TheUC~ ar Volume 49, Number 6 Uni, crsity of California, San Diego Thursday, April 2), J HfS:3 B\ I\IJKE GREENHEI{G . "Iall \\ nllr In \\ hat will a""un·dlv he a landmark mal. :\larla 'I. Valen/ul'la,Sllllt h a tormer "tudl'nt ()f thl' ( tll\·l'r .... lt \' ot ~an Franci"l·o. \\ ill apl)t·,,'r ()Il .!une 2nd in 11ll' I n" \ngl'll' ~ dl\l"llln of the l.!lifl)rTlICI MuniCipal court and Ill' S s charg('d \\,Ith filing a fraudu· " lent 'Iudl'nlln:ln applil·<ttllH1. -.: In III r an aignml'nt a \\ eeh " ago. Valel1luda,Sll1llh pll'.tdvd "not·gu i It ~.. 10 till' l' h" rgp" brought upon her. ))eputyCit y \t tornl'\ ,\lict' Hand of I hI' L()s s ·\ngl·lc.., lilY Attorney'" offill' '. p\plallwd the defendant" plea S of not guilty cle"pile " o \ e 1'\\ h l' 1m I n g l' \ 1(1 t' n Ct' agaln"t her. "Apparently. her $ lawyer \\a" not that prepared and did not fulh reallle the S magnil ude of I he pro"ecu · tlon 's ca"e." said lIand . a 0"1"" eeC.~ \eteran of mam --uch rases. ,c"r< '" let)re~e"\lf'\ \0'" otJI c,'; "The attornc\ ach Ised her t() ." plead 'not guiit~ .. but .... Ill' can 'l~e alE \IC)3f' "till change her plea If she ,,0 o''1~ desires ... _ '3UG .llll oatO C9 Q.OO What Hand was alludll1g to I '\;l.1; was the nght of the accuseo to ","~ .. !,,~\I\' a"k the judge what their sentence would be If the\ 2,~Ob .C~ pleaded guilt\ right b(o(orl' (hl' '. sst( :,i:,· b'\ ca"e goe-- to tnal If the p('nalt~ or fine h .... e\cre. \ 'alen/uela- S "c.WO"" ~~ ~ :nllth would pr()habl~ nol alter her plea, "I al1l fair!) ..:.. confldenl thai Ihl'ca .... {'\\ 111 n()t ." I.{O t () I rial due III t hI' () \ (' I' \\' h e 11111 n,l.{ t' \ i d l' n n' '. aga in"t I he accu .... l'd ," .... t at l'd lIlt' Deput\ lit\' Atlorne\ ye .... lerc![ly "Shl' \\'111 probabh change her pIca and (tHud an l'\ l'll .... t iffer penall \ ," ,hkl'd If - \'all'n ztlela'~mllh I11lghl -~- --~ fL'( ('I\t.· a harsher penall:­ -- because sht' IS t he first per .... on tried for "llch an offen"l' and s'. -----""'----- ~-I the judge pO ........ lbl) "'('Itlng an - e\ample of I hpddendanl. Ilart s replied. " I clef In Ilely t h ink '. that ..... the Idea ," If 'valel1/upla I" found guilt} s s'. .. and fi ned. the ma \ Imum 111<lIcal(' financial need a .... Apparent h . till' \'al unzul'la , slllll' l ~ j ;~1 In tilL P:ht four our natlOr:... \ <lUIl.1.!' Il'oplt penalt} she could re('t'i\l' I.... up de t e r 111 In l'd 1)\' fed l' I' a I ~mll h caSt' I.... not till' onl\' one \L·ar ..... tIlt' Comllli""ioll ha" dl'lault ITlg 011 tIlt' ''':In'' t l)t'~ to "IX month ... III jail and a fine regulatIOns, . under con-;Iderat ion' fllr .1-'1.1(1 ra nt l'ed mOIl' t ha n I, i n'll'I\l'd fr(llll thell (!O l'rn of S:lOO, Accord i ng to LOIS The Lo'i Angell'.... c()url pro .... ecu t lon, .. T hen' a rl' a billion in l(lan, for li:)7,,),>;) Illt'nl. I .... l't' no rl'a,.;on tIl kelp J\.l o allL'\ of the Studenl Aid action I.... the 111·,,1 brought b~ number of othl'l caSt· .... under ... Iud l' n t " , But \\ h a i .... pOUlll1,1! hllbun" (It d )lIar" 1I1tl Commiss ion. Valenzuela Ihe California Student .\iel Ime .... llgation light no\\' and "urprisll1g I" thai only (I, hI a pro'ram that h IIlCdP,lhll' I! Smith filed a Cuaranll'l'd Co 111 III I S S I () n . " c I ;\1 man d an' t hl' propert ~ 01 I hl Ilt'IHI! \ pl'ln'nt (Ii tIll' p<Jl't Illn of :--Upportllll.!; .t~dt " Studenl Loan applicatIOn I hal collcctlOns unit, \\ hll'h was CIl \ .\t t(JI'I1l'\," .... aid ,\Il \.lIll'\ Lalilornia (;ual~ntl'l'd lJe ... pl(l' \\P:i-.lllg ill' d had allegedly been c('rt lflco by orga n Ized a \l'a I ago I (l \\ hen contacil'd 1;11\' \l'''ll nla\ :-.tudl·nt Loan:-- Ihat arl' g,l\ t'rllllll'lll ,lgl'I'C\ . .\Ie.. <\.1\ her "cho()l. ([SF . 1I()\\l'\l'r, i 11\ l'S t Ig a I l' In .... tan l l'.... 0 I up In to.... \ng ell~s "Th~' lLlrrl'ntl~ III till' Il'pa~nll'llt pal'll,dh hl,lIlH'C \\ 'l "lwh.;wn l ' nl\'ersl t \ offiCials 1<1 tel' sludenl loan fraud and to \ all'llZuela Snllt h case \\'111 .... l·t .... t.lgl· .... ha\l' hl'l'n dl'iaulted lur tIll' n1\'th l1cll ~IUOl'IlI';'; <l"C dN'o\l'recl ' that Ihl' .... c!wol ..... collect on dl'faultl'd loan .... In a pn'ccdl'nt tOI I Iw otl1l'r:-- ane! For I Ill' p:ht 11'\\ ~ l'ar..;. tl1('n' Indl'l'<i d;'(aultlllg Il!l lJ~I'" cerlificatlOn Oil theapplll'atH1I1 thl .... parliculal ca"l·. tIll' \\'ill glH' all pcopl\' \\ ho lampI'r ha~ Ill'l'n a ,l!l'l1l'rall1lbC(lIlCt p "Thl' 111\ 111 \\a" lTeCltPd h\ \\;\'i not genulIlc, and that cOl11plainl aga III "I Vall'lI /l1l'la \\ it h tlll'student loan prOll· .... " tl<lI1 In \\ :lslllngllln Iha( the bll)'pallC\:ah \\ no \\(lliid Ilk\' .;, 'v alcn/u('la ' ~llllt h had been S mil h \\ a .... brough t In I )l'PU t y a \t'r) di..;t inct Illl'"sagl'," figure \'a..; 1ll1lC h h ighl'l. In Sl'l' till' (;~I program f,III." lo:d, prior to hcr fllll1g the Clt\ ,\Itorne\ lIanel . hUI thl' \lthou,I!ht Ill' ~tUdl 'llt Aid tact. (j'lt' promincI l'almlt't "aid :\1c~ cdh "'lllL' t .gllt applicatIOn \\lth a bank, that ( ' 111\ l'r" It \' o(San r'rann .... ('o " .... (ol11l11l!'-s)()n ha" hl'l'n in 111 l' 111 her 111 a I ~l, 2 "!ll'l'l'h (ll I Ill' Ix'n ent fi,C:llrl' ... /1('\\ .... tlut 't h shl' \\ a.... Inl'lligibll' for a \\('11 ih Ihl' Cali forn Iii ~Iu(knt 0pl'rat ion ~lIll'l' I ~I .i~. it ha .... hud,l.!;l'lal~ l'Ol1lllllltl'l' lin tIlt' program I" \\ "rhln.\! dl'''pllt gm l'rnn1l'nt loan lX'cau"l' IWI Loan program , C()OP('I<lll'd in Oil h hl'l'n In \ 01\ l'd \\ It h It'<I"II1I1II\ lit :lboli:--hll1g l;~L" \\ ha t (hl' g(l\ l'r1l1llf III \\ ,Iuld famll\"s InCOl11e did nol tIll' Ime"t l,I!a t 11111 gu;iranll'l'd .... tlllll'lll loan .... .... ;\1<1 "\\'Ith l11ort' tl1:111 h,lIf {II hkp t (l Iwlll'\ e, O'Connor & Hedgecock D bat • Page 5 'Napoleon' COlne an Diego. Hiatu Triton Crew v i ctoriou~ on Mi a\. Pag 7 Slon .. ' Thursday, April 21, 198:1 The UCSD Guardian 2 Thursday, April 21, 198:' Addre ... !oo all It·tters 10 ('diled for darih and James Ralph Papp, Calumnist l'he UCSD Guardian the editor in can.' of Ih(: !ooJJHl'e al the l'(lilOr's Opinion ('dilul-, Till' di"'lTction. I 'Ui/) G /Ill nJiflll. B -() I fl_ _\n\'OIH.· inll·!'(.· ... t(·d in Ail .. uhmission" 1ll1l ... 1 hc \\ riliil~ fot' Ihe Opinion When Apathy is King ... t~ ' pNI and includ(' a ",cl'lion is iln ia·d 10 name and ph(JIll' num­ ,' ontal"l Ih(.' Opinion B~ JAMES fL\LPIl PAI'l' \\or"t thm).; I that II wilt k('l'P t'lt (Ilt 01 ae'llall) g(.ll g LIJ her. Letters Illa~ bl' editor. SI,.rr \\ riH'r marrhll1g). pl'opl(' cianI lllg t h( III tht hIli", to 111t(·[\ 11'\\ It'>· ~obody SCLllb to carl' C h a r If', I () n. (0 n It u (. rill g rl'lJell,·;tdl'r 01 gOlll ,to t' all) Opinion enough about apathy. For till' (Jermany. proll'stlllg thl'draft. ui t lIt' ba t I ,(' [ll slead hl ! dd a Referendums for Change \a,t iO lears. the ('aU'l of or IWl'lJllllng SUl l't''i'' III I nICe r'llIda\ (,n th.. ('I)a ' 'm'Il al tUIll has runo.,ulllL'd thl/'l' In computu- programlller, '1 h( \' hl"- "ell"'papl,r d IILd hI'll Uns 'lfIIed ed,torials refJrl!Sent the opinions 0/ the e(/iltJnal board of Ihe UCSD continucd frulIl page :! referendum. of Oil\' r('ll'n'n­ fa\or 1I11l1aCIIon (In- I\'ho don't ne\er 'lop tu think IJI)\\ much t)~1( k alll hl lorld I flft Guardian, The ed,lon'al ,board is composed of Lisa LApi!" Tom Rankin and Caly e;.tabh"hed avenue forchangl', dUlll, is to fmel out 1\ hat thl really care about (·it hen. First better of r t hl'\ 1\ ould Ill' h,\d IIteran Il'tlL mhl'r ".d,\ Tinkle, All other arl'cles In Ihis seclrun are solelY/lleop, nlOn o/Ihe U'Tlltr and do nol The CalpmC qUl'st ion is not lolers \I(lnt or don't I\ant I hert· was \V oriel Wa I' I.
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