University of Cincinnati News Record. Friday, September 29, 1967
Published Tuesdays and Fridays during the Academic Year except as scheduled. 55 Cincinnati, Ohio, Friday, September 29, 1967 No.2 The Com'pilfer -Ag'e ·•••lJlI1phreyF-eelsOptimis~; ';.l "~II~O,;'II,me.,... ' 'F".or TO 'h'' e,'·W, ·eo!\:-I_" Expressing his faith in the young people. of America and his hope for a bright future, Hubert H. Humphrey; Vice '1' President of, the United States, reminded DC students that "We -cannot rest while there is still poverty. This is not a -time for the lethargic and the 'weak.". , , . Stressing optimism .and progress, Humphrey partici- pated in a paneldiscussion at DC Armory,.Fieldhovse, Thurs- day, September 28. , The program was sponsored by the Orientation Board of the .University in 'conjunCtion with the Arts and Sciences Tribunal as part of the Orienta- ~' tion program. -Memb,ers, or the social descent Indicates that there panel included Stephan Neche- is progress. "People touched by mias, Junior in the College of a modicum of progress want more. Law; David Altman, Editor-in> Really poor people don't rebeI- Chief, of the News Record; Mar- lhe'-'rich people lead them. When sha Greer, chairman of the Inter- you start to come out of sickness group Relations Committee; Glen and despair, things happen. The Weisse1?berger, President of IFC; slums ate awake and people want ',- and WIlbur R.. Lester, Professor thi "T I - . ..•. d di h .In -tlre College of Law. was panel ings. e eVISlOn an ra 10 as moderator. brought to the poor an awareness When asked to analyze the o,f how the.
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