("K-5 :;:;p{,t'd Miscellaneous I'.efron'a ~;~~~I~: L ~11~~~T '~ 1Iu~lt ~~Il~;~;~ IJI C~ (, 1. ,.\ (" ~l lc heb :1 Ra dials Pet' .. Suppll •• (" \:('ellel1l m ileage no r u:;:;t S4,SOil S;1 tur da~ ~ ~~b \llchael :\ ~ IK9fi IIUf" 4:'7 Kfi:l7 9084Aa-lO IIcycl •• IL1r.A ;I-IO Comeral I~;-; FI \T X 1 9 44 .000 Ill ile-s SI,r,O t~ , ,,, TOYOTA C(}fHlLL:\ run!'­ or t)(>St oHer. ('xcellenl condlllOn Sport lnll Good. ~ood . SH.'lO. :l29·22:!ft L!:\2Aa-lfl R67 :..t91fi 1tI :' 4 Aa ~ I Recr.atlonal V.hlcl • • ,Jf-;'"" ... \'TllJ! E.'" .\"1> t .. (>d Furniture I"" THl': tahle. ~ Vl Call Mobil. Hom •• l:!fi :! Aa40 I ~ Irl('f :;pm ; 49 AA09 12.'lf.. \f-l(; Room. l SF.1J T IRES LuW prices also I ds J lfi J I" - EH:\ :\TI (, :\:\L ne'A a nd recaps Gator Texaco Roommat •• POHT I HLP. (WFln: Hl ' ILDI~G r.-\nnY,-\LL ' Ideal for ha nd or 5 ~ Z.1 u:! 1~1 W ~'a in 8497:\ b46 10\ Hi \I moo:;t ri P" " aso nll(> Duple. e. ~ mall J!:r o u ~ sr.:;o, :;29·2:1 lfi or 457 :-. 1r.:lIg " Ilh ... htni!l C' roof t;:!I)(lf1 :;29- M 7lt 12r.1:\a41, Wanted to Rent snllTEIlS & ~LTER~"TnRS , ~011 1126:\f-15 nl''A & rebUilt Domestic, forclgn . BUllneu Property ',7 CI-JE\T )1:\LlBl' ("\ I , :1 536-3311 Mobile Hom. Lots ~ PN'd on fl oor. 58. xxx ml . nf" ~r~;~~~t~e~ ~1I&w;rkR:~~~~net~~ ~~r~ ~\~~ ~~ t"1 ~. {~~ q; ~ l~'~~~I~g on dutch & assembly, fuel pump S,OO 99, -Hill 131 7A!>;;S I ~ampl e 1I,,17m,in &. Slephanle obo :;29· 11 63 12ii lAa-l2 P('riunwr 1m' . P n Rox~ . Oak Park. IL f,(l1H:\ 11:! 'lt06401f) 1~ 7~ TOYOTA LlFTB ..\ CK :'\c'>' Motorcycle. ; Q-l4,\f-lO ~~~~~J~;) o ~{'~ ~r ~~ ~e~n ~J.~1 1~\'~I: I I I"TIQI F f nlS' " n I I" OF.1l V aily 'Egyptian 4;i RS7B 12f'-':\a40 .~;!! I_lit ~ L~, ~sll ~~~r'~I;;, JII~I~\ 000 r~~m~~~" 1: ~ (. ~~,I~l oH fp!.,~ ~n~ra / l~:11 I~ R ~ tl · ~T .·\;\G , BEBl' lLT H"lpWanted l'!l mn l' I1'>I UOlf' I! lrl ... (·Ioth(' .. /1 .1 ('ngme &. tra n:;:;m l<: ,!o: lon t!ood ('ond . ,H Y f\~ 1AII :\ DT -1 00 Enduro. plus 2 52'+ 1-.1\-1 HH \. lu Employment Wanted SJlft)'l 1~7 3 I.Tn !!O\.ICS ('ond S9o(l ('xlra tin's S1,;; firm rail :i49-389l, Service. Offered :t-I~ il-1~ :!:!Il, \ a45 a .. k for ,I sl offer CASH Found C:JII 985~293 1271.,\ a40 w. buy TV'. worldng or not D.E. CLASSIFIEDSI Entertainment iG :\1ERCl" RY MO:'\A HCII , 351 1978 YAMAH:\ DT I25 Enduro TV Repair I'reo EJtfmat •• An"ouncement, C1e\'eland. 2 dr . ac, IX'wer. (>Xc Extra tire, MOO miles 5250 895· A-I TV 1155. 111 , A.e, & ('ondillOn I owner $I R50 457-:;916 421R 12.'l5AC-IO Auetlona Sal •• 12,6Aa40 Antlqu•• 1971 I!()~DA CB 350, luggage raCk, ' BUll neD Opport unltl •• GRIDl"ATI:r~~~~d . &sJif s~~~ugr Ci\ RBOX[)AI.E. 2· BDR. Prices .Icycle_ flll4·5171. 11 56B341 ~~ ~i - ~l~ : or waterbeds. ~'~~I ~gh l ~ .cnao~t~~ s~:\~eeSSf;~~ r:J.i~~~t . slart a t $12.=; . Cable a\·ailable. Ca ll 9462Bc40 5294444. 2297Bc58 BH Ar\O NEW '1 bedroom 'YOUR OWN fiREPLACE. lownholls('. No pets. Cabl e Nt:W!.Y REMOIJI.ED. 12x60. 2 Oi':E BEOROO7\1. IOx50. Prh'ale :1\'ai lable. 529-4301. 9454Ba47 ~~ .e: or ~r~m~a:ngJa~~i gf. and :J . bedr ooms. furnished or 'Priced affordable for 3 or more unfurm.shed. carpeted. anchored. ~~~ ~ai~.e~tWi~l~~s r~s~~~ ~k~~ ~ 2 REDHOOM \PARTMENT. 3581 1:\3R8 c-15 RALE IG H 12 SPEED bic\'c:> G' ~~fo~~ . camg':,~o;'s hea lp~~i de r~~: ~fr n s . Call Woodruff t<1~'B~?J7 ~9~~~n~~29~:i~11 .s orry 1~~~~42 Bra nd new, ridden 3 limes. \'alu(' TWO BEOHOi)!\1 IOx50 $1 50 S3 i9.00 will lake SZ;;O.OO . Ca ll r3r!\" ~ l anag(> nH' n l . 549·2fi21 or 52'9 .f620 . { u !"~i ~ h ed . carpel. C1os ~ 10 ' SIU. 1209Ba4:J utilities 529 · :J~1. l:116Bc45 ~~ ~~~ orning or latc in e \"en~~[~1rlo S LA CK S,HWI N:" WOIILD RoolM Exccllenl ('ondilion. inc\udf's cab!(' and lock . 529-29, 5 1:l35!\iH

:\ BORM APT. , 2 baths. air . Camera_ ca r~('t . a ~plianccs. wash ·dn· ~~-4~&l . di s wa sher. ,,{'c~r~B~~~

SLH C:\l\1EHA C Ai'O~ T·5fj with 2 RDHl\1 . Fl!HNISHED. water & 50 rnm lens. Canon 2-44 ·T nash. new trash inrJudr d. F.xcellent con· Call (","('ni ngs. :l 49 -4~41 1302Aj41 dilion. S225 · l1l o. 549· 13 15 or 457 · ti9:.6 122.18a55 Sport In, GoocI_ ~Fa~~~~ · $ 1 ~ .~9l ~:rolo mni o~ rh Prec 549·2242 or M7·3152 . R67·3157. 529·1077. 13098a40 nvo's COMPANY ROOMMATt:; TElI::"I S BALL ~!A C HI NE a nd Finding Service. Need a place or balls 10 rent. S5 for I., da\' to 1 BOR ;\PT. Close to campu". perfect your strokes. 529-2483 : Only S200 per mo. 45'j-8224 . ~~~ a~la~:c~o,;g;:.eta~~~~~tl~s 1248Ak41 12288340 Call -1 5'j-8784. 9192Be40 C:\HBONOALE "PTS. FOR rent. fEMALE 1I00MMATE fOil 3 You'lI he clos(> to lown and closer THE PRIVACY OF a house. the to the lake in these brand new 1 ~~~~m~~~~~cec~~~~e~oR~~r'it~ · ~e~u r ity of a duplex in this recenth' one third utilities. 529·3510. bedroom apt s . 4 minutes from bUilt :l bdrm. unit South o( Coli ­ Carbondale nea r Cedar Lake. 9449Be47 5225 .00 monthh·. Includes water. bonda le. ht'al pump. 1 I :! bath . ~~~ ftC s~. r:~~:i :\ il~u ntr y ~~i~~i 1 OR 2 to fill la rge bedroom in tr~r~f}d ('~f~~~t -1~~~~~:lt Ca ll ~~~~t1'0~~~~e : s~~h" 5~~~~~~ room \' 3 bdr . house. Gas heat 1257B~-1i before lOam or evenings. 12458c45 behina ree. 5294635 or 529-1539. . , LEA:" 2 Il~DIIOO M . Ap· 1192Be4 3 2 BEDI~ OO!\ 1. I. I:! I~ a lh s. ca rP<'I ~~~~~.(' ~o l fdrW~~: · ~~~;~O. Q~9~ ill! a ppliance!'. aIr. di shwasher. I:! 1218. Burk. 1 2r~Bb-1 1 ~!3:r~a~·~~:~ i e~s~&,~ ~1':. ~7~i : Illlie to I .. ogan CollegC' . 1·983.f,Q26. 11 628c 52 FEMALE ROO MM ."E :"EEDED 12028a40 I bdr. a pt. only SIOO I:! utilities. ' AHBO:"DALt:. 2 BEDROOM close tocampus 45'j·8224 . I227Be40 DESO TO. " EIIY ~IODER:" 2 t~ : I~~~~t. shaded area . 54i..~h5~~ bedroom. central air. 10 ..... utilil\,. fEMALE f OR GEORGETOW:" S250 .·mo. ;)49·5550. 132-1 B.)-15 10-8-84 . Rent $126 mo. 10-12-84. lOOi:-"; RRIDGE. S2'j5 ~ 2 bedr ooms . Government win­ ~::r~me~~oc~iilJ:.s457 . is~:.C iOU S Furniture lerized ~ Natural gas. Lease. Sr.5 i235Be40 dl'posit. :t49·3R50. 2294BD42 RESPONSIBLE M OR female USED F URNITURE & Antiques. SECLUDED IN BOONIES roomrryate wanted for 2 bdr. furn. Low prices. Buy & sell . Makanda. CDALE DISCOUNT HOUSING . 1 Energv-erficienl :.! bedroom house: P hone 549-0353. 8531:\0146 Only t 22fi ! Water sPwer. trash :~~p~°G'~ti J~:!eesv~~~~ · lxfrm. (urn. apt. . 2 bdrm. (urn. pro\'ided. 549-3R50. 229381>42 :&:. apl. : air. ~as heat. absolutel\' no 684'21 51 ext. 2398-4 rtf-F . 1219Be41 BliY & SELL used (urniture a nd ~ a ntiques. South on Old 51. 549- 1782. r;~s o~ 'Wid \~.t r~ ?\:~ : ~ ~:It ~~ 2 .HDHM S . UNFURN . Ca rpet. ONE fEMALE NEEDED. Le"'is I222Am5C I Park Apt. -1 bedroom. Spring ~1.t 5 . 13278 01 58 =1 r ow~a~ I ~'ic;u(~~ice~m\~a' :d . p~~~ semester . Call Angie. 529-5608. Billy Bryan ' northw('s't C'da le ) \ 1269Bl'4O ~~~ j ~'~'d~ ' ;;J: ~~l~ a nd I~;rg~~ fEMALE·RENT $100 plus " L-_____ M__U_-_lc_a_I ______JI : ullhtles. 2 bedroom (urnished ,'DALE DISCOUNT HOUSING. 2 mobile home. 549-13-19. 1305B<'42 s n C:\'D CORE. OXE year an· txtrm. furn. house, :\ bdrm. (urn. hou !o; c. -I bdrm . furn . hous e . Air. nh'crsar\, sale. :'\";ime your price I PERSOl'\ TO sh2re 2 brm. rur· on anything in the st or c. r\o nished apt. spring-summer. Close ~~~r~r~ · d~~'R~l'r~~d~ ro~so~ Ol~ (0 campus. very reasonable rent. reasonable offe r refuscd . PA \:1 W("S t. Ca ll 684-4 1-15. 1:\288b58 rc nlals & sales. recording studios. 529·2815. 11 00Be40 71 ;' S. Un h·ersit\,. On the Isla nd. TOP CDALE !-OCA TIDNS & 457·5641. Rent. o"'n & {'on s~~2A~~~' ; ~~1r-a.;,~ r~~~~ ·h~~:.~ · ~rnm~~~~~ : Dupl.... ~ I E XPEII IENCt: D BASSIST & : L.::~::::::~~~:s.. ___..1 ~ff5~e . Ahsolutely no pe l S ' I~~~~ drummer :1('eded for original rock NEW TOWNHOUSE. 2 Bdrm. band. 529-1652. I055An41 . MUIIPHYSBOIIO. 2 BDR. Nice. unfurnished. heat p:ump. no ~ts ~lIIet neIghborhood Stove & 1I :! !11 i. East or city limits near Rt: BASS PLAYER NEt:DED fo r : 13. 549-6598 e\'eninll(s. 93638f41 Rock Band!! Call Phil 52904161 exl. . S~~~~o\~~~~ e po s ·it . ~gJ:~ 5 37 . Terry 529 4 539 . Zion 5494688. : 1260A n42 . I MURPHYSBORO. fURNISHED OR unfurnished. 2 bdr .. washer· ~!~:t D~~~~\! ~~:; ~~L~~~~i~ i ~~~f~~J.28~Po~t~ 54~~ . Adult I 334Bb>8 ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY ~bes~1 ~o~rre~r~. ~4.~3~-406~I.~~~I25~-~9A~n~42 1 an...... ''"'OOI-m .. Apts. COUNTRY LIVING. TWO miles i Furnilhed ~ro~o~~~a~' ~·r~ . ~arru~:rs:asr~~, : . Swimming Pool 529·3>81. 1337Bb4. Laundry Focilities 4111 S. JAMES. call 4.7-4>41 afler October 17. 1914 ~ Apart_nb I I Tennis Court 'l p.rn . Z285Bb43 L.______I Convenient Location --- - .. ------EffiCIENCY APARTMENTS I . BDRM. MODERN. .02 N. FOR rent. Lincoln Village Apts. .~~!~~ . ru~~ish'~,:"$~~ m~:~i~~~~~ ;.:~~o ~~:;'!'':.stS f;:;;i:~~q~l"s's I HI SOUth ...... _ \';ould rent on per person basis. >4!H990. 1281 Ba>8 M72 230IBI»9 - 2 OR 3 bedroom. S90 per person. furnished. 2 blocks from hOSPiWI. r.-: ...... - "1 You pay utilities. 529-3581...... 1339804. I . _ ....tI ...... 1I AY _C'-toc...... FALL N ..w'y-...... 510 W. Walnut Furnished or Unfurnished Bigger 308 W . Cherry CONfACJ ALSO AYAILA.LE IOYALIINTALI 2&3 402W. Ook Efficiency Aportmen'. Bedroom 609 N. Allyn 1aRC*M:mA1ICINI .. 401 E. College-457-7403 205 W. Cherry APII.&MOIU_ 405 E. College-457-5422 504 Ash 2 Reasonable prked, furn. 500 E. College-529-3929 .. OS E. Freemon a/ c, dean, good locations . ...., ... _, ..t.t. 205 N. Springer NO pm 201I•• 'n J2t-1112 .. ",'-Un Pogo 20. Daily Egyptian. OclobeT 12. 1984 DELIV ERY PERSON·PART time TiiE HA NDYMA N CAR · OFF S. ;;1 , extra niee, 2 bedroom. . must know C·dal ... a nc! campus · PENTRY, roofing. drywalling, ~~ ~d ~~ ~~r , ~~~g c~~~f.nwa~re~ : have reliable car. a\'ailable sumf'. ga inting. electricQ ), yardworJ(. ADULT ;;::;~~~~ dryer hookup. cuslom ki tchen, I :~~~ go r b ~~~ If.l eQ~~f.; ya l~. t~t~ fl oored all ie , 'nil\' Point School. ~~e:r ~~ ; :p~!i~ i, ~~~I~ n ~:~n~fn~" SEKA~~~:~~T~flt5 C'ampus Shopping Center. 1275C4, Heasonable rates. 457·7026. ~ .. .,.INJH ...... Qf ~ ; lDING $32:; per mon th . 54~ . 94588f46 8955E 46 WA:-':TE D : NA IL TECHlI: ICIA N. 821 S Il. AV CARBONDALE T YPI NG . EDITING. BOOK NOON·S:OO MON·SAT ~l'('~I.) .~+C: y.~;!~~~as h c:a~S~ Nlo indf' xi ng. Experienced. Theses. ~IS . Call :;36·7i11 . extension 226 ~t~, n~~i~~ I~~~i t 4~~_ ~~ lr ea~~~~%: 12HBf5:1 Di ssertatio ns. ter msapers. On CHO I R D IRECTOn P OSITIOll: ~\~: fl a ~r:.Of~iI 1~~r or pr~~~ ~18 C,.\HUO :-': DA LE 2 BEDROOM open in :\larion area, Previous $300 :"1 0 leas('. p<'t s. or walcrbeds. conducting ('xperi t'nce preferred. 21121 Wood ri\'er, 457·5943 aft er 5 Ca ll betwNn 9am·5pm. )-993·3&10. BABY~ ITTIr\ G IN MY hom e. p,rn 2280B(56 2298C45 Meals & activities. $ 1.25 hr. Call mornings only. 549-12.10. I068E52 2 BEDROOM. SOUTH 51. large ATT E:-': Tl O ll:. STU DE NT S : ya rd, very nice. Unfurnished Wt\r\T pa rt-time work you can fit CO ~ I Pl"TEn DATI NG . SElI:D for bet ween classes? Place and fill ~2~Pt for appl iances, no ~J~l:i ~'(i~~~n:Si~r c~: ~~daTe~ t f~~~ ' I:! ~~es':s~n,r:a~.~~nda~~~fc~ nl~ 1057E53 YOU WON'T WANT to leave th is 800·243-6679 . 1334 C45 YAIID SALE ·BEHIND SIU Roc j\:EED .0\ PAPER tvpcd:' IBM Center, 601 S. Marion. Grace ~'lU~i:~~!~~eiast~(~iIT~" dec~ ~:[ll2 BAR WAITRESS. MUR · Selectric. fast and' accurate. M(! th . Church. Oct. 13. Sa m·? Rain bdrm. brick w-side·b\' ·side PHYSBORO a l Ihe Round Up. reasonable rates, guaranteed no or shine. Couch. tO YS. books, ~PI \' between Sam &: 2:30'km , errors. 549·2258. 1069E52 skates. snow skis. clothing. misc. ~~~e ~~~- r et~r~arddi!'~~k~s~, ~rera~ Cheap! 1342K40 pickUp rurnished. No pets . 1st &: ~ ~~ ·'f'r · · ~la~~~ ~:~re~err ~:hin~ SPRAY AND BUFF OCl obe r VlOI.EJ$ ARE BLUE last month·s rent. S300 mo. 453·51 57 Ramada Innl or call 457-8805, or 549--8017. 1296Bf41 2300C45 ~~i ~ldd~~~~a rbn~ronf ~~~~;: DOG$ #1 FAN all paint guaranteed, 457 - R '~58 E 52 H,lMr " $/U TYPING . QUALITY WORK . low ;m&1WW*' rates. Editing available. Theses. HAfIW B-Dly""" term pa pers. etc. Ca li 4 57 , '; ~-g E4 2 ANTI -VIOLE NCE VOLU N - CAMPUS RE P TO run spring KIiIIt, r"",, IJ.... , OM break va cation trip to Da ytona ~~~~~/u1l~~~ . I~~n~~~~i Beach. Earn (ree trlfJ and money. TYPING. THE OFFICE . 409 II'. Coalition On TV Violence and Ma in. 549·3512. 120iE52 International CoalHion Aga inst ~~?i~rt~~'f! ~ J~ ~~xl~ I[:ti:~ Violent Entertainment, non-profit A. Daytona Beach. Florida 32022. I. A.IM DESIGN Studio. G

SPECIAL! V~ab'e Bullet and Salad Bar Combo You get ... °Hot Vegetable Buffet Bar °40 items Salad Bar 59 IotII tor onl, $3 "AU You Can Eat" Assorted ';oupon Expira Oct. ] 1. 1C, Fall Merchandise FIRST 'N' FINEST .. . ALL YOU CAN EAT! VEGETABLE BUFFET BAR! c ...... tr-...... rk .... ' ft' ~ ...... _ ... CCIf"R. •• 1IftII --...... ~ ...... coI ·.. · c: .... .-ca...... 3 t~ ...... c.,...... roIa. .. ~ ...... 7Do!1oA_ 20%oH ~-..."• "...... sz." ..... 5erw4 4:31 10 .. P.M. ruthie'" Rider__ straIght ftltlng_ Leg 702 S. Illinois Ave. ., tho.... _ ,_Stralgflt. .,.- ...... TheM_ tNnt '.Iura .... authentk Lee ...,. 'lID CGPI* m.teel."-'OM ecooo-froni eI''''''_. poeke1a, --~-end the 'MnOUa ~ ...... 9-5:30 on 'hi beck ....~ . '4 oz.. 100% CoI'Of'! ~ denil'M- In deIk and regular. M-Sot

P.~ 22. Doily EIYJIIIon, 0ct0ber!2, tIM Former SIU-C educator receives editing award B~' JimLudeman National Archives. They en· " The Society nas a "The project is a documen· country." he said. SlaHWriler courage the publication and nominating committee that tary editing project. We edit Wilson has been with the prese"'ation of the d

RAPE: 'Survivors' helped ~Offlc. Sf. lou/' OIIlee Continued from Pag~ 22 frantic activity. Tara rr.entioned Charles J. Georgas. 85 Jetf.ey l. Boyd. as a " laugh or cry syndrome" in T•• will catch this person ... · Jackie which moods swing quickly Wesley J. Gibson. as Brenda S. Chilman. 85 said. from high to low. Audff Audff Jackie and Tara said they The circumstances of diC­ - Gary M. Pfaffinger. as Deborah A. Dietrich. as were glad they decided to ferent rape incidents may lead Audff pro::ecute their rapists. but said to different reactions. A woman women should realize that the raped at night, for example. Laurie A. Smith. as Wanda L. Dobson. as trial process is not easy. may have difficulty sleeping -Audn T.. " He (the rapis!) has all the without a light on. Flashbacks Stuan I. Sorkin. as Mary F. Ladner. as rights." Jack,e said. Tara's also are a typical reaction. as in Audff T•• hearing was postponed six any traumatic experience, Lynn A. Lewis. ....mphl' Ottlee as times. she said. causing her a Davis said. T.. Lee Ann Vickers. as great dcal of ang1lish each lime. Michael A. McConachle. MBA AudiI Although Tara's case did not THE SURVIVORS noted the Consulring result in a conviction, she said belp of the Rape Action Com­ Office Kev;n P. Nussbaum. as she gained satisfaction of a sort mittee, which gives assistance ''''''" Tn by causing him pain. " I put him from the time sun'ivors report a Damel a Venturi. JD/M$ through a lot of humiliation by Tox Lynn F. Oster. MBA rape to their trials and beyond. Consulting pointing him out and saying. The RAC will send someone to a ItI'nttNpoIis Ottice 'This is what he has done to rape survivor immediately to Gary D. Whil • . MBA me.· .. Dale R. alack. as Consulring help her in whatever way she AudiI Jackie benefited from needs. Kent P. Zimmerman. as changes in trial procedure that It prepares survivors with Tax prevented the defense attorney information about police frm questioning her about her procedures, examination and character. morals. or previous preparation for a court case. In sexual activities. But her addition. it provides counseling We will be conducting campus interviews et the Cllreer Plenning boyfriend was asked how long referrals for survivors, families they had been going out, whom and friends. end Plecement Center on October 29 end 30. 1984_ she had dated in the past, and Rape survivors interested in other character-related jOining the Rape Survivors questions. She wasn't allowed to Support Group can contact see the testify. And, she Laura Davis at Women's Ser­ Arthur Andersen & Co. said. she eels that postponing vices, 453-3655. The Rape Action 1010 MariletSlreet the case is a trick used by Commillee, which has staff on 51 louIS. M,ssoun 63101 defense attorneys in hopes that duty 24 hours a day. seven days the victim will drop the case. a week, can be reached through She pursued her case, and her the Women's Center. 529-2324. rapist was convicted and sent to prison. " If you want to get this guy. you are going to have to play by their rules - but you can still win." she said. ®BPINCH MEMBERS SA\, women ~~ ,~d~0, : ~Js~, QUORLS ® should report their rapes, even eer ~ Iguor if they don't go to court or gain a conviction. Jackie said that if enough women report rapes. ~~ 12pkcan 4.53 Giacobazzi 01l1.5l 750 m! they might be able to apply 3.24 ifIlOImJ. 3.41 pressure on the court system Vodka regarding rules of trial. Demmer Liebfraumilch Reporting a rape and Old SI.9t~ 12P kcan 3.99 750ml 2.23 prosecuting a rapist may keep (iOIDOIS 75O m! 4.73 : him from doing it again, Tara Almaden 01l1.5l 3.7' said. It is also a way of gaining Gin back some of the feelings of ~1 2NRbIlI S 4.95 Premiat 011750 m! 1.99 power lost as a result of the ~ rape. ItONIUCO 750ml 4.79 Gallo 01l31i'er 4.7' " I feel like I have some power 6 pk can Rum over him now." Tara said. 2.50 Another member, Mary. Paul Masson 01l 3 l 5.59 ~~\\t''!!~~1 750ml .... ~:fe'dedtobe:t~~~iS~e~n aW~~o~~ 6pk Tosti Asti 75Om! time. "Somehow. I had to let ~ 4.15 5.1' him know that this was not ICalifornia Cooler Tasting I lliler 7.09 going to happen. I couldn't say it Bourbon directly to his face, but ·No. 6 pk NR L Sat 2·6 you're not going to do this to me 1.4' 4 pk Arrow 75Om! again ... · .- 4.09 Apple Schnapps Davis said rape can produce Fall Wine Clearance Sale almost any emotional reaction. Brau Meister 4.1' Uozens to choose from from extrpme desire for sleep to - case returnables Dally Egypllan. October 12. 1984. Page 2.1 Psychic's an ordinary woman, but has extraordinary gifts THANK YOUI 8~' Jane Gr;mdoHo abililies. "I wanled 10 prove to earlh is God's 1001. and I can Staff Writrr myself it was real." she said, help them realize it. In the Bible adding t.hat she passed with it is taboo to predict someonc's The forluneleller's house isn'l flying colors. future. but I never claim to be a too difficull to locate. II looks Marks' young son Anlhony prophet." she said. " I'm here to like mos t olher houses off lhe seemed 10 be contenl 10 crawl help people." main street in Marion. except around on the plush living room Sometimes she can't imagine for two spotlights in Ihe fronl carpet. while her 2-year old whal life would be like withoul yard, Ihat shine on a bi g sign daughler Samanlha napped on her "sixth sense:' she says. adverlising: ESP, Spi rilual the sofa in front of Ihe color " It's kind of a handicap, I don't Reader. Adviser, Parking in television set. There is no in­ know any better because I never Rear dicalion Ihe Marks' are any knew anything different. " OCT. 7. 7:10pm If Ihe Soulhern Illinois differenl from other families, Her clients are from a ll wa lks neighbors are bothered by and Marks is quick 10 say, "I of life. Some come 10 find oul if Marie Marks' successful for­ don'l make any big money off she's a hoax. and others come lune!elling business. they don 't my business." for regular weekly readings. show it. she said. "People are Her husband, Albert. has a Marks said she is asked 10 assist gelling used to me since we down-to-earlh job when he is nol in finding losl arlicles, help with moved here in Februar\', I think busy preparing Ihe adverlising BATT FANS business transactions. and yes. Ih ey'"e fin ally accepled me," for his wife's business. He to find out if husbands or wives she said in her Greek accent . repairs hydraelic lifts and have been chealing. ....______...... :-::-:-: ...... :"':-' Looking more the hou sewifE' hopes to be slarling his own "I gel thaI one all the time," Ihan Ihe gypsy palmreader in business soon . he said. she said. Wha t aboul the her fl owered house dress and The peeks inlo the past. reperc uss ions of a ngry slippers, the 32-year-old Marks present and futur e take place in spouses'? " . have no problems said she has been in the a paneled sludy room. jusl off of wilh tell ing the trt:lh. If Ihey're "business" for 22 \'ears. the living room. Tarot cards and of age, I'll tell Ihem anything," " I sla rled al !O -by reading for a 200-year-

P:lge24, DdiJy Egyptian. October 12. 1984 Candidates rely on party organization

8,-Ja\' Schmitz " But when we ask them 10 Many campaigns depend on Siarr " 'ritf'r sign up for volunteer work, they precinct committeemen and '(The rO/'lIIlpprs) know Ihe p eoIJ/p. say that they don't want to get vobnteers to distribute their In any election year. can­ that involved." he said. lit~rature . didates will solicit vol unteers to T/wy knOll' IIII' npilIl,lJorlmods IJellpr.' Lutes. who has worked for the help them campaign. These A BIG CONCERN of party Democrat party since 1960. people will answer phones. organizations is registering explained why campaigns rely solicit \'ot es on the telephone Chancey said that volunteers Miksch. a graduate student prospective voters. While there on county organizations so a nd by going door-to-door hand are the mainstay of the cam­ working with the Masters of are non·partisan voting drives. m~ch . " They know the people. out bumper stickers and ;>aign effort. SIU-C students Public Affairs program. is the such as the recent Un­ they know the neighborhoods and other camp aign have been a great source of College Republican on-campus dergra duate Student better than most of our volun­ paraphernalia. and perform volunteers. Cha ncey said. He organizer for the Randy Pat­ Organization voter registation leers do." she said. other essential tasks. estimated that over half of the chett campaign. Patchett is drive held at SIU-C. a party Askew agreed that county Mos t caml'aign s taffs. volunteers he had were SIU-C running in the u.s. Represen­ organization. especially at the committee members carry on however . are too small to cover students. professors a nd their tative race against Ken Gray in county level. will direct its ef­ the bu:k of party campaigning. large sections of the voting spouses. the 22nd Congressional District. forts to registering people likely " Candieates want a lot of people popula tion. particularly when In fa ct. Chancey said. Miksch said th. t the struct:'re to vote for the party's can­ at their rallies. They will call us t hese potential voters are " because of the large nur.;i>er of of the College Republican didates. up and ask for our support. spread out over a large area. volunteers our campaitn budgel organization made it difficult to Homer Askew. the Williamson though Ihey have every right to such as the 22nd Congression al was onlv about $2.600. County Central Committee set up rallies in our counties District whi ch encompasses compared . to ot her counties ~~r~::~ad:::'ha~~n to ~::'r~i c hairman . explained the without us. " he said. Southern Illinois. around here with budgets of volunteers. procedure. " We will canvass The amount of time volun­ Therefore. most ca ndidates $10.000 to$16.000. ' " The CRs are a factional neighborhoods. looki ng for teers spend on a campaign can look to the party organizations Diane Lutes. Democratic field organization." he said. "One people of voting age who aren't have some bad side effects. in their di , tricts for additional coordinator for the Mondale­ faction will campaign for registered," he said. Miksch said that being a support. These organizations Ferraro campaign in the 22nd Patchett. one for Dunn t Ralph "By asking them some key volunteer worker leaves him - are " the backbone of the District. agreed with Chancey Dunn. state senate candidate in questions we can usually tell little time to socialize. " People party. " said C. Ray Chancey. that volunteer workers are the 58th District). a nd one for where their sympathies lie. If come into a campaign office chairma n of Ihe Jackson County essential. Reagan." Ihey are compatable with GOP thinking that all they will do is Democratic Central Committee " We don 't get that much He said that the arrangement beliefs. we will invite them to watch parades. wear funny hats for the past IS years. money to run our office." Lutes created the impression that register. If not ," Askew said and knock on doors and meet all "We don 't ac!ually campaign said. "I am the only paid worker there was no consistent with a smile. " well. we don 't tell konds of nice people - the for just one cand idate." in this office - all the olhers are direclion in the College them not to register." convention coverage gives them Chancey said. " We work for volunteers. We get all types. A Republican organization. which As;.ew said that a change in that idea." everyone. from Mondale all the lot of unemployed people. and a may have turned off some Illinois registration laws. which Miksch said. however. that he way down to county coroner . ,. 101 of women have been coming prospective volunteers. . allow a registrar to name has spent most of his time doing in lately." several deputy registrars-at­ research for the cam.... ign. a CIH:\CY S"ID that the dutv ha~nor:,er !e';,fle;;t1~fi~~~I~~ large. has aided the registration long tedious process. He said of the county chairperson is to SOT EVE RY party studenl apalhy. " There are a lot efforts of both parties. tha' the time spent on the coordinate precinc: committee organization has as much of closet Re publicans out carnpaign. in his graduale members. who in turn will success in recruiting SIU-C there." he said. " Then there are "LONG WITIl registration. assistant work with MPA. and organize other vol unteers for ~t ud ents to work on campaigns. the people who wi ll come up 10 party organizations will also with his job as s",-,retariat of the such activities as going door-to­ " Organizing a Republican us and say. ·Yeah. I'm voting distribute literature. such as Southern IIIinoi5 Association 01 door with lilerature on all the campaign al SIU-C is tough." for Reagan,' and think Ihey pamphlets. along with bumper Mayors a nd Municipalitie, iJt!mocrat ic candidates. said Bill Miksch. have done their bit. stickers. buttons and posters. lp.a vl?S him tired. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ EI Greco fln.noaAces Oar

10th Anniversary We have 'all pumPllins. ,ourds. tomsaroes. Peppers. culles. ,rnn bans. melons. squash. bilked ,oods. Celebration Plants.cut flowers. herbs. dntls" much more. Remember. Tbe Muket Runs Tbroulh Nov.! Sanday Only (1 0-1 4-14' farmer·s Market Noon to Midnight of Carbondale Wat...... 11 r...... "cDotl."aJ See our ad in Sunday's ~SIt ....· _ Southern I/Iinoisan for details.

ttOM€COMING ·1984 ., I) tHi:·ami: Register this week ~ l.A~~Z~.~ Workshops start October 22 'OR YOUR There's still room for participation in the following OR.ANIZAYION Student Center Crafts hop Workshops ., Raku Book Binding & Box Making Banner Contest BaSiC Woods hop Stained Glass • Silkscr_n Watercolor Parade Float i I Fiber Knots Bowls, Platters & Dishes Parade Car . . Quiltmaking (Filled) Deadline for entries this Friday • , 4153·3838 CRAFT SHOP For more information & sign up ... SPC office. 3rd floor Student Center. 536·3393. ' Daily Egyptian. Oclober 12. 1984. Page 25 Rivals Lions and Indians set for battle

8~' Anila .1. Stoner game of the year. too. ne said. Rametta and Tony Kendrick. Staff Writrr Babington said they are about 8 ,\RIl'iGTO!\ SAil> Car· the same speed and ability. but The Black Diamond can· terville has had some good have the dual threat as pass ference has always been a teams during the last few years. receivers which makes them showcase for Southern Illinois " This year they're not as very tough for the oppostition to football talent. And there are strong. but they'r~ gelling defend against. Another key many intense rivalries. One 01 beller. It's to be a good offensive player is quarterback the foremost rivalries is the game and it may boil down to Darren Eisenhauer who is in his Carter ville-Johnson City who makes the least mistakes:' third year as starter. rivalry. be said. Carterville may not have the When Johnson City comes to Since Johnson City is ranked services of starting quarterback Carterville on Friday night to third among small schools. Dave Gobert. who went down play football . the championship Babington thinks it would be a with an ankle injury in the of the Black Diamond con­ mild upset if Carterville wins. Sesser game. Deck said he is ference may be decided. But Deck said his player's questionable and although he " If we win. we win the con· psychological attitude is at a has worked hard this week. he is ference." Johnson City football peak and the Lions just won a coming along slower than he coach Ross Babington said. big low-scoring game in which had hoped. If Gobert cannot their defense shut down the play. the duty will fall on back· FRIDAY SIGIIT'S game is offense of conference-opponent up Jeff Chelin. Carterville's homecoming. and Sesser. the hometown turnout should be The Lions will still have big. Babington said three " TO RE.H Johnson City. plenty of offensive weapons. fourths of Johnson Ci ty will go to we'lI need to playas hard as we Deck said kicker Paul Kamp· support the team. ean and have the kir,d of defense werth is the best kicker he's Johnson City has never won we against Sesser," Deck ever coached at Carterville. the conferenre before. said. " We don't have a special And running back Tim Homoya Babington said. and the whole strategy. We 're just going to try has had two consecutive 100- town is rallying. and do the things we alwayS do yard games. "The players are not overly that work real well. the same "Tim Homoya is the hardest excited yet. they're handling it basic things we've done for running ball carrier since Mike verv well. but thev know the years and years." Bush - a guy that runs over conference is on the line." he During nine of those years as everybody. He loves to do the said. head coach. Deck has lead the hitting when he has the foot · A victon" over the Carterville Lions to six Black Diamond ball." Deck said. Lions would clinch the title for Conference championships. each lime followed by the state the Indians for the first lime JOIl!\SO!\ CITY has been since they joined the Black playoffs . Although H has been a long fortunate not to have any in· Diamond Conference in 1976. juries this year. Babington Babington said he thinks it's time for Johnson Cit\,. Babington is no stranger 'to attribut es this to hi s team's about time for some new blood. good physical condition. which But the Lions could lessen the victory. He was the quarterback of the 1969 undefeated Johnson keeps his players strong into the Indian's chances and possibly fourth quarter ar.d goes a long bring anot her championship to City team. Now, in hi s first year as coach. Babington would way in pre\,ention. He feels they Carterville if they coulct g~ on ;~ are in top shape for Friday beat their remaining two con· prefer to wrap up the con· night's game. mentally too. ference foes . Elderado and ference Friday night by beating Christopher. Carterville. "I try to build them up day by "We're going in with a good "We'\,e got a few tricks up our day emotionally for the end of record," Carterville Head sleeves; a few surprises for the week. Then on Thursday Coach Mike Deck said. them. Maybe they'lI work. night we emphasize the game:' "We know Johnson City will Carterville coach Mi... Deck obser"'ed his team during a weekday maybe they won't," Babington Babington said. "I think to be be our biggest lest - a do or die practi<"e. The Lions play Johnston City Friday. said. successrul you must respect the thing for us, a must situation. But the main surprises come kids and then they respect you We're not going to let them have their cap and they're thinking Zeigler beat us and they beat from three backs. fullback Tim back. And I give them equal it. They've got a few feathers in they can win on the fact that Zeigler. But it's their biggest Husch and halfbacks Tony treatment. So far, so good." W omen harriers expect improvement in IISM H\' Ste\'e Koulos " I see us having the potential of team performance," he said. have run in the 17's this yea·r." turned in by Sally lock 118 : 11 /. siarr Writer scoring under 100 points." Last "Illinois ano Western have the But DeNoon said it's unlikely Lisa Hicks ' 18 : 17 /. Kathryn year. the team finished with 131 best shot for the team title but many runners wi:1 record fast Doelling (18 : 18 1. Amy Marker Don DeNoon, the women's points. we expect to be in there." limes this weekend because (18 :27 /. and Patty Kelly ' t8 :33 I. cross country coach, said he DeNoon said the two schools DeNoon said the three in­ Western has a challenging and " I think Sally lock is going to hopes the Salukis can improve fa vored to win the meet are dividuals favored to win the hilly course. The best time have an outstanding race." on last year's fifth place finish Illinois a nd Western Illinois. He race are Kellv McNee of Illinois, recorded on Western's course DeNoon predicted. "She is in the Illinois Intercollegiates said Illinois State and Nor­ S.ra Schumacher of Illinois this season has been 18 minutes. capabie of running against the State Meet a t Macomb on thwestern have an outside State. and Becky Beachley of 39 seconds. other people. but not against the Saturday. chance. Northwestern. The Salukis haven' t had a top three. I think a reasonable " I think one of our obvious " We 're going for individual "They've been running in the runner finish under 18 minutes goal for Sally is to finish in the goals is to improve our point performances first. and when ti-minute range all year:' he this year. The five best Saluki top seven. but I don't want to total this year." DeNoon said. the race is over. we'll look at our said. "Nine runners in this meE't times this season have been limit her." 'II... C ...... dIIIE~~~~~1& 1224 ....1. "'he Coldest Beer In 'own" The Am~~!~!~l !o~.oo Sal. Oct 12.14. 1984 l "04 Drafts ,.------COUPON------I '2.10 Pltchen ! BUDWIISIR I .. LOwENBRAu 104 Seagrams'1 15¢ Jack Daniels ... -.. !~.~.. -.....~ .~!!~~.~~~~ ...... I $;:;~ ON SPECIAL FRIDA Y & SA TURDA Y IL. ______COUPON ______til! ....I SPECIAL OF THE MONTH r------CO~ON------1 Stngrnm·s Schnapps ! BUSCH ! (all flavors) : 12 pk cans : V.O. I I 75e ! . $4.49 I 65. L ______·COUPON ______J iCIIii;;;tl ~III

"' a~(' 26 , Ual ly Egyptian. Uctober 12. 1984 Lollar mi~ht hit for himself in Game Three H,' MarkJ, Kreidler Of the t\ ssociated Prt"ss

There seems to be as much interest these days in what Tim Lollar can do with a bat as in whal he can do 10 batters. Because of Sa n Diego's lack of depth at designaled hitter. Lollar. the Padres' left ,handed starling .n Game Three of Ihe World Series. faces the unusual possibility of hitting for himself against Mill Wilcox and Detroil on Friday nighl in Tiger Stadium. Such a decision by Manager might not be oul of line. Lollar, a in college, batted .221 this season with three home runs and 15 RBI. That's a better performance than Williams got oul of Kurt Bevacqua 1.200 ) or Champ Summers <.185 ), the Iwo players mentioned as the Padres' mosl likely designateti hillers during the series. " Dick hasn't talked to me about il ." Lollar said. "Hut I'd welcome the challenge. It would be inleresting."

While Lollar completed Ihree games this season, Wilcox Ultimate catch Staff Photo b~' Stephen Kennedy, didn't finish one. But the Tiger right-hander is just as happy Georgt' Spenlso of the Full Tilt Ultimatr Frisbee Club makrs a Sm", l~. Among the top teams althe tourney are FilII Tilt. on the thai way. dh-ing «:atch as lhr team prepares for this wfi'kend's Indiana- sec!"'d-sH'tled learn in the tourney. Windy City. last year's Illinois Seelional UUimatr Frisbee Tournament. Rill B,-rnes. ".atlona' champs and Third World. The tourney " ,11 be held in the "That ninth inning is sort of sf'ctiona' coordinator of thr tourne~' . said the lOp three teams in h~ld5 near Abe Martin .~ ield. Sa'urda~" s play will w pool play. uncharted territory for me. I _I_h_' _I_o_ur_n_._~·_"_·'_·II_ad_\_·a_n_c_'_I_O_I_h_._r_e_g_ion__ a_ ls_In_I",_x_I_"_21_0_n_, _K_~_" _o_n_"_· '_lh_l_h_e_l ~op:...-Ie_a_m_s_on_ Saturday playing round robin on Sunda~' . don 't km)'4' what the ninth is L like." Wilcox said. Men harriers favored in Illinois Intercollegiates 8~' ~1artin Folan co"'peling. at WIU , said acombination of 22 Saturday's meet. Ellingson said his team is Staff Writer " We have to be fa vorites for men's and women's teams will " Behm leels gOO'!, " he said . young - five freshman - and t:le meet no"::' Cornell ~id . run themeeL " Andy slill has a hacking cough. has improved from last season. The SaJuki men'S cross coutrv ''I'm a little di sappointed. U of I Ellingson said his learn is but it's better than las l Cornell reflected on the learn will run for the state and ISU will not be at the meet. very young. with five freshman. weekend." team 5 (irst three meets and championship in the Illinois ~nd I consider those two teams and has improved (rom last Lamont surprised the team said. " We appear to be Intercollegiates at Western to be the loughest learns in lhe season. progressing allhe right rale." Illinois University in Macomb, itate." Chris Bunyan. David Lamont. ~~~;:!.c~c!'::'e't!!.ii1 better Mler Ihis weekend Ihe learn and Coach Bill Cornell believes U 01 1 defeated the Salukis. 2i .Scott Gill. Andrew Pettigrew One part of the 6.2 mile course will train for the conference his team may be able 10 win the and David Behm are scheduled will lesl the runners, Ellingson m~t . title. 28C~~~!~-Cs~fSt.:.;rth Central in run for the Salui.;is. said. " Intensified training" will be All schools in Illinois are In­ College and Eastern Illinois Three SIU-C runners , "There's one part of the on Ihe practice schedule nexl viled 10 compete for the litle, University should give the Lamont . Behm and Pettigrew, course that's very demanding, week. Cornell said. but the stale's lop two learns, Salukis good competition. were bothered by injuries or the but the runners are only on thai " We'lI ease up Ihe following Illinois State University and Ihe Keith Ellingson, assistant flu lasl week, but Cornell said part of the course one time. It 's week 10 get ready for con­ University of Illinois. will not be t.rack and cross country coach all three will be ready for around a golf course," he said. ference," he said. Women netters try to extend GCAC win streak The Saluki women nellers are they battle ISU . SJU-Chas never schools. 10-4, bul the first Iwo learns Moellering leads the learn in hoping to close oul the fall lost a regular-season meet Auld is hoping for slronger have struggled for consislency. wins with a ~5 record, while season on a high note when they against a GCAC foe. with its play from the doubles teams Molinari and Harney are 8~ . play host to Memphis State on string of consecutive victories this weekend when the Salukis Eastman. Molinari and Friday, and !IIinois Stale on standing al 22. open against MSU al 3 p.m. The will play the Ie!, three " J feel very good aboul this Saturday al the Arena tennis Last fall, the Salukis defeateo No. 3 team of Maureen Harney spots for 'OIU-t , with weekend because the girls have courts. MSU 7-2 in Carbondale, but fell and Mary Pat Kramer has Harney and Allen been playing well and showing The Salukis, 6-3 this fall in 54 in the spring season at MSU . played well. posl ing a record of nneuD. progress," Auld said. dual meets, will be looking to SIU-C Coach Judy Auld says extend their unbealen streal( in thai quite a rivalry has Gateway Conference play when developed betwEen Ihe Iwo

I- i-i- I~r.l. -- -. ...lj;-¥. ... - • ~ I "'U. - ~ II...... "ll~1' 1' '\ "",11 '11 ,. I-";r" ~ f'-IV' , ~ - - ~ ...... ""'" ~ ~ ~ 1\1 IJ I ~ II""" I!. "],.. IIJ !11 ,rJ - - III ., jI( l ~ .,""- III .. ... I' ~ Ii:] 't ] Jf1:...

• Daily Egyptian, October 12. 1984. Page2i Williams outwits Sparky in Game Two By lIal Boc:k ANDERSON 'S DETROIT longest World Series relief stint fate~ LEFFERTS BREEZED Of the A..... iated Press Tigers won Tuesday's wgr of since 1977. " He wasn't getting the area through the first five batters he nerves when Williams stayed Meanwhile. the Padres were be wanted consistently." the laced. then surrendered a single (AP) - Is the 9- too long with a struggling working over Tiger starter Dan manager said. " He was coming to Alan Trammell with two out t0-5 grind getting you down? starting pitcher and paid a long Petry. over the middle of the plate." in the eighth. It was crisis time Maybe you'd like a change of baU price in a 3-2 loss. San Diego Anderson knew Petry would That's called location and it's with the tying run at the plate in pace. like managing a major balanced that Wedoesday when not make it throuab nine in­ what managers look for - not slugger Kirk Gibson. Gossage league baseball team. Williams removed anotber nings. That's what Willie simply hits. walks and runs - Nas throwing in the bullpen. but The benefits are terrific: good struggling sta,t.,.. early and his Hernandez and Aurelio Lopez when they must decide wbether Williams made no move. Gib­ salary. great seat for every bullpen rewarded hir.l with a 5-3 a!'l! for. But. just the way a pitcher stays or goes. So son. a lefty hitter. would be game. first class travel. And all victory. Williams bad in the opening Williams brought in left-hander you have to do is spend a couple southpaw Lefferts' man. "It looks like we got our game of the Series. Sparky - "My prp· The ll'Jn-move pa j ~ nff wit.h a of hours a day making starter out one pitch sooner waited one bailer too long to Gossage pitcher." strikeout decisions. It·s kind of like tonight." jok8ll WilEams. who bring his starter into the dugout. playing chess. rescued from a With a cushy job like that. how seven-batter. five-hit. tbree-run AFTER KURT Bevacqua's debacle in the filst i1Uling. tbree-run homer in the fifth, Friday night 9 .. 11 g:~e J~~ ~~dr:~ The Ti-lers bad a 3~ lead Williams fed the Tigers one after another day at the office~ before Williams cooUd hurry more inning of Hawa and They' ve matched moves Andy Hawkins inl6 the game then moved into the Goose through two games of the World The reliever mowed the Gossage wrapup section of bis Series and they're at a standoff Tillers down and aUowed just bullpen. Wby not stay with 1i so far one hit over 5 2-3 innings - the "~w .. ;... in.tead of temptinl! "'12•• Phillips elated IL~CI\'" No Cover with addition Cover Your Face. Disgusting and Horrible of Campbell Masks, RAMADJt :)AJIJ NEW ORLEANS (AP) Masquerade Masks. Coach Bum Phillips said Beards, Kits, INN Thursday that be believes be OI'EN: l1am-2om M-Sol has the best backfield in the Costumes, Wigs, Make-up National FootbaU League. now and much much more that be bas both Earl CampbeU and George Rogers as members 01/ at reasonable prices I of the New Orleans Saints. Phillips swapped next year's first-round draft choice to get Ilterlali,ollas.'"•• Campbell from the Houston Oilers on Tuesday. Campbell University Mall, Carbondale was the NFL's Most Valuable Player in his first three seasons 549·3671 in the league - 1978-80. He • opened this year as tbe ninth­ • ranked career rusher in the OOL8U: DIP • NFL after six seasons. • Rogers. named to the Pro ICI::CRH'I I• Bowl in his first two seasons in CO~[ the league. 1910 and 1\181. is the Saints' aU-time leading rusher. Celebrate With • Sunday. after gaining 99 These Specials! • yards on 16 carries in a loss to 98¢ • Chicago. Rogers complained October 11·14 • that he wasn't getting the baU • enough. On Thursday. he • wouldn't comment on his • reaction to Campbell's joining Any Fountain Our store is having a • the team. birthday and we're • "I d",,'t have anything to say. Treat going to make it feel • I ain't talking." he said. 31¢off like \'OUJ' party! Bring • Rogers bas been lifted on In the whole Iamily to .- passing downs. with either enjoy our special party • Wayne Wilson or Hokie Gajan atmosphere and our • becoming the running back in a special offers on select· one-back offense. Hand Pack • ed Ice aeam Items. • Detro;' UJanfs NHL lIb., Boz. Carton • void 'rade 50¢ off • '0 ~---~=~~. with Philadelphia ualN_ • ICICB_ '. PHILADELPHIA (AP) - lIegllterfor Orawi"ll • Detroit Red Wings Geoeral "'0 • Manager Jimmy DeveUano on As the need for specialized health care continues to ... .-nIDAY • Wednesday asked NHL Com­ grow ...... _11 College 01 CNrapracIIc can help CAIl.A ...... An. missioner JobD ZiecJer to void a you enter a ..tlsfy lng career taking care of people as a October 15. 19IW • trade tbat would send Doctor of Chiropractic. Pbiladelphia Flyers center Drawl,. • Darryl Sittler to Detroit because CommlHed to high stlndards in education and r.:------t: Sittler refused to ~ . a Red research for OYer 40 years. Northwestern off.... you • Wings spokesman said. comprehensive chiropractic training on a modem earn. • ----- ..... The f'lyera bad allllOWlCed the pus distinguished for Its excellent facilities and • t::::;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;I .. trade, in which they would bave dedicated teaching staff. • • obtained left wings Murray • Craven and Joe Paterson. If you would like to know how Northweslern College • • during an afternoon news of Chiropractic can help you achieve your carMr goals. complete the form betow or cIIi the • MUItDAU SHOPPING • COIIference. admissions office TOLL FREE at 1-8O().328«l22. Exten­ • • But Red Wings spokesman Sion 290 or cotlect It {lSl21 ...m . • aNTI. • Bill Jamieson said S'ittler bas • MIIln • refused to report to Detroit. • l"' •. • "DeveUano is protesting the • Carbondale, lI • deaJ and is ~ JobD ZiecJer to void the trade,' be added. • • PlHH NM me ~ information on • • Jamieson said he did not know HortfI1 .....,.", C."... 0' C"',.,ee.1c 549-5432 wIleD ZiecJer would act 011 the • • Name ._ • • mystified that • • ~ Address; ______Philadelphia would hold a news • • COIIference to 8llDOlIIlCe the • • trade and Sittler says. 'I'm not • 1irlla:;~m • going to go.... Jamieson said. Phone ( _ 1_ __ _ Years of COllege expenence _ _ • \.~7 days a week Jamieson said be believed • Sittler rel-eded the trade • BASJaN·RDBBJNS because 01 'penoa.aI ...... ,'. • but added that the 3t-year-

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P,,~.:IO.------Daily Egyptiar" Oclober t2. t!1114 .... _------....1 Men golfers to perform at Illinoi~ Invitation'al U" ,\nita J . Stonrr good competition." Mike Kolisek pulled bad in the Vaughn thinks most of the . fa ctor in for everybody. SlaU\\'riter Of the 15 teams in the lour­ last loumament. bul he's been Salukis have played the Savoy " We 've practiced the short namenl. the Salukis will be up working on it and he's doinj: course before. He said the game and w e' v e bee n The S.luki men's golf team against a good U of I h.!Stteam. beller." Vaughn said. c:ourse is fairly long at times, qualifying. " Vaughn ,~ id . " I've will tee off this weekend at the Northwestern :5 coming orf a A1!hough this will be John but the greens are the key . They also talked about thinking on the Univer sity of Illinois In· vic tory last week . and Illinois Harp's first tournamenl. " he's are elevated with slopes 'and course. aspects of the mental vitational Tournament at the Slate conference rival will also gutsy. gol a good allilude and contours making pUlling a big game." Savoy Uni\'ersity Golf Course. provi de good compelilion. will be in there for the learn. J . " I'm shooting for lOp n\'e in Va ughn is pleased with Ihe D. Tomlinson is due for some this one." Saluki Coach Darren fin' who qualified for this e\'ent. good rounds and Jay Sala is MVC: Teams seek improvement " .ughn said . " I think thaI's a "Tom Portner is steady. hilling Ihe ball good." Vaughn Continued from Page 32 good goal - there'll be some slraight and has • good head. said. the past two seasons. WTSU has Sept. 1. Wichita State 10-51 is lost quarterback Tod Mayfield still searching for its first win for the season . The Buffs have and have not had an ~ slart scored just two touchdowns in Men netters to play in ISU tourney since 1979. The Shockers have the last four games since B,· St.n Goff ' Jllinois and Ihe host Redbirds. bollom half. struggled on both sides of the Ma yfiel~ was injured. This will siaff Writer " I don 'l know a 101 aboul all of The Salukis will travel wilh ba ll , as they are last in the MVC be \\-ISU's homecoming game. the 'eams inviled, bUI I think we six players, going with the same in rushing offense (77.0 yards - sn;.c at Eastern Illinois - The SIU-C men's tennis team should be righl up in the lop four lineup Ihey have used a ll fall , per game I and lotal defense The Salukis have won two will be one of 11 teams par­ along wilh ISU. JIIinois and LeFevre said. 1436.4 yards per gamel. Texas­ straight games after losing ticipating in the Illinois In· Norlhweslern." Saluki Coach Per WaS t which has averaged over 300 The tourney. with its largest players from each school Lars Nilsson and Chris Visconli. Texas Stat~ - The Buffs are yards per game behind field ever, will feature strong playing against each other in ScOll Krueger, SJU-C's No. 5 currenlly suffering through an sophomore quarterback Sean team s from Northwestern tbe top half. and the rest of Ihe player, and Rollie Oliquino will l8-game winless streak, and Payton. University, the University of players pa rticipating in the be '" the bollom draw. have lost 11 games in a row over SALUKIS: Try to contain EIlPs passing game Continued from Page 32 troubled them througbout the stay away from turnovers if return after missing four weeks chance of qualifying for the said. season, they expect to beat EIU. beeause of an ankle injury. Division I-AA playoffs. " We've been fortunate in the Dorr said Frank Pasquino will MOLDE SAID he is concerned past few games, but we still TIlE SALUKIS wiD nearly be be !be starting punter for SIU-C. " A 10' of people thought our witb the Salukis team have tbe same problems." Dorr at fuJI strength beading into the but Morrison will see action win over Northern Iowa got us over the hump, but I don't think 3~f~n~~ess , especially on said. " We've jusl hidde, tbese game. Reserve tailback Dave also. problems behind a Duncan will miss the game Dorr said the EIU contest will so. " Dorr said. " I think this will "They have the great t .. ·.m smokescreen: winning," beeause of an ankle injury, but be a crucial one for the 2--1 be the game where we 'll have to quickness, especially at the skill Dorr said the Salukis must punter Drew Morrison will Salukis, who still have a slim get over Ihe hump." posilions." Molde said. " DefensiveJ y they're very strong, led by Fabray Collins and Sterling Haywood . Mike Brascia has also played very ",ell ." SIUto Dorr has been pleased with i;\?it~ CHICAGO·s SIU-C's recenl success. but he said (he Salukis are still plal,!ued Sout!Isidt ana Northwest Suburbs! by the same problems that have L_vlnlll: SIU Friday 5:15pm Chicallio Sunday 5:00pm Ba!'"hall 11'(1'" .40 ROUND TRIP ja("'!, Murra~- NONSTOP S,. Call Mon-Fri 9:00-5:00 in ('xllillilion game Arnietoyl, 215 '1, W_ Main "Reserve now for your 549-2993 The baseball Salukis will Thanksgiving 'rip home!" .Chorfer Service Available * conclude their fall workouts when they play an exhibition game against the Murray State Racers al Murphysboro's Riverside llark on Sunday al I I ' ~~ r~:nba sebal: coach Rithord " Itchy" Jones and the 198.1 baseball squad will also conduct I an on-the-field youth dinic at t2 :3O on Sanday and Saluki fan ".part of the Worldwide Anglican Communion Chester " Chep" Kessel of I Murphysboro will be made YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME honorary coach of the tema. SERVICES " It's a wa for the learn Ie get Saturday 5:15 p.m. Said Eucharisl togelher with the community," :25% assistant baseball coach Ken Sunday 8 a.m. & 10 a.m. Said & Choral Eucharist Neuhaus said. "and it will allow 5:30 p.m. Canterbwy Fellowship us to get a last look at the The Rev. Lewis A. Payne, Rector players and make ~ ome decisions for the upcoming I Coats I season," CAMPUS SHOPPING CENTER I Admission !o the game and L clinic is free and door prizes will ~-----~-- be awarded. Doug Dillard of ... WINI will announoe the game. Cards European s".ee,e;~ vs. Suntan

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Daily EgypIian, Oclobort2, 1914, Page 3t MVC teams try to improve non-conference slate 8,-Mik,. Fre~' :l1inois State is the only MVC offense is led by quarterback defeating West Texas State last throughout the season, com­ Staff Wriler . team that will be idle Saturday. Jeff Miller, the MVC leader in week. Tulsa has lost standout piling 491 yards in total offense Here's a rundown of Saturday's passing efficiency. He has quarterback Steve Gage for the in last Saturday's win over Missouri Valley Conference MVC schedule. completed 64 percent of his pass remainder of the season. but Northeast Missouri. Drake football teams will attempt to -Indiana State at Lous\'iUe ­ attempts for 668 yards and six sophomore Richie Stephenson quarterback Ed Cheatham has improve thf" league's non­ The Sycamores are top-ranked touchdowns. The Sycamore played well in his place last passed for over 200 yards in conference record this week as in the NCAA's Division I-AA poll defense is also tough. The unit week. The preseason favorite to three games this year. Western all six MVC schools in action despite not having played a has yielded just 39 points in five win the Valley, the Hurricane is Ill inois (3-1-1 ) was idle last week will play against non-conference game outside of Indiana all games. and hasn't given up a 2-0 in the MVC and 2-3 overall. after being beaten by Northern opponents. season. The game is crucial for touchdown in two games. Eas t Carolina (1-5 ) has Iowa 30-17 two weeks ago. The The Va lley ~ad its best the 4-0 Sycamores not only Lousville lost its first three struggled offensively this Leathernecks defeated SIU-C showu,g of the year against non­ because they will be trying to games this season before season. This is the first-ever 34-24 in Carbondale Sept. t5. conference foes last week by m3intain their unbeaten record rebounding to win its last two in meeting between the two - Texas-Arlington at Wichita winning four of five games. On but also because the game has a row. schools. Stale - This wili be the the season. MVC clubs are UH9 been designated as a MVC - Ea~t Carolina at Tulsa - -Drake al Western Illinois - Shockers first home game since against non-conference com­ conference game, and will count The Golden Hurricane snapped The 2-4 Bulldogs have relied on petition. in the MVC standings. ISU's a three-game losing streak by a wide-open passing attack See MVC, Page 31

S12.0rts 'Daily 'Egyptian Ern's Payton to test Salukis' defense

B~' Mike Frey Staff Writer The football Salukis have seen their share of pass-happy op­ ponents during the 1984 season. but SIU-C will likely face the most explosive passing rival of the year on Saturday when they travel to Eastern Illinois. The Panthers is led by sophomore quarterback Sean Payton. who has averaged 314 yards per game in passing of­ fense this year. He has com­ plete

OORR SAID the EIU of­ fensive line hds done an ex­ cellent job of protecting Payton. and this will create a problem f6r the Saluki d~fense . "They protect on the back side better than the other teams we 've faced. and we'll have to make a decision on just how we're gOing to blitz them." Dorr said. " Whatever we do, we'U have to get to Payton from the front, because I don't think we'll Slall ...... by S\epbn KeDDNY be able to get sacks from the backside ... · Lineb.rker Alonzo Bailey (31) celebr.tes his tourhdo... n in- 41HI viclory over Northern 10.... Saturday_The Saluki. Iravel 10 Not everything is rosy for the lerreption relurn ... ilh cornerback Tony Jackson 133) in the S.lukis Eastern illinois 011 Salurday_ 3-3 Panthers, however. They said the injuries have con­ DORR SAID his team will mation, because their strong TYrone Covington. the Panthers have suffered numerous in­ tributed to his team's defensive take advantage of Eastern's safety is out and we want to put All-American middle line­ juries, including season-ending breakdown. defensive shortcomings 'by pressure on their secondary. backer. knee injuries to starting "The injuries have hurt us using a few different passing We'll also use a new slot for­ "Covington flows well to the linebacker Dave Ferguson and considerably in the past few patterns and running the ball mation with three receivers on a football so there's no use in strong sofety Dan Fallon. ElU weeks," Molde said. "The loss into the heart of the Panther limited basis. We would also like trying to run away from him. opponents have scored 105 of Ferguson and Fallon has defense. to run the ball right at them." We'll take it right to him_" Dorr points in the past three games, really placed a strain on our lot of tIght end shifts, wtth the Dorr said the Saluitis will not and Panther coach AI Molde defense." tight enn shtfting in the for- attempt to run away from See lil\LUKIS. Page 31 Salukispikers ready to begin GCAC schedule By Duane Crays said, "But they have some in­ Illinois State bas won the In their first match-up with Illinois State is lead by middle Sports Editor juries to key players." championship in the two years Illinois State, the Salukis took blocker Cindy Mueller and Indiana State do!'sn't seem to the Gateway Collegiate Athletic the Redbirds to five full games. Cathy Olsen. who Hunter calls a The volleyball Salukis will have any set pattern in their Conference has been in Hunter said Illinois State knows "devestating outside hitter." start their conference schedule offensive scheine, Hunter said, existence. what to expect this time. this weekend when t1wy travel and that makes it hard for an " At the Texas A.~i Classic, I "They know we can play Hunler said she is going to to Gateway Collegiate Athletic opponent to follow . didn't see anything out of the against them," she said, "and move Chris Boyd, who normally Conference foes Indiana State "We will have to watch out for ordinary," Hunter said. " But they may press harcier. We are ~fldIeoutside hitter, to the and Illinois State this weekend. their offense," she said. "They they have a very coordinated going to need better mental Coach Debbie Hunter said the don't try to crush the ball : they team action." focus when we play therr.." " We feel that her knees are in two teams use two different finesse more." Hunter said Illinois State split Hunter said the team will good enough shape to allo,.. her styles of offense: Indiana State· Illinois State is having one of two matches with No.7-ranked have to control the ball enough to play the miadle," she said. uses a freelancing. unorthodox their best years this season, Hawaii last week and have been to allow for a better variety of "The big thing is for us to be type of offonse. while Illinois Hunter said. very consistent all year long. placement for hits. able to make lhe mental ad­ State utilizes a criSp. precision "They have a rich volleyball "They run a quick attack out " We are goillg to need to be justments necessary between offense. tradition at ISU ." she said. of their defense," she said. patient," she sail!. "We need to these two teams. tt Hunter said. " State has improved "They bre the only GCAC team "They are a lot like us in that realize that this could be a t.wo­ " If we do that. we will compete under ;:'"bbie Holzapfel." she to have won the conference." aspect." or two-and-a-half-hour match." with them hoth." Page 32. Daily E~vptian . October 12. 1984